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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 14, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm AST

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on good old palestinians to re discover their ancestral homes. why doesn't my grandparents stay here? why aren't i here? return to palestine on al jazeera, the farm, jabante, and the north to rough in the south is ready for us to step up their attacks across cause us at least 82 palestinians, a killed in 24 hours the slow i maria, minimize the, this is l g 0 at live from del, so coming up on the program side of city and fight to say they've launched $33.00 attacks against is riley forces in northern cause at the
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most claim by them in a single day. this year. also 450000 people have now been displaced in a week and rough. ok, that's nearly a quarter of gauze as entire population. are the top story of russ outside george's parliament after a foreign influence bill is past protests to say it's a russian style threat to free speech. the we begin in southern gaza where the is right. the ministry is pushing deep into east and rough up. it's a sold, has forcibly displaced nearly half a 1000000 palestinians now. but the u. n. is warmed against. nowhere is safe and gaza. 450000 people of fled rough uh, as 90000 more in one day. the average number of palestinians being forced out of the city is rapidly on the rise. but what awaits when they leave?
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are overcrowded caps without enough food was 0 even prop assigned to taishan. meanwhile palestinian fighters say they have launch 33 attacks on his right forces in northern garza. this is the highest figure in a single day this year is randy faust is re enter jamalia 3 days ago and say they are now deep in the hearts of the city. and the attacks have been unrelenting elsewhere. at least 40 palestinians have been killed, line is re as strike on the, on the side of the refugee camp in central gaza house out of school for both targeted rescue work cuz it desperately trying to reach people trapped onto the rubble. we have more on this now with sar. hi rod. the is not, celine office, adult tons of the locals can phone. is him in another room?
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no says comfort dismissal one. they tell him a clever boy. the sounds echo across the whole. to me, a reminder is a far as if this was the outside, this woman cries quietly. a mind can also be heard saying us and is ro. oh, to blame the am i swear to god. my heart is in pain. she tells them now the palestinian men to the pro injures and relatives of the dead. listen to
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a man telling them to be prepared to meet the makeup is that he says is on every corner and every street. this has become an all too familiar scene across the gaza strip. the, this finds is ready for withdrawing from several areas, including the slight arts for a few g come. a few weeks ago the they have returned with intense, foaming, under the guise of defeating some of the, the sauce. it's the civilians who suffer them nice. the palestinians in the north, on the south, on being sped, either nearly half a 1000000 of them have been forced to be dropped off in just a matter of days. the another boat, the rock stopped in
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a sheet. this, this will as they say, he'll have his name rates and on the white cost the full being buried. so as is one of more than $35000.00 palestinians to think israel launched its rule and garza sort of height of al jazeera. let's get one to fighting which is intensified and densely populated parts of no of and gaza was accosted, managed to send us this short report from inside the to valley a refugee camp, which is on the fire just into from the center of giovanni camp as really forces the station behind the schools 3 and there was a hit and one buttons that are taking place in that area between these, by the forces and the movements. a resistance the and this is the scene
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into very account the this is in the center, but it can, i cannot move foot board. the can see the controls farm industry is saying she's fine to go. sions between israel and her last and the war and gaza. have now reached a stalemate, so therefore we will not accept being, as i said, you've been abused by the, by the mediation process itself over by those who are trying to positively or negatively affect depositions. what we will certainly commit to is the cause for the peace and we are continuing our role as the mediator i do out of seeing right now. it is to me that you as department, as they said this morning, we have used what can be described as a state of me. but we are continuing to work together to try to bridge the gap
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between the 2 an additive when it comes to, to this conference, a well area we heard from ari go back and his really political commentator. and he was saying that he's ready permanent to benjamin netanyahu is safe in power. as long as the war continues. i should have been 30, i would see is the final opportunity he had to both look like he is operating on a piece of space, but also to reach a deal and bring the hostages home. i was wrong. so i think that then, you know, there's no committed to going it alone, driving slow speed down a dead end street. she wants the word to continue and not to reach some sort of result because there's a lot of the work continues. he is safe in power, as long as the work continues, his workers are on happy that is always fighting this learners religious rights of orders. and this is probably the most important as long as the work continues the
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opposition jonathan, you know, both popular and personal memory will not be able to remove him by any means from injury or other is or at least are assigned to get the possible to work to do like a real resembling demand for the end of the war. so again, effectively even while as early as might say and probably mean that they understand the worst that in the water. but they understand that there is no military result to be achieved effectively as early as versus burning in a fairly broad consensus. the continuation of war when united states has condemned an attack on a convoy carried out by his right protest as we agreed upon loaded food items and destroyed the agent needed supplies, preventing them from reaching gaza vehicles with crossing through hebron in the occupied west bank heading towards casa, is right. these then proceeded to set 3 of the trucks on fire. israel's restriction on su, date is cost funding across large pods of casa us human rights. so as appears loose
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got i'm wrong, was that now i witness to mondays attacks, which she says the police did nothing to stop. she says she was horrified by what she. so if i might just to say it's something that it's important to me to stay as a niece rodney as a june, we have this comment in 2 days, a nation not send over the overall nangle. and for me, i don't see the bus unions and the guidance as my neighbors is this my own people and i speak to you because it's happened to day. well, definitely, yes. so they do not represent many stories. and many chose i came by so many. is it ok? yeah. you know, i could use when i see it on the monitors and grandfathers in jobs are begging for food. i see them. i see the reason my own eyes and this is not something that we do . we condemn it and we hope to stop it. and this is a lot of vacation to find that we don't want people we own, but in order to tell them what you're doing is wrong. we have to stop be slow. we
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cannot let this but just continue. and i'm saying it because they know there's always a price, it's talking with you right now. i repaid prices and i getting tracks and desperate for the people trying to locate the need for now in order to attack me because i was there yesterday, but i, we keep organize them all people in order for them to come until 5 and to, to this is no, there were to, they gave them, this is no the society that we ought to reason, though many is whether it's the 25th and pursuing these. so ask for children and, and for everyone that they'd be interested in the now ukraine is facing, intensified russian attacks and it's east just weeks onto the us. congress passed legislation sending billions of dollars in arms for kids, defends us secretary, state and state, blinking has visited the capital to assure the government that they're not fighting
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alone. high for cit reports. so the for which i'm really trying to get out of the days now the time involve chance. yeah. how can you afford it? because been under a time or different russian forces. it'd be moving into euclidean territory here in the northeast since friday. under the cover strikes and onto the re refuge for now. he's hockey is. but it too has been on the heavy aerial assault book senior director steps for 5 days. we never left the house, but we didn't see anyone we've so afraid to go out. we never even opened the door. the cranes military intelligence chief says the situation in the northeast is nearing stabilization. hobbies feels like it's the elderly men and women forced to run for their lives, the thoughts or sense because also those of the situation involve tons because it's very difficult. there is constant shooting the enemies trying to enter the town.
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there are fire exchanges at the northern outskirts of the town, adding an urgency to be quite in president's meeting with the us secretary of state, and keith 1st came gratitude for the release of the month, so congressional grid luck of $61000000000.00 in the us me the tree age on watch, crusoe package for all off the forces for all over those things so much for this package. thanks to congress. thanks. prison. by then durance that soon. it was on to what was needed now to come back rushes long range ariel power is or defense. the biggest difference is for us. i think that the biggest a problem. yes and uh and uh, we need really, we need to day to bed, throws 40400 can region because the people on their attacks civilians. and where is everybody they are under arrest themselves on the front lines you credit and forces
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. it'd be enough numbers, house, gun running show, did i munition precipitate can was in key if the signal that more help was coming, some of this already arrived more of it will be arriving. and that's going to make a real difference against the ongoing russian aggression on the battlefield and were determined along with many other partners for you create to make sure that you succeed on the battlefield. in the short term, succeeding means simply stabilizing. holding on, while more troops drafted and trained, more military hardware arrives, trying to hold russia's new momentum, r equals it out to 0. and out of there as john home and is also reporting on the story, he brings us more from har keys in eastern ukraine. the just the economic says from us is the front line. this new from wherever russian troops on friday started coming across the board. and a mass push was ukraine says that they've done since that is separated into smaller
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groups to try and stretch ukrainian pools is said across the border region role. so hearing there was an update just from the, the governor's office of hockey region, just about 40 minutes ago saying this a street fighting in the outskirts of full time, full chance because it's important because it's the biggest settlement there on that border region that was almost 18000 people before 2022. now there's about $200.00. if there is that because they've been trying to evacuate people from that town. i'm from of a village. is that about 7500 people have been moved. now, a lot of them to haul, keep city to try and keep them safe, while russian policies try to advance the. now in the city itself, there's been a continuing aerial bombardment now for months. i'm just going to show you a little bit about this residential building. this happened about an hour and a half ago. you can see that some of the flows have been taken out. the,
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the minister of internal affairs, the credit was here in the city and he came to the site and he says that this might have happened because of guided phones. that's something that ross has been using, especially in hockey effectively, basically is putting 2 wings on the side of above. the gps system is slung out of a play and can travel full tens of columbus says. and it's really hard to stop and track and they've been hitting call keep city quite frequently. also following the protests on folding in georgia police that i've done this bus demonstrates is outside the parliament in the capital to please the officer. it approved 8 for an interference. lo, new legislation was passed off the weeks of protest demonstrates a sphere. it could be used to cut the sentence done in the way of georgia joining the european union one day. and you know, will require organizations that get more than 20 percent of the funding for the board to register with the sr asses. and the team, evident goes more or less from tbilisi. we had the thought to at least 30 colleges
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and universities also joined, protest is today the escaping classes. we, sol, videos of protests, also in by to me is another city in georgia on the coast of so protest move and doesn't seem to be dying down. they've been staging these protests nightly and daily over the past month. i believe there was a break of one week last week basically. and now technically, the bill is supposed to be signed by the president accept the presence of a man that i just really have promised that she would be tow it. but again, it's only a simple majority that the m p 's need to override that veto. so another 76, both side of a 150, that they need, they have 83 states. so that's expected to happen. except the, the ruling policy has been saying that europe and officials have been pressuring georgia into dropping this bill because it will georgia's efforts in joining the
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european union. uh, the ruling class. you said there was no concrete criticism of the bill. and now that the veto procedure is going to be launched, highly expected to happen. they're expecting to finally hear some feedback and maybe work on some amendments that's at least once the georgia dream told us here in to losing was still to bring you on the program. a record at 76000000 people were displaced around the world last year by conflict and natural disasters. we'll look at the situation specifically and sit on the the, it, it says there in the next day or so around eastern side of the sort of race in the band archipelago. this is secular. she tries to develop black diseases,
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very heavy. right. but no more not to think that the flash something seems quite likely that they might return to sue martial. they're generally speaking of the trend is to take the heavy rain for the know this time the i'm also we've had some very, fairly heavy right in southern china right now. it looks at least east of you know, dry the, some action going on the korean peninsula as a result of the circulation developing on a little bit co data came out of on kalia. so let's study went to so for example, during wednesday, and that probably wouldn't go across the woman schwartz associated japan wind up into purpose, storm system. when the looking picture on the north coast of home, she was writing like you to effect most of that part of japan and it's still dry and there's the rest of china even in the united states, particularly wet. but there is a cold sprained talk about the incoming mom soon, right. instead, just about being felt there in molly and up in columbus more likely in kind of the ins for lack of this is the way to area which i think will transfer to carol and
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possibly time allowed that you're having a bit further. neural steering says they may keep, shoot occasionally what the, the in the solomon islands, the deadly legacy of world war 2, remain on the lounge. i just placed it and it exploded it now i didn't this see they are literally the sense of taking time on 101 east meets the solomon islands. some tante escape of war that ended decades ago on, on jersey examining the impact of today's headlines. setting the agenda for tomorrow's discussions. international filmmakers and world class journalists bring programs to inform and inspire financial sierra, the,
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[000:00:00;00] the property minder the main stories. now, at least 40 palestinians have been killed. mine is really as frank on the, on the side of the refugee camp in central gaza. a house on a school for both targets allison, you know, i'm group say they've launched 33 attacks on his riley forces. this is the highest number and a single day since the war began. his writing army says that they are now deep in the hearts of jamalia city in northern casa. and then the united nations of saying that maybe 450000 people have been forcibly despised from rough thought in southern gauze. in the past week. they've been like they've left the homes and a fled to over crowded refugee comes out. is there a journalist as he's out of college as one of the 10s of thousands of pilots sending families displaced by the will. he mapped out the route that he and his
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family took to reach safety. this is his journey. me, i'm mike, please send me the all of the people around this. the space was $0.42 now is going to be people moving to now we're i stopped recording from roof off and moving with my quitting sammy to a different but i it says a lot of steps from evacuating uh from our drive, but it is uh, trying to find as during the week uh, because of the uh, the crowding of the people who are evacuating is still in the drop off. and but, but the say it is close to
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a notice and the main road most of the people moving on think of defense. and this, this place was fluid photos to perform as a subscription is everywhere. so we are set of fries inside some eunice, as you can see, the thing is so we are now to the now where, where each of the house and the whole family now uh started to uh get the contents and luggage is uh, to the house, to the interior of the house, so i, i will still be filming now to help them uh, cutting the content now
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a records number of people around the world were displaced last year. this is according to the internal displacement monitoring center. they did research that shows nearly 76000000 people falls from the homes last year. most were displaced by conflicts and violence, others by natural disasters. almost half of them were in sub saharan africa, united nations as the conflict and see donna's cause, the wealth was displacement crisis. this report confirms that by the end of last year, well the 9000000 people have been forced to flee. israel's war and gauze are forced to beat the spice of one and a half 1000000 people in 3 months between october and december. i'm moving 4 and a half 1000000 people into cuba and syria, living in temporary shelters and containers onto the devastating of quakes that i'll just there is have a morgan reports firms to don. this displacements camp is the latest to open and so dense, eastern city of port sedan. it's home to some of the thousands who flood fighting
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between the sudanese army and the power military rapids support forces in the capital hot to him and elsewhere around the country. including full z, i belong, who fled from her home in northern her tomb. shortly after the start of the conflicts last year for life, a lot of mean just see if we fled in june, we left and decided to stay in money. b r a stuff attacked our home and cut a room. i was with my son and we were in my father's house. and that was my sister's. one of my sisters is married. we, i'm, is the year long conflict here has created the world's largest displacements crisis . according to the un, 9000000 people have been displaced. many have been repeatedly uprooted as fighting expanded across the country. us. the unique is the. we slept when the 5 things started and went to 0. we brought our children here and decided
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to stay. we saved into 0 for 7 months. then as a, somebody could be 8 organization, say more than half of the dance, 4 to 7000000 people are in need of aid with 5000000 facing famine. those displays are the ones most affected, but slicing has hindered access to them. we really have an issue with access. uh we need better access, cross lines being able to move uh from here in ports it on across the country across uh the, the frontline. so of the conflict. yeah. but we also need to have access uh from the regional countries from sunset on from chad. so access is the main issue, but of course we also need more resources and we need flexible resources so that we can take opportunity as they arise. there is no indication the conflicts here incident is close to an end, which means more people who will be displaced. those here say, while they're able to receive aid, would they really want is to return to their homes and the lives they left behind. hey, bill morgan,
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all to 0 out president joe biden is shot play increasing terrace on the inputs from china and an effort to protect us. jobs ahead of the election in november charges will cover electric vehicles, batteries, and semi conductors white house of the task that apply to $18000000000.00 less of chinese products. the decision is likely to increase tensions with china, which is cool them washington to drop measures. and will, and that the decision would severely affect blancho cooperation. it says, goes all that has correspond, kimberly how kit is following us. and so i, kimberly how serious an escalation is this in the trade will between america and china. well, it is a major escalation and it's interesting to note, given the fact that joe 5 and came into office promising on day one to undo all of donald trump's policies. but uh and for both party did, except for this one, he kept it in place. and now what's interesting is he's in many cases,
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doubling down or even tripling down on some of these terrorists when you look at them. when it comes to the terrace on electric vehicles, he's quadrupling it from 25 percent to 100 percent, and he's doubling the tariff on solar cell imports and he's increasing it when it comes to medical supplies, batteries, critical minerals, and more. so this is certainly going to exacerbate the tensions with china that are all ready at pretty high tension marks. and so this is something that the us present is doing. and it's for a reason is because there is a lot of criticism that he has been soft on china. and that criticism is coming from his opponent donald trump. and this is an election year and. and so in order to defend himself from that criticism and to score points with voters, he's fighting back. and this is the way he's decided to do it. difficult out, do trumpet this game though. it is certainly difficult to do and
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already the us president or rather former us president donald trump is fighting back. he said that this is too little too late. it should've been done 3 and a half years ago. but the bottom line and all of this is what kind of impact is going to have on consumers. and the big concern is, could this hurt small businesses? will they be able to compete? and also, what this would mean for consumers is that. 1 ways rather going to hurt the consumers who are already dealing with high inflation. you have to remember as this economy is still coming back from the sort of consumer price index in terms of the sort of ordinary goods thing here. silvers are paying for our sales guy high and so that's the big fear. and all of this, the prices could go even higher, but the white house says that's not the case. this is going to protect consumers that are already paying high and prices that are going to actually protect them
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from those things going even higher. so this is just in order to make sure that in terms of the fact that china is already not playing by the rules level of the global market was cheap products. this will sort of level the playing field if you will allow. all right, and of course the biden is going to be announcing the new rises in a speech that is going to be taking place at the white house. he is expected to make some remarks about the tower prizes. and this is very important because it's kimberly was explaining future new tower of america, hiking tax on electric vehicles, send me conductors, and all the goods we all that are incorporated from china, which could cause increasing tensions between 2 of the was largest economies. kimberly will have more on this story a little bit later on want to bring you some of the news coming to us from america, because donald trump is full and lawyer and michael time is backing cold, giving evidence in the form us presence harsh money trial calling told the quote
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that trump ordered him to pay adult film out just only dials more than a $100000.00. it says it was an exchange of assignments on an alleged sexual encounter with the former president. trump is accused of falsifying business records to cover up the payments. he denies all charges members of the audi tribe and a popular philippine result town say they have been forced out of the land by developers on or below it brings us more on this story. now a warm welcome for the children. what are the crown jewel of philippine tourism? but it's a scene. most visitors don't get to see because the islands original settlers have lived in small pieces of land away from the crowds. now try builders, say they're wanting to bring up losing what little they have. one of the 6 lots they occupy has been fenced on after their homes were demolished by developer in march something i. e,
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i even just the faint noise scares me into thinking it might be their security guards again coming to


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