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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 14, 2024 1:00pm-2:01pm AST

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the the, this business uptake these me. why the citibank rooftop? no bundle dash before to use the the, you're watching the news, our life from headquarters, and del fine, getting obligated here's what's coming up in the next 60 minutes. a forensic search for survivors officer is really airstrikes hit civilian areas in central gauze of killing at least 14 palestinians. the u. n says 450000 palestinians have been forcibly displaced from the southern city a for alpha. in the past, with a surprise visit and
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a show of supports america's top diploma meets you please president, while russia steps off its attacks. protests outside parliament in georgia as lawmakers look set to approve the controversial foreign influence fill in sports, the boston celtics. closing on the end, the eastern conference finals, they beat the clinton calculator estimates. 3 went ahead in the playoff series as a chase, a record 18th and the a title, the hello. we begin this news hour in gaza where israel's military has carried out multiple attacks, killing more palestinians across the street from the north to the south. at least 14 people were killed in a strike on a residential home and then the slate us refuge account. and central gauze of the palestinian civil defense is working to recover victims. from under the rubble, dozens of wounded people have been taken to
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a hospital in dated by the end of that he has more from the se dots, a new master care committed against the palestinians. but today he had in to say it all squared last night. that is really for the targeted this house would do is ready error strikes that plots in this 3 story buildings to the ground according to the people around us right now, according to the neighbors are telling us that this was a 3 story buildings that had a lot of this data palace didn't use that, came from scrap off. we still have no idea if there's anyone still alive. we do not know that people are still alive under where i'm standing right now. but this scene has been repeated for more than 7 months. right.
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now part of the news truck under the rub of civil defense team is trying to have them. but at the most, in the most times, people would not get the has a name, and they say top under the rub up at least 2000 are students dropped under the rama bar. and this has been happening really close to evacuate and being killed. where here upside many evacuated from rough off 3 days ago is under the rubble. this is in the body as well as civil defense. and gaza is warning that it's responded to over $37000.00 admission since the start of the war. and that's the equivalent of 24 years of work
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before the war. and their equipment is close to breaking down. on top of the se, se is really forces are actively targeting their machinery, the sliding. what that is a couldn't to patient closest continue to target, then destroyed the heavy equipment that had boss recover the victim above old. we are facing stop shortage of view and whereby we will come to a total hold where by thousands of lives will be lost, especially we will not be able to recover. they bought this or said viable for them . i know that debris and as we speak, hundreds of victims remain buried under the robin. it's connie, my, who is the joining us not from data by the house side of the hospital. so honey, obviously the civil defense or forward is the units having great difficulty in being able to do their jobs. what are you hearing about what happens in the site us?
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we know that it was bombs, but the aftermath of the bombing and whether the civil defense unit has managed to reach anyone at this point of the yes, the, the latest we're getting a from the bomb, the residential home in a new tab. this is the latest sit for 10 people have been killed. we're looking at mostly the same exact potter we've seen in the past week. so when the, there's, when there's these really military intensified is it's a tax, particularly area of a tax across the gall, this trip, mostly women and children making up the vast majority of casualties. but the tragedy here, it's a $33.00 story building with at least 5 of storage is on the ground floor. the entire building. it came down with people inside the fox right now from the remaining family members who happened to be outside the building of large number of
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people inside that they're also evidence of, of this place. families who have just been inside this residential building for the past. the 33 days were newly displaced of from rough off city as more evacuation orders are issued, sharply ordering people to evacuate. the roof, i city ended up in this residential building. something that uh, that if that proves one more time that there are no safer place across the gaza strip, even at these designated stage, drones by these really military. but 14 people, and there are 6 more people who were tar, where is killed inside and evacuation center evacuation center. here, we mainly referred to as the honor. what schools, schools are managed and operated by the united nations for palestinian refugees. 6 people are killed, other are still a trapped inside the the, the hospital itself because of the, the severe damage caused by the ears price and the artillery showing at those 14
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people of, from the residential building all the transfer to this hospital. there was a huge crowd behind me within the past 30 minutes or so performing the prayer and last minute uh sized the for the words taken into a barrier, but they're still talking about more people is still on the rebels and we listened to a civil defense the crew press conference, it in the courtyard of a lot. so hospital explaining the difficulty that they are facing on the, on daily basis, giving the intensity of the bombing campaign in terms of it's a scale in terms of it's not the magnitude on the large a level of destruction caused by this intense bombing campaign. little long beach 0 safety guarantee told civil defense, the crew members across the gods. this trip in fox, many of them had came on their direct fire by this really military. they were deliberately barred to, from reaching to areas where,
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where they supposed to be present in order to save lives. so in addition of the vast majority of their equipments have been destroyed and targeted by those really military and right now as the majority of work of civil defense. 3 work on the ground happened by a basic equipment, bare hands or manually operated equipment that are not sufficient enough to remove large piece of concrete and to save lives if possible. thank you so much for joining us. more. thank you for that recording from didn't, but off was the fighting has intensified so has the level of displacements in gaza for you and agency, for palestinian refugees says nearly 450000 people have been forced to flee the southern city of for the fall since may the 6th wonder why says palestinians face constance exhaustion hunger and they have no safe place to go. many palestinians have been displaced repeatedly since october the 7th. i'll just bear a journalist as these a couple of which is one of the 10s of thousands of palestinians leaving it off
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after israel's renewed military offensive in the area. and he mapped out the roots, but he and his family took to seek safety. this is his journey. to me, i'm like all of the people around this. the space was full of the sense. now it is going to be people moving to now were i stopped recording from roof moving with my quitting sammy to a different but i it says a lot of steps from evacuating a 4 hour drive. but it is the trying to find a student that we because of the, the crowd of people who are evacuating is still in the drop off. and but,
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but the say it is a close to a new and it's, and the main road most of the people to think of defense and this, this place was fluid photos for, for the direction is everywhere. so we are sort of fries inside from eunice as you can see, the thing is so we are now towed in now where, where each of the house and the whole family now and started to get the contents and luggage as to the house is really forces have carried out at least 8 strikes on a humanitarian convoys on premises and gaza since october, even after their locations were shared with is really authorities that's according
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to human rights watch. the report also finds the is really, is didn't issue any warnings before their attacks. the latest fatality is a u. n. staff member killed in eastern and us off. this is the 1st international you, one casualty with more than a 190 palestinian u. n. 8 workers killed since october. the 7th. our correspondence stephanie decker is joining us from the georgia and kept on mind. that is since benjamin that's in now who's government has shut down houses 0 in israel. so we're having to report from, i'm on stephanie for you and work or is this has been the deadliest wherever for it's personnel. and in the aftermath of some of these attacks, israel says it'll investigate. but these investigations never really go anywhere, do they they don't go anywhere. there's no accountability. sometimes there is a statement of apology of regret, as you know, it never ends. i think this is something that we need to highlight. it never ends.
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uh, there's been many over the years. this is the worst for this is award that's completely destroyed garza during the entire fabric of society. the infrastructure at home never be the same, but yes, nothing changes. and in fact, just in the last half hour, the army has issued a statement in reference to yesterday's attack, which killed one for an un aid worker saying that they were in a active combat zone. and they didn't know about the movement of the convoy. now we need to wait to hear from the united nations, but they did say that they had d at your d conflicted with his role. if you want to, in the mechanism that they tell them where they are, when they are moving, even with us, and we want to have guests from you and move to our positions, they will tell you, wait, i need to inform and get our movement. they have an extremely strict security protocol in place. so united majors, particularly in inactive wars. so yes, you mentioned there, the deadliest conflict in modern history for aid workers. and of course most of
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those have been pub, this thing and a separately, stephanie, i know you're keeping an eye out on what's happening in occupied east jerusalem as well because jordan has come out and condemn events at the ups on last compound. so tell us what jordan has have to say, and what happens at the most yes, jordan is the custodian of the how do you size in occupied east jerusalem? now it is complicated which to break it down. there's something called the state is quote, which is what jordan and israel have agreed upon. what does that mean? that means that non muslims can visit the slide can visit. i'll walk the most common problem, but they cannot praise. so to date 2 times a day during the week non muslims can edward have changed over the years, is the nature of these visits by is really far right wing alternation. let's now today is independence day in israel. so you're seeing more numbers of these right. when alternation is visiting the compound, they're not allowed to pray, but what they're doing today is they put a lot of his really flags within. this again is forbidden. it's usually
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controversial. so jordan has condemned us saying that this is a violation of the status quo. there's videos where you see at 1 point, one is really um security force, confiscating the flags, but others are just allowed to will free. and, you know, the, the stages quote unlocks the most compound, have the ability to inflame, not just palestine, you'd be area around as well, but the wider region. it is a tinderbox. when it comes to the state, just coiling just briefly, you will see now those in government. i'd like to more about and give the or, and visit all smart troje or as those who have been calling for a change of the status quo for the right to pray. jewish right to pray at the compound. and this is why these kinds of visits that have been changing in nature over the years or so inflammatory, i'd really very dangerous. okay, thank you. stephanie tucker. thanks for that reporting for us from my mind in jordan, we have with us some of the mostly he's a political analyst. he's also
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a professor of media studies at the doha institute for graduate studies. so um tomorrow is not what day. of course, that is the day that palestinians commemorates is vastly cleansing back in 1948. you heard stephanie reporting about what's happening occupied you through some of the, it looks almost compound. do you expect there's to be violence tomorrow to? well, at this point, i mean, we can't, we can't rule that out. and i think, you know, you're talking about next a day that i and i don't want to sound like a broken record. but i think we have to remind everyone that the campaign of ethnic cleansing, of palestine has been ongoing and didn't just happen in 1948, but it's been ongoing. it's one of the reasons why, for instance, israel is engaged in such an aggressive campaign of settlement to expansion, right? you have now more than $200.00 settlements and an outposts in the west bank. it's one of the reasons why in my opinion, based on my own analysis, is real, has been aiming to ethnically cleansed because since the start of since the start
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of this, this war, right. and so in many ways the next i continue as an, as many analysts of noted, 820232024. actually believe it or not, quantitative re and follow the date of re worse than what happened and 1948. and if you look at what's happening in gaza, if we um there are these comments that were made by the us deputy sector and state kurt campbell. he's saying that the total victory in gaza is unlikely. so the is really, is they just seem to be committed to keep this work going. i mean, why is yeah, well, i think there are multiple reasons, but 1st on, on the united states, they've been saying these sorts of things for months, back in december that came out a number of different uh, us officials came out and said it's unrealistic. this idea that you're going to completely eliminate from us at that time, the secretary of defense, lloyd austin, were warned israel about a strategic defeat. they might win the war, but suffer a strategic defeat to the u. s. has been sort of warning for some time about all of this. as for israel, there are multiple things. so 1st of all, i still think they want to i think we funds because i think that's part of the
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reason why they took over off off. i think they ultimately still hope that they will be able to open that border and that causes will just flood into the sign i into, into egypt. but another reason relates to benjamin netanyahu. his own personal ambitions . as many have noted, the longer this more goes on, the better it is for him personally. and he told us back in december that he expected this war to go on throughout 2024. what do you make off the way that the resistance fighters have been fighting this war? particularly in light of these recent reports that just yesterday may 13th or at least 33 attacks by powers thing. and fighters targeting is really forces in giovanni and that is an area that is really set that they had in fact cleared. so how effective is there combat on the ground, 8 months into this war? well, i think one lesson is that we shouldn't take is rarely statements at face value. as you know, they've been saying that these areas were cleared months ago. so none of none of that is true. the reality is that how madison islamic jihad still have quite
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a fighting force on the ground. and some reports suggest that they have been able to bolster their fighting force increase, increase their manpower. there has been no greater recruiter than israel and its actions over the last several months. there are ordinary palestinian mountain that have been over the last few months, just board joining the ranks of the fighters because they see that this is a genocidal genocide, a war and they figure we have nothing else, nothing else to lose. the other problem that hung us, and this one which you had we're having was having was that they didn't have enough, or we thought they didn't have enough ammunition. and now they're able to re purpose these. unexploded is really bombs and use those as weapons against israel. so using is really weapons against, against israel. and so in many ways, i think how mass and his stomach, you had, are prepared to continue to fight for many more months. that's. that's what it looks like. to me, okay, well somebody must have you. thank you so much. well,
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a group of is really is how to attack trucks carrying a live, saving food aid, preventing them from reaching garza so this video shows him unloading and destroying supplies. israel's restriction on food aid has caused famine across large parts of gaza. the vehicles were crossing through hebron and they occupied westbank and then they were heading towards guys up the is really is then set 3 of these a trucks on fire. as we have with us up here, it's less current. i'm ron, who is a human rights lawyer and also the co director of the social movement breaking walls. you witnessed monday's, a tax on the a trucks. you're joining us from television. tell us what you saw. yeah, so i came in order to document and even not always to stop at the set of the supporters why they were trying to present. and the truck, the, you maintain a trucks from entering plaza and but then i was just trying to prevent them from coming. they were destroying and cutting either so destroyed thing,
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done an equipment that was there. and boxes of rice and megs of sugar and an instant notice of them was supposed to go to the bar. right. knowing that is that i still have the police and the, i mean, this is both of them. you know, whether they just allow them to do an april or the one on the ground. i never saw that someone was arrested even. i wouldn't, i wasn't there, someone snapped me someone. and, and it's asking me to do that with a knife. and even then they didn't even try to arrest them both to do anything and they were just protecting them and any time. and just a few days after i wasn't the demonstration with the families of the hostages, and i still, how would the police, both of the attacking them, even damaging one and of the, the 60 of a, one of the hostages. these name is my tongue. and in a way that she had to be evacuated to the hospital
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a why they were doing whatever they wanted to being above the and using for supports and by the forces their local. get back to that point on the police in just a moment. but let me just ask you this 1st, how do you think, i mean, these crowds, but end up, where are these a trucks or how do you think that they're able to find out when and where these a trucks are going to be? it's, it's very easy, they're getting information. i knew about it because the send an outlet and of messages in all kinds of what that looks do they have with their faces. we do names, we do phone numbers saying we know we have this information that the trucks are coming from this. yesterday it was a and the and, and, and courting. we nodded, they're coming and asking me more people to come over and help us to bring them and stop them from giving you the agent and to glass on it's so it's very clear that
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they know even when you were there in some point they went to another question because they got a phone call saying just for you to know there's more trucks going to another costing come here, it's right to do something here. and then if need is come back. so they are fed with this information. it's happening. it's happening for months. it's the idea of oh it's the police. oh, it's not wanting the government, but they know about that because someone would be sending them that right. and then giving them permission to do whatever they want when they're coming to the area. how exactly the in this point you make and you and you were telling us some moments ago as well, but they are given full permission to do whatever they want when they get to the area and the police just stand back and do nothing. and in fact, support them. i mean, do you think that these orders to the police to do not they are coming from the top or, or how does it work? yeah, i know that it's coming from the top because we have these the black government and,
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and the government is doing as much as they can to continue the role. while we are fighting for ceasefire and assess bank for the hostages and the out of the. so they, they cannot say they can't, they're all trying to block the one that they're in a and weeks, and people and i think efforts. but when they call them, they have those of those gangs and emitted dance and set it up against the coming and doing the work with them and for them. and this is how this up ends . so that event yesterday was fall started. it's a m, even before, and i live there, it's tree pm. know hundreds of people when i left the face for my on secure with the has to go because they want suppressing to be so. and so it's very clear that they will ignore this hour. there will maybe not more than 10, so just maybe 2 or 3 police mention the area and that's it. they don't want to stop
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there. they ask for the year at the it's very clear for me to they got directions, an oldest one, the top, the only one that will it urged to leave this place was me and the friend other active as opposed to be to me it was just the 2 of us trying to prevent them to a bit off and to and destroying, demolish it. they the entire human history in a, in the slice. i was the only one that the police as an id. and it was on, as i said, with their faces. they're not trying to hide anything because they no longer those not going to be any and consequences to their actions. okay, we'll leave it there. so parents, luke are, i'm, are on. thank you for speaking to us from your experience a and i might just to say it's, it's something that it's important to me to stay as long as we're any, as of june, go ahead. we have this comment in 2 days and you should not send over the blog of
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your own angle. and for me, i don't see the presbyterians and the guidance as my neighbors ask, is this my own people. and i say to be cute because it's happened tonight. what happened yesterday do not represent many stories. and many chose i came. my family is the key. yeah. you can use when i see again the monitors and grandfathers and god forbid me for, for the i see them. i see the eyes nbc is not something that we do. we come damage and we hope to stop it. and this is a low begins to fight that we don't want people we own, but you know, the and then what you're doing is wrong. we have to stop before we can on that. is that just continue? and i'm saying it because they know there's always a price, it's talking with you right now, i will be paying prices and i getting tracks and dental records. and then people trying to locate the need for example, in order to have that could be because i was there yesterday, but that we keep organize them all people in order for them to come until 5 and to,
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to fix it. now there are 2, they have them, this is know this society between october even though many is what it is, the 25th and 1st name please go ask for children. and, and so everyone that living in the stands by god, by the, by. yeah. and it's important that you will hear all poses and to know that we are doing as much as we can with this horrible government in order to resist it. it's how that were thing for us this i was effect yesterday and i'm with scholars and, and, and, and, and, and i'm going to all of my body bucks. i knew this and then go through this and i, we do it again and again and again, because we have to it's, it's denise definitely can do in order to what's happening does in order to stop this fall and to prevent the other one. well, i'm sure many thank you will be very appreciative of the work that you're doing and the message you're sending across. we thank you so much us up here. so start,
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i'm run for thank you also now to 0 and we hope that you remain safe. thank you. c, cause har as prime minister says negotiations for a ceasefire and gaza or at a stalemate and speaking at the cuts are economic for him. share how my been, i'm good enough 9 and find he said time, us and israel. what fundamentally different results when they don't have to talk to you is want to agree on something you need to agree on the baseline test on. and i believe that's what we are seeing. there is a fundamental difference between the 2 parties. there is one party who wants to end the war and then talk about the hostages. there is another property who wants to hostages and who wants and wants to continue the what and as long as there is no any commonality between those 2 things to want to get us to as of i believe it's very important for the, for all of us right now to see what's happening with all this destruction that's
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happening is that enough is enough. we need to stop the water, we need to focus on on the future. what's the next test that a fee and was actually if you look at it, most of the report saying that it wouldn't need 40 to 50000000000 to rebuild it until the 24th. so the amount of destruction we, we didn't see much of it only what we see on the screen is probably a, we not to present more than 1020 percent of what's really there. and of course, you know, adding to this goodness of a benefit overall for the one that we have seen. you know, that asian became a very turbulent to these, you know, that it's on that i'd see and 11 on. and this, this, this is just going to increase. okay, we have a summer been job aid. he's out the form that's taking place this summer right here in del hon. obviously one of the points of focus has been the war and gaza. what's been said of the well,
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that's not just the warrant because it is the theme put this here is navigating a year of uncertainty and that's what this will be does on business leaders are trying to charge their pass through. we heard from the property 5 minutes to be also heard from the malaysian prime minister. we heard from the polish president under, due to who was also here, who talked about how the russian and adventures into the you pain as you pointed, have put the will at risk and you heard right after it. i think it probably minister from malaysia who said that there is a, there's a really talk to see the way the world has been teaching these 2 prizes and not just stopping in africa. you bought the crisis. it's done. so yes, it is a difficult. uh yeah, i had for not just business the just world economies. it's been for navigating from these multiple crisis. but at the same time, frankly, sheet of the economies from the impact of these prices, whether it's on green,
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whether it's on investment or just trying to get a good through as be seen in the red sea prices. so here, more than a $140.00 countries are being represented by delegates need as businessmen add various forms who are going to try impressions, ideas to look at how to bring an investment, adapt to change, and also look at all of the advancements in technology, whether it's v i, whether it is uh, blocking technology or pip dependency all on the table here in the next suite. okay, thank you for some up and drive it. thanks for about updates from the home. the still ahead on the i was a 0 and who's our a records 7 to 6000000 people were displaced around the world last year by conflict on natural disasters. and we'll look at the situation in which on the terrible mistakes from asked the goalkeeper. but how costly the job crews for his side were still find out in support with them. the
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i suspect has been more flooding in front, probably central problems because it's slow moving frontal system contains a lot of moisture and it's being rein died over the country. all part of a bigger system, which doesn't look very much like may i have to say now i had to start some woman sunday, but that will change. everything's marching in that general direction. so last, the breeze is up in some parts of island and probably the northwest of front is the right. comes more obvious 16. the science of france, the already sense just slowly moving heavy time, pause, possibly sometimes sundry moving to the power valley, leaving some wet, snowing, the tally, and most likely the swiss outs. and still we got an airy refrain. come wednesday, which is getting heavier and everything progressing. that direction. so you get a couple of maybe 3 days of robert, disappointing whether in geneva for example,
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that i had available. what's coming to the room, which is the advent $24.00 sees that temperature drops as the reading comes in me down to 14. i'll try to get to friday rather wait and possibly sundry day. pretty help pick just tell across north africa. maybe not surprising, but it's been consistently a bit too hot. for example, in my time on the folder between sending go another 10 year with faith trust, the recommend hate stretches across towards chat with 9 to 942 for the latest news, as it breaks on line backing apps rely on back incidence of those states are experiencing an intimate blackouts with detailed coverage. the majority of the front runners in these elections have either been questioned for or have already been convicted in corruption scheme from around the world. this is the asian highlight for think, talk correct me or what is an area that the s i c had been pushed as of
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our oceans are under switch by a for rushes, fishing industry, government. people are thinking of breathing deep sea trawling rack is eating off the choices. these eco systems are going to suffer more and more with climate change and we need to adapt. now, marine conservationists are in a desperate race against time. the ocean provides services for us that we require as humanity. i'll just see you as lucy is dying of the last shock. the
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guns, the top floor is on the opposite, renews our israel has stuffed up and strikes and guys are killing more palestinians across the street. at least 14 people are killed in a striking. let me say dogs where future come to you. when says nearly 450000 people have now been forcibly displaced from what i saw just in the past week. and lo, it is really military has ordered several districts to immediately leave to over coded refugee camps. is really forces have carried out at least 8 straits on to monetary and convoys on premises in gaza since october, even after their locations were shared with is really go forty's a new report by human rights watch fines. that is really didn't issue any advanced warnings or large crowds on police or gathering outside of george in parliament as it prepares to vote on the controversial for an agent's bill. so the government says the legislation will prevent for influence in the country. but opponent say it could be used to correct on to send and to rail george's bed to join the european
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union. dmitri medford, thank co, has been coming to protest to make sure you are joining us from to been easy. um, 1st of all, tell us about this vote and how many votes and it actually needs to become law of the well, um yeah, of course. uh there is a 150 states in georgia in parliament. and uh, you need a simple majority for a bill to become loyal and also a simple majority, if there's a presidential veto. this is potentially very much the case. but the thing is that the ruling georgia dream policy has already $74.00 states. and it goes in terms of with the people's power policy, which is another 9 seats. so they have a t 3 votes out of a $150.00 more than enough to actually get this boat passed. unless of course, some votes swing here. and there, let me tell you about something that's uh, actually happened here in the past 10 minutes. the atmosphere has very much changed because the people were quite relaxed. they were watching uh the session on their
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phones. they were reacting to the rules that have been happening in the impala. it was just like, actually typical for george's politics. but around 10 minutes ago that was a bit of a commotion while everybody like a lot of people ran into one direction and then you can feel in the something going on. you can feel a little stinking sensation in the nostrils and then the eyes. and so we, we thought people say that they saw pepper spray being seen straight against against the crowd. so this is why i won't be here all night act in case. so the app is because this is a very lightly situation starting from 10. so in the morning when the police force everybody out from the was just listen to the all of the part of that it became a little relax. now it's a bit tense again, but people are still trying to, you know, to themselves, make some noise, play some music that way. the final result of this, but who knows when that's gonna happen?
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some people say another couple of hours might, might do it. okay. dimitri, we'll cross back to as and when the vote happens for the time being, thanks so much for that. recording from to police. a record number of people around the world were displaced last year are mainly because of floor fighting and dogs us john and the democratic republic of congo accounted for nearly 2 thirds of the 76000000 people will have to flee their homes and natural disasters uprooted tens of millions more for about and go for reports. a watchdog fast will drive level displacement to a record 7 to 6000000 people. last year, the report from the internal displacement monitoring center says the number of display spe pulled doubled in the last 5 years. these palestinians arriving at milwaukee area on gauze as western coast have been on the move since is russ one goes to become enough to buy a. how do i lot of that. we've been displaced 4 times and now we live with my
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uncles family in my wasi, but there is no space for us here. vine and send gaza sit down on the democratic republic of congo, drive 2 sides of the displacements in 2023. in the final quarter of the israel's foreign cause, a force to be displaced. 1.7000000 palestinians under the democratic republic of congo. fighting between government troops and rebels uprooted 6700000 people. since the conflict and sit down started in april 9 point 1000000 people have been driven from the homes, the 2nd highest number recorded in a single country. since rick was begun in 2008 and did a 4 year old jasmine was opened as a family, tried to escape from don to chad during fighting between rival forces while identity. her mother who was 8 months pregnant was killed and she was left on the road. some people found to on the road and pulled her back here on the road,
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we suffered a lot. the rapids support forces killed and wounded. so many people. in the report says, the crisis is just the tip of the iceberg. tens of millions of people remain displaced from previous an ongoing rules and disasters. extreme was a natural disaster, also contributed to the global spike of internally displaced people. floods, storms of quakes, and while tries to displace more than 26000000 people. barbara and good will just say era. we can now speak to yvonne. i has one of us who is the global monitoring manager at the internal displacement monitoring center. joining us from geneva, welcome to the all to 0 news our so these numbers are really struct, staggering. tell us for you from yours or perspective, what the take away messages from this report and what's the message that you want to send out? thank you for letting us i think that was important to remember is that the number of internal dispos people in the world has never been higher than this here.
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however, at the same time, definitely think will be what commitment has never been hired either. as well as the amount of information and data that you have available to actually respond to these prices. and make sure that next year the to be a bit less cream. as you mentioned at the beginning. so down as one of the countries that are most affected by engine displacement, think about the industry and it's also to countries importing the highest number of id be into walk by 5 by providing 1000000 richard cars, approximately 20 percent of the total population. and the other crises which i particularly severe in 2023, which of course, includes the crisis in the, in the guise of but also in the ukraine in the democratic republic of congo. and that in other countries. right. how is it that you manage to collect this information to be collaborating with our partners which are present in these
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countries and collect this data? it includes a fork, no, such as nation, the government's international organizations, red cross, red, spend, civil society and other partners. i'm going to be take all this data, analyze it, verify it, and publish. she's in a report cut these numbers actually be under reported because there are many more internal lead displaced people from previous conflicts that have been taking place . and not only conflicts, i should say, but as well as natural disasters as your report points out. of course, and in many countries of the do, mentioned in our numbers might be under estimates, especially when it comes to accounting. how many times people are displaced in many different countries because it's much harder to, to account for all these movements. however, um, at the same time b o, b also confident that this already gives us a very,
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a comprehensive picture of ancient displacement worldwide. so i'm glad you raised that points about people being displaced multiple times because what happens if a person is displace multiple times? how do you count that? so you count each time a person is forced to move as one movements of internal displacements. yes, exactly, and case employment would be to come in crisis in the end because that's true. where people are forced to move multiple times in the past several months since other time big escalated in october. and the need a court date, a 3400000 1st movement. but again, because of the dispute there to be an under estimate because to be so uh, families being forced to pack all the belongings many, many times as the front lines. but i should think, and people are not able to, i called for each single of these movements, especially men. these movements have some bit single, their noise, and the outside of them. and can you tell us if you know how long people actually
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stay displaced for or do you have any information on people, perhaps we're internally displaced with then decide to, to migrate, or those who can migrate. so this information and extremely important, but at the same time of very scars. so we have this information available for some countries. and for example, we know that the before the conflict escalated and so down in april 2023, that many over to $2000000.00 id be square displaced in the country. and that time had been displaced for more than 2 decades. the also the information that the people who are currently living can displacement in syria had been displaced for more than 5 or 6 years at this point. so the displacement is really prolonged, and people are looked funding solutions, which also contributes to the fact that the global displacements he goes, are not reducing. the also have uh,
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some of those costs information on people who at some point decide to cross the border and seek asylum or migrate to defend the country. however, this information is dispersed cars and at the same time of the have some evidence that these people are usually displaced multiple times between their own countries before they decide to cross the border. so it's sort of a last resort meant for many of them because they tried to seek safety somewhere else in the country, defend down and defend reach him. but as the front lines of violence are, are moving eventually they uh, they decide to to go that route. okay, thank you so much. yvonne has one of us. thank you for speaking to us. from geneva of the us secretary state answering of lincoln has met with president the letter is a lensky during an unannounced visit to ukraine. lincoln assured the ukrainian president that more military aid is on its way as the nation faces intensifying
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attacks from russia and the car keep region. this is the 1st trip to ukraine by a senior us official since congress passed the $61000000000.00 a package in april to help you cranes war efforts out as a result home and has more from keep when the us sick tree of state and to me blinking, go off the try in to keep this tuesday morning. they have one big item in mind, and that's to reassure you. crime that it's not allowing that it's, i lives especially the united states as to where the difficult moment for the country with a new russian offensive crossing and to the north east of ukraine. now the 2nd i'm, the secretary clinton would have in mind is westerns the us as finally go to prove the $61000000000.00 military a package. and the talk is about how quickly those weapons can get to ukraine. now the ground, so that was laid on monday by cool, between talk to us and you pray,
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military officials in which they talked about the off towards the national security advisor, the us national security advisor jake sullivan, to the looking to up the 10 posts, especially on a defense units, and they will so discuss the situation on the ground. now, what is the situation on the ground and not new front in the northeast? if you crating the hockey region, when russian forces move over the border and open source at military analyst websites. the saying that russia now has between $1125.00 square. columbus has caught 2 and several villages. and the regional governor of the hockey region is saying that they splitting now russian troops into smaller groups to try and stretch ukrainian line, still fin. uh, and that's a real problem because this is for you, cried because there's also russian troops, a balancing of a parts of that front line,
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the down that model 1000 kilometer front line. so it's a lot of gaps that this country is trying to plug right now as russia is definitely on the, from the town home. and i would just say to tease the slide on the news hour. i'm barney below, and board outside philippines towards ins. crown jewels for the islands, original inhabitants as the people are fighting to keep ownership of a small piece of land on coming up and support will hear from mike tyson knows the former heavyweight champion prepares to make his come by the business like to be sponsored by interlock tuck, he's real estate consultant. the
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business relations to be sponsored by intellect. tuck, he's real estate consultant. the the
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top of the sports news. here's demo. thank you. during in the n b a playoffs, the boston celtics and l just one went away from the eastern conference finals of the from james's in the stands to watch them take on his phone, the team, the cleveland cavaliers, adding speculation as to whether he leaves the lights of next season, the caps could maybe have done with the pronouns on coal since they were severely hit by injuries. and the last one or 9, it's one or 2. jason titan score to 33 points. jaylen brown out is $27.00. to move them 3, want ahead a rule. this house is can close out the series in game 5 on wednesday, which is back in boston. they're having for a record 18th and be a title with us since 2008 things are much closer in the western conference by the crime assistance on this web things also against the dallas mavericks to, to flying away from home. shake it, we just thought it was on this quote especially for point. as the top seated sun, the edges came for 196 thing 5 is wednesday nights and outside of the city.
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asked him to la edged closer to securing a place in the champions league. also coming back from 2 goals down to drill 33. with little pool in the premier league villa made a terrible starts the goalkeeper martinez fund for this cross into design. that's just 2 minutes in oh, do i have a site that i went behind for long as you read to them and equalize for that great golda. beautiful. what say one of the offline, when they go to nova, just off to the breakthrough journal and then some sl c type i live who was punished. my wife don't durham you made it 3 to 5 minutes less. i just wasn't finished. i had to run scoring his 2nd of the games 3 minutes later to rescue a point sevalla much to the delights of hollywood act. so i'm for the fun. all right. well that result means totaling must be sponsor of to city lights or full spots. i'm not champions, lead place will be villas, city have a massive incentive of the rain going into tuesdays. much victory will meet the top
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2 points clear of also keeping the primary causal race in their own hands going into the final day of the season. i went to the last to be demoralized, smelling can't do it off the competition one month ago, but is not the case. so is that a waiting? we draw a points too hard to change and in our so hands to let's get my hands over done to win the permalinks. so tom could do that, the biggest rivals austell, a big favor in the title race which is left. so i'm suppose funds with mixed feelings heading into the city game. the coach, adams postal clue is very clear with his fees. i will never understand. if somebody wants to be around to him to lose, i'll just that doesn't. that's not what sports it may have. and you think the majority of the fans are going to want us not we more than say that, why are they are fans majority that fans will correct. yep. mosquito weiss greater and i'm games and as i said are respectively but again, football the when and that's what we're the month to go into the european
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championship stops. the trophy has arrived at munich, sally, on serena where the opening game will take place on june 14th. the or a 2024 must called out. that was also that to get a closer look at the silver with heis john the kick off the tournament against scotland. former heavyweight champion, mike tyson says he wants to show the world he's still a great fighter. the 57 year old is preparing for his 1st professional fights in nearly 20 is against the youtube. but jake pool, who was the 2 years younger than him? the scientist in texas on july 20th tyson 1st became heavyweight champion in 1986. as a 20 year old, which is still the youngest ever. i really like take a lot, you know, but, but once again, i really have to pray like of life. depended on it because it will be. i do think that the older generation wants people to see might not be out, but at the end of the day, i also have the kids. the middle school is the high schoolers the college students
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running for me and want to see me and mike, the climate activists have disruptive play at the autonomy an open, tennis tournaments and right. they were protesting against the shortages in port whites paints and 3 concession on the courts answering a different match and some of the good themselves to states. the same group has also sprayed outwards and blocked highways. and as soon as they tried to raise awareness of droughts related problems in the country that when a disruption soul, the defending champion daniel met with us. but he was by to work hard to reach the last 60, the russians, 2nd, seats beat service. how much of a reset met? several now face american, tony and in the women's role 2nd. see to read this double inquiries into the quote of finals. she fought from a set sounds. i'm safe, 3 match points. the frames. i mean, especially, you know, he's one is how the nice in twice, but it is assembling because you guys 3 to play, the intensive elaina us to hang tight for place in 70, find the data stalls. all one gave away from the west and find the n h l file.
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why it jumps in school twice on the eve of his 21st, i say enough. 51 victory over the colorado avalanche. when system 3 went up, april caroline, a hurricane refused to give off the necessaries against the new ranges. the ranges was 3. nothing else. hold on. now, one to speak answered, advised to bring it back to 3 to any 5 seems the history of advice from 3 down to when the playoff series non since 20. 14. how about this for a story in major league baseball, the seattle mariners fun course, a fallible in the sands in the game against the kansas city royals, which happens all the time. but then on the very next page, exactly the same thing happens again. now the bible and thoughts are this to $85.00, and that is all you'll support for me for now, but i will have another update slice at 3. okay, tell me i will see you later. thank you so much. well, members of the,
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off the tribe and a popular philippine resort town say that they've been forced out of their lands by developers. the governments have given the islands original inhabitants of the property, but it now says that it's better suited to tourism. biachi say they can't trust any offer to relocate them. barney below reports, a warm welcome for the children, put on the crown jewel of philippine tourism, but it's a scene. most visitors don't get to see because the islands original settlers have lived in small pieces of land, away from the crowds. now, tribe builders say they're going to bring up losing what little they have. one of 6, lots they occupy has been penstock after their homes were demolished by developer in march. something i. e, i even just the faint noise scares me into thinking it might be their security guards again coming to evict test um in the private company to took the property
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says it did. so after the government canceled the state granted land titles in 2018, then president would be with the 13, awarded for archives indigenous at the people with certificates of land ownership or close. placing the properties under the agrarian reform program. but now those titles have been rebuilt because the government has ruled, the land is unsuitable for agriculture. the countries, greer and reformed. secretaries says the decision was based on tests done by soil experts. the each one's all the clause then has no leg to stand on. it does not have any legal basis at all. the only ones that that are suitable for agriculture are those that can be covered by the grid under farm. but the of these have been able to grow foods, and now that they put into work, they say they're not going anywhere the same. you know, any of us,
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that means they fooled us. they gave us land or need to take it back. so why should we move to where they're telling us to relocate? we don't trust the government. it's been a years long struggle to find a permanent settlement at a time of a tourism boom. and one that they believe has cost a life. in 2013 text or contests, a young at the leader was shot to death, but instead of letting fear take over, they say they must honor his memory, but continuing to fight for their right to their ancestral land. barney below al jazeera, what guy the philippines. demolition crews have removed the heaviest remaining section of the francis scott cambridge in baltimore to control the explosion as part of a clean up operation to restore full capacity to the waterway. the bridge collapsed in march when a container ship lost power and rammed it, killing 6 people. shipping traffic in the channel has since been restricted. well,
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that's it for me. thanks for watching the news. our serial viney is with you in just a moment with much more of today's news. bye bye. for now, the if you're watching this pre recorded report that al jazeera has been banned in the territory, all is, well, we'll just stream to be any stray me. when my country is closing down inspection towards the networks only because patients being confirmed here, this decision puts other networks where it came in the occupied was dying for inside israel proffer also, independent journalist would be targeted we, i thought just we shouldn't be aware of that as a badge of honor to be bad, might have the government that stands indicted for genocide, national court of justice, palestinians who were expelled from their nuns in the neck of 1948. still don't
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have the rights of return. that is, the land was extorted and settlements were built. 20 houses 0 worlds, goes back with the young, good old palestinians to re discover their ancestral homes. why doesn't my grand parents stay here? why aren't i here? return to palestine on al jazeera in the solomon islands, the deadly legacy of world war 2, remain on the lounge. why displaced it and exploded it. now? i do see they are literally the sense of taking time on $1.00 oh, $1.00 east meets the solomon islands. some tante escaped, was that ended decades ago on, on a week to look at the world's top business stories. how much of those plans going to cost is the rebuilding going to cost and who pays from global markets and economies to construction and small businesses. we have just started seeing in
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stations come down in many costs, well to understand how it affects daily lives, outline forth how big a 12 month is global food insecurity. counting the cost on outages in the palestinian fighters in northern gaza. say they have launched 33 attacks against israeli forces in a single day. as the baffled northern gauze intensifies the several. then you get to have you with us. this is elsa 0 lives from the also coming up. a frantic search for survivors after is really airstrikes hid civilian areas and central gaza killing at least 14 palestinians. but its civilians that are
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paying the heaviest price from north the south. the un says 450000 palestinians of .


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