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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 14, 2024 8:00pm-8:30pm AST

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i'll just say it was teens across the world, bring you closer to the faucet, the story, the from jamalia in the north. so rough thought in the south is ready for us to step up their attacks across garza, at least $82.00 palestinians, a killed in 24 hours, the hello, i my m i z. this is al g 0 life, some doha, also coming off on the program the by the city and fight to say they've noticed. so actually 3 attacks against his writing forces in northern gaza . the most they've claims in a single day. this yeah. 450000 people have now been displaced in a week and rough. ok, this is nearly a quarter of gauze, is entire population,
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also coming out arrest outside georgia's column and tell 1st point incidence finish cost. just to say it's a russian style threat to free speech. the what we saw in southern gaza where he's writing ministry is pushing the button to east and rough. uh, it's a sold, has forcibly displaced nearly half a 1000000 palestinians. but the united nations is warned against but know what is safe inside gaza. 450000 people have now fled rough uh. as 90000 more in one day, the average number of palestinians being forced out of the city is rapidly on the rise. but what awaits them when they leave are over crowded calms without enough food or water, or even sanitation. meanwhile, policy and fights of say they have no wish. 33 attacks on his riley forces in north,
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in gaza. this is the highest vega in a single day. this yeah. is ready for says re enter jamalia 3 days ago and say they are now deep in the hearts of the sea. and attacks have been unrelenting elsewhere . at least 40 palestinians have been killed, bind as rainy as strike on the, on the say. what refugee camp in central gaza house at a school above. targeted rescue work as a desperately trying to reach people trapped under the russell. so r hi, rod has more of the is not celine office adult. somebody locals can phone is him in another room? no says comfort dismissal one. they tell him a kind of a boy the is the sounds echo across the
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whole to sneak a reminder is a far as if this was the outside, this woman cries quietly. a mind can also be heard saying us and is ro. oh to blame the i swear to god my heart is in pain. she tells them no the palestinian men to the pro injures and relatives of the dead. listen to a man telling them to be prepared to meet the makeup is that he says is on every corner and every street this has
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become an all too familiar scene across the gaza strip. the. this finds is ready for this withdrawing from several areas including the slide out for a few g come. a few weeks ago the they have returned with intense, foaming, under the guise of defeating some of the, the sauce. it's the civilians who suffered them nice. the palestinians in the north, i'm the south on being sped, either nearly half a 1000000 of them have been forced to be dropped off in just a matter of days. the another body wrapped up in a sheet this, this will, as they say, he'll have his name written on the white cloth before being buried. to add is one
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of more than $35000.00 palestinians killed. since israel launched its rule, and garza saw the height of elder 0 of his ears and uncle doris in central garza following the attack on the, on the se. right refugee, the civil defense, the and trying their best with their bare hands and very basic equipments and tools to rescue at least 30 palestinians dropped under the rubber. most of these people who were were targeted by the is there any forces? are people who were displays from drop off. oh, i'm currently in the hospital and we just received the bodies of 3 palestinians killed this palace to be and 5, monday was originally from it's a, a they evacuated to defy. and after the warning to evacuate the of the evacuation, it didn't say that they evacuated 2 days only, and they rented a house in carouse,
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a assignment e, and they were targeted earlier today. among this family is a 4 year old baby girl called zane. and her father and mother and her brothers and sisters are still at dropped under the rubble. the civil defense team are still rescuing a policy news that have been targeted in the hospital. we saw families give bidding farewell to their beloved ones, very heartbreaking scenes. and this is not the 1st time we with this document and reports such incidents. and that's for you more on the fighting in northern gauze, mos alika who managed to send us this short report from inside featured valley, a refugee camp, which is on the fire. and doesn't do from the sense that what do you value can as best really forces stationed behind the schools 3. and there was
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a hit and one buttons that are taking place in that area between these, by the forces and the movements, a resistance the and this is the scene into by the account. the, this is in the sense that it can by connect to the footboard. the can see the meanwhile castle has formed ministry is said that she's fine to go. sions between israel and how much to end the war and gaza have now reached a stalemate. therefore, we will not accept being uh, as i said, you've been abused by the, by the mediation process itself. oh, by those who are trying to positively or negatively affect their positions. what we
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will certainly commit to is the costs for the piece, and we are continuing our role as the mediator. i do have seen right now. it is to me that you as a prime minister said this morning, we have used what can be described as a state of me. but we are continuing to work together to try to bridge the gap between between additive, when it comes to the discounts that already go back. as an, as writing political commentator, it says that prime minister netanyahu is safe and power as long as the whole continues. i still haven't got any, i would seize the final opportunity. he had to both look like he is operating on a piece of space, but also to reach a deal and bring the hostages home. i was wrong. i think that then, you know, is not committed to going it alone, driving slow speed down a dead end street. she wants the words to continue not to reach some sort of result because there's a lot of the work continues. he is facing power,
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as long as the work continues, his workers are happy that is all this fighting, this world is religious, right? supporters and this is probably the most important as long as the work continues the opposition to nathan. yeah. both popular and problem entry will not be able to remove him by any means from injury or other israelis are finding it impossible to ortiz, to like a real resembling demand for the end of the war. so again, effectively even while as early as might say and probably mean that they understand the words that in the water. but they understand that there is no military result to be achieved effectively as early as versus burning in a fairly broad consensus. the continuation of the war. united nations is named itself, none but killed by an attack in east and rough. uh is kind of why, but i've called the indian national. what for the u. n. department of safety and security in gaza? kyle is one, is the 1st international you in casualty pulled in a 190 palestinian
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u. n. 8. work is they've been killed since october. 7th. is there any forces have carried out at least 8 strikes on humanitarian chromeboys, and promises in garza, since the war started even onto the locations were shed with authorities. this is according to human rights watch. a united states is condemned to attack on a convoy carried out by is ready for testers. the group unloaded food items and destroyed these urgently needed supplies, stopping them from reach and gaza. the vehicles were crossing through hebron and the occupied westbank heading towards gaza. these ladies then proceeded to set 3 of the trucks on file, as well as restrictions on food aid is cause farm and across large parts of the strip. the controversial politician from the far right alternative for germany policy has been
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found guilty of deliberately using a nazi slogan at a riley. but hoko was charged with using symbols of terrorist organizations. claimed not to been aware that the phrase had been used by the nazis and appeals court early a roof. intelligent services can continue tracing the f d as a potential extreme this policy. so that is the cause of the dominic cane who's in germany for us. and so the quote was expected to deliver its verdict and on choose day in this trial. uh, any developments that yes, the mind has been fine guilty and told he must pay a fine all 13000 years. 13000. your eyes round about the same sort of figure in dollars, perhaps a little bit more in dollars. the issue here, what is all revolved around? was that with 2 occasions in recent years with this mind,
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via an heck at the lead candidate for the far right. alternative for germany potty in coming elections in the states of feeling. yeah. which folders the state where i am right now, but he use the phrase which translates into english. everything for germany. that phrase was a key slogan for what was called the storm appetite on the storm troopers. the paddle of hitler's movements use to get into power and then stay in power in cold. his argument was not just this idea of the lack of intent, but he concentrated more on saying of the people permanent public figures had use the phrase since world war 2, never being prosecuted for it. so why should he interesting the one of the judges during the trial reply, it's to mr. hooker and said, yes, mr. okay. but it's the context that matches. and clearly that view has prevailed from full 3 judges because they have ruled him to be guilty. i mean post that fine,
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what does this mean for his policy generally? well, this week is being a black week of bleak week, full them monday. so that appeals cold say that the gym and according to the f b i or am i 5, could carry on presuming, suspecting that the policy is far right. extreme is now one of its prominent politicians is being found guilty of using nazi slogans. and the interesting thing is the opinion polls for this policy show that in the last 4 months, the trajectory has been downward. where once in january, almost one in full g, a man's support at the policy. now some polls suggest it's fewer than one in 6 and west, some of them for that they might be cruising towards an election victory in september of 3 east german states holding holes actually now it looks less and thank you very much to many kind of forcing to us a yes i'll just here at live from del,
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almost those to bring you on the program. us present, slaps a 100 percent power. it's on chinese electric vehicles in response to what he calls on fed policies. i'm barney below import. philippine tourism is crown jewels. the islands, original inhabitants of the people are fighting to keep ownership of a small piece of land, the over 27000 hurling photographs as mutually can do that to us. the evidence in this case is frankly even stronger than that, but we had against the nazis at nuremberg. and these crimes continued in the 1st of the 2 part series out to 0 photos, powerful cases of all crimes against civilians allegedly killed by the syrian government. with photographic evidence from the seas of files, the lost souls of syria on al jazeera. though such that he missed the acadia and he
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just show them. the price is high for a family of palestinian active as so peacefully protected the community for mr. brady. secular expansion in the occupied westbank for decades. the just put those that really for the day on our see, this is the story, the trying to see them moving them some of the on the fire on a jersey to examine the, the impact of today's headlines. setting the agenda for tomorrow's discussions, international filmmakers and will cross journalists, bring programs to inform that inspire financial sierra news .
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the main source of the at least 40 ton of things have been killed. fine is really as dry on the, on the site, right? refugee camp in central causes, house and schools for both targeted. meanwhile, policy and on group say they have north 33 attacks on his right. he forces the highest number and a single day since the wolf again, is ready for us to say they are now deep in the hearts of 2 bali. a city in northern garza and the united nations is saying nearly 450000 people, been forcibly displaced from rough in southern galls or in the past week had been forced to leave the homes and flee to of the crowded rescue. g. towns lounges. you're a journalist as he's out of capital, which is one of the 10s of thousands of palestinians displaced by the war and gaza . he mapped out the roots, the,
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that he and his family took in order to flee. this is his journey. to me, i'm like the all of the people around this, the space was going to be sent. now is going to be people moving to now we're i stopped recording from roof off moving good with my colleagues. i me to a different but i, it says a lot of steps from evacuating a from our driver is trying to find a student we because of the, the crowd of people who are evacuating the still in the drop off and but, but the say it is close to a new and it's,
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and the main road most of the people to think of defense and this, this place was fluid photos for as a subscription is everywhere. so we are surprised inside some eunice as you can see here. the other thing is truly so we are now finding on us to now where, where each of the house and the whole family now uh started to uh get the contents and luggage is uh to the house to the interior of the house. so i, i will still be filming now to help them uh, cutting the content a pfizer and joe biden is shot play, raising terrorist on imports from china,
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united effort to protect us jobs out of the election in november. charges will cover electric vehicles, batteries inside me, conductors white house that the tires that apply to $18000000000.00 worth of chinese products. the decision is likely to raise tensions with china, which is cold on washington to drop the mattress. and one of the decision would severely affect the lateral cooperation. so let's had to. kimberly, how could she's, i want house corresponded president by announced these types a bit earlier, including a 100 percent tariff on chinese electric vehicles. kimberly, what else did he have to sign his delivered remarks? yeah, the reason we use present is doing this is because a says this is going to help american businesses and you're right. in some cases these are some pretty hefty terraces. you mentioned the electric vehicle is going to go from a 25 percent tariff to a 100 percent tear for these chinese import. also, solar cell imports are going to double up to 50 percent ad when it comes to steel
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and aluminum products or, uh, aluminum is some of you like to say is going to triple the 25 percent from 7.5 percent or less. now, the reason again for all of this is because the white house says that this is court . it's counter chinese business practices that they argue are less than scrupulous . they've been flooding the global markets. they alleged with excess imports that they have been cheap and have allowed for american businesses to really not be able to compete. in fact, what the us presidents are buying and says is that china has not been competing. they've been shooting, take a listen. the price is on fairly low because chinese companies don't need to worry about a profit because the china is going to subsidize them and subsidize them heavily in china is relies on other n, a competitive taxes as well. like forcing american companies to transfer the technology in order to do business in china. i spent a lot of time sheets in early on i told the reason why my been unfair,
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which i know i looked for i said look, so play by the savings. if you want merrick is i want to make is clear, notwithstanding what the other guy say by any kind of car they want for there's gas or electric or high. but we're never gonna allow the china on fairly control of the market for these cars period. now some critics including former president donald trump say this is too little too late. we should point out actually that it was donald trump, the put a lot of these tariffs in place in the 1st place and, and now what we have is joe 5 and kind of increasing these. and so the argument is, is that this could increase the tensions in the trade war that started under donald trump, but the white house says that's not the case, not to worry. and don't worry about inflation or increases in prices, but this is actually going to level things out and actually allow the american businesses to get ahead. but donald trump, dumping on all of this thing, just the opposite,
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is going to happen. what we're going to be hearing is both of these presidential candidates, although not officially just yet, but arguing back and forth about who is right on this. really, ultimately it's going to come down to election day november. but we're going to be hearing a lot about this between now and the next 6 months from voters cast ballots. kimberly thank you. us out to ukraine. the countries facing intensified russian attacks and as east just weeks on to the us. congress passed legislation sending billions of dollars in alms. the keys defense us secretary of state. as the blanket has visits of the capital to assure the government that they are not fighting alone, i'll just there is john home and has won the fighting from har keys in east and ukraine. the just, the economic says from us is the front line. this new front where russian troops on friday started coming across the board and a mass push was ukraine says if they've done since then is separated into smaller groups to try and stretch ukrainian pools is saying across the border region role.
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so hearing there was an update just from the, the governor's office of hockey region. just about 20 minutes ago. you sign this a street fighting in the outskirts and full time, full chance because it's important because it's the biggest settlement there on that border region that was almost 18000 people before 2022. now there's about $200.00. if there is that because they've been trying to evacuate people from that town, i'm from of a village. is that about 7500 people have been moved. now, a lot of them to haul, keep city, to try and keep them safe. well, russian policies try to advance the now in the city itself, there's been a continuing aerial bombardment now 4 months. just going to show you a little bit about this residential building. this happened about an hour and a half ago. you can see that some of the flows have been taken out, but um, the minister of internal affairs, the credit was here in the city,
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came to the site and he says that this might have happened because of guided phones . that's something that ross has been using, especially in hockey effectively, basically is putting 2 wings on the side of a bump. a gps system is slung, out of a plane, can travel for tens of kilometers. and it's really hard to stop and truck and they've been hitting call keeps say quite frequently the lease of this bus demonstrates is outside the georgia and parliament into please see officer approved for an interference low. the new legislation was passed off 2 weeks of mass protests, demonstrations fear it could be used to cub descend and stand in the way of georgia joining the e u one day. the new law will require organizations that get more than 20 percent of the funding from the fraud to register with the sr c. as far as using the french tarts, eve, new caledonia, have imposed a costs you off to riots. triggered by a propos reform to voting laws in the pacific islands,
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a police were deployed in the capital, no mouth to crowds, went on a rampage, setting prophecy on fire, french and peas, a discussing a constitutional change that would allow reasons that was in the territory of modes in local elections, leaders from the indigenous population known as the comic people say that this move could we can that representation. meanwhile, members of the i. e tripe and popular philippine result town say that they have been forced out in that land by developers government and given the items original inhabitants the property. but it now says that it's better suited to terrorism on a below hospice report. 7 a warm welcome from the out the children put on the crown jewel of philippine tourism, but it's a scene. most visitors don't get to see because the islands original settlers have lived in small pieces of land, away from the crowds. now tribe builders say there on the brink of losing what
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little they have. one of the 6 lots they occupy has been penstock after their homes were demolished by developer in march. something i. e, i even just the faint noise scares me into thinking it might be their security guards again coming to evict test um in the private company to took the property says it did. so after the government canceled the state granted land titles in 2018, then president would be good to turn to awarded brock ice indigenous at the people with certificates of land ownership or close. placing the properties under the agrarian reform program. but now those titles have been rebuilt because the government has ruled the land. is it suitable for agriculture? in the countries agrarian reform, secretary says the decision was based on tests done by soil experts. the each one's all, the clo watch then, has no leg to stand on. it does not have any legal basis on. only lands
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that are suitable for agriculture are those that can be covered by the grid and farm. but the of these have been able to grow fruits and now that they put into work, they say they're not going anywhere in the set. and you know what i mean this, i mean, they fooled us, they gave us land or need to take it back. so why should we move to where the telling us to relocate? we don't trust the government. it's been a years long struggle to find a permanent settlement at a time of a tourism boom. and one that they believe has cost to life. in 2013 text or contest, a young at the leader was shot to death. but instead of letting fear take over, they say they must honor his memory by continuing to fight for their right to their ancestral land. barney, below algebra, rock i, the philippines as it for now, the weather is next. and then inside story, we'll look at next month, you're a pin,
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parliamentary elections, and the rise of the right. i'll be back and use our 25 minutes. the the, it's been snowing an eastern, 30 up in the 19 store. big surprise, the system that just gone through was fairly active, but it's left behind a legacy. but fine, whether you look up, you should see blue sky. there are a few fans around the full council wednesday along the south coast of turkey, one or 2 in stealing lebanon, nearby route, and across the eastern side of turkey itself, the landscape and increasing the nurses for on shore breezes, generally looking fine. and that's true. 3 rock to most of it around the residual shows that are right and i'll be coming light to as the days go on and you'd expect out this time of year they could, you can expect some pretty steady and sometimes dusty wind. but funding,
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if they're on shore breezes off the gulf into eastern saturday, down through about rain cuts are some r c u a. and why these, the brian kind of the that's where the winds picked up and dust is far more likely in the atmosphere. some pretty big sun so infrequently in q a could be repeated at least on the other side. so in southern iraq, up in the mountains, in somalia and in can you can hot and so the recent big chairs are more or less disappeared from the full costs. you know that she may be in this circulation of show the ra cheryl's around, but they're all that many of them to be honest for the says where it moves on the gets a little bit of rain mostly be talking about dry weather after some helping to halt the as universities across the u. s. mobilize for palestine, an unprecedented track down intensifies. they're putting a target on my back there say, here's your person. go get her fault lines. investigates the mechanisms of
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suppression. dictations for academic freedom. universities who embrace diversity when it's for palestinian right? you're suspended, you're investigated, you're shut down. the palestine exception on a does eat a predicted shop right. turn from a to lead to france, germany and the netherlands, the right wing and far right parties have made significant gains across europe. i had of students, parliamentary elections. so what's at stake, and what are the consequences for the continent and the wells. this is inside story, [000:00:00;00] the


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