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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 15, 2024 12:00am-1:01am AST

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the business latest is free to you believe i guess is an i my on one of your just makes model inflates. the . ready ready the hello, i money in site. this is the news life from dive hall coming up in the next 60 minutes. a family home and a school are among the latest. is there any targets in gaza at least 82 people have been killed in the last 24 hours palestinian sizes say they have launched moving such attacks on is riley soldiers pushing into your body of 5450000. people have now been displaced
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in a week in rough, or that's nearly a quarter of gauze this entire population. and then you as president slaps a 100 percent entire 7 chinese electric vehicles in response to what he calls unfair policies and peace of statements with your schools. as this penalty from early holland puts men just as, as he back some of the english premier, the table and step closer to a full title in a row with a new, with the hello. welcome to the program. we begin in southern gaza, where the is really ministry is pushing deep into eastern rasa. it's a salt has forcibly displaced nearly half a 1000000 palestinians, and the u. n. has wound again, but nowhere in garza is safe. a full 150000 people have now fled rasa in the last
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week that 90000 moved in one day, the average number of palestinians being forced of assessing is rapidly increasing and they arrived over crowded camps with inadequate food was so sanitation. meanwhile, pablo sing and find to say, they've launched such a 3 attacks on is really forces in northern gals that it is the highest figure in a single day. this year is really forces re enter jamalia 3 days ago, and a now deep in the hoss if the city. meanwhile, the attacks on relenting elsewhere at least full se, palestinians were killed. bon is ready as strike on the out and is there it's refugee camp and central gaza house on a school with targeted cetera. hire us begins on coverage is that lean off the top of the locals?
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confirm is him in another room. no says comfort dismissal. one they tell him a kind of a boy the is the sounds that cool across the whole. to me a reminder is a far as if this was the outside, this woman cries quietly. a mind can also be heard saying us and is ro. oh to blame i swear to god my heart is in pain. she tells them now the palestinian men to the
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pro injures and relatives of the dead. listen to a man telling them to be prepared to meet the makeup is that he says is on every corner and every street. this has become an all too familiar scene across the gauze. the strip, the, this finds is ready for this with, during some, several areas including the slide out for us to come. a few weeks ago the, they have returned with intense, foaming, under the guise of defeating some thoughts. it's the civilians who suffered the most, the palestinians in the north. i'm the south on being
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sped, either nearly half a 1000000 of them. they've been forced to be dropped off in just a matter of days the another for the rock. so in a sheet this, this, they say he'll have his name written on the white cloth before being buried. so as is one of more than 35000 palestinians to think israel launch did school and garza saw the height of al jazeera and l. cordarious in central garza and went to the house that is there any forces boomed in the island? is there a it's refugee can as we saw a couple of palestinian children that were rescued from under the rubble. heartbreaking memories as palestinian mother as a farewell. their children from under the rubber. not only that the rescue
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workers were having a very hard time as they were trying their best to pull more of bodies from under the rubble, the their beloved ones waiting for the rescue workers to hide them, hoping that anyone would be alive the rescue workers were using their bare hands very basic equipments to rescue any policy and use that were trapped to of the families that have been killed in this house. were recently evacuated from dropbox as they thought that to say it was a safe space after that is really forces ask them to evacuate to the central area. a lot of other palestinians we're, we're, we're waiting and still waiting for any news about the people to drop. then fortunately, after 19 hours of pulling the robot and trying to rescue people from under the
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rubble of the rescue. workers said that it's getting dark and they had to leave the bombed house and they're going to return tomorrow in the morning. as there are still dozens of palestinians dropped under the rubble and their families are going to wait for them until they remove them. and pull them from under the rubble as good more now and the fighting in northern gauze. the loss of color it's managed to send as this reports from inside the giovanni, a refugee camp, which is currently on the fire i took into from the center of japan. you can't as really forces the station behind the school street. and there was a hit and run sponsor a that's all taking place in that area between these like it forces and the movements a resistance the and this is the scene into very account the
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this is in the sense that it can, i connect to the footboard the can see the the united nations has named it stuff member killed by an attack in the eastern rasa. 3 in the national works for the un department of safety and security in gaza . gabriel, as old as moved from the united nations to you and is confirming the identity of their employee that was killed outside rafa early on monday. his name is wipe, how a new college you worked for the u. n. department of safety and security for less than 2 months. he's from india 46 years old and a father of 2. and while the u. n is set up a fact finding mission to gather more details about the circumstances of his death
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. they've already been able to determine that it was israel, who is responsible. we are in discussion with israel to determine exactly how this incident happened and the nature of what happened. i don't think uh, i don't think at this stage we are in doubt about where the shots came from as much as what the circumstances where where did they come from? oh we, we believe it came from a tank in the area. 109 d u n staff members have been killed since israel began it's war on guys a little over 7 months ago. here at un headquarters on tuesday and baset are, is reacted to the latest killing test to and this violation of international law, international lawyers, unacceptable. and i should not be tolerated. a 2nd un staff member was wounded during the attack. it's a woman from jordan. she's in the hospital and expected to make a full recovery. they were in
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a marked un conroy at the time they came under attack gabriel's onto, i would use it at united nations in new york. are now the united states has condemned and attacked on an a con void carried out by is there any protest as the group unloaded food items and destroy the urgently needed supplies? preventing them from reaching garza, the vehicles with crossing through hebron in the occupied westbank heading to its concepts as well as restriction on food aid has caused famine across the launch possible strip lubricant reports. states through scott to smash royce flour and other much needed food. these is right, these are determined to prevent this age from reaching hosting and engulfed the fiscal boy who was on its way from jordan to the proceed to strip through hep road in the occupied westbank where it was attacked. on monday human rights lewis
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appears to run the steps behind us, you can see the surplus, jewish, extreme, historical aids meant for garza. the armies had the police of left a is ready, police insist they're investigating well, i'm on says they get nothing to prevent it. i still how the police and the, i mean this is to both of them, you know, whether they just allow them to enable the one on the ground. i never so that someone was arrested even i, when i was at the the sabotage didn't answer a few songs that many of these ladies came back, incense, 3 of the a trucks on the floor of the light of day expose the severity of the damage, the white house has condemned the attack on the trucks. it is a total outrage that there are people who are attacking and loading these convoys
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coming from jordan. going to a guy's a to deliver humanitarian assistance. we are looking at the tools that we have to respond to this this is not the 1st time it's happened. is there any protests to be booking a to the priest? the goal is to of to come up with to tell them crossing from them. the last week purchases use rocks to block the road in southern israel, do is being used to deliver h to concepts driven video, showed the truck off the truck, backed up to columbus. has people in garza a stopping the head of the you and well to program says a full blown famine in northern garza. it's working it's way south. there you throughout defense for rough or severely in today's, from entering through the time of a solemn crossing. when the crossing is even not functioning for a day, this is having a significant impact on the response that we are able to provide to. so for 7 days
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now without humanitarian area aid coming in, it's a complete disaster here. a complete is off to the 8 blocks and destroyed by the scrupulous radius, is just a fraction of what's needed. the un says israel, it's responsible for what it calls an entirely man made starvation and concept nor come out to 0 count to us. foreign ministry says these fund negotiations between israel and how must and the war and gaza have now reached a stalemate. and therefore, we will not accept being, as i said, you've been abused by the, by the mediation process itself over by those who are trying to positively or negatively affect depositions. what we will certainly commit to is the cost for the piece. and we are continuing our role as the mediator i do out of seeing right now . it is to me that you as department, as they said this morning, we have used what can be described as
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a state of me. but we are continuing to work together to try to bridge the gap between the 2 and additive when it comes to uh, discount for. joining us here in the state here is luciana is a car professor of golf politics at castle university. good. see you again. this yanna, so bleak assessment that on the state of see spot negotiations from the guitar is, what do you read into those comments? well, 1st of all, the frustration that was express us since long time ago that neither of the, the, the pots wanted to negotiate. but now in this equation, what we see is that these, right, and maybe they never wanted to negotiate the list of the terms that them indeed those quantities on how much they know this is the condition to negotiate. i mean, actually they have nothing to, to negotiate with that displace and it started because he's trying to keep saying that what they want to do is to lead me to have us look to negotiate with them. and so what if i have a trying to do now or has been trying to do is to gain time in order to reorganize
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in order to gain support from the united states to justify the are the actions mainly improper, justify the movement of people in order to stop there, the last phase of the, the patient that supposedly is to eliminate for how much. yeah, i mean the israeli prime minister has, is made it k over and over again. that elimination. how much is his priority? but it is becoming increasingly more evident that the army is failing at best. i mean, we've just had that a that these rallies continue to be attacked in areas which previously they say they have eliminated homeless. but how they've been forced to go back there and continue fighting. so where do we go from here? well, i mean, 1st of all, this shows that they object to who has been impulse was able to beginning and we keep repeating that. that is no way to eliminate how much the physically uh, i think unfortunately from, from, from, from augusta on, even dominican us on the station. our 10 in the financial not to repeat the same
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mistakes of the us, committed in new york. and they basically told him that there is normally 30, it'd be 30 possible in, in guess of that. it should be something else to plan ahead what to do with, with guess how, how it is going to be the i'm enough casa, so, so far you have did not see any plan, neither to keep people safe and nor to what to do with guess are off that that's a, as far as that is no plans, we don't see the money who has another plan, but it may do how much which we saw is basically what that shape. so what sort of options are left now for the united states? i mean, we're hearing reports that the us national security advisor jake sullivan plans to travel to saudi arabia this weekend before going to israel. we know that the white house has been trying to stress to the israelis, so that if they do have this major rasa operation, it could have lost an impact on this historic piece deal,
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which they were hoping to have, uh, width saudi arabia. but none of this seems to be a detouring ness in yahoo. so so, so, i mean, what can we expect from the united states? unfortunately, by the most likely balloon would be 7 months that the, the red lines of the he keeps repeating are almost there. but he or was regretted about saying that because of this, okay, we have the red line, but okay. and the report that we are going to, to, to show that you have the, you don't lose anything wrong. a which shows up at the end of the day by the kind of do what he wants to do or who would be willing to do which is the same. and example, finally stop, you kind of continue and i would stop supporting you. they kind of did that's, i mean that us has settled before that you just intentionally within the democratic party as well that we see a lot of support from the republic. and of course, to, to be stressful by then kind of before having that because you know,
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the history it will be inside the united states. so read lines as far as the families not entering and verify these kinds of operations. no, no, and i mean not legal pay time based on by that would be okay with that. so that that's what it's complicated to understand. the ok now for it seems that it's not going to cross. that's the red line. the if i said, by the way, keep the operation independent through the a. i said before that we can expect this to last. i'll do something of the elections because everybody's expecting that's why they would lose a i'm in order to avoid the fall of the and if i have a warm and that's why would be less than that i was play with that's. that's what we the people that they so both and to the, to the war and the people that is asking for more us, we saw in the use that a little bit of a big proponent of the study society that the are asking not to have enough to allow a twin thing to desa, i'm to push even hard. totally mean it. so i haven't brought the cult rather colors
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details into sites. very good to get your analysis as usual. let's see on as the car professor go, let's take set caps on university. the us section of states has met the ukranian president in the 1st trip to keep by a senior american official since congress passed a $61000000000.00 a package as the blinking sort of a lot of them is that n c, that ministry support is on the way as ukraine face has intensified russian attacks in the calking region, townhome and reports a desperate defense in ne, in ukraine, ukraine's military cities newly released video shows border guards trying to fight or for rushman cushion. near the town of both tenants on friday for the attacks have continued so well the other for which i believe
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this was 1210 on tuesday. more of each residents told to get out, well, they still tying the russian to bounces into ukrainian territory here. coming under the cover of asteroids. now it's hillary refuge for now is ukraine, 2nd biggest city, part of keep the hall keith to has been on the heavy, aerial bombardment for months. now, the residential building here is just been hit, ukraine's minister of internal affairs, legal claim and cope was there at the scene. you almost done you within the last few hours to a several strikes on the city that way, even the center of the city where it guy did ariel palm landed. ukraine's military intelligence chief sits a situation in the northeast, is nearing stabilization. but it hardly feels like it, the elderly men and women forced to run their lives. adding urgency to the cranium . presidents meeting with the us secretary of state in keith. first,
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congrats issued for the release of the months of congressional gridlock of $61000000000.00 a us military aid. crucial package for all off the forces for our were those things so much for this package. thanks to congress. thanks. prison by then. but soon it was on what was needed now on the battlefield to come about russia's lone range ariel power is or defense, the biggest deputies for us, the biggest problem. and we need really, we need to day or 2, petros 40400 can region because they are the people on their attacks, civilians and where is everybody they are under arrest? and the shots on the front lines. ukrainian policies have been outnumbered outgoing, running show of munition. mr. blinking was in keith to signal that more help was coming. some of this already arrived,
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more of that will be arriving. and that's going to make a real difference against the ongoing russian aggression on the battlefield and were determined along with many other partners for you create to make sure that you succeed on the battlefield. in the short term succeeded being simply stabilizing, holding on more more troops, drafted and trained. more military hardware arrives, trying to hold russia's new momentum. john holman, out is it a part of the police have disposed, demonstrates as outside the georgia in parliament in tbilisi of date approved a foreign interference. lo, new legislation was pos despite weeks of mass protests, demonstrations fit. it could be used to cub descent, stand in the way of georgia, joining the european union one day to retrieve it. vanco reports now from the capital tbilisi. it was a battle they had little of the
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demonstrators gathered up upon demand for the final vote on the so called for an agents bill. police pushed them back from the entrance. students from colleges and universities skipped classes to be here. you please hello is accepted. we, we can't even use this education, so why, why the hell we need it because of the election that's at all of the very close. i see the things that without these kinds of measures, so it isn't possible for them to read and the remaining power while protest is john said outside the ruling georgia, dream poverty was always likely to win the vote. as with the allies, they have more than half the seats in palm, the marks they said the bill was important. full transparency of n g goes and the media. now all those groups and companies receiving 20 percent or
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more of the funding from abroad, we'll have to register as agents of 4 and into it. after several fights among and peas, the law was passed. anger built up outside as the results were now for fee to you on both of the parliament protest is reading out the names of the m p. 's who voted for the law process of of who have been standing here all day was quite angry. obviously have the result of this, the boat and they came out here in front of the front of the building. they will gather at the back and most of the day. and then they started buzzing through the battery periods, which were loving the front gate, all falling in until a riot police broke through those guys. they wrapped up those closest to the gates threatening things to guess and cleared the st. in, in our method within an hour, crowds went back with them. europe and politicians.
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that's despite the you wanting to lose adoption, put, and george's ambitions to join the block. and the united states also announced that could be consequences. the us has about $390000000.00 in assistance. all that has to be under review. if we are now regarded as an adversary and not a part. as night fell, protest estate, determined to keep coming back to meet him at the didn't go out to 0. really see you as president joe biden is sharply increasing. tyrus on imports from china in an effort to protect american jobs. i had a fee election in november. the charges will cover electric vehicles, back trees, and semi conduct is applied to $18000000000.00 worth of chinese products. aging has
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rolling, the decision will severely affects biological corporation. here's our white house correspondent kennedy hawk. it us president joe biden came into office saying he wouldn't do. his predecessor, former president donald trump's trade policies, but on tuesday, 5 in double to even triple down on new terrace to some chinese imports to the united states. when you make tractors like these and they're not competing companies has cheated, the tariffs will be phased in over 3 years on every thing from steel semiconductor . so electric vehicles and more affecting roughly 18000000000 and chinese imports to view west terrace. so the electric vehicles will rise to 100 percent from 25 percent steel and aluminum products will more than triple to 25 percent from 7.5 percent or less. try to heavily subsidize. all these products pushing china is
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coming, produce far more than the rest of all can absorb, then don't pay the excess products out of the market. and on fairly low prices, drive another manufacturers around the world, out of business, the buying the administrator, and says, the move will help american businesses compete. critics like for president trump say china floods the global market with excess imports. it's too little, too late. for the trump made punishing china over what he called unfair trade practices, cornerstone of his presidency, igniting a trade war. they jang is vowing to retaliate against the latest action by the bible ministration. we'll call for that data. sure. what we want to tell you is that china always opposes unilateral tariff increases that violate w t o rules and will take all necessary measures to safeguard it's legitimate
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rights and interest with the presidential election months away. politics is that the route of this announcement. some of the biggest steel and auto manufacturers are in the battleground, states of michigan and pennsylvania. president biden has promised to protect manufacturing jobs in those states with the hope of winning votes in november. kimberly health hit alice's era, the white house. okay, let's get more on this with la shang, he's a co host of china. if he's on more on a former chief editor of the china full to review. he joins us live from son, joe in china. thank you so much for your time. what sort of economic impact all these tariffs going to have on china, particularly the sale of electric vehicles? well, good morning. uh, from my sorry to put a heavy me uh, the economic comp impact will be minimal for now because
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frankly, there's not that many china, maybe these currently exported w as north america for that matter. um, with maybe with the, with the somebody expection the exception of mexico. but, you know, besides low, low post on some of these g, we own the, these are just not that many kind of ease being expert in the us. so it's minimal at the for now. i mean, china may not have much of an overseas mark in the us, but it does have in europe. you mentioned mexico is also less than america. how worried do you think china is that the you is now going to follow the u. s. and imposing similar types on it's chinese electric vehicles as well. i wouldn't say there's, there's the war read. i think there's contingency plans. there are plans to put
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those locally, i think which at the end of the day is what it's all about. it's, it's jobs it's, it's manufacturing. i think the europe there seems to be more than willing. ready to discuss of but even china and are you aware as the us is more like, you know, we're going to shut the door. so i think i don't believe there's that much glory i think is, is more preparing for the opportunities to be global. and you know, by one of the rules is on the ground. i mean the, like the us say that these times that what they're trying to do is just protect their own auto bill industries. i mean, these visa, understandable concerns on the way it's very understandable. i think for a country with, with a significant automotive,
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a industry as they're, you know, pillows of economy and for china as well. and given connelly, china is able to offer these what i call the forty's, right? the affordability pack, availability, practicality and quality ease. obviously there's a concern, but i mean, there's also demand for these affordable are employees at the same time in china is able to offer them a we've seen a hint of sol between the us and china in recent months. there was that recent summit between joe biden and judging ping, which was seen as a sign of progress off to a period of high tension. so this move where, where do you think it's going to leave a things as well? i think generally this does increase in terms of was expected from china. i
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think this was being discussed for several months now. and now is just, we have a official announcement, but i think for, for china, but also the chinese, the companies, what they're doing will be what i call, you know, preparing parts of the area. uh, you know, it will take about partnerships uh, just doing things behind the scenes. um and, and really i think for the us policies change when, when you know that there's especially given the current pleasure of the actual election year. um, you know, it could change next year or the i r a, it's a strong, you know, it gets to be elected. so i think is a dynamic environment that china will be watching post like. okay, good to talk to nation coast to the china eaves and more and former chief editor of the china, which i review speaking to
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a staff and strong jewel. thank you. so a hand on al jazeera reco, it's $76000000.00 people were displaced around the world last year by conflict and natural disasters. we'll look at the situation in dawn. also ahead and gave the pacific indigenous protest is in front of new caledonia. those plans to give recent settler's voting rights from the index. well, tennis number one, ega subtract remains on cause a rad that stolen right off to region. the semi finals. peter will have on the right from front through. it's really nice to probably valley to sylvia. this photo system has got to flood risk written all over. it is the product of this rather
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unusually stormy system for the late night is sitting there and the sense is not going to move is going to push these frontal influences east, which drops the temperatures. and it brings rain to all these countries is edging into germany and eventually into all street is already changed the tenor of the weather in west and you have seen funding and from so we're ready. i think the focus that he's going to be for rob a stormy system in the body, be skating affecting west and farms and the rain without much wind affecting the power valley, then slovenia. and the balkans was more of a breeze. in this case, i guess, for example, as a pretty wet, full cost assessed a but it's fine by saturday. and the sun is back out to vienna shows what happens when the phone goes through with dropping the temperature down to about 20 is already come down about 10 degrees anyway, so this is a 2 right next to that right now we go back up again because from chapter back to set a goal, the temperatures are in the middle to high forty's. in this a hell. now being temperate for the science, the seasonal cheryl are make it
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a long way off with some of them. a very long i noticed was, but the heaviest ones are cost me the coast on nigeria again is at risk of some funding the a meeting of minds with israel committing genocide, full eyes, and none of our mainstream politicians across the board seem to have a problem with it campaigner andrew fine, stay and photographer shock you do on on active is on the crisis in gaza. each one of us, these are with this, and this is upon us. as with this is to be able to validate for the seeing around the studio will be on script part 2. 0 no. just even hearing the psyched chart, populations a decline, 70 percent, and we're still not doing anything about it. understanding the reality late that
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floated reporting from whatever happens next, the students are for the university have already made history. i'll just say, who is teams across the world, bring you closer to the hoss of the story of the still watching out. is there a mind uh top stories this hour, at least 40 palestinians have been killed on is really as try on the island. is there a refugee camp in central 1000 house, in school with those targets? it probably sitting, you know, in groups say they've launched 33 attacks on is already false,
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is the highest number in a single day since a will began shortly for us as a now deep in the house of the value of 16 northern gaza, united nations as nearly 450000 people have now been forcibly displaced from rough and southern gauze. i have the cost, the record number of people weld wide were displaced in 2023. that's according to the internal displacement monitoring center . as research shows, nearly 76000000 people were forced from that homes last year, most were displaced by conflicts involved as others by natural disasters, almost ha, 4 in some, somewhere in africa. the you and says the conflict and see don has caused the welds was displacement crisis. this rule confirms that by the end of last year, over 9000000 people had been forced to flee israel's war and gaza, forcibly displaced 1700000 people in the 3 months between october and december. and
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4700000 people in tech in syria, living in temporary shelters and containers off to the devastating of quakes. all just there is heaven. morgan has his report from sir don. a vis displacements camp is the latest open and so dense eastern city of port sedan. it's home to some of the thousands who flood fighting between the sudanese army and the baron military rapids support forces in the capital have to him and elsewhere around the country. including full z, i belong, who fled from her home in northern her tomb. shortly after the start of the conflicts last year for life, a lot of me try to see if we fled in june. we left and decided to stay in mid any b r a. so if attacked our home and cut a room, i was with my son and we were in my father's house. and that was my sister's. one of my sister's has married me. i mean, the year long conflicts here has created the world's largest displacements crisis.
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according to the un, 9000000 people have been displaced. many have been repeatedly uprooted as fighting expanded across the country. of the uni, dizzy to reflect the when the fighting started and went to 0, we brought our children here and decided to stay. we saved into 0 for 7 months. then as a somebody who could be 8 organization, say more than half of the down to 47000000 people are in need of aid with 5000000 facing famine. those displays are the ones most affected, but slicing has hindered access to them. we really have an issue with access. uh we need better access uh across the lines to being able to move uh from here in ports it on across the country across uh the, the front line. so of the conflict. yeah. but we also need to have access uh from the regional countries uh, from size to don,
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from chad. so access is the main issue, but of course we also need more resources and we need flexible resources so that we can take oppertunity as they arise. there's no indication the confidence here incident is close to an end, which means more people who will be displaced. those here say, while they're able to receive aid, would they really want is to return to their homes and the lives they left behind. he'd been more than all to 0 or so using the french territory of new caledonia. have impose a cuff you off to riots that would trigger and find propose reform to very sing. noise in the pacific island police were deployed and the capital knew me. of the crowns went on a rampage assessing far to property, french, and pays on discussing a constitutional change that would allow me some settlers in the territory, a vote in local elections. leaders from the indigenous population known as the catalog. people say the move could we can that representation the to clearly see
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world reset or what told or done our pro rated today's the return of call you as an old by the minister of interiors for additional agenda. maurice quadra. so it'd be arriving in the next few hours. the, the, on the high commission of the territory announced a few to hold the night. it will, can you say, well, we can speak to a correspond wayne, hey, joins us from tow ranga in new zealand. so wayne, this is clearly a raising emotions amongst the locals. give us a bit of context as to how we got to this point. what we're seeing, things like this play out on the streets of new caledonia many times over the decades. it's a french territory, but there was a very strong, as you pointed out, independence movement. they are the same through all that movement is the indigenous kind of population back in 1998 and the code was signed that basically would pay the way towards going through autonomy for and you, caledonia, possibly even independence there being 3 referendum since day and all 3 referendums
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rejected the id or the proposal for independence from frost. but the last one on like 2021 was boy cost would buy the independence movement. basically under the electro, lower all the constitution, the only people who can vote in elections and you tell it during the, the indigenous population that cannot people or anyone who lived in new caledonia prior to 1998 when the court was signed. so these changes proposed by the french government to the constitution would mean that any one who lived in new caledonia french nationalist for at least 10 years or more. can now take pay take part in the upcoming local elections and any elections out there. now the cannot because you mentioned feel that this will for the marginalized, the voice, it will further push back the reference for independence over great, helpful autonomy. on the other hand, the french say it is ridiculous that you have such
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a large section of the population in caledonia unable to take part in the election process even though they might have looked at for a long time. so what's likely to happen now, as well as who lies on paris with the french column and is debasing that change to the constitution. it seems that it will pass through the lower house, even if it does the president to manual mat. chrome says he's in no hurry to convene an urgent section of the opera house, which is needed to pass it into, nor those changes to the constitution. in the meantime, he's opened the door for dialogue, yet again. he says he wants to co leaders from both sides in new caledonia to paris for tulips on how to chop a pop for wood, a 2 piece, and ultimately in general for and you, caledonia, he's being very clear though they will not be about the referendum on independence for new caledonia. it's a french territory, and it will remain so. okay,
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thank you for that wayne. hey, that for us intel wrong, donald trump's fullness lawyer and michael cohen has been it has been back in cold, giving evidence in the form that us present president's hash money trial. he told the quote that trump ordered him to pay adult film actress stormy daniels more than a $100000.00. he says it was in exchange for his silence on an alleged sexual encounter with the form that president trump is accused of falsifying business records to cover up that payment. he denies charges. christmas room is outside the court in new york. kristen. so what we learned from michael cohen sofa, the well 2 days on the stand for michael cohen, 2 days of testimony today, started with the prosecution, getting into the details of the case, attempting to show that not only to donald trump know about the reimbursement
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payments, know about the payments made to an adult film star to buy her silence about an alleged affair, but that trump knew that michael cohen was being reimbursed for those state those payments and improperly documenting them as legal fees. cohen testified that trump had ordered him to quote, take care of it when stormy daniels that actress threatened to come forward with the story of the alleged affair. and that he was also told by trump to talk to his chief financial officer, allan wasteful birds to get reimbursed for the payments that he himself made to stormy daniels and the prosecute and presented a series of emails and invoices even check signed by trump, allegedly, to reimburse cohen for those payments, but with no direct evidence linking. trying to those statements with alan weisel birth. not taking this down here in this case. the defense, when after
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a cohen and his credibility pointing out past lies that cohen has made some of them under oath, suggesting that cone was motivated by vengeance pointing out that he had written a book about his own time in prison. and after serving donald trump, calling that book revenge, introducing as evidence, a photo of a t shirt that michael cohen wore on social media, showing donald trump behind bars uh t shirts that was used to promote his pod cast called may a cold, but the defense will continue their cross examination of michael cohen when the trial is on thursday and they've left open the possibility that donald trump himself could be called to the stand to testify as well. okay, thank you for that christmas. leave me outside the quotes in new york, a controversial politician from the fall rights alternative for germany. policy has
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been found guilty of deliberately using a nazi slogan at a raleigh. beyond the whole care was charged with using symbols of terrorist organizations. he play not to have been aware that the phrase had been used by the nazis. dominic caden reports from holly full weeks piet, unhook it, has been dividing his time between the campaign trail and the courtroom arguing for votes in the street and the acquittal. in this trial, prosecutors said his use of the phrase everything for germany to a crowd as if de supporters was illegal. effectively repeating the slogan of idols, hitler, stormtroopers, or s, for the effect of the court found from a speech and the phrase used by the accused was a punishment offence on the section 86, a of a criminal code can be seen as confirming our position. come and hook is defense, had argued that since of a public figure said use the phrase before without facing prosecution. why couldn't
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he? but the judges said, it was the context of the comments that message and found him guilty. although hook it is lead to of the if day in just one state, one on the list police. he is the potties real driving force nationally. i think he already took over the part a long time ago or so. and you could see that um that the 2 chair person are very carefully looking into how they come in on things actually. and in relation to, to what they flew. and some of the representatives actually said the past few months have been difficult for the if day in january, a wave of public protest followed reports. the prominent members had secretly discussed forcibly the pulsing michael and super come german citizen. on monday, a court ruled the security services can continue treating the if day as
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a suspected extremist policy full of which has hurt the policy. in the opinion, polls in january, around one in full vote is said, they supported it. now a few of and one in 6 do previously come on. thing leads in 3 based in german states or elections are being held in september. i have seen a wrote it so far as this cold has now delivered its verdict on ethan hookah. the votes is in his state, won't get to deliver this until september, going to k houses era. so head on, which is era, young english, 8th, jude, imbedding in miss on the school sheets and the big real mentor. and when of that is coming up with the these business uptake these voltage by the city bank growth partner of bung the dash before he is the
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this business uptake these roads thought no bundle dash football to use the the, the
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the time has pizza. let me thank you very much. that's just the so the on the verge of a wrinkled fault, straight english premium, the title of the beating, talk them to know in london, of the goals 1st off. so he went to it shortly after the restart. when kevin, to join us, they have only holland to tap in from close range. talk them came close to equalize into some you minutes, but he was denied by cities, substitute cheapest, stefan ortega, indian se flooring. so he manages it, claudio, most of the stuff, it's done, but the type of movement and finally swung. so he's way when they were avoided the
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penalties. pedro power bringing down jeremy duck, who in the box the seal, they say no when meeting the title is now cities to be used and they faced with him or his son. so here's hoping, spend all to the end result matches. the said he lead by 2 points from also and will be guaranteed to make history if they beat waste time on sunday when also host, if it's an, a young english a student bidding him his schooled as spanish champions round madrid, him and all of his 5 mill between 2 year old englishman opened the scoring after the banner. it's just 9 minutes for him to register. he's 19 goal of the season being 17 minutes i said present in forward but easiest. junior double. the advantage you will say that by frances eduardo, come i think the goal of the night was this one from freddy velvet day a supposed finish. so make it 3 now before off time. in the 2nd out,
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but easy of school to can the system spinning them before all the cooler wrapped it up near the entrance when use fonts as 2018 world cup champion. olivia 0 will continue these football. korea in major league soccer. sure. to have fun with los angeles, etc. of through announcing yesterday, he will leave ac milan at the end of the season. the 37 year old is these countries old time leading gold score to well tennis number, one that you used to be on sec, remains on coast for a re do to double a seems to be telling an open title to last week's window on the clay in madrid, she's reached the semifinals in room with the straight sets victory of a medicine keys. it was a repeat of last week's matured open, semi final, which should be on take also one with the same school line 6163. the poll is already a tucson champion in rhodes, but now she's also attempting to become the 1st woman to in fact about the size of the madrid and rhodes. serena williams, in 2013 the
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golf will be her opponent in the semi finals. the american eliminated. china is chain when ging $76.61 surprisingly it's cost. first, we never talk to in opponent this season. nevertheless, the food seed advances to the final full i. c. e equals have base. they have a running room and wouldn't you just know it? it was fiance could be say in the semi finals back in 2021 and upsets in the mains . tournaments has reigning champion the new made the deb was knocked out in the round of 16. he was beaten by 14 c totally pull up the united states who hold for the russians. title defense 616 to pull them out. play 7. see the who but who did catch in the call to find this so it see that is going to is very, i have reached the dakota finals with the wind of the portugal is new the bowl just the german has made it to at least the 4 from i've told mazda has $1000.00 events this year. i just bought letting slip in any brake leave. he kept his focus to beat
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his opponent 6 to 75. very the last one, the top. let me tell him capital in 2017. he plays taylor foot $6.00 and $6.00 seeds, the font of 60 pa suites. the coal defines with no alarms. debris came through largely on face, but against the straight is muncie. that makes them and all 6162, it took him only an hour. it's a clean cheese place in the last day. a joe tops, the daily capitals are right back and play of contention in the ip yellow for a 19 run. when of the luck. now, super giants. i'll be checked for else a top school with 58 full denny who passed it 1st. kristin stubbs is $857.00 on out at a school of $208.00 for full rockdale chased value and p. west end is still on nicholas pull, run the best of the best when was $61.00. but in the end, the super joints fell shorts on $189.00 for 9 video 1st. but at any trial, the sun rises hyderabad on mates run rates in the n, b a. playoffs,
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the boston celtics. so now just one went away from the eastern conference finals. the brand james was in the stands to watch them take on these form a team, but even capital is adding speculation as to whether he will leave the lake is next season. the cabs could maybe have done with le bron out on the coast as they were severely hit by injuries and lost 109102. jason types of scrolling 33 points and jayden brown adding 27 to move in 31 ahead of the room. the celtics can close out the series in game 5 on wednesday, back in boston. they're aiming for a wrinkled 18th and be a title, but 1st, since 2008, the things are much closer in the western conference with the oklahoma city center squared things up against the dallas mavericks. the 22, laying on the road, shaded. gill just thought i'd gone to school, searching for points as the top seemed a thunder gauged game for 196 for the heavyweight champion, mike tyson says he wants to show the will these fil a great fight?
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to the 57 year old is preparing for his 1st professional 5 in nearly 20 years. again youtube that jake pool who is 50 years younger than him. i really like jake a lot, you know, but. but once again, i really have to fight like advice. depending on it, because it will be, i do think that the older generation wants people to see might not be out. but at the end of the day, i also have the kids, the middle schoolers, the high schoolers, the college students running for me and want to see me and mike. all right, we'll leave it there for tonight. money. thanks for that. pay to be renowned canadian or alice monroe has done it at the age of $92.00 haled as a mazda in contemporary short story. rising. she was awarded the nobel prize for literature in 2013 books, explode themes of the human condition, including aging and relationships. she was diagnosed with dementia in recent years
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and passed away late on monday as her cat in on, sorry. okay, that's it for me. on the inside, i'll be back to the, to the if you're watching this pre recorded report then al jazeera has been banned in the territory. all is, well, we'll just scream to be any sway me when my country is closing down the inspection towards the networks only because the sions being confirmed here, this decision puts other networks where it came in the occupied was and for inside is real proffer. also, independent journalist would be targeted we, i thought 0. we should be aware of that as a badge of honor to be banned by government that stands indicted for general size international court of justice. our oceans are on the switch by a for russia's fishing industry, government,
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people are thinking of bring deep sea trolling back global war. easy off the choices. these echo systems are going to suffer more and more with climate change and we need to adapt. now marine conservationists are in a desperate race against time. the ocean provides services for us that we require as humanity. i'll just see you as lucy is dying. the last shock there was the time to be direct. the creation of the humanitarian crisis is a tactic. we do look to it was a policy that we have. it was from us, particularly from the city upfront on out of here, you will see the caught a duty in the grove using for p use a cost to contribute to improving the lives of thousands of our projects except the cost. and we strive to ensure it reaches its deserving recipients, visit the costs are requested. and remember, it's
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a cup you revise wells and increases systems costs on ridgecrest the the hello i'm on the inside. this is the news out. lie from doha, coming up in the next 60 minutes, close to half a 1000000 palestinians displaced from rough as the is really all me continues this assault from the city in southern gauze at wimbledon. hall districts population has been sheltering. outstanding and fi. just say they have loans mold and says the tax on is right.


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