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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 13, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm AST

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i'm best place to understand the macbooks and so if we do continue with animal experimentation, let's be aware of the impacts of 5 actions. and that does not mean that we don't harm we don't tucked we do. we exploit the is really forces move deeper into northern jobs, are forcing thousands of palestinians to flee from the job idea of refugees. you're watching l g 0 live from a headquarters in the high and teddy. you navigate to also coming up. there is fierce fighting and ukraine's car key region as russian forces continue their advance protests outside georgia parliament. but the so called for an
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influence bill still moves the step closer to the coming law. millions folks, in the 4th phase of india, general election were prime minister in orig, remotely seeking a 3rd term. the hello. we begin in southern gaza, where dr. is that wonderful fast main hospital say is really, forces have renewed their demands, that they leave the facility immediately. the could wait, the hospital has been treating hundreds of patients and injured civilians, even as is really troops attack parts of what i saw on the north of gauze. a fierce fighting's being reported around the jabante. a refugee camp with is really forces intensifying, veritax ambulance vehicles and somebody else have come under attack. and one senior official said at least 20 bodies had been recovered. it's not clear yet if there is
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the dads were or medical stuff. meanwhile, more palestinians are fleeing view and estimates more than 360000 people have been displaced in the recent fighting. some of the displays told us about the violence, the force them to fleet. a hi jumped up the tank is behind the classrooms into schools. god is our savior and to dispose of our affairs, we did not want to leave until we saw it with our own eyes. i looked and i saw that the time was behind us. i said to them the time has paused leave. if my daughter had to agree to go, i would not have left god willing, we will get done. we don't know where to go. we have been displaced from one place to the next. and now we have left. we don't know where to go. we are running industries i saw with my own eyes, i saw the tank and the bulldozer it is on that street. we'll bring in our correspondence auto body from joining us from dayton by the hand central gaza. so that is really is order. and yet another forced evacuation of medical stuff from the community hospital and as i thought it,
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what are you hearing about the situation there? well, in fact, today is very minute trade. the reading is continuing to passing more controversial evacuation or this not only for civilians, but for the medical teams. we're not responsible for providing medical treatment for palestinians in rough, our district now. as we have been hearing from doctors on the ground, they've been told to flee because the hospital will no longer be a safe place for them. even. they have been calling for an international protection for all the medics inside the hospital as the director of the hospital has been appealing for the international community to make an immediate medical intervention in order to guarantee the safe to reduce medical work is um to avoid the repeating scenario for she felt hospital to happen again with a toy to hospital in the central areas of roughly 2. now the hospital is on going with its medical operations, providing medical treatment as confrontations and bottles us to them going to the
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eastern portion of the city as we have been seeing what will be do is imagine from the comfort from the bustle, something about the ongoing confrontations and how many 2 times have been attacked by palestinian fighters as the east by the ministry continued to bounce residential areas without to now any kind of lease, helping fighting this despite the east of any previous description of the operation to be completely limited. so call it the people who are forced to evacuate, where do they go to? because on my wall, see where they're told to go was over crowded. con eunice pretty much destroyed. what options do they have of the will in fact all civilians that they have been starting to flee from rough of face by completely insurmountable challenges represented employees in shelters, food to eat and even more to, to use for even hygiene facilities that no longer exist on the coast to lined up at the gardens. this trip. now people have been told to go to a milwaukee, which is
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a very telling the strip of lands that lot cool cool needs of basic necessities. and in order to get more clarification about this, we are joining out by a palestinian displace girl. and that the abductive she will describe more how the situation was with her when she was playing from rough. we know that the we were fleeing from roughly nadine and now you are endeavors. but what did you see within your journey today with bella and how you are right now coping with the situation? first of all, my name's nadine. i'm 13 years old and i was every, i have a refugee from many places, not only from or from many places from guys. and they said i to identify we have been martin traumatized from these experience. my experience from what am i to do, but it was absolutely terrifying. first of all, it was, let's not forget the fact that it was expensive to find a car and was hard to sign the car. and we can't even, we couldn't even put all of our stuff. we had to leave stuff ended up a big estimate from that. it was absolutely terrifying. and the fact that we had to
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go into groups to different cars and to different times it was absolutely terrifying. because we left people behind and we were terrified for them. where are they going to go? how are they going to get out? those are questions that came in my head. we were stuffed in that car. i'm going to tell you stuffed stuff. so in our labs, people on the, on top of each other, we had the least 10 people in one car with all of our stuff to it was actually terrifying. and i never one experienced that no child to, to experience that it's not sheil state. it should seem that or even views, that it is absolutely terrifying. these children do not deserve to live like this as a palace to mean go, how do you see now you few to in light of the unrelenting cycle of destruction on with the incoming military offensive only tech tree. this keeps going on. they're going to keep killing their future and you know what their future is,
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is our children, it's us where the words future. every child is towards future and you're killing millions and yet thousands of children, you're killing your future, you're destroying your future. you're just going your life, these children don't deserve this. i do not see a future impulse site and this keeps going on. and this indeed, and yes, in the it has to stop. we have as so many times for us, these fire. yeah. again, that the odd one out, the occupation comes out and says, it is not your wife. you should not used to be killed it's, it's not fair. it's not fair. since when was it a law to not like, not like the fact that you know, you're killing children since when was that a loss? it's wherever that exist. and where, where are the papers that were signed from all those countries about children rights, about human rights? where did those go?
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again, i do not see any kind of future here in gaza. this keeps going on and i do not see any process nor future around the award. let me tell you they're not going to stop and they're not stop. they're going to continue and go around. oh god. so once again, so many times and they don't stop them. thank you so much for your time. and as you can plan ahead from the the new cli and such and future full palestinian children. not all 4 children, but for the entire population of districts. as this military on coming defensive continues. okay, thought it, thank you so lot started reporting for us from dated by the central gaza. this is real is marketing its memorial day and the shadow of its devastating war on garza. the finally use of is really sold or is food the far right? security minister it's a mervin, give or is he arrives at a cemetery and i saw prime minister benjamin netanyahu, whose government is facing protests for its handling of the war. the day is used to
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remember soldiers who have been killed in battle. israel has shut down houses, there is operations there. so we're reporting from outside israel. stephanie decker has more from the jordanian capital. i'm on of these or any public has unanimously pretty much been behind this war. they are behind this or what has changed over time is and it's interesting benjamin engineer who gave a speech earlier in jerusalem a marking memorial day where he said, you know, we were had set on victory and victory meant you're bringing the captives home, but he's not doing that, and this is why you have growing resentment, growing anger at this government because they see him as not bringing the captives home. pushing ahead with this war really only to prolong his political career using play those pictures. their advice is more ben give or the right way ministry also have better law, smart church, and other right to administer, who also was booed at another event in his role today. because people understand
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that netanyahu is playing a political game here of survival of his own political survival at the expense they say, of bringing the captives home because any ceasefire deal, of course, the deal that we've been talking about for so long, which at the moment still remains elusive. comes very much against what those right wing ministers want and why they important. and because they insure his political survival as prime minister is really forces have arrested at least 14 palestinians during raids and the occupied westbank. souls are a storm, several homes there, the city of columbia. they also launch sonic weapons at the entrance of a hospital is where the forces of stuffed up, the raids and the rest and they occupied westbank since the war on gaza began in october. and earlier this month and is really soldiers shot, an 8 year old palestinian in the neck. the boy was playing outside with his cousin in a refugee camp in the jordan valley. he was detained,
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been left at an is really hospital. and days later, his family received medical bills of more than $13000.00. they invest drive here reports from the law. a lot that is cooled off. when i was, i was planning on a scooter with my cousin. he says, we were on our way home when we saw it is really driving towards us. so we started running it as an instinct every posting in child knows, well, soldiers begin shooting. jude was hitting the neck and fell. was a great day. he says in that moment he felt very far from home. it happened near the foot job, a refugee camp near jericho, and the occupied westbank. soldiers detained, the wounded boy, accusing him of throwing rocks and pipe bombs before leaving him and his really hospital. terrified and alone,
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it was hours before his family knew where he was put a young every day whenever they administer any kind of treatment. and they'd ask my wife to sign bills. they'd say we want money, you must pay. they were giving us a really hard time. every time they'd administer treatment, they made it very difficult. he's out of the woods but has nerve damage and can't move his left arm. these really hospital where he was treated claims they are owed more than $13000.00 for treating an 8 year old child with a gunshot wound from an is really assault rifle. before jude was brought back, his family says is really hospital staff even try to take the net color, protecting his wood a scenario so absurd. it might seem comical if it wasn't really happening to his father says the bill is so high, it will be impossible to pay post, send you the officials told to 0 that in situations like this is real, deducts the funds directly from customs taxes that it collects on behalf of the
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palestinian authority, when the news came, jude's mother says she was hysterical, but anger gave way to relief that her son survived. of him. i thank god he's okay. hopefully he gets better hopefully to see a happy life and life he chooses for himself. i hope you have a future. i hope you left his trying to despite the difficult circumstances. when asked if he was scared, he puts on a brave face. no, he says he's looking forward to going home, having a shower and seeing his grandparents. they should have covered it. but he says he'll never write a scooter again. a lesson every palestinian child learns too soon. it is never safe to play outside. when you live under israeli occupation zane bus route, the old is 0. remo the occupied westbank palestine staff universities across the
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netherlands are staging a walk out. and this is in response to a violent police cracked down on student protests at amsterdam university campus last week. so far, so it has more from amsterdam, a very vibrant atmosphere here at the university of am. so them hundreds of mexico circle from the university. and i used to step out so you can see how proud it is here. they have to be in speech is to have to test against police violence which happens here at the campus. oh, we see that when you send the students little to yes. so they have done this. i was calling to just an hour ago and i'm starting now to one of the media studies to jacob.
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thank you so much for joining us. why the to i will tell this morning and so that our team, we have the students who have the pain protests. and they have been cooling full thinking that this whole ties to is really institutions and companies for all of our people. also to point to companies like that, i believe very strongly, it's not cold talking to me, i'm sorry myself today because the students on solo go off as well, which is submitted to call and 12 weeks. um, it was absolutely horrifying to see and to hear the testimony is about i'm, we've got direct result of the actions of our executive board. still a heads on al jazeera children are back to school in kenya after weeks of flooding . but there are fears that some schools may not be fit for purpose.
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in depth analysis of the days headlines, if they will, was a rough for offensive. where with the people guys, people have no place to go. each one of 2000 people has to be displaced these 2 time frank assessments. this is a mass and blow to free speech and freedom of the press informed opinions. you can be somebody. this is on one of the hostages, october 7th, and return. and i want the killing god to stop the inside story on al jazeera, the
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. ringback the government challenges here with the the color, again, the top stories on how to 0 this. our members of the is really cabinet had been tackled across the country as they marked memorials, a prime minister benjamin netanyahu, whose government is facing protests for its handling of the war. there has been
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more violence in north than southern gaza. palestinian fighters say that they are engaged in running battles with is really forces. east of the shabanni, a refugee camp. civilians are fleeing in search safety. the russian forces are attacking the border of ukraine's northern car, key region in small groups to try to stretch ukraine's troops. that's according to the regions governor. the ukraine size has moved 4000 people for safety from the border area. and she is admitted, its forces are facing a difficult situation after fierce fighting in the area john home and is joining us now from keep with more on this. so what do you find thing about our it's about what's happening in car key. john would definitely say the russian forces a ball and seeing when you look at the map,
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that line is going to the printer. are you crying to know? so guarding the print to you crying is the greys are in this, i call it the contested territory. the territories that they're actually fighting over at the moment. and if it gets to within 20 kilometers of how to keep the 2nd largest city in ukraine, then the russian full of seas will be able to then attack how to keep a with 0 taylor in start, shelley hockey city is already being bombarded from the air and has been across recent weights that something the obviously ukrainian forces were willing from this side. they saying that they're trying to defend that position. so they, using drugs, they using the ro not to read that they using what results is that they tend to try and contain based rushing involved. soon, as you mentioned, during the st. busy russian, the russian falls using small groups of men to try and push fluid, improve at different points of that front line, and to stretch it right in. and john, how significant is car key f as
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a whole it's usually significant because it's ukraine, 2nd largest city, and also the crews in 2022 russian forces try to take it. we're eventually driven back by ukrainian policy. so that was a huge boost to morale for this country. if russia then now managed to come again and take it, that would be a devastating blog, not just type typically and strategically. but it will say for morality in a country that's already being attacked on different parts of the front line, it's not just in hall case, actually president below them is the landscape ukraine said to the fee states. the strongest attacks were coming east of that in another part of the 1000 columbia to um, uh, from the line. so this is a country that struggling for manpower struggling for wisdom rates. it's come true offensive that it itself loan some time ago didn't go well and now he's trying to hang on until it can get moved. men from
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a recent mobilization drive is due to start on may the 18th, a more welcome re from its allies, a countries in europe and the united states until then is definitely seems to be the russian forces time to make would have balances that they con, okay, thank you, john, home and reporting from keith. well, people in georgia, i have in protesting outside parliament, which was approved the final vote on a controversial for an influence bill stated for tuesday to me through methods and co has more on the parliamentary session from the georgian capital tbilisi. it was all over almost as soon as it starts at the 3rd reading of the controversial circle for an agent's bill was supposed to last a couple of hours. people came here to protest against this bill and they, some of them stayed full on the whole night to make a stand and make themselves so that the georgia shouldn't drop this bill. but it lost it. on the 2 minutes additional committee came in,
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agreed that there won't be any amendments to the text. and it basically cleared this bill for a vote on tuesday for the plenary session. last thing, which was a jazz they wanted to make themselves a, but it was all over the police have dispersed now there was a large presence over here next to the georgia parliament. the governments, as opposed to this bill is very important. it's about a n g o is a media receives 20 percent or more of the funding from abroad that they should declare themselves as the agents of foreign influence. and the government says it will definitely make sure that this bill becomes lawyers. it's important for the country, the people here disagree. now it's all up to a plan recession vote scheduled for noon on tuesday and protest as he is saying they're going to skip with. they're going to skip clauses to make sure that they have voice is a meeting with the co. i'll just say it has been easy. the voting in the 4th round of india 7 phase general elections is under way. nearly
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a 1000000000 people are eligible to cast their ballots. just a reminder, the indian government has not granted visa to alta 0 is journalist. so recovering the election from outside the country and run a little icon reports another round of voting and india a 6 week long general elections. in this phase, voters across the 10 states and union territories are casting their balance. many in the south and east or support for the governing wp is not as strong as it is in the north unemployment and inflation or among the main concerns will definitely be the main issue is inflation at the prices of everything have increased. what a lot of voting has been done based on this issue. i mean, the bishop together, i think unemployment levels should come down. prices should come down high electricity bills should also come down. if i vote for the right candidate, hopefully all these things will be addressed. voters in india administered cuz
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shmear are also queuing at pulling stations. it's the 1st part of entry election since 2019, when the central government revoke the regions, special status. and with it, a degree of autonomy, its own constitution, and several rights and protections. prime minister and to render modi's b, j. p is not contesting 3 key seats. in the most of the majority area. analysts say, and signals unhappiness with the 2019 decision actually produce a success story. as mod be, has been claim and gravity. and his party has been competing every way. then they should have come and part elections are what he it and sort of the mandate of the people are endorsement of the pieces. they are skeptical of them sense and they're scared of pipe and i look shows better. but for some voters, the region special status is not the issue. rather,
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it's development or so when you give us the, i mean more towards all and people who are voting to elect a member to the indian parliament who will address issues like cache mere human rights and development in order to improve the ground situation here and enhance education and health sectors. when this phase ends on monday, roughly 2 thirds of india's constituencies would have voted election commission figures suggest to turn out so far is lower than that of 20. 19. the final round of voting will be held on june 1st, and results are expected 3 days later. ronald la hon. i'll just here. i'm just a reminder once again that the indian government has not granted visas to alta 00 and it was so we are covering the election from outside the country. and students in kenya have been told to return to school despite weeks of flooding. that's kills nearly 270 people. catherine story reports from western kenya. this much needs to be done in your marseilles school. in costume county.
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students return to school after a 2 week delay following torrential rains that left hundreds that and thousands home left. some schools across the country have eva been damaged or are under water . aid will cause i also worried about the risk of diseases which i got enough to this level. so the adult of this flow was sucked in. what has been to 90 phase, his students will not be able to use this classroom for awhile. when it came, it was not easy to get into the office because mosquitoes why oliver. and he came on both ends of the windows and the moved up a beach. but i'm going to get this pre. so that's a tim doesn't have not affected so much because this is larry this summer layer of an area. yes. this area is not new to flooding, then yandell river and lake. the toria often overflow into neighborhoods. when it
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rains by residency, this has been the worst in recent years. this is a nicer with school and it's clear no children can study in such an environment that teachers are looking for a safe alternative. but it's difficult affected students a temper are really moving to nearby schools, some of which are hosting displaced people. like rosa bill, appeal, house is unbelievable crops. and most of my belongings i ruins. we had stressed out and was people asking them says well, we're going to leave with the she is in the cleanings and that's less yes, i don't know where i'm going to. right now. she says things will return to normal in due time. but only until the next, the greens, it's a cycle the same time and again, catherine,
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sorry to soon county west in kenya. the weather is next and then inside story we'll be looking ahead to the 1st problem in 3 elections in engine administrative shmear . since the reach and last it's autonomy. thanks for watching. i'll just sarah. bye bye. for now. the on the, we're kicking off this weather reports in asia pacific. great to have you a long hit stride off for japan's main island of hunt. you. that includes tokyo, that patch of what weather now headed out over to the most by specific. let's go to china right now. it so drive pictures of the suns out that's allowing temperatures to shoot up both in the south and the north. so young jo at $34.00 that is well above where you should be for this time of the year. a southerly wind is lifting up, temperature is across the arabian peninsula,
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specifically the goal. so let's go in here for a closer look. this will impact us here in the 40 degrees on the nose, 41 in the nama, and as a result of these winds, the quality has not been that great. i mean, not that is set to continue on. what on to say should say, but with winds now coming out of the north sets drop down temperatures being great and reactance for example. okay, for bucket stands strand quite here. we had some storms the other day and as a mom about hail storm, we've got some showers in the mix for tater, on hot in her thoughts. and i've gone this done. and for india, most of the action around care, less state. but i got to take you to sri lanka, this is going to be a soaking copious amounts of rain, places like candy could see on months worth of rain over the next 24 to 36 hours. so a deluge indeed see later, a of the over 27000 harrowing photographs as mutually can do that to us. the evidence
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in this case is frankly even stronger than that that we had against the nazis at nuremberg. and these crimes continued in the fast of a 2 part series out to 0 photos, powerful cases of little crimes against civilians allegedly killed by the syrian government. with photographic evidence from the seas of files, the lost souls of syria on al jazeera, the election excitement in india in his minutes of kashmir. the 1st paula mentoring vote since its special status was revived. but any of the governing policy isn't contesting a number of key seats. the why is the b j. p skipping these poles? this is inside story, the
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header there and welcome to the program. i'm nor a kyle, but which is all going to the polls in indian administered cache man as the foot.


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