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tv   Inside Story  Al Jazeera  May 15, 2024 3:30am-4:00am AST

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on good old palestinians to re discover their ancestral homes. why doesn't my grand parents stay here? why aren't i here? return to palestine on al jazeera i predicted shop rights turned from italy to france, germany and the netherlands. the right wing and far right parties have made significant gains across europe. had of jews parliamentary elections. so what's at stake, and what are the consequences for the continent and the wells? this is inside story, the hello and welcome to the program. i'm 40 by table. europe is getting ready for next month's crucial parliamentary vote. ministers in brussels assigned off
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a major overhaul of migration and assigned them, rose as a campaign in gates up poles at predicting a shop turn to the right with the rise of right wing parties across the continent. this is a 1st european parliament road since the u. k. left the block, the election will shape the future of the institutions and reflect the political landscape of individual members space. so let's take a closer look at the voting process. 450000000 are eligible to cast their ballots across europe. between june, 6th, and 9th seats in the european parliament depend on the population. they'll be 720 this year. each of the 27 e u countries has a number of any piece. coordinating with that population size, results are decided by proportional representation. so every vote counts to gain a majority parties, form alliances. these alliances are usually made up of parties from different countries. the european parliament is one of the eas core institutions. it works
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with the european council on amending and passing laws proposed by the european commission. and we have a lot to get to it, i guess in just a moment for us this report from image and came back of the it's less than a month until people in europe have this say, when he gets to sit on one of the 720 seats in the european parliament pulse predict, arise at the right across the continent. jose from the so we're defending the national frontier with the re establishment of a boat is the end of free movement from non europeans and the abolition of a large part of the asylum. and immigration packed. the french far right wreck on get body is line with my to so be needs leak policy in italy. but mary shelves own is maureen, the penn national riley is own truck to make gains in fronts along with glands belong in belgium. you know, through the freedom party and germany's a f d. e running on similar on the immigrant and the green and fall right platforms.
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europe centers, politicians insist this selection is a fight for democracy and the you itself. since many of the right wing parties say they want to dismantle the european union. what is at stake in this election will define the future of our continent. do we want to strong europe that fights for values? and that would be more perceived? or on the other hand, do we let our democracies be hijacked by the proxies and put puppets of author retirements? do we let them your road and clear road? every scene we have built over more than 70 years. in germany, there been 3 attacks on political figures in one week, which many politicians claim on the roys of the fall, right. what does the manage talking? we do not stand idly by when public officials campaign is of volunteers. brucely
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attacked when election post is for the european elections, destroys fueling the flames that their rights, popularity is us housing crisis, the far right, but even goods and it leads to rising rents and spinning highs prices. and some politicians want to utilize the anger farm is struggling to make and living, who are frustrated with your screen policies. whoever, unless argue it's unlucky does lightning games you translate into video problems. since issues like russia's war and ukraine divide the right so disinterested lawrence's when like you maintain the majority for an eye and that full, that grip on decision making in the you mentioned kinda alger 0, the inside story that's now bringing out guess for today's show in brussels. peter clapper, who was the editor in chief of brussels report, dot e, you on the campaign trail in stockholm on a maria, corrects the build. was in the running to be an m e p and in bass,
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england. okay. the, i'm on don't senior lecture in political languages and international studies. at the university of 5, he specializes in extremism and racism in your a warm welcome to all 3 of you. thank you so much for joining us. before we zoom in on specific countries and specs civic issues, i wanted to talk big picture for us and ana maria. let me come to you since you're on the campaign trail at the moment. your full, my e p. p. group m e p, you're currently on the campaign trail in sweden with the liberals, part of a new europe group. these elections anna maria, being described as the most consequential in decades. what is at stake as far as you're concerned? thank you. what have the war now? come to nothing, we have a price is war and conflicts around the us. and the me, the least for example, i need also concerns foster very closely. and so it's, it's extremely important how the next you appear in finance is going to look. and
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what i see as a, as a great slides and on we the, on the bar and kids to avoid that is the, the liberal to renew your, which is the unexplained mean for that good. now because it's, it's modest or in the middle between a to be good plus 5, g a. and the source of this girl folks can be eventually replaced by the extreme right. pop one is grow, which is the vehicle. so at the right farm is was led by the prime minister returning towards the middle. now, where the swedish democrats from sweden are, that's with not on the change to 40 to come off the, you'll be a part of them and we will go from a constructive approach. we learn all differences to bring full worth and you will be an agenda to put them in there. and so we'll just try to block and, and delay that you will be out of town. right. most of them expensive built in it.
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i was, i was going to come to that because the polls, as you say, suggest that the right and hard line, conservative parties could finish it for us. the 9 states including in front and the netherlands and 2nd and 3rd in countries like germany, spain and portugal concerning to you as you say. so what are you telling of voters on the campaign trail? how you convincing them not to vote for these bodies? and we need a very strong in united euro to stand up for the people who train wherever the writing the history of you are, with a lot what freedom fighters were holding up for the war. no peace and security. the main that we have is one or 2 in your peace and stand against voting for is upside to us, as long as the 4th thing is there, all of europe, and i would say the world is on the sets, therefore only, and your mind. so that's strong, euro can solve it today, tomorrow and after tomorrow we need to accelerate the process of having the tray
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and the coming in to the european family. and no one can do it to low defiance except to come to our teaching table. so we are very, very clear the only together we can take child to be. but as of the big challenges of our time, mainly security, but also climate change. there is a cream and not like, you know, societies migration all of this big issue, but not the least that we have to grow. we right the, we need more trade when we were down deeper. yeah. we'll delve deeper into really issues. what will they be going to these agents? tell me about it a little later in the conversation on a maria. they are some important issues indeed. but let me bring peter into the conversation. peter, your in the heart of the you in brussels, what difference will fall right and hard right?
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gains make to the working. so a v e, your parliament, if these polls as predicted, right? as well. if the um, uh the, is your roof in particular um, would be stronger than of course. uh there are gen, uh, we'll also, you know, be uh, more strongly represented here in brussels. now i think we have to ask ourselves the question, why are butchers abandoning the more centrist groups and, and voting for the more life feet groups i wouldn't know to call them far. right? i think people associate are probably, but neo nazis and everything of someone dental are definitely life in both lists. that's perhaps fair to say. both of them are basically strongly in favor of national democracy on self determination. and they are very skeptical about centralization of power. you know, centralization of power,
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which in itself is quite an author, terry, and take a now why are voters um, you know, moving away from specifically the renewal group, which was the previous speaker mentions well, i think simply because of this group which used to have some more framework, the liberal elements has moved strongly to the left to its current leader. miss heidi, she refuses to even consider, you know, scrapping parts of the green deal registration that has been implemented over the last 5 years. the green deal has angered to not only the farmers, but also, you know, many industry representatives in europe that does say that, you know, we have big competitiveness problems. and perhaps we have to, you know, reflect whether some of these green roles have not been a 2 way street. okay. and maria, perhaps you want to respond to that before i bring
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a lady out into the conversation because it's not about some transitional power. we are part of a family of the union, a monetary basis and we decided together, it's not anyone else besides, for us, it's governments that are linked to the materials that are linked to the design. i do very much agree that the next month that we have to go some try, as i've just said, actually competitive in us because of the green the was, was set up on the stage 2019 after that one had calling it high interest to raise high enterprises, inflation no contract to the war in europe and the one that has the ability to so of course we have to adjust the way we do limit the green, the again, the way that we take him to account the reality of both farmers and companies i am as much from any company, so i fully agree with that, but it doesn't need to go to the left, right. not that's all. it is the, the,
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the urgency to wind climate change is for the benefit of course, of farmers for the benefit of companies as well. but no one should feel less behind and next month the climate action and competitiveness has to go hand in hand and legislation has to be less detailed and more taking into reality into consideration the reality all companies. and i think we are going there because we have the lead time report about the money in progress report on the table for the internal market for competitive. and that's exactly what we are doing. okay, community to come out from the table. some of the legislation of farm before exactly to respond to the farmers concerns. ok, so we don't want to issue out of maria, but there many others of course. uh and i do want to hear your thoughts about those, of course migration being one of them as well as you, you mentioned policy towards the middle east and i and relations with the us. i do
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want to address all these all those issues, but okay. yeah, let me get your thoughts 1st on what peter talked box, and that's the reasons why voters are turning away from these mainstream parties across the continent. we're seeing, you know, political groups that were once on the fringes of attracting as many as one 3rd of voters. what's left to this, what are they benefiting from right now? he thinks but i mean, up to sounds like concerns here. um, but the base so far because it seems to me, but we haven't been to these lessons for the last 20 years. you know, the ross of a far right is not something but us up and only d c. it isn't on the 1st on we all facing, you know, research and bodies on the, on the, on the far extreme right. and then, you know, i am using the time spar and extreme right, very carefully. you know, based on 15 years of research, i think it's a huge mistake because then focus, right? so 10 popular things like your family. so it is computing practical and it's just not a good definition by any serious academic standards. so i will use attempt. alright
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. i'm concerned about what i've heard just not just doing disobey, but what i said beyond. because we are not any from mistakes 1st made to finish that, but your interactions upon it are part of the setup elections be what we call 2nd order elections, which is beyond not the same as national elections. people tend to vote, you know, more protested by narrow, but here will be in elections and elections and people tend to vote less as well. for example, in 2019, there was only a 50 percent turn out, which means, but one out of every 2 york info just did not enough to budge new york in elections . as i said, they're also 2nd order elections. which means that actually people are more likely to buy football. he's been like, not necessarily agree, we just just send a message to brussels to send a message to beverly. so again, we need to take one of these with a massive grain of salt. right. other said, you know both as my boat 1st page of our eyes, but he's caught up at voters upstate evenings, but really only 50 percent of the entire population voted from the bottom right. meaning the 85 percent did not vote for the fall. right. any of these,
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85 percent that we need to talk to that at the moment is what i hear is no one is talking to is 85 percent. is that what we're talking about is we negative on the drain, deal remaining on and actually got more hopeful politics and instead typing into it too far, right. and that takes off migration of photos of more products and so on. and i'm very, very concerned about it because of mainstreaming of our politics. there's not a result of thought, right? but it uses the box you that it's a result of main street politicians completely failing their role 12th, a positive alternative to what, what we are seeing at the moment of maria, your response, are you talking to the 85 percent? is that or the, and just mentioned by i'm very much agree with the, with beach or, of course i haven't been been now going around or of sweden, a big as small safety counter side underneath a need to meet to meet at least knocked on a tall items or a single meeting where they want to work on. so i come before stay later to talk to
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people in the i, i always answer questions and i think it's extremely important that we talk to them and i agree and listen to that. that's why i said, what i said it's, it's a fruit of 4 months on the campaign for a and the i, i do think that the elections, european elections as features that are taking the serious me and there was a lot of process. it's very modest because people don't really know fully, maybe that european products is so much part of a life and the future, such a thing, it should be taken most here as i say, oh, this conversation and i, i really like it and i think it is important and it doesn't make it back to lots of them are just, you know, they don't propose anything. they're just against. okay. and it just begins everything. so, i mean, my colleagues and i, i really think it's, uh, we need to have all those in the room in this election campaign when
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a product is just that i'm talking about the fact that i see that really on the far right for really talking about the sites, okay, and the, the maria mentioned having adults in the room there, and i just wanted to ask you what you, to what extent you think, you know, if these polls are all correct due to what extent do you think the mainstream parties will be willing to cooperate with, with the hard drive and the far right. but the odd right that we had talked about and on what issues will they be able to collaborate on the 6 a while? i think what you see is that some of the ideas that are being supported by more right wing, you know, political parties have already made it their way to, you know, the demand history a and many cases basically the main street in embracing again. well, the ones, the fund it. so for this, the main issue for voters is migration,
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and i don't think that's the bar in itself against migration. you know, the understand that it's, it's very valuable. but it's more the, the, the control migrations pro is that we continue to see. and the politicians at this point, many attempts not seem to manage to control. and i guess that's why now today the, the check prime minister yesterday, he announced the 19, you remember, states are no urging your commission to um, to initiate a externalization off of the southern process. so this is basically what do you not know who is trying with its rhonda approach, but as most importantly what australia has managed to do and, and you know, this has, this has left to the illegal entry into his trulia and the
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number of this c, a falling to the 0 near 0, the fact that you know that if you based on human smuggler and you try to sneak into a stray or that you will be bras to another country, in this case pa funded with jeanette. um, you know, it does uh that sort of stops the smuggling adds. um, i think it's, it's quite hopeful that your b politicians are also embracing this now because also for, you know, asylum seekers didn't, could actually be a good thing to because i mentioned a new bounder mr. lice. let's see. do you agree with the yeah. do you agree with that the you know, i, i don't agree with the not the time studies, the policies that were put in place in australia, vision of a century. i think already there was a model of i think about, if you bought a writing by probably there were thoughts you where people are writing by vote in australia and people in the study by the size of writing by planned for example. he
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was a more funny boss for a did exactly the same way as of all, if anybody's traded in europe at the moment. and i don't saying, but by putting by wire on boarders or, or sending people to countries like around our way that we stuff that's the more touchy is the solution to, to these issues. i would like to comment on the all the short migration data by the, the most could settings you to voters. i think we are going to talk about the best step here and makes the twice about let think of what the far right is telling us. i've done some research on these are these happens and, you know, looking at the euro, garments of data, for example, we start to research on these questions across the you. what is the tracking is bad so that even your apartment that asks the same people? 2 questions. one is, according to you. why the other 2 biggest issues facing your country at the moment, but not wanting to do? what are the 2 biggest issues you office on the face? thing at the moment when people are thinking about that don't seem to be emotionally spot of height is not the highest issue, but it's quite high when people not thinking about themselves personally, immigration is on brain. no one cares about any ration. i think we need to ask ourselves, see, of what's happening, you know, and i think what's happening to you,
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not wanting to the dentist, very sophisticated theories, but i've been very well researched very easily accessible to both politicians. antonio is going to be series. what is happening is that the mainstream at each ease pertaining to immigration bomb, yes. and what actually trying to hide other issues such as the, the quantities such as houses such as environments or wait, i think, you know, we need to know the age for the fact that these issues are proved on the agenda by a doctor. this suggests politicians and the mainstream media. oh yeah i, i just wanna move the conversation a little bit away from brussels in strasbourg. what impact will these, you elections have beyond the content? and what should the rest of the world be bracing for? well, i mean, you know, this is, this is a part of keeping digit code 0, thankful that, well, that's all democracy because we don't to stop actions in that you do, we have actions probably in the u. k. most likely, you think would be the next chance where we have an extra cd, just by the way we live actions in the us. we're not licensed in many, many countries and what we have seen, you'd be surprised us. all right,
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politics and i mean, 5.6, not just the right policies because, you know, must be the side of the many major bodies. many mainstream media nowadays are just a calling website, right positions, i'll say, i think we all have steeper slope that was a for a diabetes. and we are seeing these being put in place so far. the policies and politics being put in place by very mainstream liberal governments at the moment when he comes down to the crack, down on the demonstrations is of what i've got off for example. and you know, i think we, we all down very sleep reserve and i think it would take much more than just a thing. but sorry, positions body waiting to counter these trying what we need is called for the policies. but the policies, but not work towards a, towards addressing climate change that back towards that remaining, but many very being crises that makes people anxious. and so we shall fall, right as know when's this to? uh, maria the warren guys. i certainly agitated in and divided europe in european diplomacy appears to be on the defensive when it comes to, to guys are in the middle east. and this war seems to doubt to blow to the efforts
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. some european governments have tried to make to riley the rest of the world behind ukraine. for example. can, can we expect some change after this vote from the european commission a more robust position when it comes to foreign policy? we need a strong united, the voice of the european union in the world, invest in the middle east. and we need a stronger call on your piano farm and security and defense policy. for sure. the extreme rights would be terrible news for the rest of the world. they are mainly friends of both the main defensive drugs. their production is the gains to international trade, which is the, what is getting, you know, the gross and the well being to europe and to the rest of the world. they are colorized in our society that would you people the games before? they are rust parts of the model, but it's most of the old sorest. and the games are people that against motions. so
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this relation that we see, you know, and in our society, due to the, to the gas, uh uh, war a can only increase. we need to start wanting to show our respective team mazda culture out what should be, what should be the top foreign policy priority of the next he you commission? what should they be focusing on the most? he thinks, of course we, your parents have to focus to support to crying to victory and to, to get putting, to stop that stick suspension for us. and we have to do it together with our friends and allies. and we, we cannot have any other priority to, to put, to is like pressing and changing the, the order of peace and security in your of course are have to be moved to task in europe as always, to be in dealing with crisis. and both of the wisdom of the lease, we have a tip,
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top position, all on them is the least a 2 state solution and more on monitor on a for the people guys or we have raised our voice very clearly the use of this proportion and use of force against the people of gas. so what i'm saying is to like, correctly come about some of those terms. so got additional who have a talk. these are these but so for your pin position doesn't say another thing is to, the other thing is to know what is happening in roswell. so you can hear it has been very clear that the shouldn't be disproportionately. it was a force against the people in gaza. but the is art has the right to defend and so when a guest, okay, are still going to say she hasn't talked. okay, not is really that have we be that's the the have to be for you. okay, we're running out of time peter, i'll give you the last word on what you, you see as a top foreign policy priorities going forward for the next 5 years. what should they be? what should your be focusing more on to have
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a stronger position on the global stage as well? obviously. um russia, as soon as i'm really upset this is a, is massive challenge to how to respond to the continue i, aggression and the war and ukraine. i think something, something that everybody agrees with in western europe is that we have been neglecting our defenses and we need to rebuild it. um, i believe that at the end of the day is primarily a 1st of all responsibility for, you know, for the member states. i think it would be tricky and perhaps dangerous to duplicate nato and european union a problem. you're kind of playing a role for so i'm so sorry, but i think that's going to be a massive challenge to reboot or defensive. okay. and yeah, i have a little bit of time for you. uh, maybe your final thought before we end the discussion on where the foreign policy priorities of fee you the you commission should lie the next 5 years or what i
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mean. i think it's, you know, it's a question of including the videos, but he's arguing that quote to its policies. right. and i think it's looking out towards, but looking anyways as well, you know, you, you wants to be a role model. they have to make sure that you connect for the time and all the people within the, on board as well as you know, when you see all right, governors reading was reading to you. i think that doesn't bode well. and i think, you know, when, when you see that you're not be not that your daughter stands against the far right government, israel, committing horrible crimes. i think about the board. well i the most is i'm very sick. know, and you know, i think, i think again, you know, if the e u is distasteful for progress for human rights, they just need to put that they money by the amount is another moment bill certainly not doing this. thank you so much for all for you to do for a great conversation. i wish we had a bit more time. thank you. be to cap it ana. maria built a out mondo and thank you for joining us on this edition of inside story. and thank
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you to for watching, you can always watch this program again, any time by visiting our website at all to 0 dot com for further discussion. go to our facebook page. that's facebook dot com, forward slash a j inside story. and of course, you can join the conversation on x a handle. is that a j inside story for me, for the back to board, the whole team. thank you for watching bye. for now. the over $27000.00 harrowing photographs as mutually can do that to us. the evidence in this case is frankly even stronger than mass that we had against the nazis at nuremberg. and these crimes continued in the fast of a 2 part series out to 0 photos, powerful cases of little crimes against civilians allegedly killed by the syrian government. with photographic evidence from the seas of files, the lost souls of syria on al jazeera,
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or hello, i'm down in jordan doha, with the reminder of the top stories here on audra 0. another 90000 people have fled rough uh its southern guns in a single day. the total forced to leave by israel is renewed or offensive in the past week. now stands at $450000.00 to me and 5 to say their lowest. 33 of tax on his right, the 4th is the highest number in a single day. since the start of the year is randy troops and how deep in the hearts of giovanni. a city in the north of district council says ceasefire talks between is written how must have reached a style made.


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