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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 14, 2024 5:00am-5:30am AST

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on gaza for going on in definitely a quizzical look at us politics. the bottom line, the is ready for us has kind of got multiple attacks and central gallons of targeting a school house into space kinda sims on the home, the little i'm darn jordan, this is all just they are a lie from dell also coming hundreds of thousands have been forced to flee garza southern city of roof as well. continues as strikes and ground operations. are you in vehicles hit 10, southern guns that can one stop and a 190 of its where because of died since the war began in october. and donald trump's former lawyer, michael kind of takes us down goodness hushed money, criminal trials of prosecution style with the
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israel aspects of it strikes and guns that killing more palestinians from the north to the south of a strip on tuesday. at least 8 palestinians were killed in his really striking a residential home in the, in the set up refugee camp that's in the central gaza. the finest dominion civil defense is working to recover victims from under the dozens of wounded palestinians have been rushed to the alexa hospital. indeed, all by law in a separate attack in to say that these randy ministry bomb, the school housing despised palestinians. so many i still trapped inside the school during israel's war and done so as far as, as i've repeatedly struck schools, hospitals and most housing displace palestinians. well, these latest attacks come with hundreds of thousands of palestinians in gauze are being forced to flee by is really advanced as in the north and south. is really army has divided the strip through the so called nets out in colorado,
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which it controls in the north is really sold isn't tanks of advance further into the jabante, a refugee camp, and of engaged in fis, bottles with palestinian fighters strikes in the area, supporting the ground operation, forcing tens of thousands to sleep, but escaping the south is not an option. that is, and is there any buffer zone that prevents this and most fling west uninstalled, him gauze, a doctors at the q a hospital, and roughly, i receive calls from these really minute trip, holding them to evacuate the facility. meanwhile, palestinians are still trying to flee from rough uh, towards the ballot in the center. and on the wasi, at least 360000 people have been forced to be displaced in his latest fighting, entail quarterly reports now from the off. it has been a very frustrating and tiring day for people and drop off and into by the but talking about rough up there has been in tens. air strikes are tyler reselling
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where people were forced to evacuate under fire. we have been seeing coming up more to the left looking for tenants looking for space, but unfortunately, they didn't. bella is running out of space and not only yep, palestinians that we're at as to evacuate due to the maps. nice. let's also people surrounding the quite the hospitals have been receiving calls to evacuate, but uh, the hospital has been waiting for a like a re a call or a warning from the is there any forces to evacuate? but most people are evacuating towards the central area and con eunice and here is our report ahead of me is this several defense workers only production parts invest you vehicles are really all that remain on the roads in the
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racing to help yet another round of the severely injured in district and city under seats this time, due to late a lifeless shoeless man left out on the street, shocked the team's face by un is rarely sniper. they begin the same task of covering his corpse the another. the pickup job is causes death to pushes past 35000 the the body carried quickly to a. com. but then left with the little ceremony. the time of the,
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the civil defense teams are still operating an eastern central, roughly and very difficult and complicated conditions. recently we headed to the city's main intersection and recovered a number of dead bodies as well as with one other words, it's as simple defense teams should be granted entry in the areas with his fighting to recover the dead bodies and help the wounded if they're injured or left without help without a doubtful dying. 6 for their noise into bad yukon, families have been paused once more to see what the news is ready assaults the floods of humanity afraid for their lives as they hurry through this. his largest bottles on high tank is behind the classrooms and the schools go, does all save you and decide to involve fate. we did not want to leave until we saw it with our own eyes. using causal are again being pushed,
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forced to feed from anywhere, they found refuge. we don't know where to go. we have been displaced from one place to the next and know we have left. we don't know where to go. we are running industries. i thought with my own eyes, i saw the tank and the bull dozer. it is on that street. a desperate movement after another round of warranty or fire interior is there. a defense minister has spoken to the u. s. secretary of state, updating him on his armies operation and drop off and the take over of the nearby border crossing into egypt. but there appears to be no end in sight to the months long suffering here. more policy and use are being killed, injured or just faced with each passing day. and the pull that he did it but gaza palestine will as rarely, 4th a step pump. the red sox and the jabante, a refugee camp in northern garza, many civilians i've trumped inside you and schools. motto,
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100 cripples. so this way, the forces now stations and incurs behind the universe to the street in the center of giovanni can. and all of this just combined with helicopter and cos kept a fire when it gets to villas. somebody's on trapped inside the schools in that area and coming to join us with i'm not receiving casualties and injuries from that area since the beginning of the will we have taken shelter in un run schools since then. these ready? so just have repeatedly rated schools enough with it together without children. we've been homeless for months and we've showed with missiles and shells now with both to keep moving. just like no man this in yahoo is a lawyer. he's not willing to negotiate. he's killed thousands of palestinians. we want to go home and live in peace. the entire population is on the run,
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a fearing for the children as well. then we are living in missouri. the situation in northern cause is disastrous. we are forced to move from one place to another. we cannot find any shelter or place to settle in. needless to mention the delicate, in the absence of food on top of medicine. if our children are not clued on the compartment, they will die of hunger or diseases. we appeal to the whole wealth act to have a feast fire to end the united nation stuff, and that has been killed in an attack in eastern rough uh the u. n. has confirmed this is the 1st international stuff casualty and gaza that you, an employee was killed off of that vehicle, was struck on monday morning. i know the stock number was injured, but un secretary general, it has condemned the attack. quoting for a full investigation you into the 190 and it's weird because have not been killed in gaza since october 7th, as a group of israelis of attack trucks carrying life savings to day preventing them from reaching garza,
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this video shows them unloading and destroying the supplies as well, just friction of food as coast farm and to take home across large pots goes up. the vehicles of crossing through hebron and the occupied west bank heading towards the besieged strip. 3 of the trucks was set on fire. meanwhile, the white house says the us doesn't believe a genocide is taking place and gaza. our white house correspondent, kimberly how it gets following the story announced national security advisor, jake sullivan. y the more the 35000 palestinians have been killed as a result of israel's war on gaza. still national security advisor. j. sullivan says the bible administration does not see the killing of palestinians, but is real as genocide, even as a us report presented back in march says there are reasonable grounds to believe that israel is committing genocide as defined under international law. how can use
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agent so it's not being committed, as i just told you, i think the best way for me to answer that question is actually to ask you to look at the lay down that we gave, which st. louis and how are you saying that she's a liar? the united states is laid down at the international court of justice in writing in detail. it's position on this issue and i'd ask you to read it. the national security advisor also said there could be a cease fire in israel's war and gaza is home us. release is the hostages. he's calling on the international community to pressure him us to return to the negotiating table and accept a deal. kimberly helped get out to 0. the white house for us army also says he resigned from the ministry and protest against us, backing of israel's war one, gaza major harris man who was working at the defense intelligence agency, the d. i a step down in the van, but just made his resignation public. he post them not open the less on a social media site. by choosing the us of navy unqualified support for the
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government of israel, which has enabled them to empower the kenning and starvation of tens of thousands of innocent palestinians. he continues this unconditional support also encourages reckless escalation that risks a wide. what i'll just say was practical, hey, and has more from washington dc, a major harrison man had been with the army for about 13 years with the specialization in middle east policy. worked to the embassy. now he was currently a, he had been working in the defense intelligence agency, focusing on the middle east. that's a fairly powerful agency within the pentagon. but now he's released, as she mentioned this open letter. and he basically said my work, however, administrative or marginal it may seem has, as it has continued to, unquestionably, contributed. unquestionably. continue to that supports you have a little bit of his history said as a defendant of european jews. he was worries in a particularly moral environment when it came to bearing responsibility for
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estimate cleansing. so really very strong words from the major added. and then he said at some point, whatever the justification, you're either advancing a policy that enables the masturbation of children. or you're not know, he resigned to november 1st early from the d i a and said at the time people asked him why did you quit early and you don't have a job lined up. and he didn't really go public until now. possibly because of what's happening in rafa and he sent us a note to the other team members said, you know, i thought i didn't have any support, perhaps you're struggling with this as well. and not everyone can quit. i don't expect you to do that, but just know you're not alone. now. we've reached out to the army for any sort of comment. we haven't heard back yet. don't know if he's the 1st one person from the armed forces to quit because of this, we knew that there been a few reservations within the state department, a man who was working the weapons,
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transferred department, a woman who worked with a human rights and another who was the arabic spokesman for the state department, and they've all been very public about why they've left at the same time we are seeing report after report that with in the internal communications, they with the set channel, the state department, lots of cables saying that the us needs to change policy, the same with us a id, but as far as the public liquidity, the pentagon, because of this, the seems to be the 1st. so again, a major is very much a mid level manager, but it is again notable because he's making his descent public the about the problems for my lawyer, michael co, and that's taking the stand that is criminal trial in new york prosecute is accused . the former us president of consuming a reimbursement made to come in as a business expense coming, testified about the house, many payments made to an adult film star to hide in effect and the one up to the
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2016 presidential election come until the court, the trump wasn't thinking about trying to protect his wife, and it was all about the campaign. trump speed not guilty to 34 counts falsifying business records that spring in plat finkelstein. she's a professor below at the university of pennsylvania law school and joins us live from philadelphia cuz i always good to have you with us. so let's remind our view as quickly that this is the 1st time a former us president has been tried on criminal charges. what did you make of the trial so far? clear, and how compelling was kevin's testimony? do think as well as the way all of the testimony so far has been leading up to this moment because michael cohen is the most important witness, of course, along with stormy daniels, but even more important than the story. daniel's testimony was the testimony today from michael cohen, who really was able to establish and co robert rate. the fact that president trump was aware of the details of the pay off to stormy daniels. because his testimony
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strongly corroborated the tape that he made on his phone, which was of course, admissible in court. and he was able also to establish the trunk was very motivated by worries about his campaign. he gave testimony, but trump was making comments about if not this got out how it would look to men to women. and the women really wouldn't like. okay. and then he was very angry when it did get out and said to cohen, i thought you took care of that. yeah, and that's an important point plan because coming separate from wasn't trying to bury the story, to protect his wife, milan here, but that it was all about, as you say, the election campaign. what did you make of that brief? i'm a trump came and knew what was going on given me well, that's right. and that's been co ins. point all along and again corroborated by his
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phone call. so the, the, excuse me, the phone record that he made of the conversation with trump, in which he said, we're going to have to create a company. and then the company will have to make the pay off and use your trump asking detailed questions and cohen is explaining all of that to him. and what that really shows is that the falsification of business records was number one, well known to trump. he knew exactly how this scheme was being set up. he knew all the details of it. he was very engaged. he was engaged in all the details. he was aware of them. and number 2, that his motive was not, as you mentioned, to hide this from his wife and his children. but in fact was to promote his campaign. and it's that piece that makes it a felony rather than a misdemeanor. and that was substantially borne out. and michael cohen's testimony
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today? yeah, i'm glad i suppose the big question is whether or not the jury will believe, michael curry and i mean he's already been to prison as we know on federal charges relating to trump and he's, he's apparently lied under oath before. well that's right, though i think you'll be a very compelling witness because he went to prison, calling out donald trump. he actually had to come clean. so if he didn't, he could have continued to cover for him. but he decided to come clean, decided to cooperate with authorities, and really has made a very big point, even writing a book about his experience. now it is true that there were going to be some credibility issues because he lied to congress. and the federal judge said that he may have committed perjury, even in donald trump's civil trial in new york regarding the financial
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misdeeds. the final quick thoughts here maybe so yeah. right. ability issue. yeah. just a final quick thought to you. what can we expect then? they to of kevin's testimony and how do you think trump's defense team would respond? what line of attack will they take? just briefly, on the, on the cross examination, there's going to be a lot of hammering at co ins, credibility. there's going to be a lot of picking apart his testimony. and there may be an attempt to discredit the phone recording that he made on his cellphone. there previously been complaints about gaps in that phone recording. the fact that that phone recording ends very abruptly, they may goes so far as to try to imply that the phone recording was dr. altered something that co and has been very strong in denying. and i think it's something that probably can be pretty well established, the veracity of that call. but i think that trump will have
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a very hard time getting around the fact that it's his voice on the recording, acknowledging and showing awareness of this entire scheme. so we'll try to make the claim that though this was all koans doing, that's very hard to credit in light of that record. alright. class, think us, i know it was good to get your legal analysis class. thank you very much indeed for talking to us. thanks for our time pressure break here, and i'll just say right, when we come back, the protest has on police back on the streets in georgia, head of a controversial vice in palm more in that state. after controversial presidential campaign and the contested victory supposed to be unto is said to lead indonesia, se, asia's largest economy. a diverse nation with more than 1300 ethnic groups.
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political why we're comfortable with the people. we're not going to be determined by for in a narrative. the presidents alexis, indonesia proposed to be unto talks to l. just the room, a meeting of minds, the tragedy for me, of a democratic south africa. it's how quickly we sort of adopted the very told re global, know the intertwining of money and politics campaigner andrew find state and photographer shock you do on the on active is on the crisis in guns. what is happening today is happening on our watch. the news from now there will be people asking, how did you left it have to the studio will be on scripted part one on on disease examining the fact of today's headlines. setting the agenda for tomorrow's discussions. international film make cars and world class journalists bring programs to inform and inspire financial sierra,
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the the the welcome back to watching out. just a record remind about some stories here. this is where it was kind of multiple attacks and central guys are kidding up. these 14 honest indians, leaving many more traffic under the rubble of tax tons of the home of the schools that have been the house of displaced people. because really forces are continuing that funding of rafa garza southern most sitting, holding 360000 civilians that i've been forced to be displaced in the last week to to remember this is writing strikes now protest continuing, georgia over, i propose little that aims to reduce foreign influence in the country. opponent say,
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if passed, it could be used to crack down on this end time put in the georgians bid to join the european union. i'll just say i was to meet you med vanco reports now from a capital 76. sporadic scuffles as thousands of georgians gathered near parliament, demanding the so called for an agent's bill be dropped. several people injured dozens detained. many staying through the nights to make a stand. they were met with a large police force sealing off the building. i have never seen these amounts of follies and i think that all the policemen are here now and i, i really think that there's some of the might be some problems the other side of the city or the country because everyone assumable i, i've been over here all night to defend my constitutional rights and to, to nice, not flush our ruling party to possibly a russian law and to, for georgia to not become russian protests to say it's similar to a law adopted in russia 12 years ago now used to crack down on the sense the bill
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will require a n g o's, an media receiving at least 20 percent of the funding to declare themselves agents of for an influence demonstrate as expected, a long stand off during the reading of the law. and what are some of the problem is traditional committee created in under 2 minutes or so to get to get several of the up the ruling georgia dream policy and its allies have enough seats to winning the vote on tuesday. because sometimes it is a member and the head of parliament's for an offense committee. he explains why the party wants this vote now, because the elections are upcoming. and we see that the forwarding interference into elections in any country has become a standard practice. and the funding interference is done not through the political parties on leave, but also through a non governmental organizations. therefore, we need the transparency of funding or for an or for a non governmental organizations. you officials continue to apply pressure saying
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the bill could and george's bid to join the you. instead of making general comments . they, you should tell us which article on the law is not compatible with the european censors. with the final vote on this bill taking place at noon on tuesday. these people here say that's definitely going to come. they're going to skip work. they're going to skip clauses in order to make themselves to meet them at that go out to 036, snow colson, germany has ruled. the nation's intelligence agency can continue to treat the far right as the, as a potentially extreme, his party. and that means the spice service kind of keep its members under surveillance. i'll just there was someone that came reports now from dallas. for some time, this policy has been under suspicion that it holds extremist, far right extremist views. certainly that is the opinion that has been expressed in all sorts of different media outlets from leaving or pharmacies, the suspicion. it's clear to make that point, the suspicion that it may be
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a fall right extreme is policy. the judge's ruling effectively endorses this view that it is under suspicion that it may be far, i think stream is policy. the point here is that positive additional room ruling looks. that's the way that the policy perceives those individuals who have become german, but who have migrant backgrounds. the suspicion being that perhaps the policy doesn't place as much of value on such citizens as it does on of a german citizens. this ruling is going to be scrutinized by the supreme court that has competency in this field. and it's also with making the point. this is not happening in a vacuum this year. they're all very many elections of real importance, not to be the european parliamentary elections coming up in june. and then 3 states elections in the old east, germany in the summer, and the policies clearly under great a great deal of screws in a right now. the one that came out was there a little and now students in kenya had been told to return to school despite weeks
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of flooding. that's left ground covered in waterman month. there are affairs waterborne diseases could spread within the schools. come from solar reports from west them. can you a waterway to start a new school tom? this is what students from kenya seemed to be tallies found when they returned to school. it's a mon, several into single county that's a the flooded or damaged of the reasons, torrential rains when $200.00 people are dead and thousands more homeless. the head teacher says this is no place for child to lawn. we are not able to access that impact on facilities. toilets are very big problem. some of the classrooms state of the i know it's very conducive. they are waiting to hear the plans that concerns the school could be a breeding ground for what to borne,
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diseases like color uh and malaria. this is the only remaining toddler because the facilities are still flooded. the teachers here are seeing that clearly, this is a health posits. it's not just you, some other schools across the country are facing similar problems. government officials, the students who have nowhere to go, will be temporarily moved to nearby schools to think about the infrastructure in this particular school. for example, if you think about that road that you're guessing you think about the tires that do the same. if you think about the classes, for example, it means that we have to put in a bit more money to be able to bring back this close to where it was supposed to be . but for now, the students and the teachers say they have to walk with the legal resources they have despite the safety and health risks posed by their flight schools is kathrine. so you all to 0. you so will county west and kenya. all right,
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that's it from the diamond jordan then use continues of to talk to al jazeera spectrum. thanks so much and buy from the the or when they recently in tokyo is from when through is being replaced by generally speaking fine weather. so it was all the japan, the korean peninsula and most of china, but it's not to frontier that doesn't look much that coming high to montgomery and not to produce fairly heavy rain. our suspect in pass the train police are and in china over the next day or so, surprisingly, and the size is mostly a dry fiction. now this, there are showers here, next done it to new into know the now not seasonally correct or is it hasn't been sort of 5 and 5 to what you already know from the news that in west to match or
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that has been so significant right? reason saying it's through writing again, this is whether i should be at this time via that straight from sumatra into borneo . that's unfortunate the damage they can cause. i can't say they won't be any of all because of the sites seasonally correct and a certain indication bigger shelving sumatra and waste kind of on time. likewise, the times a year will produce some heavy rain and pumps of science of india. but more especially this frank with feeling in what is the pre monsoon. he was more tired and more channels in a good part of india is still the faucet and dry for the knowles, particularly in new denny, to the teams in the gaza strip. as is, there is lots continues. there's a deliberate mission of posting in humanity, in western media. and it needs to be questioned, sustains coverage that actively humanize as,
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as readings and actively humanizes palestinians. this is not the time for doing this kind of weight. tracking those stories examining the journalism and the effect that news coverage can have on democracies everywhere. here at the listing past, the jessica washington in chicago after a controversial presidential campaign, and the contested victory proposed to be unto is said to lead indonesia, southeast asia largest economy, a drivers nation with more than 1300 ethnic groups of 72 primrose, korea indignation, politics is long standing. he served as a special forces commander during general. so honchos regime, a period marked by allegations of corruption and human.


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