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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 13, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm AST

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to columbia, and it's hard to mount columbia university is a place that inspired a movement across the united states to demand an end to the world. got her. many of the students would have spoken to are saying that whatever happens next, the students of columbia university have already made history. the heavy bombardment on airstrikes and northern ga. so it's really forces move deeper into the show by the refugee come the, you're watching out to 0 life or my headquarters in delphi and jerry, you navigate also coming off thousands, protests outside georgia elements are headed for crucial votes on a controversial proposed law russell as president warner contend replaces who's defense minister in a surprise cabinet, re shuffle and millions of votes in the 4th phase of india. general election were
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prime minister and a remote is seeking a 3rd term, the hello. we begin in southern gaza. doctors that want to, for the fast main hospitals say, is really forces have renewed their demands that they leave the facility immediately. the kuwait hospital has been treating hundreds of patients on injured civilians. even this is really troops attack parts of it off until the north of gaza. fierce fighting is being reported around the shabanni. a refugee camp with is really forces intensifying, veritax ambulance vehicles. in giovanni, i have come under attack, and one senior official said the bodies of at least 20 people had been recovered. it's not clear yet. if the judge were old medical staff. meanwhile, more palestinians are fleeing the un estimates more than 360000 people have been
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displaced in the recent fighting. a hi. jumped up the tank is behind the classrooms into schools. god is our savior. and to dispose of our affairs, we did not want to leave until we saw it with our own nice. i looked and i saw that the time was behind us. i said to them, the time has passed leave. if my daughter had to agree to go, i would not have left god willing, we will get done. we don't know where to go. we have been displaced from one place to the next. and now we have left. we don't know where to go. we are running industries i saw with my own eyes, i saw the tank, and the bulldozer it is on that street. our correspondents are to about zoom is and dated back in central garza and sent this updates drastically. things are moving completely faust in products to valley and drop off whether used by the military plus 3 operations are still on getting on the ground. as we have been hearing from eyewitnesses in the account, they have been confirming that these very minute treat tanks are moving to the main
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open areas in the eastern. it's in 2 parts of the account and we need to remember that devalue richard. dekalb has a very small space of plans that is very densely populated with thousands of palestinians. families who was taught to recently to flee to the west, prince slowly to gauze a city. now, the battles on the streets of value refuge account by raising as we have been raising and as we have been hearing, and we will see confirmation from the military. wiggle from us about on going back towards us. military tags have been attacked as the is very forces. i've been using police force destroying residential houses and even they have been passing more a controversial evacuation orders for residents, for more areas in both devalue and drop a while. they're roughly the situation is continued to be totally as emergency work has managed to recover 10 bodies from a slam neighborhood, which is one of the areas that marked to be as rates as own, which cannot be no longer safe for civilian. so the attacks still ongoing as more
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evacuation or does for most central neighborhoods of a rough i city have been passed in the past hour, including as a who are neighborhoods and to the western side of a rough city. now, people that have been in fact, moving to a low c area, which is a very tiny strip of land with complete collapse of poly teen facilities. and with that completely, also loc for old basic supplies. as people have been coping with your own during the expansion of the fighting and point in light of the ongoing, a shortage of basic supplies. and we don't going to play with joe for this and the cost to open the main light. saving aids from the human to, to the whole guy sent to the us sucker state and send it blinked in his issued a rare public criticism of israel's military contacting garza. he says it's tactics . i've caused a horrible loss of life of innocent civilians. he also said israel lacks
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a credible plan to protect civilians and dropped off a head for full scale offensive, which it has worn that it will carry out. my kind of reports in washington dc and the secretary of state has been doing the talk show circuit. basically defending his department's memorandum to congress in which it was supposed to decide whether or not israel was contribution in international humanitarian roll with its use of u. s. weapons, well, the report basically concluded maybe not possible to be absolutely definite. now, this report has drawn a lot of criticism, also from some democratic members of congress had the secretary of state. the also speaking about president biden's red line, president biden referred to this when he was discussing a potential, is really threats of an invasion of rough uh, saying that this could be a red line. now the secretary of state was asked about that on one of the talk
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shows. we have been holding back and were inactive conversations with his real about the provision of heavy or high pillows, weapons, large bombs because of the concern that we have about the effect. these weapons can have when they're using a dense urban environment like profit. we're discussing that with this real right now. second with the present, it said is that if israel goes in with a major military operation, rasa. in that case, there's certain systems that we will not provide is real that with a a that that effort because it's something that we do not want to be part of, given the damage that it would do to civilians. and again, not to achieve a durable, lasting effect, the results for israel and for security. that's what the president said. we said that in conversations with our as really partners, the results that we've seen in terms of the horrible loss of life, of,
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of innocent civilians is reasonable to assess, as we say, in the report that there are instances where they've acted inconsistent with their obligations under international humanitarian law, those in those investigations continue both by us and is real well, a single shipment of those 2000 pound precision bombs has been put on hold. it is still on hold pending review. however, on other scheduled width and shipments to israel. all going ahead by kind of outright, sara, washington, egypt government has announced that it will support the case south africa filed at the international court of justice, accusing israel of genocide. the foreign ministry said in light of the increasing severity on scope is really aggressions against palestinian civilians in the gaza strip. we call on israel to comply with its obligations as the occupying power and its implementation of the interim measures issued by the international court of justice. we renew our call for the security council on the influential
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international parties, to immediately move to a cease fire in the gaza strip. we have with us time outside of which was an assistant professor of public policy at the door hot institute for graduate studies . welcome back time it. does this move impacts what's happening on the ground in any way at all? i mean, we're just hearing in the past hour. that is really forces are now forcing the medical staff to evacuate from yes, another hospital, the kuwaiti hospital and rough a dean. yes. does. and lets with our service and in the, in the addictions position. the objections, i mean, obviously with when i bid, i've played along with that with the key a little this, you want as a zoomed as an to the a to this and that bleach to add that. and i think that leads to a conclusion or to a point where they also realize that the us is really not putting its weight,
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not exercising it's leverage to still feasible. now what the dealing with is lose kind of nothing. yahoo, i'd, i'd swing for that. the government that has been very explicit, very focused on attempting to explain, but a scene is and these are in is also have been have crossed and egyptian red line, which has that offer or the philadelphia quoted. or, i mean there is, i mean this good adult is it's, it's part of the cum david disagreement between the egyptians and these. and these were the 2 sides of the 2 parties have agreed not to have any heavy. if the 2 presidents like specially thanks, equipment, splits, equipments only like troops. and these are now is in violation of this, of this, the, nobody's sending troops sending hundreds of things into offer and controlling the crossings. so there's not a very nervous that'd be allies that possibly the odd the could be the next target because with americans motor less, washington has no at this clip. the can stage along days that any student that
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dropped off and nothing y'all was out of control. what guarantees the objections that the next move would be is what i like splitting from the stands out to for all right. and let me come out. so that's because there's no way you can put sex. forget that. i mean, because there's a know is in control of the scene and it's good manufactured on his stories. so there's a president of us though, and this is why they're moving on this the p methics product. they're using the international law now to make a position that enough is enough. this must 2nd augusta end. and because of the fees, none of us that they could also this would go ahead and fax them directly to it. if we look at what's happening on the grounds, right now, our reporter was saying that, you know, there's all these force displacements going on there, about 360000 people who have had to move recently. i mean, these are people that have been displaced over and over and a reporter was saying that they're moving to this area of calls on my last, you know, garza so well. tell us about the milwaukee and how it can accommodate hundreds of
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thousands of people who are now being forced into that area. loss. so used to be a good culture, the mainly the flex, any facility. so basically i get a cold for land and it's, it's not a step uh close to the sea to the guys and see. and by no means it's kind of holes, a 1000000 and a half people. i mean, i mean the, the space, those lot, the allowed us and also the local facies or the people somebody of course. yeah, of course. so now what you have a situation, you have a situation that can you and this is the 2nd largest city, has been totally destroyed. people tried to look into findings, but there is nothing and kind of what i mean if they go back don't know, services whatsoever. and no health facilities, no water, no send the patient name, it's and plus is what is, is also keeping it to the bottom of can you and it's, i mean it's so it's, it's a danger zone. so physically, i don't know how would this be possible to relocate or to push $1500000.00 installs?
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another step step is of milwaukee. it's kind of the it, it's will not come with it. these people for short. i think this is why the egyptian, the nervous because if the is it, i mean the offensive has stopped it now and is what it is. these are the, is what it is pushing people out, but that the, so at some point there would be, even the policy will not be able to accommodate these people, to adaptable somewhere. right? so would this be it off or not, or, or where exactly. i'm problem with the zip codes because they have eyes and ears and they've got all the means, have borders with the guns that if they, they, they're feeding off the worse. and this is why the taking this action now, because i'm sure the problem is that medical is also surprised. the positions, i mean, given the pc to this, which is the food with the relation between the in egypt, the zip. so i've taken this of this then no, because the nervous and that's the way of saying what it's like this. okay, time i thank you so much stomach problem. thank you. it will stop at universities across the netherlands or staging a walk out. and this fall is
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a violent police crushed down, improved palestinian protests or on amsterdam universities campus last week. the students or demanding the university divest from is really link companies and they're calling for a cease fire in gone. so step boss and joining us now from amsterdam to tell us what's going on where your stuff is by they are not here with the autopay offices to protect against the pleasing protests. those are the kinds of people on the right has been violated. and i'm showing here by one of the organizers of this
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process is a professional sociologist, sarah, thank you for joining us. so why exactly did you just walk out of university? we here is the staff of university of am. so them of the free university and also the i'm from university college. so it's actually an, a $33.00 higher education institutions. we walked out very near to where the student encampment was last monday that was violently. that was a piece one incumbent. and the most violently of the police was unleashed upon students and staff. and so students and staff, protesting, genocide, ongoing genocide. so we're in here for 2 reasons. we're here because there's an ongoing genocide in which our governments and our institutions, including our universities in the west, are complicit and we want to end, that's complicity. and we are here because our rights to process that in a peaceful way has indeed be no. yeah, we've been fighting the beaten down. so in
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a political claimants where fundamental democratic rights likes the rights to protest. freedom of speech academic freedom writers assembly is really under pressure. that is why we're here today. student council that's also asked for the resignation of the board of the university, saying also that, that, that treatment was very much respect. less. can you describe what exactly happened, how many people were injured and what kind of injuries are we to? so it all began with a very place where there was no to stop for this was on the east, upon the incompetence that came with both those. there's a, it's actually almost by chance. but there were people didn't get under the ball. those are people who are sleeping in the tense. they were beaten a while. they were in the 10th uh there were dogs were on the beach, the fun people. so it was a very excessive a please silence that was used against the students and staff. and i think i
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actually also want to mention because in the netherlands, i want to mention that there were jewish students and jewish staff beaten up as well because the argument of the safety of jewish students on campus is used a lot. well, jewish students were facing up on monday on campus. thank you so much for joining us, a life on the alex's, the around the students and also the staff i saying that the treatment of these protest seo and answer them off. how should that what we see have seen in other countries and the will cause that not just happened here and i'm to them, but the other universities in the netherlands at this very moment as well. okay, stuff. thank you so much for that. reporting from amsterdam are still a heads on all to 0. children are back to school in kenya, officer weeks of flooding. but there are fear some schools may not be fit. the
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pod came in to be used as the oil see suffered casualties. we have not suffered states pilots is thank goodness we did have injuries from a missile strike on a guest house thought providing on to who that you say know double standards to all of us. any anyone in particular? i said, all facing realities government seems here to whittle down democracy if this is troubling for you. it's very, very painful here. the story on talk to how does era the
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. ringback the challenges here with the, the, [000:00:00;00] the hello again, the top stories on how to 0 this our, there, there's been more violence of norris and southern gaza. palestinian fighters say that they're engaged in running battles with this really forces east division by the
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a refugee come civilians are fleeing in search of sites in the us sector. states as israel doesn't have a credible plan to protect the civilians and drop off if it were to launch a ground defensive, asked in a blanket also said it's tactics have cause a horrible loss of innocent lives. people in georgia have and protesting outside parliament, which green lit a final vote on the controversial for an influence bill. slated for tuesday, opponent say the proposed law could be used to stifle dissent, media and other organizations that get 20 percent or more of their funding from abroad would have to register as agents of for an influence. dimitri medford jenco has more on the parliamentary session from the george and capital typically see it was all over almost as soon as it starts at the 3rd reading of the controversial circle for an agent's bill was supposed to last
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a couple of hours. people came here to protest against this bill and they, some of them stayed full on the whole night to make a stand and make themselves to the georgia central pittsville. but it lost it. on the 2 minutes additional committee came in, agreed that there won't be any amendments to the text. kind of basically cleared this bill for a vote on tuesday for the plenary session. last thing, which was a jazz they wanted to make themselves a, but it was all over the police have dispersed now there was a large presence over here next to the georgia parliament. the governments, as opposed to this bill is very important. it's about a n g o is a media receives 20 percent or more of the funding from abroad that they should declare themselves as the agents of foreign influence. and the government says it will definitely make sure that this bill becomes lawyers. it's important for the country, the people here disagree. now it's all up to a plan recession vote scheduled for noon on tuesday and protest as he is saying they're going to skip with. they're going to skip clauses to make sure that they
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have voice is a meeting with the co. i'll just there has been easy the rest as president, one more content as replacing one of his longest serving ministers in a surprise cabinet. re shuffle. he's removing the defense minister survey show you from his role more than 2 years into the ukraine war. and the former deputy prime minister andre brother saw an economist with no military experience. will be the new defense minister. the move needs approval from parliament, but it is expected to be a formality door such a body has more from moscow according to that of create issued by the russian president, vladimir, put in the 65 year old former deputy prime minister of andre belo solve will be at the defense minister as of tuesday may 14th. now this appointment
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comes at a very critical time. and it's, it was very much a surprise here. most of what we're not expecting the russian president to make a change in the defense ministry. but this choice is very telling about what the president is looking for in terms of the shake ups that he's expecting this a former economic advisor to make it. we have to remember that the defense, some industries, a budget is now around 6 and a half percent of the countries disappear. so it is important for someone to with an economic background to be able to manage this huge financial portfolio that is attached to the defense ministry. and this is a ministry that's when plagues with accusations of bribery ever embezzlement and corruption. the outgoing defense minister surgery show who his deputy is currently in prison, facing charges of embezzlement and corruption. so it is very important for the
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russian president at this very critical time in the war and ukraine to ensure that his defense ministry, the financial aspect of it, at least, is in order. and that's the corruption and embezzlement. accusations are cleared from this ministry, the voting in the 4th round of india, 7 phase general elections is underway. nearly a 1000000000 people are eligible to cast their ballots, prime minister, and arrange remotely seeking a 3rd term in office. just a reminder of the indian governments has not granted visas to alta. 0 is during the list, so we're covering the election from outside the country and we're on the look on reports. another round of voting and india a 6 week long general elections in this phase, voters across the 10 states and union territories are casting their balance many in the south and east or support for the governing wp. it's not as strong as it is in
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the north unemployment and inflation or among the main concerns will definitely be the main issue is inflation at the prices of everything have increased. what a lot of voting has been done based on this issue. i mean the bishop together, i think unemployment levels should come down. prices should come down high electricity bills should also come down. if i vote for the right candidate, hopefully all these things will be addressed. voters in india administered cuz shmear are also queuing at pulling stations. it's the 1st part of the entry election since 2019, when the central government revoke the regions, special status. and with it a degree of autonomy, its own constitution, and several rights and protections. prime minister and to render modi's b j p is not contesting 3 key seats. in the most of the majority area, analysts say and signals unhappiness with the 2019 decision actually produce
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a success story. as mod, the has been claim and gravity, and his party has been concrete thing, avenue way. then they should have come and part elections are what he it, and sort of the mandate of the people are endorsement of the pieces. they are skeptical of them sense and they are scared of pipe and i look shows better. but for some voters, the region special status is not the issue. rather it's development. or she wouldn't give us the, i mean more towards all and people who are voting to elect a member to the indian parliament who will address issues like cache mere human rights and development in order to improve the ground situation here and enhance education and health sectors. the one this stays ends on monday, roughly 2 thirds of india's constituencies would have voted. election, commission figures suggest turn out so far is lower than that of 20. 19. the final round of voting will be held on june 1st, and results are expected 3 days later. ronald la hon. i'll just here. just
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a reminder that the indian government has now granted visas to alger zero's journalists. so we're covering the election from outside the country. in afghanistan, flash floods triggered by heavy rain, have killed at least 315 people. there are fears the death toll could rise out 0 spoke to displaced, residence and the northern background province. one of the hardest hit areas truly, callaghan reports buried on demand in debris, the ruins of what with family homes, the fullest of friday's slot, destroyed thousands of properties across bygone province. isn't that going to move in again? this is my life that you see now. all these what housing have it for? one house off to another, scared reflect, came and took everything with it. because of what i'm booked, the act and i will have it on. it also took more than 300 lives, according to the taliban ministry for refugees, a number that is likely to rise. o,
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many of the victims have already been buried or not. i mean to buy lost 13 members of my family, including women and children, have a lot of flood waters washed out in time. the villages engine, livelihoods, the guy, say to them, we don't have clean water to drink and there's nowhere to live, nothing to you. that is everything, including the school and the clinic, are gone. unseasonal heavy rains close to flash flooding, sweeping through several provinces across afghanistan. line is considered the worst affected while it is not about that in the i don't know what health is coming to us from the government. there is no life left for us. i mean, why should we go? this is my house and the living is destroyed. there is no life left to me anymore. the meaning of the roads and announces the regions paved in mud, making it difficult for rescue teams to reach remote areas. diggers on needed to combat the palm. so i, at the top, i expect the government and the you end to provide us with shelter,
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water medicine or somewhere to live so that all these people can be safe or not. the people in the bag on a waiting for that desperately needed help to arrive. kindly tell them, hey, i'll just see it. that's it for me. thanks for watching the news does continue on. i'll just say we're after talk to officer 0 for by the you're just in time for your weather updates across australia, new zealand in asia. let's go. it's a quiet pitcher across australia, a few showers coming in to w a. this will impact the pill drive and eventually the kimberly in the next few days. but across the east coast. it has turn quite in places like city you're off to your when it started in may in 20 years. for now, new zealand is calm, but let me show you the forecast on wednesday. we're in the stick of some pretty heavy pulses of rain,
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especially for the north island tier and the east cape. so there are rain fall alerts in play. all righty. ahead of this system moving in on wednesday, back to the here. now on tuesday there's been flooding of long that western slice of smarter island just the other day. but dang saw half a month's worth of rain and 24 hours. so that much rain, that fast has triggered that flooding still storms across indo china. we've got flood alerts just to the west, stuffed about on in and out island in the philippines. and with that rain that's moved away from southern trying to look at somebody's temperature is boiling 32, but also in the north. jung joe at $34.00 and after seeing some pretty heavy pockets of rain for japan, things are drawing off that system now off to the northwest specifics, and for now it's hot in beijing, the cooler air will come down from mongolia, so you're temperatures going down on wednesday, okay, i'll see you soon. the here's from,
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i'll just say around on the go and eat tonight. out is there is only mobile app. is that the, this is where we, the effect from out is there is a mobile app available in your favorites apps to just set for it and typed on a new app from out to 0 new at you think is it on the, on jessica washington in chicago, after a controversial presidential campaign, and the contested victory proposed to be unto it said to lead indonesia, se, asia largest economy, a drivers nation with more than 1300 ethnic groups of 72 primrose, korea. any venetian politics is long standing. he served as a special forces commander during generals,
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a $103.00 gene. a period marks white allegations of corruption and human rights


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