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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 15, 2024 3:00am-3:31am AST

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calling every meal is like a sequence of the farm to the tape, hundreds of excavations and restoration. this country is a place to slow down and enjoy the simple things coming to discover the natural, historical and cultural beauties. the close to half a 1000000 palestinians not displaced as these riley, i'm a continue this assault on the roof or moving to off of gauze population has been sheltering. the other one down, jordan, this is i'll just say or a life and so on. so coming palestinian fight to say they've launch mobile. 30 attacks on his ready soldiers pushing into jabante especially. yes, president joe biden. dumbbells the terrace on chinese influence,
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accusing beijing of not playing and shooting on trade and the french falling on to prove a controversial change of the voting system. a new caledonia, off the days of protests against the rest. the we stopped in southern guns that where these randy ministry is pushing deep into eastern a rough. it's a sole task force a be displaced, maybe half a 1000000 palestinians and the you and as won't again but know and gaza is safe. but 450000 people have now fled roughly in the past week. that's 90000 more interest. one day the average number of published and ends being forced out of the city is rapidly increasing and they arrived overcrowded, comes with inadequate food. was a full sanitation. meanwhile, tell us to me and fight to say they've launched 33 attacks on his ready forces in northern gaza. is the highest figure in a single day. this year is ready for his ran to jamalia 3 days ago. and now deep in
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the heart of the city and the attacks, unrelenting elsewhere at least 40 palestinians were killed, bind is really a strike, indeed to say about refugee camp and central gaza house and school were targeted that several high right begins, are coverage. the is not celine office, adult tons. locals can phone. is him in another room? no says comfort dismissal one. they tell him a clever boy the is the sounds echo across the whole to sneak a reminder is a far as if this was the
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outside this woman cries quietly. a mind can also be heard saying us and is ro. oh, to blame the i swear to god my heart is in pain. she tells them their records and then you meant to be pro. we saw a couple of palestinian children that were rescued from under the rubble, heartbreaking memories as palestinian mother, as a farewell. their children from under the rubble. not only that the rescue workers were having a very hard time as they were trying their best to pull more of bodies from under the rubble of their beloved ones. waiting for the rescue workers to help
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them hoping that anyone would be alive, the rescue workers were using their bare hands very basic equipments to rescue any policies in use that were trapped. 2 of the families that have been killed in this house were recently evacuated from dropbox, as they thought that to say it was a safe space after that is really forces asked them to evacuate to the central area . a lot of other palestinians we're, we're, we're waiting and still waiting for any news about the people to trap. unfortunately, after 19 hours of pulling the robot and trying to rescue people from under the rubble of the rescue. workers said that it's getting dark and they had to leave the bombed house and they're going to return tomorrow in the morning. as there are still dozens of policy news dropped under the rubble and their families are going
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to wait for them until they remove them. and pull them from under the rubble. meanwhile, is ready. troops are increasing attacks on northern gauze, or the giovanni a refugee camp has come on the renewed fire mouth. how hollywood has been speaking to some of the people who remain in the accounts. this is where the forces expanding their operation and nothing goes as trip as the old disability, as well sheltering and living and exhibiting for her to evacuate to the west of guys of the city. i'm from dayton. we have been displaced 5 times 1st to help then to shift from day to obviously to and then back to her left. and now we're back here. we don't know where we will go. hook up as a show, think and open fire activities of that area. the also intensive high inc, and strikes and also re add that to area we has paid for people and we support the
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resistance. despite poverty and exhaustion, may i let protecting. all of this can be understood by the, by the sinews. that is why the forces are trying to besiege, devalue, referred, you can come to us for administrative says the spelling negotiations between israel and how master and the war and gaza have reached the stalemate. therefore, we will not accept being uh, as i said, you've been abused by the, by the mediation process itself, or by those who are trying to positively or negatively affect their positions. what we will certainly commit to is the cost for the piece and we are continuing our role as the mediator i do out of seeing right now. it is to me that you as department, as they said this morning, we have used what can be described as a state of me. but we are continuing to work together to try to bridge the gap between the 2 and additive when it comes to to this conference. meanwhile,
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the united states has condemned an attack of an aide convoy carried out by his riley protest as the group. i'm loaded food items and destroyed the urgently needed supplies, preventing them from reaching garza, the vehicles of crossing through hebron and the occupied westbank heading towards gauze as well. just friction on the food 8 as coast farmland, across the launch pots of the strip lubricant report. states through got to an smash royce flour and other much needed food. these is right. these are determined to prevent this age from reaching hello students. in garza, this cold boy was on its way from jordan to the proceed to strip through hebron and the occupied westbank where it was attacked on monday. human rights lawyers appears to run the steps behind us. you can see the surplus, jewish, extreme, historical age meant because of the armies had the police of left. this is randy.
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police insist they're investigating. well, i'm on says they did nothing to prevent it. i still how the police and the, i mean this is to both of them in order to they just allow them to, to enable the one on the ground. i never saw that someone was arrested even i, when i was at the the sabotage didn't answer sunset. many of these ladies came back and set 3 of the trucks on the floor of the light today expose the severity of the damage. the white house has condemned the attack on the trucks. it is a total outrage that there are people who are attacking and loading these convoys coming from jordan. going to a guy's a to deliver humanitarian assistance. we are looking at the tools that we have to respond to this but this is not the 1st time it's happened. is there any protests
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to be booking a to the priest? the goal is to come up with to tell them crossing from last week purchased as he's rocks. the block road in southern israel do is being used to deliver h to concepts. drone video showed the trunk of the truck, backed up to columbus. has people and garza stopping the head of the un? well, to program says a full blown famine in northern johnson. it's working its way south there. israel's defense for rough or severely in 2 days from entering through the time of a southern crossing when the crossing is even not functioning for a day. this is having a significant impact on the response that we are able to provide to. so for 7 days now, without humanitarian airy aids coming in, it's a complete disaster here, a complete disaster. the 8 blocks and destroyed by the scrupulous radius is just a fraction of what's needed. the un says, israel, it's sponsible stores,
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it cools an entirely man made starvation in garza nor com, i'll to 0. now the us state department has sent a $1000000000.00. a package for weapons, for israel to congress for review, comes as president joe biden pulls the shipment of weapons to israel earlier this month. it one does really prime minister benjamin netanyahu not to invite a rough or without safeguards for civilians. i'll just say what should have a time say, joins us live now from washington dc. should have so to go through what exactly has been announced. so this is being presented as part of the us as long term commitment to supplying israel with weapon red. something that we have told has been a bit under consideration since since mid spring. it consists of $700000000.00 and time calculation. $500000000.00 and technical vehicles and $16000000.00 in more rooms, according to officials, it could take many months,
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up to 3 years. now we're beginning to here take to supply all of this weaponry to israel. but again, it's, it's, it's a long term commitment. it's always been presented to, to us. so this is all part of the, by the administration. i'm, i'm the us as long term commitment to as well. this is not necessarily connected to what is happening right now, but what it does mean is whatever, as well as doing right now, no matter what the objections may or may, may not be at the white house. and we do know, and we, i think we just always have to take the word of white house officials and keep on say we have supplying as well with everything they need except for there's 2000 pound bombs. this is just part about general commitment suppliers row with everything bought for those 2000 pound bombs in the, in the long term. so it's going to shoot some nerves which are a bit frayed right now in washington, reversed trips to being issued from congress to the by to ministration about single single shipment, the 2000 pound bombs. yeah,
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sure. how about how significant is the timing of the list then? so it comes off to binding himself admitted in interviews. that's is wrong with using us weaponry to kill civilians and comes off of that state department report and all but it bit of batman functions the part of the conclusion. it also comes out this time of this one particular shipment being with how the, how of everything else being, being supplied. i mean, obviously this would suggest that we have lots of reporting, that is real, has always needs right now to do whatever it was that are offered. this would suggest them, but the white house is very happy to replenish this route with anything it may, it may need to repugnant the coming months and years. there's also one other interesting notes that we should, we should, we should mention is that congress is due to begin discussing of a bill, bipartisan bill full support of the democratic party leadership in the house. which, i mean, i don't know whether it's wishing me shots at all, but he's basically saying if, if that one ship about 2000 pounds, bonds,
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or any other shipments, if they're not going to israel, then congress will withhold funding for the attempt to go to the state department to the national security council for the full security and diplomatic oper, address of the us government a by the bipartisan leadership of the house of representatives says it's so important that we give his ro, these 2000 pound bombs and everything else. and we will cut off funding for our other and security and diplomatic oper access, and you wonder whether then this announcement has of value to that, the way those words that it would v tell you about. but certainly maybe this will calm some of some of the members of congress and the members be, as we always have just mentioned, viewed the donors to those members of congress. as the white house who are up at home is just about one ship, about 2010 bomb shipments by saying, nick, this, that's just a blip. it really is. because in the meantime, because there's a little new weapon reef with a new deal. in the meantime, let's tunzia a weapon regarding to as well from the us accept what the, what there's on the previous agreements. and they usually just meet the threshold
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above under which the white us doesn't have to notify congress. so this is a new deal. that's why it's new. and that's why we mentioned that. but actually we shouldn't be confused by that one shipment with the 2000 pound bones as to why this keeps sense. the shipments are pretty regular and they're still going and alright, does she have a time to live for us there from washington dc. she had thank you for a short break here and i'll just say right, when we come back and go outside parliament and georgia off the moving parts you adults are controversial know against phone interests or not stay with the in depth analysis of the days headlines. if that was a rougher offensive, where would the people go? people have no place to go. each one of 1000 people has paid this place at least 2 times frank assessments. this is a max and blown to free speech and freedom of the press informed opinions you can
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be somebody. this is on one of the hostages, october 7th, and return. and i want to stop inside story on al jazeera to policy opinion and customs smuggling undocumented workers across the next festive part was parked to witness their incredible stories for over 9 years. desert smugglers with this document on the jersey to the colleges. when the
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the book i'm back here watching out as a right quick reminder about top stories here. there's another 90000 people, a federal fund in southern guns that in a single day the total forced to leave by israel's really defensive in the past week. now stands at 450000 un says there's no a site for them to go skinny and fine to say they've noticed 33 attacks on is ready for us, is the highest number in a single day. since the start of the year is running for somehow deep in the heart of giovanni, a city in northern johnson. yes, president joe bought the new shopping, increasing powered funding ports of china in an effort to protect american jobs. they had to be election in november. the time, so we'll cover electric vehicles,
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batteries, and send me conductors and apply to $18000000000.00 worth of chinese products badging as well. and the decision will severely affect bilateral corporation. whitehouse correspondence, kimberly helped get reports from washington dc. us president joe biden came into office saying he wouldn't do his predecessor, former president donald trump's trade policies, but on tuesday, 5 in double to even triple down on new terrorists to some chinese imports to the united states. when you make tactics like these and they're not competing, it's not. comforters has cheated. the tariffs will be phased in over 3 years on every thing from steel, semiconductors, electric vehicles, and more affecting roughly 18000000000 and chinese imports to view s terror. so the electric vehicles will rise to 100 percent from 25 percent steel and aluminum products will more than tripled to 25 percent from 7.5 percent or less try
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to heavily subsidize. all these products pushing china is coming to produce far more than the rest of all can absorb and then dumping the excess products out of the market and on fairly low prices. driving the other manufacturers around the world, out of business, the bad news ministration says the move will help american businesses compete. critics like for president trump say china floods the global market with excess imports. it's too little, too late. for the trump made punishing china over what he called unfair trade practices. cornerstone of his presidency, igniting a trade war. they jang is vowing to retaliate against the latest action by the bible ministration calls with that data. sure. what we want to tell you is that
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china always opposes unilateral tariff increases that violate w t o rules and will take all necessary measures to safeguard it's legitimate rights and interest with the presidential election months away. politics is that the root of this announcement, some of the biggest still an auto manufacturers are in the battleground, states of michigan and pennsylvania. president biden has pro. 7 us to protect manufacturing jobs in those states with the hope of winning boats in november. kimberly health hit alice's era, the white house. now the defense of attacking the credibility of donald trump's former lawyer, michael cohen during his 2nd day of testimony and the former us presidents, how some of the trial co until the cold, the trump pulled him to pay out of film. actress stormy daniels more than a $100000.00 question. so let me report from you michael cohen, no. lynch pen of the prosecution's case against donald trump,
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heading to port for 2nd day of testimony there. he described conversations with his former boss who ordered him to quote, take care of it when an adult film star threatened to go public in the run of to the 2016 election about an affair that allegedly took place. years earlier, prosecutors presented a series of emails invoices, and even checks signed by trump cohen testified that his former boss knew the payments made to him were reimbursements for hush money payments. even though they were listed as legal fees. a crucial point for the prosecution's business fraud case that comes down to cohen's word and they in the court room, the former president appeared to doze off at times and avoided eye contact with
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cohen. a dead order upheld by an appeals court prevents the former president from attacking witnesses or lawyers in the case, but elected republican officials who came to the trial to support trump attacked cohen's credibility outside the court house. this is a man who is clearly on a mission for personal revenge and who is widely known as a witness who has trouble with the truth. he is someone who has a history a perjury in his well known for it. on cross examination trumps lead attorney todd blanche attacked cohen's character, pressing him on past lies made to prosecutors and attempts to make money off his connection to the former president. as evidence he introduced a t shirt showing trump behind bars. advertising cohen's pod cast called may a cold, but the defense will continue. it's cross examination when court resumes on thursday
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and left open. the possibility they could call donald trump to the stand to testify . christian salumi, i'll just be your new york now. french politicians of adoptive controversial changes to the constitution of it's commentary, great new caledonia had been ryan. so the coffee was also have been imposed for changes will allow people who have lived in the territory for more than 10 years to vote in local elections need. is somebody indigenous population known as the kind of people say, the move could we can that representation without corresponding to wayne hate joins us live, not from so long ago in new zealand waiting. so it's almost a bit more about what's behind these protests in new caledonia. yes. will that advice in the french column in the past relatively easily? so now it has to be rubbish stamps by congress, the french president to manual that crosses. he's in no hurry to do that. in the meantime, the government in power says it wants to tools that will invite leaders from both sides of the political divide in new caledonia to france to discuss the best way
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forward. it basically goes back to the 1998 accord that was signed that paved the way really forward for new caledonia to be able to have greater autonomy, possibly even independence. we've had 3 referendums ever since. then old 3 rejected independence. but the last one in 2021 was boy, you cause it by the independence movement. basically, in any election in a new caledonia, the only people who can vote the indigenous come of population who really phone to call all the independence movement. or people who've been living in new caledonia, french national since before the afford was signed in 1998. so this bill, if it is approved by congress sometime in the future will change, you'll that will allow french nationals who'd be living there for at least 10 years the right to. but it's now the cannot again, and the other independence movement lead is happy about this thing. it will through the marginalized, the voice in the electro system. all right,
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so wayne hag life's bearing put on gun using and wayne, thank you. now police of this past demonstrates is outside the georgia in parliament into b. c often approve the phone into fear and slow the new legislation that was pos, despite weeks of mass protest. demonstrations fear, it could be used to cub descent and stand in the way of georgia joining the european union to meet your native bank or thoughts from the capital to basic. it was a battle they had little of those of when the demonstrators gathered at the parliament for the final vote on the so called for an agents bill, police pushed them back from the entrance. students from colleges and universities skipped classes to be here. you please. hello is accepted we, we can't even use this education. so why, why that, how we need it?
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because of the elections, the title of the very close. i see the things that without these kinds of measures, it is impossible for them to read and remain in power. while protest is john, sit outside the ruling, george and dream policy was always likely to win the vote. as with the allies, they have more than half the seats and pond the marks. they said the bill was important for transparency of engine goes and the media. now all those groups and companies receiving 20 percent or more of their funding from abroad, we'll have to register as agents of for and then to it. after several fights among them, peas, the law was passed. anger built up outside as the results were now, receipt to you on both of the parliament protest is reading out the names of the m p. 's who voted for the law process of of who had been standing here all day was
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quite angry. obviously are the result of this, the boat, and they came out here in front of the front of the building. they will gather at the back of most of the day. and then they started buzzing through the barricades, which were loving the front gate off solomon until the riot police broke through those guys. they wrapped up those closest to the gates, threatened things to a guess and clear up the street to in minutes. our method within an hour crowds went back with them. europe and politicians. that's despite the you wanting to lose adoption, put, and george's ambitions to join the block. and the united states also announced that could be consequences. the us has about $390000000.00 in assistance. all of that has to be under review. if we are now regarded as an
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adversary and not a party. as night fell, protest estate, determined to keep coming back to meet him at the didn't go out to 0 spinning see now at least 14 people have died in india is financial capital min by ear after a john billboard collapsed on them during a thunder storm. the, the structure can crushing down on several houses because of the central station following heavy rain and strong winds. officials say the on usually large billboard, had not been approved by the city, is now the renown canadian old that alice monroe has died at the age of 90. 2, hailed as a mazda in contemporary short story writing, monroe was awarded the nobel prize from literature in 2013, a book store, things of a human condition, including aging and relationships. she was diagnosed with dimension recent years
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passed away late on monday. well that's it for me, diamond jordan, for now the weather is coming up. next, the inside story will examine the rise of the fall rights in europe, the head of june's parliamentary elections, subject state, your pencil, watching fucking up the southern china is remarkably dry over something the 1st time for weeks. this is the actor system that are off show having dragged itself through japan, but there is a code from coming through with came out to montgomery. and that's going to generate some pretty heavy writing for the korean peninsula. but he's left behind actually just fine. sunny weather beijing is up to 27. how laurie represents the written bit, just over the border from china, so you not will be a bit went but while g grandara hong kong or will not enjoying really say this
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spring. so fine looking sunny weather. this to in stormy is it leaves the korean peninsula, so the north coast of on show could be windy and red, your existing otherwise the to the real change. but if you jump size potential for flushing, i think for eastern sort of raising and the small on this to the east is there during wednesday. maybe something and stop by and sort of rock hall still too much . but the shelves are moving towards the seasonal range, creeping out through thailand, and particularly in vietnam, which is where you might expect it to be surrounded with hot sunshine. is that humid and sundry my back. as for india, the change is coming 1st. i think it's for us, for line cab upset in the southern part of the deck. in fact, it looks western now and that's not the attempt is back is still the halt in pakistan and the find or the west of india, the palestinians who are expelled from there. and then the next couple of 1948 still
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don't have the rights of return today is that the land was extorted and settlements were built when it was just the world goes back with the young, good old palestinians to re discover their ancestral homes. why doesn't my grand parents stay here? why aren't i here? return to palestine on al jazeera i predicted shop rights turned from italy to france, germany and the netherlands, the right wing and far right parties have made significant gains across europe. had of jews parliamentary elections. so what's at stake and what are the consequences for the content and the wells. this is inside story. the .


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