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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 15, 2024 10:00am-11:01am AST

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as long as a human being is doing it, you just have to keep pushing because no one else can see. the vision is key is you to the . ready ready the, you're watching the news, our life from headquarters until find data. you navigate, here's what's coming up in the next 60 minutes of palestinians mark 76 years since the next about when they were forcibly displaced from their phone lines. and the state of israel was created, an even bigger catastrophe is unfolding and dogs off fierce fighting rages on from the north to the south of the strip in some of the most intense is really attacks
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and weak. yes, for us is looking to approve more than a $1000000000.00 package of weapons for israel also ahead russian forces claim further advances in the car key region. we report from ukraine's eastern front lines and to dad's in a 2nd night of writing in new caledonia. after paris, fax, controversial voting reforms and the french overseas territory, the palestinians call the founding of israel, the knuckle, or the catastrophe. 76 years ago, more than 750000 people were forcibly evicted from their homes. and today they're going through an even greater catastrophe. more than 35000 men, women and children had been killed by israel's war on garza. i'm not the english
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a lot of our lives through. they're not fun. just one. we would display several times to send you an exile in 2014, we were displaced in 2008. we were displaced in 2022 and for display i was a child in 1967 as well. this is the circumstances were very difficult. it is on what your orders or the person does not feel themselves except in the home. very bit to reality and the city ration is difficult. a tiring and boring life, we have begun to wish that we would die under the rubble of homes rather than be abandoned. itemize that and it was that a r l life is a tragedy. life is nonexistent. people have been destroyed. how many boxes have died? thousands half of the population of gaza has died. garza has been destroyed. the rich person has become a bigger ring. garza israel has taken us back 100 years. we have a corresponding thought about as always wanted us not from didn't bella and central gaza. so thought the war and gaza as described by some as another and talk us
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through what people are going through the will the next. but in fact, the reading has been the core of the palestinian, a struggle in which thousands of palestinians with forcibly dispelled from the town and villages. and we gladly see that in 1948, we are talking about at least 16000 palestinians being killed in more than 500 villages. that place above the weight for these published went to the jewish communities. and now, how is sending and see that any 2024, the witness thing the worst next the ever that's happened during the history of the conflict, which we have been describing to be the deadliest of what we are talking about. 2000000 palestinians being internally displaced from that time as they are on april to return to the house, or even to retrieve the basic live at rights of living guns. now palestinians
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ending up the situation with them to live in, make shift tens that completely locks both a lot. all kinds of basic mississippi's that supply is then living in the very totally need strip of land. and this among palestinians have been distraught to be the west as a, as their lloyd's own going is still on the ground in the, in the humanitarian security levels. so clearly, palestinians right now sees that they are what missing repeats of that painful history in which they have been completely deprived of it. first we get back to a, from that town, says, palestinians, we have been talking to them to have been expressing the deep sadness of frustration to their humanitarian situations that they are experiencing. now, as they say that there is no any in for this noise met in the foreseeable future and thought it of the is really forces we understand. are pushing deeper into areas like the north of the strip as well as the south. bring us up to speed with what's happening with the latest attacks. what sort of resistance is being put up as well
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as well? now the is really minutes where you fall to say is it pretty much on your value and drop off the district. now we know that they have been describing the village corporation or request to be limited with the new controversial military orders of evacuation for residents in the central area. there is more curbing intention by these, by the mediterranean to expand the flight seem to reach to the central areas what now to find things as too long going to in the set up and listening in that neighborhood as we have been seeing, move videos, imagine and released by the military, we can go from us to how close is the contact point thing. but we, how much point is as big is very military as they have been using military and to talk massage oils and explosive devices in order to confirmed to the maneuvering military tanks in a roughly district court in the news, the battles are still ongoing in the very narrow streets of the value of refuge account where the pointing that have been displayed has been described to be the
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hardest of, as the is very many 3 have been announcing a open number of casualties being reported among kids. so just on the ground, the, in the past out exactly the reading these really ministry has announced the, with a drill wells for them as they tune neighborhoods off to a military operation. that last for 6 days, as they have managed to destroy a clinics the long slowly with at least 4 schools, the people were using as a mass filters for them as residents as talented to return to as a to neighborhoods in order to check the capital destruction being left behind the spending military of to the withdrawal from the entire area of the okay. tada. thank you so much talk to about some reporting from dayton but off in central garza as well before the british mandate in palestine began more than a century ago. jews made up 8 percent of the population by 1947 emigration, mostly from europe, increased that number to 33 percent done on may 14th. 1948. the british mandate
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ended on the state of israel was created. armed zionist forces captured 78 percent of historic palestine and expelled $750000.00 palestinians from their homes. after the 1967 arab is really war is real, occupied even more of historic palestine and annexed east jerusalem. and then came the oslo accords of the mid 19 nineties. the occupied westbank was carved into 3 areas, granting palestinians limited power to govern and only area a and partially in area b. will palestinian say the ongoing war and military expansion in the occupied westbank are clear evidence of a 2nd. but this time they're facing it alone. the same bus robbie has more from the occupied westbank a cemetery near the janine refugee camp in the occupied westbank . the final resting place for dozens of a rocky soldiers,
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christians and muslims sundays, and she is errands. encouraged people from all walks of life, fought and died for palestine. in 1948. it was the 1st erebus. really war to defend against the force displacement of palestinians from the land came to be known as the knuckle or catastrophe. being that zip oak about the what positions in the oldest gross in this month and they started shooting on push was all you next. all the way back. ready iraqis, we're the only ones that fault here, side by side with the palestinians. nowadays armies have no say, everyone is on their own. everyone wants to present their own interest. the historians say user is objective, has always been the ethnic cleansing of palestine. but what is happening now is much more violent during the not by 13000 palestinians died over the span of 3 years since october, more than 35000 palestinians had been killed in gaza in just 7 months. like getting
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is from one side civilian population. 10 with the most sophisticated american weapons they lights, minute by minute, geo, politically, the region is also different. 76 years ago, the napa was a catastrophe for all their up countries, the displace or document decades of what has been a violent conflict. civilian suffering, the assassination of political leaders massacres, defeats on the battlefield and after negotiating table, what becomes clear is that with every year that is going on, posting is, are found themselves more and more alone with their strong descendants of the displaced and occupied se, palestinians have hoping air of people, but not air of leaders. in the west bank, we've seen multiple grades and killings. there's an active genocide them does previously out of armies shared blood with palestinians. the highland gaza. is it
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more without any one by its side? it's fighting by itself. it's being slow through the by itself. you're asking me about the arrow bombings, shame on the, they are used against their own people. others, they don't mean to find another country. these dates fight riots, but to fight another army known. most of them posted and say they remain hopeful that they will win their freedom from israeli occupation some day despite seemingly insurmountable odds. and despite knowing they will have to do with themselves the same bus route. the old is 0, the occupied westbank post. i what we can now speak to lorenzo comment, who is an associate professor for international history at the university of to renew his work focuses on the middle east as well as palestine. joining us from rome, thanks for your time. i know that you've said that today we can draw an analogy between what happens in 1948 and asked about and what's been going on in gaza since the start of the war. tell us why in your view, that is the case. we know that about 70 percent of the time,
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soon as this trip comes from seminal roof, which is where as bell from nash, there was double seat that much taller and printer farther villages. many of them around to get this straight button on the assets of which have been good on bill tash. but also what i'm hearing about there is rarely use it as a citizen. village is not part of the thing. it's called the destruction off or disappeared as an over for all right, to see different villages and dysfunctional and those of thousands of people. i'm not the boss pick up the task for free, but what very few persons know is that this expression was not to use initially by palestinians. this oppression was used for the 1st time, and these 3 referred to 1948 by his already soldiers. the plaza, most specifically used in the leaflets that play prone over up to the in july 1948, update us near hif us on the present day. and it costs, though, for some reason well, it was we turn this leaf let's leave your own or be your but i'll be your thoughts
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to free. i bought a signal, it's the wrong starter to use this term that was used in order to prefer to what was suspecting there. now we know that marked we in the router, allegedly wrote that these 3 doesn't repeat itself, but it will fund arrives. and nowadays we see that in the last 7 months, uh will do is there is never the same and throughout, certainly many different says on this of thousands of leaflets that'd be thrown over. see this and be just in the, in big as a straight pulse rate. some of these leaflets leave your own or you would be considered a part of our federal group. and for this you become allergic to my right target. so let me ask you this. i mean, in the 1st few months of the warmest or common israel's culture administer described the current displacement and the persecution of policies in gaza as the neck of gaza. 2023. so to what extent do you think these types of comments are actually in line with the government's policy and actions that but the rest of it's up to some point of connection. so let me remind you that so the larger simple,
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less portion of the order of 1948 or judy lead that i'm less aware about 60000 public statements where for us to be spelled on the direct orders. so if it's ever been robbing other times, said officially that they not be done, certainly that must be expelled quickly without attention to age. this case are precisely the words that they use at a time and money for this thing and respect them uh, office of demo. so basically died in the index of solid opec accessed him and did rotation nowadays as of thousands of palestinians are forced that you are documenting to move to and my wife sees on ever else 16 square kilometers. so we'd send to june's way no running water. so let's say that the once again, although they probably as low as inputs, but also in this case we have seen that our children, women, main that are moving at a route with every very limited support. let me just conclude by reminding everyone, however, that wide circuit is important to focus on 1948 to this assumption to come. so now
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we're going to go backward 6 the the case area, not due for dates. so we are at the end of that and i can simply usher keys, but there was bundled the, most importantly, they're all song inspect them, base it upon a 70 plus $1891.00. you wrote to these families so booked at the inmate the mad season. so the tools from the end of these are that you just to learn about. i want to read, you wrote them, they deal with adults with a student to increase the trust best and just the beat them shamefully, for no sufficient reason and even boast about directions. he was speaking about the set, those up where come bring from from europe and this was we can by usher these but anything 91. so my need to get started and just one more for you. um, if you look at the sort of the, the, you know, some countries of complicity as the scribes. i mean, if you compare what's happening now to the neck of the 1948 and that the support that was provided at the time by western countries, to what extent is the west enabling this ethnic ethnic cleansing this time around?
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once again, the bottom display, some i tossed very, very different because aware of that is the 2nd floor at the time the number of contacts also the time of the partition plan. not just thinking about 56 countries today was the 194. so it's something much, much broader today to them and that some of the importance of this confidence much more limited, but certainly they are playing a role. of course, we know that share money in the us are the major supplier weapons that these ro is using. so once again, as certainly and their role is still important today, but uh, we know that the united nations and that will leveled the balance of power are changing and is the savings plus economic sense, i mean, but on the, on the ground. okay. and lorenzo combo thank you so much for giving us that perspective and context from room. thank you. the us state department has sent a $1000000000.00 more than a $1000000000.00 is really military,
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a package to congress for review. and this comes with the present, and joe biden paused a shipment of weapons to israel earlier this month. he's warrant prime minister benjamin netanyahu not to launch a ground invasion into the house without safeguards or civilians off civilians. she had more time see reports in washington dc. this has been presented as a new long term deal to supply israel with weaponry, with the $700000000.00 in tank ammunition, $500000000.00 in technical vehicles and $16000000.00 in more drugs not being available for delivery for several months or even several years it is a clear sign, the $25.00 jo biden's campaign donors, as well as those members of his own policy. i'm the republican party that it is business as usual, as you've had several members of the white house continue to emphasize in the us media. that is rob is guessing everything it needs except for that one. shipment of
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2000 pound volumes over the white house as a power concerns over the rough uh in cash. and so father, the white house does not believe that the red lines have been cross despite the forcible displacements are 450000 people, sir. an attempt to rear sho bindings, campaign donors, and the democratic party in a week. in fact, when there was supposed to be more discussion in congress about potentially coming off the pentagon, the state department and the national security council. well, by do and the bite administration to continue to withhold those 2000 pound booms. she advertise the elders are at washington in the us sector, stayed on to me, blinking is continuing his diplomatic mission in ukraine. on wednesday, he met president vladimir zalinski on tuesday, where he confirmed installments of
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a new us weapons package had already begun arriving in the country. congress recently passed $61000000000.00 of military aids. ukraine is facing intensified russian attacks and the car key region. in the latest rest and strikes, a 20 story building and the city center was hit on at least 20 people were injured, but there's no confirmation of any fatalities. john holman, john, you're joining us from car keys. tell us what you're seeing and hearing around you . well, what we're hearing, especially from the front line which is about the economics is way from here, is of the russian offensive, which began in friday into northeast and ukraine. this hockey region is slowing. that's what military unless and ukrainian officials the say that could be a couple of reasons for that. one would be pregnant, stiffened up, it's defensive. various types took reinforcements into the area to slow the rest of
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the thoughts out. and the other is the, it much russian president vladimir putin was talking about trying to establish a sort of buffalo. so the ukraine couldn't strike air really so easily. belgrade, for example, the city on the russian side of the border. and it might be the russian forces field, they've done enough with the territory that so far they've taken or trying to type to, to, to avoid that. so it might be a point in which best slowing up for that reason. but that doesn't mean that this is food over this fresh purse. the head of ukrainian military intelligence has said that those who so russian forces the building up on the russian side of the border on the of the sumi region and ukraine. that's right next to the heart of case. now, if those forces try to cross their again as well, and you crane has been expected about for while it's been building french's in defenses, this is going to the stretch the crime in line at the moment when it's ready over extended and it doesn't have enough manpower and john,
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the us secretary of state is on the 2nd day of his visit to the country, what's he said so far? and as he promising anything, the old domain reg message away from the moment you step to the training. the key was, you know, a lot of this to these visits been time for some time. he hasn't come at just because of what's happening right now, but that's probably a moment. the ukraine, indeed crating government, a place to be hearing the thoughts about the military. a package, but it's come from the united states. $61000000000.00, part of that is coming in now, but a lot more of it is going to take months to still arrive. but he said it's proof that there is a commitment from the united states and also from europe who have similar packages, but they're not going to leave you crying and loading the president vladimir putin and ross ecologist. i'll wait that help from the us and european highlights use. i
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talked about press commitments, the said would come in the night. so i summit in july, i think those commitments as we understand it and know that that will be regular wesson arrivals time table and contracted for you crime. and that's what this country knew. so the head of nights, sorry, when an early a visit is said that they really may not just the one off military aid packages, especially with changes of leadership. for example, in the united states, there's november election. it's donald trump is the next president. he's been a lot more skeptical of a coming in. the other thing that he talks about the end of his speech was the fact that he cried. he said, meet it's a when it's war against corruption. that's been a big thing. even during this will one defend ministers, how to quit, or the scandals of all the pricing for equipment and jackets that been coming in the military and all of the regional heads of recruitment last summer. and so what forced to step down of the accusations of rights being paid to them so that people
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could get out of being on the front line. so charlie is a head for the private news service i'd say. okay, john, thank you john, home and reporting from her keith. while he was present into a bite and has an own stick, terrorist on imports from china and the move comes just months out from the us selection, goodbye and saying it will help american businesses compete. on a more level playing fields, the tariffs will cover electric vehicles, batteries, and semi conductors, and they'll apply to $18000000000.00 worth of chinese products. our white house correspondent, kimberly alco reports. us president joe biden came into office saying he wouldn't do. his predecessor, former president donald trump's trade policies, but on tuesday, 5 in double to even triple down on new terrace to some chinese imports to united states. when you make tractors like these. and they're not competing, it's not,
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companies has cheated. the tariffs will be phased in over 3 years on every thing from steel semiconductor. so electric vehicles and more affecting roughly 18000000000 and chinese imports to view west terrace. so the electric vehicles will rise to 100 percent from 25 percent steel and aluminum products will more than tripled to 25 percent from 7.5 percent or less try to heavily subsidize. all these products pushing china is coming, produce far more than the rest of all can absorb, then don't pay the excess products out of the market and fairly low prices. drive another manufacturers around the world out of bit is the bodily ministration, says the move will help american businesses compete. critics like for president trump say china floods the global market with excess imports. it's too little, too late. for the
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trump made punishing china over what he called unfair trade practices. cornerstone of his presidency, igniting a trade war. they jang is vowing to retaliate against the latest action by the bible administration. we have calls with that data. sure. what we want to tell you is that china always opposes unilateral tariff increases that violate w t o rules and will take all necessary measures to safe guard. it's legitimate rights and interest with the presidential election months away. politics is that the root of this announcement, some of the biggest still an auto manufacturers are in the battleground, states of michigan and pennsylvania. president biden has promised to protect manufacturing jobs in those states with the hope of winning votes in november. kimberly held hit alice's era, the white house, beijing has
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a warrant. the decision will severely affect bilateral cooperation. katrina, you was amazing with more on china's response. china is furious about this move. it's urging the us to rethink the increase in terrace. we've had tons of ministry of homeless release, a statement saying this not only violates w t r is that this is also the button administration violating its own flags not to suppress and contain china is development in that statement. it says that this will seriously affect the atmosphere of biological corporation, so we can expect tensions to rise between the us and china at a time when there was still a thing to really stabilize. now, according to the aging, this is really about domestic us politics and are not really about substantial criticism of china's industrial policy. we've also had several state media articles, try men with a similar message accusing us of photographs. i think the issue of the capacity in china is it can be thing really the us to simply fail to keep up when it comes to
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the development of these crucial industries of the future. and that this is short sighted in long term. this is going to damage the global green energy industry. now these to increase interest is going to apply to a range of products including steel and aluminum. this is particularly bad news for the ex causes of battery electric batteries, electric vehicles, and chinese solar panels. the chinese government has been pushing the sectors to be the new 3. be pillars of trade to replace the old 3 pillars of trade that were cheap, exclusive, clothing, furniture and home appliances or losing access to the us market or having that access radically decreased is going to put a serious dent in those plants. aging says it will retaliate against this move and we're just waiting to see what that retaliation. katrina you, i'll to 0. they just still ahead on the, i'll just it renews our there's anger in georgia after and peace voted through
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a controversial foreign influence. phil donald trump's defense for years of tax, the credibility of the prosecution, star witness, and his brush, my new trial, the very for from so through it's really nice. the probably value to serving you this frontal system has got to flood risk written all over. it is the product of this rather unusually stormy system for the late may sitting there. and essentially not going to move is going to push each trunk lane for us east was dropped the temperatures and it brings rain to all these countries is edging into germany and eventually into all street is already changed the tenor of the weather in west and you have seen funding in from so we're ready. i think the focus that he's going to be the rob a stormy system and the baby scan. 15 question prompts and the rain without much
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wind affecting the power valley, then slovenia. and the balkans was more of a breeze in this case search yes, for example, as a pretty wet, full cost assessed a but it's fine by saturday and the sun is back out to vienna. it shows what happens when the fun goes through with dropping the times down to about 20. he's already come down about 10 degrees anyway, so this is a 2 right next to that right now we go back up again because from chatted back to set a goal. the temperatures are in the middle to high forty's in this a hell. now being temperate for the science, the seasonal cheryl, i make it a long way off with some a very long way. no switch, but the heaviest ones are cost me the coast on nigeria again is at risk of some funding. the. the latest news as it breaks online banking apps rely on the incidence of those states are experiencing an intimate blackout with detailed coverage. the majority
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of the front runners in these elections have either been questioned for or have already been convicted incorruption scheme from around the world versus the asian highlight for think, talk correct me or what is an area that the s i c had been pushed as of is deliberate over $300000000.00. will suffice. be more than $75.00 countries around the world, 100 percent of set on an emergency donation spence on projects. and we ensure beneficiaries come 1st of the 300 on luis, haven't had gone through the bumps the crossing in recent months. our most of these bless and the bless i'm, we all turning your donations into direct delivery in the shortest possible time donates with confidence. the
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then here the top stories on the, i'll just say we're news. our palestinians are marketing 76 years since vanessa. when they were forcibly displaced from their home loans and the state of israel was created more than 750000 people were evicted from their homes. and now how sinews are facing in new catastrophes is really forces are pushing deeper into causes north and south of some of the most intense fighting in width rates is on. and it's forced more than $450000.00 palestinians to flee from the south of the stress. the us suspect to send israel a new weapons package worth of $1000000000.00 more than a $1000000.00 if it's approved by congress. and this comes after president joe biden to lead a shipment of bonds earlier this month,
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over concerns about the raising civilian ductile in gauze on or we cannot speak to gerson boston, who is the middle east director of the n g o, the international communities organization. so, so former hostage negotiator joining us from western, russo and thanks for your time, let me 1st ask you about these developments out of the u. s. i mean, how do you explain to by the administration intending to move forward with this more than 1000000000 dollar weapons packets to israel after bite and saying that he would suspend the delivery of some weapons. this was last week of me is this and you turn and if so why? it seems like it is your turn. again, it's probably explainable by the election clock ticking faster for body as he was criticized very strongly from friends of israel. both in the a fundamental is christian groups and in the israel support lobbies in washington. a n. a significant amount of criticism from the republican party. it probably
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caused by me to really think is decision to withhold the shipments of bombs because 0 and it is very strange. look, i mean, even though we heard from the us deputy secretary state kirk campbell earlier this week saying that total victory and gaza is unlikely for the is released with is released. they just seem to be committed to keep going on. i mean, whether it's an occupational or an invasion, it's either option is not really turning out to be a good one for israel. what direction do you think they'll, they'll go to next? i think that we have a government in israel that's lost in gets direction. it has slogans that it's made at the beginning of the war. it is put in some more effort. goals in front of the goals are by turning the hostages. we have a severe situation now with no n game, no political in game, and no way to bring the $100.00. 32 is where the hostages on for dasa from us as sick as the red line, the end of the war. and israel has that as a red line, any agreement that does not end the war. and we seem to have another reachable gap
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. we bought the category and egyptian mediators having stuck to the box now about their willingness to their ability to mediate, under the conditions that have been created. i mean here, a former negotiator, of course. so when you look at the offensive, that is really is, are pushing it through in gaza, the more nothing. yeah. who pushes on is he trying to gain more leverage in any space? far negotiations whenever they may be a. yeah, there is a belief which really is really military and here's where the government that only military pressure we're going to use the hostages. the reality over the last 7 months has shown us the military and pressure that's getting the hostage is killed . there doesn't seem to be anything that backs up the theory that military pressure will work to bring the hostages. so, but it seems to me that the ultimate goal of nothing you are with his government just defined the us leadership under ground in gaza and to kill them. and that would be their victory picture. after that, they could be more flexible on negotiations. that seems to me that as long as the
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use of water and how much the day for a live, it's unlikely big enough to and you always going to stick know who's willingness to change course. let me ask her about a today in particular, may 15th and not above course 76 years of displacement for the palestinians. and you said that the palestinians are witnessing a more dramatic situation this time than the time if they're not gonna tell us why you think that as well. i think that they are infect reliving the neck of 1948, which they have been we living every day since 1948. and during the last 7 months, it's been even more dramatic because the weapons are so much more deadly than they were. and 1948, the continuous bomb and the relocation of people. $34.00, or 5 times within the gaza strip, with no place to go. um, every every palestinian in garza in the occupied territories. the historians, the palestinian diaspora, watches tv every day and sees the suffering of their people and really of the
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trauma of the neck. but i think i think it's very live for people that people could have looked forward and thought perhaps there was a way out at least not, but seems to be ongoing with no waiting. so nope. and inside. okay, we'll leave it there. aggression baskin. thank you. so much for speaking to us from western russell, i'm sent due to people have died following protests and the french territory of new caledonia. the shooting comes after members of parliament in france approved controversial changes to the constitution which would affect the voting system on the pacific. islands there been days of demonstrations and new meal ahead of tuesdays votes. and the changes will allow for and citizens of lived in the territory for more than 10 years to vote and local elections. leaders from the indigenous population known as the kind of people say the move could weaken their representation. wayne hayes following the story from toronto in new zealand device in the french parliament passed relatively easily as was expected. but now,
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the proposed amendment to the constitution will need to be robust, stepped by congress and the french president. emanuel mack call says he's in no hurry to try to push that through it. in the meantime, the government says it wants to talk, so we'll invite leaders from both sides of the political divide to paris to discuss the best way forward to new caledonia. but the president has been very clear. they will not be another referendum on independence. and you, caledonia, will remain a french territory. in the meantime, on the streets of the capital, knew me things of quiet and down a little, but there was still several large flies burning across the city. more than a 130 people have been arrested so far. clearly wanting to wrap this up and get the situation under control as quickly as possible. the french have sent in large numbers of police reinforcements. wayne, hey, al jazeera towed on you sealant. denise fishers,
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the former australian consul general in new caledonia, and she says there's been a named past some of the territory for 2 years of what we've seen in the last 2 nights is being a violence of the order that we haven't seen. and you kind of knew for to, to use it is extremely serious and it shows a real fundamental breakdown in the way the territory is being managed. the situation is very long standing, the constant, the fox is actually changing its own constitution. you kind of done, you doesn't have a constitution, it's the position of profs the concerns dixie to den dates back to use when the independence lead is largely come back us to reject it. the 3rd and final is supposed to be fine on the independent spoke provided for under 30 years of peace agreements coming to an end. they boy called or did that vote because it was held at the peak of coverage, tend to make when their communities was suffering dying from the pandemic. they
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rejected the outcome and ever since they have wanted a new vote for 2 years, the territory has been out of in pos fox has tried to stage discussions, bring them in on discussions. elements of the independent groups have refused to do that. they want talks in pap or as they want to now the vote police in georgia. i have just for us demonstrators outside parliament and to police see officer politicians approved a for an interference law. so the new legislation was passed despite weeks of mass protests. demonstrators fear it could be used to curb this sense and stands in the way of georgia joining the european union. dimitri mazda danco reports from the capital it was a battle they had little of those of, with the demonstrators gathered up upon demand for the final vote. on the so called for an agents bill,
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police pushed them back from the entrance. students from colleges and universities skipped classes to be here. you please. hello, is accepted. we. we can't even use this education. so why? why the hell we need it? because of the election, the title of the very close, i see the things that without these kinds of measures, it is impossible for them to read and remain in power. while protest is jotted outside the ruling, georgia, dream policy was always likely to win developed. as with the allies, they have more than half the seats and ponder marks. they said the bill was important for transparency of engine goes and the media. now all those groups and companies receiving 20 percent or more of the funding from abroad, we'll have to register as agents of for and then to it. after several fights among them, peas, the law was passed. anger built up outside as the results were now,
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receipt to you on both of the parliament protest is reading out the names of the m p. 's who voted for the law process of who had been standing here all day was quite angry. obviously are the result of this, the boat, and they came out here in front of the front of the building. they will gather at the back of most of the day. and then they started buzzing through the barricades, which were loving the front gate off solomon until the riot police broke through those guys. they wrapped up those closest to the gates, threatened things to a guess and cleared the street up in our method within an hour. crowds went back with them, europe and politicians. that's
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despite the you wanting to lose adoption, put, and george's ambitions to join the block. and the united states also announced that could be consequences. the us has about $390000000.00 in assistance. all of that has to be under review. if we are now regarded as an adversary and not a party. as night fell, protest estate determined to keep coming back to meet him at didn't go out to 0 spinning see in front, a man hunters under way off to an ambush on a prison. calm voice led to the escape of an inmates. so a car rammed into the convoy with gunman, opening fire, killing 2 prison guards and wounding 3 more. the bands were transporting 30 year olds and how much i'm run back to jail after a court hearing. he's been convicted of robbery in charge and connection to a drug killing. a controversial politician from the far right alternative for
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germany party has been found guilty of deliberately using a nazi slogan at a rally. your and hopeless charge with using symbols of terrorist organizations. he claim not to have been aware that the phrase has been used by the nazis. dominic cane reports from the german city of holly, a full week spin hook. it has been dividing his time between the campaign trail and the courtroom arguing for votes in the street. and the acquittal in this trial prosecute has said his use of the phrase, everything for germany to a crowd as if de supporters was illegal. effectively repeating the slogan of idols, hitler, stormtroopers, or s, by the effect of the court found for the speech and the phrase used by the accused was a punishment offence on the section. 86, a of a criminal code can be seen as confirming our position. come on, hook is defense, had argued that sense of
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a public figure said use the phrase before without facing prosecution. why couldn't he? but the judges said, it was the context of the comments that message and found him guilty. although hooker is lead to of the if day in just one state, one on the list, police, he is the potties real driving force nationally. i think he already took over the part a long time ago or so. and you could see that um that the 2 chair person um are very carefully looking into how they come in on things actually. and in relation to, to what they frugal and some of the representatives actually said the past few months have been difficult for the if day. in january, a wave of public protest followed reports. the prominent members had secretly discussed for simply the pulsing michael and super come german citizen. on monday, a court ruled the security services can continue treating the if day as
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a suspected extremist policy, all of which has heard the policy in the opinion. polls in january around one in full vote is said, they supported it. now a few of and one in 6 do previously come on. thing leads in 3 based in german, stakes for elections are being held in september. i have the new rodents, so far as this cold has now delivered its verdict on. yeah, and the voters in he states won't get to deliver this until september. when i came houses era. however, the us justice department says that boeing can be prosecuted for 2 crashes involving it's 737, max jet, some more than 5 years ago. the softer allegedly failed to meet requirements of a deal that protected from prosecution. 346 people were killed in those cross as an indian e z a. and if you appeal boeing says that honored the terms of a 2 and
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a half $1000000000.00 settlement as the defense says, attack the credibility of donald trump's former lawyer, michael cohen. during his 2nd day of testimony in the former us president hush money trial. so co and told the court, the trump ordered him to pay adult film starts stormy daniels, more than a $100000.00. christmas salumi reports from new york. michael cohen, no. lynch pen of the prosecution's case against donald trump. heading to port for 2nd day of testimony there, he described conversations with his former boss who ordered him to quote, take care of it. when an adult film star threatened to go public in the run up to the 2016 election about an affair that allegedly took place years earlier, prosecutors presented a series of emails invoices, and even check signed by trump cohen testified that his former boss knew the
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payments made to him were reimbursements for hush money payments even though they were listed as legal fees. a crucial point for the prosecution's business fraud case that comes down to cohen's word and they in the court room, the former president appeared to doze off at times and avoided eye contact with cohen. a dead order upheld by an appeals for it prevents the former president from attacking witnesses or lawyers in the case, but elected republican officials who came to the trial to support trump attacked cohen's credibility outside the court house. this is a man who is clearly on a mission for personal revenge and who is widely known as a witness who has trouble with the truth. he is someone who has
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a history of perjury as well. loan force on cross examination trumps lead attorney todd blanche attacked cohen's character. pressing him on past lies made to prosecutors and attempts to make money off his connection to the former president as evidence. he introduced a t shirt showing trump behind bars. advertising. cohen's pod cast called may a cold, but the defense will continue. it's cross examination when court resumes on thursday and left open. the possibility they could call donald trump to the stand to testify . christian salumi alger 0 new york. do you know science? so what was an attorney and legal analyst? and she says it's unclear if trump will take the stand. but believes the defense hasn't been effective in discredits in co. it in a case like this, where they say case has been so strong by the prosecution. and the defendants own
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words have been introduced several times again with the reading of the access hollywood tape. with the recording, he may with a michael cohen with his own tweets, usually criminal defendants, some tickets down. but in this situation where there's so many words out there in front of the jury, you would think he would take the stand. but to counteract that, if he takes the stand, the judge has ruled that the fact that he lost the defamation. last it to jean carol, which means that he's actually been judged a liar by a jury, can come in to. but his credibility in the last thing he wants is for that to come in. so i would think his council would advise him not to do it, but you know, you never know with donald trump. he may want to feel like he can convince the jury . so i, it's a little unclear whether or not he actually, well, they still have at least another day of cross examination. but essentially the cross examination today was trying to kind of point out how angry michael cohen is, as a way to discredit him. and to me, that seems not like
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a good way to describe to him because michael cohen actually went to jail and his part of this conspiracy in relation to his payment to stormy daniels, a donald trump so far hasn't face the consequences of that. so to me, the prosecution on redirect can very easily stay, aren't you angry? because you know, he actually had his liberty taken away. he says a harm to his family. it seems like a reasonable thing to be angry about. so, so far the cross examination, i don't think has done really any damage yet to his testimony. at least 13 people are dead and 18 others are injured after a bus rolled off a mountainous road and south eastern peru. authorities on the scenes or the 40 people were in that truck when the accident happens. bad weather conditions have hanford recovery efforts of the remaining bodies on the scene. peruse traffic department says such accidents are frequent due to driver is going to fast on
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poorly maintained roads. north korea, state television has released the images of the leader kim jong, overseeing production of a new tactical weapon system. shown gang has been pushing the production of the weapon re, systems that they say will allow them to be ready for any war. state media didn't say what was the number of weaponry produced so far? western leaders of accused north korea of ex, sporting it's weapons to iran, into russia are still ahead on the houses. it renews our time of the bride in seoul, south korea, rome voters best day that some young, the faithful of celebrating controversial style. the
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[000:00:00;00] the late victoria is the world's largest tropical lake on it sustains millions of people who live along good swords. but floating in western, kenya, this caused that lake to overflow, forcing at least 40000 from their homes. after story reports from western, kenya, florence, a war waged to what to, to get to her house in the single county. she's been staying in the shelves of the displaced reasons. torrential rains have killed more than 200 people and left many like her home last. she sees how houses falling apart, probably loins and crops have been destroyed, like floods, new to this area, to talk on the 25th,
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2019 we keep moving now. every year we have to go to the shelters or questions. we've got kids and sometimes we just decide to stay home and deal with what are. yeah, but over the years it's just too much. a nate, victoria, the walls, largest tropical lake, often overflows into neighborhoods. wendy's too much water coming from different in lex, environmental experts, see climate change is spotty to blame. but encroachment on water waves has made things worse. we need a down to control the flow or the lick. and we need, uh, trends just built on the delivery of a bonus and everything. most importantly, when the government and the people don't the wetlands to maintain on going south del wetlands. because the things that to prevent the lift to go back to the land. many who's being displaced are in shelters like these are those of staying with relatives and neighbors here. that being even basic things like flour, cooking,
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or blankets. but the main concern is how these people are able to sell lives. a war shift, the school holes with hundreds of others. this is not the 1st time they have come to seek shelter. here. they say they want a lasting solution to what has become a nightmare on their shows. catherine, so you all to sierra you sooner west and can you the re now and canadian officer alice monroe has died age 92 elders and master and contemporary short story writing . monroe was awarded the nobel prize for literature in 2013. she was diagnosed with dementia and recent years and passed away on monday in ontario to her mcguire is a writer based in vancouver who says no one else put as much nuance into short stories as monroe. she just wrote about everyday life in a way that made us all feel seen when i woke up this morning and saw on my instagram,
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which is full of writers from the eastern time zone. and everyone was writing tributes to how alice monroe had affected their lives. i went to my book shelf and i'm like pulling up all of these books just so many of them. and so the way that she wrote the short story is just better than anybody else. she was a master of the form. it's very, very difficult. i think with writing, the more words you have, the easier it is and she gave herself those constraints. and her writing was crystal clear. it was almost unemotional, so vivid and sharp. and there nobody could match her. her work is timeless. it can be read at any age and interpreted at any time with the different lens. and i think that she would just be remembered as a truly gifted writer who, who saw the lives of girls and women,
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and wrote them very clearly with beautiful pros. and it just made us seem like we were worth it. or wednesday is a public holiday. and south korea marketing the birthday of buddha. the lead up to the annual event includes different festivities and this year, including a controversial d. j who's attracting and growing following brooklyn fried explains. he goes by the stage named d j. new genes, new and performing, and their traditional buddhist monks outfit certainly gets use. so notice the modern dance music he plays, provides the packing for merits that spread the traditional buddhist teachings with a growing following in south korea you and has won the support of the largest buddhist order here. but his reception abroad has been mixed with them all, and he's just had a successful show in taiwan. he tells his host,
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but his subsequent visit to malaysia was criticized by some body that for being disrespectful. still d, jane eugene's name was the stop a full the at the annual festivities. and so the deductible does best day it's month by an elaborate procession and display of lentils and floats with a difference. the meat. yeah. the focus this time was trying to connect with young people, but uh, they have been reports that korea has the highest levels of stress along developed countries with young people, especially suffering from trauma and feeling hopeless about the future. so young people particularly struggling many of the events and attractions were aimed at spreading. buddhism is appeal, especially among the young. once per dominantly buddhist, the number of south korean faithful has been gradually declining over the years. with more, a more buddhist lead is not believing it's time for him, a co identity society, so dominated by k. paul put electronic dance music using those something beats in
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the service of buddhism. the most people here, excess of mcbride, i'll just say are so back in a moment to the morning was an officer of the over 27000 her wing photographs as company until they can do that to us. the evidence in this case is frankly even stronger than that that we had against the nazis at nuremberg. and these crimes continued in the fast of a 2 part series out to 0 photos, powerful cases of little crimes against civilians allegedly killed by the syrian government. with photographic evidence from the seas of files, the lost souls of syria on al jazeera,
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the while you're looking at now is overflow from the nearby to buy a landfill. garbage has reached a height of more than 35 meters and is well over capacity. this is just one of many landfills around the country that have exceeded capacity, mostly due to an excess of plastic pollution. indonesia is one of the world's top contributes has of plastic waste accounting for around $7800000.00 tons each year. and it's at locations like where i am on the outskirts of jakarta, where you can see the scale of what environmental groups cool, a plastic waste crisis, the most common plastic, pollution engine, asia,
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a single use sashes which environmental group say or small, but accumulation, add to the countries, environmental button entities as government says that it is working to address the plastic waste problems and has had some success in mechanism such as reducing marine plastic waste and promoting recycling. the as palestinians mark 76 years since been knocked about when they were forcibly displaced from their homeland. and the state of israel was created. an even bigger catastrophe is unfolding in gaza. fierce fighting rages on from the north to the south of the strip. and some of the most intense is really a time in weeks the you're watching all the 0 light from a headquarters and they'll find daddy,


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