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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 15, 2024 5:00am-5:31am AST

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the, the challenges here with the close to half a 1000000 palestinians displaced as these really ami continues as a sofa on a roof or by more than half of gauze the nation has been shown. the hello i'm dire in jordan, this is out just a red line from the whole set coming up us let's to approve a new city and don't have package of weapons. the israel, despite the bite and administration's concerns about the coming of palestinian civilians. yes, president joe biden unveiled speak kind of some chinese influence of choosing
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beijing of not playing fair and cheating on trade. and the french parliament approves a change to the voting system in new caledonia of the days of protests against the reform. israel is renewed, pushed deeper into eastern, the rough is leading to catastrophic levels of displacement. $450000.00 palestinians have been forced out of the southern gauze, a city in just a week that fling to other parts of the strip where there is already widespread destruction like a food water and sanitation. but you and says, there are no safe areas left for palestinians to go to central guns, or at least 40 palestinians were killed by his randy s strikes. but he had a house and school where the space people had been sheltering. and then a say right refugee, come sir high back because the
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is not celine office, adult tons of the locals can phone. is him in another room? no says comfort dismissal one. they tell him a clever boy. the is the sounds echo across the whole to sneak a reminder is a far as if this was the outside this woman cries quietly. a mind can also be heard saying us and is ro. oh, to blame the i swear to god. my heart is
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in pain, she tells them now the palestinian men to the pro injures and relatives of the dead. listen to a man telling them to be prepared to meet the makeup is that he says is on every corner and every street this has become an all too familiar scene across the gaza strip. the, this finds is ready for this with drawing some several areas, including the slight arts for a few g come. a few weeks ago the they have returned with intense, foaming, under the guise of defeating some of the, the sauce. it's the civilians who suffer the nice the
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palestinians in the north, on the south, on being sped, either nearly half a 1000000 of them have been forced to be dropped off in just a matter of days. the another boat, the rock stopped in a sheet. this is full, as they say they'll have his name written on the white cloth, the full being buried. so as is one of more than $35000.00 palestinians too, since israel launched its rule and garza total height of elder 0. well, hidden times color is in central garza and went to the house where is ready for his bombed and then is there a refugee camps as we saw, a couple of palestinian children that were rescued from under the rubble. heartbreaking memories as palestinian mother as a farewell, their children from under the rubber. not only that the rescue workers were having
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a very hard time as they were trying their best to pull more of bodies from under the rubble, the their beloved ones waiting for the rescue workers to hide them, hoping that anyone would be alive the rescue workers were using their bare hands very basic equipments to rescue any policies in use that were trapped. 2 of the families that have been killed in this house were recently evacuated from dropbox, as they thought that to say it was a safe space after that is really forces asked them to evacuate to the central area . a lot of other palestinians we're, we're, we're waiting and still waiting for any news about the people to drop. unfortunately, after 19 hours of pulling the robot and trying to rescue people from under the
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rubble of the rescue. workers said that it's getting dark and they had to leave the bombed house and they're going to return tomorrow in the morning. as there are still dozens of palestinians dropped under the rubble and their families are going to wait for them until they remove them. and pull them from under the rubble. meanwhile, is ready troops increasing attacks on northern gauze at the jabante. a refugee camp has come under renewed fire. martha salute has been speaking to some of the people who remain in the account. as the is weighted forces expending their operation and nothing goes as trip as the old disability as well as sheltering and living and exhibiting for her to evacuate to the west of guys of the city. i'm from dayton. we have been displaced 5 times 1st to help then to shift from day to obviously to and then back to her left. and now we're back here. we don't know where we will go.
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hook up as a show, think and open fire activities of that area. the also intensive high inc, and strikes and also re add that to area we has paid for people and we support the resistance. despite poverty and exhaustion, may i love protecting. all of this can be understood by, by the sinews. that is why the forces are trying to proceed and you can the united states has condemned and attack. i'm an aide convoy carried out by is really protest as the group on loaded food items and destroy the urgent care needed supplies, preventing them from reaching gaza. the vehicles of crossing through hebron and the occupied westbank heading towards gauze of israel's restriction on food aid as cause ferment across large parts of the strip nor com. before they strew. got to smash royce flour and all the money needed food. these is right.
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these are determined to prevent this age from reaching hosting and engulf the disco boy was on its way from jordan to the proceed to strip through hep road in the occupied westbank where it was attacked. on monday human rights lawyers appears to run the steps behind us. you can see the surplus, jewish, extreme, historical age meant because of the armies had the police of left a is ready, police insist they're investigating. well, i'm on says they didn't nothing to prevent it. i still how the police and the, i mean this is the both of them you know, whether they just allowed him to do an able with the one on the ground. i never saw that someone was arrested even i, when i was at the the sabotage didn't end their songs. that many of these ladies came back, incense, 3 of the a trucks on the floor of the light of day expose the severity
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of the damage. the white house has condemned the attack on the trucks. it is a total outrage that there are people who are attacking and loading these convoys coming from jordan, going to a guy's a to deliver humanitarian assistance. we are looking at the tools that we have to respond to this. this is not the 1st time it's happened. is there any protests to be booking a to the priest? the goal is to of to come up with to tell them crossing from them. the last week purchases use rocks to block the road in southern israel. do is being used to deliver h to concept through and video showed the trunk of the truck backed up to columbus . has people and garza a stopping the head of the you and well to program says a full blown famine in northern johnson. it's working its way south there israel's
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defense for rough or severely in 2 days from entering through the time of a solemn crossing. when the crossing is even not functioning for a day. this is having a significant impact on the response that we are able to provide to. so for 7 days now, without humanitarian airy aids coming in, it's a complete disaster here, a complete disaster. the 8 blocks and destroyed by the scrupulous radius, is just a fraction of what's needed. the u. n. says israel, it's responsible for what it calls an entirely man made starvation in carson lewis . com i'll to 0. the us state department has sent a $1000000000.00 aid package for weapons, the israel to congress review. this comes as the president biden pulls the shipment of weapons to israel early this month. it will on his way, the prime minister benjamin netanyahu not to invite rough uh without the safe guard specifically ends on tuesday when she have the time she has moved from washington
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dc. this has been presented as a new long term deal to supply israel with weaponry, with the $700000000.00 in tank ammunition, $500000000.00 in technical vehicles and $16000000.00 in more drugs not being available for delivery for several months or even several years it is a clear sign, the $25.00 jo biden's campaign donors, as well as those members of his own policy and the republican party that it is business as usual, as you've had several members of the white house continue to emphasize in the us media that is wrong, is guessing everything it needs except for that one. shipment of 2000 pound volumes over the white house is the power that concerns over the rough incursions. so father, the white house does not believe that the red lines have been cross despite the forcible displacements of 450000 people, sir, and attempted to rear sho,
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binding's campaign donors and the democratic party in a week. in fact, when there was supposed to be more discussion in congress about potentially coming off the pentagon, the state department and the national security council, well, by doing and the bite administration to continue to withhold those 2000 pound booms . she, i pronounce the elders are at washington the us president joe biden, the shop li, increasing power, some imports from china, in an effort to protect american jobs. they had to be election in november, the tire, so we'll come back, electric cars, batteries, and semi conductors. and applied to $18000000000.00 worth of chinese products. beijing has one that decision will severely affect bilateral corporation. i want to ask osborne and kimberly helped get reports from washington dc. a us president joe
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biden came into office saying he wouldn't do his predecessor, former president donald trump's trade policies, but on tuesday, 5 in double to even triple down on new terrorist to some chinese imports to the united states. when you make tractors like these and they're not competing, it's not. comforters has cheated. the tariffs will be phased in over 3 years on every thing from steel semiconductor. so electric vehicles and more affecting roughly 18000000000 and chinese imports to view west terror. so the electric vehicles will rise to 100 percent from 25 percent steel and aluminum products will more than triple to 25 percent from 7.5 percent or less. try to heavily subsidize all these products. pushing china is company produced for more than the rest of all can absorb, then don't pay the excess products out of the market and on fairly low prices,
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drive another manufacturers around the world, out of business, the buying the administrator and says the move will help american businesses compete, critics like for president trump say china floods the global market with excess imports. it's too little, too late. for the trump made punishing china over what he called unfair trade practices. cornerstone of his presidency, igniting a trade war. they jang is vowing to retaliate against the latest action by the bible ministration. we'll golf at that data. sure. what we want to tell you is that china always opposes unilateral tariff increases that violate w t o rules and will take all necessary measures to safeguard it's legitimate rights and interest with the presidential election months away. politics is that the route of this announcement. some of the biggest steel and auto manufacturers
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are in the battleground, states of michigan and pennsylvania. president biden has promised to protect manufacturing jobs in those states with the hope of winning votes in november. kimberly healthcare alger 0, the white house, french politicians have adopted controversial changes to the constitution of its pacific island, tara trade. new caledonia, had been riots and a few as also have been imposed. the changes will allow people who lived in the territory for more than 10 years to vote and local elections leaders from the indigenous population known as the kind of people. so to move could we can that representation? let's bring into these specialist. she's a visiting fellow at the australian national university center for european studies . she joins us live from come breath and he's good to have you with us. you with the strain, the uncomfortable general in new caledonia in the early 2020 plus me followed politics the even now, are you surprised in these,
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by the intensity of the protests? the indigenous cannot so clearly very, i'll be at what france is doing. oh no, i'm not surprised at, at what's going on and you kind of daniel, although i'm a district in the side and by then i hope that the day wouldn't come. what we've seen in the last 2 nights is abena violence of the old or that we haven't seen and you kind of knew for to, to use. it is extremely serious and it shows a real fundamental breakdown in the way the territory is being managed. the come acts say this change to the constitutional seriously undermine the representation. how valid do you think that claim is and what are the demands? are they seeking more autonomy here? what does it the, the situation is very long standing, the constant, the fox is actually changing its own constitution. you kind of doesn't, he doesn't have a constitution. it's a position of profs the concerns dixie to then dates back to use when the
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independence lead is lots me come up to reject it. the 3rd and final is supposed to be fine. i know independence vote provided for under 30 years of peace agreements coming to an end. they boy called on that boat because it was held at the peak of coverage trying to make when their communities was suffering dying from the pandemic. they rejected the outcome and ever since they have want you to a new vote for 2 years, the territory has been out of impasse. frauds has tried to stage discussions, bring them in on discussions. elements of the independent groups have refused to do that. they want talks in time or us, they want another vote. and this particular element, the elements of how many people can vote and you can all right, the way obviously, i'm some, some communication problems with the special, the in camera will have to been out there. i'm afraid that will try and come back
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to every time a little bit later. but let's move on shelby, but still head to come hair on. i'll just say air defense lawyers attempt to attempt to print ability of a star witness. and donald trump's costs money. trial plus i am rob mcbride and sole south korea, rome bold as best day that some young, the faithful, a celebrating and controversial style. the . the southern china is remarkably dry over something the 1st time for weeks. this is the active system now off show having dragged itself through japan, but there was a code from coming through. it came out to montgomery and that's gonna generate some pretty heavy writing for the korean peninsula. but he's left behind actually just fine. sunny weather beijing is up to 27. how laurie represents the written bit,
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just over the border from china, so you not will be a bit went but why don't she gotten dollar hong kong or will not enjoying really say this spring so fine looking sunny weather. this turn, stormy as it leaves the korean peninsula, as of the north coast of on show could be windy and red, your existing otherwise the to real change. but if you jump size potential for floating, i think for eastern solar raising the small allows us to the east is that during wednesday? maybe something in some sort of rock or steel too much right. but the shelves are moving towards the seasonal range, creeping out through thailand, and particularly in vietnam, which is very much expected to be surrounded with hot sunshine. is that humid and sundry weather as for india, the change is coming 1st. i think it's for us, for learning care about. so in the southern prophet deck, in fact it looks western now and that's not the attempt is back is still the halt in pakistan's and the fondles west of india. the
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ok foundation is deliberate, over $300000000.00 will suffice. emboldened 75 countries around the world, 100 percent of sec, thoughts and emergency donation spends on projects and we ensure beneficiaries come 1st of a 300 on luis heavens. have gone through the roof, the crossing in recent months. our most of these bless and be blessed and we all turning your donations into direct delivery in the shortest possible time donates with confidence. the welcome back to watching out. just a real quick combined of our top stories here. there's another 90000 people that
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said roughly in southern guns that in a single day the total number of palestinians forced to leave by israel is renewed offensive in the past week. now stands at $450000.00 you and says there is no a site for them to go. for us, state department has moved them a deal of weapons to congress for approval of the $1000000000.00 cottages, onto the israel, comes as president turbine and delayed a shipment of weapons out of this month of the concerns of a rough invasion on french politicians about dumped and controversial changes to the constitution of its pacific unimpaired for a new kind of down here. 7, riots and a few as also have been imposed changes would allow people that lived in a church as a move in 10 years to vote in local elections. now the defense of the time, the credibility of donald trump's former lawyer, michael co, enjoying his secondary testimony in the format us, presidents testimony trial. come until the co that from pull that him to pay. i don't feel mattress stormy, daniel, it's more than
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a $100000.00. he says it was an exchange, but his silence on an alleged sexual encounter with the former president. trump is accused of falsifying business rentals to cover up the payments, but he denies all the charges that spring into the net side. all she's an attorney and legal alice, i'm joining us live from los angeles. do you know? it was good to have you with us, so it looks like the prosecution then had a very strong day today. how does michael cohen stand up to the defense cross examination? which of times got very combative? don't you think mean so far so good. they still have at least another day of cross examination, but essentially the cross examination today was trying to kind of point out how angry michael cohen is as a way to discredit him. and to me, that seems not like a good way to describe to him because michael cohen actually went to jail and his part of this conspiracy in relation to his payment to stormy daniels, adult trump, so far hasn't face the consequences of that. so to me, the prosecution on redirect can very easily stay, aren't you angry?
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because you know, he actually had his liberty taken away. he says a harm to his family. it seems like a reasonable thing to be angry about. so, so far the cross examination, i don't think has done really any damage yet to his testimony, then it just took us briefly through how crucial michael collins testimony has been in this case didn't, this was the band who actually carried out the hush many payments to stormy daniels, i mean there's not, there's a reason why they had him testify last, they knew his credibility was going to be an issue. and so almost every other witness told the same story that there was a concern about stormy daniel story because of the election and that they needed to pay and by her story. so it didn't come out and we've heard that from great every single prosecution witness. practically, it's a, it's a michael cohen and his testimony because it came last was really able to kind of
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rebut the earlier ones. and crucially, the prosecution had documents for almost everything. michael co, i testified to he said he got a text from a lot. yeah. and then they introduced the, the wrecker, the call record of showing you got a text from her. so they did that in a way to both to the credibility and specifically miko code was able to testify in a way the others weren't saying that he was directed from by donald trump to make that payment. yes, i think most pundits would say that i'm coming to been the prosecution style witness in this case. and as you say from defense team haven't really succeeded in undermining cummins testimony, cooked the prostitution really get a conviction here. do you think of i think based on what we've seen so far, i would be surprised if they didn't get a conviction. there is so much evidence including um, a tape recording of donald trump, himself talking to michael cohen about making a payment to karen mcdougall. that particular payment is not at issue here, but it shows
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a pattern if he was so involved in making the payment to care mcdougal, which was another catching kill story. it's common sense that he would also be a part of the stormy daniel's one. it's that kind of documentary evidence, it's tweets by donald trump. it's what he says in the access hollywood tape, as well as all the witness says, the prosecution has had a very strong case so far. dina, just a final quick thought to you. i mean, there are rumblings that we could see donald trump himself take the stand. is that blanket to happen? and if it does, how could that play out? do you think you're in a case like this, where they this case has been so strong by the prosecution and the defendants own were a tip and introduced several times again with the reading of the access hollywood tape. with the recording, he may with a michael cohen with his own tweets, usually criminal defendants, some tickets down. but in this situation where there's so many words out there in front of the jury, you would think he wouldn't take this step. but to counteract that,
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if he takes the stand, the judge has ruled that the fact that he lost the defamation lawsuit to gene carol, which means that he's actually been judged a liar by a jury, can come in to rebut his credibility. and the last thing he wants is for that to come in. so i would think his council would advise him not to do it, but you know, you never know with donald trump. he may want to feel like he can convince the jury . so i, it's a little unclear whether or not he actually, well, all right, to diaz. i don't have to leave it there many times to be of time as always do not for your legal analysis. thank you. it's not police of disposed to demonstrate as outside the judge and parliament in tbilisi often approved a foreign interference. no. the new legislation was passed off the weeks of mass protests demonstrates a sphere. it could be used to cub defense and stand in the way of georgia joining the european union one day. the new law when required organizations that get more than 20 percent of the funding from abroad to register with authorities to 0 to
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meet committed. thank you. has moved out from the georgia and capital a controversial so called for an agents bill was expectedly, approved today in parliament. and the processes are still here by saying that very frustrated. they're saying they're unhappy and saying they will say, and they will continue coming here until their voice is on hood. now, police bus out all those front gates all the a following as process is what? bashing them with the, with the feet. uh and uh, cleared out the whole area within just a matter of 20 minutes was announced that they would be using tear gas on anyone who does not. this 1st follow the order for evacuation. but people still came back here, gas wasn't used this time, barely had a bit of pepper spray today during the day, the police went on a lot of them in riot gear. but still the protest is, i've been peaceful that back is still being peaceful. so this looks like
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a to puts out in the back in full that protests as a police have been playing here. so what happens next with this bill is that it moves over to a presidential signature, the president's house. the problem is that she would veto this bill, but then again, the ruling georgia dream policy has enough seats in solomons to override that veto . now, international organizations, i'm saying that they will continue applying pressure against lucy and the people who are hoping for some kind of miracle that they will be heard as a result reaching rather than go out just there at the leasing. now there are non canadian olsa. alice monroe has died of the age of 90. 2, hailed as a mazda in contemporary short story. writing. monroe was awarded the nobel prize. the mixture in 2013 a books, expelled themes of the human condition, including aging and relationships. she was diagnosed with dementia and recent he
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has passed away late on monday as well. tara mcguire is a ride to a base in vancouver, canada. she says no one else could pack as much new arms into short stories. the way that alex monroe did, she just wrote about everyday life in a way that made us all feel seen when i woke up this morning and saw on my instagram, which is full of writers from the eastern time zone. and everyone was writing tributes to how alice monroe had affected their lives. i went to my book shelf and i'm like pulling up all of these books just so many of them. and so the way that she wrote the short story is just better than anybody else. she was a master of the form. it's very, very difficult. i think with writing the, the more words you have, the easier it is. and she gave herself those constraints. and her writing was crystal clear. it was almost unemotional, so vivid and sharp. and there,
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nobody could match her. her work is timeless. it can be read at any age and interpreted at any time with the different lens. and i think that she would just be remembered as a truly gifted writer who, who saw the lives of girls and women, and wrote them very clearly with beautiful pros. and it just made us seem like we were worth it. now, wednesday is a public holiday in south korea to mont, but as birthday the lead up to the annual event includes different festivities, including a controversial d. j is attracting a growing following. i'll just here as well. mcbride express. he goes by the stage named d. j. new jeans, new and performing. and the traditional buddhist monks outfit certainly gets use. so ho. notice the modern dance music he plays, provides
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a packing for merits that spread traditional buddhist teachings. with a growing following in south korea you and has won the support of the law.


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