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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 13, 2024 6:00pm-7:01pm AST

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the 100 on luis hobbins had gone through the rustic crossing in recent months. most of these bless and the bless. i'm wheel turning your donations into direct delivery in the shortest possible time donates with confidence the the color there uninstalled the attain. this isn't use our line from the coming up in the next 60 minutes playing for their lives and fighting intensifies between palestinian groups and is really forces in northern causes to body of refuge account. while in southern gaza is really a types of displaced at least 360000 color stands from rough it was absolutely terrifying because we left people behind and we were terrified for them
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where they. 2 and to go, how are they going to get out? students occupied the main goal at the university bounds to them demanding that advise us from israel link company. and donald trump's for middle and michael cohen is set to testify as his criminal trial. turned on piece of statement with us both matches. the said he boss, pick audio losing his team, they'll lose the premium. the title if they fail to be talk them on tuesday. we'll hear from him later, this new. so the, what's now $1500.00 cmt and we begin this news hour in gaza for hundreds of thousands of palestinians of fleeing is rarely advanced as both in the north and south of casa, these really ami. it has essentially divided the strip through the so called and that's r m card or which should control as you can see that on your screen. let's start with a situation and the noise is really soldiers and times of advance to buy the into
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the jamalia refugee camp. that it engaged in fis baffles of palestinian fighters strikes in the area or supporting the ground operation. also forcing tens of thousands to flee, but escaping south is not an option as it is where the buses are in the prevents this. so most announcing west. meanwhile, in southern garza, doctors at the great hospital and ross, i have received calls from these really ministry ordering them to evacuate the hospital. meanwhile, palestinians also escaping from rafa towards their i'll bullet in the center and also to the on the was the area. at least 360000 people have been displaced in this latest pricing remarks has another day begins in southern gauze with yet another emergency. the helm is this civil defense work is only protection. don't keep costs and risky vehicles of really look remain on the roads and roughly racing to help
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you get to another round of this of the engine in district and city on the see this time that too late a lifeless shoeless mine left out on the street show the team says button is really tonight, but they begin. the green task of covering is cool. the another rush pickup job is going those desktop pushes across 35000 the body very quickly to attempt that then left with little ceremony. the as some
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of the, most of the civil defense teams are still operating in east and central roughly and very difficult. and complicated conditions. recently we headed to the city's main intersection and recovered a number of dead bodies as well as with one other words, it's as simple defense team should be granted entering the areas with this fighting to recover the dead bodies and help the wounded. if they're injured or left without help, without a doubt they'll die. 6 for the north, near jabante account, families have been forced once more to please the within you is really a sold a lot of humanity afraid for their lives as they are re through this hazardous baffles in. high tank is behind the classrooms in the schools. good is our savior and decide or of all state. we did not want to leave until we saw it with our and i kind of thing is in gauze or
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again, forced to flee from anywhere. they found refuge. we don't know where to go. we have been displaced from one place to the next and know we have left. we don't know where to go. we are running industries. i thought with my own eyes i saw the tank and the bulldozer it is on that street a morning of desperate movement offer another night to move to file and fill the months. i'll just data for let's be try correspond attendance. i'll cordaris. she joins us now from daryl's all about some central garza and we're talking more than 360000 people whose now fled officer found many of them to where you are in the central part of this trip. it is obviously, so moving a 1000000 less than a day now i'm preparing to leave to as
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well. yes they are. we have been seeing more people coming from reflected that in black, but unfortunately it that it but it is running out of space. so more people are trying to find any place or space and couldn't eunice. but also, some people are not even able to evacuate through roughly because they do not have the expenses and they are still waiting for more evacuation orders from the is there any forces, but again, people are receiving a phone calls from the is really forces asking them to evacuate, people are trying their best to evacuate before it's got start. the situation is escalating, it's more intense. and we learned that in the past couple of hours that there was a target for a u. n card. it was uh and dropped off. we still don't know what the ad as well what, what the details are because there are certain of the injuries that were was,
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were transferred to the european hospitals, but we know that there has been a talk on the you and car is rough, so it's escalating $0.10 is rising and people are left, displays hopeless, homeless, looking for a space to put their 10th book. at the same time, people are very frustrated because they are forced to flee under fly or are telling the selling and air strikes. and what we're seeing happened right now in the south also means that 2 of the main crossings into goals, including rough uh, a crow ok, and tiny closed by my understanding your outside deluxe, the hospital, which has been on the verge of running out of fuel for a couple of days now, what are you hearing about how long they can actually continue operating? well it's, it's of the situation is very dire. everyone is very scared from the moment. we
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don't like the, the hospital runs out the field. we're talking about more than 600 patients. that's a complete treat. rely on electricity for their kidney. dialysis treatment. we're talking about dozens in the i c u. a department. we're talking about surgeries where there has been at dozens of injuries that were injured by the is there any forces who need immediate injuries and these injuries take place? surgeries, take place in every hour. all of these operations need electricity. and if the electricity doesn't the, it's if the fuel cuts and it's going to shut down where we're risking the lives of hundreds of patients. and it's not only unlocks the hospitals that you are in hospice. and in hon. eunice mentioned that they did not receive any fuel for more than 7 days, and it's going to collapse in any minutes. so this is the situation in the causal trip. in the hospitals,
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all of the hospitals are in the risk of collapsing in any minute because there has been no fuel entering at either from different crossing or from cut him up beside them. at the end of the gallery, there was a very nice just for us from there all about on central garza thank you. and i was speaking of aide, a griffith as rarely as has attacked trucks carrying desperately needed food, a preventing them from reaching garza, i've like this video shows them unloading and then destroying supplies. these vehicles were costing through hebron and the occupied west bank heading towards the st. the strip. as soon as was just saying a inside garza is critically low with them and also now taking code from the doctor's united cell ton is a vascular surgeon in united kingdom. he's been 2 weeks full and tearing up the european hospital and gauze at last month. and he says, kidney patients will likely die if they don't receive diagnosis. essentially the
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ballast is doing the same wrong work. normally goodness do. and when the patients don't have any time, this is done the opposite start to build up into your blood. and slowly it has a box you can effect on the table and the stock. okay. uh, basically last off, every day. the stop is that mostly be the most intense gas was this off to get more or less. and sometimes the winfrey is what it is. nice, they are family members and even in the late stages then they can get more shot of rep. they got more fluid on there just now they can start to get talk for you as well. so basically these patients, they will die. it depends on the patient to patient. so sometimes i'm literally few days and something take 2 weeks normally in the modern or venue will stop anyone. another viruses you basically, and i'll say that as they are going going up here to treatment and they need all the office part of the treatment. so they need all the painkillers and all of the support medications to keep them comfortable so that i don't really so these patients will actually have a very powerful miserable box. was that they were both the one on file. sure. and
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it will be more probably by the, for the family members who will be watching them dine in such a bad, miserable way. so this is a very, very back situation kind of a problem is the logistics because lack of the possible fuel and other issues for patients to get from point a to point b itself is very, very difficult. then they will be talking. all right? no problem. me any time. so most of the time they are even scared of they don't the car trouble. and quite often that you know, they have to dig permissions to move from point a to point b. so to get treatment in those, all right now is very, very difficult. it's all set to manual displaced processing. and nadine after lot is says she's been formalized by repeatedly being forced to for you. the 5 thing she spoke top correspondents are a couple of them in general about about her experience. the 1st of all, my name's the dean. i'm 13 years old and i was every i've a refugee from many places, not only from are from many places from guys and they said i have to identify we have been martin traumatized from these experience. my experience from what i buy
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to do, but it was absolutely terrifying. first of all, it was, let's not forget the fact that it was expensive to find a car and was hard design the car. and we can't even, we couldn't even put all of our stuff. we had to leave stuff ended up because some from that it was actually terrifying. and the fact that we had to go into groups to different cars and 2 different times. it was absolutely terrifying because we left people behind and we were terrified for them. where are they going to go? how are they going to get out? those are questions that came in my head. we were stuffed in that car. i'm going to tell you stuff, stuff, so in our labs, people on the, on top of each other, we had the least 10 people in one car with all of our stuff to it was absolutely terrifying and i never one experienced that no child should experience that no child seeing that or even views that it is absolutely terrifying. these
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children do not deserve to live like this as a palace to mean go, how do you see now you few to in light of the unrelenting circle of destruction and with the incoming military offensive. only chat, treat if this keeps going on, they're going to keep killing their future and you know what their future is, is our children, it's us where the words future. every child is the words future and you're killing millions and yet thousands of children, you're killing your future, you're destroying your future. you're just going in your life. these children don't deserve this. i do not see a future impulse site if this keeps going on. and this indeed, and yes indeed has to stop. we have as many trying to raise these fire. yeah. again, that the odd one out, the occupation comes out and says, it is not your rights. you should die, you should be killed. all right, it's, it's not fair. it's not fair since when was it a law to not like,
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not like the fact that you're not, you're killing children since when was that a loss is where has that exist and where? where are the papers that were signed from all those countries about children rights, about human rights? where did those go? again, i do not see any kind of future here in gaza if this keeps going on and i do not see any process nor future around the ward. let me tell you they're not going to stop and drop. if they're not stop, they're going to continue and go around. oh god. so once again, don't like times if they don't stop them. oh, israel is mocking it's memorial day and the shadow of it's devastating war garza, the families of israeli soldiers, food fall right, security, minnesota, if someone can give is he arrived at a cemetery and i stalled prime minister benjamin netanyahu, whose government is facing protests for its handling of all the days use to amend
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the soldiers who have been killed in battle as well. still tend to more ahead for you this news our including the is fast by saying and you kind skunky region as russian forces continued to make. yvonne protests outside george's parliament, but it's controversial or fund into and spill still moves a step closer to the coming to the donald trump's formula. and michael cohen has currently taking the stand at the form of us presidents criminal trial in new york. cohen is expected to tell drawers that from his payments made to a point style to hide in the fan the run up to the 2016 presidential election, prosecutors accused drums of concealing a re investment, which was made to co and as a business expense. trump has pleaded not guilty to fancy,
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full accounts of falsifying business records without speak to kristin telling me she was watching the proceedings forest outside the cold bed in new york. present a huge amount is riding on co ins, testimonies today, and he can be a little unpredictable, but it does so far seem to be going as planned for the prosecution. the yes, well, a lot is writing on michael cohen is testimony. he is a key witness, in this case, the lynch pen of the so called catching kill scheme that was allegedly orchestrated by the publisher of the us tab lloyd named david tucker and the former president donald trump. himself. this was in 2016 in the run up to that presidential election . the idea was for david packer to buy any negative news stories that could negatively impact the campaign and then not publish them. and michael cohen was
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a key player in that alleged scheme. he is also the person who paid stormy daniels, a adult film star, $130000.00. he claims that the direction and with the knowledge of president trump, who then recorded those payments as legal fees, and that's at the heart of this case. but michael cohen, as you suggested, does have very much a credibility issue. going into this into this trial in 2018. he pleaded guilty to a number of charges including lying under oath in relation to his conduct when he worked for the former president. and that is something that we do expect the defense in this case to try to hone in on to discredit him because he is so key to the case this morning. he described his days working for the former president working for trump before he was present. and saying that he would lie for
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him and bully for him and do whatever he asked because he was considered at an amazing job. kristen, by my account, with 5 weeks into this trial, just one of several involving trumping and election. you how is this one affecting his campaign? it's interesting in the last couple of weeks, the demonstrations on college campuses calling for cease fire and gaza have really dominated us and international news to a great extent and they seem to be hurting president, bide and paul. just came out today and the new york times showing that former president trump is now leading bite in in 5 key battleground states. a lot of the most salacious details from this trial itself were already known to the public. the public doesn't seem to be paying as close attention. the question is,
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does the case here rise to the actual felony crime? people have accept to the fact that president trump engage and some question will be behavior before he was elected. they have to prove, in this case, that he was actually hiding the payments to get elected and, and that's the stretch that the public does not seem quite ready to accept. yet. however, at the same time, there have been poll suggesting that if he is convicted, if the jury finds him guilty, that at least a 5th of his supporters would reconsider their vote for him. so it is still a concern for the president, but how it plays out. we'll have to see the prosecution saying that they expect to wrap up their case by the end of this week. the big question is, will donald trump himself takes a witness to on, to testify for the defense and a huge, huge stay in court today? kristen is telling me that keep him out of things for us in new york sign to kristen. the
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russia says it's taking 9 villages, isn't and it's new offensive in the khaki region of northeastern ukraine. more than 5000 people have now been moved to safety as field sufficing process for full stay and not for the area. it's on home and reports from ukraine and capital the, the, the craze policies putting called on the new, from the ne, in how to key region for us. your lowest across the board are offensive on friday, and it's troops bouncing most cases, it's already taken several villages. the crane says it's trying to contain via so, but it's on the but so that choice, you notice, have been issued for thousands of people. bill, the new fighting takes place, 500 meters away from my house, the rupture, rivers, 500 meters from my house,
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and the russians on the other side, ukrainian tanks rolling, shoot, and rode out for you. so when you do it most kindly, apple is the most know that the cranium, presidents has the flight and is more intense on another part of the front line and the beast lost them aside on that. if the idea behind the attacks and the khaki region is displayed on forces than an on demand, the motivation for ukrainians to defend themselves, the pol cross direction is the most difficult to spot everything to the line that has been susie combat engagements or the metix they were pulling out wounded troops . the soldier was concussed after a russian motor attack ship sometimes on the desk. there was a wheel coating, but it is difficult. we keep up the defense and that's it. was one of the 2 to the attack from multiple directions on the model. 1000 kilometer front line means that you crane you know me just trying to plug similar time you sleep, a number of gaps, an army outgunned and outlined on
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u. s. t. the secretary of state and to be blinked and said that there's been a cost in the months long delay in getting a $61000000000.00 us military, a package approved it was held up in the republican majority. congress lincoln said defense equipment with $400000000.00 of no been prioritized weapons already beginning to arrive here more or expected to be delivered next month, including a 16 flight to jets. but ukraine says it desperately needs, but some of the items will take many months to get in and to the front line. it means a significant window for russia to press home its advantage. and that's exactly what it's doing on the home. and i would just say the key and the person has replaced russia's defense minister with a civilian. for one deputy prime minister andre bell yourselves is to take on the
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role. he's an economist with no previous military experience, but i solve it will be replacing. so i can show you that one of present versions closest political allies. the move is expected to be formalized by parliament's approval. also, jabari has moved from moscow. the latest defense minister in the russian army is going to be 65 year old economist andre belo solve the selection by the russian president vladimir putting it came on sunday evening. now we have seen the well known former deputy prime minister and a very experienced economist, eh, come into the opera house of parliament on monday, where he answer some questions by various officials. and he made a statement, during which he said that there needs to be a solution to the problem of bureaucracy associated with confirming the benefits of the military personnel is the selection of the beller bella solved,
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is being seen as an important one. by the latter, we're putting because this man's expertise, like in a financial sector in the country. so it's clear that's the number of problems facing the defense ministry in terms of accusations of corruption. miss management and investment is going to be something that this newly appointed defense. but as far as going to be tasks with tackling it does not have any immediate implications for russian forces fighting on the ground in ukraine and betts. it's been seen as a move by battery. we're putting to really streamline the defense ministry, which will in turn make the underground operations much more efficient down the lines. the newly appointed defense minister still has to be officially confirmed by the federation council. it is expected that to be just a formality. and for now, the choice has been seen as an important one in terms of how the latter we're
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putting in visions, the countries as defense ministry, which is now receiving around 6 and a half percent of the countries. judy p. how will move forward in the near future door? so safari al serra moscow i purchased all, continuing in georgia off the bottom in the approved a final version on a controversial foreign influence bill. the vote will happen on tuesday. opponent say that if it's past the little could be used to crack down on defense and will say risk, the country's bid to join the european union to meet you and have it on co reports from the capital to racing. sporadic scuffles as thousands of georgians gathered the upon them and demanding the so called for an agents bill be dropped. several people injured dozens detained. many staying through the nights to make a stand. they were met with a large police force sealing off the building. i have never seen these amounts of follies and i, i think that all the policemen are here now, and i,
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i really think like there's some of the might be some problems the other side of the city or the country because everyone is you mobilized. i've been here all night to defend my constitutional rights and to the, to nice not flush our ruling party to posit russian law and to, for georgia to not become russian protest to say it's similar to a law adopted in russia 12 years ago now used to crack down on the sense the bill will require a n, g o's and media receiving at least 20 percent of the funding to declare themselves . agents a for an influence demonstrate as expected, a long stand off during the reading of the law and order solve the problem is traditional committee cleared it in under 2 minutes or so to get to it separately up the ruling georgia dream policy and its allies have enough seats to win the vote on tuesday, because sometimes it is a member and the head of parliament's for an offense committee. he explained why the party wants this vote now,
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because the elections are upcoming. and we see that the forwarding interference into elections in any country has become a standard practice. and the funding interference is done not through a political parties on leave, but also through a non governmental translations. therefore, we need the transparency of funding or for any or for a non governmental organizations. e, you officials continue to apply pressure saying the bill could and georgia's bid to join the you. instead of making general comments. they, you should tell us which article on the law is not compatible with the european centers with the final vote on this bill taking place at noon on tuesday. these people here say that's definitely going to come. they're gonna skip work. they're going to skip clauses in order to make themselves to meet them at that go out to 0 . and i'll still head here on, i'll just there are millions verge in the 4th phase of india is general election as prime minister and run from idc. fun time and the deadman docket. so back on level
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times and the n b a playoffs piece, it will have all the action for you coming off the hello again, we're going to power up some severe thunderstorms for the southern states. so let me show you eastern texas, louisiana and mississippi and alabama anywhere and this. so could see some very nasty weather winds potentially could push past a 100 kilometers per hour and some of the storms could drop. hail also can't rule out a tornado or 2 in this area. spells of showers across the great lakes that will move in to the us northeast. and really this is going to be the theme. through this coming week to the west, we go also spells of showers across the canadian prairies here the northern plains hidden best. most people will see sunshine and sun, the order of the day up and down california looking good things are heating up in
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the desert. southwest, let's go 37 degrees in phoenix today on monday. also hawks in this part of the world. we've got a warm breeze blowing around, but it is steering some rain into coast to wreak on panama, that meets up with the wet weather across the top end of south america. so it's a big burst of rain for brazil's amazon at state. and yes, it is still raining in flood had parts of southern brazil and rio grande to salt state. it's capital ports of lake or a southerly wind here means it's cooler, but high supple alerts issued for heat and rio de janeiro. we could match our hottest made a on record of record. we broke just a few weeks ago of the a 106 kilometers stretched, remote and powerless jungle. only land route to south america for migrants. city, the size of the united states. a voyage, but for some is their loss. none the less for accomplish families. it's
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a risk they are willing to take full lines in the box on this unforgiving journey to tell the story of one of the children of the barium go on up just now let me tell you almost suffice the cold result. the 1st of its kind in west africa, we were surrounded by a wild life. from the moment we entered a coupon. occupied right now able to practice what the now be used. only electric very close here, like common here, sits on to play with a large tires, basically, but look in my private now. thanks. royal. i can also offer somebody valley equal, resorted in gun the the,
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[000:00:00;00] the welcome back to what technology is here on. that's to remind you about top stories, the ssl and they have been more attacks and north and south and also how to send in groups say they are engaged in running bottles of israeli forces. east, the devali, a refugee camps, civilians having cleaning for stacy. and while the group is rainy's has attacked trucks carrying desperately needed food, aid for goss footage of choice, unloading and destroying supplies. as the vehicles crossed through hebron any occupied westbank and no waiting to take office, israel's will has left many children orphaned. those who survive face a hard road ahead like cars on from northern garza, she not only lost her entire family and as right, but she was also left disabled. here's
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a story as told by rush. unless the hand i'm does but the from her mother will be estimate and the amount of money by end of the to so i'm fine with nancy. nancy o lucas velasquez then. then i'll shut off. i'm to be a dumb mistaken desk. mozilla home fits a song that i am calling i had has the chevy. we cannot solve this hopefully at all when something in the on new to you know, june what have you hidden. huh. have they on him? hold on top of the game. yeah. i knew someone fall short enough, but does that mean we, you know, june the, he did the scan appear on the one my side on the customer, one low, high on the bottom from the most of these can really understand and have those, these thing the minute see the man run talk to sort of june the general for the that the, just the set of do mazda and huh. i'm going to tell you how i've been tested for
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the frontier footage. and huh. well, he's been john nick theater. we're going to have the construct or button you're going to have said have come in will give me one second time i was really full time . so i know how want to know with little of about what she unload the real about. the other part of the can given in the sabbath young and come didn't napkin for kayla. hi ma'am. the hand. huh. or to go through washington. haven't packed had been the need to see if the likely gets the send him the level get that send me the receipt of a good guy in a month. have to apply given them a shop on the g. b. a bought how or why henry got along on that. huh. yeah, i know michelle go him is she in the stumble across for whom jani and hot spots will have to hang on to the house so you know, very good. um yeah, i lot the buttons must have been. yeah, i mean,
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i'm not sure how long i've been in the kentucky to what to pull students at amsterdam university have an occupying the main hall following a staff full count with hundreds more protesting outside the employee's action. was in response to a violent police crackdown on campus protests against as well as were on guns. the last week the students are demanding that the schools divest from his ratings companies and also for him for a safe spot and regardless stress. well, let's go straight to our correspondence step boss, and she's on the ground that for us, and i'm to them a step for the last few hours. there was a very strong police presence that behind you took us through the situation as it stands right now. while the fat reheated today here at the university of am so them the police is spelled blocking the entrance to the university after they chased out violently. hundreds of protests of it started old as a repeat for
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a rally against police violence. hundreds of university staff progress was select trust left walked out of the university out of the classes early this morning to show that protest against police violence which happened last week against students . and now after the peaceful rally, students went inside the main hall of doing the versity and not much later police came in again and they were using force against these protests again. and i'm here with one of the people who was on the wrong side of a baton police, but on my time deputies are electra himself for public political science. thank you so much for joining us here. you've got some of the things here i just took just a while ago. yeah, we were uh, there were a couple of students sitting over there. and at one point the right police came and apparently wanted people to, to move from this area. so they started pushing, but there was a huge crowd here, so people couldn't move. and at one point instead of just pushing,
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they started beating people once there were 2 small are students in front of me, so i try to inject them and i got hit on the arm quite badly. and also in the head . yeah, no, i heard this, at least i'm a students both tests those who have been receiving 1st aids. this riley was meant as a protest against police violence. right. what do you make of the fact that this happened? again, it's really disappointing. also, not very surprising because, you know, did, did university and the municipality to have a truck were wrecker and calling to police and, and in quite large numbers and with quite a lot of finance. but it's, it's also a necessary so it's, it's, it's really disappointing. and people are, are, are hurting, the staff members are hurting students are hurting. and it makes you wonder why, why, why like this. of course, this is all because of a protest against a what happens in guys are right now, and i knew as a university. electra also participated in the protest last week and demanding the university to prep ties with. it's for
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a university's what has happened has to be listen at all to you. well, there have been negotiations. so there are 3 demands that the students put on the table to that day that the university discloses information about the ties that they have with it's different. so he's writing economic institution, but also that they break dice with these institutions because they are completed in, in, in apartheid in genocide in the occupation for a long time already. and also we want them to reconsider which is called divestment reconsidered ties and corporations with companies that also benefit from the occupation from apartheid and from genocide. and so these were the demands of, or on the table. and instead of, you know, pursuing these negotiations in a serious manner and they called into it's called into police. so so violence, instead of conversations instead of negotiations, which is really disappointing. that's what the, thank you so much for joining us. so as what's the time to exercise that side of
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those every peaceful and it has escalated again a the board of the university will release the statement later, but earlier they said they called and police because of some damages. students have done, they sat inside the university about the student council of this whole university, past demand, the hole boards to resign officer, what's happened, and all the police violence they saw in a very, very interesting intense week there announced it on step boss. and for us with all the very nice has to thank houston as well. meanwhile, another university in the united states has agreed to consider divesting from companies that do business in israel, and to deal with protesting students paid ministration at johns hopkins university . heated the key to monitor students who would also set up an anti war incumbent on their campus. public health and report tense home to protesters on the johns hopkins university campus for the last 13 days voluntarily
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taken down after they were able to make a deal with the university officials. the administration is offering us a very fast track review of our divestment concerns. and then the boat, the board of trustees is going to vote on that. in either march or june of 2025. as part of the deal, the student protesters will also not face disciplinary action. and the protesters have agreed not to disrupt the upcoming graduation ceremony. something that has happened across the country in the last few days. at duke university students walk out before committee and jerry seinfeld, a vocal supporter of israel gave a speech. this was received at the university of california berkeley. and the university of north carolina chapel hill. protest after the ceremonies at the university of texas in austin and it virginia commonwealth university.
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students walked out as the governor began to speak to protest the violent police correct down against protesters. supporting post died on campus. those tactics have been the norm across the country. police in riot gear using pepper spray and violence to arrest nearly 2900 people at 57 universities back at johns hopkins. just one of 6 universities to agree to a peaceful settlement protest or say this part is over, but it is just at the beginning. this agreement will be the 1st step in a much longer fight, and it will allow us to regroup and focus our energy on future actions and on future agitation towards the ultimate goal of a total divestment from of israel. now they have a promise that a vote will happen on whether the schools large endowment will divest from firms and defense contractors that help israel just not a guarantee that they'll vote in their favor. patio pain,
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elda 0. washington. the little 4th round of everything in india is 7 phase general elections has now ended with the people of indian administered the customer among those costing the balance for the 1st time in decades, the government, the j. p did not contest any seats and the cost me about a reminder, the indian government hasn't not gone to the visa is trudge on us. so we're covering the selection from outside the country. full game has casting the ballots under the watchful eye of security forces. focusing indian administer kashmir, queued up to choose a candidate to represent that best interests. it's the 1st problem entry election since 2019, when 5 minutes sitting around to emote, these government revoke to regions special status and voted on the central government control ending its semi autonomy and rights to land into jobs. barely bought
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a new clothing and will don nick any of this boat is important because it's the 1st election since the low exchange. we have been facing a lot of difficulties ever since. all young people are being harassed. the notable land is being taken away. the mother has been good doesn't seems as if prime minister, moody had not removed us ago. $370.00 the most people would have voted for cash me is divided between india impacts done both of which claim it in its entirety, the buyer t. a gena top polity. has defended its controversial move, say adult relative peace and stability to the region, often decades of violence. but it hasn't filled it any candidates in the cache. me a volley, a muslim majority region, which i p is not feeling a candidate because i fear defeat. there's a lot of local unpopularity the for the beach, i pay and i, it's the 1st $1.00 for about to use. i have not had a candidate for our luck some of our election and i do,
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they think they going to lose and that will be not just the last but of dropping. the 1st phase of elections is crucial for the b. j. p. the 96 parliamentary seats contested are in southern and eastern seats, where the party support base isn't as dominant. but this one and also included some b j. p strongholds where it's hoping to make for the gains. moody seeking a said to him as prime minister, his hindu nationalist parties up against the lines of opposition policies. despite the election rules, this being arise in hate speech during the campaigns. but for voters developments, one of the main concerns upgrade your ranking up issues have him do this. he's mostly we'll take there's no way you need development and progress for rules you to the final round of voting will be held on june. the 1st and most all to expect it's 3 days later. poking out a 0 reminder, the indian government has not gone to the visas to elders here as john les. so we
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are now covering the selection from outside the country. how these 3 people have been killed and several others wounded off to police, fired into crowds of protest as and pockets. donnie administered customer and nearly $20000.00 demonstrations that had been notching towards the city was, are far above their rallying against the rising cost of energy. and high taxes and protests that have not entered a full stay problem, especially about cerise, has quoted emergency meeting with leaders from around the region is also improved in $86000000.00 ground to ease price impressions. so it has got a stone slash clouds, triggered by heavy rain, has killed at least 315 people. they're all so fast, the death toll could rise out of there. i spoke to displaced residence in the northern bergland province. one of the hardest hit areas, calahan reports buried on demand in debris, the ruins of what with family homes. the fullest of friday's, flog, destroyed thousands of properties across bygone province. isn't that going to move
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in again? this is my life, but you see now all these what housing have it for? one house off to another, scared reflect, came and took everything with it because of what i'm booked, the act, the number of it on. it also took more than 300 lives, according to the taliban ministry for refugees, a number that is likely to rise. oh, many of the victims have already been buried or not. i mean, i lost 13 members of my family, including women and children, have a lot of flood waters washed out in time. the villages ended livelihoods. the guy said to them, we don't have cleaned water to drink and there's nowhere to live, nothing to you. that is everything, including the school and the clinic, are gone. unseasonal heavy rains close to flash flooding, sweeping through several provinces across afghanistan. line is considered the worst to fix it. while it is not about that in the i don't know what health is coming to us from the government. there is no life left for us. i mean, why should we go?
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this is my house and all of it is destroyed. there is no life left for me anymore. many of the roads and announces the regions paved in mud, making it difficult for rescue teams to reach remote areas. diggers on needed to combat the palm. so you at the top, i expect the government and the you end to provide us with shelter, water medicine or somewhere to live so that all these people can be safe or not. the people in the bag land a waiting for that desperately needed help to arrive. kindly tell them and how does the heavy rains have target flash floods and 9 slides in the indonesian province of west small tra, at least $37.00 people have dies that including children. thousands of still missing one major road was partially washed away, making rescue operations even more difficult. the number of people killed by flash flooding in brazil, southern most states has risen to at least
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a 143 river levels rising again in where we run day. the sole and heavy rain has been triggering the floods. more than half a 1000000 people have been forced from their homes, are still ahead here on out as their children are heading back to school in kenya, off the weeks of flooding that but they off is the rest, have not gone away. some big hit somebody and they tell the best of the action from the sales coming up shortly with pizza and sold the business like this to be sponsored by interlock tuck. he's real estate consultant.
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the businesslike has to be sponsored by interlock stuck. he's real estate consultant, the the
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one that it is time for supporting his pizza mississauga. thank you so much bye. just a said he boss. pick claudio that has one of these plans that a rick or full straight english premium e. title is in the hands and bethel lose it if they failed. so when they gave me the hand, the defending champions face talked them on tuesday with 2 games to go in the premium each season. that needs to pick up maximum points to be certain of winning the title overall signal. you know, the mites it is easy. so to himself was a window into, into prime at least. and these are what do you have to do and to do something like this come to never now the team has done it. so you have to do something special exception that i would say is the time to do it otherwise or so it would be jumping . so here's how things stand also lead by a points having played one game olden city who faced screws on to say then on sunday, both teams or an action is that the wraps up city take on waste time and also face . and it's also kept
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a lot of they hopes of lifting the traffic for the 1st time in 20 years by beating manchester, united one little on sunday. the under toss out with the only goal of the game off the 20 minutes. that makes it $27.00 windows for also this campaign. it's a most in a premium the season. we want to really know that door and open the box of dreams to leave the last on the final day of the end of the season in front of our people . we therefore change it to when they're premier, they can, that's something that's we're going to leave to gather an actual place that we're going to do with this place. i'm a stuff spite labor to. so no one came away from emulating awesome old invisibles. i'm getting an entire league season, i'm beaten driven champions. people from 5 mills to make a 50 games without the seasonal competitions or the albums vogue span the in a way of becoming the 5th side to go a hold the speaker campaign. i'm beaten off to that, they face, that's a line saying the road for the final and kinds of slauson in the gym and comp final
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. the end of an ear with attendant about the site is final home games. a parent send you matt. and he was made captains for the match against to lose, and the signed or for the both the problems with the goals. but it wasn't the perfect send off se, se, repeating 31. that didn't sound from the mood that was the french championship presented with the lead a trophy off to the back. the defending in b, a champions. the date of the nuggets of tide. they play with series against the minnesota temples last week. they were really struggling to nothing down in the west and conference semi final, but they won game 3 and no game full in minneapolis, 115 points to 107 because of your school, 35 points and jamal. very good. 19, including this positive be so from off codes, they now head back to the end of the game 5 with a chance to go ahead in the series. the 1st is when we want to games, they want to games at this point is whoever went to the game so i don't know how people look at it, but i look at it like i'm,
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i'm happy i'm ready is competing at the highest level and i'm smiling about it because i'm happy, i'm ready to go play it. we play tomorrow, i'll be ready. so it's going to be fun. things are also level in the eastern conference, any final between the indiana pacers and the new york mix fairies halliburton school 20 is the pace is blue, the next away and gainful putting by 52 points. it's the 3rd biggest winning margin for the faces. the may franchise so pastry the series itself, the $22.00 heading, instigating 5 at madison square garden. this russian full seat on very rude legs as being dumped out of the tiny and open in the 3rd round. a francis alexander miller . it started what a mouthful relieved he took the 1st 663, and the last 16 had other ideas differential and fighting back to when 63, and 62 for his 1st ever. when over the top 10 player, you will play stefano the total own nicholas jedi makes no problems for the 2 of them. and 6 feed step,
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one of the 16 process. the piece was up against this is cameron newly. the 2nd 7 cd it thinks about us taking care of business and say, any routine fashion 6 to and 76 in the last 16 he will take them straight. is alex them and know that's all for the 9 seats. we'll felix those. the theme in the 3rd round, the canadian actually won the 1st date, 76. but also that simon was able to take control. he still had to work hard though to win the remaining fits 64, and 6 foot on the women side, naomi soc, is running room is being ended by 7 see to chain when ging in the last 16 o soccer was playing in the teddy and capital for the 1st time in 3 years following him as soon as he break at the full time grand slam champion fell 6. 26, for jane will say cause a golf in the come to find this is even rugby. captain sam came overtime from internationals at the end of 2020 the full. the 32 year old has signed a 3 year deal with japanese club focus on goliath,
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kansas captain buell next 27 times and won the world copying 2015. and it was a big hits in the n h l fails when the bus from bruise and florida panthers, when hit the head and gainful boston with the home team. and they took a to go lead in this one on track 2 levels. the series of the pens is perfect. $215.00 say a $31.00 off over old, and the bruins are on the brink of elimination. so there was a more heated moments when the vancouver canucks and edmonton oilers collided in a series. it was the canucks who came out on top in game 3, professor and alias went home, both at school in 2 goals each and a full 3 victory. and that moves vancouver to one up over one. and he has one full form and a one friends h. luxury watches belonging to legend creek drive. and michael schumacher all going up for auction on tuesday. the sale organized by shoot back, his family features an 18 code white gold, custom made watch with
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a for all the logo and the number 7 to on a shoot back. a 7, a one titles. it was given to the gym and driving by the former president of the f . i a john thoughts as a christmas presents in 2004 and couldn't sell for more than $2000000.00. schumacher it hasn't been seen in public since the skiing accidents in 2013 or that's what was full of things for the time being. i'll be here again in a few hours with another update that sounds good. thanks so much. visa, all students in kenya have been told to return to school despite weeks flooding that have kills nearly 270 people. every 60 to a primary schools have been effective that are also if he has a multiple and diseases such as cholera could spread. catherine, so i have a full chat from consumer county in west and can much needs to be done in your my south school into single county. students returned to school of the 2 week delay following torrential rains that left hundreds that and
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thousands home last. so some schools across the country have eva been damaged or are under water. aid will cause i also worried about the risk of diseases which i got enough to this level. so the adult of this flow was sucked in. what has been to 90 phase, his students will not be able to use this classroom for awhile. when i came, it was not easy to get into the fees. because mosquitoes. why on over you came and opened vivian does i'm the they have moved out a beach. but i'm going to get this pre. so that's a children have not affected so much because this is larry this, um, i live in a yes. this area is not new to flooding, then yandell river and lake latoria often overflow into neighborhoods. when it rains by residency,
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this has been the worst in recent years. this is unauthorized school and it's clear no children can study in such an environment that teachers are looking for a safe alternative. but it's difficult affected students are temporarily moving to nearby schools, some of which are hosting displaced people. like rosa bill, appeal. house is unbelievable crops, and most of my belongings i really stressed out and was people asking them says well, we're going to leave with that. she is in the cleanings and that's less yes. i don't know where i'm going to review right now. she says things will return to normal in due time, but only until the next, the greens. it's a cycle the same time and again. catherine, sorry to soon county west and can you as well that is it for me and associates? hey,
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for this news i remember you can always find lots more on our website. the address for that is l 0. don't com. don't go away though. i'll be back with more than just a minute. say with the in depth analysis of the days headlines. if that was a rough or offensive, where would the people go? people have no place to give each one of 1000 people has to be displaced at least 2 times frank assessments. this is a mass and blow to free speech and freedom of the press informed opinion. you can be somebody that's on one of the hostages, october 7th, and return. once the killing got to stop the inside story on al jazeera, unique perspective, why is it the doctors didn't get to have to say and any of the medical workforce has been so and devalued by the british government from time on hub voices. tick tock had been a place for organizing politically,
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for getting people to vote for getting people to protest, connect with our community and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere. why is our government taking us to work on the basis of live? we? the public has to get out there and do something about it. the stream on al jazeera in the facility and amazon, a star trail of the ongoing tragedy faced by the enemy, people. for years they have borne the brunt of the legal mining activities in rivers points and with mercury, rendering water. i'm drinkable and fish inedible. in 2023. pressed. and we've seen this one of us to, for them to national task force to expel the invaders from the reserve. more than the year has gone by and nothing has changed or illegal minors return every day. we see there pines coming and going present lula has promised to help deforestation to increase the number of indigenous reserves for self indigenous people here say
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they've come to realize that having government support is not enough. they're still facing strong resistance from the powerful lobby in congress. to the state vill expand the fight from their villages to the countries court rooms and electing their own politicians to save their lives the leading for their lives fighting intensifies between palestinian groups and is really forces in northern causes to body or refugees. news . hello again, i'm this does have, hey, and this is all just here at life from the also coming in southern gaza is really a tax of displaced at least 360000 palestinians from rough. it was absolutely


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