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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 14, 2024 3:00am-3:31am AST

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this is our s 10. you see negotiations being even have. this is most important, which of these are going to negotiate? polls unapologetic, i'm just asking awesome. upfront on out. the israel is a tax on the roof, are showing no sign or financing hundreds of thousands of palestinians and guns. a once again forced to flee. the other ones are in jordan. this is all just a run line from dell also coming at you and vehicle is hits in southern gaus, attending one stop and the a 190 of us where because of the died since the guns in the
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university and i'm supposed to cancel classes for 2 days following focus again on donald trump's, former lawyer, michael cohen takes the spam and his 1st money kind of a trial as a persecution. the israel, as steps up. it strikes and guns, i kidding palestinians from the north to the south of the district in the early hours of choose the morning. at least 8 palestinians were killed in on his rarely striking a residential home. and being a set up refugee camp in central garza, dozens of palestinians were wounded and have been rushed to the lots of hospital and data by the balance of indian civil defense is working to recover the victim. some under the rubble intel core of a has more now from the bottom it has been a very frustrating and tiring day for people and drop off and into by the but talking about rough law, there has been intense. uh,
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air strikes are tyler reselling where people were forced to evacuate under fire. we have been seeing coming up more to the left looking for tenants looking for space. but unfortunately, they didn't. bella is running out of space and not only yep, palestinians that we're at. as to evacuate due to the maps. nice. let's also people surrounding the quite the hospitals have been receiving calls to evacuate. but uh, the hospital has been waiting for a like a, a re a call or a warning from the is there any forces to evacuate? but most people are evacuating towards the central area and con eunice and here is our report i had made. is this several defense workers only production parts
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invest? you vehicles are really all that remain on the roads and of racing to help p at another round of the severely injured in district and city under seats . this time through to late life play, shooting that spam left out on the street shot. the team stays by and is really sniper. they begin the same task of covering his corpse the another. pick up job as causes that to pushes past 35000 for the body carried quickly to account, but then left with the little ceremony. so often them as the most of the civil
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defense teams are still operating an eastern central roughly and very difficult and complicated conditions. recently we headed to the city's main intersection and recovered a number of dead bodies as well as with one other words, it's as simple defense team should be granted entering the areas with this, fighting to recover the dead bodies and help the wounded if they're injured or left without help, without a doubt they'll die. 6 further noise into bad yukon families have been paused once more to see what the news is ready assaults, the floods of humanity a free for their lives as they hurry through this. his largest bottle zone high. the tank is behind the classrooms in the schools. good is our savior and decide or of all state we did not want to leave until we saw it with our and i know using
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basel are again being pushed, forced to feed from anywhere. they found refuge. we don't know where to go. we have been displaced from one place to the next and know we have left. we don't know where to go. we are running industries. i thought with my own eyes, i saw the tank and the both. those are, it is on that street. a desperate movement after another round of warranty or fire interior is there. a defense minister has spoken to the us secretary of state, updating him on his armies operation and drop off and the take over of the nearby border crossing into egypt. but there appears to be no end inside the months long suffering here. war policy needs are being killed, injured or just faced with each passing day in the gaza palestine. let's take a closer look at how the latest is randy operations are forcing palestinians to flee again. while these randy army has divided the strip through the circle and
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that's out in colorado, which it controls in the north is ready soldiers and tank some advance further into the jabante. a refugee camp on the been engaged in fis, bottles with palestine in finance and strikes in the area supporting the ground operation, forcing tens of thousands the fleet. but escaping the south is not an option. that's when it's ready buffer zone that prevents that said most fleeing west and southern gaza. doctors at 28 hospital in russell i receive calls from these randy ministry, ordering them to evacuate the medical facility. meanwhile, the palace demands are still trying to flee from rough or towards the bella in the center. and on the wall, i see at least $360000.00 people have been forced to be displaced in the latest fighting was ready for his step up their attacks and the giovanni, a refugee camp in northern gauze. i'm many civilians i've trapped inside you in schools. most i'll salute reports. so this way, the forces now stations and incurs behind the universe to the street in the sense
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that which evaluate can and all of this just combined with helicopter and course kept a flat ring against the values. somebody's are trapped inside the schools in that area. and so i'm not receiving casualties on interest from that area since the beginning of the will we have taken shelter in un run schools since then these ready, so just have repeatedly rated schools enough with it together without children. we've been homeless for months and we've showed with missiles and shells now with both to keep moving. just like no man this in yahoo is a lawyer. he's not willing to negotiate. he's killed thousands of palestinians. we want to go home and live in peace. the entire population is on the run, a fearing for the children as well. then we are living in missouri. the situation
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in northern cause is disastrous. we are forced to move from one place to another. we cannot find any shelter or police to settle in. needless to mention the daily kill in the absence of food on top of medicine. if our children are not killed on the compartment, they will die of hunger diseases. we appeal to the whole wealth act to have a feast fire to end the world. are united nation staff member has been killed in an attack in east of drop. the u. n. has confirmed this is the 1st international stop casualty and gaza. second to general antonio get damaged, has condemned the attack and called for a full investigation. i'll just say it was gable that is on the report, some un headquarters in new york, a bullet holes through the back window of a vehicle. clearly mark united nations, the driver of the vehicle and international un worker for the department of safety and security was killed. and another one was injured while writing in a convoy headed to the european hospital in rafa. while
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a 190 un staff had been killed and guys in the past 7 months, it was the 1st time in international stafford and not palestinian was killed. the secretary general condemns all the tax on you and personnel, and calls for a full investigation. he sent his condolences to the family of the fall and staff member with the conflict and gaza, continuing to take a heavy tool not only on civilians, but also on humanitarian workers. the secretary general reiterates has urgent appeal for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire. and for the release of all hostages, is that fair to characterize this as an attack? yes. the head of the u. n. relief and works agency for palestinian refugees posted on the social platform x. no one is safe and gaza, including aid workers, are teams, and gods are grieving the loss of their friends and colleagues, 8 workers, and you and staff or not and never should be
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a target. the secretary general has called for an investigation into all of the killings of every un staff are in gaza, the last 7 months. he's also called for an investigation into the mass graves that were recently discovered as well. but in order for there to be an independent inquiry, it requires access for the investigators to get to the locations for the crimes took place and is real controls access in and out of gaza. so far, israel has failed to cooperate gabriel's on don't. i'll just see it at the united nations new york. meanwhile, the white house as the us doesn't leave a genocide, is taking place in gaza. white house correspondent, kimberly how sketches following the story. an awesome national security advisor, jake sullivan, weiss or more the 35000 palestinians have been killed as
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a result of israel's war on gaza. still national security advisor jake sullivan says the biden administration does not see the killing of palestinians. but israel as genocide, even as the us report presented back in march, says there are reasonable grounds to believe that israel is committing genocide as defined under international law. how can use agency it's not being committed, as i just told you, i think the best way for me to answer that question is actually to ask you to look at the lay down that we gave, which are you saying that she's a liar? the united states is laid down at the international court of justice in writing in detail. it's position on this issue and i'd ask you to read. the national security adviser also said there could be a cease fire in israel's war on gaza. is from us release is the hostages. he's calling on the international community to pressure him us to return to the
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negotiating table at the accept a deal. kimberly help you out to 0. the white house, the university of amsterdam would remain closed for 2 days opposite police once again used force to remove protest as some a raleigh on campus. students and staff have several ducks. universities have been demonstrating, install it down to with ballast indians spend fast to report a rally against police violence. turning silent once again. riot police force hundreds of students from the university of answer them campus. after they had occupied the main university building, several testers, including university staff, had to receive 1st 8 treatment. and at one point the right place came and they wanted to move all the people through the street. i just started thinking, but apparently people were walking fast enough so they they started using their baton and i was trying to exec 2 smaller schools and i got hit in the head and,
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and on the arm fly quite severely. that goal was one of a round one files and university professors. i'm lecturer us who worked out monday morning to put tests. what they said was excessive police violence last week. then police use the bulldozer and battens against a student and camp and nothing like that. we've been finding the student council has called on the university board to resign the rodney head start, i suppose to get 25 in rapid escalating once again coming to the university campus, palm beach, all unified with the software right here. this morning. he demands a ride to protest, and that's exactly what the students are doing as well. they say they want to be able to find their anger about the genocide happening in gaza and showed the
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increasing frustration. but the dutch government not doing anything to stop it for testing is the fundamental rights. and for genocide, we are balanced by international law. we are bound by a genocide convention, and the level of it is not. it cannot be explained. and this young generation to generation of our students and they will not go along with it. and many of the staff as well the university board defense. it's the station to call to say in protests as close to the damage to the building. it estimates losses are as high as one and a half 1000000 euros. students are allowed to continue their protests until the universities have prop tice, which is for 80 universities. they say the number will only increase if police continue to use filing step class and l just sierra amsterdam a time for so frank here and i'll just say about when we come back, the protest isn't police on the back on the streets in
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georgia as paul a minute for pass for a contribution effect, plus the last thing away back into baltimore demolition cruise moves that remains. the bridge that was rammed by a container ship on the over 27000 her wing photographs as company until they can do that to us. the evidence in this case is frankly even stronger than that that we had against the nazis at nuremberg. and these crimes continued in the fast of a 2 part series out to 0 photos, powerful cases of all crimes against civilians allegedly killed by the syrian government. with photographic evidence from the seas of files, the lost souls of syria on al jazeera palestinians who were expelled from their
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nuns in the neck of 1948. still don't have the rights of return today is that the land was extorted, and settlements were built. 20 houses here, a world goes back with young, good old palestinians to re discover their ancestral homes. why doesn't my grand parents stay here? why aren't i here? return to palestine on al jazeera, the colleges. when the, the, the,
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the welcome back. you're watching out as a real quick reminder about top stories here. this hour is really forces are continuing the funding of run for cars as something most fits more than 360000 palestinians that have been forced to be displaced in the last week. due to relentless, it's raining, as far as the united nations has confirmed that one of its employees has been killed in dallas or office vehicles came on the fire to you in a 2nd. the general has content monday's attack, and called for a full investigation university of am so that we remain close for 2 days. the police again use force to remove protest as from a rally on campus. students and staff have several duction investors up and demonstrating, and some of the balance with thomas to me is donald trump's former lawyer, michael cohen, that's taking the stand at his criminal trial. in new york, prosecutors accused the former us president of concealing
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a reimbursement made to come in as a business expense come in, testified about the hush money payments made to an adult film stuff to hide an affair. and then going up to the 2016 presidential election, come until the cold, but from wasn't thinking about trying to protect his wife. and it was all about the campaign from stated not guilty to 34 accounts of falsifying business records. i'll just say it was christine salumi reports now from outside the cold. in new york, michael cohen is a lawyer by trade, but on the stand he described himself as donald trump's former fixed, or someone who was willing to lie and bully people, to please his former boss, particularly in the run up to the 2016 election when a lot of bad news was surfacing about donald trump, that in then this access hollywood tape that came out where donald trump was ever heard making very disparaging comments about women. michael cohen's description of
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his efforts on the sand included working with the publisher of a national tabloid, david tucker and donald trump, to allegedly buried these stories. in some cases, paying money for them not to be published at the heart of this case is the $130000.00 payment that michael college says he made to stormy daniels, the adult film star whose testimony is key to the prosecution. proving that donald trump hit that payment describing it as a legal fee despite knowing that it was being used to pay off someone for bearing this bad news. now, the defense is expected to focus on the fact that michael cohen is someone of questionable credibility given that he has pleaded guilty to several times himself. federal crimes, back in 2018, including lying to congress. it is
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a theme that was taken up outside of the court house by republican politicians who showed up to support the former president. donald trump is a convicted, convicted felon. i mean this guy, he's up there given an acting same. and all of a sudden it comes out and says, oh i have recorded president trump on my telephone my this, this guy, i work for present trip. i mean, how can you be convinced by somebody that is a serial flower. the prosecution is expected to finish presenting its case by the end of this week, unknown at this time whether or not the defense will call former president donald trump, to testify in his own behalf. christmas salumi. i'll just hear a new york demolition cruise and remove the heaviest remaining section of the francis scott key bridge in baltimore.
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the control explosion is bought about clean up operation to a store full capacity to the waterway. the bridge collapsed in march when a container ship lost power and rammed the bridge, getting 6 people, shipping traffic and the channel has been restrictive since then. every 3 people have been killed and several others wounded off the police fight into crowds of protest as and practiced on administered kashmir. any $20000.00 demonstrators that had been marching towards the city of myself or about the rallying against the rising cost of energy and high taxes and protests. but it now into the 4th day, 5 minutes. the shop i shall read 1st called an emergency meeting with leaders in the region and has approved on 8 to 6 millions on the ground to help ease rising costs. russia says it's taking 9 villages and it's new offensive in the hurricane region of northeastern ukraine. more than 5000 people have been moved to safety as fits fighting continues for
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a 4th day in the border area. i was just able to do on home and reports from the training on campus. are you crazy policies putting called on the new from the ne, in hot a key region for us, your lowest across the board or offensive on friday. and it's troops bouncing most cases, it's already taken several villages. ukraine says it's trying to contain the a so but it's on the but for that choice, you notice have been issued for thousands of people. the new fighting takes place, 500 meters away from my house, the rupture, rivers, 500 meters from my house. and the russians on the other side, ukrainian tanks, roland, shoot, and rode out. but you still use it most kindly. apple is the most know the cranium . presidents has the flight and is more intense on another part of the front line and the beast lost them aside. on that if the idea behind the attacks and the khaki
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region is displayed on forces, then an on demand, the motivation for ukrainians to defend themselves, the pop crossing direction is the most difficult to spot everything to the line that has been susie combat engagements. the metix, they were pulling out wounded troops. the soldier was concussed after a russian motor attack. sometimes on the desk. we are coping but it is difficult. we keep up the defense and that's it. was one of the to do the type for multiple directions on the model. 1000 kilometer front line means. so you crane, you know me just trying to plug symbols time easily, a number of gaps, an army outgunned and outmanned the u. s. t, the secretary of state and to be blinked and said that there's been a cost in the months long delay in getting a $61000000000.00 us military. a package approved it was held up in the republican majority. congress lincoln said defense equipment with $400000000.00 have now been
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prioritized with weapons already beginning to arrive here more or expected to be delivered next month, including a 16 flight to jets. the ukraine says it desperately needs, but some of the items will take many months to get in until the front line. it means a significant window for rush it to press home its advantage. and that's exactly what it's doing. john home and i'll just say to keep protest continue in georgia array proposal that aims to reduce foreign influence in the country. a final vote is set to be held on tuesday off. it was created by a problem entry committee. opponent say, if passed, it could be used to crack down on descent and could in the judge and bid to join the european union. to meet them evident that reports not from the capital to police. a sporadic scuffles as thousands of georgians gathered near upon
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them and demanding the so called for an agent's bill be dropped. several people injured dozens detained. many staying through the nights to make a stand. they were met with a large police force sealing off the building. i have never seen these amounts of follies and i think that all the policemen are here now. and i, i really think that there's some of the might be some problems the other side of the city or the country because everyone is you mobilized. i've been here all night to defend my constitutional rights and to the, to nice not flush our ruling party to posit uh, russian law and to flor georgia. it's not to come right to protest to say it's similar to a law adopted in russia 12 years ago. now used to crack down on the sense the bill will require a n g o's and media receiving at least 20 percent of the funding to declare themselves. agents a for an influence demonstrate as expected, a long stand off during the reading of the law and order. so maybe at the
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parliament's traditional committee cleared it in under 2 minutes or so to get it separately up the ruling georgia dream policy and its allies have enough seats to win the vote on tuesday because sometimes it is a member and the head of parliament's for an offense committee, he explained why the party wants this vote now, because the elections are upcoming. and we see that the forwarding interference into elections in any country has become a standard practice. and the funding interference is done not through a political parties on leave, but also through a non governmental organizations. therefore, we need the transparency of funding or for any or for non governmental organizations. e. u officials continue to apply pressure saying the bill could and georgia's bid to join the you. instead of making general comments. they, you should tell us which article on the law is not compatible with the european centers. with the final vote on this bill taking place at noon on tuesday. these
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people here say that's definitely going to come, they're gonna skip with. they're going to skip clauses in order to make themselves to meet them at that go out to 036. as far as using southern brazil considering relocating and tom neighborhood style ground after weeks of devastating floods, high water and mud slides have killed at least a 147 people. and more than half a 1000000 nice beeping in schools and temper shelters. and for the allegra, the guy yuba river running through the city is rising again after more rain state police are using jet skis to come by the 5th as desperate people loot from homes and businesses. neighboring argentina is also suffering from the flooding. more than $500.00 people up and move to safety and come claudia holmes, in the streets, around the water, off the urine. glad river bust its banks. people and pets, and the city bordering puzzles, sought affected areas. i'm moving around and canoes. extreme heat has overwhelmed mexico's power, great, causing blood counts across the country. school was suspended in san luis potosi
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with temperatures, so to 50 degrees centigrade and brought on textbooks, a blaming climate change, and l need. all right, so that's it for me. down enjoying the weather is next state tomb. don't go away. thanks so much. and by the the or when they recently in tokyo is from when through is being replaced by generally speaking fine weather. so it was all the japan, the korean peninsula, and most of china. but as an active frontier, that doesn't look much, that coming high to montgomery and not to produce some fairly heavy rain. our suspect didn't pass the drain police or, and in china over the next day or so, surprisingly, and the size is mostly a dry picture. now this, the all showers here next done it to new into know the now not seasonally correct.
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was it hasn't been sort of 5 and 5 to what you already know from the news that the west to match or that has been so significant. right? reason saying it's to writing again, this is whether i should be at this time via that straight from sumatra. into borneo, that's unfortunate the damage they can cause. i can't say there won't be any more because of the sites seasonally correct. and the setting an indication bigger shelving sumatra and west kind of on time. likewise, the times a year will produce some heavy rain in pumps of science of india. but more especially in frank, i'm with feeling in what is the pre monsoon. he was more tired and more channels in a good part of india is still the awesome dry for the nose, particularly in new day to over 27000 harrowing photographs as company until they can do that to us. the
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evidence in this case is frankly even stronger than that that we had against the nazis at nuremberg. and these crimes continued in the fast of a 2 part series out to 0 photos, powerful cases of little crimes against civilians allegedly killed by the syrian government. with photographic evidence from the seas of files, the lost souls of syria on al jazeera, ukraine's president says, is true of some baffling in the northeast, where a russian forces are capturing villages and the attacking energy facilities. how significant is this latest russian offensive installed case? this is inside story, the hello and welcome to the show. i'm sammy's
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a. then the training that free is replaced the commander responsible for a lot of keys in the northeast. on monday it can see that rush.


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