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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 14, 2024 8:00am-8:30am AST

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and dislikes, the more fossil fuels we burn the hot or the planet, reporting from the action age where here's where it directly targeted. i'll just say it was teens across the world. bring you closer to the heart of the story. the is randy forces carry outs. a series of attacks and central cause targeting a school housing displaced kind of stands and also it has the one carries on. so this is all just here a lot from also coming hundreds of thousands have been forced to the goes to southern city rapids is this ro continues s trying some ground operations. direct codes, 76000000 people were displaced around the world. most conflict and natural disasters
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. and donald trump's former lawyer, michael kind of takes the stand, the us criminal trial, prosecution, stone, witness. the israel has stepped up at strikes and gaza, killing a more palestinians from the north to the south of the street. on cheese they at least 14 palestinians were chosen and it's very striking, a residential home. and then this refugee camp in central garza, the post in unit civil defense, is working to a couple victims from, onto the rubble. thousands of wounded people having to rush to the l. x. a hospice when they opened up and then a separate attack in this route to these very minute treat bomb. the school housing displaced, palestinians, many are still trapped inside during israel's war on gauze or its forces have repeatedly struck schools, hospitals and musk, housing displaced palestinians as well. these latest attacks come as hundreds of
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thousands of palestinians in gaza and being forced to flee. i as many advances in the north and south is where the army has divided this trip through the so called net sarina. colorado, which it controls in the north is ready soldiers and tanks of advanced further into the jamalia refugee camp. and i been engaged in the fist bottles of hosting and finances strikes in the area supporting the ground operation, forcing tens of thousands to flee, but escaping the south is not an option. this is very buffers and that prevents this. so most of the leading west and southern gaza adults is up to 80 hosted in rough or have received calls from these very minute. you're ordering them to evacuate the medical facility. meanwhile, the palestinians are still trying to flee from wrap up towards the open on the center of the wasi. at least 360000 people have been forcibly displaced in this
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latest fighting. and a huge re, reports not from the it has been a very frustrating and tiring day for people and drop off and into by the but talking about rough up there has been in tens. air strikes are tyler reselling where people were forced to evacuate under fire. we have been seeing coming up more to get in, but that's looking for tens looking for space. but unfortunately, they didn't. bella is running out of space and not only yep, palestinians that we're at as to evacuate due to the maps. nice. let's also people surrounding the quite the hospitals have been receiving calls to evacuate. but uh, the hospital has been waiting for a like a real call or a warning from the is there any forces to evacuate? but most people are evacuating towards the central area and can units. and
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here is our reports. ahead of me is this several defense workers, only production parts invest you vehicles are really all that remain on the roads in the racing to help pick another round of the severely injured in district and city under seats this time due to late a lifeless shoeless man left out on the street shocked the team space by an is really site per they begin the same task of covering his corpse the
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another. the pickup job is causes death to pushes past 35000 the the body carried quickly to a combat. then left with the little ceremony, the time of the, the civil defense teams are still operating in east and central roughly, and very difficult and complicated conditions. recently we headed to the cities main intersection and recovered a number of dead bodies as well as i guess one other words it as simple defense teams should be granted entering the areas with this, fighting to recover the dead bodies and help the wounded if they're injured or left without help, without a doubt they'll die. for their noise into bad yukon, families have been paused once more to see what the news is. ready assaults the floods of
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humanity afraid for their lives as they hurry through this. his largest bottle zone . hi, the tank is behind the classrooms and the schools go does. i'll save you and decide or of all state. we did not want to leave until we saw it with our in i had a scene using causal are again being pushed, forced to feed from anywhere. they found refuge. we don't know where to go. we have been displaced from one place to the next and know we have left. we don't know where to go. we are running industries. i thought with my own eyes, i saw the tank and the bull dozer. it is on that street. a desperate movement after another round of warranty or fire interior is there. a defense minister has spoken to the us secretary of state, updating him on his armies operation and drop off, and the take over of the nearby border crossing into egypt. but there appears to be no end in sight to the months long suffering here. more policy and use are being
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killed, injured or displeased with each passing day. and the gaza palestine as it's ready for us to step up their attacks. and that you find the refugee camp in northern garza. many civilians are trapped inside un schools of color reports. this right of course has now stations and incurs behind the universe schools. the street in the center of giovanni camp and all of this just combined with helicopter and course kept a flat ring against civilian civilians, are trapped inside the schools in that area found some now receiving casualties and injuries from that area. since the beginning of the will we have taken shelter in un run schools since then these ready? so just have repeatedly rated schools enough with it together without children. we've been homeless for months and we've showed with missiles and shelves now with
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both to keep moving. just like no man from yahoo is a lawyer. he's not willing to negotiate. he's killed thousands of palestinians. we want to go home and live in peace. the entire population is on the run, a fearing for that children as well. then we are living in missouri. the situation in northern causes disastrous. we are forced to move from one place to another. we cannot find any shelter or place to settle in. needless to mention the delicate, in the absence of food on top of medicine. if our children are not clued on the compartment, they will die of hunger diseases. we appeal to the whole wealth act to have a feast bio to and the united nation stuff, and that has been killed in an attack in eastern rafa. u. n has confirmed this is the 1st international stuff casualty in gaza. un employee was killed off the
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vehicle struck on monday morning and now the staff member was injured not to nations. the secretary general has condemned the attack. according for a full investigation, un says $192.00 bits. workers have now been killed in gauze as since october. the 2nd group of his writers has attacked trucks carrying life, saving food, a, preventing them from reaching casa, well, this video shows them on loading and destroying supplies, as well as restriction of food as cost funding to take old across the large pots of gauze, the vehicles were crossing through headphones and occupied west banks, heading towards the besieged strip. 3 of the trucks was set on fire. the american army officer says he resigned from the military protest against us backing up as well as the world, gaza. major harrison man who was working at the defense intelligence agency step down in december was only now made his resignation public. he posted an open letter
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on social media sites, accusing us of nearly unqualified support for the governments of as well, which is enabled and empowered. the killing and still invasion of tens of thousands of innocent palestinians. he continued this unconditional support also encourages reckless escalation that risks. why that will just have us plastic. okay. and has more now from washington dc, a major harrison man had been with the army for about 13 years with the specialization in middle east policy. worked to the embassy. now he was currently a, he had been working in the defense intelligence agency, focusing on the middle east. that's a fairly powerful agency within the pentagon. but now he's released, as you mentioned, this open letter. and he basically said my work, however, administrative or marginal it may seem has, as it has continued to unquestionably come to unquestionably continue to that supports you have a little bit of his history say as a defendant of european jews. he was worries in
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a particularly moral environment when it came to bearing responsibility for estimate cleansing. so really very strong words from the major added. and then he said at some point, whatever the justification, you're either advancing a policy that enables the masturbation of children. or you're not know, he resigned to november 1st early from the d i a and said at the time people asked him why did you quit early and you don't have a job lined up. and he didn't really go public until now. possibly because of what's happening in rafa and he sent us a note to the other team members said, you know, i thought i didn't have any support, perhaps you're struggling with this as well. and not everyone can quit. i don't expect you to do that, but just know you're not alone. now. we've reached out to the army for any sort of comment. we haven't heard back yet. don't know if he's the 1st one person from the armed forces to quit because of this, we knew that there been
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a few reservations within the state department, a man who was working the weapons, transferred department, a woman who worked with a human rights and another who was the arabic spokesman for the state department, and they've all been very public about why they've left at the same time we are seeing report after report that with in the internal communications, they with the set channel, the state department, lots of cables saying that the us needs to change policy, the same with us a id, but as far as the public liquidity, the pentagon, because of this, the seems to be the 1st. so again, a major is very much a mid level manager, but it is again notable because he's making his descent public. the record number of people around the world became displaced last year, mainly because of war fighting and gaza sit down on the democratic republic of congo. accounted for almost 2 thirds of
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a 76000000 people had to flee the homes. natural disasters for tens of millions to become displaced in countries all over the world. barbara, on good reports. a watchdog says war drive level displacement to a record 7 to 6000000 people. last year, the report from the internal displacement monitoring center says the number of display spe, pulled doubled in the last 5 years. these palestinians arriving at our milwaukee area on gauze as western coast have been on the move since israel swore and gauze have become in october. so the how do i lab? we've been displaced 4 times and now we live with my uncles family in my wasi. but there was no space for us here. violence in gaza, sit down in the democratic republic of congo, drive 2 sides of the displacements in 2023. in the final quarter of 20231700000 palestinians have been forcibly displaced. the democratic republic
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of congo, 6700000 people were displaced and fighting. since the conflict and saddam started in april last year, 9100000 people have been displaced. the 2nd highest number recorded in a single country since rec, quotes began in 2008. and the 4 year old adjustment was opened as a family, tried to escape from cit don to chad during fighting between rival forces while identity. her mother who was 8 months pregnant was killed and she was left on the road. some people found to on the road and pulled her back here on the road, we suffered a lot. the rapids support forces killed and wounded. so many people. here the, the report says the crisis is just the tip of the iceberg. tens of millions of people remain displaced from previous and ongoing was. and as aust us extreme was a natural dishonest as also contributed to the global supply of internally
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displaced people in 2023. more than 26000000 people were displaced of to floods, storms quakes, and wild fuss, barbara, and good time. oh, this era that old trump's former lawyer, michael cohen has testified that he go to approval from trump, to pay hushed money to the adult film star store. mcdaniels, prosecutors accused a former us president of concealing a reimbursement made to come in as a business expense. okay, and it took the stand that trump's criminal trial in new york, which is examining the alleged payments made to diagnose to high that affects the run up to 2016. the presidential election coming told the quotes that trump wasn't thinking about trying to protect his wife. and that's it was one about the campaign trumpet succeeded not guilty to $34.00 counts of falsifying business records. fiscal on list. eric hammons says, michael cohen's testimony gave a clear picture of his close professional relationship with donald trump. or we
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actually heard from michael cohen about the falsification of the business records because he took that document that is already been verified to have allen weiss of work signature that shows the plus up of the money and shows how the false vacation was actually going to work and he tells blow by blow detail by detail how they went to donald trump's office and spoke to donald trump about this. now where the washington comes in as well. the jury actually believe this because there is no one to corroborate what michael michael cohen actually said, but we have the corroboration and how the, the checks themselves were actually made out and present it to michael cohen, as well as the information on the piece of paper by alan, why so berg, michael cohen was corroborating and filling in a lot of blanks in terms of what i think was a very strong foundation in terms of how the prosecution we this narrative together
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over the course of 4 weeks. and also the fact that the defense did not object very much to what michael cohen was actually saying today. i think what we got from michael cohen was someone who did not bring a lot of the bluster a lot of the defensiveness and rancor that many expected. and of course, the way he was described by many of those witnesses who have been on the stand today, i think we saw a very different michael cohen and it's unclear what the jury will think of michael cohen. but he's certainly came across as credible the question is, will it actually stand up on cross examination or so to come on those as their own protests, as in police are back on the streets in georgia, head of a controversial votes in tournaments and high and dry goods while cook, walter has drastically reduced the number of ships and tossing through this kind of
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mock. and now the it's been miserable. the last couple of days in turkey and this clyde reveals it and that carries moving east with it hasn't entirely disappeared. and it's left flooding in its wake this part of turkey that comes down across the next to the syrian border results being shown here in this video. that's why the rain will move on last don't, don't dry. and for a time they'll be some wet weather as far as houses basically. but on tuesdays full cross, it's an improvement the rain showers running through the southern coke assessment, possibly around quite possibly. and the attempted life dropping ask about the menchie, headed out as the wind comes in from the north, but everywhere else, it's a hot and dry story. that's particularly true around the gulf, has a breeze going down the red sea. there's a circulation here in eastern society,
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which may well pick up the dust erupt, faulty in throw ha agreeance as the increase in the temperature, which of course, you might expect this topic, alaska. now, what's the wind going up? the coast of somalia and the circulation of mind spring is a tropical soccer and besides in the water, the shells i'm much diminished now in uganda if you, if you and hardens. for example, samples are also we don't see much in the way of rain some. if you lucky, mozambie, it's been very hot recently and joe back. well that's cool as knocked it back to 19, but it's still 29 and cape time, which is pretty high. the
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you're watching, i'll just say remind to about top stories. now this is ro has car without multiple attacks and central concepts. kidding. at least 14 palestinians, leaving many more trapped under the rubble of tax targeted on the school. housing displaced people not to nations has confirmed. that's one of its employees has been children garza officers, vehicles came on, the fine un secretary general has condemned mondays of tax work for further investigation us. so i could just stay on to the bank and is a raj in chief on an unannounced visit? is the 1st visit to ukraine by senior us official since congress passed a $61000000000.00 aid package and april to 8. you cranes worth it? been const visits as seen as a show of support for the country as it faces intensifying attacks from russia in
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the hockey region. a protest continuing georgia over proposal. the names to reduce for an incidence in the country will fall them into a set to hold the funding votes in the coming hours 100. so you have cost, it could be used to crept down on descent and could end george and bid to join the european union to meet them as the daycare reports. now from the capital subleasing sporadic scuffles as thousands of georgians gathered the upon them and demanding the so called for an agents bill be dropped. several people engine doesn't, is the thing many staying through the night to make a stand. they will met with a large police force ceiling off the building. i have never seen the least amount of police and i, i think that all the policemen are here now and i, i really think there's a, there's some of the might be some problem for the other side of the city over the country because everyone is you mobilize, i've been over here all night to defend my constitutional rights, and to, to not, not flush our ruling party to possibly a russian law and to,
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for georgia to not become right. protest to say it's similar to a more adopted in russia 12 years ago. now used to crack down on the sense demonstrate as expected, a long stand off during the reading of the mortgage. the problem is traditional committee cleared it in under 2 minutes instead of getting them get separately up. the ruling georgia dream party and its allies have enough seats to win the vote on tuesday. yeah, well no, because some kind of the is a member and the head of parliament's for an offense committee. he explains why the party wants this vote now, because the elections are upcoming. and we see that the forwarding interference into elections in any country has become a standard practice. and the funding interference is done not through political parties on leave, but also through a non governmental organizations. therefore, we need the transparency of funding or for any or for a non governmental organizations. you officials continue to apply. i pressure
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saying the bill could end georgia's bid to join the you instead of making general comments they, you should tell us which article on the law is not compatible with the european centers with the final vote on this bill taking place at noon on tuesday. these people here say that's definitely going to come, they're going to skip work. they're going to skip classes in order to make themselves to meet them at that go out to 0 police in the 4th round. the votes in india is 7th phase general elections has ended. the people of engine administered cash met among those costing the votes. for the 1st time in decades, the government did not contest any seats in the customer, validate and remind to the engine. government has not drawn to the visas to l, just as generous. so we're covering the election from outside the country. poking reports, casting the balance under the watchful eye of security forces, focusing indian administer kashmir, queued up to choose
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a candidate to represent the best interest. it's the 1st problem entry election since 2019. when prime minister ran to emote these government revoke to region special status and voted on the central government control, ending its semi autonomy and rights to land and jobs barely bought a new cleaning of old don nick. any of this boat is important because it's the 1st election since the low exchange. we have been facing a lot of difficulties ever since. we all young people are being harass on normal land is being taken away in good depth as it seems as if prime minister moody had not removed us ago. $370.00 the most people would have voted for cash me is divided between india and pakistan and both of which claim it in its entirety. the buyer t. a gena top polity has defended its controversial move, saying adult relative peace and stability to the region. often decades of violence, but it hasn't filled it any candidates in the cash. me a volley, a muslim majority region, which i p is not feeling a candidate, right,
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because i see the feet. uh, there's a lot of local unpopularity the for the beach, i pay and i a, it's the 1st one for about to use. i have not had a candidate for luck, some of our election and i do, they think they going to lose and that it will be not just a loss but of dropping. the 1st phase of elections is crucial for the b. j. p. the 96 parliamentary seats contested or in southern and eastern seats, where the party support base isn't as dominant. but this one and also included some b j. p strongholds where it's hoping to make for the gains. moody seeking a 3rd to him, his prime minister, his hindu nationalist policies up against the lines of opposition bodies. despite the election rules, this being arise in hate speech during the campaigns. but for voters developments, one of the main concerns upgrade your ranking up. issues of him do this he's mostly will take is no way you need development and progress for roles. you to the
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final round of voting will be held on june. the 1st i'm results are expected street days late to poking out to 0. our minds of engine government has not gone to the basis to i'll just say it was during this, so we're covering the election from outside the country. rescue is enough. got us on a continuing to search for thousands of people still missing from floods and the country's northern bucklin province. many pots the province remain buried in mountain devry, snow co struggled with buddha menchie tools to clean the way the sludge. at least 315 people have been consent, dead sofa houses. 0 spoke with one man who lost his children and wife and the salt water is enough. got his done. his his story. what? no, my jewelry does the does the bundle. we started this out, i'd be so he got him, and then they cut them. a little is all, well they hold on with the numbers when they don't the that doesn't tell that it
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was a, a while, the by the, the, the, the to him where the yag on the rug and those are the single. they all do more with a little while the more them to honda over the going to if i for the more the condoms. yeah. i like how, how to hit model is done. i can't get him. i wasn't going to the kind of kind of thing i wanna say, like with this so good. we're good. we so i'm going to do the same with that. i let me know all of their buddies. they're good though with yeah, that doesn't visit him. hold on nothing. i know there's a much more band for me to how to get it done before i have to go. whether the, whether it's in the day or what are the phone to my dish. and i'm going to go and i'm going to is negative. i love that. i'm going to jump to that much.
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i'm going to cut them down by the by them much and more than happy to us to love it . i'm glad it was with the honey though. i was heard of the were there, but the more that i'm a good the who i'd rather him i would what more than what am i live? does it at all? is the other going to go on to her, but i work as a good luck of the quote i was the does the i love was the cause of it because they loved you that got this is what i do there. cuz like i said, all the others and i got to come back in the this is a, a drought, and panama has drastically reduced to water levels. and one of the was busiest trade passages of thoughts is have restricted shipping through the panama canal. as
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a result, but that's disrupting global trade as a sondra ramp, yet not reports from panama. for almost a year, the number of ships passing through the panama canal has been reduced to cope with a severe drought brought by the new weather phenomenon. without enough water to raise and lower vessels through the locks, officials were left with no alternative but to operate. sions creating headaches for shipping worldwide. tens of thousands of dollars. i draw. the juice that belied at the bottom says new water sources are essential to maintaining the canals. perfect ability because i was the sign more than a 100 years ago. for a certain amount of water, the number of transfer, it's on a certain population leaving in front of my city. and now the, the mind has greatly increased, therefore, the panama canal and needs to increase its water supply in order to meet that water . the canal operations depend on fresh water from artificial lakes that also
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supplied drinking water for half a pint of must population in a country where almost 50 percent of potable water is lost to port management as a spine them as population grows and the sea barn trade expense the government to worry that the demands for water will gray police are past the available supply by 2050 the canal though tory t says they're considering various options, including costly diesel, the nation plants and creating new reservoirs, which would require relocating thousands of people for sans in the for the canal is important because it generates income growth. we need to guarantee its best management, but i was preserving peoples right than to go to blond than that. i told them last year, deadly protest.


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