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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 14, 2024 1:00am-2:00am AST

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dennis, i'm just asking the upfront on how to do the the hello, i'm the fucker. this is the news our life from dough coming up in the next 60 minutes is, are also tax on rough or show no sign for lansing. hundreds of thousands of policies and gaza, a once again forced to flee for you in vehicle is hits in the in southern gaza, killing one stuff member, $190.00 over square cuz have died since the will began in october. the university of amsterdam is forced to cancel classes for 2 days following protests against a viewing of donald trump's former lawyer,
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michael cohen takes the stand in his hand hush money, criminal trial as the prosecution witness. the thanks for joining us. hundreds of thousands of palestinians in gauze fleeing is ready advances in the north and south. these ready army has divided the strip to the so called net, sorry, i'm colorado, which you controls. and then all of this way, the soldiers and tanks of advance further into the jabante refugee camp and have been engaged in fis, bottles for posting and fights as strikes in the area of supporting the ground operation and forcing tens of thousands to flee. but escaping the south as an option, as in this way, the buses that prevents this to most having definitely west and southern cause adults is that the quite hospital a raffle i receive calls from these rarely ministry, ordering them to evacuate the medical facility. meanwhile, palestinians are still escaping from rafter towards the bottom in the center and to
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our milwaukee. at least 360000 people have been displaced in this latest fighting. and our quarterly begins coverage from debt. how about it has been a very frustrating and tiring day for people and drop off and into by the but talking about rough up there has been in tens. air strikes are tyler reselling where people were forced to evacuate under fire. we have been seeing coming up more to that, but that's looking for tens looking for space. but unfortunately, they didn't. bella is running out of space and not only yep, palestinians that we're at as to evacuate due to the maps. nice. let's also people surrounding the weight. the hospitals have been receiving calls to evacuate, but uh, the hospital has been waiting for a like a re a call or
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a warning from the is there any forces to evacuate? but most people are evacuating towards the central area and can units. and here is our report i had made. is this several defense workers only production parts invest you vehicles are really all that remain on the roads in the racing to help pick another round of the severely injured in district and city under seats. this time, due to late a lifeless shoeless man left out on the street, shocked the team's face by un is rarely sniper. they begin the same task of covering his corpse
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the another. the pickup job is causes death to pushes past 35000 for the body carried quickly to a. com. but then left with the little ceremony. the time of the, the civil defense teams are still operating an eastern central, roughly and very difficult and complicated conditions. recently we headed to the cities main intersection and recovered a number of dead bodies as well as i guess one other words, it's as simple defense teams should be granted entering the areas with his fighting to recover the dead bodies and help the wounded if their injured are left without help without a doubtful dying. 6 for their noise into about yukon, families have been paused once more to see what the
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news is ready assaults the floods of humanity afraid for their lives as they hurry through this hazardous battle zone hi . tank is behind the classrooms and the schools go does. i'll save you and decide are of all state. we did not want to leave until we saw it with our in i policy using causal are again being pushed force to feed from anywhere. they found refuge . we don't know where to go. we have been displaced from one place to the next and know we have left. we don't know where to go. we are running industries. i thought with my own eyes, i saw the tank and the bull dozer. it is on that street. a desperate movement after another round of warranty or fire interior is there. a defense minister has spoken to the us secretary of state, updating him on his armies operation and drop off and the take over of the nearby
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border crossing into egypt. but there appears to be no end in sight to the months long suffering here. more policy and use are being killed, injured or displeased with each passing day. in de la garza palestine, where there's already forces stepping up, a tax injury body, refugee camp and northern gauze, and many civilians have trapped inside you and schools. as most of our colleagues reports the places where people sort shelter from the war and now into bombardment . there's really forces now stations and incurs behind the universe schools the street in the sense that which evaluate camp and all of this just combined with helicopter and course kept a flat ring against civilian civilians are trapped inside the schools in that area found some now receiving casualties and injuries from that area
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since the beginning of the will we have taken shelter in un run schools since then . these ready, so just have repeatedly rated schools enough with it together without children. we've been homeless for months and we showed with missiles and shelves now with full to keep moving. just like no man from y'all who is a lawyer, he's not willing to negotiate. he's killed thousands of palestinians. we want to go home and live in peace. the entire population is on the run, a fearing for that children's names as well. then we're living in missouri. the situation in northern causes disastrous. we are forced to move from one place to another. we cannot find any shelter or place to settle in. needless to mention the delicate, in the absence of food on top of medicine. if our children are not killed on the compartment, they will die of hung up what diseases. we appeal to the whole wealth act to have a feast fire to end the will of the united nation staff members being killed in the
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attack in eastern rough up. do you and has confirmed this is the 1st international staff casualty in gaza. 60 general and turn your guitar says condemn the attack and quote for full investigation. obviously it was gabriel alexander reports from you in headquarters in new york. bullet holes through the back window of a vehicle clearly marked united nations. the driver of the vehicle, an international un worker for the department of safety and security was q. and another one was injured while writing in a convoy headed to the european hospital in rafa. well, a 190 un staff have been killed and guys in the past 7 months. it was the 1st time in international stafford and not palestinian was killed. the secretary general condemns all the tax on you and personnel, and calls for a full investigation. he sent his condolences to the family of the fall and staff member with the conflict and gaza, continuing to take a heavy,
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told not only on civilians but also on humanitarian workers. the secretary general reiterates has urgent appeal for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire. and for the release of all hostages, is it fair to characterize this as an attack? yes. the head of the u. n. relief and works agency for palestinian refugees posted on the social platform x. no one is safe and gaza, including aid workers. our teams and guides are grieving the loss of their friends and colleagues, aid workers, and un staff or not, and never should be a target. the secretary general has called for an investigation into all of the killings of every un staffer in gaza. the last 7 months, he's also called for an investigation into the mass graves are recently discovered as well. but in order for there to be an independent inquiry,
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it requires access for the investigators to get to the locations for the crimes took place and is real controls access in and out of gaza. so far, israel has failed to cooperate gabriel's onto. i'll just need a united nations new york, a group of his regular use as a tax trucks counting desperately needed food aid, preventing them from reaching goes and this video shows them unloading and destroying supplies. the vehicles for crossing through hebron and you will get find the west bank heading towards the bassy strip. 3 of them was set on fire 8 inside garza was critically low with famine now taking home. the white house says the us doesn't believe a genocide has taken place in gauze, and a white house correspondent can be how it could just following the story and off national security advisor, jake sullivan. why? the more the 35000 palestinians have been killed as a result of israel's war on gaza. still national security advisor j sullivan says
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the biden administration does not see the killing of palestinians, but is real as genocide even as a us report presented back in march. says there are reasonable grounds to believe that israel is committing genocide as defined under international law. how can use agency it's not being committed, as i just told you, i think the best way for me to answer that question is actually to ask you to look at the lay down that we gave, which st. louis and how are you saying that she's a liar? the united states is laid down at the international court of justice in writing in detail. it's position on this issue and i'd ask you to read. the national security advisor also said there could be a cease fire in israel's war on gaza. is home us release is the hostages. he's calling on the international community to pressure him us to return to the
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negotiating table and accept a deal. kimberly helped get al jazeera, the white house. earlier i spoke with, i would just say were senior political analyst moment the shower. he says the washington is to providing excuses for as well. and it's ongoing ministry actions in this system the nothing the a whole fatigue at the white house. there's an is right, is that the in the united states and in the rest of the world, there's nothing else at the gun and is ready to fatigue because of the unraveling genocide on our tv screen. so i think people are just getting fed up with one of the same with not anything changing. right. and using the same excuses. and this is the thing we've heard from washington as well. of course, as for me, is that because washington seems to be a better thing. uh the lines coming out of nothing, you know, in his government about this and that's happening in gaza. but it was it really just so nonsensical hearing chucks jakes out of and repeating more of the same
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month, it was over. they've been debunked, over the past 7 months about why there are such huge loss of life in gaza. clearly the bombings of hospital schools, universities, and so on cannot only be in what it used to. oh, most heights between civilian population. as of course of the nations around the believe what's happening and gaza is probably a bunch of genocide, but so one of the things that jake sullivan said categorically is that right now washington doesn't believe it is a genocide, a toy. it also said it supports israel and the destruction of a mouse and also believes israel's operation. in rough uh, is quote, targets is water was like this. indicates this current time. what sort of message does it send israel in terms of its own goings times the strategy for goes to infinity. it is rather to tact with impunity thanks to the
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united states. because somehow the by the administration, especially sullivan and blinking tend to always find a way to justify what this was doing. defend what is there as doing for re interpret what is just doing or say better than these ways of doing it themselves. it's really amazing to find these sort of defense lawyers or nations sit beside visor and secretive state of is right around the united states. but be that as it may i think the, the main problem in all of this is that the united cisco continues to be complicit and the by the administration is not able to escape being uh, sort of back in the corner if you will, in this election year it's or the last big time in the 5 or 7 swing states, today's port and then publish. and then new york times shows the fight is really
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lose and big time in important states that we need to run that him, those that have this coming election. now the us army office of says he resigned from the military and protests against us backing of israel's war and goes to the us. suppose the israel with nearly $4000000000.00 worth of ministry. 8 every year. major harris of mine who was working at the defense intelligence agency, step down back in november, but just made his resignation public. he posted an open glass on the social media sites that are linked in the queue using the u. k. of nearly unqualified support for the government of israel, which has enabled and empowered the killing and starvation of tens of thousands of innocent palestinians. he continues this unconditional support also encourages reckless escalation the risks. why the war possible hain has moved from washington dc. a major harrison man had been with the army for about 13 years with the specialization in the middle east policy worked to the embassy. now he was currently he had been working in the defense intelligence agency focusing on the
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middle east. that's a fairly powerful agency within the pentagon, but now he's released, as you mentioned, this open letter. and he basically said my work, however, administrative or marginal it may seem has, as it has continued to unquestionably come to unquestionably continue to that supports you have a little bit of this history said as a defendant of european jews who was worries, in a particularly moral environment when it came to bearing responsibility for an estimate cleansing, so really very strong words from the major added. uh then he said at some point, whatever the justification you're either advancing a policy that enables the masturbation of children. or you're not know, he resigned to november 1st early from the d, i a and said at the time people asked him why did you quit early and you don't have a job lined up. and he didn't really go public until now. possibly because of what's happening in rafa and he sent us a note to the other team members said,
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you know, i thought i didn't have any support, perhaps you're struggling with this as well. and not everyone can quit. i don't expect you to do that, but just know you're not alone. now. we've reached out to the army for any sort of comment. we haven't heard back yet. don't know if he's the 1st one person from the armed forces to quit because of this, we knew that there been a few reservations within the state department, a man who was working the weapons, transferred apartment, a woman who worked with the human rights and another who was the arabic spokesman for the state department, and they've all been very public about why they've left at the same time we are seeing report after report that with in the internal communications, they with the set channel, the state department, lots of cables saying that the us needs to change policy c, same with us a id, but as far as the public liquidity of the pentagon, because of this, this seems to be the 1st. so again, a major is very much a mid level manager,
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but it is again notable because he's making his descent public public. oh, hang there in washington, dc. well i was looking at the story in more detail now with laurens. cool. who is former assistant secretary of defense and a senior fellow at the center for american progress. he's with us also from washington dc. if i will welcome to you. so 1st of all, why does this high profile resignation from a mine who was well connected within the intelligence sector? a defendant of european jews. he said, why does this match so within the context of the war and gaza? well i think it shows that the military would certainly know. busy it was an awful lot about how combat is wage or suppose to be way their, their, their members of their a military are not happy with the way israel is conducting the this more. and what is significant, as you mentioned, he is a descendant of european jews. busy is not like he's
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a good be at the symmetric you know, for example, the other thing is he resigned in november. it was an approved til january and he goes out and he lives in june. so i think this is why he basically went public because a lot of people, a lot of his friends and colleagues and sure why you're leaving, you got 13 years. if you get 20, you can retire and get half paid for the rest of your rest of your life. a house of mine this suggested that it was his quote moral juicy to resign over us a pool of israel's will. what do we expect the full allowance if this resignation to be there as well? i think what we'll do is it will tell people if there are people in the pentagon, on like some of the state department who have resided left, that are not happy with the way this wars be it run and they're experts and how to run mores and so they would know that is real,
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is not conducting this from ace or you know, a military point of a military and moral point of view here to achieve their objective. and remember, he resigned in november, things have gotten worse. instead, in terms of civilian casualties, what do you think the resignation of major mine says about underlying opinions in the armed forces about israel's offensive engage and not just now and forces, but the intelligence community as well as well. i think it shows that like the president, by me who has talked a lot about concerns about israel, but has not really acted on it yet. that there is this feeling that this is biting the wrong war the wrong way at the wrong time. and basically, given what we've been through with a rock and now status that, and even vietnam,
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which i was involved with, you know, the military knows that they can't just blindly fall on waters and expect things to turn out right. if in fact, that's what they believe, and as i mentioned, he's paying a very high prize because after 13 years it gets no pension. if he had stage, why did he get 50 percent for the rest of his life? was free medical care? i mean, he's a terrific sacrifice on uh, yeah, the majors part. and i think the fact that i'm sure a lot of his colleagues want to know the fact that he went public shows that he's not the only one who is in the military, who's on happy, but unfortunately not late on like the other agencies. it's hard for them to uh, to get called public attention to it. i don't think it's right to call him a whistle blower, but nevertheless something will be comparing came to the like sofa of bradley mining. now, chelsea mounting people that have lifted the lids on the inner workings of american
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foreign policy. i, one of the front of these comments have come from a figure inside the intelligence survey. something that's particularly eye opening . presumably this is someone who would know more than the average anti war protests are on the streets of washington dc, about the extent of us support for israel, a absolutely edition, so that he works in the middle east. he's a specialist in the middle east. so he brings to a with got this, the current knowledge, foot knowledge about the whole history of the way things are and how they've turned out to be. and as i mentioned, president biden's beginning to come around to that. so he hasn't really taken definitive steps. lawrence, cool up. it's been a pleasure to have you in the program. thank you. thank you for having me. the
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rush. it says it's taking 9 villages and this new offensive in the hockey region of northeast and ukraine. hold on 5000 people at the move to safety. s. fist fighting possessed for full day in the border area. so on a home and report some key if you craze. policies putting called on the new from the ne, in how to key region for us. your lowest across the board or offensive on friday, and it's troops bouncing, in most cases it's already taken several villages. ukraine says it's trying to contain the so but it's on the but for that choice, you notice have been issued for thousands of people. the new fighting takes place, 500 meters away from my house. the vulture river is 500 meters from my house. and the russians on the other side, ukrainian tanks rolling, shoot and rode out. but you still use it most kindly. apple is the most know the
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cranium. presidents has the flight use more intense on another part of the front line and the beast. lots of them is that on that if the idea behind the attacks and the khaki region is displayed on forces than an on demand, the motivation for ukrainians to defend themselves, the pop cross direction is the most difficult to spot everything to the line that has been susie combat engagements, the metix they were putting out with the troops. the soldier was concoct stuff for a russian motor attack. sometimes on the desk, we are coping but it is difficult. we keep up the defense and that's it. he was one of the students, the type from multiple directions on the model, 1000 kilometer front line being so ukranian know me just trying to plug symbols time easily, a number of gaps, an army outgunned and outmanned on u. s. t, the secretary of state and to be blinked and said that there's been
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a cost in the months long delay in getting a $61000000000.00 us military. a package approved it was held up in the republican majority. congress lincoln said defense equipment with $400000000.00 have now been prioritized with weapons already beginning to arrive here more or expected to be delivered next month, including a 16 flight to jets. the price is desperately needs, but some of the items will take many months to get in and to the front line. it means a significant window for russia to press home its advantage. and that's exactly what it's doing. john home and i'll just say to keep the shuffle of the top of the kremlin because it's not, it may have 2 things to place. russia's defense minister with a civilian form, a deputy prime minister andre, bye low saw full take on the roll. he's an economist with no previous military experience, but it was solved for place this guy showing good, want to present pollutants closest political allies, wiley,
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my colleagues and associates a spoke with them, attend the 2nd. i'm also, she's a senior electra in conflict and security of kings closed london and says by that low self needs to men relationships within the defense industry, following a string of scandals. what is important is that this new feeder is going to be probably, uh able, oh we try at least to streamline as was mentioned uh the sort of the, the inefficiencies in the ministry of defense. and also the relationship with what we would call the military industrial complex, because apparently that's being tensions there. that the ministry of defense complaining that we're not getting the wiper re necessary on time. industries complaining that the ministry of defense was very corrupt. that that was, that was investment. so i think the speaker is going to be able to potentially, to create a much more effective relationship and make sure there is no significant waste and
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streamlined, these kind of relationships. i'd also make sure that you know that there are the necessary equipment and reaches affected with the tool, the front line. so an emphasis very much on the logistics of the role and also an understanding by russia that this is going to be a long war. that is also going to involve a very much sort of the, the military industrial complex. i mean, the way sort of the ward calling him, you're frustrated, say you mention difficulties within the defense ministry. there's obviously been a corruption scandal fairly recently. how much is this re shuffle a direct result of that? i think there has been a lot of, uh, sort of um, dissatisfaction with troy go ask the minister of defense also because there's been a lot of challenges of this military operation in this war. starting from the very beginning, the wave was long, the way it was carried out. i'm showing who took
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a lot of the things taken notice of playing. there's a very high number of casualties there without 0 still a heads i own it says in police back on the streets in georgia, this bottom of the past for controversial folks the last in a way back into baltimore demolition cruise and move the remains of a bridge that was rammed to find a container ship the the, the weather in the city has been particularly disappointing recently by that rain. and that's what i mean by disappointing, has gone off shore and assets has been saying you've got nice weather returning 23 degrees in the sunshine, which is so reminiscent but slowly increasing times all the way up through tropical
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queens to the shelves. we seen around in west australia still there, then not a mounting too much for the probably welcome to us about 28 degrees. you can see which is that much higher than sidney drive. looking picture of a time to get to choose day, almost across the entire confidence that heavy. right. and there, he's got somebody, the guy who's heading towards new zealand, particularly, and all solid. and my suspect the picture on wednesday will be around the room, present one that right and heavy, full, simon. the winds also quite strong, particularly in discipline. we've seen funding recently and some pilots i've been to these, you know, i'm thinking more especially office to box right. because the sees no writings lie more or less from paddling towards rest, kind of on time. equally big channels are lucky with popular possibly be sort of lazy and even the southern philippines and child. the reason they have replaced was very hot weather. in india, china and the sheriff, i'm particularly big, but it means to me the weather is around browsers and halts dry sunshine. fine is the most the dry picture that surprisingly for china and the korean peninsula of
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the over $27000.00 harrowing photographs. as mutually can do that to us. the evidence in this case is frankly even stronger than that that we had against the nazis at nuremberg. and these crimes continued in the fast of a 2 part series out to 0 photos, powerful cases of little crimes against civilians allegedly killed by the syrian government. with photographic evidence from the seas of files, the lost souls of syria on al jazeera, you will see the cot, a duty and a growth viewing for p. use a cod to contribute to improving the lives of thousands of our projects except the card and we strive to ensure it reaches its deserving recipients. visit the cost on red crescent. and remember, it's a copier size, wealth,
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and increase the systems cost on request the the the fuel once again, which is there a, is there a mind of a top stories this out? is there any forces a continuing the bombing of rafa? gaza southern most 16, more than 360000 palestinians that have been forcibly displaced in the last week due to religion. this is riley strikes. the united nations has confirmed the one of its employees has been killed and goes also, one of his vehicles came up to 5. even 60 general has condemned monday's attack, calling for a full investigation. so the us city of chicago administrators and student protests
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is the full university you have reached a stalemate. the students have been camping on university grounds for the past 2 weeks to protest against the board garza so a 100 small. the depaula is the last university in the chicago area to still have a student encampment in protest of the war in gaza. but the administration here says they've reached an impasse in negotiations with students. administration officials were supposed to show up at a meeting on monday and did not do so in that has some here concern because the university set a deadline for sunday. and now the concern is what happens next? we're really just here to make sure that we can re center on our demands and re center for palestine because we believe that administration choosing to walk away from negotiations and to 1st assist negotiations away from the demands and about forcing a close to being kept minutes we want to make sure that our demands are centered,
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always, even as you know, if you ministration does choose to come back to that negotiating table. um that were able to kind of reconcile the lack of communication that they've had that you've been publicly about. what happens now that they've declared a still me for graduation occurs here in mid june. and the question is, what happens after that? john henry l. g 0, chicago. so the university of amsterdam will remain close for 2 days off to police . that once again, use force to remove protests from a riley on campus, students and stuff at several adult universities have been demonstrating and solidarity with post engines. so boston reports a riley against police violence, turning silent once again. riot police force hundreds of students from the university of amsterdam campus. after they had occupied the main university building. several tests, including university staff, had to receive 1st 8 treatment. and at one point the right place came and they wanted to move all the people through the street. i just started working,
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but apparently people were walking fast enough. so they, they started using their baton and i was trying to check 2 smaller and i got hit in the head and, and on the arms like quite severely that there was one of the around 1000 university professors. i'm lecturer us who worked out monday morning to put test what they said was excessive police violence last week. then police use the bulldozer and battens against a student and camp. and so now the classic one we've been finding, finding the student council has called on the university board to resign. the rodney, it started as a protest against silence rapid escalating once again coming to the university campus. hundreds of units obviously saw right here this morning to the mind to ride,
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to protest. and that's exactly what the students are doing as well. they say they want to be able to find their anger about the genocide happening in gaza and showed the increasing frustration. the dutch government not doing anything to stop it for testing is the fundamental rights. and for genocide, we are balanced by international law and we are bound by a genocide convention. and the level of the town is not. it cannot be explained. and this young generation to generation of our students and they will not go along with it. and many of the staff as well the university board defense. it's the station 2 quotes to say in protests as close to the damage to the building. it estimates losses are as high as one and a half 1000000 euros. students allowed to continue their protests until the universities have prop tice, which is for 80 universities. they say the number will only increase if police continue to use filing step fast and l just sierra to them. for the sake of the
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george and our protest continue over proposed rule that aims to reduce it for an influence in the country. a final vote is set to be held on tuesday off. it was created by a parliamentary committee opponent say, if passed, it could be used to crank down on to send it to the ends. the georgia bid to join your opinion to meet you might have done co has to support from the capital to place a sporadic scuffles. that's thousands of georgians gathered the upon them and demanding the so called for an agents bill be dropped. several people injured dozens detained, many staying through the nights to make a stand. they will met with a large police force sealing off the building. i have never seen these amounts of police and i, i think that all the policemen are here now and i, i really think that there's some of the might be some problems with other types of safety over the country. because everyone assumable i, i've been here all night to defend my constitutional rights and to, to nice,
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not flush our ruling party to possibly a russian law and to, for georgia to not become russian protest to say it's similar to a law adopted in russia. 12 years ago now used to crack down on the sense the bill will require a n g o is a media receiving at least 20 percent of the funding to declare themselves agents of for an influence demonstrate as expected, a long stand off during the reading of the law and what are some of the problem is traditional committee cleared it in under 2 minutes or so to get to the get several of the up the ruling georgia dream policy and its allies have enough seats to win the vote on tuesday. yeah, well let me close some kind of the is a member and the head of parliament's for an offense committee. he explains why the party wants this vote now, because the elections are upcoming. and we see that the forwarding interference into elections in any country has become a standard practice. and the funding interference is done not through the political
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parties on leave, but also through a non governmental organizations. therefore, we need the transparency of funding or funding, or for a non governmental organizations. you officials continue to apply pressure saying the bill could and george's bid to join the you. instead of making general comments . they, you should tell us which article on the law is not compatible with the european centers with the final vote on this bill taking place at noon on tuesday. these people here say that's definitely going to come. they're going to skip work. they're going to skip clauses in order to make themselves to meet them at that go out to 0. 36 double drums for malloy and michael cohen is taken to the stand at his criminal trial. in new york, prosecutors accused the former us president of concealing reimbursement, made to come in as a business expense coming, testified about the harsh money payments made to an adult film star. the height of the fam or the run up to the 2016 presidential election going told the court and
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trump wasn't thinking about trying to protect his wife. and then it was all about the campaign. trump has pleaded not guilty to the, to full counts falsifying business records, chris and slay me. how does the support from outside the cost in new york? michael cohen is a lawyer by trade. but on the stand, he describes himself that donald trump's former fix, or someone who is willing to lie and bully people, to please his former boss, particularly in the run up to the 2016 election. when a lot of bad news was surfacing about donald trump, that in this access, hollywood tape that came out where donald trump was overheard making very disparaging comments about women. michael cohen's description of his efforts on the sand included working with the publisher of a national tabloid, david tucker and donald trump, to allegedly buried these stories. in some cases,
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paying money for them not to be published at the heart of this case is the $130000.00 payment that michael collins says he made to stormy daniels, the adult film star whose testimony is key to the prosecution. proving that donald trump hit that payment describing it as a legal fee despite knowing that it was being used to pay off someone for bearing this bad news. now, the defense is expected to focus on the fact that michael cohen is someone of questionable credibility given that he has pleaded guilty to several times himself. federal crimes, back in 2018, including lying to congress is a theme that was taken up outside of the court house by republican politicians who showed up to support the former president. donald trump is a convicted,
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convicted felon. i mean this guy, he's up there given an acting same and all of a sudden he comes out and says, oh i have recorded president trump. oh my telephone, my, this, this guy, i work for present trip. i mean, how can you be convinced by somebody that is a serial lar, the prosecution is expected to finish presenting its case by the end of this week, unknown at this time whether or not the defense will call former president donald trump, to testify in his own behalf kristen salumi, l g 0 new york. randy's ellen is a criminal defense attorney of that young professor of little at cornell law school . he says it will be hard for the prosecution to prove its case. i think the trial is bearing out what many of us think which is this was an ill advised, ill conceived wrong way to go about prosecuting
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criminal offense. conduct this case is one where it is simply too difficult for the prosecution to prove, prove beyond a reasonable doubt and for your viewers in the united states prove beyond a reasonable doubt is proof which is so strong. so convincing that if you needed to make an important decision in your life, based upon the information that you had at hand, like for example, whether or not to have open heart surgery. if you have enough information to schedule the surgery, you don't have a reasonable doubt. however, if you need a 2nd opinion, then you do have a reasonable doubt and here, so far, the prosecution, the government has been unable to approve at that high bar that the former president knew that there were full centuries being made in the books and records of his company and the purpose of those 4 centuries was in order to either to
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further another crime election for roy or to conceal another crime election for another news demolition. crusade removes the heaviest remaining section of the from cisco at cambridge in baltimore. the controlled explosion as part of a clean up operation to a store full capacity to the water. the way the bridge collapsed in much when a container ship lost power and rams, the bridge coming 6 people. since then, the ship has been stuck in traffic for the shipping channel has been restricted. heavy rains have triggered flash floods and land slides in the in denice, in provence, of west sinatra. at least 37 people died including children rescue is it searching for thousands who are still missing as a bank as well? the often most of devastating flesh that's say a cut from the flow of rivers that's originate from the slopes of indonesia is maxima, ruthy. it's remains one of some options,
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most active volcanoes. a code of lava flow, which is a mixture of volcanic ash, rock debris and volta after 2 inches of rain caused lens lights and floods. emergency crews are still looking for the dead, but the shortage of heavy equipment is making the task difficult and slow. at the moment, we are divided into 2 teams, the ground team that covers a 2 kilometer radius and another team clearing damage material with heavy equipment . currently here we are looking for 2 missing victims, both of whom are over 60 years old. they just have come to give that to try and clean up the car and leave the men of working together to clean up the debris that is still piled up and left in the houses. then all the women are helping by setting up a public kitchen at the evacuation center to provide food. there's also a need for a central food. there was no warning when the flats came and some roads remain closed. for advocacy, we need clean water because clean water here is no longer available and the
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residents have difficulty. it's far away and only a few spots to the left. we also need close to help those affected by the disaster dislikes, just as also has displaced hundreds of people and cause extensive destruction. i said vague of the students in kenya, i've been told to return to school just by weeks of flooding. that's left grounds covered in once a month. at least $62.00 private schools to be in effect seats and the fee is waterborne diseases such as color it could spread any $270.00 people have died in the floods. katherine saw a report, some consuming county in west in can you what a way to start a new school tom. this is what students from kenya seemed to be. talis found when they returned to school, it's among several into swimming county. that's a the flooded or damaged of the reasons, torrential rains when 200 people are dead and thousands more homeless
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they had to just say, this is no place for child to on. we are not able to access that impact on facilities. toilets. are very big problem. some of the classrooms stated they're not very conducive. they're waiting to get to you by the plants. the duck on sunday school could be a breeding ground for what a borne diseases like color, uh, and malaria. this is the only remaining toddler because the facilities are still flooded. the teachers here are seeing that clearly, this is a health hazards. it's not just you, some other schools across the country are facing similar problems. government officials, the students who have nowhere to go, will be temporarily moved to nearby schools to think about the infrastructure in this particular school. for example, if you think about that road, that is guessing you think about the tires that are guessing you,
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we think about the classes, for example. it means that we have to put in a bit more money to be able to bring back this close to where it was supposed to be . but for now, the students and the teachers say they have to walk with the legal resources they have. despite the safety and health risks posed by their flight schools, kathrine saw you all just there. are you single county west and kenya authorities and southern brazil considering relocating into neighborhoods to higher ground after weeks of devastating floods. high watering mud slides have killed at least a 147 people. the more than half a 1000000 a sleeping in schools and temporary shelters, and full to allegra the climate river running through the city is rising again. often more rain state police are using jet skis to combat fast as desperate people move from homes and businesses. still ahead on that, i'll just say with millions votes in the full phase of india is general election is 5 minutes to render moody 6 a full time on why one of the wells busiest canals needs more water and why the
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lack of it for protest is on to the streets, the
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of the, the 4th around a voting and indeed a 7 phase general election has ended with the people of india is administered to catch me among those costs and their votes. for the 1st time in decades the governing b. j. p. didn't contest any seats and the catch me in the valley or bind to the indian government hasn't gone to that, which is 0 is doing list a visa. so a company election from outside the country pull, getting reports,
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casting the balance under the watchful eye of security forces. focusing indian administer kashmir, queued up to choose a candidate to represent that best interest. it's the 1st problem entry election since 2019, when crime in the state and around to emote. these government revoke to region special status and voted on the central government control ending its semi autonomy and rights to land into jobs. barely bought a new clothing and will don nick any of this boat is important because it's the 1st election since the low exchange. we have been facing a lot of difficulties ever since. all young people are being harass on. notable land is being taken away in good enough, as it seems as if prime minister moody had not removed us ago. $370.00 the most people would have voted for cash me is divided between india and pakistan on both of which claim it in its entirety. the buyer t a gena top polity has defended its controversial move,
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saying adult relative peace and stability to the region, often decades of violence. but it hasn't filled it any candidates in the cache. me a volley, a muslim majority region, which i p is not feeling a candidate because i fear defeat. there's a lot of local unpopularity the for the beach, i pay and i a, it's the 1st $1.00 for about to use. i have not had a candidate for luck, some of our election and i do. they think they going to lose and that will be not just the last but of dropping to the full size of elections is crucial for the b. j . p. the 96 parliamentary seats contested are in southern and eastern seats, while the party support base isn't as dominant. but this one and also included some b j. p strongholds where it's hoping to make for the gains. moody seeking a said to him as prime minister, his hindu nationalist parties up against the lines of opposition parties. despite the election rules, this being arise in hate speech during the campaigns. but for voters developments,
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one of the main concerns upgrade your search ranking up issues of him do this. he's mostly we'll take, there's no way you need development and progress for rules you to the final round of voting will be held on june. the 1st and most all to expect it's 3 days later poking out a 0. well, if i know dean is a professor of indian politics at georgetown university, he says moody is governing b, j. p. know might know form as well as expected in these elections. mr. moody is the most popular politician in india by long, modern enjoys in that sense. no cross to papa is an aisle of confidence and respect on the part of a new nor to his party. on the other hand, has maybe failed to take seriously the economic issues that still buffet of large numbers off in health indians. the majority of form still lives pretty mika,
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lives out, even though it is economy has been growing. that has really been out of the result of that going economy has been much more in a quality rather than maybe necessarily the rising living standards of the forest spots of the country. how so inequality as high inflation as high food in security is high. how these are perennial issues and in the elections, but maybe missed them all the, his body problems. but most of these popularity, their rhetoric of nationalism and national pride and the old fashioned, you know, am timeless, slim rhetoric, but suffice to get them across the, the, the finish line, even though the economy has not performing as well as it might have for large numbers of norcross indians, fisheries, have resident seemed determined to use this opportunity to send a real sick note of daily that they had to satisfy. that's what has happened since august of 20. 19. when the state of crush me,
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you lost it's due to the status on these reviews to port and then give a call union territory because she remains one of the most heavily militarized areas of the world out, the citizens of cushioning. you enjoy very few of the rights and privileges of most citizens and a democratic society restrictions on the movement, freedom of speech, civil society, all in a very heavy, militarized context. how so i think part of this is really dumb, saying you can't treat us this way and they're going to use the one right. we still have for us, which is the right to warrant and demick to collection. and another quick reminder that the indian government has no grunted visas, which is 0 is chalisse, which is why we're covering the election from outside the country. now, sophia droughts in panama has drastically reduced the canals water levels. they see it impacting one of the wells busy as trade passages. the drive has force to authorities to restrict shipping, not in terms disrupting global trade. hello, sandra, run patsy reports from panama. for almost a year,
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the number of ships passing through the panama canal has been reduced to cope with a severe drought brought by the new weather phenomenon. without enough flutter to raise and lower vessels through the locks. officials were left with no alternative but to operate. sions, creating headaches for shipping worldwide bends of thousands of dollars. i draw, the juice that belied at the bottom says new water sources are essential to maintaining the canals. perfect ability be cut out was the sign more than a 100 years ago. for a certain amount of water, the number of transfer, it's on a certain population leaving in panama city. and now the, the mind has greatly increased, therefore, the panama canal and needs to increase its water supply in order to meet that water . the canal operations depends on fresh water from artificial lakes that also supplied drinking water. for half of the time, i must population living in
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a country where almost 50 percent of potable water is loss to port management as a spine them as population grows and the sea barn trade expands the government to worry that the demands for water will gray police or past the available supply by 2050 the canal though tory t says they're considering various options, including costly diesel, the nation plants and creating new reservoirs which would require relocating. thousands of people for sans in the for the canal is important because it generates income growth. we need to guarantee its best management, but it was preserving peoples, right? the daughter of blond than that is showing up last year deadly pro just broke out with the government to allow the canadian company to expand its marketing contract impacting water resources. the country supreme court eventually ruled the government's contracts with the company was unconstitutional. lessons that
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scientists say things could improve in coming months and the canal could return to normal operations in 2025. the climate change means the cycle of drying wet weather could continue to become more severe and unpredictable, like both, se, his case tell him i'm in the little while. if that all hard purposes is that global warming will continue to make climate events like the nino and in the phenomenon was. so we need to listen to the warning. let's go with the most news elected president. the find them i was that i wouldn't really, you know, has not presented any concrete plans for the future of the canal. but the clock is picking for panama as most important business and a key transit route for the world, at least. and then a bit as, as the, find them a is that okay that's it for me and the bulk of this news out down in jordan will be in the chat for the next few. now, 5 hours we must hold. today's dues, thanks for watching the
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that meant that getting yeah, and he just the truth is the price is high for a family of palestinian active as so peacefully protected the community from is really secular expansion in the occupied westbank for decades. they just put the city for that. like on our see, this is the story, the trying to see them moving them. some of the on the fire on it, just the, you know, our coverage of africa is what i'm most proud of. every time i traveled, whether it's east or west, people stopped me and tell me how much they appreciate coverage. and our focus is not just on that suffering, but also on a more pop listing and inspiring story. people try to tell them what's happening in their communities in at p a n on biased and as an applicant. i couldn't be more
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proud to be of the . ringback the foundation is deliberate, over $300000000.00 will suffice in more than $75.00 countries around the world. 100 percent of sec, thoughts, an emergency donation spence on projects. and we ensure beneficiaries come 1st of a $300.00 on luis, covent that goes through the roof, the crossing in recent months. our most of these bless and the bless. i'm, we all turning jo,
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donations into direct delivery in the shortest possible time donates with confidence. the israel's attacks on the russell showed no sign of relenting hundreds of thousands of palestinians in gauze. uh once again forced to flip the little. i'm darn jordan, this is all just saved our lives. and also coming up, are you in vehicles here in southern guns? are kidding one stuff and a 190 of us work because of died since the war began in type of donald trump's former lawyer, michael, come and take suspense and his freshman.


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