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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 14, 2024 2:00am-2:31am AST

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always come 1st of a sweet 100 on luis heavens, had gone through the rough, the crossing in recent months. our most of these bless and be blessed and we all turning your donations into direct delivery in the shortest possible time donates with confidence. the israel's attacks on russell showed no sign of relenting hundreds of thousands of palestinians and gone. so uh, once again forced to flee. the other ones are in jordan, this is all just saved our lives and also coming to you in vehicles as hits in southern guns are kidding one stuff and a 190 of us were because of died since the war began in the type of donald trump's former lawyer, michael, come in, take suspense, and is flushed money. criminal trial as
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a prosecution style with the ukraine on the defensive, in the hockey regions rusher intensifies of tons of the country. second largest 6, the hundreds of thousands of palestinians and gaza, forcibly fleeing is randy. advances in the north and south is ran. the army has divided the strip through the circle, next knob and colorado, which it controls in the north is ready soldiers on tanks of advance for the individual body of refugee camp, and have been engaged in 5th battles with palestinian fighters. it strikes in the area supporting the ground operation, forcing tens of thousands to fleet. but escaping the south is not an option. that is on his way. any buffer zone that prevents they said most of the leading west in southern gaza, doctors up to 8. so hospitals and rough thoughts i receive calls from these randy
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military, ordering them to evacuate the medical facility. meanwhile, the palace demands, ah, still trying to flee from rough off towards the bala in the center. and on the last 8 of these 360000 people had been forcibly displaced in the latest fighting intel could or against coverage from the at all. but off it has been a very frustrating and tiring day for people and drop off and into by the but talking about rough law, there has been intense. uh, air strikes are tyler reselling where people were forced to evacuate under fire. we have been seeing coming up more to the left looking for tenants looking for space, but unfortunately, they didn't. bella is running out of space and not only yep, palestinians that we're at as to evacuate due to the maps. nice. let's also people surrounding the quite the hospitals have been receiving calls to evacuate, but uh,
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the hospital has been waiting for a like a re a call or a warning from the is there any forces to evacuate? but most people are evacuating towards the central area and con eunice and here is our report ahead of me is this several defense workers? only protection don't take part in rest. you vehicles are really all that remain on the roads in the fund raising to have another round of the severely injured in district and city under siege. this time, due to late a lifeless shooting. this man left out on the street shocked the team space by an
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is really sniper. they begin the same task of covering his corpse the another rush to pick up job as causes death to pushes past 35000 for the body carried quickly to a. com, but then left with the little ceremony, the time of the, the civil defense teams are still operating in east and central roughly and very difficult and complicated conditions. recently we headed to the city's main intersection and recovered a number of dead bodies as well as with one other words, it's as simple defense teams should be granted entry in the areas with his fighting to recover the dead bodies and help the wounded if they're injured or left without help, without a doubt they'll die. 6 for their noise into bad yukon,
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families have been paused once more to see what the news is. right assaults, the floods of humanity, a free for their lives as they hurry through this. his largest bottles own high the tank is behind the classrooms and the schools go to save you and decide are of allstate. we did not want to leave until we saw it with our and i have seen using bars are again being pushed, forced to feed from anywhere. they found refuge. we don't know where to go. we have been displaced from one place to the next and know we have left. we don't know where to go. we are running industries. i saw with my own eyes, i saw the tank and the bulldozer it is on that street. a desperate movement after another round of warranty or fire interior is there. a defense minister has spoken
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to the us secretary of state, updating him on his armies operation and drop off and the take over of the nearby border crossing into egypt. but there appears to be no end inside the months long suffering here. war policy and use are being killed, injured or just faced with each passing day. and the pull that evaded, but gaza. palestine as well with his writing forces, stepping up a tax and the giovanni a refugee camp in northern garza. many civilians are trapped inside you and schools as more of a 100 reports. the places where people sort shelter from the wall now under bombardment themselves. in this way, the forces now stations and incurs behind the universe to the street in the center of nevada can and all of this just combined with helicopter and course kept a fire when it gets to villas. somebody's on trapped inside the schools in that
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area. and so i'm not receiving casualties and injuries from that area since the beginning of the will we have taken shelter in un run schools since then . these really so just have repeatedly rated schools enough with it together without children. we've been homeless for months and we show it with missiles and shells now with full to keep moving. just like no man this in yahoo is a lawyer. he's not willing to negotiate. he's killed thousands of palestinians. we want to go home and live in peace. the entire population is on the run, a fearing for the children as well. then we are living in missouri. the situation in northern cause is disastrous. we are forced to move from one place to another. we cannot find any shelter or place to settle in. needless to mention the delicate, in the absence of food, we will talk with medicine. if our children are not killed under compartment,
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they will die of hunger. what diseases. we appeal to the whole wealth act to have a feast fire. to end the world. at least a palace demands have been killed. and at his writing, striking a residential home in the, in the set of refugee camp in central garza, dozens of palestinians were wounded. and they've been rushed to the lot to the hospital and get out of the public domain and civil defense working to recover the victims from under the a group of his rainy's attack trucks carrying life, saving food, a preventing them from reaching gauze that this video shows them unloading and destroying the supplies, as well as restriction of food as coast farming to take hold of cost large pots of gauze of the vehicles of costing to hebron. and they all divided west bank heading towards the seed strip. 3 of the trucks was set on fire, the united nation stuff, and that has been killed in an attack. and based on the rough or the u. n. has confirmed this is the 1st international stuff casualty and gaza that you an
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employee was killed off of the vehicle. this truck on monday morning. another stock member was injured. united nations secretary general has condemned the coding for a full investigation. for us as a 190 of us were because of now been killed in gaza since october 7th is really ministry has repeatedly targeted humanitarian workers. during its, we'll learn of the death of the united nations department of safety and security staff member, an injury to another dss staff or when their un vehicle was struck as they traveled to the european hospital in rafa this morning. the secretary general condemns all attacks on un personnel and calls for a full investigation. he sent his condolences to the family of the fall and staff member with the conflict in gaza, continuing to take a heavy tool not only on civilians, but also on humanitarian workers. the secretary general reiterates is urgent appeal for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire and for the release of all hostages. and is
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it fair to characterize this as an attack? yes. the whitehouse is the us, doesn't believe a genocide is taking place in casa a white house correspondent. kimberly how kit is following the story and off national security advisor, jake sullivan, wife. the more the 35000 palestinians have been killed as a result of israel's war on gaza. still national security advisor jake sullivan says the biden administration does not see the killing of palestinians. but israel as genocide, even as the us reports presented back in march, says there are reasonable grounds to believe that israel is committing genocide as defined under international law. how can use agent so it's not being committed, as i just told you, i think the best way for me to answer that question is actually to ask you to look
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at the lay down that we gave, which are you saying that she's a liar? the united states is laid down at the international court of justice in writing in detail. it's position on this issue and i'd ask you to read. the national security adviser also said there could be a cease fire in israel's war on gaza. is from us release is the hostages. he's calling on the international community to pressure him us to return to the negotiating table at the accept a deal. kimberly help you out to 0. the white house, the u. s. army officer had says he resigned from the ministry and protest against us backing of israel is warrant garza major harrison man who was working at the defense intelligence agency, step down in november, but just made his resignation. public. the post doesn't open the letter on a social media sites, accusing the us of nearly unqualified support for the government of israel, which was enabled and empowered the king and starvation of tens of thousands of
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innocent palestinians. he continues this unconditional support also encourages reckless escalation that risks a wide. uh well, i'll just say what's practical. hayden has moved out from washington dc. the major harrison man had been with the army for about 13 years with the specialization in middle east policy. worked to the embassy now he was currently a, he had been working at the defense intelligence agency, focusing on the middle east. that's a fairly powerful agency within the pentagon. but now he's released, as she mentioned this open letter. and he basically said my work, however, administrative or marginal it may seem has, as it has continued to unquestionably come to unquestionably, continue to that support. you have a little bit of his history said as a defendant of european jews. he was worries in a particularly moral environment when it came to burying responsibility for estimate cleansing. so really very strong words from the major added. and then he
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said at some point, whatever the justification, you're either advancing a policy that enables the masturbation of children. or you're not know, he resigned to november 1st early from the d, i a and said at the time people asked him why did you quit early and you don't have a job lined up. and he didn't really go public until now. possibly because of what's happening in rafa and he sent us a note to the other team members said, you know, i thought you didn't have any support, perhaps you're struggling with this as well. and not everyone can quit. i don't expect you to do that, but just know you're not alone. now. we've reached out to the army for any sort of comment. we haven't heard back yet. don't know if he's the 1st one, a person from the armed forces to quit because of this. we knew that there been a few reservations within the state department, a man who was working the weapons, transferred apartment, a woman who worked with a human rights and another who was the arabic spokesman for the state department.
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and they've all been very public about why they've left at the same time, we are seeing report after report that was in the internal communications. they with the set channel, the state department, lots of cable saying that the us needs to change policy the same with us a id. but as far as the public liquidity, the pentagon, because of this, this seems to be the 1st. so again, a major is very much a mid level manager, but it is again notable because he's making his descent public. the university of amsterdam would remain close for 2 days after police. once again, use force to remove protest as from a rally on campus. students and stop at several dots, universities have been demonstrating and solidarity with palestinians. i'll just leave a step vastly report a rally against police violence, turning silent once again. riot police force hundreds of students from the university of and sometimes campus after they had occupied the main university
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building. several tests including university staff, had to receive 1st 8 treatment. and at one point the right place came and they wanted to move all the people through the street. uh, i just started looking, but apparently people were walking fast enough. so they, uh, they started using their baton and i was trying to check 2 smaller. uh and uh, i got hit in the head and, and on the arms like quite severely that go with one of the round one files and university professors. i'm lecturer us who worked out monday morning to put tests, what they said was excessive police violence last week. then police use the bulldozer and battens against a student and camp and nothing like that. we've been finding the student council has called on the university board to resign the rodney. it started as a protest against $25.00 in rapid escalating once again coming to the university
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campus unit. starting to stop right here this morning. you don't mind to ride the protests and that's exactly what the students are doing as well. they say they want to be able to find their anger about the genocide happening in gaza and showed the increasing frustration. but the dutch government not doing anything to stop it for testing is a fundamental rights. and for genocide, we are balanced by international law. we are bound by a genocide convention and the level of it is not. it cannot be explained. and this young generation to generation of our students and they, they will not go along with it. and many of the staff as well the university board defense. it's the station to call to say in protests as close to the damage to the building. it estimates losses are as high as one and a half 1000000 euros. students are allowed to continue their protests until the
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universities have prop tice, which is for 80 universities. they say the number will only increase if police continue to use filing step fast and l just sierra amsterdam temper shop right here . and i'll just say when we come back, hi, i'm drawing. we can look at why a lack of water has drastically reduce the number of ships passing through the panama canal on that statement. the said to us, time of year for tonight is in the us. and when you get the meeting of breeze from the side of the gulf of mexico for a few minutes, you will against the residual code of the rockies. that's when you tend to produce the that the meeting of the winds is more or less through the southern states. so it's going to be more or less mississippi east was to northern florida,
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where the biggest charles, i feel potential for donated. i think during tuesday, thank you where, where the running out through the or higher volume to the northeast and the still cold enough air in the rockies to produce some stable that's kind of disappear. and the songs by count towards the california and coast as well. but if you're in the northeast is not working quite so nice. and it was the last 2 weeks in my memory, basically seen some espanol or in cuba, and the price of rico and the lee would have lots of heavy showers don't there anymore. there's still a breeze don't particularly strong it's bringing light chairs on a daily basis down for the wind woods. but that's a biography. it's just an improved looking picture. south america, different story. the still funding on the ground. it pops up result. but most of us, at least drawn out the seasonal range or the heaviest, most likely positive. that is where it's at the columbia just north of equity. but this is the picture in the southeast result. the still funding on the dry and the still a bit more right to come, but it's nothing like because back the the
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the welcome back. you're watching. how does a record your mind about top stories here?
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this is ready for us as continuing that booming of rough, la garza southern most searching more than 360000 out of students that i've been forced to be displaced in the last week due to it. relentless is writing administrator. united nations has confirmed that one of its employees has been killed and does the officers. vickers came under fire. you instead of the general, has condemned mondays of time cooling for a full investigation. not donald trump's former lawyer, michael, come in this taking the stand that is criminal trial in new york, prosecute as a to was the former us president of concealing a reimbursement made to come in as a business expense. kevin has been testifying about the house, many payments made to an adult film star stormy daniels, the hide and effect, and the one up to the 2016 presidential election co until the court. the trump wasn't thinking about trying to protect his wife. and it was all about the campaign . trump was speeded up guilty to 34 accounts, falsifying business records. how does 0 it's kristin. so let me report some outside
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the court in new york. michael cohen is a lawyer by trade, but on the stand he describes himself as donald trump's former fixed, or someone who is willing to lie and bully people, to please his former boss, particularly in the run up to the 2016 election. when a lot of bad news was surfacing about donald trump that and then this access hollywood tape that came out where donald trump was overheard making very disparaging comments about women. michael cohen's description of his efforts on the stand included working with the publisher of a national tabloid, david tucker, and donald trump, to allegedly buried these stories. in some cases, paying money for them not to be published at the heart of this case is the $130000.00 payment that michael college says he made to stormy daniels,
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the adult film star whose testimony is key to the prosecution. proving that donald trump hit that payment describing it as a legal fee despite knowing that it was being used to pay off someone for bearing this bad news. now, the defense is expected to focus on the fact that michael cohen is someone of questionable credibility given that he has pleaded guilty to several times himself. federal crimes, back in 2018, including lying to congress. it is a theme that was taken off outside of the court house by republican politicians who showed up to support the former president. donald trump is a convicted, convicted felon. i mean this guy, he's up there given an acting same. and all of a sudden it comes out and says, oh i have recorded president trump on my telephone,
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my, this, this guy, i work for present trip. i mean, how can you be convinced by somebody that is a serial lar, the prosecution is expected to finish presenting its case by the end of this week, unknown at this time whether or not the defense will call former president donald trump, to testify in his own behalf christmas salumi, i'll just hear a new york. russia says it's taking 9 villages and it's new offensive in the hockey region of ne, in the ukraine. more than 5000 people have been moved to safety as fist fighting continues for a full day in the border area. it's on home and reports from keith. you crazed policies putting called on the new from the ne, in how to key region for us. your lowest across the board are offensive on friday and it's troops bouncing most cases, it's already taken several villages. ukraine says it's trying to contain via so,
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but it's on the but for that choice, you notice have been issued for thousands of people. the new fighting takes place, 500 meters away from my house, the rupture, rivers, 500 meters from my house. and the russians on the other side, ukrainian tanks, roland, shoot, and rode out. but you still use it most kindly. apple is the most know the cranium . presidents has the flight use more intense on another part of the front line and the beast lost them aside on that. if the idea behind the attacks and the khaki region is displayed on forces, then an on demand, the motivation for ukrainians to defend themselves. the pol crossing direction is the most difficult to spot everything to the line that has been susie combat engagements, the metix they were pulling out wounded troops. the soldier was concussed after a russian motor attack is just the 3rd time somebody just because we are coping,
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but it is difficult. we keep up the defense and that's it. was one of the to do the attack from multiple directions on the model. 1000 kilometer front line means that you crane you know me just trying to plug symbols, tiny a sleep, number of gaps, an army outgunned and outlined on us t v. secretary of state and to be blinked and said that there's been a cost in the months long delay in getting a $61000000000.00 us military, a package approved it was held up in the republican majority. congress lincoln said defense equipment with $400000000.00 have now been prioritized with weapons already beginning to arrive here more or expected to be delivered next month, including a 16 flight to jets. the ukraine says it desperately needs, but some of the items will take many months to get in until the front line. it means a significant window for rush it to press home. it's advantage. and that's exactly
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what it's doing. john home and i'll just say the keys. now the full front of voting in india is 7 phase general election has ended with the people in the indian administrative kashmir among those causing the votes. for the 1st time in decades, the governing b. j. pete, north contest any states in the customer? valley or reminder, the indian government has not gone to visa is to launch a 0 is journalist. so we're covering the election from outside the country for getting reports. casting the pilots under the watchful eye of security forces, focusing indian administer kashmir, queued up to choose a candidate to represent the best interest. it's the 1st problem entry election since 2019, when crime in the state and around to emote. these government revoke to region special status and voted on the central government control ending its semi autonomy and rights to land and jobs. valley bottom, cleanable donica. this boat is important because it's the 1st election since the
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low exchange. we have been facing a lot of difficulties ever since. we all young people are being harassed. the notable land is being taken away. been good enough, as it seems as if prime minister moody had not removed us ago. $370.00 the most people would have voted for cash me is divided between india impacts done, both of which claim it in its entirety. the buyer. tia gena top polity has defended its controversial move, saying adult relative peace and stability to the region, often decades of violence. but it hasn't filled it any candidates in the cash me a volley, a muslim majority region, which i pay is not feeling a candidate because i fee of defeat. uh, there's a lot of local unpopularity the for the beach, i pay and i, it's the 1st one for about the use of i have not had a candidate paid for luck some of our election and i do, they think they going to lose and that it will be not just a last but a drumming. the 1st phase of elections is crucial for the b. j. p. the 96
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parliamentary seats contested are in southern and eastern seats, while the party support base isn't as dominant. but this one and also included some b j. p strongholds where it's hoping to make for the gains. moody seeking a said to him as prime minister, his hindu nationalist parties up against the lines of opposition policies. despite the election rules, this being arise in hate speech during the campaigns. but for voters developments, one of the main concerns upgrade your ranking up issues of hindus us. he's mostly we'll take, there's no way you need development and progress for rules you to the final round of voting will be held on june the 1st and most all to expect it's 3 days later, poking out a 0 as far as, as in southern brazil considering relocating in time neighborhoods to higher ground up to weeks of devastating floods. at least a 147 people have died in the floods and land slides more than half
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a 1000000 sleeping in temper shelters. and pull to allegra the river running for the city is rising again. often more rain has to be a drought in panama has drastically reduced water levels. and one of the wells busiest trade passages so far, it is unrestricted. shipping through the panama canal. as a result, but that's disrupting global trade. as always sandra and petra reports from panama . for almost a year, the number of ships passing through the panama canal has been reduced to cope with a severe drought brought by the new weather phenomenon. without enough water to raise and lower vessels through the locks, officials were left with no alternative but to operate. sions creating headaches for shipping worldwide. tens of thousands of dollars, i'd rather just not be allowed to devise, says new water sources are essential to maintaining the canals. profitability cut out was the sign more than a 100 years ago for a certain amount of water,
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the number of transfer. it's on a certain population leaving in panama city, and now the mind has greatly increased, therefore, the panama canal needs to increase its water supply in order to meet that water. the canal preparations depends on fresh water from artificial lakes that also supplied drinking water for half of the time as population in the country were almost 50 percent of potable water is loss to port management as a spine on us population grows and the c barn trade expense the government to worry that the demands for water will gray police are past the available supply by 2050. the canada tory t says they're considering various options including costly diesel, the nation plants and creating new resident wise, which would require relocating thousands of people for sale. the for to speak now is important because it generates income growth.


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