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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 13, 2024 1:00pm-2:01pm AST

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the, the, these business uptake these roads thought no bundle a dash football to use the the hello. i'm sort of any a good to have you with this. this is the news. our life from the coming up in the program today is really forces move deeper into northern garza forcing thousands of palestinians to flee from the jamalia refugee camp. a thousands of protest outside george's parliament. the head of a crucial votes on the controversial proposed law will have the latest funds leasing. millions of people vote in the 4th phase of areas general election. we're
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5 minutes to a new vendor. moody is seeking a 3rd term and children of back to school in academia after weeks of flooding. but there are fears that some schools may no longer be fit for purpose in sports, the denver nuggets a back on level times and the n b a playoffs. but defending champions when the 2nd straight game is west t t with the minnesota. the . so we start in southern gaza where doctors at one of our office main hospital se is really forces have renewed their demands, that they leave the facility immediately. the co way to hospital has been treating hundreds of patients and injured civilians even is really troops attack parts of rasa in the north of gaza. a fierce fighting is being reported around the jamalia refugee camp with is really forces intensifying their attacks. their ambulance vehicles in jamalia have come under attack and once senior official said,
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at least 20 bodies had been recovered. it's not clear yet. if the dead were or medical staff. meanwhile, more palestinians are fleeing un estimates more than 360000 people have been displaced in the recent fighting. some of the displaced told us about the violence that forced them to flee high. the tank is behind the classrooms into schools. god is our savior and to dispose of our affairs, we did not want to leave until we saw it with our own eyes. i looked and i saw that the time was behind us. i said to them the time cuz paused leave. if my daughter had agreed to go, i would not have left god's willing, we will have it done. we don't know where to go. we have been displaced from one place to the next. and now we have left. we don't know where to go. we are running industries, i thought with my own eyes, i saw the tank and the boat dozer it is on that street. more. that was a hoot is in jamalia, where is really troops or advancing further into the northern refugee camp. he was
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able to send this update as this really forces now stations and incurs behind the universe to the street in the center of giovanni can. and all of this just combined with helicopter and cos kept the firing against civilians. somebody's on trapped inside the schools in that area and coming to join us because i'm now receiving casualties on injuries from that area. okay, that's the latest we know on what's happening in northern guys. it let's bring in our correspondence. our god was zoom. was in darrow, by the in central guy. so i want to talk with you talk about what's happening in the south because we have very little information on what's going on in eastern rasa inside the evacuated areas. what do you know? what is happening? in fact to that is the key expand, you know, the fighting to the northern portion of the city as back to as us to raging winter . most white is the is value. so we just, we now see that there was
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a very notable advancements for the spend a minute 3 times into originating the slot and neighborhoods which marked by the has been amended treat to be back to the zones as the have been depending on the principle of using excessive quiet power, the presented and destroying residential houses alongside with all of a central civil infrastructure that the it's been a mandatory from the side has been describing the operation to be limited. but what is happening is a gradual expansion of the fighting as the military you times are pushing the pop up. they have been confronted by the palestinian crew groups in these areas with short range messiahs at home to tank. and besides being used to attack these military time spot, these by the army has been announcing that at least 60 of it, so just have been wounded in operations in the past 24 hours by boxes in rough, i sounds critically furious as a violent confrontations of a still ongoing spot. the reality is that they situate she is moving incredibly
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fast as you evacuation order is being passed to medics and avoid the hospital recommending medical teams to no longer exist in the hospital because the employer neighborhood will be safe place. it means that isabelle is planning to expand on to pro de mandatory, expensive on the city that despite the description for the operation to be limited again, there, i'll move back to those are some, oh, so keep going from the vicinity or rough 1st thing at the same time, the as many minutes we had completely destroyed gauze as old a port. it's because it's located in areas of corporations, but we have been hearing from i was just saying that the continued heat of funds change alongside with ongoing got to the re bombardment of houses in the central areas. it seems that as well as expanding and binding the width of the escalation of attacks in such cities and if you have to wait to hospital becomes out of
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service. that means roughly will no longer be able to receive any kind of injuries as the situation. medically will completely filled up stuff. yeah, i'm glad you brought up the the hospital situation. it's something we'll discuss a little later on this hour as well. tell us about the vacuum east. all right, where are they going? i mean, i'm a wasi where they were told to go as full hon. unice has been largely destroyed earlier in this war. so where do they go of the world through $360.00 thousands of palestinians. in fact, i've been receiving orders from the military and beans. these thoughts had to practically move to a mossy area, which is a very tiny strip of land that is already over crowded with civilians to the initial months of the war. now with the evacuation of rough on the situation is getting more dia we'd be moving from roof to darrow's by, along with the coast to road and put solely. it's all crowded with palestinians who are looking for shelter. and even in that place that they can have food and can
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help with that. but that's completely distress because we've, we've been seeing how people are living with the coastal line of loss, the area and get rid of that city, which witness, which witnesses enormous pressure in terms of the humanitarian and security levels . but the reality among palestinians is that they are asking about when this might really and because they are no longer even the unbearable humanitarian. most of their beloved ones under the same time to cope with a current distressing situation because they have been coming across steve shortage of food, a full check cube, and right now they are on april to receive their life. saving supplies in light of the homes are included of food and so the vast majority of gusts population completely confused and frustrated from the ongoing military offensive as they are feeding that the notion of safety has been a truck from them. sorry,
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capitalism reporting there. from there on the bottom line, the central part of the gaza strip. thank you very much. stark is real. is marketing. it's memorial day in the shadow of it's devastating war on gaza families. it is really soldiers mood, the fluoride security minister that's it's more been good there is he arrived at a cemetery and asked or prime minister benjamin netanyahu, whose government is facing protests for its handling of the day. is used to remember soldiers who have been killed in battle. let's go to stephanie decker, who is in amman, jordan, he is really government has banned alpha 0 from israel. so we are reporting from jordan on this stuff. so it's a moral data is real. the day that the country, a members of soldiers, the soldiers fall in, in previous battles and in this one. and this is of course, we just saw it laying there. divisions in the country are very deep divisions about what the next move should be. how to fight this war and crucially how to end to yes,
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i think you know, these really public has unanimously pretty much been behind this for they are behind this or what has changed over time is and it's interesting benjamin espanol who gave a speech earlier in jerusalem, a marking memorial day where he said, you know, we were had set on victory and victory meant you're bringing the captives home, but he's not doing that. and this is why you have growing resentment, growing anger at this government because they see him as not bringing the captives home. pushing ahead with this war really need to prolong his political career using play those pictures, their vice. it's more ben, give a are the right wing ministry also have best allow smart trish in other right to administer who also was booed at another event in his role today because people understand that net and yahoo is playing a political game here of survival of his own political survival at the expense they say of bringing the captives home because any ceasefire deal, of course the deal that we've been talking about for so long,
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which at the moment still remains elusive. comes very much against what those right wing ministers want and why are they important because they insure his political survival as prime minister. so this is a debate in his role and for a long time serial you've had heads of security leaks from the cabinet mix from the war cabinet over money saying that it's benjamin us and yahoo, who is reluctant to also even make a plan of the day off to something they critically need in order to move forward and only because of his political survival stuff. we're into the 8th month of war. and now we're seeing that these really military is going back into areas that it already conquered, taking casualties again in those areas. so i wonder how is the defense establishment? how are the militaries, how, what's the military saying about its own war? how do they say they're doing this? yes is actually quite extraordinary. these are areas that the army has left has said it was clear and it was not what i saw. you know,
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everything was focusing on that. i'll find this is where. uh, once they go in and clear it of the remaining have mass fighters that they could declare victory up unofficially. the army has leaked in is really media. that is, it is the lack of a political process. it is the lack of a real clear vision of what is next. at the end of the war, a lot of blame has been put on these really prime minister. i mean, even interesting that you've had leaks and reports in the american media saying that everything the israel's been saying is that yes, yes. and who are the leader of how mass of course, gives me symbolic for israel to, to kill him. he is a major target is, are all saying it's believed he is operating underneath it all in the tunnel system . there will recently via us reports thing that actually know they believe that he remains in hon. eunice, con eunice where it's in where i was born and raised. so you have oldest conflicting about is the military strategy working? have they managed to really eliminate as they say, large parts of how mass if we're looking at the ground now,
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we were just talking about this in the office like it almost looks like we're going back in time where you have again, different tools in different areas of gauze and to the north, back to july, the back to be block. yeah. which is quite on the border with israel. so i think as you say, we're in the 8th month of this war. if things are not clear and certainly military, they seem to be taking steps back. all right, stephanie decker there. thank you very much that you're reporting as always. and again, you're reporting on this from amman, jordan, because these really government has shut down houses 0 within israel. thank you stuff that's bring in time or come with the system professor of public policy at the doha institute, the graduate studies summer in israel's telling event, specifically netanyahu's telling of it. i'm paraphrasing here, we can still win this war, but we have to do russell, right? we have to go into rasa. that's the last battle we need to win the war in the gaza strip. it's. it's not what it looks like right now. obviously it's not so because
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we see what's happening in the notes of doesn't always about the the tune, i mean, fight thing is back this. and the sort of, it's just fighting smaller the vicious fights. i mean, so it's a better place or, and it's not the, it's not the because it's under estimate the promise. and it's under estimated the resilience of the people. and most importantly, because it has, it does not have a clear vision of how to achieve its on doing this, the goals we will get back to the vision in a moment. but what do you make of this central argument of netanyahu's? that rafa is the last stand. this is the turning point. if we do russell we, when the war i'm not sure how is it going to market this as a success may be as a partial success because has been so focused off over the last 2 months. is to an extent that it has become another keyboard attached to the original goals, which are something don't thomas and releasing the captives. but to refresh the
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view as memory, he has not been able to achieve the 2 physicals except of another collab. i mean huge board, which is the only thing because the and then by insisting what off i have made that off a has a, a, is sitting, this is sending this as a, as a, as a winning called know by focusing on drop off or then yes, he wouldn't that off. i mean, obviously it does not have that a lot in the americans would love to really use the leverage all the way to stop him. and once this is done, you can say back and think about 5 as i have achieved my goal, but to be honest, the glue will defend the conflict. no, i mean all the parts are saying of, of this, this is an subsidy. i mean, this will be a long way within the slides. and the pause on that for a 2nd. you mentioned the americans. you mentioned insurgency. this is what the us sector of state anthony blinking has been saying he's been telling me is rarely is just on sunday. he's doing the talk shows. he's saying don't go into rafa. you will be. this is a direct quote left holding the bag on an in during insurgency and quote,
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listen to this. we seen in areas that is real has cleared in the north, even in con unice. hum, us coming back. so the trajectory right now is that going into, to ralph or even to deal with these remaining battalions, especially in the absence of a plan for civilians. risk doing terrible harm to civilians and not solving the problem of israel's, on the directory, potentially to inherit an insurgency with many arms from us left or if it leaves a vacuum filled by chaos still by energy and probably refilled by am us. so this is the advice and the americans don't do it. it's not going to work. he's not saying don't do it because we have a moral problem with that. i mean, they're already on the ground. and rough or biting did say, was a red line, but then doesn't seem to be acting on the red line. they're saying, technically, this is not going to work and they know a thing or 2 about failing to defeat and it's insurgency. i mean, of course,
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i mean we, we don't have to go funding history. i mean, the lessons of the dentist on it. i mean, it's a shows a strong case of what's, how exhausting these situation could be to in the army. and so, but again, it, yes, uh, the americans are seeing this. no, but, but i'm thinking that really leave him alone. wouldn't come. so this, i mean yes, nothing it has into the buffer. but if the american stop supporting is what i'm showing some t some deadlines, then they continue to stop him. but leaving him bubbling fluid roughly and keeping providing them with support. i think this is. busy the focus of discussion for b is, is that you are green lighting, nothing else, a patient drop off and there would be another must have good audio gonna really stop protecting the video internationally as one would you would have devices see to go after that then. yeah, how would the stop using it's v to and do you want to protect? there's a man, if, if he continues, if he adds these statements to his statement that i'll say that's
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a positive position. but the americans are going to the holding the stick from the middle by wanting nothing else, but have sometimes been eating him. i mean, they wouldn't have him getting out of the situation somehow. um, they're still a pop southern disorder, i mean said, and this is so i guess what this comes down to this, this has never looked like as much of a dead end, an impasse as it does right now. even the americans is israel, strong as military allies, the history is the wrong military move. mm. and yet netanyahu's seems absolutely committed to it. that old military move, but you're not alone. i mean, the, the saying it's, but in action practically because of some of the things that i, it, is that i agree with the disagreement, the tactics again. but the, i'm not disagreeing on the end results, which is they want to see. and enjoying quoting. i mean, the blinking, enduring results of things on how much so then it gets governance, etc. so this thing together focus on the symbol agreeing the symbols with all these other things are disagreeing with the texas like friends leaving each other,
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but they're not in disagreements. other things, but so this is the right time or comment assistant professor of public policy at the doha institute for graduate studies. thank only 6, a trucks were allowed into gaza on saturday. that is after no trucks carrying life saving supplies were able to enter the strip since last sunday hospitals. bakeries and a distribution centers are running out of fuel and food. and central guns are the l . oxer hospital is the only medical center that is still able to offer dialysis to patients with kidney failure, but a fuel to power its generators is running out of hand for diary reports from their own. so y'all is, this is a life saving treatment. it triplicate, the kidneys, functions, cleaning the blood, the waste and excess fluid and the ok so hospital and did bella is the only medical facility in the cause of strips to able to help people with kidney failure. 10 to
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pick up this in the old, keep the patients and guys that have nowhere to go for treatment. but this hospital i was suffering is unprecedented. not experienced. but anyone before we feel for the world health organization to lend a helping hand, 600 patients are sharing 19 dialysis machines. the treatment usually takes 4 hours. these people are receiving just 90 minutes. how do you see it going on? so this will also force to reduce the number of sessions for each patient from 3 times a week to twice a week. this caused many patients to die. that is really armies expanding, assault, and russell has forced the closure of hospitals, including the biggest niche, are meaning many have had to risk the dangerous journey to central garza to continue their treatment. but in the civil war,
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i've been receiving dialysis and wrap up for 3 years. i missed my sessions when the attack spread to rafa. it was difficult for me to get here. it's a long distance and costly. when i finally arrived, i found the unit overwhelmed with patients is where it has block deliveries of critical medical supplies and fuel. the hospital is powered by generators and without fuel health workers can provide these patients with the care they need. not only that these patients were receiving tedney, they all as, as treatment in unless you are hospitalized, but they were also seeking refuge here unfortunately. oh ok. so hospital does not have any pays for these policies in use to seek refuge. you're leaving them homeless. this is in the odyssey, you know, there is the la garza palestine doctors united. so town is a vascular surgeon with the u. k. 's national health service. he spent 2 weeks
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volunteering at the european hospital and got the last month to joining us or from whole in the u. k. thank you for your time today. what happens when patients who are in need of dialysis do not get it a thank you so much for having me. so essentially the balance is doing the same will work normally goodness do. and when the patients don't have any time, this is done, the offices soccer big up in their blood and slowly it has a toxic effect on their body available and the stock. okay. uh, basically law. so every time they stop that mostly be the most and does get worse, this off to get more or less. and sometimes the refrigerator is nicely or family members. and even in the late stages, the small shop a rep, they are more fluid on the adjustment. they can start to get talk for you as well. so we mentioned these patients, they will die. it depends on the patient to patient. so sometimes i'm looking at a few days and sort of a few weeks out. so in the, if you don't mind,
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i was going to ask you the life expectancy of, of patients who do not get their dialysis treatment. you're telling me ranges from days to did i hear weeks or months? i'm not sure know weeks. sorry for the few based weeks. so it depends on like each patient because depending on how uh, kind of, you know, back is there for me for a hit on whether they are able to produce the routing or not. but essentially freely from few days to weeks. so it's very critical. so for people who need dialysis and find themselves in an evacuation area, that means an area where these really military is told palace things to leave and what happens to them if they leave. and so they will have access to their diagnosis and they will stop getting these symptoms and bill symptoms going to make them very, very young. uh, and eventually they will die with them. and the problem is that, you know, normally in the modern or venue will stop any more than other biases. you basically, and i'll see that as they are wing on the treatment and they need all the offers
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part of the treatment. so they need all the pain killers and all of the support medications to feed them, buffer tables so that i don't really so these are transferring to actually have a very powerful, miserable and boss with that. and then we both to share and it would be more probably by the father of family members who will be watching them dine in such a bad, miserable way. so this is a. ready very, very back situation. you were on the ground at the european hospital uh, in the gaza strip its in rough up. um, what is it? okay. talk to us realistically. you know about how people can get treatment in the middle of awards. and specifically the hospital where you were. speaks really difficult because the other problem is the logistics because lack of the household fuel and other issues for patients to get from point a to point b itself is very, very difficult. then they will be talking it all right, no problem and any time. so most of the time they are even scared terminal. they don't the car trouble. and quite often that you know, they have predict permissions to move from point a to point b. so to get different
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and those are right now is very, very difficult for any patient to go from point a to point b. and they have to bite off on that on to the concrete box, which can be up to like a 15 minute journey can take up to 4 hours or once and run the item. they may not be able to get what they want. so it's extremely difficult. so we've been doing a lot of reporting around the fact that not everybody can afford to just up and leave where they are just because these really military tells them it's going to become a war zone. you've got to not be here, you've got to leave by tomorrow. not everybody can do that. dialysis patients are just one example of that. and it is, i mean how feasible is it there for, for people to try to abide by israel's orders and stay alive. it's impossible, it's not practical actually. and because the problem is that if you look at the location of the hospital, like basically you're being hospitalized on mainly main hospitals,
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which i thought most of the facilities are, which is working. a lot software don't have support, actually. it's not fully functional. it's working at about 50 percent capacity. so sometimes patients out there and they find out they do not have that facility and then they have to go to your hospitality in progress to that fall and they control . that's all. and if you remember, both of these hospitals are in the accommodations and the forces are present there in person there. and it becomes very difficult for patients to mobilize. for example, like when i was mean bessler procedures and go bessler and you boss. and then the patient has life back for at least 2. before i was offered by your boss, you can make sure they are safe and they can be at the same procedure. they can go home and be such as the few times after 5 o'clock. and they were saying that if the procedure is done or not, they will wait for 6 o'clock in the downtown at that time. so the logistics is just literally impossible. so there are many small factors due to restrictions, are not going to have the database, the drug treatment,
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dr. tonight's still time. thank you very much for your time today for explaining that. so for people who need do people who require critical medical care who are in the middle of an evacuation area, if they leave, it is a death sentence, which is something we've reported on, you know, multiple points and this conflicts. thank you very much, dr. can i have to find the thing before? so at the to essentially the fuels and this is a very, very critical point. so in the hospital fluids are running out pretty much today. and if fluid is not for windy, then they will basically run all the electricity, water, none of the hospital carriers, we'd be able to work. another product, this machine, all the life of the machine be good to go through and they all stop working. so this is a very, very important point, and if this human getting informed or does not open and actual does not mean that sometimes to not only 100 thousands of patients, doctors full time your messages, very clear hospitals going dark means patients dying. again,
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thank you for your time today to thank you. the people in georgia have been protesting outside parliaments which has approved a final thoughts on a controversial foreign influence bill slated for tuesday. opponents say the proposed law could be used to stifle dissent, media and other organizations that get 20 percent or more of their funding from abroad would have to register as agents of foreign influence. houses here is dimitri method, and co has more in the parliamentary session from the georgian capital releasing. it was all over almost as soon as it stopped at the 3rd reading of the controversial so called for an agent's bill. was supposed to last a couple of hours. people came here to protest against this bill and they, some of them stayed full on the whole night to make a stand and make themselves to the georgia central pittsville. but it lost it. on the 2 minutes additional committee came in,
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agreed that there won't be any amendments to the text. kind of basically cleared this bill for a vote on tuesday for the plenary session. last thing, which was a jazz they wanted to make themselves a, but it was all over the police have dispersed now there was a large presence over here next to the georgia parliament. the governments, as opposed to this bill is very important. it's about a n g o is a media receives 20 percent or more of the funding from abroad that they should declare themselves as the agents of foreign influence. and the government says it will definitely make sure that this bill becomes lawyers. it's important for the country, the people here disagree. now it's all up to a plan. recession votes scheduled for noon on tuesday and protest as he is saying they're going to skip with. they're going to skip clauses to make sure that they have voice is a meeting with the co. i'll just there has been easy. still a head on this else. is there a news? our russians, president vladimir putin replaces who's defense minister in a surprise cabin in russia,
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and also ensure the premier league title race will go down to the wire. we'll have action from there when over mentioned, so united later to sell the . it's monday. let's go with your forecast across here, if in africa, great to have you along. so there had been some parental downpours in northwest francis's in the normandy region, buried cars and waters and homes as well. and i can tell you there's more rain on the way for these flying to hit parts of france. this is wet weather coming in of the atlantic. this is also going to strike southwest england with some pretty solid bands of rain soon for that eastern side of northern ireland. could see some funding here over the next little bit. this rain also dropping down across western france towards the west, spain and northern portugal. but south of that in southern spain,
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its hot and sunny looking good and seville at 32 degrees also had been sum 30 downpours across the balkans that starting to peter out, but we've got spells of showers across the certain shores of the adria addict, see, and spin or what pitcher and turkey and there's been some flooding in southern turkey along the border with syria. now, all that weather is dropping down. so forbid routes. we have some unusually heavy rain for this time of the year to africa. we go alerts and play for potential to see some showers in storms in northern algeria. and let's put the colors on dark. the rad the hotter it is, joe bird sides hot. it's may day on record nearly 29 degrees, but with some showers in the area today, you're down to 22 over 27000 hurling photographs as company until they can do that to us. the evidence in this case is frankly even stronger than that that we had against the nazis at
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nuremberg. and these crimes continued in the fast of a 2 part series out to 0 photos, powerful cases of all crimes against civilians allegedly killed by the syrian government. with photographic evidence from the seas of files, the lost souls of syria on al jazeera, examining being proactive. today's headlines, i wish i had word word to describe what setting the agenda for tomorrow's discussions right now. if you're on campus talking about the site, your being called anti semitic and a supporter of care international film makers and will cross journalist bring programs to enforce and inspire to options a way to the immediate future climate crisis or climate revolution. on alger 0. as the
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the, you're watching else, a 0 reminder in our headlines there has been more violence in north and south gaza palestinian fighters say they are engaged in running battles with these really forces. east of the jamalia refugee camp civilians are fleeing in search of 6. people in georgia have been protesting outside parliaments which held a 3rd session of a controversial foreign influence bill fasting less than 2 minutes. while makers are expected to vote on the proposed new law on tuesday, opponents say that the bill could be used to stifle defense a spouse at universities across the netherlands, or staging a walk out. this is in response to a violent police crackdown student protests at amsterdam university campus. last week. the students are demanding their school divest from is really link companies
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and are calling for a ceasefire in gauze, which is 0 step boston joins us from amsterdam. steph, is that brings up to speed fiber anatomy today, or here at the university of them. so them hundreds of the class of mexico from the university, and i just step out so you can see how proud it is here. they have seen speeches that have passed against police violence which happens here at the kansas. oh, we see that the students but also university. yes. so they have done this. i will call to just an hour or so, and i'm certainly not to one of the media studies. so take so
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much for joining us. why do i move out this morning and solidarity? we're students who have the pain part time. they have been playing full size to is really institutions and companies for all of our people also to point to the last for but i believe very strongly and not towards talking to me. i'm sorry myself today because these students on solo go off as well, which is not submitted. so please call and 12. we missed up with absolutely horrifying to see. i'd say, here's the testimony needs about a direct result of the options of our executive board. we will not sample this, and this is why we have come out, may know hundreds, sorry to be the comfort your jury
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being and the, and the late fee. on the tuesday, i'll start on the monday and i spend time with it with the student. i'm always going to write it the number of jewish students are involved in these statements we've seen since october of last year out during the time it's 2 is known, design is up in front of the protests in the u. k. well, i'm from the that the house on the semester. it recognizes. i also want to stay in the jewish community for many tickets in my community,
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the sign is all just on the gc might be something on the lawn. sounds like it's a new learning about the history i learned did not people on on. so i wanted to speak out an identified myself, sorry, probably as an unties honesty. but how, how did you is people who have been down about design is a good which they were raised, the noise that was like, density for you on the other side, a design is what you to butler fellows of the coast, parting ways. there was a red is not designed as to is told so that they can be called thank you so much for joining us here on allison sierra at the students, but also the university university stuff have said that the treatments here by the
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university and also by police have been extremely harsh if you compared to other countries around the world. and there is this framing here very strongly coming from not only to government from the media, but also from the establishment here in the netherlands. that these students are all following anti semitic ideas. and so that's why the speech that take them back over to the case here at the university was very much applauded. step boss and reporting from amsterdam. we'll check back in with you. thank you very much that the russian president vladimir putin is replacing one of his longest serving ministers in a surprise cabinet. re shuffle. he is removing defense minister. so guy showing moved from his role more than 2 years into the ukraine war showing who will be replaced by a former deputy prime minister andre bella sauce was an economist with no military
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experience. the move needs approval from parliament, but it's expected to be a formality show, a will now head russia's national security council. let's go to moscow and speak to dorothy jabari who's standing by the door so. so why did couldn't make the move in the 1st place and why no, a well, a she is just a newly re alexa. it's flattering you're putting for 5th term as the countries president. he had his inauguration on may 7th and before that he had asked his government to resign. so as there was expectations that there would be some re shuffles within his cabinet, but certainly not at the defense minister. the announcement by the russian president, that's at he has chosen 65 year old andre bella solve a former economic advisor, former deputy prime minister, and a former economy minister, and believe to be a very close confidant. flat him. important is going to be leading the country's defense ministry for the next 6 years. now, as we see,
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we saw the newly appointed defense minister going into rushes federation council. that is the upper house of parliament earlier on monday, where he was asked a number of questions and the comments he made are certainly telling. he said that one of the most important things that he's going to be looking at is the need to solve the problem of bureaucracy associated with confirming the benefits of military personnel. i think it's very telling that's an economist, a very well known economist and trusted and man is going to be looking at how to basically shape up the finances of the defense ministry. we have to remember that nearly 6 and a half percent of the countries gdp goes towards defense spending in the country. so there's a sense that there needs to be somebody with extensive economic background to look into the allegations that had been plaguing the defense industry over the past 2 years, including mismanagement, investments, corruption,
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outgoing defense minister survey, showed go. his 1st deputy is currently sitting in prison and facing charges of corruption. so there is a sense that there needs to be somebody who has trusted somebody who is believe to be very honest and not a corrupt politician. to lead the defense ministry at this very critical time. okay, and what, what do we think this means for the war? because russia is in the middle of, of this fight against ukraine. what does this mean for russian forces on the ground? a well, it doesn't say a change, anything immediately for the russian forces because the chief of the armed forces of valerie across from or off is still in charge. she hasn't been changed. and in terms of they with today operation and military tactics is that is not going to change with the appointment of a new defense minister. what is likely to happen? many analysts believe, as that's the new defense minister is going to be looking into allegations of corruption and mismanagement in the ministry that could lead to further changes
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within the ministry and chart in terms of generals that are currently in possession . and that could see some changes on the ground, possibly, but it also could see a more efficient, a russian military operating on the ground. because if the financial aspects are in order, then the entire department and the soldiers themselves become more efficient because the flow of goods is also not interrupted as a result of financial restriction. so there is a sense that this is going to be a positive change. so certainly, the newly appointed defense minister is going to have his work cut out for him. i'd also jabari thank you very much. russian forces are attacking the border of ukraine's northern harkey region in small groups to try to stretch ukraine's troops according to the regions. governor ukraine says it has moved 4000 people to safety from the border area. keith has admitted
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his forces are facing a difficult situation of the fierce fighting in the area. i was just there as john home and joins us now from the cranium capital. so you flagged yesterday, john, the front line here is moving very rapidly and it's moving towards ukraine's 2nd largest city harkey. what are you finding out today so that it continues to move forward? when you look at the inside and show a site that looks a rushman ukraine in a ball and says from the crime inside big state, you see that the red line which mounts russian territory is increasing. and also the grades are what they call it, contested territory, which is still being full over is creeping closer to hockey city. i think we're talking about it bought some rapidly. that's a relative term. but when it gets to within 20 kilometer is when it is close to the northern edge of hockey city. that is,
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when military analysts sites the russian forces it by stabilize the position, could begin to show how to city to interesting what you were saying as well. 0, which is from the regional governor as well, in hockey, saying that the small groups of russian units, attacking, trying to stretch this border. what ukrainian authorities believing up in messaging is that they think this is an attempt by russian forces to try and get them to die, but troops up to how to keep raging in the northeast and then leave other parts of the front line. no so defended, for example, charts if you, which russian troops have been trying to get in touch it for quite some time now, so that they can then type them. but so there seems to be multiple objectives here for russian troops. john, you've told us that russia wants to take advantage of this window when ukraine is short on the western width, and still waiting for them. what is keep doing during that time during this window to try and contain russia?
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that's a good question president told him, is the landscape when he was speaking? is it in his address on saturday night say saying, but so does it during the possible but also the impossible. that seems reasonable summary in terms of the difficulty of holding some of those defensive positions, ukrainian government sites that they using artillery that they using drones to try and do that. but obviously, russian forces are about seeing that significantly on demand they significantly on the power in terms of the west, from ray that you mention several beds that they lack. so western european and united states, i say that it's going to arrive and is slowly, slowly arriving. but the majority of it is yet to come until then it seems like there's not look more like they can do, but they get, there is one change that's going to happen or maybe a change. and that's a new piece of mobilization, the legislature,
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which would mean that the true conscription age and ukraine goes from $27.00 to $25.00. and some of the draw flows are going to be toughened up. so the trying to get more people in the, into the crime, you know me, but that's not going to affect what's happening now in the frontline, even when multiplication scripted starts at least 4 to 6 weeks to train them just basic training before they're going to get anywhere near even the front starts at the moment that doesn't seem to be a lot more than that ukrainian policies can do. but just again, all right, john, home and reporting from key the training capital. thank you very much. i the, the, the 4th phase of voting in india is general election is underway and indian administrative kashmir is one of the regions where people have casting their ballots. this is the 1st problem entry election and then most of the majority areas, since prime minister and render moody revoked it special status in 2019 bodies
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party. the b jp has not fielded a candidate in the region. a kill runs on due to is a professor of political science that go hunting university. you're joining us live now from the go. how do you in india, what are you expecting in kashmir as far as these elections are concerned? and i think god, this is very significant, as you have mentioned that after the navigation of 370, i think the 370 uh the fox phillips. so then it says default page, there are 5 groups, fences and import phase of the links and his biggest best, but one competency in the other was already in trip on the status of this election election has already been conducted. the, i'm hold for the data the but this, but you know, the whole, the election in june when the customer will be very significant then bringing in a peaceful manner. and as of the case of the wind above the election is bringing natalie and joe wind gusts me. that'd be lot of but you know, paul football,
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you're going to make sure that this has been happening this time. and i think i'll holding the electricity to bits per man not, and people coming out and what didn't get my election. we've been very what a significant as far as, uh, are there still nation of bees that will kind of see and let me know how many upcoming sean and uh, my understanding is that the vendor has also been talking about, you know, restoring this bit to don't want to cost me, you know, that we're not ever vision of 370 ought to be 370. understand what stick it going to bind to stay in the pool. uh, even going to categories. but the but being full in the state have been demonte then das big food needs to be restored. of my understanding is that peaceful ability of elections in german cost me will always show, especially then that's for national state who would want to see if we would be on
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cash near to india as a whole. what does it stay here for the ruling party? the b j p, they are expected to win, but they, they want a big victory. they want a super majority in parliament. ok. now if you look at the front of, if you look back when you know it was a monitor back on just the before the election, the breed perception that b would have uh, you know, lens line be creating dilution. and that was due to the fact that the main demo that came up way to look up. and she managed, for example, integration of the new bohaman building, you know, 5 true young deluxe economic, that they have a baby coming printing in a very ready, by you know, strong way. then you know, gratian on monday then sucks us for. but you know, wouldn't be sort of sort of dry on a tree then full on
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a truck or delta malfunction that then with no model challenge to that it really be the be or really mandy. and, but when it comes to this for to pay the balance and then the bottom, shouldn't that be a big true for collection, betsy? big triple the ruling body on really alliance will not be that easy then that could be understood from the civic in the narrative. on the part of the government itself, if we look back during the fall off trees for the middle of the 2nd phase, but to live in from this, the movie was talking 80 times storage development to improve much about the, about how we kind of brought about a lot of transformations, particularly the rooms, checked all the time. so we've been in bowman done for them before. but the boss, the 2nd phase of the electron, possibly the electronic spend on the port phase of the electron. nothing has changed. now that you can go, i've gone back to the comment that it gives stopping inductor. most lambs broken
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down. so what it can you, me is all the slides ration of dimension as full uninsured. what that indicates that their mentor challenges to be really deadlines, right? the moment member then? oh really cool. well you know a lot longer than they do 5. okay. spend since the lakes on the have already been and no $9.00 to $6.00 pumps pump strep's. it's a good day to pre found it and you want to bulk benefits. know, i've seen that know the look for that really visited be the message victory that they talked about. $400.00 blocks out of pre and i have well, 5 and then 4 digit constants each. okay, i'm not going to happen. all right, thank you. thank you so much for your perspective in your analysis on this. it's absolutely the selection an ongoing process. it's playing out over weeks. yeah, right up until june 1st, if i'm not mistaken, almost 10 percent of the world's population voting in this selection. a killer runs on due to a professor of political science and go to university. thank you very much. i ok.
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thank you very much. and a quick reminder, as always, that the indian government has not granted visas down to zeros during lists to cover this or anything else for that matter in india. so were covering the election from outside the country. still a head on elsie's 0, some big hits in the, in a shelter. best of the action from the playoffs is coming up with the gen the business like this to be sponsored by interlock tuck. he's real estate consultant. the
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business like, just to be sponsored by intellect. tuck, he's real estate consultant. the the types of sports with german who's joined us in the studio
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a gym. thank you 0 that defending and be a champion and sit down. but goods have tie that play a series against the ministration symbols last week. they were really struggling to nothing down in the western conference. the semi final but say one game 3. and now gainful in minneapolis, $115.00 points to one, a 7 basically okay. score such as 5 points on demand, money got $19.00 including this possibly set some cost quotes. then i'll head back to the end of the game 5 for the chance to go ahead and the series assess default when we want to games. they want some games at this point is whoever went to the game, so i don't know how people look at it, but i look at it like i'm, i'm happy, i'm right, is competing at the highest level and i'm smiling about it because i'm happy. i'm ready to go play it would play tomorrow. i'll be ready. so it's going to be fun. things are real estate level in the eastern conference, semi final between the indiana pacers and the new york knicks. tyree's kind of buttons full 20 as of paces blue. the next away in game for winning plus $32.00 points. is this the biggest winning margin full of the paces in the franchise
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playoff history? the series is, looks at $22.00 heading of the game 5 at madison square. got also having see what the premier like tied to race will go down to the final day of the season. they get to live that types of lifting the tracy. so the 1st time in 20 is by basing manchester united at one mills the under troll sod with the only goal is the game off the 20 minutes. that makes it 27 winds to also this campaign and most ever in a, from the lead season. victory moves them back to the top of the table. a points ahead of months that you want to really know that door and open the box of dreams to leave the last on the final day of the end of the season in front of our people, we the opportunity to win that permanently can. that's something that's we're going to leave together. and i so place that we're going to do with this plays on this stuff. the title is notes and also those times the amount of cities game in hand is against us. most of these rivals taught them on choose day and on sunday, face teams are inaction as the lead wraps up. cities take on west time and also
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face edison, a slight level case, and no one gave him away from emulating also, those invincible isn't going on. it's high at league season and beats in the job and champion and speed both of them of 5 mills to make it 50 games without defeats in all competitions. the outs books found in the ways the coming the 1st sight to go home and just leave the campaign on be some of that. they faced us alonza and the roof leak, final and kinds of spouse and the german cup. finally, the end of an era security and by say you site is final home game, the supplier is such a mess. he was made captains for the match against these and he signed off of the pot. they prompt with a go. but it wasn't the passage send off as he has to repeat. 31 that didn't jump in the me say, as the french champion was left presented with the lead trophy off to the much the 2nd gulf major of the seas in the us p j championship. stops this week and really montgomery will head the full of confidence. also coming back to back p. j to or
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titles of the victory in new orleans. the north and irishman has backs that's up by winning the wells fargo championship. for the full time in his career. mcroy trailed by 2 shots off to 7 holes, but a run a full buddies on 2 eagles on the next 8 holes. put in 6 shots clear example. thank you. the last is still finished 5 ahead of his nearest challenge. a macro right now goes to valhalla, why he won his last major 10 years ago. coming into this week. you know, got a golf course that i'm comfortable on. my golf swing feels a lot more comfortable than it has done. so i'm going to of and you next week where i have one. um it feels like the stars are aligning a little bit. but you know, i've got a lot of a lot of golf to, to play and a lot of great players to try to beat next week. but, you know, going into the next manager that you're feeling really good about myself as to the ip and the world challenges spangler have full, by way, back into the race of the piles. they lost 7 of the 1st 8 games, but it's not a covered 2 in 5 and
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a right. the latest victory. how many against the caps tunes which leads them to fish in the sable top full teams that will progress to, to plan. that was some big hits in the n h l. playoffs. when the boston bruins in florida, counts has one head to has in game for boston with a home seen them. they just okay to go late in this one on track. the level, the series, lots, the pumps, his foot back to when it's 3 c. that means they all 3 went up april and the ruins. on the brink of illumination. that was the more heated mavens. when the vancouver canucks, the edmonton oilers collided in the series. it was the canucks he came off on top in game 3 for a professor at he has been told by school 2 goals each and a full 3 victory. and that means by 2. but to one up a room. that is what you'll sports now, but i will have enough outside elizabeth lights, us through age. i'm a thank you so much. we look forward to that. we will see you again before long and that's it for me. so then the 8th of this is our, our navigate. it will be here in
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a moment with more of today's news on alpha 0. the state to this just for the a meeting of mine's, the tragedy from me, of a democratic solve africa. or if it's how quickly we sort of adopted the very told re global, know the intertwining of money and politics campaigner andrew find state and photographer shock you do on, on active is on the crisis in concert. what is happening today is happening on our watch. the news from now they will be people asking, how did you let it happen? studio will be on the scripted part one on on just 2 of us didn't even customs with their families smuggling undocumented workers for us and making the festive,
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occupied with bart to witness their incredible stories over 9 years. desert smugglers. with this document on the jersey, you didn't have the leads that you shouldn't underestimate the consequences of snatching out and move from their natural habitat. family groups are separated, and infants and juveniles are separated from their mothers. and it causes a tremendous amount of social disturbance in these populations, which we just don't think about. i mean, know how come here to be in behaviorally sophisticated they are how complex they are and yet to put them into a gauge doctor, we should have liked the and keep them all their lives. he also believes that science isn't the only factor to consider ricky thinking, that if i have a degree, if i look in the research institution or a university, i'm best place to understand the macbooks. and so if we don't continue with animal
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experimentation, so let's be aware of the impact. so 5 actions. let us don't mean that we don't harm we don't tucked we do. we ex, like the is really forces move deeper into northern jobs. are forcing thousands of palestinians to flee from the job idea of refugees. house the, you're watching all 0 life or my headquarters in the high and 30 you navigate the also coming up there is fierce fighting and ukraine's car key region as russian forces continue their advance protests outside .


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