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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 13, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm AST

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the, the the, the 10 venue, it's good to have you with us. this is the news our lives from the coming up in the program today, fleeing for their lives, fighting intensifies between palestinian groups and is really forces in gaza is jabante a refugee camp. the children don't deserve this. i do not see a future impulse site and this keeps going on is really cabinet ministers are greeted with gears and anger a during a ceremony to mark memorial day the. there's fierce fighting in the ukrainian city of car keys. russian forces are
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advancing in the northeastern region and millions folks in the 4th phase of india is general election. prime minister in the red ramadi is seeking a 3rd term in office in sports, the denver nuggets hit back in the n b a playoffs. the defending champions when the 2nd straight game and level the series, but the ministration symbols absolute to the we start this news. our northern gaza were hundreds of palestinians are fleeing is really a tax on the jamalia refugee camp attacks which have been intensifying. civilian shelters have been hits and there are reports of the fighting between palestinian groups and as really forces has now reached the center of the camp. but un says more than 360000 people have been displaced in recent fighting with many also fleeing from rough uh, in the south of the strip building marks begins are coverage. another day begins in
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southern gaza with yet another emergency. the helm is this civil defense work is only protection. don't keep costs and risky. vehicles of really look, remain on the roads and run racing to help you get another round of this of the injured in the stricken city on the sea. this time that too late a lifeless shoeless man left out on the streets shop. the team says buying is rarely tonight but they begin. the green task of covering is cool. the another rush pickup job is gone. those desktop pushes across 35000
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the body very quickly to a camp bed, then left with little ceremony the some of the, the civil defense teams are still operating in east and central roughly, and very difficult and complicated conditions. recently we headed to the city's main intersection and recovered a number of dead bodies as well as with one other words, it's as simple defense team should be granted entry in the areas with his fighting to recover the dead bodies and help the wounded if they're injured or left without help, without a doubt they'll die. 6 further north, near giovanni account, families have been forced once more to please the within you is really a sold a lot of humanity afraid for their
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lives as they are read through this hazardous buckles learn high the tank is behind the classrooms and the schools go to save you and decide are of all state we did not want to leave until we saw it with our and i know kind of thing and then dogs are again, forced to flee from anywhere. they found refuge. we don't know where to go. we have been displaced from one place to the next. and now we have left. we don't know where to go. we are running industries. i saw with my own eyes, i saw the tank and the bulldozer it is on that street. a morning of desperate movement offer another night to move to file and finish the months. i'll just say it was a 0 hendo who dory joins us from darrow bala now that's in the center of the god and strip pins. we mentioned earlier that in eastern rough uh the is really military. as 436-0000 palestinians, the fleet book, that means about
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a 1000000 people or less in rasa center and west. what are they doing? are they staying put for they preparing to leave? what's going on with that? well, we are seeing more people evacuating from the fact to the and different units, which we also need to highlight the fact that people do not have the money to evacuate from rough, where it's very expensive to move and to evacuate. all of your stuff from the flash to there is but another thing is people are sharing these trucks to evacuate from, reflects to that, but it's also very crowded where they did, but i'm communities are running out of space. so people do not even know where to evacuate in have you and this and that. and, but i, i would like also to mention that people are,
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are still getting calls and getting nice slips to evacuate, all equate to hospice and drop off a couple of doctors receive some phone calls, asking them to evacuate. and people became horrified and started evacuating us. do that. but again, that is, but it's running out of space, it's running out of resources and people in, in communities are reporting that the, the situation there is, is, is the year there is no access to water to electricity, and rubble is everywhere. hospitals and are running very low on fuel. if they run out completely, then it becomes almost impossible for them to treat patients. and that means life or death. do we know if hospitals will be getting fuel any time soon? well, unfortunately, no, according to the house. officials embedded but they said that they only got fuel
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for 2 days, threatening the lives of hundreds of patients in the hospital. moving to $200.00 units. the european hospital said that it did not receive any fuel for 7 days now, where they are very low on fuel and it may collapse and shut down in any minutes. has officials are trying to minimize as much a fuel as possible. they're trying to find alternatives for all of the fuel consumption. but at the end of the day, there are hundreds of patients in i c u i c u unit. there are babies that are connected to machines that are keeping them alive. the humanitarian and the health situation in the hospital is victoria eating, where there are thousands of distaste people in the hospital also relying on the electricity. but unfortunately, we have no information and also the house officials and the policy the minister of health has no information. if the you is going to provide them with the,
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with the fuel in the next upcoming days. all right. and who diary reporting from darrow about? i thank you very much for your reporting there in the central part of the gaza strip. and earlier about that, i spoke to doctors and aid so time he's a vascular surgeon in the u. k. he spent 2 weeks volunteering at the european hospital in gauze the last month. she says the kidney patients will likely die if they do not receive dialysis. and this actually, the balance is doing the same will work normally goodness to and when the patients don't have any time, this is done, the opposite start to build up in their blood and slowly it has a positive effect on the table and they start to get a basically loss of every time they stop that mostly be and the most and does get worse, this off to get more or less and sometimes even for you to recognize the family members and even in the late stages then they can get more shopping rep. they got more fluid on there just now they can start to get talk for you as well. so you
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mentioned these patients. they will die. it depends on the patient to patient. so sometimes i live in a few days and something take 2 weeks. normally, the modern or venue will stop anyone, another boss is you basically an allstate, or as they are going going up and you get treatment and they need all the office part of treatment. so they need all the pain killers and all the support medications to keep them comfortable so that i don't for every so these pictures will eventually have a very powerful miserable box lift up. and then we both the one on the culture and it would be more privatizing for the family members who will be watching them dying in such a bad, miserable way. so this is a very, very back situation. another problem is the largest. it's because lack of the possible fuel and other issues for patients to get from point a to point b itself is very, very difficult. then they can be the target of random bombing any time. so most of the time they are even scared going on. they don't the car trouble and quite often, you know, they have to dig permissions to move from point a to point b. so to get treatment
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in those, all right now is very, very difficult. and alpha 0 spoke to a 13 year old, displaced palestinian. her name is nadine abdullatif and she says she's been traumatized by being repeatedly forced to flee the fighting. she spoke to our correspondents. our couple assume in there about the 1st of all, my name's the dean, i'm 13 years old and i was every, i've a refugee from many places, not only from rough. i from many places from guys and they said i to identify we have been martin traumatized from these experience. my experience from what i've had to do, but it was absolutely terrifying. first of all, it wasn't. let's not forget the fact that it was expensive to find a car and was hard to find the car and we can't even we couldn't even put all of our stuff. we have to leave stuff ended up, i think as some from that it was absolutely terrifying. and the fact that we had to go into groups to different cars and to different times it was absolutely
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terrifying because we left people behind and we were terrified for them where they . 2 and to go, how are they going to get out? those are questions that came in my head. we were stuffed in the car. i'm going to tell you stuff, stuff. so in our labs, people on just on top of each other. we had at least 10 people in one car with all of our stuff to it was absolutely terrifying and i never one experienced that no child should experience that no child seeing that or even views that it is absolutely terrifying. these children do not deserve to live like this, as opposed to being go. how do you see now you few to in light of the on building think cycle of destruction and with the incoming military offensive only to treat if this keeps going on. they're going to keep killing their future and you know what their future is, is our children, it's us where the words future. every child is towards future and you're killing
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millions and yet so. 7 the bins of children, you're killing your future, you're destroying your future. you're just doing your life. the children don't deserve this. i do not see a future impulse site. this keeps going on. and this indeed, and yes indeed has to stop. we have as so many times rest is fire. yeah. again that the odd one out, the occupation comes out and says it is not your wife. you should die used to be killed. i it's, it's not fair. it's not fair. since when was it a law to not like, not like the fact that you know, you're killing children since when was that a loss is what does that exist and where, where are the papers that were signed from all those countries about children rights about human rights where did those go? again, i do not see any kind of future here in gaza. if this keeps going on and i do not see any process nor future around the wards,
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let me tell you they're not going to stop. and if they're not stop, they're going to continue and go around. oh god. so once again, don't make times if they don't stop, then that was 13 year old. nadine abdullatif has been forced to move several times with her family. now is realize, marking it's memorial day in the shadow of its devastating war on gaza. the families of is really soldiers, buddha fluoride security minister, it's more bank affairs. he arrived at a cemetery and as dodd 5 minutes to benjamin netanyahu, whose government is facing protests for his handling of the war. the de memorial day is used to memorialize soldiers who have been killed in battle. well officer is mohammed john who is covering this from amman, jordan, because these really governments shut down houses here in israel mohammed. it's good to talk to you. so you heard the security minister there getting booed at the cemetery. once again,
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we are seeing these really deep factors within is really citing mom it yeah, it's right 0 and very interesting to see this play out on a day like today at these ceremonies that are supposed to be solemn ceremonies at cemeteries which uh, where you see but really, family members of soldiers who have been killed in the, in the war and the fact that you see this. now again, it really does just show how much divisions are deepening throughout is real right now. interesting bit earlier in the day when prime minister benjamin netanyahu spoke to one assembled crowd, he spoke about the strength in unity throughout israel at a time of crisis. but more and more, you are not seeing scenes of unity, you see every week on saturday. these massive protests that happen in tel aviv where you have relatives of though is really captive still being held in gaza, calling on the government to do more. now you're seeing the scenes play out at
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these memorial day ceremonies when far, right? we national security minister, it's more been chavira, showed up at the cemetery and asked on, he was boot also as a law smart for is the far right wing finance minister and his real also bu, today, fight relatives of, of is really soldiers and also is really cap is being held in gaza. so even though this is a time when it's still in poll after poll, you will see that the majority of is really support the war effort. there is a deepening sense of distrust in how the government is managing the war and especially their efforts to try to bring back those captives that are being held in gaza. 0. okay, i hear you in the deepening sense of distress. so let me ask you this, it's been more than 7 months of fighting. israel has so far not achieved as were goals in gaza. do is really is feel that they are winning this war as well. that's a good question. because as i said, more and more is really as will express the pollsters,
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that they are behind the war effort. but there are growing questions as to if the war effort is being handled correctly. and one of the more interesting things we're seeing play out throughout the is really media landscape the past few days is that we're seeing more and more leaks from members of the military establishment. of course, they are not named and these are in is rarely publication on named military officials who seem to be more publicly questioning. prime minister netanyahu is motivations for keeping the work going because many of his critics say that they believe he is prolonging the war. so that he can continue to stay in power because he must, he must satisfy his far right wing flank. people likes the ministers. we spoke about just a moment ago, been dear and smart or she wants him to go all in to it up by and have threatened to walk away from the government if he does not do so. also there are military personnel, again, being quoted anonymously,
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but essentially saying that they have not yet seen any type of plan or coherent plan for a day after the worst scenario in gaza. and that frustrates them. and then you also have military officials were very worried about the split between the us and israel when it comes to the us, possibly halting more shipments of weapons going forward. and what that will mean for is really security in the war effort going forward. so it's a very mixed bag right now. more and more people in is real expressing fatigue with the government. they don't think the government is being on the level with them about how they are conducting this war. they are frustrated about the efforts to bring back those captains being held in gaza, but at the same time still solid. be expressing support for the war effort going for 0. all right, thank you very much for laying all of that out mohammed junction and reporting from amman. since israel has shut down houses here inside the is really territory. thank you very much. i is really forces have arrested at least 14 palestinians during
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raise in the occupied westbank soldiers stormed several homes near the city of calculator. they also launched some of these weapons at the entrance of the hospital is really forces have stepped up rates, interest in the occupied west bank since the one gods. it began in october earlier this month. it is really sold or shot, an 8 year old, palestinian in the neck and the export java or refugee camp that's in the jordan valley. he was detained, then left, that in his really hospital days later, his family receive medical bills of more than $13000.00. st. us around the reports from ramallah. so now that is what i was planning on a scooter. was my cousin. he says, we were on our way home when we saw in his reading to driving towards us. so we started running it as an instinct. every palestinian child knows when soldiers
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begin, shooting. jude was hit in the neck and fell. one of the pieces in that moment he felt very far from home. it happened near the foot job, a refugee camp near jericho, and the occupied westbank. soldiers detained, the wounded boy, accusing him of throwing rocks and pipelines before leaving him and his really hospital terrified and alone. it was hours before his family knew where he was put a young every day whenever they'd administer any kind of treatment. and they'd ask my wife to sign bills. they'd say we weren't money, you must pay. they were giving us a really hard time. every time they did minister treatment, they made it very difficult. he's out of the woods but has nerve damage and can't move his left arm. these really hospital where he was treated claims they are owed more than $13000.00 for treating an 8 year old child with a gunshot wound from it is really assault rifle. before jude was brought back,
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his family says is really hospital staff even try to take the net color, protecting his wood a scenario so absurd. it might seem comical if it wasn't really happening. his father says the bill is so high, it will be impossible to pay pellets, send you the officials told to 0 that in situations like this is real, deducts the funds directly from customs taxes that it collects on behalf of the palestinian authority. when the news came, jude's mother says she was hysterical, but anger gave way to relief that her son survived. are. so let's go to the i think god, he's ok. hopefully he gets better hopefully to see a happy life and life he chooses for himself. i hope you have a future. i hope you look just trying to despite the difficult circumstances. when asked if he was scared, he puts on a brave face. no. he says he's looking forward to going home, having a shower and seeing his grandparents go right. but he says, you'll never ride
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a scooter again. a lesson every palestinian child learns too soon. it is never safe to play outside. when you live under israeli occupation, the same bus route, the older 0 ramallah the occupied westbank, palestine. the russian forces are attacking the border of ukraine's northern harkey region in small groups to try to stretch ukraine's troops. that's according to the regions. governor ukraine says it has moved 4000 people to safety from that border area and keep has admitted his forces already facing a difficult situation. a fierce fighting in the area. john holman reports from keith. i would definitely say the russian forces
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a thought saying when you look at the map, that line is going to the printer. you creating a new so going be print to ukraine? is the greys, are in this, i call it the contested territory, the territory that they're actually fighting over at the moment. and if it gets to within 20 kilometers of how to keep the 2nd largest city in ukraine, then the russian forces will be able to then attack part of keith with 0 taylor and start shelley hockey city is already being bombarded from the air and has been across the recent weight set something, the obviously ukrainian forces will from this side, they sign that they're trying to defend that position. so they, using drugs, they using their own artillery that they using what results is that they tend to try and contain this russian adults. the same, the russian, the russian full, seizing small groups of men to try and push fluid, improve at different points to that front line and to stretch it significant
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because it's ukraine, 2nd largest city. and also it occurs in 2022 russian forces tried to take it were eventually driven back by ukrainian policy. so that was a huge boost to morale for this country. if russia then now managed to come again and take it, that would be a devastating blog or and as to ukraine war rages vladimir fruits in his replaced rushes defense minister with a civilian, former deputy prime minister and dre bellows office to take on the role. he is an economist with no previous military experience, but looks off his replacing story guys showing good when a president put in his closest political allies. the move is expected to be formalized by parliament's approval. let's spring and maximilian has about this. you're a fellow at the foreign policy research institute. you're also the author of economic war, ukraine and the global conflict between russian and the west. thank you for joining us or in london. explain this appointment to us a civilian as defense minister in the middle of the war. but thank you so much for
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attitude. i think it's a pretty clear assignment put in a shifting if it was economy even further towards being structured around the military. some had really discussed his economic policy. the last 2 years is something that was military kenzie and as i'm using demand there to stimulate the economy, but also restructuring the economy to be able to meet those needs of the war. you know, we have seen russia is significantly increase its missile production in recent months, throughout the war, increased ammunition production even at a rate far faster than in the west. of course, there isn't the issue of democratic pushed back and forth and has to deal with in russia, but so the economy will really become increasingly subservient to fighting a long war in ukraine. what's very interesting to see given both sides background as a banker and an economist, but also somebody with very sharp ideas about the mining and other mineral. ready and be doing the tax base is just how much power he really has to reform all of these things. and i believe it could be quite broad. okay,
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so that's interesting. so i, i assume that means the generals are effectually, effectively going to handle the fighting part of the war. and you're telling us there's another very important part of the war which is getting the economy in, in a, in a shape where it can sustain this. yes, exactly, i mean i am a certain way and quite literally speaking my own book when i say that this is also an economic war and i believe that that has been going on for more than 10 years. also on the international economic funding, we saw the huge inflation troubles that came in 2022 is result of gas russians, gas weapons. this ation the sanctions imposed on us. we've seen fighting and russia around the bricks level and attempts to sort of undermine international financial institutions. those of us, even the russian representative for many years, the europe and bank for reconstruction and development is direct experience with these issues. and i believe the code is still very willing to weaponized the world economy. and those stuff is also somebody who will have some of that remote in his new job. and i think while it may not change that much of the tactics on the ground,
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those and as you said, will probably not be determining strategy or tactical the decisions there it could save. you were increasingly return to be a major factor. and there's a global economic environment, maximillian you speak of weapon ising, the world economy. that's what the west wanted to do against russia, right? i squeeze russia financially with 2 years hindsight that it's worth 2 years old. has that worked as well? uh, i would certainly argue the bottom of hurting. so it was the 1st one to do that. we saw a rush to try to undermine the international economic border by messing with ukraine's own desk restructuring. in 20142015, we saw a rush of that heavily weaponized gas prices. remember it was the rest of the cut your off of gas and some prices. viking and then therefore created the inflation shock. be inflation weapons in twenty's when he to europe. this section of the united states, other western countries, but also non western countries of singapore joining these sanctions, which seems to, to where to use their own influence over that international economic order to push
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back against russia. but i certainly see it as rush. i haven't been the primary and interesting they're having moved to create those inflation weapons as still being very willing to further weaponized other commodities in particular. we've seen we and over the last year and the oil is the one where the big risk exists as well. but there's been, is, there's no question that there's been a big economic cost to european economies. my question was about russian economy. how are they doing 2 years into this war as well? the russian economy of this military keynesian, this one has been certainly relatively well to keep the russian economy tag going with headline growth. there's no investment whatsoever to speak of in sort of the private sector and developing new businesses. of course, we've seen how many businesses, the banks appropriated, russian yeah. labor levels of a huge issue with the amount of people who have been drafted into this war. so they've asked created inflationary pressure on russia as well. very high interest rates. we've seen bellows of good comments just last week about wanting to lower the interest rate, which was of course,
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further help the inflationary environment than the russian economy. and to the original economy. it has not been processed by the sanctions, by any means. it is essentially at risk of overheating and the structural problems with them that have in many ways only been aggravated by this sort of taking of military steroids for the last 2 years. and of course, there are areas where there have been huge pain gas from the russian gas company, of course, now loses many millions of dollars a year. and one's had hopes just 15 years ago to be the 1st trillion dollar company back then. what happened to me, you know, the cremeans major cashed out until the war. it's still earning from well or is it your and other maximillian has a fellow at the foreign policy research institute. thank you very much. think it's time for a check of the world. whether now with jeff harrington, a good to see we're off and running with your weather report, kicking this one off in india where most of the action is in the south, around careless state, blanketed in brain for them all, deeds,
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and that weather also pushes industry longer so it's going for closer look, things are changing a bit. it's looking like the heaviest pulses of rain may now be just to the south of candy, but in this area could see about a months worth of rain in the span of 24 hours. that could produce flooding, there's been some flooding nearby, dang, in west sumatra, province on sumatra. island in indonesia. we saw about a months worth of rain in the span of 2 days. and yeah, you guessed it is still ringing in this area on to stay with it. was burst of rain over a flood hit parts, so water levels will not be going down any time soon. as some storms hit and miss across indo china. we've got flooded alerts just to the west of the about on, in and out island in the philippines. and we thought weather that scooted away from china, well ok, this temperatures on the way up. so the, the cross, the hello river valley, jung jo at $34.00 degrees and it tries off in japan as well. that's where all that what weather was tokyo at 24 degrees and the land is further reports in buckets dawn, it's hot here too and soon providence jake of about 45 degrees for you on tuesday.
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so you're in a bit. are still a head on this house. is there a news our protests outside george's parliament, but it's controversial foreign influence bills still lose a step closer to the coming law. he was the president's man, but michael cohen is due to testify against donald trump to be so for the 1st month to try and also ensure the premier league title race will go down to the wire. we will have football action from there when the over mentioned. so united that is coming up later yourself. the in depth analysis of the days headlines. if that was a rough or offensive, where would the people go? people have no place to go. each one of 1000 people has to be displaced at least 2 times frank assessments. this is a max and blow to free speech and freedom of the press informed opinions you can be
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somebody. this is on one of the hostages, october 7th, and return. and i want to stop inside story on al jazeera hearing the fact, the more fossil fuels we burn the hot or the planet, we'll get reporting from the option to bite says the federal government is committed to rebuilding it with the in this gen and it's an age where it goes right directly. targeted and in depth coverage. how is any of this except it is an acceptable. i'll just say it was teens across the world. bring you closer to the heart of the story of the world. the
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if you're watching alpha 0, our headlines, there's been more violence in north and south because of how this thing in groups say they are engaged in running bass. elizabeth is really forces east of which of all your refugee camp civilians are fleeing in search of safety. members, the v is really cabinets, have been heckled across the country. has they marked memorial day prime minister benjamin netanyahu, whose government is facing protests for his handling of the war? a staff at universities across the netherlands or staging a walk out. this is in response to a violent police crackdown on student protests against the guns of war at amsterdam university campus. that was just last week. houses are a step. boston is in amsterdam covering this for us step i see what appears to be right police just behind you. what's going on
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exactly what started as a peaceful call to this morning by hundreds of university staff professors and protest against police violence against you last week is now i'm escalating. once again, here, hundreds of done there had been occupied in the main hall off to the university saw finished their rally. the students wanted to have some sense right into the main hall here coming in. you can see they're trying release from coming in. they manage for a few minutes, but now the police brand is driving towards the end. so everyone here is the same scenario that was happening last week is not being repeated here because
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then the police came in and the lots of students were very badly beaten on one person, most unconscious that were broken. notice there were lots of injuries, hundreds of injuries according to the students, and that's why they came back sort of sweet also today, also against the war and also demanding the university to stop ties with x ray universities, but also to post tests against police violence and what they say it's a violation of their rights. is that most freight stuff? what is the we're looking at the pictures right now as you speak. yeah, sorry, go ahead. go ahead. yeah, no, yeah, there's moving in, and of course you can see the anger so far i have to only see so, so task goes and the police is coming in. there's a lot of trauma. so what happened last week? so the situation actually send you the step,
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what is the university leadership saying about these protests? well, that's a very interesting question because the students actually also need to mind me for the university leadership to step down to what's happened last week because they said we were holding a peaceful demonstration here. then. so for the pilot side, the people in gaza as you called in police violence against also the universe of the board to meet at least they say you are not the boss of this university, the university with the students and also the staff. and that's exactly what they said this morning, making sure that this is the place where they can sweeney demonstrate. that's what they're trying to say in here. that's what they're trying to to. but as you can see now this, this writes is again,
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being hampered. yeah. what do you know what instructions the police have, what instructions they're carrying out because i do see behind you right behind the water, i do see movement, but right next to you police are moving and they're not trying to push people out. so what are they trying to achieve here? well, you can see now that the police band is not being pushed back again. and what they're trying to achieve is who is occupation of the university hall? there are times inside, so please trying to get inside to remove done. i assume i haven't heard from the board of the university. just know, but they probably have asked police to come in again. this fight is huge debate about acceptance last week, which actually a lot to a political debate here, and i'm sort of them as well about how far can we go to the process, how, how limits are right right now. so please,
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it's not pushing to try to get to the entrance, but students are obviously trying to prevent this from happening. this step bring us back to how this started. we were saying that there was a violent police crack down. we're talking at amsterdam university here on student protests against the guns, a war. why did the crack down on students in the 1st place? and that's also a very good question because what we have seen similar in other parts of the world and the students here. and i'm so them, we're just doing exactly that. they were trying to have a peaceful time please outside of the university building tension against the university so, so sorry, that's all they were asking for that. and within 24 hours, police was folded and really came with a lot of regression. so this has nothing to the escalated the situation. even
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university, sophomore, i'm not fighting with the protests for the 1st place. i'm not doing just that because i feel this is a come across the country. the is a right to protest and why are we 3 bits this highland and the background, the physical if that's how these protests and also already for the last couple of months. we as a framing here and the novelist that there is a phone on conditional support for everyone who is the processing. again, this is being told had to submit take and this is a very strong framing. we hear this from, if it's on needles, there's going to be a new file right document amounts this week with a file right leader who has also been calling for installing these people here to protest. she hasn't even actually said that this is all the full of previous governments. that's an old immigrants in who are submitted. so this is really very much the move in the novels of have seen the move in the last couple of times. this
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is a reaction from young people from the, from the universities to say, we don't want to be frank like this, or we want our rights to protest. yeah. step look, we're, we're, we continue to watch the live shot. it's the middle of the afternoon where you are coming up on 4 pm in amsterdam, and this is a remarkable seeing that is playing out there in the netherlands. again, just as a reminder, this all happening because police crackdown on students a week ago, students were asking, demanding that the university of amsterdam divest from companies tied to israel will come back to you step. thank you very much. the in the 4th round a voting in india is 7 phase general election has ended. indian administered kashmir is among the regions where people have cast their ballots for the 1st time
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. in decades the governing b. j. p is not contesting poles. they're reminder now that the indian government has not granted visa challenges here as journalists. so we are covering the election from outside the country for getting reports. casting the balance under the watchful eye of security forces. focusing indian administer kashmir queued up to choose a candidate to represent the best interests. this is the 1st problem entry election since 2019. when prime minister ran to emote these government vote the region special status and voted on the central government control ending its semi oh ton of me and rights to land and jobs barely bought a new building. and will don nick, any of this boat is important because it's the 1st election since article 370 was obligated to provide. we have been facing a lot of difficulties. episodic source of all use of being harassed, not at all, and is being taken away by launched a legal complaints or even so while you still come mount out for
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a chain link and then go deaf as prime minister. moody had not removed us ago. $370.00 the most people would have voted for it. nobody would devote this to anybody else who cash me is divided between india and pakistan, both of which claim it in its entirety. the barbara t. a gena top polity has defended its controversial move, saying adult relative peace and stability to the region, often decades violence. but it hasn't filled it any candidates in the cache. me a volley, a muslim majority region. beach i. p is not feeling it can affect because a fee of defeat. uh, there's a lot of local unpopularity the for the beach, i pay and i a, it's the 1st one for about the use of i have not had a candidate there for a look. some are election and i do, they think they going to lose and that it will be not just a last but of dropping phase of elections is crucial for the b. j. p. the 96 parliamentary seats contested are in southern and eastern seats,
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where the party support base isn't as dominant. but this one and also included some de strongholds where it's hoping to make sure that the gains moody, seeking us to, to him as prime minister, his hindu nationalist parties up against the lines of opposition policies. despite the election rules, this being arise in hate speech during the campaigns. but for voters developments, one of the main concerns upgrade your search ranking up issues of him do this. he's mostly we'll take, there's no way you need development and progress for rules you to the, the final round of voting will be held on june. the system was held to expect its 3 days later. poking out to see about a jury shown on board a lawyer as a spokesperson for the governing bgp and the northern indian state of asylum. you're joining us from google. how do you thank you so much for your time today and for coming on the program of the b. j. p. has been predicting a strong victory yet, as we heard in that report, she did not feel the candidate in kashmir. one is that
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a st. yeah, right, it's a friend, so like, you know, we want that stuff to be like, not just ccsp, you're on the cabinet and we have like 750. so it's off today i asked because a pc and media. i mean, before they find it, we have, we just spent the alliance as we make. so especially this was a part of the strategy. so that's what it is. so we can learn saturdays from best and they're so busy, it's not bad at best. but other, you know, cbs, that have been da, da, seems each of these it is given to me in my 1st thinking of r m. s. so it's not all the seats are not being assisted by pacific as well. so, but let me put this to you kashmir is a muslim majority region. the b j. p has pushed a hindu nationalist message. perhaps question mark the b j. p. did not want to test
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his popularity in a in kashmir because of that i didn't actually read the statement because uh, when he just called india as a whole. we don't want to calculate our depth defense stage, at least because it's up to you when we bought a complete, a potter, cynthia. we don't have to best of luck to you there it's, it's about the national security and national industry. so it's a part of india we don't have to do, so would be the particular say, i know we're talking to me. i am in a so i won't be able to talk exactly for me and i, i'm basically from the northeastern part of india. so why i think would be that other than indiana as a whole, but other than adult teams, 3 should be 4 up. but you know, student or even tennessee like trust me. so my, my, i'm so sleepy. well, hold on for india and yeah, we see that the safety is getting on it. let's just say it's not to ok last
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and see a very sure that we are going to come up as a measure to the measure reading shockey. okay, what is your salesperson plan? should your spokes person for the be j? p? so let me, let me ask you about your party leader then to render moody. earlier in the campaign, mr. moody had this to say about indian muslims. this was late april. listen to this are valid, then we just had a god. when the muslim congress party was impala, they said muslims have the 1st right over the nation's wealth. this means they will collect people's wealth and distribute to it, to who to those who have much older and to the info traitors. do you think you'll hold on money should be given to info traitors? would you accept this? this is what the congress policy manifesto is saying. so i listen to your party leader muslims as infiltrate or is it is i hate speech. he said this as part of a campaign, riley said, i must clear you. the 1st thing though,
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is that the has never started any debate on the big display of nation. all indians in the basis of furniture, we pick it up good day before elections, the end of the, the national security, which we have done. but as far as our government, or excuse me, the question, i'm sorry, i need more time. i need you to address the patient. okay. i need you to address the words about your party leader. see the on subsidy so many says the display should ask of some of the manifesto or father of what they should call this part. again, national congress. they have started the certificate and somebody says still that there would be the distribution of well, all the indians do, particularly, you know, uh, bear with targeting a particular company. we just the major felicia. yes, we cannot deny the fact which american all. busy or somebody to come out,
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but the police should have improved from my agency person. where does that need to population have gone down by 7 plus and does that make them infiltrate already? so that's, that's my question. the skin is like where it can be all bad, but if i come from the state assignment, i thought it would be $230.00 inflict after sure. it's like that most people saw this thing to just people, but they had the all the people living in the griffin problem. i love dish and we all the instances are. so really talking, what do you, as a general country, there is a come all the different countries and the strongly inventors best come do your best. it could be what they can do best. the end of the new country was this is from the system, but this is mostly for media the from so not been that is the
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religion which we call it. but i would be like, you know, i have to go to a different level of history. okay. on a lot of like it on this please. yeah, mostly a bottom, the bottom of the largest on a particular like your religion on because there was no religion uh for the most name of christianity. any of the of before. it's on the accent that it's on the 7th century. if you see it has been making it out of the bed. is that something? yeah, that were in the 21st the. okay. but we're in that's 21st century. look, i have to run wordpress for time. but you're telling me about the 7th century, we're in the 21st century and there are 200 moving a 1000000 muslims made. and i may, i dropped a major up to like, i really have to write on i, i apologize that i apologize to you, but i am pressed for time i have to run, i do appreciate you coming on the program. now. thank you very much to reach on my board ally spokesperson for the governing b. j. p. and a reminder again that the indian government has not granted visas. 20000 stern
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lists. so we are covering the election from outside the country. now a key witness is set to take the stand and the criminal trial. a former us president donald trump, michael cohen is trumps. for my personal attorney is expected to testify about his role in arranging hush money payments on trumps the hoss including 2 porn star stormy daniels and trump has denied validations christian. so to me is outside the court in new york. chris and how much is whiting on michael cohen test the a lot is writing on michael cohen's testimony. he is a key witness in the case and has just taken the stand in the court room behind me . she is b lynch pen to what spend described as a catching kill scheme, allegedly orchestrated by the former president donald trump. and a man by the name of david tucker, the publisher of a national tabloid,
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a scheme in which they would buy the rights to stories that were seen as unflattering to the president, and then agree not to publish them. this was in 2016 in the run up to the 2016 election for president trump. uh, former president, trump michael cohen was a lawyer is a lawyer by trade, but he's described himself as president trump's fixer, his bug, and he is key in this case as the link, the person who can identified president trump as the source of the money. and the mis characterization of money spent on paying off the adult film star stormy daniels, a $130000.00. president former president trump has denied having anything to do in terms of an affair with this one. and he's denied having any knowledge of those payments. and how they recorded the prosecution has alleged,
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he listed them as legal fees to hide the fact that they were payoffs. but we do expect that the defense will be questioning. michael cohen's credibility as he testifies on the stay on something that they've been doing with witnesses all a launch. a michael cohen is someone who has admitted to lying under oath before congress. he's been convicted of perjury in 2018 and other charges related to his work for donald trump, even the prosecutions own witness. in this case, david packer has described him as someone who is prone to exaggeration. so the, i'm the one hand, he's key to the prosecution's case, but on the other hand, seeing a somewhat of a liability given his history of lying before. and that's what the jury is going to be waiting as i hear him speak. kristin salumi outside the court house in new york . thank you very much. kristen. as if people in georgia had been protesting outside
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parliament, which has approved a final votes on controversial foreign influence bill slated for tuesday. me to remove it and go has more on the parliamentary session from the georgia and capital policing. it was all over almost as soon as it started. the 3rd reading of the controversial circle for an agents bill was supposed to last a couple of hours. people came here to protest against this bill and they, some of them stayed full on the whole night to make a stand and make themselves so that the georgia should drop this bill. but it lost it. on the 2 minutes additional committee came in agreed that there won't be any amendments to the tax kind of basically cleared this bill for a vote on tuesday for the plenary session. people are saying this is a chance they wanted to make themselves good, but it was all over the police have dispersed now there was a large presence over here next to the georgia parliament. the governments, as opposed to this bill is very important. it's about a and g. o is a media receives a 20 percent or more of the funding from abroad,
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that they should declare themselves as the agents of foreign influence. and the government says it will definitely make sure that this bill becomes lawyers. it's important for the country, the people here disagree. now it's all up to a plan recession vote scheduled for noon on tuesday and protest as he is saying, they're going to skip when they go to skip clauses, to make sure that the voice is meeting with the co. i'll just say it has been easy . it's still a head on alpha 0 children to back to school in kenya after weeks of flooding. but there are fears that the risks have not gone away. the . the
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students in kenya had been told to return to school despite weeks of flooding, as killed nearly 270 people. at least 62 primary schools have been effected and there are fears, waterborne diseases such as cholera could spread. catherine solely reports from consumer county in western county. much needs to be done in your my south school, into sewell county. students returned to school of the 2 week delay following torrential rains that left hundreds that and thousands home last. so some schools across the country have eva been damaged or are under water aid. well cause i also worried about the risk of diseases which i've got enough to this level. so delta dental of this flow was sucked in. what has been to 90 phase, his students will not be able to use this classroom for awhile. when i came,
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it was not easy to get into the office because mosquitoes, why all of you came on both ends of the windows and then moved out a beach. but i'm going to get this pre. so that's a tim doesn't have not affected so much because this is larry this summer layer of an area. yes. this area is not new to flooding. then yandell river and lake with toria often overflow into neighborhoods. when it rains by residency, this has been the worst in recent years. this is a nicer school and it's clear no children can study in such an environment that teachers are looking for a safe alternative. but it's difficult affected students, a temper are really moving to nearby schools, some of which are hosting displaced people. like rosa bill, appeal,
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house is unbelievable crops. and most of my belongings i really stressed out. and most people asking themselves where we're going to leave with the children being the cleanings and that's less yes, i don't know where i'm going to be right now. she says things will return to normal in due time, but only until the next, the greens. it's a cycle the same time and again, catherine, sorry to soon county west and can you or right as much more in our website as always, the address now says 0 dot com. find on the top stories there. that is it for this news hour. we're going to take a very short break. we're going to be back in just 2 and a half minutes. that's at the very top of the hour for a full slate of world news on alpha 0. so please stay with us right back.
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if you're watching this pre recorded report that al jazeera has been banned in the territory, all is, well, we'll just scream or be any sway me when my country is closing down the inspection towards the networks only because what additions thinking here, this decision puts other networks working in the occupied was time for inside israel proffer also, independent journalist would be targeted. we, i thought 0. we shouldn't be aware of that as a badge of honor to be banned by the government that stands indicted for general size. but the international court of justice, a meeting of minds, the tragedy for me, of a democratic solve effort there. it's how quickly we sort of adopted the very told re global, know the intertwining of money and politics campaigner andrew find state and photographer shock you do on the on active is on the crisis in guns. what is
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happening today is something on our watch. the news from now there will be people asking, how did you let it have the studio will be on script part one, on, on disease to a 106 kilometers, stretch of remote and perilous jungle. begonia alondra to south america for migrants seeking the size of the united states a voyage, but for some is their loss. none the less for comp this families, it's a risk they are willing to take full lines in the box on this. i'm for giving journey to tell the story of one of the children of the barium go on. up just now is the time to be direct. creation of a humanitarian crisis is a tactic. we do not is it was a policy that we have it was from us, particularly for i was very upfront on out of here
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the leading for their lives fighting intensifies between palestinian groups and is really forces in gaza is jamalia refugee camp the land 0 venue is good to have you with a specific the news. our life from doha coming up in the program is really cabinet ministers. are greeted with jeers and anger during a ceremony to mark memorial day. he was the president's man, but michael cohen is due to test.


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