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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 14, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm AST

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standing announce is the opening of the nomination period for the year 2024 starting march 1st to may. 30 fast nominations are made on the award official website w w, w dot h t a dot q a forward slash e m. the family home on the school among the latest is riley targets. in gauze, at least 82 people have been killed in the last 24 hours on monday. i'm sorry, this is out of their life and also coming up out of sydney and fight to say they have launched more than 30 attacks on is really soldiers pushing into 2 bodies. 15450000. people have now been displaced in a week in russia, that's nearly
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a quarter of guns as in time population. also ahead arrest outside george's parliament, tops of foreign influence village costs for it, just to say it's a russian style french free speech. we begin in southern gaza where the is really military is pushing deep into eastern rasa. it's the salts has forcibly displaced nearly half a 1000000 palestinians, but the un has mooned again that nowhere in garza is 6 full 150000 people have now fled. rafa that is 60000 more in one day. the average number of palestinians being forced out of the city is rapidly increasing. what awaits them all over the crowd and comes with inadequate food, water and sanitation. i mean wall policy and size of say they've launched 33
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attacks on is really forces in northern gaza. it is the highest figure in a single day this year is rarely forces re in to jamalia 3 days ago, and say that now deep in the heart of the city. meanwhile, attack, so unrelenting elsewhere at least 40 palestinians have been killed by and is really as strong on the out. and is there a refugee camp in central casa house and a school were both targeted rescue workers are desperately trying to reach people still trapped on the rubble. sarah cards begins on coverage is that saline office, adult tons locals can phone is him in another room, nurses comfort dismissal one they
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claim him a clever boy the as the sounds echo across the whole. to me, a reminder is a far as if this was the outside, this woman cries quietly. a mind can also be heard saying us and is ro. oh, to blame the am i swear to god. my heart is in pain. she tells them now the palestinian men to the pro injures and relatives of the dead. listen to a man telling them to be prepared to meet the makeup is that he says is
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on every corner and every street. this has become an all too familiar scene across the gaza strip. of the, the sciences righty forces withdrawing from several areas including the slides for a few g come a few weeks ago the they have returned with intense, foaming, under the guise of defeating some thoughts. it the civilians who suffered the nice, the palestinians in the north, on the south, on being sped, either nearly half a 1000000 of them have been forced to be dropped off in just a matter of days. the another for the rock stopped in a sheet. this is full, as they say,
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he'll have his name rates and on the white cloth, the full being buried. so as is one of more than 35000 palestinians too, since israel launched its rule and garza sort of height of al jazeera and all could r e as in central guns and went to visit the house as well. boomed in the all new era refugee can. we saw a couple of palestinian children that were rescued from under the rubble, heartbreaking memories as palestinian mother as a farewell, their children from under the rubble. not only that the rescue workers were having a very hard time as they were trying their best to put more of bodies from under the rubble, the their beloved ones waiting for the rescue workers to hide them, hoping that anyone would be alive the rescue workers were using their bare hands
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very basic equipments to rescue any policies in use that were trapped. 2 of the families that have been killed in this house were recently evacuated from dropbox, as they thought that to say it was a safe space after that is really forces asked them to evacuate to the central area of a lot of other palestinians. we're, we're, we're waiting and still waiting for any news about the people to trap. unfortunately, after 19 hours of pulling the robot and trying to rescue people from under the rubble of the rescue. workers said that it's getting dark and they had to leave the bombed house and they're going to return tomorrow in the morning. as there are still dozens of palestinians trapped under the rubble and their families are going
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to wait for them until they remove them. and pull them from under the rubble. see, united nations has named itself member killed by an attack in eastern rasa as cannot wipe off color. the indian not national widths for the un department of safety and security and garza comedy is the 1st international you and casualty. moving a $190.00 policy sending you an aid workers have been cable since october. the 7th is ready for us as a carried out at least 8 strikes on humanitarian convoys on premises. in garza, since the will began, united states has condemned an attack on an a convoy and carried on point is really protest as the group on loaded food items and destroyed the urgently needed supplies, preventing them from reaching gaza. vehicles for crossing through hebron in the old coupon westbank heading to woods, gaza as well as restriction on food aid has schools falling across the lodge pods.
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at the strip. your account reports dates through scott to smash rice flour and other much needed food. these is right, these are determined to prevent this age from reaching palestinians in garza. this cold boy was on its way from jordan to the proceed to strip through hebron in the occupied westbank where it was attacked on monday. human rights lawyers appears to run the staff behind us. you can see the surplus, jewish, extreme, historical age meant because of the armies head, the police of left a is ready, police insist they're investigating. well, i'm on says they didn't nothing to prevent it. i still how the police and the, i mean this is the both of them you know, whether they just allowed him to do an able with the one on the ground. i never saw that someone was arrested even i,
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when i was at the the sabotage didn't answer some of that. many of these ladies came back, incense, 3 of the a trucks on the floor of the light of day, expose the severity of the damage. the white house has condemned the attack on the trucks. it is a total outrage that there are people who are attacking and loading these convoys coming from jordan, going to a guy's a to deliver humanitarian assistance. we are looking at the tools that we have to respond to this. but this is not the 1st time it's happened. is there any protests to be booking a to the priest? the goal is to of to come up with some coffee from them. last week purchases. he's brooks to block road in southern israel. do is being used to deliver aids to concept driven video, showed the truck off the truck backed up to columbus, his people in garza
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a stopping the head of the you and walk through the program says a full blown from it and know they've gone so it's working it's way south, there you throughout defense for rough or severely in 2 days from entering through the time of a southern crossing. when the crossing is even not functioning for a day. this is having a significant impact on the response that we are able to provide to. so for 7 days now, without humanitarian air aids coming in, it's a complete disaster here. a complete is off to the 8 blocks and destroyed by the scrupulous radius. is just a fraction of what's needed. the un said israel, it's was sponsible force. it calls an entirely manmade starvation and gossip, nor come out to 0. the
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us next year, which states has met with the ukrainian president in the 1st trip to keep by a senior american officials since congress passed a $61000000000.00 aid package and even can assure village residents gave it more. military support is on the way as ukraine faces intensified russian attacks in the calking region. john holding reports from ukraine, 2nd largest city, desperate defendants in northeast and ukraine. ukraine's military says it's newly released video shows border guards trying to fight or for rushman cushion. near the town of both tenants on friday for the attacks have continued so well the other for was a brief. okay. this was 1210 on tuesday. more of each residents told to get out, well, they still tying the russian to bounces into ukrainian territory. here. coming under
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the cover of asteroid smell, its hillary refuge for now is ukraine. second biggest city part of keep spelt hall . keith tooth. it's been under heavy, aerial bombardment the months now. the residential building here is just been hit, ukraine's minister of internal affairs, legal claim and cope was there at the scene. you almost done you within the last few hours with several strikes on the city with them. and that way, even the center of the city where it guided ariel palm landed. ukraine's military intelligence chief says the situation in the northeast is nearing stabilization, but it hardly feels like it, the elderly men and women, fullest of rum, to their lives. adding urgency to the cranium, president's meeting with the us secretary of state in keith. first thing, gratitude for the release of to months is congressional gradebook of $61000000000.00 the us military. i crucial package for all the forces for all
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a were those things so much for this package. thanks to congress. thanks. prison by then. but soon it was on what was needed now on the battlefield to come about russia's lone range ariel power is or defense, the biggest deputies for us, the biggest problem. and we need really, we need to day to pet through us for hockey, for how can region, because they are the people on their attack, civilians and where is everybody they are under arrest and miss us on the front lines. ukrainian policies have been out number outcomes running show of i munition, mr. blink and was in keith to signal that more help was coming. some of this already arrived more of that will be arriving. and that's going to make a real difference against the ongoing russian aggression on the battlefield and were determined along with many other partners for ukraine to make sure that you succeed on the battlefield. in the short term succeeded mean simply stabilizing,
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holding on one more troops drafted been trained. more military hardware arrives, trying to hold russia's new momentum, going home and out. is it a pot of key please up this bus demonstrations outside the georgia in parliament in tbilisi off to ed approved a foreign interference. lo, new legislation is passed on to weeks. if not the 1st test demonstrations fit to be used to cub defense and send in the way of doing which in joining the european union, one day the new will apply organizations to get more than 20 percent of the funding from the phone to register with a sourcing me to move and things so has this from the georgia and capital controversial so called for an agents bill was expectedly, approved today in parliament. and the processes are still here by saying that very frustrated that saying they're unhappy and saying they will say. and they will
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continue coming in until their voice is on hood. now, police bus out all those front gates all the a fall and as process was, what bashing them with the, with the feet. uh and uh, cleared out the whole area within just a matter of 20 minutes was announced that they would be using t a gas on anyone who does not. this 1st follow the order for evacuation. but people still came back here guess wasn't use this time. we only had a bit of pepper spray today. during the day. the police were on a lot of them in riot gear, but still the protest is, i've been peaceful that back still being peaceful. so just looks like a tip puts out in the back in full that protests as a police have been playing here. so what happens next with this bill is that it moves over to a residential signature. the president has promised that she would veto this bill,
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but then again, the ruling georgia dream policy has enough seats in parliament to override that veto the. now, if that's the organization's saying that they will continue applying pressure against the leasing. and the people here hoping for some kind of miracle that they will be heard as a result reaching rather than go, i'll just there at the leasing still ahead on our there. and i'm barney below. and what are the guys philippine tours ins, crown jewels. but the islands original inhabitants, the people are fighting to keep ownership of a small piece of land. the the in depth analysis of the days headlines. if that was a rougher offensive. where would the people go? people have no place to go. each one of 1000 people has paid this place at least 2
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times frank assessments. this is a max and blown to free speech and freedom of the press informed opinions you can be somebody. this is on one of the hostages, october 7th, and return. and i want the chilly to stop inside story on al jazeera, the, on counting the cost as well. installation defends, as tech, a whole trade for the nation. so one of the economic costs of buying on palestinian watkins and as well as on pending labours, livelihoods,
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and can popular new weight loss trucks reshape the industry. counting the cost on alex's era, the the, you're watching out, is there a mind at the top stories this our lease full see palestinians have been killed by his right. strike on the island. is there it's refuge account and the central gaza house and school, but it's targeted probably spinning on degree of say they've launched 33 attacks on his writing forces, the highest number in a single day. since again, it's really forced to say that now deep in the house of giovanni associates, united nations as nearly 450000 people, have now been forcibly displaced from rough and southern gaza in the past week. to
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meet that homes and fleets over crowded refuge account out is there a jealous as these outcomes is one of the 10s of thousands of palestinians displaced by the war in gaza. he mapped out the route that he and his family took to seek safety. this was his jenny, send me, i'm like all of the people around this. the space was good. then now it is going to be people moving to now we're, i stopped recording from roof off and moving with my critics. i mean to doing, but this has a lot of steps from evacuating a, from the dealer. but our driver is trying to find
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a certain that we because of the be crowded by people who are evacuating still in the drop off and but, but the say it is close to a new and it's, and the main road most of the people who are bank or think of defense and this, this place was floating photos to perform as instruction is everywhere. so we are surprised inside some eunice as you can see, the thing is truly so we are now to now where, where each of the house and the whole family now and started to get the contents and luggage as a to the house,
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the president joe biden is a shop play increasing terrace on infants from china in an effort to protect us. jobs had a field action in november. the charges will cover electric vehicles by trees on semi conductors. whitehouse says the tariffs will apply to $18000000000.00 with if chinese products facing houses will and the decision will severely affect bi lateral cooperation. prices on fairly low because chinese companies don't need to worry about a profit because the chinese government subsidized them and subsidized them heavily in china is relies on other n, a competitive factors as well. like forcing american companies to transfer the technology in order to do business in china. i spent a lot of time machine. okay. early on i told the reason why my been unfair, which i know, i'm sure i should look so probably by the savings if you want merrick is i want to make it clear. notwithstanding what the other guy say by any kind of car they want
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. whether it's gas or electric or high, but we're never gonna allow the china on fairly control the market for these cars period. donald trump is full and that low and michael cohen is backing towards giving at the evidence and the fully us presidents house money trial. kevin told the cool that trump ordered him to pay adult film actress stormy daniel, it's more than a $100000.00. he says it was an exchange for his son, and so on the ledge sexual encounter with the former president. when trump is accused of falsifying business records that cover up that payment, eat the noise charges of a controversial politician from the fall, rise alternatives if the gemini policy has been found guilty of deliberately using a nazi slogan at a raleigh, the own hook was charged with using symbols of terrorist organizations, you claim not to have been aware that the phrase had been used by the nazis and appeals court early a rule that intelligent services can continue tracing the f. d,
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as a potential extremist policy told me that cain has been following the case from how in central germany the mind has been confirmed guilty and told he must pay a fine of 13000 years. 13000 years round by the same sort of figure in dollars, perhaps a little bit more in dollars. the issue here, what it all revolved around was they were 2 occasions in recent years with this mind the heck at the lead candidate for the far right alternative for germany policy in coming elections in the state of feeling. yeah. which folders the state where i am right now, but he use the phrase which translates into english, everything for germany. that phrase was a key slogan for what was called the store app. tyler, the storm troopers, the adult hitler's movement use to get into power and then stay in power in cold.
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his argument was not just this idea of the lack of intent, but he concentrated more on saying of the people permanent public figures had used the phrase since world war 2 never been prosecuted for it. so why should he, interestingly wonder if the judges, during the trial replied to mr. hooker and said, yes, mr. hook a, but it's the context matches. and clearly that view has prevailed from a 3 judges because they have ruled him to be guilty. i mean, pose that fine as far as using the french territory of new caledonia, have imposed a cause you off to rights that we're treated by a suppose reform traversing those in the pacific island police where the police and the capital knew me off to crowds went on a rampage, guessing bias of prophecy, french and peas discussing a constitutional change that would allow reasons,
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settlers in the territory of votes in local elections. it is from the indigenous population known as the cadillac. people save the move, could we can that representation? that's what we say. it was all reset or what told you're done. our pro rated today is the return of call you as an old by the minister of interiors for additional agenda. maurice quadrants. i'd be arriving in the next few hours. on the high commission of the territory was announced a few to hold the night. then because of the art teacher, i've been unpopular philippine resort town say they've been forced alphabet lines by developers. the government had given the audience, original inhabitants of the property, but it now says it is the best assistive to tourism on a be low reports is a warm welcome for the children of what are the crown jewel of philippine tourism,
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but it's a scene most visitors don't get to see because the islands original settlers have lived in small pieces of land, away from the crowds. now try builder say they're bound to bring up losing what little they have. one of the 6 lots they occupy has been penstock after their homes were demolished by developer in march something i. e, i even just the faint noise scares me into thinking it might be their security guards again coming to evict test um in the private company that took the property, says it did. so after the government canceled the state granted land titles in 2018, then president would be good. the 3rd day awarded brock ice indigenous at the people with certificates of land ownership or close placing their properties under the agrarian reform program. but now those titles have been rebuilt because the government has ruled, the land isn't suitable for agriculture. the country's, greer and reformed. secretary says the decision was based on tests done by soil
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experts. the each one's all the clause then has no leg to stand on. it does not have any legal basis at all on the lines that are suitable for agriculture. are those that can be covered by the grid and farm. but the of these have been able to grow foods. and now that they put into work, they say they're not going anywhere in the system. you know, any of us. i mean, they fooled us, they gave us land or need to take it back. so why should we move to where they're telling us to relocate? we don't trust the government, it's been a years long struggle to find a permanent settlement at a time of a tourism boom. and one that they believe has cost to life. in 2013 text or contests, a young at the leader was shot to death. but instead of letting fear take over, they say they must honor his memory by continuing to fight for their right to their ancestral land. barney, below algebra. what rock i the pl piece?
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okay, that's it for me. my name's side. weather is next. then inside story, we'll look ahead to next month, your pin column entry elections on the rise of the right to the the. now the weather is much better in sydney as of right. and it was theirs on its way to new zealand. and the sheriff in west australia, so it'd be a bit poky on blackboard, suppressing facts that have not attempted back in paris, which maintains each run of above $25.00 degrees to a record breaking blanks and it will carry on for the next few days as well most of the comments is looking fine, it is increasing the cloud in northern new south wells. and then in brisbin and beyond. occasional shadow seemed likely that would have been
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a wet day on wednesday for particularly particular for the north on the easy to say . so stay despite we looks like is an improvement in the visa, easterns, and easier. there's a potential here, attempted circulation, which be very big chairs, which might affect sort of way. see they've been to our competitor possibly to the east of that java looks much dry. i have to say and they went where this day, splitting into thailand come body allows from vietnam. this is tom, here. when you should see big chairs, i'll sing them to extend to trusted to you. none, but most the rest of the insurance that dry surprisingly. and then this a strange art break are very heavy ready for the korean peninsula and probably the japan, which tennessee will 10 store me sometime during thursday of the
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predicted shop rights turned from italy to france. germany and the netherlands, the right wing and far right parties have made significant gains across europe. had of jews parliamentary elections. so what's at stake and what are the consequences for the continent and the wells? this is inside story, the
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