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tv   Al Jazeera World Return to Palestine  Al Jazeera  May 15, 2024 4:00am-5:01am AST

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and remember the copy revised wells and increases systems caught on red chris the fellow m baron jordan dough with a reminder of the top stories here on the i'll just say era, another 90000 people have fled rough uh its southern guns in a single day. the total forced to lead by israel is renewed offensive in the past week. now sounds of $450000.00 to me and 5 to say they've lawrence. 33 attacks on his right. the 4th is the highest number in a single day. since the start of the year is randy troops and how deep in the heart of devonte, a city in the north, the district council says ceasefire talks within is written how must have reached a stalemate. therefore, we will not accept being uh, as i said,
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you've been abused by the, by the mediation process itself over by those who are trying to positively or negatively affect depositions. what we will certainly commit to is the cause for the peace. and we are continuing our role as the mediator i do out of seeing right now. it is to me that you as the appointment, as they said this morning, we have reached what can be described as a state of me. but we are continuing to work together to try to bridge the gap between the 2 an additive when it comes to uh, discount with us. like just stay down to me, blink. and has met with president loving me as a landscape during an unannounced visit to ukraine. blinking to show its the landscape that moment of trade is on its way as a nation and faces intensified. a tax from russia in the hockey region is the 1st trip to ukraine by a senior us official since congress passed a $61000000000.00 a package in april to help ukraine's war efforts a place of distress demonstrate. as outside the georgian parliament in tbilisi
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opted approved of foreign interference, though the new legislation sauce off the weeks of mass protest demonstrate to sphere it could be used to cub defense and stand in the way of georgia joining the european union. and you literally require organizations that get more than 20 percent of the funding to improve the rich stuff with forty's. french politicians have adopted controversial changes to the constitution of its pacific island territory, new caledonia. they've been riot some. a few has also been imposed. the changes will allow people who lived in the territory for more than 10 years to vote and local elections. leaders from the indigenous population known as the contact people say, the move good, we can bad representation. president, 5 new shopping, increasing tires on inputs from china in an effort to protect us jobs. they headed the election in november. the tires will cover electric vehicles, batteries, and semi conductors. the white house, the tires that apply to $18000000000.00 worth of chinese products. the decisions
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largest increase tensions with china, which has cooled on the washington to drop the measures and want that decision would severely affect bilateral corporation. prices on fairly low because chinese companies don't need to worry about a profit. because the chinese government subsidize them and subsidize them heavily in china is relies on other n, a competitive taxes as well by forcing american companies to transfer the technology in order to do business in china. i spent a lot of time sheets in early on. i told the reason why my been unfair, which i know i looked for i said look, so play by the savings. if you want. merrick is i want to make is clear. notwithstanding what the other guy say by any kind of car they want. whether it's gas or electric or high, but we're never gonna allow the china on fairly control of the market for these cars period. as the us justice department says boeing can be prosecuted for 2 crashes involving at 737 macs airplanes. more than 5 years ago. that's off that
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allegedly failed to meet requirements of a deal to protect it from prosecution. under the 2021 agreement, the pain make it was required to make changes to prevent violating anti fraud laws . 346 people were killed and those crashes in indonesia and ethiopia binding says it on the terms of the 2 point. $5000000000.00 stuff in farms. hundreds of police officers conducting a massive mountain hunt after an ambush and a present convoy let to describe of an inmate, a call rammed into the convoy with gunman, opening fire, getting to prison guards and booting 3 more. the funds were transporting for a 2 year old mohammed, i'm run back to j law for a quote, a ring. he's been convicted of robbery, a charge and connection to a drug coming. all right, those are the headlines and he's continues here on. i'll just say opt out is there a world state you the
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. ready the the
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kind of, that's the reason why they left the we didn't come to the police, they left so they're all 0. there's plenty of insurance and able to come through especially need i consider that part of the population is almost 11th. and as opposed to what they're in the same. busy among their own people, and then the
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income county to have on a can a lakeside extra while to attend this the ill, the old but nettles, when empty, is there a basement in a bit novella? so i better to have it the issue of county heading to a lot of the a head cold. but the sub of lot, the fundamental issue about will be to bit novella but they can afford
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it. but all the insurance is it. so is the problem with the heart to as soon as we're running on the visit, i seem to feel the policy but a little above i was able to swear to you in a closer look. still obvious develop. yeah, yeah. one more layer to clean the no question again. the next part of the
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no net bill. oh this are you. i will whole side of the a mess the password. yeah, that's how how does that so know that, oh, i have oh, you mean to send this one in the hands of us? oh no sad that i was just saying hey and i checked and as i said, i know who worked on the do know the yeah. the yeah. yeah, i'm going to hate to have this this isn't, this is helena. oh well no. nothing that they haven't had. let's see what other hand i see what is
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a lot higher so we can live and now you so we will see you is due on the license. let's definitely let me. he said, i'm writing contest. i tend to be in the delta care said, hey, let me get that done. and you had got the i haven't been able to convince some of the the, the don't have to. hi michelle, this not the given the subpoena for her. this was
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disappeared from for them to have it reserved as a do not send for combat hodges, but little cuz there's a finding the night saturday the what's the order that i should know or you have the scene you live to do that you be so kind of you to eva can validate, and these are the, even the case of oma. i sent it all by send this back to me. but as i said this
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a little bit in this is really going to be hooked up the handed out to the, to the i. so we will share the, the of the success of you saw the email when you say i left
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a message i gave you upfront and seen, edison cease with the whole amount of the middle. so i know we have see it. and he thought he told me the most money on the payment. i could tell me how many months and a little bit later, how was the the vehicle so yeah, yeah, yeah. the i get into it from
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a fluke and they had hotter boulevard. oh, it's going to be if he's no, no, no, no, i wouldn't face the height height the height is, you know, oh oh, so hello, but most of us to see it in as an a is on it out of been had maybe to let them have the most of the houses out on the floor outside of let's see, is what's the phone i have feeling missing a few. let's see. let's see. let's see how the lucky this is heather. with the look at the attic. the opposite of seeing that no mac and on did and then with this with fake macklin down and thought i had to keep the same it just and a full of seen has set in on. i'm just pull up any yes or no on. does she the title of philosophy? another not going to say the whole scene of,
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of the claim number for me. i'm back even move. we'll see you. let's, let's do the most do. let's do. let me just do this google waiting to see the display of the you have to overhaul, let them know. show the little head this way to head to the head of the lead. come the ones because she the, the the
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best that in this book. it should also be to whom that industry should for should be from 5 feet, especially with all and visited. and then they'll have a bit thought of who is on it. what come on live, come at the movie, you will fall asleep, digital movement, somebody base to officials, book keeping less than one. i'm calling about this what i think it was going to cut him happy. she can. it is i haven't been left. so now this rebecca, so how does that look? so hanging out the been up, so for the couple of minutes i'm going to send it with this one. i hope the sooner the better the to buy it in the next in mechanical, i'm sure multiple supply only the, the i'm good enough. i'm the, the late for the
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a feeling something that's a different types of offensive developed by some given how to fill out. i'm doing that kind of comes with them and i'd like him to have a chat available to no additional what i'm a cool, i'm really so to students and it will show me the model look at and in my pro the was i have my bar at the home i have, i'm booked up on the most, have to be on a uh, let me know if that's the answer now, but if i have some useful alaska principal here should be in the anthem of me that even be to us am, can, did the 2nd fee i'm, i'm a little home so high that so how is that? who has a list of e 90 out of 2, and that's what the email the events send somebody all man come to the new place. but all comes of i have the feeling kind of something that kind of stuff. i'm going to be fucked about. natalie is mean come 2nd fee slo headphones autumn up . not any 7 up. no. and is when you want me out of it. i'll have on it with you.
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and if i'm going to talk about it, we've left a message now. so how do you find that event and so, so kind of let me look here and look at it. well, i know most of the things the deal on the bid on that side of the about big maturity on the platter with the same name on it. okay. and many of those dates on most of tobacco . oh, phillip bremond and the 1st thing in name is having the full set of market from for cool. how in on the on the does how a little flock of a cassette no. so this way, oh yeah, been sort of have seen it. how does a all the equity high enough to get them into the reason i left, i'll explain a little less. i'm not sure yet. so i have, i'm feeling a bit domain a little
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bit on my have and see how high on the the the
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vain. so now ups up now does out of the base model of the heidi and for the a come ahead this, i know i should but while it, but i'm, i'm a baseball fan on my way. well, i can, uh, i'd have good i was needing your that could be what i can more about the just fit in the whole not at the base value is that on the sat. so what i as a saw him what i is that a problem. i like some movie the right way. it's all able to help from that. i would a half from people who go to mazda, have in the height and weight loss,
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and how that was the kind of thing that i told them and take upon it all of the best of luck with them. uh, not optimistic any the if i have total weight, is it, do i have so since its got the good it means event handled better than most of the goodness. i mean i knew that you and the the, the other ones. when did some of this mean just as mean? oh, how does that? does it? could i have the could i have not had so many established daniella into something they helped me the most i can offer you by the one you want. i mean,
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yeah. you know, when you look the account number, now how do i know, how did the sign or the quotes i had a good i'm done with the income administrative, valid the ones in the as a bad the company's mission, the better. but yeah, on the other thing is on the side of me, i'm wondering about the, the, the that shouldn't do calais. so high school when they reset menu, i'm not going to have done with them right now. yeah, we're based on that. yeah. the island and then a lot. i know i didn't even know what i need to show and i saw massage as
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a modified if i yes. is nathan with it on okay. hello. booking is looking to ship more. you know, a little bit of a fee to look to ship. okay. i one issue, is it going to be sort of the national official sort. i mean, this is a fee, honey thought must be studied for somebody that could have done it and it can i let me where is that gonna ship a we wouldn't shouldn't if you don't know if i cut off the saudi to or the madness and alaska shop and the the easy to say luckily you can to keep increment that gold will have the largest the case with the little bottle of coke. the
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bus. somebody will stick my head by little message. i thought if the energy by the spoiler philistine looked mamma thing to them, i haven't got them in the motor valley on subject back to your message. i thought of it in north and west side of mile, but they said my enemies didn't a budget to be honest. and i'm in love with buddy, that's what's in a and then also be in front of them. and they also have an aka level home on the dot com, which i just don't. i'm a little as if this me in but i'm going to know as i'm and let advance and, and don't have my vehicle. but i was, i was that i live now and i love which is, but i was moved by them to know. uh, i looked into that we as a as in c as in to be the
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pothole peach. cool. painted. oh, you're fine. you've had a cool, very good, very nervous items in a next week. not a problem. okay. jada. nick? good. how are you? i'm good. i have uh, can i go with tv? cuz in the vic most of the house. okay. we are off and assuming, even though the only one of these out if i was paying high 60 is not gonna slice me exactly, but hopefully uh $59.00. okay. i have some um, some of the the
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income is what i liked cuz i couldn't see this lady by the name of 60 huh. she said that this handled the foundation and the subject of this american doctor is the toilet issue. i've had the
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and come to find a way for the weekend away. yeah, i love reading that for me when i am. i babb them as of the can you see? yeah. oh, well i had on such a nice a horse that fucked up all the speed and then um, the look forward to me out of the fullest in who is that kind of us? i guess it's my feeling that k a 2nd telephone with us on line one to phillip nan or alons in his, in a book on it. and then that isn't itself as thoughtful of things. and that was the
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kinetic generations, if without further staying in the next bill, a lot of them and i live now in the day for the region of mine's the tragedy for me, of a democratic solve i for it there. it's how quickly we sort of adopted the story, told re global, know the intertwining of money and politics campaigner andrew fine state and photographer shock you do on, on active is on the crisis and gone. so what is happening today is happening on our
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watch. the news from now they will be people asking, how did you let it happen? studio will be on scripted part one on, on disease or here's from, i'll just say around on the go and meet tonight. i'll just there is only mobile app is that the, this is where we, the effect live from out is there is mobile app available in your favorite taps to just set for it and typed on a new app from alpha 0 new at using. is it the monitor a 10 year journey in which it has become the most important translation award from? i'm into the outer big language world, wide shaped come out award for translation and international understanding of dumps is the opening of the nomination period for the year. 2024 starting march 1st to
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may. 30 fast nominations are made on the award official website w w w dot h t a dot q a forward slash e m the hello m baron jordan and dough with the top stories here. and i'll just say right another 90000 people that fled rough uh, in southern guns that in a single day the total forced to leave israel to new defensive in the past week. now stands at $450000.00 to me and find to say that launch $33.00 a tax on is ready for us is the highest number in a single day. since the start of the year is really troops. and now deep in the heart of devonte, a city in northern because of cats also ceased by talks between israel and how much a breached a stalemate. and therefore, we will not accept being, as i said,
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you've been abused by the, by the mediation process itself. all by those who are trying to positively or negatively affect their positions. what we will certainly commit to is the cost for the piece and we are continuing our role as the mediator. i do i have seen right now. it is to me that you as a 5 minutes, they said this morning, we have used what can be this. it described as a state of me. but we are continuing to work together to try to bridge the gap between the 2 and additive when it comes to uh, to discounts on vitamins shopping, increasing tires and inputs from china in an effort to protect us jobs ahead of the election in november. the terms will come by electric cause batteries and somebody come doctors, the why town said the terrace that apply to $18000000000.00 worth of chinese products. the decision is likely to increase tensions with china, which is cool on washington to drop the measures and want that decision would severely affect bilateral corporation. french politicians have adopted
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controversial changes to the constitution of its pacific on an territory, a new kind of don't you have been riots and the coffee has also been imposed. the changes will allow people who have lived in the territory for more than 10 years to vote, and local elections leaders from being didn't as population known as the contact people say to move, could we come to the representation police of this bus demonstrate as outside the georgia in parliament in tbilisi often to prove the foreign interference low. the new legislation was passed off the weeks of mass protest demonstrates as fairly it could be used a curb to send, stand in the way of georgia joining the european union one day. the new law require organizations to get more than 20 percent of the funding from a broad directly step with the all settings. all right, so those are the headlines and use continue say on i'll just say are opt out of their well the state of pennsylvania of the
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vic and can you do know any bit hospital who can one must send the most out of hey, i think i forget how low i think of something. so as i said, he thought it. so they made me nice the know i would know.
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so a lot of this stuff of 50. since that is awesome. 5050 is my money. i'm project sort of thought 550. my the success as ease of up to but was too much back to me know and it says open in the the, i need touchy feely, but did it did it of the how would then to so how did to send me a lot of phone when i have a 50 office that i'm almost a fell off at the mama, mama,
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obviously that my sister has really hard to say. are they 2? hadn't they had $69.00, but that was a us. yeah. nina and a whole not an issue that he was sent up with. how does that result and it has it. and then she said like she was a and i'm the mom back if it has to the attack the idea of the, of what i have and that has a lot of the j left c c. again, this is todd almost off when i use that to tell us about the the
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. 6 the, the on begin uh, what was the, you know, how can i do you have to them and how dilemma is another? oh, somebody is about to like you, i am not the most of themes, but i would look into each of this not coming on. charlotte sean and how did he learn how and how did he lie? yeah, sure. no, i understand me another i did. i did as well as not even got me young. uh i, i really, i have to have a so a lot of charlotte. charlotte guys done a lot about the board. i know that's the yeah. guy and you've been that made me mad
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. yeah. and as he is ready receive up about about or that is the end of the i don't know what joe, as of the us that i'm yeah. look in the if it exactly. so get it. had of. yeah, and i would, joe was miss rippling. edison knew this, i'm not so hello, miss. well, i knew it would be me. yeah, i knew more less on z a whole. and i mean torres, i mean it's a way to live with the machine, but it's not just it went home hardly. i knew this number in the stones and it was a headline view and i love beats the
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best ones, but it has the right. oh uh the middle. so i looked up. most people not on the out of it, on the phone on it. so the, the customer on the phone and see some level of in the summer this a lot of the
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sub minutes take a little how do you mean is that only the high end of the less that i have in this matter? not as nothing. yeah. how do you know mass and yadda yadda, yadda. and i'm assuming they are on law. how does that or not? and that is yours, the i think i did send it for is that in my when hi, this is all of this is about the yeah. so it'd be cool of the morning this morning
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. i don't want them to select incentives. vanessa. what am i gonna see here? yeah, go ahead. no, it's just an i c. j 9 a on the printer. we let me submit number system. now see if i'm on or some so do you always have to leave it on? yeah, i knew i sent mr. no, let me go. let me see. let me see if that will see the can see the judy as opting point this afternoon. if that hasn't been a good fit there, what is the name of the now? i may have time. i had a high us to say, do i use the right to revise the
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see it putting in our side general? have you have you have a 5 piece 5 piece by piece of an a think i the how you has it was how much it is at the uh huh. and then i can, i can now inside the size and so let me see man, if these you all in some he also i'm in the men lift up on the bottom and it's been really, i need to get a piece of cutting those up in the off when he bit about how is this, how i'm supposed to the for months to concede, how do i have to pay off? actually it's more like the new investment by the bit and the key my go out, we do call that one model. i'm gonna have you couldn't lift up bits of a how you had that any of it by yourself withdrawal. yeah. and it'll be
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a lot of the limitations have definitely had the full of cleaning it has been via to and the, the, the, [000:00:00;00] the whole of the, to the had that huh. i can do it. i'm just in the, in a, as in as a whole model. he level ha, on the celebrity, or have the largest of the not in. i'm the single the on the high can much as it yes. actually the obviously it had him a candle. uh, some kinda
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a little slip this mean the montage little federal government to main sunday the little bit. but they had him home looking for a lot of people about the auto just so if i know how to, we still can let them know what model of background to see if the somehow the case hey nick. a finally nice. finally. the last and then
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the the phone over to now can, i mean it says this, now i'm an old as a 14 new muscle. what does a 4 to on and look forward to addition then i'm in terms of the ocean hot? no, no, no, no he and this this multiple machine and the whole washington, highly a man who yeah, i me had the hello. nick, i'm much, much for that. but then they can also look at the of a can bit. now what are some of that is a for like a 4 level,
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i'm on the news. you know how the, who are the who yeah. i love that. i feel that you know, who is the lead and then it should have. so now i'm side, so the heavier side level start up fee. even the items you for, you know, what if i guess really fast isn't t cumberland just based on jen the
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you know, we made it. yeah. the we didn't do that and didn't even know what i came in. the last lesson. i still had to try to hack in the queue for the and i've been one of law but just kind of issue of, of people who was that kind of a head for alonzo john in that could i suppose way
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the yeah, the subtle so it's a lot what i'm up put the low cost level movies the so i'm about like an old bit and if you saw how good a key the size of it. yes. me in monkey. oh the hey. mr. hicks, the supply level low said oh no. how big the uh the
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hell i took a long way from 16 bit now who uh what was that? what was in the best of the state level of our pay monthly. i allowed to be able to look up. you still owe my name and not the feeling on the notice on my home said he had to let me know. do i have the victory gym and my son is your medical matters for all. boy williams will know. i know in the 60s, you fucking music, i saw a 10 a can infected in the guy successful in
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the mission of a huge ball. don't you say now, cynthia? yeah, my love the most other although i was the same as in david leevee, i'm the guy i need to know getting low level plasma and haven't delivered
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the address as to what i am a recipient of. okay. and this was not the key as we had to had left off. you know that a whole lot more of a sudden i and my son had that as the main line. but this had the how my, why ma, different of sitting the show will kick the high side of do a book. how do all of why don't you the mean? i miss wanna steer you towards the inside. the other way. i knew that if we can have a bedroom uh is in uh less in all of
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a sudden i go saw people also. i was off in the highlands in i was in the mountains, you know, i la la but were cut off. i got, i really was a into and from the elevator the machine. me so that my mind. yeah. that deluxe level bottom. yeah, i need the my, my, the support of tennessee was not sure i'm not even how to method. i missed my development menard's needing to know highs of fidget doors and falls off businesses. your settlements spend a lot of rain that the fees are 15 best were best 2nd, unless you have the a genuine mush just like batches killed or no. uh my is your best most updated unless you have the items that you can model most of the home 10. 0 one it might have hes in the next mr. who need uh,
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from loving this has to know. i know by the phone, i know a lot of what was tested on nevada. when did you actually have a model energy fitness, excuse me. exactly. oh, i can explain how you can let them go. measure with some more labor on it. know on the high the most so lights are cause most definitely was the single cause it could be 3,
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send them the and the other. a lot of the task out with joe was his background. it's good lead. i've been to live in muscle. the in the living and i'm, i'm not a funeral any like you and i'm not in love yet. this is not, you know, getting up because of that i have them, it's in a, them sit pest indicating the fall of the, in my family history 50 in this,
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in the i the beautiful lit sugar chip bebbles away. i mean, show it live. i don't shut that, that new whole dish. was it the low lives by the hood of a dish? one live at the is your z a r d o man. ok to sure i know the corn hole as i live in the block. i the cut out on the bottom. no. but so a heads up and beyond that she had lost but i knew a let me very i miss you of us, but i know had a she to be they didn't go as sure. yeah, they postpone it and if you need a face when the but the but supposed to be near his home sobbing movie. and the other thing is, is jada had to show a lot of nic. the system here is the channel that need
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the shenaria. so the
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do not allow me just of also please pick that up and let me know, i mean is what has to be in for the cleaning. and we just need to get out of the vienna that's been been been rolled into sherman, seem to have them think of this thing. couldn't have been not, not, we'll have to have. i mean this on the screen can they saw me to share that? but i mean, i would have gone for the sleep 5 minutes already. a lot of the thought the
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the latest news wave was so intense that this is all that is left. people are digging through debris and twisted metal to find any one left alive. in depth reports the target population of 2300000 people do not have enough crisis escalating and detailed coverage as well as prime minister relies on foreign ministers to stay in power. they want the raft results to go ahead, define them, and then you know, who could be out of office the, the gulf of mexico, like every other body of water in the world is warmer than the long to an average. and when that bolts comes on show, and it often does, but certainly in the spring and you get it contrasting is called it's one of the rockers, you get these giant thunderstorms. well, they've been pretty vicious recently from mississippi through louisiana and not in florida. and that's the full cost that they are not quite suspicious when they run
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up the carolines and beyond. but the see and probably new yorker have a miserable couple of days, wednesday and thursday and they have that stuff coming off. the rock is into the price isn't as cold as it was. so the storms aren't going to be quite as big, but they're still there. and the risk which ends on thursday, once again, i'm afraid to texas. and there was to the federalist in that jumping size. i mean, prove, taking picture for cuba, hispaniola and put the rico there off to charles in the trade winds and the still fairly heavy rain. for example, in panama. oh, the small islands around the caribbean. this time the get fairly frequent but light . davey showers and that's not gonna change the season over in which you, sol, puckett. so up in panama is that in columbia and bit further south and west and brazil. then this area preserves quite whole the rear wheel cool down size so that pretty drawn picture. now, well, the windy weather's actual,
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the meeting of mine's the tragedy for me, of a democratic solve out for it. there. it's how quickly we sort of adopted the very told re global, know the intertwining of money and politics campaigner andrew find state and photographer shock you do on, on active is on the crisis in concert. what is happening today is something on our watch. the news from now they will be people asking, how did you let it happen? studio will be on the scripted part one, on noticing the sense that he met the acadia and he just showed them the price is high for a family of palestinian after this. so peacefully protected the community from is really set to expansion in the occupied westbank for decades. they just put those that really for that good on our see, this is the story, the trying to see them moving them
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some of the on the fire on a just the, you know, the challenges here with the close to half a 1000000 palestinians displaced as these really ami continues as a sofa on a roof, or by more than half of gauze, the nation has been shown. the hello i'm dire in jordan, this is out just a red line from the also coming up. the us slips to approve a new city and don't have package of weapons for israel despite the bite and administration's concerns about the coming of palestinian civilians. yes,


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