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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 15, 2024 9:00am-9:31am AST

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in western and it needs to be questions. this is not the time to turn this to kind of way examining the effect that news coverage can have on democracies everywhere. here at the listing the best, the . ready ready a 76, he is on from the knock by a new catastrophe. robotics jeanine's. close to half a 1000000 people forced to leave god those 7 most city of the so i'm for the back people. you're watching out you 0 life from dell, as part of sign mocks to knock by furious fighting wages on from the north to the south of the gaza strip. and some of the most in tendencies really attack same weeks. yet the us is looking to approve
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a new $1000000000.00 package of weapons for israel and 11 use at least one person is killed in a 2nd night of writing in new caledonia, after paris box controversial voting reforms in the french overseas territory. the palestinians called the founding of these rail, the knock or the catastrophe 76 years ago. within 750000 people were forcibly evicted from their homes. today they are going through an even greys a catastrophe. more than 35000 men, women and children have been killed by his russell on gossip. they are nearly 6000000, registered palestinian refugees worldwide, who israel has prevented from returning to their land. more than 487000 lives in
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11 on about 581000 in syria. and more than 2000000 live in jordan. and they are around 901000 refugees in the occupied west spot there and do not keep bodies to a slim israel has built around 250 legal settlements. and outposts with a proportion of 23 is really set place for 100 palestinians. 2 thirds of guys this population are refugees. that's about one point. 5000000 people will find a scene in say, the ongoing, more and military expansion in the occupied westbank at the evidence of a 2nd snack. by this time, they're facing it alone seen by dr. a report from the occupied with a cemetery near the janine refugee camp. in the occupied westbank, the final resting place for dozens of a rocky soldiers, christians and muslims, sundays and ships errands. encouraged people from all walks of life, fought and died for palestine. in 1948. it was the 1st erebus. really war to defend
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against the force displacement of palestinians from the land came to be known as the knuckle or catastrophe. being that talk about the positions in the old grows in this month and they started shooting and pushed was all you nice school the way back. ready the rockies, we're the only ones that fault here, side by side with the palestinians nowadays are balmy's, have no say everyone is on their own. everyone wants to present their own interest . the historians say uses objective has always been the ethnic cleansing of palestine. but what is happening now is much more violent during the not by 13000 palestinians died over the span of 3 years since october, more than 35000 palestinians had been killed in gaza in just 7 months. like getting is from one side civilian population. 10 with the most sophisticated american weapons they lights, minute by minute,
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geo, politically, the region is also different. 76 years ago, the napa was a catastrophe for all their up countries, the displace or document the decades of what has been a violent conflict. civilian suffering, the assassination of political leaders massacres, defeats on the battlefield and after negotiating table, what becomes clear is that with every year that is going on, posting is, are found themselves more and more alone with their strong descendants of the displaced and occupied se, palestinians have hoping air of people, but not air of leaders. in the west bank, we've seen multiple breeds and killings. there's an active genocide them does previously out of armies shared blood with palestinians. the highlight garza is it well without any one by its side. it's fighting by itself. it's being slow through the by itself. you're asking me about the arrow bombings, shame on the, they are used against their own people. others did not mean to find another country,
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visits fight riots on, but to fight another army known. most of them posted and say they remain hopeful that they will win their freedom from israeli occupation some day despite seemingly insurmountable odds. and despite knowing they will have to do with themselves the same bus route. the old is 0, the occupied westbank, palestine. that sound bringing analogies here as terry cup was the one who's in general by law in central guys or for us. terry a new tragedy and folding and gaza as part of simeon smocks and mac. by how are people there mocking this painful history today? well, uh, fully today uh, marks the 76 anniversary of the palestinian next. that means in english. the palestinian catastrophe. which a please, 750000 palestinians have been forcibly displaced from the towns and villages by
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these very gardens that killed at least 15000 palestinians and will have been killed in more than 500. such a village is that where it completely and partially destroyed in their operations in that time in 1948. and that brings us to the new reality is fairly clearly has sits in the territories since october the 7th. as we are experiencing similar situation with a great mind now, palestinians have been getting through since the expansion of the fighting to cover the intellect. terry $340.00 we are talking about more than $1500000000.00 palestinians now being forcefully displaced from the house is more than 70 percent of clauses, residential units being completely destroyed and there are no longer if the entire trip is suitable for human habitation. now the reality that is what has you really created in the goal is a stripe remind us of how the city and system has been giving through in 1928.
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i'm going humanitarian atrocities on the ground as palestinians are living in nature tense. now they are living in the open in the greater deterioration of the of ols humanitarian and a basic conditions. and that's incredibly tough as palestinian did not expect that one day they gonna really need the, the sites that their insistence have come through in 1940 eights on palestinians where a phrase of that repeats all the uh, completely a pro can um a, a terrifying realities and the re piece of history in 1948. so clearly what palestinians i've been going through is the greatest casualties among civil use has surpassed more than 79000 with more than 35000 palestinians being killed till now as palestinian save as we have been talking to them. that's what we experiencing today. is considered to be moved dangerous and move complicates at that palestinians have been going through in 1948 and this is actually remains about how
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palestinians have been going through for more than right now. yeah, 7 dictates of genesis only being committed by the usability military as, as you talk to us terry, we hear that the sound of these really drones above above you, that is there any forces pushing deeper into guys from the north to the south. bring is up to speed with the latest attacks and they're often yes, fully. these really only has been up skating the military attacks from lands and as the is very fine to just continue to come on both sides of valley and a rough bluff district. now we're talking about the ongoing attacks and confrontations ranging from the streets of the valley a refugee time. as the point is right now is taking place in the eastern us in some areas of the valley of them. so it's a rough district. now the eastern portion, there's 2 bottles on going the janina at
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a salon may for food or palestinians have been receiving evacuation. so what is induce in some areas of a rough district, but we have been reporting the past couple of hours, new victims folding in the central areas of the city where it's 10 palm city as have been killed in a sup, right? neighborhood. soft to you on loan clinic has being targeted by the gives verify to jet set on the side was followed, palestinians being killed and all that night. twice in a rage, richard, come the deuce. victims have their relative to unlocks the hospital in order to beat for bed full burial arm, it's move you ration and a humanitarian conditions as only 52 commercial trucks have been allowed to get into. the goal is a strip throughout term help us out of the course thing which should be can not be barely enough to feed more than one point. $5000000.00 palestinians now being displaced in the middle areas. and then the mossy area in con eunice as well. so ok, so now there is, i'm going to include o food ends and
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a front of food 8 supplies into the gaza strip topic. thank you very much for the updates. that sounds easier is terry capitol, as of reporting deadline from there of a lot in central gas on any occupied westbank is really for us, is that still neighborhoods in the city of june of nobliss residents say soldiers have positioned themselves may of a novice specialty hospital they also refer to they destroyed a residential building. the us state department has sent a $1000000000.00 israel military aid package to congress for review. this comes as present, joe biden paused, a shipment of weapons to israel. early of this month, he had warned prime minister benjamin this now not to launch a ground invasion, need to verify without safeguards for civilians. chaper times the reports in washington dc. and this has been presented as a new long term deal to supply israel with weaponry, with the $700000000.00 in tank ammunition,
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$500000000.00 in technical vehicles and $16000000.00 in more drugs not being available for delivery for several months or even several years, it is a clear sign, the $25.00 jo biden's campaign donors, as well as those members of his own policy and the republican party that it is business. as usual, as we've had several members of the white house continue to emphasize in the us media, that is rob is getting everything it needs except for that one. shipment of 2000 pound volumes over the white house is the power that concerns over the rough incursions. so father, the white house does not believe that the red lines have been cross despite the forcible displacements of 450000 people, sir, and attempted to rear sho, binding's campaign donors and the democratic party in a week. in fact, when there was supposed to be more discussion in congress about potentially coming off the pentagon, the state department and the national security council,
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well by do, and the bite and ministration to continue to withhold those 2000 pound bombs. she ever sounds the elders are at washington. the us secretary of state has met the ukranian president in the 1st triplicate by a senior american official since congress passed a $61000000000.00 a package to the bank and assured voted misa lensky that more military support is on the way. russia has puzzled towns and villages in northeast and hockey region that has force thousands of people to evacuate. john home and reports from ukraine, 2nd largest city of concave, a desperate defense in ne, in ukraine. ukraine's military cities newly released video shows border guards trying to fight or for rushman cushion. near the town of both tents on friday for
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the attacks have continued. so the fluid waste. okay. this was 1210 on tuesday. more of each residents told to get out, well, they still tying the russian to bounces into ukrainian territory. here. coming under the cover of asteroid smell, its hillary refuge for now is ukraine. second biggest city, part of keep of the hall keith to if it's been under heavy aerial bombardment the months now the residential building here is just been hit ukraine's minister of internal affairs, legal claimant who was there at the scene abroad. you almost done you within the last few hours with several strikes on the city with them. and that way, even the center of the city where it guided ariel palm landed. ukraine's military intelligence chief says the situation in the northeast is nearing stabilization, but it hardly feels like it. the elderly men and women tools to run their lives.
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adding urgency to the cranium. presidents meeting with the us secretary of state in keith. first clean gratitude for the release of the months of congressional gradebook of $61000000000.00. the us military aid. crucial package for all the forces for our were those things so much for this package. thanks to congress. thanks. prison by then. but soon it was on what was needed now on the battlefield to come about russia's lone range, ariel power is or defense. the biggest difference is for us, the biggest problem. and we need really, we need to day to pet through us for hockey, for how can region, because they are the people on their attack, civilians and where is everybody they are under arrest and miss us on the front lines. ukrainian policies have been out numbered outcomes running, show that munition mr. blinking was in keith to signal that more help was coming.
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some of this already arrived more of that will be arriving. and that's going to make a real difference against the ongoing russian aggression on the battlefield and were determined along with many other partners for ukraine to make sure that you succeed on the battlefield. in the short term, succeeded means simply stabilizing, holding on one more troops, drafted been trained. more military hardware arrives, trying to hold russia's new momentum going home. and how is it a pot of key fella head on alger 0? i'm rob mcbride, and sole south korea. rome boat is best day that some young, the faithful of celebrating and controversial style the in depth analysis of the days headlines. if that was a rough or offensive, where would the people go?
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people have no place to go. each one of 1000 people has to be displaced these 2 times frank assessments. this is a mass and blow to free speech and freedom of the press informed opinions you can be somebody, this is on one of the hostages, october 2nd return. and i want to start inside story on al jazeera, over 27000 harrowing photographs. as mutually can do that to us. the evidence in this case is frankly even stronger than that that we had against the nazis at nuremberg. and these crimes continued in the fast of a 2 part series out to 0 photos, powerful cases of little crimes against civilians allegedly killed by the syrian government. with photographic evidence from the seas of files, the lost souls of syria on al jazeera, the government challenges
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with the the you're watching. ology is here a line from don't i remind her about top stories wednesday, march 76 years since the founding of israel, or what fantasy means, call the knock box or the catastrophe. more than 750000 people with forced to be evicted from their homes. and now palestinians are facing a new catastrophe. is there any forces of pushing deeper into the north and south? some of the most intense fighting weeks rages on its force more than $450000.00 to
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me is to free from the south. across the street. the us is set to send israel a new weapons package was a $1000000000.00. see if it is approved by congress. it comes after present. joe biden delayed a shipment of bombs early this month, over concerns about the buys activity and dental and gas and other wells use us present. joe biden is shopping increasing tire of so name for some china. the move comes just months out from the us selection with bite and saying it will help american businesses compete on a more level playing field. the ties will cover electric vehicles, batteries, and semiconductors and apply to $18000000000.00 worth of chinese products. katrina, you is engaging with on more on china's response to the tires. china is furious about this move. it's urging the us to rethink the increase in terrace. we've had tons of ministry of homeless release, a statement saying this not only violates w t r is that this is also the button administration violating its own pledge not
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to suppress and contain china is developments in that statement. it says that this will seriously affect the atmosphere of biological corporation, so we can expect tensions to rise in the us and trying to at a time when there was still a thing to really stabilize. now, according to the aging, this is really about domestic us politics. and not really about substantial criticism of trying to is industrial policy. we've also had several state media articles, tried men with a similar message accusing us of the photographs. i think the issue of the capacity in china is it can be thing really the us to simply fail to keep up when it comes to the development of these crucial industries of the future. and this is short sighted in long term. this is going to damage the global green energy industry. now these to increase interest is going to apply to a range of products including steel and aluminum. this is particularly bad news for the exposures of battery electric batteries, electric vehicles,
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and chinese solar panels. the chinese government has been pushing the sectors to be the new 3. be pillars of trade to replace the old 3 pillars of trade that were cheap, exclusive, clothing, furniture and home appliances or losing access to the us market or having that access radically decreased is going to put a serious dent in those plants. aging says it will retaliate against this move and we're just waiting see what from that retaliation? katrina you i'll to 0. they did in the us donald transformer lloyd and michael cohen has been back in court, giving evidence in the form of presidents hash money trial co and told a quote that trump ordered him to pay. adult film actress told me dinos more than a $100000.00. he says it was an exchange for her silence on an alleged sexual encounter with the former president. trump is accused of falsifying business records to cover up that payment. he denies old charges. christian salute may report some new york well,
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2 days on the stand for michael cohen. 2 days of testimony today started with the prosecution getting into the details of the case, attempting to show that. not only did donald trump know about the payments made to an adult film star to buy her silence about an alleged affair, trump knew that michael cohen was being reimbursed for those states those payments and improperly documenting them as legal fees. cohen testified that trump had ordered him to quote, take care of it when stormy daniels, that address threatened to come forward with the story of the alleged affair. and that he was also told by trump to talk to his chief financial officer alan white, silver, to get reimbursed for the payments that he himself made to stormy daniels in the prosecute and presented a series of emails and invoices even check signed by trump, allegedly, to reimburse calling for those payments. the defense will continue the process in
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the nation of michael cohen when the trial is on thursday and they've left open. the possibility that donald trump himself could be called to the stand to testify as well. one person has been shot dead in protest and the french territory of new caledonia and hundreds has been left to injured. the violins comes after members of parliament and friends that proves controversial changes to the constitution. the reform will affect the voting system on the pacific island, the changes will allow french citizens of lived in the territory for more than 10 years to vote in local elections. leaders from the indigenous population known as the contact people say, the move would weaken their representation when hayes following the story from to wrong that in using to vote in the french parliament passed relatively easily as was expected. but now the proposed amendment to the constitution will need to be
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robust, stepped by congress and the french president. emanuel mack calling says he's in no hurry to try to push that through. in the meantime, the government says it wants to talk, so we'll invite leaders from both sides of the political divide to paris to discuss the best way forward to new caledonia. but the president has been very clear. they will not be another referendum on independence. and you, caledonia, will remain a french territory in the meantime on the streets of the capital of new me, things of quiet and down a little. but there are still several large fives burning across the city. a bit more than a 130 people have been arrested. so 5, clearly wanting to wrap this up and get the situation under control as quickly as possible. the french have sent in large numbers of police reinforcements. wayne, hey, i'll just hear a code on that. usually don't make victoria is a was not just tropical lake. it's the source of life for millions of people who live along its shores. but recent funding in west and kenya has called for lake to
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overflow, forcing at least 40000 people from their homes. catherine sawyer, re for some custodial county, florence, a war waged to want to, to get to her house in the single county. she's been staying in the shelter for the displaced reasons. torrential rains have killed more than 200 people and left many like her home. last. she sees how houses falling apart. probably loins and crops have been destroyed like floods. new to this area, to talk on the 25th, 2019 we keep moving now every year we have to go to the shelters or questions. we've got kids and sometimes we just decide to stay home and deal with what are. yeah, but over the years it's just too much a nate, victoria the was largest tropical lake, often over flows into neighborhoods. when these too much water coming from different in lex, environmental experts,
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see climate change is spotty to blame. but encroachment on water waves has made things worse. we need a dummy to control the flow or the lick. and we need, uh, trends just built on the battery, but we have a bonus and everything. most importantly, when the government and the people out on the wetlands to maintain on going south del wetlands because the things that to prevent the lift to go back to the land, many who's being displaced are in shelters like these are those of staying with relatives and neighbors here that being even basic things like flour, cooking or blankets. but the main concern is how these people are able to sell lives. a war shift the school holes with hundreds of others. this is not the 1st time they have come to seek shelter. here they say they want a lasting solution to what has become a nightmare on their shows. catherine, so you all to sierra you sooner, west and can you. this wednesday is
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a public holiday in south korea to mock, but his birthday, the lead up to the annual event includes a controversial d. j who's attracting a growing following. rob mcbride has the story he goes by the stage a, d. j, new genes name and performing in their traditional buddhist monks outfit certainly gets used. so notice the modern dance music he plays, provides a packing for lyrics that spread traditional buddhist teachings. with a growing following in south korea, you and has won the support of the largest buddhist order here. but his reception abroad has been mixed with them all. he's just had a successful show in taiwan. he tells his host, but his subsequent visit to malaysia was criticized by some bodies that for being disrespectful. still d, jane eugene's name was the stop a full not at the annual festivities. and so the deductible does best day. it's
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month by an elaborate procession and display of lentils and floats with a difference. the meat. yeah. the focus this time was trying to connect with the younger people when he met. uh, they had been reports that korea has the highest levels of stress among developed countries with young people, especially suffering from trauma and feeling hopeless about the future. so young people particularly struggling many of the events and attractions were aimed at spreading foot isms appeal, especially among the young. once per dominantly buddhist, the number of south korean faithful has been gradually declining over the years. with more, a mobile, this lead is not believing it's time for him, a co identity society, so dominated by k paul to electronic dance music using those dumping beats in the service of buddhism. the most people here exist from the cry delta 0. so
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and that is in use for now on. ouch is 0. the weather is next and join me on inside story, but will examine the rise of a fall right in europe ahead of june of entry elections. and every navigator will have more useful you after that. thank you for watching the the city active, whether it was moving through to here on the north and the vantage still moving east was but it's left behind robert present conditions back to say the sun zine chris about 90 degrees babies about $22.00 charlotte stove $11.00 and $1.00 or 2 large each ones may be for a run. it stops as houses. it could be bank, dad's it's $3850.00. you come think further west jerusalem? is that 23? find the can sunshine. the hot weather is to the south. the radio and it's $44142.00,
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dow hoftedler. yeah. and the breeze is picking up here when it picks up. it can help the generate thunderstorms, and they've been there to building q right recently, but i think they're going to be the radiance side to the go. but e society that's requiring that could be dusty with that's the size of that it's cost and dine considerably. the seasonal rate, and we're just trying to gather itself as the surface monsoon is doing that by generating a circulation. so it means that can you kendra much, dr. and they were few sheriffs and the central african republic, golden, the all. so you can go that, but they both that and then you got some of the seasonal rain left over off of mozambique or the terms of the otherwise it's not dry down. sometimes it's been quite taught up in 10. it's 29 k time was a 2810 to 21. and that condition continues the, the, our oceans are on the swift. by of for rushes, fishing industry, government,
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people are thinking of bring deep sea trolling back global war. easy off, the choices sees that go systems are going to suffer more and more with climate change, and we need to adapt. now. marine conservation is, are in a desperate race against time. the ocean provides services for us that we require as humanity. i'll just see you as lucy is dying of the last shock. i predicted shop a right turn from a to lead to france, germany and the netherlands, the right wing and far right parties have made significant gains across europe. i had of students, parliamentary elections. so what's at stake and what are the consequences for the continent and the wells? this is inside story, the .


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