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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 13, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm AST

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weight loss funds, we say the industry counting the cost on alex's era of latin america for most of my career. but no country is alike and its my job to shed light on how and why the united nations foreign staff member is killed and, and is really attacked in southern gaza view and says a 190 of its workers have now been killed. the other there on this donkey attain, this is all just here at life from dell, also coming, pleading for their lives, fighting intensifies between palestinian groups and is really forces in northern gauze as to body of refuge account. meanwhile in southern gaza is really a types of displaced at least 360000 palestinians from ross. and donald
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trump's a former lawyer, michael colored and takes the stand as his criminal trial in new york. the to begin with breaking news as have gone. so where united nations stuff member has been killed by is really selling an eastern rasa view. and personnel was killed after the vehicle was struck on monday morning. one of the person who we understand to be a stuff at 2 was injured. the one has confirmed this is the fast international stuff casualty and gaza. the one temperature general has condemned the attack, calling for a full investigation united nations as a 190 of its walk as have now been killed in gaza since october. the 7th is wait a minute, she has repeatedly talkative to mount a tearing walk has during its war on casa, well, let's go straight to our correspondence. gabrielle is under. he joins us now from
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un headquarters in new york gave. i know this has all happened very, very quickly in the last hour or so. what do we know at this stage or yeah, that's right. as spokes person for the secretary general confirmed that there were 2 individuals in raw foot in a un marked vehicle on their way to the european hospital there. as part of their regular duties, they work for the u. n. department of safety and security, and that they came under fire and that one of them was killed. and that person is an international staff member of the un of un is not confirming what country uh, that individual is from. is there still waiting for uh, informing the family members of this individual, but that person was killed. the 2nd individual that was injured were told their
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injuries are fairly minor and that they expect to have a full recovery. but it's important to point out that again this was a un marked vehicle on its way as part of its duties, going to the european hospital to protect and activities work as they are doing in rafa when it came under what appears to be according to some video that we've seen online uh, arm's fire wasn't, it did not appear to be a drone strike or, or showing per se, it appears to be the gunfire that went through the window. that's not what the union is saying, but that's based on some video that we're, we have seen in that we're trying to get confirmed. you want, as you said, this is the 1st international staff member of the un that has been killed since this conflict began. but of course the you and also a confirming that now the death toll of in total un step killed by israel's war on guys is now up to $190.00 the vast majority up until today,
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of course being palestinian staff that are bearing the brunt of it, one of the deadliest conflicts for you and stuff is ever gabrielle as under that was the latest for us from the united nations. thank you. game are told. meanwhile, hundreds of thousands of palestinians all fling is randy advance has both in the north and south of garza. these really ami has divided the strip through the so called net surround mccardle, which it control as you can see that there in blue. let's start with the situation in the north is where the soldiers and tanks of advanced even farther into the jamalia refuge account. they are engaged in fis baffles with palestinian fighters. there strikes in the area taking place, supporting the ground operation, forcing tens of thousands to fully thought escaping south isn't an option. there isn't is where the buses are and it prevents this and most of the west and southern dogs that doctors at the crazy hospital in rafa have received calls from these ready minute treat, ordering them to evacuate the hospital. meanwhile,
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palestinians are still escaping from rasa towards darrow bala, in the central part of the strip and to the on the wasi area. at least 360000 people have been displaced by the slightest fighting for the monks has no, is another day begins in southern gaza with yet another emergency. the helm is the civil defense work is only protection. don't keep costs and risky vehicles of really look remain on the roads and wrap the racing to help you get to another round of this of the engine in the stricken city on the see this time that too late a life list shoeless mine left out on the street show the team says buying is
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rarely tonight, but they begin. the green task of covering is cool. the another rush to pick up job is gone. those desktop pushes across 35000 the body very quickly to a come bit. then left with little ceremony, the, the civil defense teams are still operating in east and central roughly, and very difficult and complicated conditions. recently we headed to the city's main intersection and recovered a number of dead bodies as well as i guess one other words it as simple defense teams should be granted entry in the areas with his fighting to recover the dead bodies and help the wounded if they're injured or left without help, without a doubt they'll die. 6 further north, near giovanni account,
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families have being forced once more to please the with the new is really a sol the slot of humanity afraid for their lives as they hurried through this hazardous battles. lynn. hi, the tank is behind the classrooms and the schools go, does all save you and decide are of all state. we did not want to leave until we saw it with our in. i know palestinians in gauze are again forced to flee from anywhere. they found refuge. we don't know where to go. we have been displaced from one place to the next and know we have left. we don't know where to go. we are running industries i saw with my own eyes, i saw the tank, and the bulldozer is on that street a morning of desperate movement
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off for another night to move to file and fill the months i'll just data of medical access havent been able to reach the injured in the body of refugee account because of his way to get tax on ambulances. last, i'll tell you which has worn out from giovanni. this is the last of sports in ballasa scan reach. i know the address q entries and casualties indeed devalue addresses. you can, so these ready to pull us is all shooting directly at the end, but lots of the all entered the refuge account. that's why the envelope is off. this patient here in this area, in order to rescue the injuries and casualties comes the one to uh, i would just look into it and enough seems to return if these ready soldiers to jamalia can we recovered large numbers of dead bodies as well as injured victims. until this hour i'm going to change and paramedics are facing great difficulties. we kind
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of have access to the destroyed areas to recover that that will help the into simply these right. it will plains keep farming on us ever since last night. 5 different areas we showed that the ambulance vehicles were prevented from entering by so many dead bodies are still lying on the ground under the debris, the medical team to run the fire denied access to those areas. will pines in ontario, still pounding residential areas and the refugee camp? many survivors are still trapped under the rubble and we kind of reach them all set 10 year old displaced palestine. and nadine abdullatif says she has been full and the highest by repeatedly being forced to free the fighting. she spoke to our correspondents, our couple was in, in the announcer experience. so we know that the we were fleeing from roughly nadine and that now you are endeavors. but what did you see within your journey today with bella and how you are right now coping with the situation? first of all, my name's the dean. i'm 13 years old. and i was every, i've a refugee from many places,
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not only from or from many places from guys. and they said i to identify we have been martin traumatized from these experience. my experience from what am i to do, but it was absolutely terrifying. first of all, it was let's not forget the fact that it was expensive to find a car and was hard to find the car. and we can't even, we couldn't even put all of our stuff. we had to leave stuff ended up because some from that it was absolutely terrifying. and the fact that we had to go into groups to different cars and to different times it was absolutely terrifying because we left people behind and we were terrified for them. where are they going to go? how are they going to get out? those are questions that came in my head. we were stuffed in that car. i'm going to tell you stuff, stuff done, our labs, people on the, on top of each other. we had the least 10 people in one car with all of our stuff to it was absolutely terrifying and i never one experienced that no child should
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experience that no child seeing that or even views that it is absolutely terrifying . these children do not deserve to live like this. meanwhile, group is really is, has attached to trucks caring desperately needed food, a preventing them from reaching garza, this video watching shows unloading and destroying supplies. the vehicles with crossing through hebron else replied westbank, heading towards the siege, stretch aid as we know inside the cause that is critically low was found and also now taking home as well as marking its memorial day and in the shadow of its devastation. war and garza found the use of his randy soldier's bood fall right. security in minnesota, it's in london, give a as he arrived at the cemetery. and as dawn, probably mister bennett, benjamin netanyahu, whose government is facing protests for its handling of the war this day, is used for them. the soldiers who have been killed in battle,
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the students of amsterdam university all coupon in the main whole following a sophomore account, with hundreds protesting outside the employee of action was in response to violent please crack down on campus protests against israel's war. on garza law suite, the students are demanding that this full divest from his writings companies. and also quoting for a ceasefire on the strip, said boston sent this report as the tensions that revising situation here at the university of escalating this morning. done by university of the university building to protest against police happening here against students last week of both those of payments and students were free, badly piece. and so now police has come in here the same way you can see me or just do the university stuff all they have. they're looking to way
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we're surrender. surrender because this is how some dramatize they are that are so worried about that. they are now holding their hands in the year are walking out as we speak inside. there are times set up so occupied by the main hall of the building on this all comes against the back of this police finances refreshing for the right to them. the,
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i don't want you on the phone, the lawyer, and michael. well as taking the stand at the full us presence, criminal trial in new york cohen is expected to tell drawers the from his payments made to an adult film star to try to hide and defend. and the run up to the 2016 presidential election. prosecutions accused drums of concealing a reimbursement been made to co and as a business expense. thompson street is not guilty to bessie full accounts of falsifying business reco. it's will that speech kristin telling me she has been keeping on proceedings of course outside the courthouse in new york. christine, as we was saying, a huge amount is writing on co ins testimony today. i understand that they've just broken for lunch, but it does seem to be going, has come to the prosecution. absolutely michael cohen is a lawyer by trade, but he described himself on the stand as president former president donald trump's one time 6 or someone who lied and bullied on his behalf,
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especially in the run up to the 2016 election when the infamous access hollywood tape was revealed. this was a tape during which donald trump could be heard, making disparaging comments about women. and in that time period cohen described efforts to barry negative news about donald trump in the run up to the election. he efforts to buy stories in one case from a former playboy model who claim she had an affair with donald trump. and most notably in the case of stormy daniels, the adult film star at the center of this case. because the prosecution needs to show that not only did michael cohen make this payment, but that donald trump knew about it and disguised it as a quote unquote legal fees. the problem is, michael cohen has
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a lot of credibility issues. he himself has been convicted of multiple charges including perjury, for lying under oath to congress. at one time we expect that the defense will make a big issue of this as they get to cross examine him later in the week. we've already heard supporters of donald trump making that argument outside of the court house. here today, some elected officials, republican officials, who showed up to support him, came out and gave a press conference saying that michael cohen was a liar, who could not be trusted. ultimately, it will come down to the jury. the prosecution is expected to rapids case. later this week, unknown at this time, will the defense call donald trump, to testify in his own behalf. be very interesting day. and course indeed custom to leave me that for us with the nicest from new york. thank you. kristen are also a head for you here on i was a 03 people are killed at a cost of living protests and focused on the administer to catch me. and children
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were time to school in kenya off to weeks of flooding, but they're all fee is some schools may not be fixed, happens the in depth analysis of the days headlines if that was a rough or offensive, where would the people go? people have no place to give each one of 1000 people has to be displaced at least 2 times frank assessments. this is a mess and blow to free speech and freedom of the press informed opinions you can be somebody. this is on one of the hostages. october 7th, and return. once the killing got to stop the inside story on al jazeera, the
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. ringback the challenges here with the the welcome back to watching al jazeera. let's remind you about top stories. the sound of foreign united nation stuff member has been killed by is really selling
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east and rasa view. and has confirmed to this is their 1st international styles, casualty and dos on a 190 you in workers have been killed in garza since october, the 7 in law. there have been more attacks in both northern and southern and also how to send in groups say they're engaged in running bottles of israeli forces, east of the volume refuge account. so millions of clean safety disparities has tax trucks, caring desperately needed food dates because of such a chosen unloading and destroying supplies. as the vehicles cost 3, however, on any occupied westbank on their way to the street for at least 3 people have been killed. several others wounded off to police, fired into crowds of protest as and pockets stony administered the cache man. nearly $20000.00 demonstrators that had been marching towards the city of was a far above the rallying against the rising cost of energy and high taxes and protests that have now entered. the full stay. prime ministers about to reef is
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called an emergency meeting with need is from the region that has also improved an $86000000.00 ground for the regions twice. it is price precious. while we can speak to mohammed z o raymond, use a political analyst and research of focusing on the cash. ma'am, you joins us now from the bad mama to. this is an area that's been long marginalized. why are we seeing this chip over into violence now specifically? thank you very much. actually. uh, is it a of the mortgage be the business line? and so, you know, what can i shoot between the police and estimates for one of the like moment i need to a stepping down slike across the country on file instead today and the reason as you asked that why it is like no and why it's happening now, it has to be long ago that the people from a genuine catch me you have been deprived, or if you know to do rights and specifically related to electricity. because uh,
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as you know, the game, the guest then bought a damn among the dam is situated there and the sacrifice for that 2nd the, you know, the one. so, you know, it's a book testing for, you know, for me and also connect to c d as for the hydro fall of 9 generation costs in a d p. and currently, as you know, that the subsidized read followed and, and the end or the privilege of the heat loss. so these are sort of, you know, flashes between police and activities of the night movement. i mean, you know, means and, and shut it, shut it down, strike across the dead. on friday and saturday it started happening. so you know, of my, as you mentioned that most of the people with other students haven't deal with the name birds that will at a speed by the police. and it was very unfortunate uh, even happened that was seen when he was ineligible, seriously injured. and one of the sub inspect, according to, you know,
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i've been on police, you're going to a mind somebody, i do a gunshot hole in the chest and then making the town or is longer that, that never happened in those odds. and when did she wants of a peaceful, you know, area in the us and have been because the seems unprecedented this level of unrest seems unprecedented. i understand the demographic of the protest as is fairly broad as well. the government has now promised more money to try to help ease things. how much of a difference is that name to yeah, you're right. yes. you know. ready as far as, uh, the demands in the book best as unconcerned. they need a, you know, a subsidized electricity. they need, uh, you know, $80.00 fluid and go away. they need audio, right. and, you know, know their livelihood. so, um, on the basis of this, you know, i'm not the financial. so for the given by the for i, mr. show allows you to eat. and i was, you know, i think so it was easy, easy job. and if you know that, let's talk about a little bit, you know,
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the background of the situation. well, i'm, i'm randall, i'm afraid, i'm afraid we don't have time to get into a huge amount of background here. but we will keep an eye on the situation and see how it plays out in the coming days, nama z o rahman, the political analyst, and research of focusing on catch me. thank you so much for your time, sir. with us here on auto 0, the russia says it's taken 9 villages and it's new offensive in the kalki region of northeastern ukraine. more than 5000 people have been moved to safety as fist fighting for us. it's for 4th day and not border area. it's on home and reports now from cheese. the craze forces fighting hard on the new from the ne, in the heart of ki region, russian lowest across border, offensive on friday. and it's troops bouncing most cases,
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it's already taken several villages. ukraine says it's trying to contain via so but it's on the but so evacuation orders have been issued for thousands of people. the new fighting takes place, 500 meters away from my house, the rupture, rivers, 500 meters from my house, and the russians on the other side, ukrainian tanks rolling. shoot and roll out what he's doing. you've the most valuable. the most know the cranium, presidents has the flight use more intense on another part of the front line and the beast lost them. a sudden all died. if the idea behind the attacks in the hockey region is to spread out forces than an on demand, the motivation for ukrainians to defend themselves, the pol crossing direction has the most difficult despond. everything to the line. they have been susie, combat engagements are the metix. they were pulling out with the troops. the
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soldier was concussed off for a rushing motor attack. sometimes on the desk, there was a wheel coating, but it is difficult. we keep up the defense and that's it. was one of the to the tech from multiple directions on the model. 1000 kilometer front line means ukraine . you know me just trying to plug symbols, tiny asleep, a number of gaps, an army outgunned and outmanned for u. s. t, the secretary of state and to be blinked and said that there's been a cost in the months long delay in getting a $61000000000.00 us military. a package approved it was held up in the republican majority. congress lincoln said, defense equipment with $400000000.00 have now been prioritized weapons already beginning to arrive. here. more are expected to be delivered next month, including a 16 flight to jets. the price is desperately needs, but some of the items will take many months to get in until the front line.
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it means a significant window for russia to press home its advantage. and that's exactly what it stood. john home and i would just say to keep students in kenya, i have been told to return to school despite weeks of flooding, that's kills nearly 270 people at the 62 primary schools have been effective there also she has waterborne diseases such as cholera could spread. catherine toy reports from costume, county, and west, and can you a waterway to start a new school tom? this is what students from kenya seemed to be piley's found when they returned to school. it's a mon several into swimming county. that's a the flooded or damaged of the reasons, torrential rains when 200 people are dead and thousands more homeless. the head teacher says this is no place for child to on. we are not able to access
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that impact on facilities. toilets are very big problem. some of the classrooms stated they are not very conducive. they are waiting to appear to be by the plans that concerns the school could be a breeding ground for what to borne diseases like color, uh and malaria. this is the only remaining product because the, uh, the facilities are still flooded. the teachers here, seeing that clearly, this is a health posits. it's not just you, some other schools across the country are facing similar problems. government officials, the students who have nowhere to go, will be temporarily moved to nearby schools to think about the influence of trucks out in this particular school. for example, if you think about the road that you're guessing you think about the tires that are guessing, if you think about the classes, for example, it means that we have to put in a bit more money to be able to bring back this close to where it was supposed to be,
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but for now the students and the teachers say they have to walk with the legal resources they have. despite the safety and health risks posed by their flight schools is kathrine. so you all do 0. you single county west and can you hold on for me and astrology. ok, next inside story looks at rushes advance on ukraine's khaki region and how the west might respond. i'll have news out for you off to the say with the the hello from dell. hi, let's go with your weather report for the middle east and africa. i gotta tell you a southerly wind really popping up temperatures through the golf. so let's go in here for a closer look. that includes us in doha, 40 degrees on the nose on tuesday, $41.00 in the nama, but there's also
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a northerly winds coming into plays years, so that struck down temperatures and quade, and react to central asia. we go big difference in 24 hours for 30 minutes spans capital. ask about your down by about 10 degrees over 24 hours and that whole had to do with the weather maker rolling in. there's been some flooding in southern turkey near the border with serious your copious amounts of rain turn streets to rivers. things are looking biter on to say really has been a gloomy forecast as of late. so those rains beginning to peter out the threat of some storms across northern algeria on tuesday. and we're really seeing those rains pep off across the south coast of nigeria. pockets of rain rolling across the central african republic probably impacting the capital bunkie. that strapping down into the western side of the congo, and after seeing it's hot, it's made a record in johannesburg. temperatures have dropped down to 19 degrees. some showers, but where things are heating up is cape town. got you in for 29 degrees on tuesday
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. okay. that's it for me. c, as in, in the sense that he missed the acadia and he just showed them the price is high for a family of palestinian activists. so peacefully protected the community from is brady, secular expansion in the occupied westbank for decades. they just put that 80 for that day on. oh, i see. this is the story that's i'm trying to see them moving, dab some of the on the fire on it. just so, you know, ukraine's president says is true so baffling in the northeast where russian forces are capturing villages and attracting energy facilities. how significant is this latest russian offensive installed case? this is inside story.


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