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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 14, 2024 11:00am-11:31am AST

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unsuccessful people share the history of the genocides without any research on hud voices. why is it the doctors don't get to have a site? and then if this is a medical workforce has been so and devalued by the british government for such a little time, the stream one now to 0. the a frantic search for survivors after is really airstrikes hid civilian areas and central guys are killing at least 14 palestinians. the serve. any age good to have you with us. this is else as 0 life and also coming up to you and says nearly half a 1000000 have been forced to be displaced from the southern city of rasa in the past week. israel is accused of carrying out at least 8 strikes on aid convoys and workers and gaza, even after their locations were shared. the top us diplomats,
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anthony blinking, arrives in key and a surprise visits. while the rush, the steps up, it's offensive, and the 4 key bridge, the israel has carried out multiple strikes and guys, killing more palestinians from the north to the south of the strip. at least 14 palestinians were killed in this really strike on the residential home in the new state out the refugee camp that's in the central gaza. the policy and civil defense is working to recover victims from under the level dozens of wounded people had been rushed to the alexa hospital in darrow bala and in a separate attack into sara. b is really military bombed to school housing displaced palestinians. many are still trapped inside entering israel's war on gaza . its forces have repeatedly struck schools, hospitals and mosques, housing displaced, palestinians, well officers, honeymoon, who is in the outside along the hospital. honey,
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what's the latest that you can tell us about the attacks the aftermath of the attacks? and as we were just seeing, the search and rescue operation to get people out of the rubble. a yes sir, over not a tax, continue to cause further civilian casualties across the gaza strip, as well as a, causing a great is the level of destruction to old means of live year, including evacuation centers, residential buildings. i'm more of public facilities across the district, but the worst of these attacks was on the north side, that refuge account with a residential home. a 3 story building was completely flat, then were an estimation of a 100 people were shouldering inside. inside this residential building. there is difficult to right now faced by the i, the civil defense, the crew and paramedics, and volunteers across the those are local rather than trying to help survivors who
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might have been, who individual might have survived the attacks on this particular building. just to point out what's going on really of what happened in this overnight attack. i said it was did a 3 story building, but it also houses is about 4 story is that we're also turned into the shoulders were displayed. spam is a from dropbox, eventually moved into the the storage filtering of from the horror of the bombings in dropbox city. some of these families were, were killed inside this building are newly displaced families of from rough. i see the me and me from the eastern part than the central part of the city so far. what has been it transferred to our locks off, but the only 5 people who were removed from under the rubble, there are still more people in the civil defense to go and paramedics are working hard and there's the fear right now. well, my, these a efforts might come to an end, the civil defense,
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the crew given the inability of the lack of equipment to remove large pieces of concrete and remove survivors from the drivel might end up being a stop because they're unable to continue. it has been more than 7 the hours so far, and only 5 that were removed from under the rebels. meanwhile, another evacuation center was a bomb. and 5 is really military. people are still a trapped inside and caused again, further civilian casualties and damage. the evacuation center itself. what about the hospital behind you, honey? because a lot of the injured from those attacks were brought to a lot. so hospital is alexis still able to treat patients and treat the wounded. it was very hard to do right now, and just not only injury, isn't it from there is velocity or defense from the area. but for the past 2 days,
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we've seen injuries and patients were transferred from an adar hospital that waited hospital and the gaza are being hosted on other field health of field hospitals and robust city, given the valuation orders right now, there are covering to close to 70 percent of the city, so those injuries and patients were transferred to the pin from area and particularly to this hospital. and again, i was just within the past hour i, we walked to briefly inside the corner door of the hospital and we barely could walk it because of the ovaries. prided the space. disease rate patient they've re injury in the hospital, has at least one or 2 family members with them on literally on the floor of the hospital. the rooms are packed with people as well. it just, it was dire situations by the hour inside the hospital just compared to the past. the 3 or 4 days work, we could be able to walk at easily inside the hospital. but as of today, it just over crowded, it's running out of a space, then it just putting more pressure on the medical. a stock,
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as well as the medical supplies that are barely enough right now is due to the ongoing, the closure of the crossings. both are rubbing our crossings and cut them up with that in those 2 crossing serve within the past as 7 months as entry point 4 and already trickle amount of supplies. and the fact that these 2 hospitals, along with the fuel right now, this is the fixed day in the role with no entry of any of these supplies, including a fuel. that is the lifeline of costs with a right now. and we are, as we were told by a hospital official, the hours that we from the hospital being completely shutting down, it's a services and major departments due to the inability to sustain its operation. honeywell, who reporting from darrow, by the in central gaza. thank you very much, honey. as the wind says, 450000 people have now been forcibly displaced from rough us since may. the 6th that is as, as really forces advanced in the north and south of the gaza strip is really army
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has divided the strip. let's take a look at the so called net serene core door, which the is really army, is what divides guys into north and south in the north is really soldiers and tanks of advance further into the job. while you're refugee camp, they've been engaged in fierce battles. with palestinian fighters, airstrikes and that area are supporting the ground operation, forcing tens of thousands of people, they are to flee. but escaping to the south. not an option. there isn't. is really buffers on that prevents this. so most people are fleeing west when they can in southern gaza. now this is what it looks like, doctors at the cool a hospital in ross. i have received calls from these really military ordering them to evacuate the medical facility there. palestinians are still trying to flee from rasa towards darrow bala where honey was a moment ago and towards milwaukee. and the fidelity reports from darrow bought a helmet. is this several defense workers?
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only protection don't take cards unless you vehicles are really all that remain on the roads in the racing to help. yet another round of the severely injured in this chicken city under seats. this time due to late a life play shooting this man left out on the street shop. the team space by and is really sniper. they begin the same task of covering his corpse. the for another rest pickup job is causes death to pushes past 35000 the body carried quickly to
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account. but then left with the little ceremony, the, the civil defense teams are still operating in east and central roughly and very difficult and complicated conditions. recently we headed to the city's main intersection and recovered a number of dead bodies as well as with one other words, it's as simple defense teams should be granted entry in the areas with his fighting to recover the dead bodies and help the wounded if they're injured or left without help, without a doubt they'll die. 6 for their noise into bad yukon, families have been paused once more to see what the news is. right assaults, the floods of humanity afraid for their lives as they hurry through this. his largest bottles own high and the tank is behind the classrooms and the schools go,
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does all save you and decide are of all state we did not want to leave until we saw it with our and i policy using basel are again being pushed force to feed from anywhere, they found refuge. we don't know where to go. we have been displaced from one place to the next and know we have left. we don't know where to go. we are running industries. i saw with my own eyes. i saw the tank and the bulldozer it is on that street a desperate movement after another round of warranty or fire interior. is there a defense minister has spoken to the us secretary of state, updating him on his armies operation and drop off and the take over of the nearby border crossing into egypt. but there appears to be no end inside the months long suffering here. war policy and use are being killed, injured or just faced with each passing day. and the pull that evaded but gaza. palestine to is really forces have carried out at least 8 strikes on humanitarian
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workers, convoys and premises and gaza. since october, even after their coordinates were shared with these really authorities that's according to human rights watch. the report also finds that these really is didn't issue any advanced warning. the latest casualty is a united nation staff member killed in eastern rasa. this is the 1st international you in casualty, with more than a 190 palestinian you and workers killed since october. the 7th, our correspondence stephanie decker joins us from the georgia indian capital, a months inspection, and benjamin netanyahu has government shut down houses here in israel. stephanie, when israel killed 7 aid workers last month and angry, the us president, they apologized and they said that they were going to set up a new process to avoid a repeat events. and yet, here we are again with israel targeting and killing aid workers. this yes, uh the army, the only sort of official reaction we've had has said that they were in an area of
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active combat and that they are looking into the incident. they're investigating the incident that the u. n. has incredibly strict security protocol when they operate, even when it's not a whole style environment sterile. i mean even just moving around when things are business, as usual in gauze or even the occupied westbank. so they have a very strict confliction information giving to israel and certainly again, like, i don't know what else can be done because what they do is they give the coordinates of their locations in terms of, you know, hospitals, schools, headquarters. and then they also have very much give the information when it comes to a move in convoys. so there's been a lot of pressure on israel to do more. but when it does happen at some point, sometimes there may be an apology, but there's never any accountability. and so, you know, it's just a reality that is ongoing it as many palestinians will tell you of course, there's more international spotlight usually when it's an international that gets
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killed at the hands of israel, but palestinian aid workers as you mentioned, there are get killed on a daily basis, this has been the most deadly conflict for you and stuff and for aid workers in modern history. so it just gives you a sense of just, you know, the question mark, is it how just, how do you prevent it from happening? it seems certainly under is really, you know, modus operandi. impossible. it's stephanie if i can get your reporting on something completely different now and it's related, it's obviously about cause a is really settlers have been attacking 8 convoys that are bound for the gaza strip. what do you know about that? so yes, so these are convoys that are leaving jordan leaving from here and they cross the occupied westbank and it's been many events really over the last couple weeks and months. they've intensified recently last night. the latest you probably, i'm not sure if you're playing those a video, but you can see that thursdays or so yeah. yeah. they are received for nationalist
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in there. i do all the g. so they're taking off the bags that starting them around . you even have some more kids doing the same thing and nothing is being prevented . this is the extraordinary thing. 0 like these really from these, these really security forces, these really border please. these rarely are me who you name. it is not doing anything they could very easily be accompanying these convoys through the occupied westbank and getting them to go. so now it's reaching international condemnation the, the us national security advisor jake sullivan, yesterday basically saying this total outrage that people are attacking and using these convoys that they're talking to, these really government at the highest levels that they're looking at, what measures they can use to stop this, jordan has condemned it and saying that it's israel's guaranteed legally as an occupying power to ensure aid gets to gaza. but politically, the head of the police force of national security adviser is it's more bend to be the right to administer who has the same ideology as those attacks. attacking the
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convoy, they believe that no age should be going to gauze and not to have all sorts of civilians. they see that must part and par, the se. um, so of course is a lot of criticism that is all can do more and it's simply not doing. no, it's definitely decor reporting from amman. jordan, because once again the is really government has shut down after 0 within israel. thank you very much. stephanie is spring and mohammed and must be a political analyst professor. media studies are the doha institute for graduate studies. wanted to be honest. uh, regardless of one's position on the conflict, it is hard to watch the footage that we just saw, right. all our reporting is that that aid is so desperately needed inside the gaza strip and there has been almost no food, no water, no fuel going in for a week. and now the footage we just showed, we're seeing settlers that are being allowed by is really authorities to just throw the 8 on the ground when it's within, within meters or kilometers of gaza. right. well, people like your lawn pop a are getting and lovey and other is really scholars and journalists have talked
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about the type of blood last that exists right now. among very significant contingent within is really, within is really society. and those people don't want aid to go in as you've been, as somebody was, was reporting. in fact, when they've done the sort of man on the street interviews, some of these relays are very open and saying that they don't want even to reach children. they're saying that these children will grow up to be terrorists, and some of them i said we should have killed the children are back in 2014 when we had the opportunity because those kids are now terrace. so this is the attitude that i think everyone has to realize that we're dealing with now, it's interesting and i don't want to be reduction of somebody, but so much of this comes back to the united states. right? well, because the united states is the one international power, the entity you can stop all of this, as we said numerous on numerous occasions. and they're not even acknowledging that israel is committing a war kime with the prevention of aid. they released this memo
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a few days ago. it's littered with contradictions. on the one hand they're saying is real doesn't seem to be doing. all of that. it can to allow it in, on the other hand, are saying that there is no evidence of a war crime that is real, was actually actively preventing aid from, from going in. and we have to remember here, there is an international consensus here among experts at israel is committing a war crime by actively preventing aid from getting into a district. and there's some pretty glaring and major blind spots in the us is messaging on the one hand, they'll say for instance, a couple of days ago they were saying, well the us president was on the phone with benjamin netanyahu. and he got some kind of assurance that the, for the crossing of border crossing of time i would sell them would be reopened because these really is a close to it. right. and now we're seeing no for a week nothing's been going in the, the white house messaging, we've got the assurance, this would be reopened. the fact is no, right? well, the assumption is always that the us exerts pressure on israel. that's been the
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historical assumption. but the reality is what we're seeing is that it's israel, that exists pressure on the united states and forces the us is forces the why has had the us that even possible. mean the mismatch of a brower you know, is obviously in the us and say, well, it's fascinating how john mearsheimer, political scientists and university of of chicago says that this relationship between the united states and israel is unlike anything that we've never had in the history of political relations, right? it's a very extraordinarily special relationship and it's one where is real, can exert power over the united states. number one, because the us long ago decided to marry itself to israel to sort of adopt israel is as long last son. and then the other thing is that the is really the is really lobbies inside united states, incredibly powerful editing. it exerts a lot of influence over us politicians at the micro and macro level. so you end up having the us having to react to what israel's doing on the ground. israel says,
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no, we're not going to do this and we're not going to take your advice and the us has to react to this. the thing is that even with your explanation and i follow what you just said, the us seems to be following is real in what they and what the us consider is mistakes i was bringing this up with you earlier, right? blinking said today's tuesday. so blinking said 2 days ago, me pull out of gaza, this is a mistake. you're going to end up with an enduring insurgency and they're not doing it. they're committed to the war. and the us is also signaling. well, they haven't crossed the red lights, right? and i want to be clear, i'm not saying that this is rational or logical or that i agree with it. i'm just saying this is, this is the us strategic calculation. i actually happen to think that it makes no sense for the us to do for, for the us to be doing what it's doing. i think this is undermined to us. there is nothing about what's happening cause of it ends up helping us interest in the region, and now it's even hurting the us domestically. we have these protests, you have bite and effectively committing political suicide. i don't think there's
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any way at this point barring something unforeseen, something cataclysmic happening over the next few months. i don't see any way forward for him in the november election against donald trump. he's losing, in 6 of the 7 swing states, the opinion polling data are quite damning. you have young people over all over the country, protesting. and the reason he's going to lose this election, i think, is because of how he's handled gaza. mostly, that's the okay. i'm going to let that hang there. that's really interesting. get something that's gonna warrant another conversation, but we will get a chance to have that conversation. thank you very much. more on the mastery it concern his point minister says negotiations for a ceasefire and gaza are at a stalemate. speaking of the guitar economic for him, jeff mohammed been of the recommend else on he says i'm on, i'm us. and israel want fundamentally different results. when there are 2 o'clock, these wants to agree on something you need to agree on, on the baseline. this one and i believe that's what we are seeing. there is
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a fundamental difference between the 2 parties. there is one part to you who wants to end the war and then talk about the hostages. there is another party who wants to hostages into wants and wants to continue the what and as long as there is no any commonality between those 2 things to want to get us started. as of the large crowds in police are gathering outside the georgia in parliament, has it prepares to vote on the controversial foreign agents fill. the government says the legislation will prevent foreign influence in the country, but opponents say it could be used to press down on descent and the rail georgia's bid to join the european union offices here as mutual residential has been covering process dimitry. you're joining us now from really see just outside the parliament before you, before you describe what's going on around, you give us the tick tock,
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give us the timeline. i believe the government, i believe parliament is about to start discussing the bill right now. well, normally actually this session is supposed to have started about 15 minutes ago. we've seen some of the fall them in the window, but that was a 2 flags coming up to, to the crowd. always the opposition members, because people here uh, you know, protesting this law and its the georgian dreams policies, the initiative to press on with this law. just to give you a quick rundown. this law is supposed to have a n g o. the media receiving 20 percent or more of the funding from abroad to label themselves as the register as the agents of a for an invalid. now, so the session supposed have started 15 minutes ago. normally these last around 2 hours. but you never know now there was a reading yesterday, which is also supposed to last a few hours, but it only less than 2 minutes. i mean, it looks like opposition. the policy members are not going to let the vote be
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held quickly. it's very important for the voters says election coming up uh the outcome of this boat shall be fruitful for the society. everyone here says it's basically if the bill is adult, it becomes low, then the then basically george's hopes of georgia and from joining the european union should be in limbo. now over in the morning, we was standing by this entrance of the parliament police came in with a lodge forth with a human kind of move. 2 giving us quite, quite so not to move backwards. so ever since we've been standing of this very crowded place, so i hope you, you guys can hear everything that i'm saying. but we can, people are getting louder and louder every time they see a do you want anyone in a search appearing from those from those those coming in or out? uh so yeah, basically you can kind of hear the clock ticking. yeah. mm dimitria. what happens
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if this bill is indeed passed into law because the, the georgian prime minister said, i believe it was overnight, that he is going to push this thing through parliament. so the likelihood is that it will be low. yeah, that's correct. i mean, the georgia and government have been saying that they're very much uh for assistance in terms of the small being an absolute necessity for transparency. but international pressure has been mounting on georgia. now, the latest information that we have in this respect is that assistant secretary of state jim o'brien, he's supposed to be in georgia right now. and georgia media reporting that he's actually having a meeting with the prime minister. exactly. cool, but he's the so, and we've also heard european of a foreign ministers pressuring, pressuring the union to, uh, make a signs to say, basically, to me say,
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there is no chance that georgia will become a new member. as long as adults is set several members of european problem again. so into leasing right now. so the. 6 couple of hours we will have to solve the boat and it seems like this is getting to the other side moment here. you know, it makes him that he didn't go. thank you very much and please thank your camera man or your camera woman. your camera crew for the great job they've been doing is getting through the crowd and bringing us closer to parliament. thank you very much . a german court is due to deliver its verdict and the trial of the top leader of the far right alternative to germany. party during hucker is charged with using symbols of terrorist organizations and using a prohibited nazi slogan. during a campaign rally on monday and appeals court ruled that intelligence services can continue treating a f d as a potential extremist party. dominant came driver's life from the german city of holla, i don't wanna bring us up to speed. what's happening inside the court room?
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what's happening this morning here in jaila is the cold is hearing closing evidence and then closing arguments from both sides. in this case that evidence is video footage of mr. hook up. yeah. and hook up saying the slogan, which he is accused of saying that is everything for germany in the german version which is prohibited on the german law. his defense is that he was unaware of the connotation and the connection. this phrase had with the national socialist time, effectively the slogan was one of the leading slogans of the storm. true post the s . uh, the store on the title that was part of the nazi movement. that's why the phrase was banned. as the hooker says, he was unaware of flats and therefore unwittingly use the slogan without the intent which the prosecution alleges that he has. one interesting fact to may have been
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seen earlier, but a couple of german use agencies, erroneous lee plus tax a news update suggesting he'd been convicted. the judge picks them off about it and said no decision has yet been made. we expect the verdict at some points in the coming hours. what does this trial mean for on the one hand for mr. ok himself and more broadly for the a f t party which are doing well in polls and it will be contesting the the european elections. so of the, let's take those separately. in the 1st instance, mr. hook a finds himself the defendants in this case, if convicted, there is the potential for a 3 year prison sentence and for a fine. and obviously there is a graduation through, depending on the culpability that a judge might find. if the managed convicted the suggestion amongst the lawyers who being watching this case is that if there is a conviction, no certainty of that. but it is more likely that he would be fine. but clearly the
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judge has a degree of discretion. that's what it means for him in so far as his physical reality here. but for his policy, i'm for him. she is the spit, some kind of the get thoughts of the leads candidates in the space of feeling. yeah . which ford is the states i'm in right? now sex any on how they're all the european elections, you refer to coming up in june, but they're also states elections in sylvania, in brands. and both ends in saxony. those 3 states law states in which her, cuz policy, very popular averaging around about 2829. so if the percent of the votes, many people are watching this case. and indeed, what happened yesterday, in so far as that ruling from acosta by the suspicion that the potty is a rightly extreme is party. they watching what happens here to see what's the effect. it will have both a lector released for mr. hooker and for his policy, with all those votes coming up dominant, came
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a reporting from holla in germany. thank you very much. us secretary state anthony blinking has arrived in keith on an unannounced visit. it's the 1st visit to ukraine by senior us official since congress passed the 61000000000 dollar a package in april to help you cranes war efforts. lincoln's visit is seen as a show of supports as the nation faces intensifying attacks from russia in the harkey region. houses here as john home and has more from the capital when the us sick tree of state. and to me blinking goals to try in to keep this tuesday morning . they have one big item in mind, and that's to reassure you. crime that it's not allowing that it's allies, especially the united states as to where the difficult moment for the country with a new russian offensive crossing and to the north east of ukraine. now the 2nd i'm, the secretary clinton would have in mind is westerns the us as finally go to prove the $61000000000.00 military
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a package. and the talk is about how quickly those weapons can get to ukraine. now the ground, so that was laid on monday by cool, between talk to us and you pray, military officials in which they talked about the off towards the national security advisor, the us national security advisor james sullivan said that they're looking to up the 10 posts, especially on a defense units, and they will so discuss the situation on the ground. now, what is the situation on the ground and not new front in the northeast? if you crating the hockey region when russian forces move over the border of open source at military analyst websites. the saying that russia now has between $1125.00 square columbus has caught 2 and several villages. and the regional governor of the hockey region is saying that they splitting now russian traits into smaller groups.


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