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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 13, 2024 11:00pm-11:30pm AST

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i this is not important which of these are going to negotiate, poll, unapologetic, i'm just asking the upfront on out the clearing for their lives fighting intensifies between palestinian groups and this really forces him jamalia in northern causes. the low on the bulk of this is out here at life from the hospital. so coming up before and you and stuff member has been killed and then the task on a month to you and the vehicle you and says a $190.00, if it's worth considering killed and causes students occupied the main whole of the university of m. saddam demanding it divest from his reading legs. companies, the ukraine on the defensive in the hockey region rusher,
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intensifies the tax to the country. second largest city. the thanks for joining us. we begin and goes away. hundreds of thousands of palestinians. fleeting is randy. advances in the north and south of gaza. yes. right. the army has divided the strip through the circles, and that's not him corey at all. but she controls the thoughts with the situation. and the new a found is really soldiers and tags to advance further into the jabante. a refugee come engaged in fish bottles with posting and finances. strikes in the area was supporting the ground operation, forcing times of thousands to flee. but escaping south isn't an option. as in this way, the buses that prevents this. so most of fleet, west and southern gaza adult to is that the quite hospital and rafa or receive calls from these ready men of treat, ordering them to evacuate in the hospital. meanwhile, palestinians are still escaping from rafter towards the iro bala and these tend to
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happen to, i don't know why see, it was the area, at least 360000 people have been displaced. and this latest finding end of could read begins are coverage from day by. so it has been a very frustrating and tiring day for people and drop off and into by the but talking about rough up there has been in tens. air strikes are tyler reselling where people were forced to evacuate under fire. we have been seeing coming up more to that, but that's looking for 10 looking for space. but unfortunately, they didn't. bella is running out of space and not only yep, palestinians that we're at. as to evacuate due to the maps. nice. let's also people surrounding the quite the hospitals have been receiving calls to evacuate. but uh, the hospital has been waiting for a like a real call or
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a warning from the is there any forces to evacuate? but most people are evacuating towards the central area and can units. and here is our report i had made. is this several defense workers only production parts invest you vehicles are really all that remain on the roads in the racing to help pick another round of the severely injured in district and city under seats. this time, due to late a lifeless shoeless man left out on the street, shocked the team's face by un is rarely sniper.
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they begin the same task of covering his corpse the another. the pickup job is causes death to pushes past 35000 the the body carried quickly to a. com. but then left with the little ceremony. the time of the, the civil defense teams are still operating in east and central roughly, and very difficult and complicated conditions. recently we headed to the city's main intersection and recovered a number of dead bodies as well as with one other words, it's as simple defense teams should be granted entry in the areas with his fighting to recover the dead bodies and help the wounded if they're injured or left without help, without a doubt they'll die. for their noise into about yukon, families have been paused once more to see what the
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news is ready assaults the floods of humanity afraid for their lives as they hurry through this hazardous battle zone. hi, the tank is behind the classrooms and the schools go does. i'll save you and decide or of all state. we did not want to leave until we saw it with our in i policy using causal are again being pushed force to feed from anywhere. they found refuge . we don't know where to go. we have been displaced from one place to the next and know we have left. we don't know where to go. we are running industries. i thought with my own eyes, i saw the tank and the bull dozer. it is on that street. a desperate movement after another round of warranty or fire interior is there. a defense minister has spoken to the us secretary of state, updating him on his armies operation and drop off,
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and the take over of the nearby border crossing into egypt. but there appears to be no end in sight to the months long suffering here. more policy and use are being killed, injured or just faced with each passing day. and the powder is added by gaza. palestine when medical work is haven't been able to get to the injured inch body refuge account because of his rating of tax on ambulances or us alcohol root has more form jamalia. this is the last of sports in ballasa scan reads. i know the address q entries and casualties can be evaluated as soon as you can. so this way the forces are shooting directly at the envelopes. as of the all entered the refuge account. that's why the, on the left is off station here in this area, in order to rescue the injuries and casualties comes the by. i'm going to uh, i would just bought enough seems to return, if these ready soldiers to jamalia can we recovered large numbers of dead bodies as
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well as injury victims. totally silent. i'm going to change and paramedics sufficing great difficulties. we kind of have access to the destroyed areas to recover that that will help the into simply these right. it will plains keep farming on us since last night, 5 different areas we showed that the ambulance vehicles were prevented from entering. many dead bodies are still lying on the ground under the debris, the medical team to run the fire denied access to those areas. will pines in ontario, still pounding residential areas and the refugee camp? many survivors are still trapped under the rubble and we kind of reach them. then, you know, it's a nation stuff then, but has been killed and then attack in east and rough or u. n. is confirmed, this is the 1st international stuff casualty and gaza. you an employee was killed off the vehicle was struck on monday morning. another staff member was injured. the united nations secretary general has condemned the a tank cooling for full investigation. the u. n says
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a 190 of its work as of now being killed in gauze since october. the 7th over the gabriel is on the who joins us live now from the human headquarters in new york and gave we now have official confirmation from the sexy general's office that tell us more. yeah, that's right. the un headquarters here quite frankly, is been rocked by this news. there's been certainly a lot of depths of un humanitarians in guys in the last 7 plus months. all of them had been tragic, a 190 in all of this one. as the other said, clearly there's trying to gain more information here at un headquarters and what the circumstances were in this situation. but clearly the, you and staff members were driving in a clearly identifiable and marked un vehicle even with the un flag flying in the back of it there on the weight of the european hospital to take part in their work there. these were to staff members from the department of safety and security when
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they came under attack. clearly, a video showing bullet holes through the back window. this is a little bit more of what the un spokesperson had to say. learn of the death of the united nations department of safety and security staff member, an injury to another, the staff or when they're un vehicle was struck as they traveled to the european hospital in rafa this morning. the secretary general condemns all attacks on un personnel and calls for a full investigation. he sent his condolences to the family of the fall in staff member with the conflict in gaza, continuing to take a heavy told not only on civilians but also on humanitarian workers. the secretary general reiterates, has urgent appeal for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire and for the release of all hostages. and is it fair to characterize this as an attack?
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yes, you know guys, it has been the most deadly conflict for you and humanity. periods in history. the u. n has not released the name of this international staff member who's killed . they're waiting for a identifying next of kin as well as the relevant country officials from the country that the person came from. but i can tell you that the secretary journal has called for an investigation into this and other un staff members that have been killed, including also, i should say, the mass graves that have been found guys of hospitals and recent days. well, the secretary journals called for an investigation and knows that would only happen if the investigators can get to the locations of where these crimes took place. and of course is real controls access in and out of guys at all times. and so far, israel has failed to cooperate. there were l as on the, the you and
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a new york. thank you. a group of israelis as a tech trucks carrying desperately needed food, a preventing them from reaching cause. i have looked at this video that shows unloading and destroying supplies. the vehicles for crossing through hebron and you'll find west fund heading towards tennessee strip. 3 of them were set on fire, as i'm sure you know, by now aid inside goza is critically low with funding now taking hold for the white house says it's still believes a full scale is ready. assault on russia is a mistake for the us will continue helping is ro to feed him us. we have paused the shipment of 2000 pound bombs because we do not believe they should be dropped in densely populated cities. we're talking to the israeli government about this. we still believe it would be a mistake to launch a major military operation into the heart of rafa. that would put a huge numbers of civilians at risk without a clear strategic game. so the president was clear that he would not supply certain
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or offensive weapons for such an operation. were it to occur? it is not yet occurred. and we are still working with israel on a better way to ensure the defeat from us everywhere and guys, including and rough. let's look at this in more detail now without just your significance. but alas, moment, bashar is here with me in the studio so low enough to days that being accused of being inconsistent with america, stands towards israel regarding its rough uh come pay and it's now apparently come out swinging in supports of israel on top of what we just said, shake sullivan say that he said to the we support as well in the destruction of a mass. we believe israel's operation and rafa is targeted. we do not believe a genocide is happening. is there anything that we've heard from the white house that seems to be an indication that they are prioritizing restraint from? isn't there? no, it's really incredible. it's actually shocking. more than 7 months into the war. to
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be decent to this. you would imagine that you're in the 7th week us and the americans that have hope that's a good, you know, pass such an accuracy such lives, such uh you know, have through, through, with the public opinion under which to defend is to justify the genocide that's unraveling and to insight on our tv screens by saying how much heights i want to be as population. when already all of this been debunked, we know that these strategies, even assisted with a i would artificially intelligent to target the whole number of doubtless, people in fact, in the entire neighborhood. we know now that you know, tens of hospitals have been destroyed. schools all universities, how does that square with is there is defending itself and how much is high think i'm a civilian population as well? and how much is really in the midst of itself, operation at this point in time, it's getting scores of people every day. and this and the americans are still talk
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about what it is to be a mistake. but you know what? we're going to talk with them in the next few days. it is as if we are not, and it's month of a genocide that has already killed tens of thousands of people. what should we read into the fact the while jake sullivan appeared to be reaffirming america's support for israel at the same time as we blink couldn't was holding a conversation on the phone with the egyptian 4 minutes to say, look where wherever he will concerns clearly. but if this is, if this goes over the top, if there is a full scale invasion and ruffle, we will tell israel that we're not happy with it. clearly the united states is very, very wary about what egypt thinks about all of this, particularly giving a salary good relations. egypt joining south africa, the i. c. j also concerns about israel now occupying the important strip of land. that's a corner duel between southern guzman and egypt. i think sometimes because they are lost in their own logic,
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the united states. and as i don't understand why i'd appreciate is our side thing with them. or the southern word them, not because they have a, as they would say, an agent because of their blue eyes. they're sizing with them because this is what it's for. it's for their own interest just for that it seems interest small longer and the resumes interest. i mean even of also she is what hoping is there with the past within a few weeks? what of ok with that would have been on board. but now it's been, it's becoming tough in the human. anything it embarrassing for algebra, james, to support this genocide that's taking place in garza and what is good, which is the rough or you know, the, you know, there is an egyptian profile and there is a ghost that all right. but i do know that, that these really is, are waiving that it won't flags now on the board. the is totally annoying and, and, and it's a by a nation of that's all by agreement with the account they with agreements. so really on an own personal cc and the directions are just like the product is on so on, so forth. i'm becoming so humiliated that they need to,
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they say something or do something in order also to pre empt the morning out up streets because the last thing they're going to need in egypt and other places is for united vault to adopt a in and out. i've got those in favor of palestine. they've been trying to avoid that in some, in some countries like georgia and other places or the 1000 people have been arrested. alright, my one buddy. thanks for analysis. thanks for joining us. mind to show them so doesn't so student protests is in the netherlands, suffered injuries off to police force, really remove them from a riley of the university vamps to them. stuff worked out of several attempts, universities and protests against police, violence and campuses last week. so boston reports a rally against police violence, turning silent once again. riot police force hundreds of students from the university of answer them campus. after they had occupied the main university building several tests including university staff, had to receive 1st 8 treatment. and at one point the right place came and they
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wanted to move all the people through the street. uh, i just started looking, but apparently people were walking fast enough. so they, uh they started using their baton and i was trying to protect 2 smaller uh and uh i got hit in the head and, and the arms like like that goes wonderful. around 1000 university professors. i'm black for us who worked out monday morning to put tests where they sat with excessive police violence last week. then police used to move those are and that sense against a student and camp. and so now the classic taught . we've been based on the student council has called on the university board to resign. the rodney had started as a photographic at 25, and once again, coming to the university campus,
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hundreds of units are going to stop right here this morning to the mind to ride the process. and that's exactly what the students are doing as well. they say they want to be able to find their anger about the genocide happening in gaza and showed the increasing frustration. but the dutch government not doing anything to stop it for testing is the fundamental right. and for genocide, we are balanced by international law. we are bound by a genocide convention, and the level of the town is not. it cannot be explained and this young generation to generation of our students and they will not go along with it. and many of the staff as well. the university board defense, it's the station 2 quotes, please say in protests as close to the damage to the building. it estimates losses are as high as one and a half 1000000 euros. students are allowed to continue their protests until the universities have prop tice, which is for
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a university's they say the number will only increase is police continue to use filing step class and also sierra amsterdam. so i had when i was just even donald trump's full, i'm a lawyer, michael co and takes the stand at his criminal trial in new york. children return to school in kenny off 2 weeks of flooding. but there was some fears. some schools don't be fit for purpose the the, the weather in the city has been particularly disappointing recently by the rain. and that's what i mean by disappointing, has gone off shore and assets has been saying you've got nice weather returning 23 degrees in the sunshine, which is so reminiscent but slightly increasing times all the way up through tropical queens to the shelves. we seen around in west australia still there. not
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a mounting too much for the probably welcome to us about 28 degrees. you can see which is that much higher than sidney drive. looking picture of a time to get to choose day, almost across the entire confidence that heavy. right. and there, he's got somebody the guy who's heading to was new zealand particularly dual solid . and my suspect the picture on wednesday will be around the room, present one that right and heavy, full simon. the winds also quite strong, particularly in discipline to we've seen funding recently and some pilots i've been to these, you know, i'm thinking more especially office to my friend because of the seasonal writings lie more or less from publishing to was rest kind of on time. equally big charles on like a was popular positive be sort of lazy and even the southern philippines. and charles recently have replaced what was very hot weather. in india, china, the sheriff, i'm particularly big, but it needs to be the weather is around valves and hot dry sunshine. fine is the most the dry picture that surprisingly for china, on the korean peninsula,
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you will see caught a duty and a growth using for p use a cost to contribute to improving the lives of thousands in our projects except the cost. and we strive to ensure it reaches it's deserving recipients, visit the cost on the web presence. and remember, it's a copier size, wealth, and increases sustenance costs on red chris the, the, [000:00:00;00]
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the, you're watching out there are mind. if i told stories, the south of the more tax in north and southern garza rape center in case we're running backwards. majority forces. east of the giovanni refugee camp civilians of maine for 64 and united nation stuff member has been killed at the time in vehicle in east view and as confirm. this is the 1st international stuff casualty casa, a 190 u. n. workers have been killed in colors. this is a group of his writing these as a tax trucks carrying desperately needed food, aid for gaza, for its insurance and unloading and destroying supplies with the vehicles cost to have grown and you'll see pipe westbank for if the trucks are several fine. now donor forms from a lawyer, michael cohen is taking the stand up the form of us presence criminal trial in new york. cotton is excited to tell jervis the trump hid payments made to the adult
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film star to hide in the family. to run up to the 2016 presidential election, prosecutors accused trump of concealing a reimbursement mates occurring as a business expense. like something i pleaded not guilty to 34 count. so falsifying business, reckless christian salumi is outside the quotes in new york. when she sent this update. a michael cohen is a lawyer by trade, but on the stand he describes himself as donald trump's former fixed, or someone who is willing to lie and bully people, to please his former boss, particularly in the run up to the 2016 election. when a lot of bad news was surfacing about donald trump, that incentives access hollywood tape that came out where donald trump was overheard making very disparaging comments about women. michael cohen's description of his efforts on the stand included working with the publisher of
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a national tabloid. david tucker and donald trump, to allegedly buried these stories, in some cases, paying money for them not to be published at the heart of this case is the $130000.00 payment that michael college says he made to stormy daniels, the adult film star whose testimony is key to the prosecution proving that donald trump hit that payment describing it as a legal fee, despite knowing that it was being used to pay off someone for bearing this bad news . now, the defense is expected to focus on the fact that michael cohen is someone of questionable credibility given that he has pleaded guilty to several times himself. federal crimes, back in 2018, including lying to congress. it is a theme that was taken up outside of the court house by republican politicians who
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showed up to support the former president. donald trump is a convicted, convicted felon. i mean this guy, he's up there given an acting same. and all of a sudden it comes out and says, oh i have recorded president trump on my telephone, my, this, this guy, i work for present trip. i mean, how can you be convinced by somebody that is a serial lar, the prosecution is expected to finish presenting its case by the end of this week, unknown at this time whether or not the defense will call former president donald trump, to testify in his own behalf kristen salumi, i'll just hear a new york, the rush. it says it's taken 9 villages and is new offensive, and the hockey region of northeastern ukraine will the $5000.00 people that the move to safety is fee is facing pacific for
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a full stay in the border area to the home and report some t if you craze forces putting called on the new from the ne, in hot a key region for us, your lowest across the board are offensive on friday, and it's troops bouncing most cases, it's already taken several villages. ukraine says it's trying to contain via so but it's on the but so evacuation orders have been issued for thousands of people. the new fighting takes place, 500 meters away from my house. the vulture river is 500 meters from my house, and the russians on the other side, ukrainian tanks rolling, shoot, and rode out for you. so when you do it most kindly, apple is the most know the cranium, presidents as the flight use more intense on another part, the front line and the beast lost them. a sudden all died. if the idea behind the
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attacks and the khaki region is displayed on forces than an on demand, the motivation for ukrainians to defend themselves, the popular ask direction is the most difficult, despite everything to dialogue and they have been susie combat engagements. the metix, they were pulling out wounded troops. the soldier was concussed off for a russian motor attack is just sort. i'm sort of just because we are coping, but it is difficult. we keep up the defense and that's it was one of the to do the type for multiple directions on the model. 1000 kilometer front line. mean. so ukraine, you know me just trying to plug symbols, time, easily, a number of gaps, an army outgunned and outmanned for us t v secretary of state and to be blinked and said that there's been a cost in the months long delay in getting a $61000000000.00 us military, a package approved it was held up in the republican majority. congress. lincoln said,
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defense equipment with $400000000.00 have now been prioritized with weapons already beginning to arrive to more or expected to be delivered the next month, including a 16 flight to jets. the price is desperately needs, but some of the items will take many months to get in until the front line. it means a significant window for rush it to press home its advantage. and that's exactly what it's doing. john, home, and i'll just say the key. okay, let's take you to a story in south africa now where the death toll from the collapse of a building there in the country has risen to see with another 22 people still missing. the 5 story building came crashing down a week ago in the southern city of george rescue teams and people working around the clock to find survivors. $29.00 people have been rescued so far, including a man who spent a 116 hours under the rubble. reason for the collapse is still being investigated,
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or at least 3 people have been killed and several others wounded off to police, fight into crowds to protest is in pockets done to it means to catch me nearly 20000 demonstrators that of being marching towards the city of most off about that running against the rising cost of energy and high taxes and protests that have now entered the full day apartments push about sharif has cooled at emergency meeting. we lead us from the region and is approved in $86000000.00 grant for the region to ease price. precious rescue is in afghanistan that continuing to search for thousands of people still missing from floods in the countries northern bog lined province. many ponds to the province remain buried in muds and deputy as locals struggle with rudimentary tools to clean away the sledge. at least 315 people have been confirmed that so far, students in kenya have been told to return to school just by weeks of flooding
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that's killed nearly 270 people least 62 primary schools have been effective and they were fee is warrantable and diseases such as cholera could spread. catherine story reports from consumer county and west. and can you what a way to start a new school tom? this is what students from kenya seemed to be. talis found when they returned to school. it's among several into swimming county. that's a the flooded or damaged. after reasons, torrential rains. one and 200 people are dead and thousands more homeless. the head teacher says this is no place for child to lawn. we are not able to access the impact on facilities. toilets are very big problem. some of the


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