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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 14, 2024 12:00pm-12:30pm AST

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me a lot in an area that the s i c have being pushed as of the forensic search for survivors out there is really airstrikes hits civilian areas and central gaza killing at least 14 palestinians. the single venue is good to have you with us. this is alice's 0 life from the also coming up, the un says almost half a 1000000 people have been forcibly displaced from the southern city of russell in the past week. is really, is accused of carrying out at least 8 strikes on 8 convoys and workers and gaza even after their locations were shared and protest outside of georgia and parliament as m. p. 's votes on a controversial foreign influence bill. the
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israel has carried out multiple strikes and gaza, killing more palestinians from the north of this to the south of the strip. at least 14 palestinians were killed and in his really strength on the residential home and the new site out, the refugee camp. as in central gaza, the palestinian civil defense is working to recover victims from under the rubble dozens of wounded people had been rushed to the alexa hospital in there about a and a separate attack into sarah to be is really military bomb. the school housing displaced, palestinians, many are still trapped inside during israel's war ongoing say its forces have repeatedly struck schools, hospitals and mosques, housing displaced, palestinians who dory has more now from the sara, a new master care committed against the palestinians. but today he had in the site, that's where it's not like that is really for targeted. this house would do is
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ready air strikes that plots in this 3 story buildings to the ground according to the people around us right now, according to the neighbors are telling us that this was a 3 story buildings that had a lot of this. they probably didn't use that, came from scrap off. i met one of the families that were neighbors of this time. and he said that he has a family members talk underneath their bravo. and this evening of this house as use the policies are using very basic equipment. their bear bear had to had got any body or any person under this of seen day.
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it's heartbreaking. what we're seeing today. another day where hundreds of the palestinians are trapped under the rubble again. according to the part of the ministry, there are the house and policy under the russell. no one knows anything about them. said october 7 cents the war started on the gospel strip. hundreds of thousands of palestinians are being forced to flee because it is really advances in the north and south. is really army has divided the strength through the so called nets a room car door, which it controls in the north is really soldiers and tanks of advance further into the jamalia refugee camp. and they've been engaged. didn't see a specialist with palestinian fighters airstrikes in the area or supporting that ground operation, forcing tens of thousands of palestinians to flee. but escaping to the south is not
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an option isn't, is really buffer zone as we explained that prevents this. so most are for being west and southern gaza. doctors at the crating hospital in rough or receive calls from the is really military ordering them to evacuate the medical facility. meanwhile, palestinians are still trying to flee rasa toward stero bala in the center. and on the wasi, at least 36360000 people have been forcibly displaced in this latest round of fighting officers who a journalist as he's our account booth, is one of the 10s of thousands of palestinians leaving rafa off to israel's renewed military offensive. he mapped out the route that he and his family took to seek safety. this is his journey. me, i'm like the all of the people get around this. the space was going to be sent. now is going to be people
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moving to now we're, i stopped recording from roof off and moving with my quitting. so i mean to didn't, but i, it says a lot of steps from evacuating a, from our driver is trying to find a student we because of the, the crowded of the people who are still in the drop off and but, but the say it is close to uh for me on this end, the main road most of the people moving to think of defense and this, this place was fluid photos before the subscription is everywhere. so we are sort of fries inside some eunice, as you can see, the thing is so we are now to the
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now where, where each of the house and the whole family now uh started to uh get the contents and luggage is uh, to the house. it is really forces as carried out at least 8 strikes on humanitarian workers, convoys and premises and gaza. since october, even after their coordinates were shared with these really authorities, all of that's according to human rights watch. the report also finds that these really didn't issue any advance warnings. the latest casualty is a united nation staff member killed in eastern rasa. this is the 1st international un casualty for more than a 190 palestinian u. n. workers killed since october. the 7th houses here is gabriel elizondo reports from you in headquarters in new york bullet holes through the back window of
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a vehicle. clearly mark united nations, the driver of the vehicle, an international un worker for the department of safety and security was killed. and another one was injured while riding in a convoy headed to the european hospital in rafa. while a 190 un staff had been killed in guys in the past 7 months, it was the 1st time in international stafford and not palestinian was killed. the secretary general condemns all the tax on un personnel and calls for a full investigation. he sent his condolences to the family of the fall and staff member with the conflict and gaza, continuing to take a heavy, told not only on civilians but also on humanitarian workers. the secretary general reiterates has urgent appeal for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire. and for the release of all hostages, is it fair to characterize this as an attack? yes. the head of the u. n. relief and works agency for palestinian refugees posted
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on the social platform x. no one is safe and gaza, including aid workers, are teams, and gods are grieving the loss of their friends and colleagues, 8 workers, and you and staff or not and never should be a target. the secretary general has called for an investigation into all of the killings of every un staffer in gaza. the last 7 months. he's also called for an investigation into the mass graves are recently discovered as well. but in order for there to be an independent inquiry, it requires access for the investigators to get to the locations for the crimes took place and is real controls access in and out of gaza. so far, israel has failed to cooperate gabriel's on don't. i'll just say the united nations new york stephanie decker has more from the jordanian capital m on since the is
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really government has shut down al jazeera inside israel. there's been a lot of pressure on israel to do more, but when it does happen at some point, sometimes there may be an apology, but there's never any accountability. and so, you know, it's just a reality that is ongoing. and as many palestinians will tell you, of course, there's more international spotlight usually when it's an international that gets killed at the hands of israel. this has been the most deadly conflict for you and stuff and for aid workers in modern history. so it just gives you a sense of just, you know, the question mark, is it how just, how do you prevent it from happening? it seems certainly under is really, you know, modus operandi. impossible. these really nice, these really security forces. these really border for you, these really are me who you name. it is not doing anything they could very easily be accompanying these convoys through the occupied west bank and getting them to go . so now it's reaching international condemnation. the,
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the us national security advisor jake sullivan yesterday basically saying this total outrage that people are attacking and using these convoys that they are talking to, these really government at the highest levels that they're looking at. what measures they can use to stop this? jordan has condemned it and saying that it's israel's duty legally as an occupying power to ensure aid gets to gaza. but politically, the head of the police force, the national security advisor, is it's more been giving you the right to administer who has the same ideology as those at tech. attacking the convoy they believe that no age should be going to gauze and not to have all sorts of civilians. they see the most part in part, the se guitar as prime minister says the negotiations for a ceasefire in gaza are currently at a stalemate. doha has been playing a key mediation role, and it talks between the 2 sides, but speaking it be a guitar economic form. shift mohammed then of the month to adjust the mouth. donnie says that i'm us and israel want fundamentally different things that when
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there are 2 o'clock, these wants to agree on something, you need to agree on the baseline. this one and i believe that's what we are seeing . there is a fundamental difference between the 2 parties. there is one party who wants to end the war and then talk about the hostages. there is another property who wants to the hostages and who wants and wants to continue the what i mean, as long as there is no, any comment on a few between those 2 things to want to get us started. so i believe it's very important for the, for all of us right now to see what's happening with all this distraction that's happened and as the enough is enough, we need to stop the what we need to focus on on the future. what's the next test of fee and was actually if you look at most of the reports saying that it wouldn't need 40 to 50000000000 to rebuild it until the 24th. so the amount of
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destruction we, we didn't see much of it on the, what do we see on the screen is probably a, we not to present more than 1020 percent of what's really there. and of course, you know, adding to this goodness of a benefit overall for the water line that we have seen. you know, that asian became a very turbulent to these, you know, that it's on that i'd see and 11 on. and this, this, this is just going to increase the officials and the french pacific territory of new caledonia have imposed the curfew after writing triggered by a proposed constitutional amendment. police were deployed off the crowds damaged shops and set fire to prophecy. the proposed amendment looks to increase the size of the electorate for upcoming elections. the indigenous population known as the kinetic people say that the move could hinder their representation,
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or corresponding wayne, hey, joins us from wrong to new zealand waiting. we'll talk about really the, the fundamentals substance of this and the constitutional amendment in just a moment. bring us up to speed on what's been happening on the ground. and these, uh, what i'm seeing are being described as rights. yes. well, not full. now, in a new caledonia in the capital and new me uh, tuesday evening, local time, those restrictions that you mentioned are in place now. the few in particular will run through until early wednesday morning. local time, old site before that if you came into place, there was a ban on public gatherings put in place on so i don't think anyone would be surprised if those restrictions are extended beyond the wednesday morning if you ending limitation that they have put on that given the scenes that we've seen playing out in the capital, new media and some of the surrounding areas as well. uh, widespread violence and some of those areas between these pro,
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independent supported as and the security for us. as many people arrested, many people in jude as well. reports of gunfire, also in some of those hotspots in the capital city. also, as you mentioned, wide spread looting and us and a tex against property and buildings as well. businesses, particularly those that 9 to be french companies, supermarkets and caught they dealerships for example, as well. a transport has been pulled up and this to, i mean, a wide cold for a strike by unions. most flights in and out of the capital new media has been cancelled. i've been looking at flights, for example from oakland to new caledonia. normally a relatively easy exercise spot. there is no availability for the next few days. at least we also sort of plan to visit to new caledonia by then you see the minnesota all foreign affairs winston peters. he was due this week on an official visit. he's now cancel that and it concerns of the secure that the security situation they're
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waiting. we outlined that it's a proposed amendments. constitutional amendment. it's behind this. can you give us a little bit more context, a little bit more explanation on what's driving it? i'm sure what you tell it already is a french overseas territory. there has been a very strong pro independence movement. they for a long time, and that's resulted in many, many scenes of violence like we're seeing at the moment, play out over the past few decades. and the center that pro independence movement is the indigenous population that cannot population. there was an, a code sign back in 1998 and this crew to pay the way towards independence from france, which seemed 3 referendums take place. since that a cor was signed, all 3 have gone in favor offer landing a french territory by the last one and the same, but 2021 was boy caught in by the independence movement. so why are we seeing this
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will play again? right now? on the streets of new caledonia, it's because they're out of local elections planned very soon. and right now, in the french province in paris, we seeing them debates a change to the constitution that would, like you, you mentioned to expand the electricity, would basically allow a whole french nationalist who will be living in new caledonia for at least 10 years to play a part in the electro privacy is now the independence movement say, and particularly the cannot population say that if that is to be approved, it's kind of sort of the marginalized, the boys marginalized, the cause, and ultimately they push for independence from france. the french, in the other hand, say it is ludicrous that you have such a large percentage on the population. caledonia, unable to have a say in the electoral process to have a site in the future. all new caledonia, even though many of those people have been living there for such a long time. okay, well, crystal clear. thank you very much. wayne. hey, reporting from to rhonda. are still a head on elsa 0,
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a record 76000000 people were displaced around the world last year like conflict in natural disasters. we'll be looking at the situation incidentally, the now just add to season or late season send storms in west java half, but he's with the flooding recently, but the trend should be to see the rating stuff go north. was not the straight. we seemed funding in sumatra just north of the dying, but the trend here is to get the heavier stuff even further north and the line that extends through stuff outside of rock and still is light to produce something big and most popular or even in the southern philippines happening to china, in particular, thailand to the he's been replaced by shumate rather than that. but sundry humid weather which is right for the season. but the next 3 days looks pretty well. stick
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you same bank talk. i'd like to give you some promise for water in australia where you want it, and they've been some big on his own recently in west australia, but it's still not a few channels on the left and passes 28 degrees rather steadily on the eastern side. the along shore breeze might bring a little bit of clarity with stuff to break, but generally is improving picture, particularly in sydney. i'd say of the last couple of days. but this has it registered yet 28 bit on the high side. not a record. but because we get so many days of 25 repeating the may record for that long stretch the right and it was pledging sydney has gone somewhere else across the top to bottom to give a very wet day to most in new zealand. on wednesday, the a meeting of minds, the tragedy for me, of a democratic solve effort there, it's how quickly we sort of adopted the very told re global,
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know the intertwining of money and politics campaigner andrew fine state and photographer shock you do on on activism under crisis and gone. so what is happening today is top thing on our watch. the news from now they will be people asking, how did you left it? half the studio will be on the script part one on on disease the you're watching else a 0 reminder of our headlines. israel has stepped up at strikes and gaza, killing more palestinians across the strip. at least 14 people were killed and astray, company in the state of refuge account that you and says nearly 450000 people have
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no been forcibly displaced from rough uh, in the past week. these really military has ordered several districts to immediately leads to overcrowded refugee camp. the u. n. has confirmed that one of its employees has been killed in gaza after his vehicles came under fire. the un secretary general condemned monday's attack. us secretary of state anthony blinking has arrived in keys on an unannounced visit. it's the 1st time to ukraine 1st visit to ukraine by senior us official since congress passed a $61000000000.00 a package last month to help ukraine's war efforts. lincoln's visit as seen as a show of support as the nation faces intensifying attacks from russia in the harkey region. also 0 john home and has more from keith when the us sick tree of state. and to me blinking go off the try into keep this tuesday morning. they have one big item in mind, and that's to reassure you. crime that it's not allowing that it's allies, especially the united states as to where the difficult moment for the country with
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a new russian offensive crossing and to the north east of ukraine. now the 2nd i'm, the secretary clinton would have in mind is westerns the us as finally go to prove the $61000000000.00 military a package. and the talk is about how quickly those weapons can get to ukraine. now the ground, so that was laid on monday by cool, between talk to us and you pray, military officials in which they talked about the off towards the national security advisor, the us national security advisor jake sullivan said that they're looking to up the 10 posts, especially on a defense units, and they will so discuss the situation on the ground. now, what is the situation on the ground not new front in the northeast. if you crating the hockey region when russian forces move over the border of open source at
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military analyst websites. the saying that russia now has between $1125.00 square columbus has caught 2 and several villages. and the regional governor of the hockey region is saying that they splitting now rushing traits into smaller groups to try and stretch the ukrainian line, still fin. uh, and that's a real problem because this was for you cried because there's also russian troops a bouncing in other parts of the front line of it down more to 1000 kilometer front line. so it's a lot of gaps that these countries trying to plug right now as russia is definitely on the, from the town home. and i would just say to keep the german court is due to deliverance . verdict and the trail of the top leader of the far right alternative many bodies during the hooker is charged with using symbols of terrorist organizations and using a prohibited nazi slogan during a campaign rally on monday and the appeals court ruled at the intelligence services can continue treating a f d as
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a potential extremist party. large crowds in police are gathering outside the georgia in parliament's has it prepares the votes on the controversial foreign agents bill. the government says the legislation will prevent foreign influence in the country, but the opponents say it could be used to crack down on defense and the rail georgia's bid to join the european union. the demonstrations against inflation has been cold off in pakistan, administered cashier, but organizers want a general strike civil rights group say the action is to protest the killing of 3 civilians during riots. thousands and was that far bad had been demonstrating since friday, against soaring living costs. bradley's calling for government subsidies were confronted by paramilitary troops. come all hide or reports from the regional capital was afar a bad. life is slowly coming back to normal and the cap regarding the robot all focused on administered catch me. now for the last 5 days,
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the protest as has brought more major highways, they had the minds that the government, you're good use, the price of electricity because the spectrum it provides buckets onwards. housing, the megawatts of electricity, as well as what uh, now the people that green demanding that the electricity data attributed, viewed because they were exorbitantly high. the people also want that the price of the law should also be subsidized. now the government granted to an emergency meeting and relented on the minds of the drug test. uh, saying that they were willing to go out $86000000.00 in subsidies. the people heard, i've always, there demanded that the guys that the privileges and bulk of the bureaucracy should be to do so don't the minds of gods have now being met this project there,
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the now it's slowly going back, but there's been a cost to. busy days for the 1st 5 days, business days, shops have been completely close. traffic completely suspended even now as you can see, there's no traffic on the road ahead and without the robot. also the fact that the paper work is by the security of boards and the router that now digging place this and this particular city. the anger now gunned and do a gun. people up got that now backing their belongings and going back to the area and from where they came. but this is indeed a message for the government. and it's not my, but it has to be cognizant of the fact that the paper one really and if they don't get their relief, they will be back on the streets, come all the data off without for a bought a record number of people around the world were displaced last year, mainly because of war fighting and gaza in sedan. and in the democratic republic of
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congo, accounted for almost 2 thirds of the 76000000 people who have to flee their homes. natural disasters forced tens of millions to become displaced as well. barbara and go for reports. a watch doc says will drift level displacement to a record 7 to 6000000 people. last year. the report from the internal displacement monitoring center says the number of display spe, pulled doubled in the last 5 years. these palestinians arriving at our milwaukee area on gauze as western coast have been on the move since israel's war and gossip began in october. as a half hour lab, we've been displaced 4 times and now we live with my uncle's family in my wasi. but there is no space for us here of violence in gaza. sit down on the democratic republic of congo, drive 2 sides of the displacements in 2023. in the final quarter of the israel's
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foreign garza forcibly displaced 1700000 palestinians under the democratic republic of congo. fighting between government troops and rebels uprooted 6700000 people seems to conflict and sit down started in april 9 point 1000000 people have been driven from the homes. the 2nd highest number recorded in a single country, since requests begun in 2008 and did a 4 year old jasmine was opened as a family, tried to escape from cit, don to chad, joined fighting between rival forces while identity, her mother, who was 8 months pregnant was killed and she was left on the road. some people found her on the road and pulled her back here on the road, we suffered a lot. the rapids support forces killed and wounded, so many people here. but the report says the crisis is just the tip of the iceberg . tens of millions of people remain displaced from previous an ongoing rules and
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disasters. extreme was a natural disasters also contributed to the global spike of internally displaced people. floods, storms of quakes and wild frost displaced more than 26000000 people. barbara and good. i'll just say era. sorry, up until yano is the chief executive of the o. d. i global affairs think tank. she's also let the human development programs sedan peace building unit. she says this displacement is unprecedented. these, these, the worst, the largest intend, the displacement, causes these 9 median southern medium people are these plays. we need to that this will give you a sense of, of additional customer here. the goal was 6000000 people tonight or the wrong median. you mean, um, people are on the move all the time. they have to fee and fee, again in your, you know, those $7.50 people across the top. that includes 200000 almost 20000. they were charging victory g. so people that,
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that talk to seek packaging the for and not at the beginning because the vibrancy, certainly not for this so on for. and we know is that the, the level is $485.00 for more than any human rights sports which remained to the last year. and it's been pretty much at the time. so you can use the most of the tribe in that full. so it's the volumes is the fear of, you know, being use of course, but it is also the hunger pricing because we are seeing that the, the strength of finance is on $1.00 level. so we haven't seen for many, many years. and we have seen funding before in the country, so we know what to expect. we know that, you know, crises when these basement crises where people don't go back to their homes for 6 months. they are likely to be meeting these basements for 3 years. so we know that they, they see a way for more than a year, there will be back for 5. and is this a way or 3? there will be bucks within the company will never go back. so or the speaker. so
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i'm going to stop this. we have done lots of research on these things and put it to the eye over the years. so we know what to expect. and what people need to margin is what it means to be, you know, opportunities for such a long time either for kids not to be able to go back to school and not to be in education of this need for you know, that for that fee of activities to complete the store, you know, to complete the course and they'll be able to, to have to be assumed. but obviously it will be most concerned about that. not. it's not that long service. they need it to, and that's all the same before we are seen so many parts of the counties at, you know, levels of the, for the security i see many high cows extends former economy minister has been convicted and sentenced to 24 years in jail for the torture and murder of his wife quantity commission by a.


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