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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 13, 2024 5:00pm-5:30pm AST

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on alex's here, the a fleeting for their lives fighting intensifies between palestinian groups and is really forces in gaza is jamalia refugee camp. the land 0 venue is good to have you with a specific the news. our life from doha coming up in the program is really cabinet ministers, are greeted with jeers and anger during a ceremony to mark memorial day. he was the president's man, but michael cohen is due to testify against donald trump in the so called a hush money trail. the and there is fierce fighting in the ukrainian city of har. key russians forces are
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advancing in the northeast and to reach the we start in gaza where hundreds of thousands of palestinians are fleeting is really advances in the north and south of the strip. the army has divided the strip through the so called nets a room car door, which it controls. so let's start with the situation in the north is really soldiers and tanks of advanced further into the jamalia refugee camp. and they are engaged in fierce battles with palestinian fighters. airstrikes in the area are supposed supporting the ground operation, forcing tens of thousands of people to flee. but escape itself is not an option. there is an is really buffer zone to prevents this so most or now fleeing west. now in southern guns, a doctor's at the co weight hospital in rossa. i've received calls from the is really military ordering, been to evacuate the hospital. meanwhile,
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palestinians are still escaping from rasa, going towards their obama in the center and to milwaukee area. at least 360000 people have been displaced in this latest fighting billing. marx has more another day begins in southern gauze with yet another emergency. the helm is this civil defense work is only protection. don't keep costs and risky. vehicles of really look, remain on the roads and wrestling, racing to help you get to another round of this, of the engine in the stricken city on the see this time that too late. a life list shoeless mine left out on the streets shop. the team says buying is rarely sniper they begin,
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the green task of coverage is cool. the another rush to pick up job is garza's desktop pushes across 35000 the body very quickly to a camp bed, then left with little ceremony. so often the, the civil defense teams are still operating an eastern central roughly and very difficult and complicated conditions. recently we headed to the cities main intersection and recovered a number of dead bodies as well as i guess one other words, it's as simple defense teams should be granted entry in the areas with his fighting to recover the dead bodies and help the wounded if they're injured or left without help, without a doubt they'll die. 6 for the new ultimate jamalia kemp,
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families have being forced once more to flee. the within you is really a sold a lot of humanity afraid for their lives as they are read through this hazardous buckles learn. high tank is behind the classrooms in the schools. good is, i'll save you and decide or of all state we did not want to leave until we saw it with our in i know kind of thing in gauze or again, forced to flee from anywhere. they found refuge. we don't know where to go. we have been displaced from one place to the next and know we have left. we don't know where to go. we are running industries. i thought with my own eyes, i saw the tank and the bull dozer. it is on that street. a morning of desperate movement off for another night to move to file and fill
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the months. i'll just say it was 0 handle. so don't worry is with us from there on the ball in the center of gaza. and we just saw in that report, families in jamalia, leading the finding that the families who were still in jamalia or those who couldn't lead drink earlier rounds of fighting. what can you tell us about them? and we know that there are at least 100 like hundreds of people are still stuck and trapped in at least 6. cool. as honor was schools in japan. yeah. they did not even have time to, to evacuate, or to get the space or to go west. it's not only to abide. yeah. where people are evacuating in seeking refuge and searching for a safe space, but also people on and off or where it's getting more intense. uh, more air strikes, more artillery selling and people are searching
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a for any way to evacuate right now. but it's also risky and dangerous, where at the extracts did not stop the selling, did not stop. it's happening in both the north and the south of the causal strip, where people are trapped and could not go any more. so people are running out of, of, of, of hope they're saying that they have no place to go to. we're now in the data by left and unlock the hospice and there was a man asking us for money. so he can evacuate his family and reflect where he does not even have the expenses to bring them to a safe area. people are desperate and hopeless and they literally do not know where to go or where to evacuate to. okay, and if we talk about rough and now in the south of the strip, the is really military has forced almost 400000 people to evacuate from certain
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areas are rough and mostly eastern, rasa. do we know what is now happening in those evacuation areas that people have left as we know that more people are coming that needs like you waiting from real fast to a dead end, but newness the coast line and the road from connecting the last 2 days but that is bad, every crowd did, but we also know that there are people that could not leave and could not evacuate simply because they do not have the expenses of evacuating. they still did not get to orders to evacuate, but we also learned that the acquaintance hosp within is now evacuating the heavy machines and, and medical machines that they're, it's as a productive measurement. they're saying that's not the all of the general hospital management got the instructions from the is there any forces to evacuate?
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but some doctors received some clause. so people started evacuating surrounding equate to hosp, but then again, it's happening. people are evacuating at the, our territory setting the air strikes did not stop and people are very frustrated. they try to evacuate from a dropbox too. that has been a hard time doing this before. it gets dark. but again, it's very crowded. everyone is trying to evacuate, and people are very scared and terrified. and the scenario of commercial it was not the of the indonesian hospitalized super hospitalized would be repeated in on the shot and the quite the hospital. hendo diary as ever thank you very much for your report and you're reporting today from darrell about in the center of the strip. now look at this. 13 year old displaced palestinian. nadine abdullatif says that she's been traumatized by being repeatedly forced to flee the fighting. she spoke to our correspondents, our top was zoom and darrow bala,
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this is what she had to say. the 1st of all, my name's the dean. i'm 13 years old and i was every i've a refugee from many places, not only from are from many places from guys. and they said i to identify we have been martin traumatized from these experience. my experience from what am i to do, but it was absolutely terrifying. first of all, it was, let's not forget the fact that it was expensive to find a car and was hard to find a card. and we can't even, we couldn't even put all of our stuff. we had to leave stuff ended up a big s. and from that it was absolutely terrifying. and the fact that we had to go into groups to different cars and to different times it was absolutely terrifying because we left people behind and we were terrified for them. where are they going to go? how are they going to get out? those are questions that came in my head. we were stuffed in that car. i'm going to tell you stuff, stuff. so in our labs, people on the, on top of each other, we had the least 10 people in one car with all of our stuff to it was
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actually terrifying. and i never one experienced that no child should experience that no child should see that or even view that it is absolutely terrifying. these children do not deserve to live like this as a palace to mean go, how do you see now you few to in light of the unrelenting cycle of destruction and with the incoming military offensive only to treat if this keeps going on, they're going to keep killing their future and you know what their future is, is our children, it's us where the words future. every child is the words future and you're killing millions and yet thousands of children, you're killing your future, you're destroying your future. you're just doing your life. these children don't deserve this. i do not see a future impulse site if this keeps going on. and this indeed, and yes indeed has to stop. we have as so many time to rest these fire. yeah. again,
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that the odd one out, the occupation comes out and says, it is not your rights. you should die, you should be killed. all right, it's, it's not fair. it's not fair. since when was it a loss to not like, not like the fact that you're not, you're killing children's. it's when was that a lot since when does that exist and where, where are the papers that were signed from all those countries about children rights, about human rights? where did those go? again, i do not see any kind of future here in gaza. if this keeps going on and i do not see any process nor future around the ward, let me tell you they're not going to stop interrupting. if they're not stop, they're going to continue and go around all god. so once again, don't like times if they don't stop them. crucial aid and supplies into a guy that has been blocked by israel, while almost all the hospitals are close to collapse. earlier i spoke to doctors
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and aid so time he's a vascular surgeon with the u. k 's national health service. he spent 2 weeks volunteering at the european hospital in gauze that last month. he says the patients are likely going to die if they do not continue receiving dialysis. but the situation inside gaza has made this very difficult. and this actually, the balance is doing the same will work normally goodness to and when the patients don't have any time, this is done the opposite start to build up into your blood and slowly it has a toxic effect on the table and they start to get a basically loss of every day they start to get mostly be the most intense gas was this off to get more or less and sometimes the one for you to recognize the family members and even in the lift stages, then they can get more shopping rep. they got more fluid on there just now they can start to get talk for you as well. so we mentioned these patients, they will die. it depends on the patient to patient. so sometimes i live in
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a few days and something take 2 weeks. normally, the modern or venue will stop and what another viruses you basically, and i'll say that as they are going going up and to get treatment, and they need all the office part of treatment. so they need all the pain killers and all the support medications to keep them comfortable so that i don't for every so these patients to actually have a very powerful miserable box lift up. and then we both the one on the culture and it would be more privatizing for the family members who will be watching them dying in such a bad, miserable way. so this is a very, very back situation. another problem is the largest. it's because lack of the possible fuel and other issues for patients to get from point a to point b itself is very, very difficult. then they can be the target of random bombing any time. so most of the time they are even scared terminal. they don't, they all travel and quite often, you know, they have to dig permissions to move from point a to point b. so to get treatment in those, all right now is very, very difficult. it is rarely as marking its memorial day in the shadow of its
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devastating warren garza that is families. it is really soldiers who in the far right, security minister, it's more bend there as he arrived at a cemetery and started pharmacy in 5 minutes to benjamin netanyahu. whose government was facing protests for his handling of the war? remember that memorial day is used to memorialize soldiers who have been killed in baffled houses. there is mohammed john who is covering this from amman, jordan, because the is really government has shut down houses here in israel. mohammed you, you heard that you heard the security minutes to get booed at the symmetry. you've been in israel's, most of this war. i wanted your read on a moment like that. what does it tell us? this really shows 0, the deepening divisions throughout israel when it comes to how israel is prosecuting this war. now up until today,
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every week we report on the fact that there are huge demonstrations in tell a v if you have thousands of anti government demonstrators that come out demanding that prime minister benjamin netanyahu resign because they're unhappy with how he has handled the war. and they accuse him of trying to prolong the war in order to stay in power longer. but then you, you see on a day like today, this is supposed to be a solemn date. and the fact that there were ministers far right. we ministers, i get to more been v or, and visit else much rich, who is the finance minister, mood when they visited the cemeteries that shows you with the rifts in his release as he. 3 the right now when it comes to how the war is being carried out, fact the matter is that you have more and more people in israel that are saying they do not believe the government is doing its utmost to ensure that those captive still being held in god's up will be returned to them. this is something that i was hearing up until this past week when our operation was shut down and his real,
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whether at a protest or speaking to others. and now you're seeing on, on a day like today on a day when the prime minister wouldn't benjamin. that's the one who was telling on assembled crowd that there was strength through unity and israel and saying that that there will be victory. and that those capt. as will be returned home once victory is achieve. but there's a lot of people in israel that simply don't believe this. and even though you have opinion full after opinion, full and is real, showing that people do back the war effort, you do have a growing number of citizen israel questioning how the government is carrying out this war. and if they are doing it in the best way possible, not just to try to defeat how much, but also to try to ensure those captives can be returned to their loved ones. ok, look, that's all really interesting. and, and it's worth bearing in mind the roles, which as you say, show that the majority of his release back this war effort. there's something really interesting that you flagged earlier. and it is the, the, you said, the military establishment has been messaging indirectly, but messaging. none,
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the less that the political leadership is kind of letting them down, explain that. so 0, what we're seeing when we look throughout the is rarely media landscape because we cannot report from there anymore. we're seeing that there are a named is really military officials for being quoted in is really media outlets. very much questioning how prime minister netanyahu is carrying out the war effort, what the war cabinet is doing. and there are several things that are being question . one of the things that's being questioned is if the israeli government should be doing more to try to enter into a ceasefire, so those captives can be returned home. another thing they're questioning is if that's in yahoo is in fact only trying to satisfy the far right wing members of his coalition. people like been goofy, or people like smart rich, who for months have said that if nothing, you know,
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who does not go into the fact that they might walk away from the government, just jeopardizing his leadership. the other thing they're questioning is where the relationship between the us and israel stands right now because you have several military officials last week, a named officials, but military officials and the less being courted and is really media saying that the fact that the us is threatening to withhold more weapons to israel, that is very concerning to them. it's concerning to them about where exactly the relationship between the us and israel is right now. if this is a fracture that will grow going forward and also how it impacts how they will carry out the war, not just the war and gaza, but if there are conflicts on other fronts going forward. so there is a lot of concern amongst the military officials in israel right now. again, they're not speaking officially publicly, but you're seeing throughout these really media landscape. these voices grow louder and louder. 0 and mohammed always get to talk to you as well. how many times you are reporting from amman, jordan, because these really government, once again,
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has been down to 0 in israel. thank you. is still a head on alpha 0, millions votes in the 4th phase of india's general election, prime minister and a render moody is seeking a 3rd term. the get to see you were off and running with your weather report, kicking this one off in india where most of the action is in the south, around careless state, blanketed in brain for them all, deeds. and that weather also pushes industry longer. so it's going for a closer look. things are changing a bit. it's looking like the heaviest pulses of rain may now be just to the south of candy, but in this area could see about a months worth of rain in the span of 24 hours. that could produce flooding, there's been some flooding nearby, dang, in west sumatra,
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province on sumatra. island in indonesia. we saw about a months worth of rain in the span of 2 days and you guessed it. it is still raining in this area on to stay with those bursts of rain over flood hit parts. so water levels will not be going down any time soon. as some storms hit and miss across indo china, we've got flood alerts just to the west of the about and it now island in the philippines and we thought weather that scooted away from china. well ok, this temperatures on the way up. so the, the cross, the hello river valley junk jo at $34.00 degrees and it tries off in japan as well . that's where all the weather was tokyo at 24 degrees and the land is for the reports and buckets, dawn, it's hot here too. and same province, jacob, about 45 degrees for you on tuesdays here in a bit. the outcast foundation is deliberate, over $300000000.00 will suffice. emboldened $75.00 countries around the world,
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100 percent of set on an emergency donation spence on projects. and we ensure beneficiaries come 1st of a $300.00 on luis of insect goes through the roof, the crossing in recent months. our most of these bless and the bless i'm we all turning your donations into direct delivery in the shortest possible time donates with confidence. the you're watching, i was a 0 reminder. the headlines this been more violence in north and south gaza palestinian groups say they are engaged in running battles with his really forces, an east of which a volume refugee camp civilians are fleeing in search of 6. members of v,
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as really cabinet had been hickle's across the country as the marks memorial day, prime minister benjamin netanyahu, whose government is facing protests for its handling of the law. students at mc, daniel university are occupying the main hall following a staff walk out with hundreds more protesting outside. so we're watching the live shot right now. this is in amsterdam, the employees action was in response to a violent police correct down on campus, protest against israel's board. gotcha. it's a place. last week, the students are demanding their school divest from is really links companies and they're calling for a ceasefire in gaza as a key witness to set to take the stand in the criminal trial. a former us present donald trump. michael cohen is trumps. former personal attorney sometimes referred to as his fixer. he's expected to testify about his role in arranging harsh money payments on trump's behalf,
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including 2 porn star stormy daniels. trump has denied the allegations. houses here as christine salumi is outside the court in new york. so christian, i think it's fair to say stormy daniels, michael cohen. the 2 star witnesses here. it's michael cohen's date today. how much is writing? on his testimony, the a michael cohen is considered as he witness in this case a lot is riding on his testimony. he is essentially so lynch pen and a so called catch and kill skiing. that was allegedly orchestrated by former president donald trump. and the publisher of a tabloid by the name of david tucker, they allegedly couldn't contrived with each other to buy any stories in the run up to the 2016 election that could be seen as negative. for donald trump, as he was running for election and very that not publish them. and michael cohen is
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also the man who is responsible for paying stormy daniels, a $130000.00 to not share her story publicly. of course donald trump has denied that he had any kind of an affair with stormy daniels. he's denied that he knew anything about these payments. and it's a characterization of these payments as legal fees that are at the heart of this case that the prosecutor has to prove that they were disguised in order to hide the payments for a campaign fraud speed. so now the, the michael cohen is someone who has been convicted of perjury. under ot serve time. he's admitted to line to congress. and just this morning on the stand, he said that he loved working for donald trump and would live for him. and bully for him. this is something that we expect the prosecution and needed to try to
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downplay while the defense is going to make an issue of his credibility as a witness. and kristen forgive me for pointing out the obvious, but trump is running for president and throughout all of this, the election is less than 6 months away. how is this trial affecting the campaign? it was quite interesting in the last couple of weeks. the child's been going on for 4 weeks now, and it's been overshadowed somewhat by these war and gaza in the college demonstrations here in the united states. taking up a lot of the media's attaching in the last couple of weeks. a lot of the salacious details about the alleged relationship with stormy daniels were known to the public . and recent polls even suggests that many americans don't expect him to be convicted of discharge. however, there are also pulls that say if he is convicted, that they, that trump supporters would consider changing about of
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a 5th of them would consider changing their both if he is convicted of a felony in this case. so it seems like the public is not paying a lot of attention to it right now, but it could have an impact obviously because the race between him and present invited is so close. and of course, and so then the reporting from outside the court house in new york. thank you very much. police in amsterdam or moving against palestine. solidarity protest. as at the university of amsterdam, we were just showing you the live pictures were going back to them alpha 0. step dawson, is there a step? okay, i can see you now. i can see the right police next to you in crowds behind them. what's going on yeah, we are probably the highest, it's for each line because a very quickly in the last few minutes move from the. 6 pushing all the way has been progressing since this morning for us. it was
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the diversity stop for the rest of the lecture against exactly what's happened last week. police do the same. we're in the same situation once again, just a few minutes ago i saw a move in reaching out. a to be able to talk with him about him, they were really harsh. he's pushing them out. and you can see i'm surrounded here by police and full year 100 students sat up some dance inside the main goal. and they are now what i heard or read into the outside, but these to you can see them also there. even on the other side of the now here, there's a lot of solidarity for these students. a lot of the process is around the country have similar protests today and they will not expect say this because the student town, so it has all the university board to resign. after what happened last week,
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then the bulldozer came in a honda to police and they were beating. 0 students, lots of them got a police back here at the same time. and what is the university saying about if you have been trying to speak to them all day, but they refuse to say, i don't think they have the model or what happened last week because we weren't here to peacefully to set up our account money to protest against the war and you guys the and also demanding that you offer something to stop the highest with the universities and then police came in like our our rates are. 7 so compared to other countries, they say the, it also does have a track down we partially on the student protests in the country. of course, we all know has a right to process. and that's exactly what these folks as well to say, where is our rights to demonstrate a need for anger?
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feels about what's going on. and we find this anger every time, protest step where the this all started because of the crack down on the student protests at a university. i mean at this university amsterdam university. 7 if you take us back to that initial moment where the students doing anything provocative that would have dealt with in any way, sort of lawrence, that kind of violence. moving in by the police all the students, especially the university staff. i spoke to several teacher here at the institute for years. okay. it's not been seen anything like that. they were just totally protesting. now last week, the setup, sometimes they had their bios, they had some service, but then police was called in by the university board quickly. and he wasn't crying pretty much immediately. and that was something that has really gone down the wrong
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way. and now is that haven, the thing we are to the people who are not showing in last week joining us today and there's nothing blowing while we speak escape if you could, if you could say word for us because we've seen protests and seen events kind of similar to this in the us and other places in europe. but in the middle is a country that is known for, you know, a great amount of, of freedom in what you can say publicly and the kind of opinions that you can voice publicly. how does this sit, what we're seeing now? how does this sits with the culture? well that's exactly what the students are also asking themselves because.


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