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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 13, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm AST

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the country's court rooms and electing their own politicians to save their lives the leading for their lives, fighting intensifies between palestinian groups and is really forces in northern causes to bother you over the logan i missed of the pay and this is also 0 at life from the also coming in southern garza is really a tax of displaced at least $360000.00 palestinians from rough. it was absolutely terrified because we left people behind and we were terrified for them. where are they going to go? how are they going to get out the students occupied the main whole not invested items to that demanding that it's i best from is ratings. and donald trump,
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for my lawyer, and michael cohen takes the stand at his criminal trial and your, your, the, we begin in garza, hundreds of thousands of palestinians of fleeing is randy advances both in the north and south of casa, these really only appears to have divided the strip through the so called that zone in colorado, which it controls, let's don't with the situation in the know, is there any soldiers and tanks we understand of advanced fava into the jamalia refugee camp. and they're, they're engaged in fist baffles with palestinian fighters as strikes in the area supporting that ground operation. forcing tens of thousands to flee about escaping south is no send option there's and there's really buses are in that prevents this and most of the operating west now in southern galls and meanwhile, doctors of the co is your hospital and ross,
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i have received calls from these ready ministry, ordering them to evacuate the hospital. meanwhile, palestinians all still escaping from rough uh towards that abala in the central part of the strip and to the on the wasi area. at least 360000 people have been displaced in this latest fighting. the monks has no or another day begins in southern gaza with yet another emergency. the helmet is this. civil defense work has only protects and donkey costs and risky vehicles of really look, remain on the roads and wrestling, racing to help you get to another round of this, of the injured in the stricken city on the see this time that too late
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a lifeless shoeless mine left out on the streets shop. the team says barton is really tonight, but maybe getting the green task of covering his pool. the another rush pickup job is gone. his death told pushes cross 35000 the body very quickly to attempt, but then left with little ceremony, the, the civil defense teams are still operating in east and central roughly and very difficult and complicated conditions. recently we headed to the cities main intersection and recovered a number of dead bodies as well as with one other words, it's as simple defense team should be granted entry in the areas with his fighting to recover the dead bodies and help the wounded if they're injured or left without
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help, without a doubt they'll die. 6 further north may jabante account. families have been forced once more to please the with the new is really a sol or a slot of humanity afraid for their lives as they hurried through this hazardous battles. lynn hi de tank is behind the classrooms and the schools go to save you and decide are of all state. we did not want to leave until we saw it with our own eyes. palestinians and gauze are again forced to flee from anywhere they found refuge. we don't know where to go. we have been displaced from one place to the next. and now we have left. we don't know where to go. we are running industries. i saw with my own eyes, i saw the tank and the bulldozer it is on that street. a morning of desperate
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movement off for another night to move to file and fill the months i'll just data on medical records haven't been able to reach the injured image of audio refugee accounts because of his radiate attacks on ambulances. most of color has moved from giovanni, and this is the last of sports in ballasa scan reads. i know the address q andrews and casualties can be devalued if, as you can. so is this way the forces are shooting directly at the end balance as of the off, and so the refuge account. that's why the, on the left is off station here in this area in order to rescue the injuries and casualties that comes the by. i'm going to, uh, i would just look into it and it seems to return if these ready soldiers to jamalia can we recovered large numbers of dead bodies as well as injury victims. tilly,
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sal ambulance, teams and paramedics are facing great difficulties. we kind of have access to the destroyed areas to recover that that will help the into simply these right. it will plains keep firing on us ever since last night. 5 different areas with shelves. the ambulance vehicles were prevented from entering loss and many dead bodies are still lying on the ground under the debris. medical teams around the fire denied access to those areas. will pines in ontario, still pounding residential areas in the refugee camp? many survivors are still trapped under the rubble and we kind of reach them. all we understand is really showing has hit united nations vehicle and east, and rafa a foreign member of staff of the world health organization is injured along with the palestinian driver. these really minute she has a piece of the targeted humanitarian walk, is during its war on concept correspondence. and also dory is in general ballot and central garza but palestinians have been fleeing to as israel intensifies its attacks, more people coming from the gulf. i did that in the last,
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but unfortunately, it indebted bella is running out of space. so more people are trying to find any place or space in 10 units. but also, some people are not even able to evacuate from roughly because they do not have the expenses and they are still waiting for more evacuation orders from the is there any forces must, again, people are receiving of phone calls from the is really forces asking them to evacuate, people are trying their best to evacuate before it's got start. the situation is escalating, it's more intense. and we learned that in the past couple of hours that there was a target for a u. n. car it was uh, in dropbox, we still don't know what the ad as well what, what the details are because there are still the injuries that were was were
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transferred to the european hospitals, but we know that there has been a talk on the you and car is real fast, so it's escalating tensions is rising and people are left this place hopeless homeless, looking for a space to put their 10th book. at the same time, people are very frustrated because they are forced to flee under fly or are tell it is selling and air strikes. 17 year old displaced palestinian nadine abdullatif says she has been fool metabolized by repeatedly being forced to free the fighting . she spoke to our correspondents, our couple was in there all out about her experience. the 1st of all, my name's the dean. i'm 13 years old and i was every i've a refugee from many places, not only from rep i from many places from guys is on me. so that's a, that's why we have been martin traumatized from these experience. my experience from what if i to do, but it was absolutely terrifying. first of all, it wasn't,
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let's not forget the fact that it was expensive to find a car and was hard to find the car. and we can't even, we couldn't even put all of our stuff. we had to leave stuff ended up last week and some from that it was actually terrifying. and the fact that we had to go into groups to different cars and to different times it was absolutely terrifying because we loved people behind and we were terrified for them. where are they going to go? how are they going to get out? those are questions that came in my head. we were stuffed in that car. i'm going to tell you stuffed stuff. so in our labs, people on it and just on top of each other, we had at least 10 people in one car with all of our stuff to it was actually terrifying. and i never one experienced that no child should experience that no child seeing that or even views that it is absolutely terrifying. these children do not deserve to live like this as a palace to mean go,
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how do you see now you few to in light of the unrelenting cycle of destruction and with the incoming military offensive. when we chat, treat, if this keeps going on, they're going to keep killing their future and you know what their future is, is our children, it's us where the words future. every child is the words future and you're killing millions and yet thousands of children, you're killing your future, you're destroying your future. you're just doing your life. these children don't deserve this. i do not see a future impulse site if this keeps going on. and this indeed, and yes, in the it has to stop. we have as many times for us, these fire. yeah. again that the odd one out, the occupation comes out and says it is not your right. you should die used to be killed. i it's, it's not fair, it's not fair since when was it a law to not like, not like the fact that you know,
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you're killing children since when was that a loss is what does that exist and where, where are the papers that were signed from all those countries about children rights, about human rights. where did those go? again, i do not see any kind of future here in gaza. if this keeps going on and i do not see any process nor future around the wards. let me tell you they're not going to stop and drop. if they're not stop, they're going to continue and go around. oh god. so once again, so many times as they don't stop them, of a group of israelis has attacked trucks carrying desperately needed food aid, preventing them from reaching garza have a look. this video shows some unloading and destroying supplies. these vehicles are costing through hebron and the occupied west by cutting towards the safe strip. a inside garza is critically low with simon now taking cold. israel is mocking its memorial day and the shadow of its devastating war on garza records.
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the families of is really sold as bood fall right, security minutes. but some of been given as he arrived at the cemetery and installed prime minister benjamin netanyahu, whose government is facing protests for tenzing of all this day is used to amend the soldiers have been killed in battle. students at amsterdam, university, i occupying the main whole following. a staff will count with hundreds of her testing outside the employee is action was in response to a violent police corrupt down on campus protests against as well as $400.00. and last week, the students are demanding the best for divest from is radiating companies and also quoting for us to use via on the strip. well, that's cost rough, corresponds to boston, she's across all of this for us on the ground, the in on this to them step there was a strong, very strong police presence behind. you said ours, what's the situation right now? it seems a bit calmer. it is a bit calmer,
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but that was a very hate to day here at the university of am. so them, as you said, it was starting as a rally against police file into very faithful riley. hundreds of universities, a staff even up to a 1000, to professor electro, as have all worked out this morning and protest against excessive police violence, as they call it last week against the students. for testers, here as a university, police department, again, university for sold in police. it's just a few hours ago again to remove the protests so, so quite forcefully. i have to say from the campus once again, we've heard of these times people uh we saved in 1st a. 5 people been beaten on their hats. uh the whatsapp both believe that people pleading and as we speak, the police brian police are still here at the entrance of the university. as you
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can see here, behind me, because this seems to be a group of professionals. so inside the building we were in the building before it's, it's huge and it has gotten very narrow hallways and we heard that they have now bringing their bringing in the heavy equipment to make sure that they can find these protesters and somehow get them uh, removed from this building uh but so far they haven't succeeded. i see steps that the university is saying has been more than 1500000 and damage caused by these protests over the last few days. and the police are saying that there has been vandalism today, is that why they will call them again? yes, that's what the university board is saying that last week the students and the other protests as cost one and a half a 1000000 euro said damage. it's very difficult, of course to, to uh, verify, just an information, but we could see the images of the city on the walls and universities and the
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damage we. i just spoke to one of the electra who also has been joining the process from the beginning. and he said, well, there are different uh, books also enclosed in the process. i mean, definitely agree with this strategy. but he also said that the university and police and the government here is so basically over also also focusing on this damage just to take the focus away from the real issue here, which is that police is using very excessive violence, according to them against peaceful student protests those and they say that our rights to protest is being violated here. indianapolis, because it's not only a walk out this morning here and i'm to them. but in several other cities, universities across the country. that bass and bear with an anxious force from those protests at the university bounce to them. thank you. step a well set of head for you. here on al jazeera, 3 people are killed at
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a cost of living protest, and pakistani administered the cache man. the good to see you were off and running with your weather report kicking this one off in india where most of the action is in the south, around careless state, blanketed in rain for them all, deeds. and that weather also pushes industry longer. so it's going for closer look, things are changing a bit. it's looking like the heaviest pulses of rain may now be just to the south of candy, but in this area could see about a months worth of rain in the span of 24 hours. that could produce flooding, there's been some flooding nearby, dang, in west sumatra, province on sumatra. island in indonesia. we saw about a months worth of rain in the span of 2 days. and yeah, you guessed it. it is still ringing in this area on to stay with. it was burst of
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rain over a flood hit parts, so water levels will not be going down any time soon as some storms hit and miss across indo china. we've got flooded alerts just to the west of about on, in and out island in the philippines. and we thought weather that scooted away from china. well, ok, this temperatures on the way up. so the, the crossing hello river valley, jung jo at $34.00 degrees and it tries off in japan as well. that's where all that what weather was tokyo at 24 degrees and the land. this weather reports in pockets dawn, it's hot here too and seemed providence jake of about 45 degrees for you on tuesday . so you're in a bit of the, a 106 kilometer stretch of remote and perilous jungle fione land route to south america for migrants. city, the size of the united states a voyage, but for some is their loss. none the less for comp this families, it's
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a risk they are willing to take full lines in the box on this. i'm for giving journey to tell the story of one of the children of the barium go on up jersey to of the the talking about you're watching now does 0. let's remind you about top stories. the sounds that have been more attacks on both northern and southern gaza. palestinian groups say they are engaged in running bottles with israeli forces. east of the giovanni refugee camp civilians offline for safety. fremont group is randy's has attacked trucks carrying desperately needed food data for goals. footage chosen
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unloading and destroying supplies. as the vehicles crossed through hebron and meal supplied westbank on their way and on terms formula. and michael cohen is on the stand at the form of the us presence criminal trial in new york cohen is expected to tell drawers the trump hidden payments made to an adult film star to try to hide in the fan and the run up to the 2016 president of the election prosecutions in queues, drums of concealing a reimbursement, then made to co and as a business expense, compos pleaded not guilty to ceci full counts of falsifying business reco. it's, well, let's be trying corresponding questions telling me she's the following proceedings for is outside the courthouse in new york present as we were sending out a huge amount is riding on co ins testimony today. he's also a controversial character himself, but it does sound from his testimony so far, like it's all going as planned for the prosecution.
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indeed, he has already begun laying out various things that he did as an employee of donald trump. uh, he was trained as a lawyer but describes himself as a fixer, someone who essentially was there to do the dirty work for the former president. and that includes suppressing negative news stories that could hurt his chances in the 2016 presidential election. so she has already described paying someone that alleges she had an affair with donald trump money so that she would not publish that story. working with the publisher of the national tabloid, david tucker to buy those stories and then not publish them. so they wouldn't go public and of course at the heart of this case is the payment that he says he made to stormy daniels and adult film star, a $130000.00 in his testimony is key crucial. in fact,
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because he had the prosecution has to show that this uh, payment was disguised as legal fees in order to rise to the level of a crime. here it has to be that the president was disguising this payment on michael cohen has described a willingness to do anything to please donald trump on the stand. the problem is, is he has a pretty serious credibility issue. he is someone who in 2018, pleaded guilty himself to federal charges for his rule in campaign finance abuses. he also pleaded guilty to lying about his role in a, in the campaign or lying to congress and serve time for that as well. kristen, stay with me because i see the former president himself address john outside that course as he was going in where he then said he was leaving and polls against his
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arrival president joe biden. trump referred to the latest part of swing states from the new york times, which also revealed dwindling support for binding amongst non whites versus the economy and gaza were listed as key issues which is over a 100000 people this weekend. so kristin went out 5 weeks into this trial, just one of several involving trump in an election. yeah, it doesn't look like it's affecting his campaign very much yet. of
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the well, as you just heard there, there is a new pull out from the new york times that does show donald trump leading in 5 battleground states. it's important to point out that this trial has coincided in the last couple of weeks with the increase in demonstrations on college campuses across the country in protest of the war and gaza that has overshadowed the coverage in many ways of this trial, which contains a lot of information that the public was already aware of the scandalous salacious details of alleged affairs and so on has already been widely reported. and the nitty gritty of this trial really is trying to show the hiding of the payments. so it appears at this stage that the us public hasn't been paying very close attention to the trial. some studies have suggested that the majority of americans
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don't think that the president will be found guilty. but there have been other studies, other pools as well, that show something like a 5th of trump. supporters would change their vote for him or consider changing their vote for him if he is convicted in this case. so there is so a lot riding on this case going forward. and there's a lot more to come to kristen salumi outside that not happen. courthouse for us today. thank you kristen. the russia. it says it's taking 9 villages and it's new offensive in the khaki region. of northeastern ukraine, more than 5000 people that have now been moved to safety is fist fighting process for a full stay and not for the area. john holland reports from g of the craze policies putting called on the new from the ne,
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in how to key region for us. your lowest across the board are offensive on friday, and it's troops bouncing most cases, it's already taken several villages. ukraine says it's trying to contain via so, but it's on the but so that you ation orders have been issued for thousands of people. the new fighting takes place, 500 meters away from my house, the rupture, rivers, 500 meters from my house. and the russians on the other side, ukrainian tanks rolling, shoot, enrolled out for you. so when you do it most kindly, apple is the most know that the cranium, presidents has the flight use more intense when another part of the front line and the beast lost them. as i've done that, if the idea behind the attacks in the khaki region is displayed on forces than an on demand, the motivation for ukrainians to defend themselves, the pol crossing direction is the most difficult. despite everything to the line,
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they have been susie combat engagements. the metix, they were putting out wounded troops. this soldier was concoct stuff for a russian motor attack. sometimes on the desk. i don't know if there was a wheel coating, but it is difficult. we keep up the defense and that's it was one of the to do the type for multiple directions on the model. 1000 kilometer front line means ukraine . you know me just trying to plug symbols, time you sleep, a number of gaps, an army outgunned and outmanned for u. s. t the secretary of state, and he blinked and said that there's been a cost in the months long delay in getting a $61000000000.00 us military. a package approved it was held up in the republican majority. congress lincoln said, defense equipment with $400000000.00 have now been prioritized weapons already beginning to arrive to more or expected to be delivered next month, including
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a 16 flight to just the ukraine says it desperately needs. but some of the arms will take many months to get in until the front line. it means a significant window for russia to press home its advantage. and that's exactly what it stood, john home, and i would just say to keep meanwhile, a lot of in prison has replaced rushes as defense minister with the civilian. former deputy prime, minnesota. andre belo solve is set to take on the role. he's an economist with no previous military experience. very soft will be replacing the saga show. you're one of the present fusions closest, political allies. dosage already has moved from oscar. the latest defense minister in the russian army is going to be 65 year old economist andre fellow, solve the selection by the russian president vladimir putin. it came on sunday evening now we have seen the well known former deputy prime minister and
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a very experienced economist, eh, come into the upper house of parliament on monday where he answer some questions by various officials. and he made a statement, during which he said that there needs to be a solution to the problem of bureaucracy associated with confirming the benefits of the military personnel is the selection of the beller bella solve is being seen as an important one by the learner. we're putting because this man's expertise lies in a financial sector in the country as so it's clear that's the number of problems facing the defense ministry in terms of accusations of corruption, mismanagement and uh, embezzlement, is going to be something that this newly appointed defense registrar is going to be tasks with tackling it does not have any immediate implications for russian forces fighting on the ground and you crate it, but it's being seen as
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a move by flatter. we're putting to really streamline the defense ministry which will in turn make the underground operations much more efficient down the lines. the newly appointed defense minister. so has to be officially confirmed by the federation council. it is expected that to be just a formality. and for now, the choice has been seen as an important one in terms of how vladimir putin envisions the countries and defense ministry, which is now receiving around 6 and a half percent of the countries gdp. how we will move forward in the near future. the door so safari alcera moscow on protests continue in georgia, austin parliament, the approved final vote on a controversial foreign influence bill to meet him. evident through reports from dc sporadic scuffles as thousands of georgians gather the upon him and demanding the
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so called for an agents bill be dropped. several people injured dozens detained. many staying through the nights to make a stand. they were met with a large police force sealing off the building. i have never seen them all to fall. isn't that i think that all the policemen are here now and i, i really think like there's some of the might be some problems. the other side of the city or the country, because everyone is you mobilize, i've been here all night to defend my constitutional rights and to the, to nice, not flush our ruling party to posit russian law and to, for georgia. it's not become russian protest to say it's similar to a law adopted in russia 12 years ago now used to crack down on the sense the bill will require a n g o's and media receiving at least 20 percent of the funding to declare themselves agents a for an influence demonstrate as expected a long stand off during the reading of the law.


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