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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 14, 2024 4:00pm-5:01pm AST

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image is relatively contained. so let's say that's thanks to taiwan is designed to prepare this, including strict building codes. the . the, you're watching the news on life from headquarters is all fine. here's what's coming up in the next 60 minutes from savannah and the north toyota fall in the south is really forcing stuff up. there were tasks across cause or at least $82.00 palestinians are killed in the past 24 hours. the palestinian fighters say they've lost 33 attacks against is really forces in northern dos or the most claimed by them in
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a single days this year the u. n says it's facing a complete disaster and rough draft, with nearly half a 1000000 palestinians, forcibly displaced in the past week on fighters and breaks out inside george's parliament. but a divisive form info is phil has now been prosecuted life insipidly. see the bin sports, the boston celtics, all within touching distance to the end, the eastern conference, finals, big old investor of the cleveland calculator estimates. we went ahead in the file series of these types of record 18th and the i talked to the hello, it's 1300 hours gmc for pm in gaza. where is really a tax? i've been intensifying across the strip. at least 33 people had been killed in a strike on a residential home and the school and then was laid out refugee camp in central
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gaza rescue workers for trying to reach people still trapped under the rubble. meanwhile palestinian fighters say they've launched 33 attacks on is really forces in northern gaza. the highest figure in a single day. the seer is really forced to say they're now deep into the heart of the value. but you and says nearly 450000 people have now been forcibly displaced from it. i saw in the past week alone, and they've been forced to leave their homes and flee to overcrowded refugee camps . and then go, daddy begins, are coverage from the se dot a new master care committed against the palestinians. but today he had in to say it all squared last night. that is really for the targeted this house with do is ready air strikes that flops in this 3 story buildings to the ground according to the people around us right now, according to the neighbors are telling us that this was
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a 3 story buildings that had a lot of this they probably didn't use that came from scrap off. we still have no idea if there's anyone still alive. we do not know that people are still alive under where i'm standing right now. but this scene has been repeated for more than 7 months, right? now part of the news dropped under the rub up. civil defense team is trying to has them. but at the most, in the most times, people would not get the has they need at least a top under the rub up at least 2000 are students dropped under the rama are. and this has been happening really
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close to evacuate. been being killed. where here upside many evacuated from rough off 3 days ago is under the rubble. this is in the godaddy as is here to say that and we'll bring him to now, but hands as you're joining us from dayton but out in the center of guys outside of the hospice. also, since you file that report from the state or attend, what are you hearing about the situation right now? on the aftermath of that strike of that in several defense themes are as to searching for the people that are still trapped under the rubber. we're talking about a 3 story building that has not only the residents of the house, but had dozens of other displays, todd as to means in dropbox,
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that's made it to into se, dots. 3 days ago i met the neighbors. i met the family, i met one of the relatives of the people's to trumps, under the rubble earlier today. they were telling me heart rate king stuff. imagine a s k thing clause escaping the air strikes and dropped behind the warnings and the evacuation looking for a safe space being killed after 3 days that were evacuating and not only being killed, but also being trapped where the civil defense teams do not have any equipment to remove or to pull these people under the rubble. i was there for a couple of hours earlier today and i saw the civil defense seems making the best putting all the upward speed could do to pull these people from under the rubble. but unfortunately, they do not have the equipment to do that. they were beginning with their bare hands with very basic tools and equipment. and this scene has not been the 1st
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time. we have been seeing this for more than 7 months. right now. i'm to now since last night did this our, the civil defense themes are saying that more people are still a truck. they're trying their best. but unfortunately, it's make come to a point where the civil defense themes will give up on this house. because there are more people being targeted every single hour across the gaza strip. yeah. hands and as we see over and over again. and as we've been reporting, there's simply no safe place to go to in gaza. and particularly for those that are now having to be forcibly displaced from a desktop. i mean the you went to say almost half a 1000000 people have flies and that's old. since may the 6 they're getting displaced yet again, the more people are coming from real fast as we are seeing more people even moving
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to a new site. you dot and to the empty lands in the site us and then it. but i did it, but is known for agriculture labs for m t labs. and today the residents of that and bella har, opening the agriculture land support displays, palestinians who were evacuated for us to evacuate from real fast. we can also see more people trying to seek refuge in the hospital, but unfortunately that and but left and, and just say that are running out of space. people are looking for any empty area, any empty space to set up their tons. they're saying that they unfortunately have been looking for days for any suitable place that they could set up their tents, but unfortunately, they don't have any luck, not the only residents. we're also talking about medical personnel as and journalists who are also moving to the middle area and field. now journalists are
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not having any place to sleep and that is, but that's, so this is the situation right now. more people are evacuating embedded, but that is running out of space. okay, and thank you so much for the reporting for us from the from central draws on. will not get more into fighting. and northern garza, i'm off the fluids manage to send us the short report from inside an under fire shabanni, a refugee can do from the center of giovanni can as really forces patient behind the school street. and there was a hit and run buttons that are taking place in that area between these like it forces and the movements a resistance the and this is the scene into very account the this is in the sense that it can, by connecting the footboard,
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the can see the is really forces have carried out at least 8 strikes on humanitarian convoys, on premises. in garza since october, even after their locations were shared with is really all forward is that's according to human rights watch. the report also finds b is really is didn't issue any warnings before their attacks. the latest fatality is a united nation staff member killed in eastern drop off. it's the 1st international un casualty with around a $190.00 policy and you and you and aid workers kill since october. the 7th of this year has become a jumps. who is covering this for us from online in jordan, because the is really government has shut down. i'll just 0 in israel. so how much when israel killed 7 aid workers last month, they said that it was a mistake and that they would coordinate with a groups better. but here we are again, more killings of aid workers. and,
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you know, they say they investigate, but the investigates never really go far enough to the you know, they don't fit in the often times israel will say that they will do better going forward that they will carry out investigations the if anybody is responsible for this if this was done an error that there will be consequences and we see again and again, that's just simply not the case. and as you mentioned after the killing of those 78 workers with the world central kitchen, there were a lot of promises made that things would get better. this has been the deadliest conflict on record for you in aid workers over a 190 palestinian aid workers killed since october. you have that human rights watch report that was released today, which says that israel has targeted these convoys again and again. now that report also mentioned that there are fundamental flaws with the d conflictions process. now what that is is when there are
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a convoys um that are traveling to different locations, there are strict protocols involved in this. they alert the as really military as to where they will be israel in this instance has said that they did not know that this convoy was in this area. and that this wasn't active combat zone. this is, this is very similar to what we've heard from israel in the past. and this is one of the reasons there was so much concern going forward about how aid workers have continued to be targeted. now as you mentioned, this is the 1st international you when aid worker that was killed in gaza since october. obviously that's raising a lot of red flags right now. and we're going to have to see what the as rarely say going forward. this vehicle clearly marked as are you in vehicle? the u. n. has also said that the vehicle was clearly marked as you and vehicle. we should also mention of course, that there was an aide worker also injured in this attack that
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a worker was from jordan and the jordanian foreign ministry has condemned israel for this attack. and they said that israel as an occupying power, has to do more to ensure that aid can be delivered to gaza and also has to ensure that aid workers are protected. denny, thank you so much for how much i'm doing reporting from i'm on. as a group of as early as, as a talk trucks carrying live, saving food aid, preventing them from reaching causal. take a look at this video, it shows them unloading and then destroying the supplies. israel's restriction on food aid has caused funding across large parts of gauze on the vehicles were crossing through hebron and the occupied westbank heading towards the besieged strip b as really is done set 3 of the a trucks on fire. earlier i spoke with an eye witness of monday's, a tax on the a trucks and she says it's really police an army were there,
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but they stood by and they made no arrests. i, jamie, in order to document and even not always to stop at the set it up in this folder, why they're all trying to be friends and the trucks that you maintain a trucks from entering garza and but then i was just trying to prevent them from coming, they were destroying and cutting either so destroyed thing, done an equipment that was there, and boxes of rice and bags of sugar and an instant notice or other they were supposed to go to a 100 people. right. knowing does not, i still how the police and the, i mean this is to both of them. you know, whether they just allow them to do it a, with the one on the ground. i never so that someone was arrested even i, when i was it that someone stepped me someone and, and attacked me trust with that with a knife. and even then they didn't even tried to arrest them both to do anything
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and they were just protecting them. and any type of just a few days after i wasn't the demonstration with the families of the hostages, and i still how the police, both of the attacking them, even damaging one and of the, the system of one of the hostages. his name is montana. and in a way that she had to be evacuated to the hospital a why they were doing whatever they want to being above the and using for supports and by the forces there. look, we'll get back to that point on the police in just a moment, but let me just ask you this 1st. how do you think, i mean, these crowds, but end up, where are these a trucks or how do you think that they're able to find out when and where these a trucks are going to be? so it's, it's very easy. they're getting information i knew about it because the send an awful lot of messages in all kinds of watson loops that they have with their faces
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. we do names, we do phone numbers saying we know we have this information that the trucks are coming from these. yesterday it was a, in the car and, and, and course thing we know that they were coming and asking me more people to come over and help us to bring them and stop them from giving you the agent. and to garza katara as prime minister says negotiations for a cease fire in gaza or at a stalemate. speaking of the cuts are economic for, i'm shifting how much been out of mind and sign is a time us and israel. what fundamentally different results when they don't want to talk to, you want to agree on something you need to agree on, on the best buy in this one. and i believe that's what we are seeing. there is a fundamental difference between the 2 parties. there is one party who wants to end the war and then talk about the hostages. there is another property who wants to hostages into wants and wants to continue the what and as long as there is no any
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commonality between those 2 things to want to get us to it is out. i believe it's very important for, for all of us. right. now to see what's happening with all this distraction that's happening is that enough is enough. we need to stop the water, we need to focus on, on the future, what's the cost of the fee? and as actually if you look at it, most of the report saying that it wouldn't need 40 to 50000000000 to rebuild it until the 24th. so the amount of destruction we, we didn't see much of it on the what we see on the screen is probably a, we not to present more than 1020 percent of what's really there. and of course, you know, adding to this goodness of a benefit overall for the water line that we have seen a, you know, that agent became a very turbulent agent on that. it's on that i'd see and 11 on and this, this,
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this is just going to increase. okay, well now speak to ory goldberg who's in is really political commentator joining us from tel aviv mr. gober, thanks for your time. if we start out with the recent comments made by the us deputy secretary state kurt campbell saying that quote, total victory and gaza is unlikely. but what we see from the is really is i'm from statements made from israel. officials just wants to keep going. why do you think that is the owner to reach total victory? they want to keep going because this is the only politically feasible direction for them. i spoke to you last week and i started in 30. i would seize the final opportunity. he had to both look like she is operating on a piece of space, but also to reach a deal and bring the hostages home. i was wrong, i change them, you know, is not committed to going to get a loan, driving slow speed down
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a dead end street. she wants the word to continue and not to reach some sort of result because there's a lot of the work continues. he is safe in power as long as the work continues his disorders are. i'm happy that is always frightening. this learn is logistics supporters. and this is probably the most important as long as the work continues. the opposition jonathan, you know, both popular and personal memory will not be able to remove him by any means from injury or other israelis are assigned to get the possible to actually do it a real resembling demand for the end of the war. so again, effectively even while as early as might say and probably mean that they understand the words that in the water. but they understand that there is no military result to be achieved effectively as early as versus burning in a fairly broad consensus. the continuation of the war right for to is really, is actually here about, let's say,
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what's happening on the ground and gaza in terms of how their military is being effective. because we now have reports that there had been at least 33 attacks by palestinian fighters just yesterday on may. the 13th and this is the most the attacks claimed on a single day in 2024. and this really goes against what we heard from the defense minister 4 months ago when he claims that a mission accomplished in northern gaza. and these attacks of taking place in northern gaza that you are absolutely correct. and his mission accomplished is very much like president george w bush's mission. accomplished in that sense to see here's the problem when israel operated and guys are going to use the longer term operate uh 4 months ago, 3 months ago. and when it operated in the central areas of guys, the city is all destroyed. then exactly, as you mentioned, just previous to our conversation is, are left behind
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a factory and nature aboard this afternoon. when there's a vacuum, there is no other choice. but for that back interest, so because otherwise, people can't live and the very basic rude and mentor utilities are sort of discuss on function. so israel, by destroying these areas in which it operated, created, did the groundwork for some of us to re enter that. now is what we're saying, well somebody is not destroyed, so we have to go back and, and fix that. but there's absolutely no reason to assume that this is anything but one of the most destructive cycles the middle east has ever seen. and that is why the war needs to continue boats for an engine, you know, and for the is really military isn't the worst stops, but that is an admission of defeat, right? so that is something mortgage services are not prepared to do at the moment. is that fair to say though, that the more and that's area who pushes on and gauze other more losses, then the army and the soldiers are going to sustain over time and, and is time you think on the side of nothing yahoo?
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oh very much not so and yes of course you're up to the right, the more israel stays in the morning to know places on the more the military presence on the greater is on the sheet right now. and i strategically, after the war, israel has, has indentured itself to the, to this cause of the strong, for most israel has lost all of its freedom of movement, all of its ability to maneuver and to try creative strategies and check what is always doing. it does right now is the opposite of a strategy, is there was only responding is responding with a great strength. it is reaching tremendous habit, cause bringing about real destruction, but is what has already lost. and if this is going to defeat, it will come. this is a defeated only grows even greater and more significant every day that israel is pursuing this campaign alone against the will of the world. uh, they just only own a sense of, i guess i could only call in availability. so yeah,
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so, so has lost the war. the only question is how residing and how deep she will be or we go over. thank you for speaking to us from tel aviv. thank you. the, the george and members of parliament have voted through a controversial foreign influence bill. so the new legislation passed after weeks of mass protests, demonstrators fear that could be used to curve this sense on stands in the way of georgia one day joining the european union. the new law will require organizations to get more than 20 percent of their funding from abroad to register with authorities. we have with us to me, 3 med vanco has been coming to protest, dimitri, you're joining us from a to believe so. so now that this law has passed,
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dimitri surfacing for us, tell us what's going on where you are, the well, it's actually very intense right now because the process of uh, who have been standing here all day. well, quite hungry, obviously have the result of this the most and they uh came. 8 out here in front of the building, they will gather at the back and most of the day. and then they started buzzing through the barricades, which were locking the front gate off solomon's until the riot police broke through those guys, i don't know for as well can, can show you that around several 100 over that they came out and they are now through megaphones, that people should disperse so they won't get to your desk. so this is basically what's happening. that's more of them coming from the left side over there right now. pushing people throw those water 10 on the truck over there on that left side of the valley avenue. so people are being forced out. i don't know how long,
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but we'll be able to continue this war to us. we're gonna have to move away now. a deal for the price. i have a gas mask, a lot of people do. they weren't charged the organization. kind of got those just left for free basically. so people expecting this kind of development might happen . yep. people are moving demetrius, you have to leave it any point, believes divisive law. no, absolutely, absolutely. what we're going to do as much as we can, but the people on the side street, let's move to a side series. well, so to me 3, what type of security and police presence are you saying to, to join me? there's around $70000.00 policemen. and they regarding naval guarding the side streets this morning so that the members of parliament would be able to pass
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through into parliament. and the pulled out vote affords where 80 full voted full and the 13 voted against. so uh basically $2.00 to $1.00. uh so i'm wondering if this has been mostly those files throughout the day. i the yeah, one of the reasons i do is what are the protests are saying that they're going to do next? i mean, now that this law has cost, they've been out in the streets for many weeks. it's past despite their fears and their concerns. so we're to next. yeah, basically what's happening is the next match to the be this bill, the slow before it becomes flaw officially will go up for the presidential signature. so the problem is that some of the present, the problem is that she would need to have that as well. she has up to 10 days to do that. i think we should get keep moving further. so yeah,
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we have to move now. okay. so the present has around 10 days to, to veto. that's what she said. she would do then they would come back into parliament and then they hold another vote to override the veto. and of course the ruling party, georgia dream and the allies power of the piece. busy they have uh 83 seats, so they can, they need a simple majority to do that as calm down a little bit. i think i can continue for that. all right, so nature, once again, i mean if you have to leave at any point, please feel free to tell them what's your name video. yeah, no, no, no, it's all right, sorry. so we can, we can continue. let's continue as much as we can because it's important. go onto uh to show what's going on, because uh, around 2000 police pushing people away down. so those have any avenue, are we still on? yes, you are. so i believe what we're looking at right now or on our screens. demetrius as, um, they might be, some might be the riot police. maybe you can confirm. uh which sort of police
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forces are out on the streets right now and on what may happen next. so yeah, so basically like what's reassuring is that these policemen, they're wearing like a simply uniforms nothing. dr. gas and then not wearing respirators or gas miles to level that's assuring us that they might not see a gas the area where many of them are located at this time. so what does this? well, i would say there's more than a 1000 of them here. so it's a, it's a very strong presence in order to discuss problems like these sites that have been continuing for more than a month now. and of course there were protests last year as well when government actually had to drop that controversial bill. 1 bought this time around it in the past 23, readings and it was approved. so now is all that's left is again, that's the presidential signature. and apparently the president can't really do
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much, even though there is a veto box. uh. yeah, wholesale have problem is all the veto and then it goes back to parliament and they both again. so people have been saying that they will continue gathering industry itself, essentially simply say, every day so far, until that voice is heard until the government actually takes the opinion into consideration what ties us in the snow because we don't know, we don't know. yeah, yeah. yeah, that's right, police over the with a truck. oh but yeah, i think it's, it's the tensions are building up quite all right, dimitri, we'd like to go for now. we're going to go for now and see if we can update you. next though, we'll let you go for now and you'll be checking in with you a little later. thank you so much for that update from tiffany. see so that is the developing story, the live pictures for. and so the least see where the bill has now been passed. that's being described by some as a for an interference bill will bringing alex scriver nurse who is the executive
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director of the think tanks, the democratic security institute. welcome child to 0. you're speaking to us from to police as well. so as we look at that life picture in front of parliament where our correspondence was saying, things seem to be escalating between a being the protest. her is, are not happy now that this bill has passed. what's your reaction a well, i mean saying the protest is wrong. he is not as a site, so i'm his father is states the x essentially and forms. but defeating this bill, pass for many people in georgia. i mean, the cries of, i mean, you'll hear me on the street from the young protest. this is the kind of an entire generation that feels betrayed by the government's decisions upon this participation. but seeing correctly as a, as a 1st step towards tearing pressed down to get civil society. and yet it is a lot of anger. yeah, i mean, the opponents certainly say that this bill is modeled on
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a russian law that has been used to climb down on defense. but those with support, i'd say the laws about transparency and preventing outside influence on george and politics. i mean, very few people outside the government pays are actually really believe this. about transparency. i mean it's, it's taught, it's very specific the past. so those buttons that sort of people who speak to how do i try to apply as ations, political advocacy groups, insightful needs. how is that service that people don't from was not and all seemed a little causation to to get some funding so cool. so how you treat somebody small country, so you know, and once every one get some, some degree of money, use all the quote to basically means it covers everybody kind of gives the government's the tools to be able to intimidate organizations. but, you know, may not be publicity pauses on that will still be monitoring things like human vice,
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the democratic context of elections, insightful cut therapy, european consequences going forward because we know that europe and countries, some of them at least have urged or been urging georgia to stop this process. it was closed. i mean that's, that's why it's certainly flatten street that it goes far beyond just this one more . so it's a georgians. it's being us, the national i to get out to the opiates of. ready for a terry and boss charlotte by about me 3 to that's a was um do you opinion which is a symbol of democracy and freedom. so most people in georgia, the policy jazz, 80, and 90 percent of people support you mentorships, that's one of my probably you countries of the 12 so that it be slow for you. officials are these incompatible with the mentorship? so basically this is the georgia government saying no to that in direct cost, in contravention of the mandate,
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which is got homes less than 2020. when he told me is different because you can. so what do you think then this means for your membership? well, i mean because of the boxes, but it doesn't go any further. but the children people, i'm, that it looks like the guys take that fine line down. let me georgia is full. so over 3 decades of joined year and he's not gonna let one law and one government getting the way to the other day about a 3rd of the entire population of the capital city police. he was asked to speak to people in about 300000 people in the city of a 1000000 people. so you know it, that the positions this low is a mess. it's huge. um, so i mean it see by the deluxe is kind of not tell you, but it's probably call to see how the government wins be election up. type up with these kinds of loading the site. so what are the, the, you know, the protest or is like you were mentioning, i mean, they've been out for months and we're looking at them at the pictures right now. the latest interesting to police. it protests are still out there. clearly trying to put pressure on the government,
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but it doesn't seem like it's working at all as well historically as well. so i mean, last year the slow was, was, was proposed for the 1st time in mass protests, but it stopped with this time the government seized all the time. and no one can really work out why any place people can guess. so it says boss has something to do with it, and investors put pressure on the tools and governments of policies come what made, which i'm just demonstrates as but as well through the colonial power. even georgia, georgians has spent 2 centuries fighting motion influence. so that actually makes people lower angry, more for more willing. so it says across the street to try and stop this. so yeah it's, it's, it's, it's the stand up at the moment, not the site feels like they're going to be standing down. and you know, in the elections are coming, don't type of subsidy, might it for a few months ahead. okay, we'll leave it there. thank you for us making to us from to the see the
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a record number of people around the world were displaced last year. and that's mainly because of war fighting and god's us done. and the democratic republic of congo accounted for almost 2 thirds of a 76000000 people who have to flee their homes. natural disasters, 4th tons of millions to become displaced. barbara, and go for reports. as a watchdog says war, dr. level displacement to a record 7 to 6000000 people last year. the report from the internal displacement monitoring center says the number of display spe, pulled doubled in the last 5 years. these palestinians arriving at milwaukee area on gauze as western coast have been on the move since israel's war, and garza began in october as a half hour lab. we've been displaced 4 times and now we live with my uncle's family in my wasi. but there is no space for us here. vine and sin garza sit down
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on the democratic republic of congo, drive 2 sides of the displacements in 2023. in the final quarter of the israel's foreign costs are forced to be displaced. 1.7000000 palestinians under the democratic republic of congo, fighting between government troops and rebels uprooted 6700000 people seems to conflict. and so don started in april 9 point 1000000 people have been driven from the homes. the 2nd highest number recorded in a single country since rick horse begun in 2008 and did a 4 year old jasmine was opened as a family, tried to escape from don to chad during fighting between rifle forces while identity. her mother who was 8 months pregnant was killed and she was left on the road. some people found to on the road and pulled her back here on the road, we suffered a lot. the rapids support forces killed and wounded. so many people. of the report
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says, the crisis is just the tip of the iceberg. tens of millions of people remain displaced from previous an ongoing rules and disasters. extreme with a natural disasters also contributed to the global spike of internally displaced people. floods, storms of quakes and wild foss displaced more than 26000000 people bumper and good post houses era. we can now speak to my beta, i'm who's the regional spokesperson for the norwegian refugee council. joining us from online, mr. bate them welcome to algebra 0. so that report points out that in gaza, 1700000 palestinians were displaced in the last quarter of 2023. tell us what your monitoring at the norwegian refugee council and what you're seeing in our teams at the norwegian or if she cancelled on the grounds. i was speaking to increase movements at displacements over obviously the last week with is riley evacuation
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old. is that we have seen numbers that say that one in 5 people in gauze that have been displaced just in the last week. and we were talking about millions and stuff displays and space and its movements. we've met one of the families last week. you were told us that was, you know, that's 6 or 7 times being displaced. last, the last displacement was from real fast. so the conflict and these radio faxed are creeping further deep into, into a fluid course lead to a catastrophe when it comes to displacement signs. you know, we're talking about some of these possible conditions of people living across a strip of land that is not made for human life. people going back to the areas that have been completely white's off the face of the to damage tones and destroyed buildings along exploded the lines lines. so the situation that is, is slow and fast. that's really fast shooting in the, in the fax. if it is ready,
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bombardments, of the same time, you know, living living was very, very little truant, very little drink of water and you know, wave also ways of displacement. what is the impact of all of this? because obviously there are a long term impact as well. because this affects people long term. and of course, i mean there are, you know, it's, it's multi full, the impact it's, it's going to be a, you know, the impact is obviously directly affecting people's ability to reset to where they are or re, you know, return to their homes. that is, you know, that housing sometimes it's a thousands have no left to go back to the mental cause of the children on the families, you know, who have been in this cycle of violence, endless cycle of violent. so opens over 7 loans. so we're talking about she is a mountain to climb really, when it comes to recovering, recovering from the ruins, recovering from injuries recovering from you know, having a life. having lift a life light, i recall a teacher told us that, you know, he don't,
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he doesn't see himself as a teacher anymore. he sees himself as a man on a mission to, you know, survive and save his family. and this is what, you know, the people in cars that have been, you know, made to live by, you know, this cycle of the stuff here. a secretary general has said that this is a, damming verdicts on the failures of conflict prevention and piece making. i me, to what extent do you think that this locked in for accountability for the rules of war such a dangerous precedent that politics are put over people. i'm what organizations like yours do about this. absolutely, and this is what we have been saying. don't put the humanitarian, you know, the humanitarian suffering spots of your political game of chess. and of, fortunately from ice crossing is not opening on being blocked from, you know, i routes to being destructive to 8 teams. you know, being targeted by his radio tax and also to i,
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teen is my colleagues have been displaced that little regional refugee council just like the rest of the population. and you know, they have lost child examples, friends and, you know, i think it's, it's, it's, it goes to show that when diplomacy is being kansas on one part of you know, diplomacy is not serving, you know, the best interest of the human to terry. and, you know, cause it's kind of, it's can be damaging. and last thing that is this thing, not just on an on, you know, obviously the on is there as allies on the international community as a whole. but also in our conscious as, as, as you know, human, you know, as humans and as countries who are just sitting there watching people guessing kills day in day out. so again, we feel for us to use firewood for, for aids teams, to be on the ground support and for the sufferings to end my boat. i'm thank you for speaking to us from a month. donald trump's former lawyer,
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michael cohen is back in court on tuesday and cohen a sub, the trump ordered him to pay the adult film actress stormy daniels more than a $100000.00. he says the payment was an exchange for her silence on a legit sexual encounter. with the former president, trump is accused of falsifying business records to cover up that payments. he denies all charges, christmas, allowing me to running us from outside the court over in new york. so what do we learn from michael cohen so far? what more have we learned, kristin? the? so the prosecution has been attempting to connect the dots from former witnesses with michael cohen's testimony, he described for jurors yesterday. the panic in the trump campaign in 2016 in the run up to the election. when that infamous access, hollywood tape came out,
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where trump was making disparaging comments about women, he said that the campaign at the time was in panic mode. he said that trump describe the possible release or the release of that tape as a total disaster. and he furthermore went on to describe a boss who was deeply involved in every aspect of stifling negative news about him . in the run up to the campaign personally, michael cohen testified that donald trump told him to just take care of it. when stormy daniels was threatening to come out with her story about an alleged brief affair with donald trump, and that the president authorized him to make the payment and promised to reimburse him for it. that is what the $34.00 business counts felony charges of falsifying business records relate to those payments. so it's very
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crucial. the connection that michael cohen is drawing between what donald trump said and what she said. however, it's important to note that he, it all really comes down to his word and his word has been highly suspect from the beginning of this case, given that he's gone to jail for lying under oath, right past. so what is it that we should be looking out for next? right, so cross examination could begin as soon as today, and the defense is going to hammer home the points that they've been making from the beginning. the fact that michael cohen has a serious credibility issue in opening statements, they described him as an admitted lie, or someone in the section to get president trump. they're likely to make the allegation that michael cohen is trying to profit off of his relationship with his
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former boss. and they can point to recent posts, he made on tick tock, where he is wearing a t shirt with donald trump behind bars. they can point to his book about his experience working for donald trump, which is titled revenge. and they can make that argument based on his own testimony. michael collins on testimony that he was upset, that he did not get a position in the white house after donald trump was elected. we can also expect today to see supporters of trump. in fact, we have already seen supporters and from entering the white house with him, those supporters include the speaker of the house of representatives, mike johnson, and the one of his former competitors in the race for the republican nomination. david kremlin, swami, both of them coming to fort today to support a former president. donald trump. all right, thank you. chris is allowing me reporting from new york. at least 14 people have died in india's financial capital in them by after a giant billboard collapsed on them during
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a thunderstorm. the, the structure came crashing down on several houses. cars on the fuel station following heavy rain and strong winds. rescue workers say 7 to 5 other people were injured by the falling debris. official say the billboard, bigger than a limb, fix size swimming pool, had not been approved by the city. a protests and focused on administered kashmir had been called off, and civil rights groups are calling for a general strike. instead, thoughts after 3 people were killed during 5 days of protest against soaring living costs, or correspondence come, i'll hide or isn't, was a for about a life is slowly coming back to normal and the cap regarding with enough robots all focused on, administered catch me. now for the last 5 days, the protest as,
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as brock more major highways, they had the minds that the government you're going to do is the price of electricity. because the spectrum, it provides buckets on re housing, the megawatts of electricity, as well as what go now the people that being demanding that the electricity data, if they're going to do it, because they're what exorbitantly high that people also won, that the price sol solved law should also be subsidized on whatever you are protesting for of 3 main issues that were a subsidy on star. why electricity and to cut down the pokes and privileges of the parliamentarians. the government in this i'm a pod, was kind enough to have agreed on altamont and advocated funds to help out the poverty driven people of kashmir. now the government went into an emergency meeting and relented on the minds of the projected, saying that they were willing to roll out $86000000.00 in subsidies. the people
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ahead, i've always there demanded that the guy that the privileges and bulk of the bureaucracy should be to do with marriage. that'd be all because of the bureaucrats and members of parliament act as parasites in our economy. they are benefiting from all the funds, which rarely meant to the list of poor people of this area. but they are always deprived of that. you, right? so the minds of gods have now being met this project there, that now it's slowly going back. but there's been a cost to. busy days for the past 5 days, business days, shops have been completely flawed. traffic completely suspended even now as you can see, there's no traffic on the road ahead and without the robot. also the fact that the paper was good by the security of both it the good it is that now taking place in this particular city, the anger now gun and do a gun. people have got that now bagging their belongings and going back to the area
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and from where they came. but they did indeed a message for the government. and it's not my boss. it has to be cognizant of the fact that the paper one really and if they don't get their relief, they will be back on the streets. come all the data without for a blog. still ahead on the houses are, is our. i'm barney below and put outside philippine tours is crown jewels the islands original inhabitants. the people are fighting to keep ownership of a small piece of plan on coming up and support will hear from mike tyson, as a former heavyweight champion prepares to make is the,
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the, the
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time for the sports insurance demo i q 3 in the n b a playoffs, the boston celtics, and now just one went away from the eastern conference final the from james was in the stands to watch them take on his phone, the team of the class and calculus, adding speculation as to whether he would leave the i like his next season because because maybe it's done with it everyone else on coaches. they were severely hit by injuries unless one or 9, it's one. it saves jason peyton score. so that's the 3 points and jayden brown out of $27.00. nathan 3 went ahead a little south to enclose out the series in k 5 on wednesday, back in boston, arriving for liquid 18th and the title that fast since 2008. from 3 things a much closer in the west and cult friend of is that whether it's liabilities on the sweat himself, against the data fabrics, it to,
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to flying away from hiring shape. just alexander, for 34 points as the top seats on the edge of the game for 100 to 96. 35 is wednesday night in oklahoma city aston villa as close to to securing a place in the champions league. also coming back from 2 goes down to drill 33, with little pool in the premier league villa may have heard from stocks that go key for any martinez from both this cross into his own. that's just too it is in a 1000 times side one behind so long as you receive this equalized for villa livable with 2 and a half time. and they go to know that just off to the break to general concept and slowly play by level pulled. i was a punish blanks on duran, who made it 3 to with 5 minutes less. and he wasn't finish the runs and his 2nd of the game, 3 minutes later, to rescue appointed for villa. much the delights of hollywood and villa, fun home heights. that result means telling them must beach manchester city
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lights or full spots. i'm not champions. league place will be villas, city that have a massive incentive of the rain going into tuesdays match. victory will move from top to points. care of also keeping the premier like types of race in that own hands going into the final day of the season. i would love to be demoralized, send out in june of the composition one month ago, but is not the case. so is that a waiting? we draw a points too hard to change and in our so hands to let's get me interpreted to wind the permalinks. so tottenham could do the biggest rivals off, so the big favor, the title, right? so it just left some suppressed funds with mixed feelings. heading into the city game, the cage and supposed to calculate is clear with his fees that i will never understand . if somebody wants to be around thing to lose, i'll just that doesn't. that's not what sports it may have to do. you think the majority of the fans are going to want us not we more than say that, why are they are fans majority that fans will correct. yep. mosquito weiss,
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gregory, and home games and as i said are respectively but again with football, the we in and that's what we're gonna show on the former heavyweight champion, mike tyson says he wants to show the world. he's still a great fight to the 57 year old is preparing for his 1st professional fights and many 20 is against the youtube jake post who's bus he is younger than him. the fight is in texas. on july 20th 5, since us became heavyweight champion in 1986 as a 20 year old, which is still the youngest of all i really like take a lot of, you know, but, but once again, i really have to fight like a life dependent on it because it will be, i do think that the older generation wants people to see mike, not me output. at the end of the day, i also have the kids, the middle schoolers, the high schoolers, the college students running for me and want to see me. and mike from new york to kentucky, with tiger woods is preparing for the 2nd major of the goals season. the us p. j.
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championship. it takes place at valhalla woods won this tournament. apps that costs 24 years ago. the 48 year old hasn't played since last month's, most is in tennis, defending champion, a dynamic method that was made to what causes to reach the last 16 if the autonomy, nathan, the russian 2nd. see the sub. yes. how much instead of it in 3 set method i have one out face american tell me for for that was 1001 gave away from the west. and finally, i may tell file was johnston school twice on the 11th 21st birthday, and the 500 is the colorado avalanche. when put some rerun up april, the carolina hurricanes refused to give off in the series against the new york rangers. the ranges were 3, nothing up, but carolina has now 12 games that are right to bring it back to 3 safe. and the 5 teams in history of, of, of raleigh from 3 down. so when a playoff series, non since 2014. and how about this for
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a story in major league baseball as the actual, myron is fun course or fallible in the stands in that game against the kansas city royals to one which happens all the time. but then on the very next pitch, exactly the same thing happened to get another fallible and caused by the same family. incredible, that is what we'll support for me that piece that will have another i think. nice a 3. okay. drama. thank you so much. well, before we go, we'll tell you about members of biachi. try been a popular philippine resort town who now say that they've been forced out of their land by developers. the government have given the islands original inhabitants the property, but it now says it's better suited to tourism. biachi say they can't trust any offer to relocate them. we're going to be a little reports a warm welcome from the out the children of put on the crown jewel of philippine tourism. but it's a scene. most visitors don't get to see because the islands original settlers have
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lived in small pieces of land, away from the crowds. now try builder say they're bound to bring up losing what little they have. one of the 6 lots they occupy has been defense dogs. after their homes were demolished by developer in march or something, and i even just the faint noise scares me into thinking it might be their security guards again coming to evict test um in the private company that took the property, says it did so after the government canceled the state granted land titles in 2018 then president would be good. the 3rd day awarded brock ice indigenous at the people with certificates of land ownership or close placing their properties under the agrarian reform program. but now those titles have been rebuilt because the government has ruled, the land isn't suitable for agriculture. the country's, greer and reformed secretaries says the decision was based on tests done by soil experts. the each one's all the clause then has no leg to stand
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on. it does not have any legal basis at all. the only ones that that are suitable for agriculture are those that can be covered by the grid under farm. but the of these have been able to grow foods, and now that they put into work, they say they're not going anywhere in the system. you know, any of us. i mean, they fooled us, they gave us land or need to take it back. so why should we move to where they're telling us to relocate? we don't trust the government. it's been a years long struggle to find a permanent settlement at a time of a tourism boom. and one that they believe has cost to life. in 2013 text or contests, a young at the leader was shot to death, but instead of letting fear take over, they said they must honor his memory, but continued to fight for their right to their ancestral land. barney, below al jazeera, what guy the philippines will take
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a short break right here and als is 0, and we're back in just a moment. with more of today's the our oceans are under swift. by a for rushes, fishing industry, government, people are thinking you'll bring deep sea trolling back global war. easy off the choices these eco systems are going to suffer more and more with climate change and we need to adapt. now marine conservationists are in a desperate race against time. the ocean provides services for us that we require as humanity. i'll just see you as lucy is dying of the last shock. this is a front line where there is little life after more than half a year of hostilities that began when hezbollah opened up a front to help it's a lie from us. in casa, we are traveling with members of the united nations peacekeeping force,
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their own patrol, with lebanon's army. we are here to support them and these government to take control of the situation. but the army is not the dominant force here. has the law has a strong presence even before this latest confrontation, nearly 100000 lebanese have left their homes and livelihoods. it's a similar situation on the other side of the border. this is the cost of hor, official. a loss that are already in the billions of dollars, although the contract is still large and contained in the confines of the, for the region, has been lost as the conflict won't end until there's a ceasefire in casa. but possibly not even then. because isabel is reckoning a wider war if border security doesn't improve now is the time to be direct. israel's project has been to completely conflict zionism and judy as a. but it was not a jew, israel's a state. and they need to be treated as any other state. what, this is where the tough questions are,
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as can you see negotiations being even happen. this is the most important you're going to involve, she told, unapologetic, i'm just upfront on out the a from somebody a in the north. so what i saw in the south is really forces stuff up there at the tax. across garza, at least 82 palestinians are killed in the past 24 hours. the you're watching all the 0 life from a headquarters and del time getting navigate to also coming up. the palestinian fighters say they've la.


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