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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 15, 2024 11:00am-11:31am AST

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and add to the countries environmental buttons and diseases government says that it is working to address the plastic waste problem and has had some success in making this and such as reducing marine plastic waste and promoting recycling. the as palestinians mark 76 years since been knocked about when they were forcibly displaced from their homeland. and the state of israel was created. an even bigger catastrophe is unfolding in gaza. fierce fighting rages on from the north to the south of the strip. and some of the most intense is really a time in weeks the, you're watching all the 0 live from a headquarters, and they'll find daddy, you navigate is also coming up. the us is looking to approve more than
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a $1000000000.00 package of weapons for israel. a crisis meeting in paris to death and a 2nd night of protests over voting reforms in the french overseas territory of new caledonia, the palestinians called the founding of israel, the knuckle for the catastrophe. 7 to 6 years ago, more than 750000 people were forcibly evicted from their homes. and today they are going through an even greater catastrophe. more than 35000 men, women and children have been killed by israel's war on garza. i'm the mission of our lives through the not fun just once. we will display several times. i try to send you an exile in 2014. we were displaced in 2008. we were displaced in 2022 and
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the display was a child in 1967 as well. this is the circumstances were very difficult to is and what your ownership can, a person does not feel themselves except in the home. very bits of reality and the situation is difficult. a tiring and boring life, we have begun to wish that we would die under the rubble of homes, rather than be abandoned. by the end is that a r l a life is a tragedy. life is non existent. people have been destroyed. how many boxes have died? thousands, half of the population of gaza has died. garza has been destroyed. the rich person has become a bigger and god side. israel has taken us back 100 years. we'll bring in our correspondence out about someone who's joining us from data and by the hand . central guys, i thought at the warren garza is described by some as another neck. but in terms of what's happening to the palestinians, tell us what people are going through of the
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world palestinians. in fact, the reading has been, have been describing that with the new notion of macbook due to the fact that the will has pro to completely negative repercussions. on old life of aspects, including the humanitarian and the security one where we're talking about a very collateral destruction being close to the entire garza's trip it 2 days since the interruption of this around of conflict which has been described to be that least of a just stick to our through of create comparison between the 1st and the 2nd next to us. but i'll send you something describing the and 19 for the 8 mass. but at least $15000.00 palestinians have the ripple to killed while in october. the 7th since october, the 7th, at more than $35000.00 palestinians being killed, we're talking about $5520.00 villages at least being stormed by the east valley militias and gardens, in 19 full to 8. while within 70 percent of gauze was residential buildings. and towns being invaded by the spelling, military leading, pint, capital destruction,
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where it makes generally, the goal is to strip on inhabitable an unsuitable for human habitation. so clearly what is happening in the ground, he is a lot true and messaging to some of the military campaign is specifically the desk to an casual piece of monks to begin is on president for decades of the conflicts where palestinians believe that there chloe is on going to now on the ground as the will, as they believe that they will continue to suffer from the repercussions of the genesis only the ministry campaign on the territory for decades to come. as on 20 gutierrez, the on secure the unsecure 3 general has said that the gaza strip needs to at least a more than 10 years in order to be rebuild again and to reconstruct what has been destroyed by the is really military. since october, the 7th. and started the fighting, obviously on the ground continues and there is really forces are pushing deeper into areas in the north of the strip as well as the south. but they are facing
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resistance from the fighters. bring us up to speed and what's happening there as well. as the north, the south of district on the main p, its helpful military operations by the used by the army. the is what the military said that they were carrying a very limited military and cogent for the eastern portion of a rough i city. bought that it, that operation now is advancing gradually in a very slow motion, rather than that they have been passing more controversial evacuation orders for residents in the central areas as the by twos in the eastern side of the city. sound to be completely below the violence we so different videos, imagine showing how close is the fighting that wind from us fighters and it is very so we just have been attacking military tags. is very both those this with explosive devices in order to force them to withdraw from the area that they are trying to make a pro pop invasion for alongside that the new direct part of the gaza strip. now
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the best of all in the hearts of the day about your refuge account as military tanks has been firing and even leveling to the ground, different residential buildings as in the middle area as well. there are more attacks where at least $48.00 palestinians have been killed in the middle areas of garza within the past 24 hours. this area, in fact, were palestinians have been told to seek refuge swimmingly, that the entire goals this trip has been on the floor as palestinians in fact, has been saying that this operation has no end to us, as well as trying to gain full security control over the strip, especially areas that they have been previously announcing that they managed to mandatory control, but again, fighting have been resumed in these areas with no holly intensity till now. the read. okay, target. thank you. thought of mazda and reporting from did, and by the, in the center of the gaza strip, will be for the british mandate in palestine began more than a century ago. jews made up 8 percent of the population by 1947 emigration from
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mostly europe increased stock number to 33 percent on may. the 4141948, the british mandate ended and the state of israel was created. armed zionist forces captured 78 percent of historic palestine, and then they expelled $750000.00 palestinians from their homes. officer, the 1967 arrow is really war. israel then occupied even more of historic palestine and annexed east jerusalem. then came the oslo accords of the mid 19 nineties. the occupied westbank was carved into 3 areas, granting palestinians limited power to govern in only area a and partially in area be a palestinian say, the ongoing war and military expansion in the occupied westbank are clear evidence of a 2nd, not the phone, but this time they're facing it alone,
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zane buster ivy has more from the occupied westbank. a cemetery near the jeanine refugee camp in the occupied westbank. the final resting place for dozens of their rocky soldiers. christians and muslims sundays and ships errands. encouraged people from all walks of life, fought and died for palestine. in 1948. it was the 1st erebus. really war to defend against the force displacement of palestinians from the land came to be known as the knuckle or catastrophe. being then they'll talk about the what positions in the old of gross in this month. and they started shooting and pushed was all, you know, all the way back. ready the rockies were the only ones that fault here, side by side with the palestinians nowadays are of armies have no say. everyone is on their own. everyone wants to present their own interests. the historians say israel's objective has always been the ethnic cleansing of palestine. but what is happening now is much more violent during the not by 13000 palestinians died over
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the span of 3 years since october, more than 35000 palestinians had been killed in gaza in just 7 months. like getting is from one side civilian population. 10 with the most sophisticated american weapons they lights, minute by minute, geo, politically, the region is also different. 76 years ago, the napa was a catastrophe for all their up countries, the displace or document the decades of what has been a violent conflict. civilian suffering, the assassination of political leaders massacres, defeats on the battlefield and after negotiating table, what becomes clear is that with every year that is going on, posting is, are found themselves more and more alone with their strong descendants of the displaced and occupied se, palestinians have hoping there are people, but not air of leaders. in the west bank,
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we've seen multiple grades and killings. there's an active genocide them does a previously out of armies shared blood with palestinians. the highland gaza. is it more without any one by its side? it's fighting by itself, it's being slow through the by itself. you're asking me about the arrow bombing shame on the they are used against their own people. others, they don't mean to find another country, visits fight riots, but to fight another army known. most of them posted in say they remain hopeful that they will win their freedom from israeli occupation some day despite seemingly insurmountable odds. and despite knowing they will have to do with themselves. zane bus route the old to 0, the occupied westbank palestine and will speak to is a now he's joining us from a low once again in the occupied westbank. so it's a in how are people in the west bank marketing? the 7 to 6 years of not well,
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we're beginning the days events by here in speeches on loudspeakers here in monroe square, there are expected to be raleigh's protest demonstrations on march. leaders here from the housing authority are expected to make speeches, but the fact of the matter is there is a cloud hanging over the events this year. when people seem to say that this is the worst violence, the palestinians have ever seen. what we've seen gaza playing out on our phones right in our pockets that has been very well documented here in the west bank. the escalation of military rates, the pressure of the military occupation, the parallel military government, the rules, palestinians, under israeli occupation has become so intense that people have no idea how to deal with it. so when they say that it is the worst it's ever been, it isn't based on any sort of feeling or vitriol. it's simply based on, on the ground facts on the ground. changes in how violent is really military forces have become in gaza and in the west bank on palestinian communities. and saying to
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what extent the people there feel isolated and perhaps let down by not only the international community but also by the power sitting all 40 in control in the west bank. and that really is something that no one is talking enough about every palestinian you talk to say they feel more and more constricted, more and more constrained, more and more isolated as you say, as this condition, if there is, this occupation continues the worst and you know, in 1948, it was a cause that several error countries, several muslim countries rallied around international united international community was largely neutral on the matter. now we've been speaking historians and analysts and, and working class posting is also the same thing. the international community, the largest military is in the world, are squarely behind is real. the error of neighbors, there's normalization you a and saudi is, is on the roads, normalizing with israel, jordan of flu aircraft to combat the iranian strikes. last month. we're seeing
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egypt coordinates, one security at the gus, a border with israel to maintain is really the security priorities. and of course, the even last month and we are during the conference present along with the bus. the posting and president had had, in a speech said that beat is really security was the responsibility, the duty of the palestinians. it was his duty. so even their leaders are speaking in a way that is difficult for posting and people to stomach. and what we keep hearing is that the, are people protests on the street that they see the protests we've seen in campuses at universities in the united states, across europe. all of these indicate that the people are in opposition to what their leaders are doing and posting is know that unless governance changes in neighboring countries as well as on the international states. unless governance changes, their circumstances here will continue get to get worse, not better. okay, thank is and bus around me. thanks for that update from the letting the occupied westbank curse on cushion baskin is the middle east,
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director at the n g o. the international communities organization is also a former hostage negotiator. and he says that a new more brutal mega is unfolding and gauze all one with more advanced weapons. and they are infect reliving the neck of 1948, which they have been re living every day since 1948. and during the last 7 months, it's been even more dramatic because the weapons are so much more deadly than they were. and 1948 the continuous bomb and the relocation of people 34 or 5 times within the gaza strip with no place to go. um, every every palestinian in garza in the occupied territories and historians, the palestinian diaspora, watches tv every day and sees the suffering of their people and really of the trauma of the next. but i think i think it's very like for people that people could have looked forward and thought perhaps there was a way out. it was not, but seems to be ongoing with no waiting. so no,
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and inside the us state department has sent a $1000000000.00 is really military, a package to congress for review. this comes as president joe biden paused the shipments of weapons to israel earlier this month. and he's warren's prime minister benjamin netanyahu not to launch or ground invasion into the fast without safeguards for a civilians. she have returned. c reports in washington dc. and this has been presented as a new long term deal to supply israel with weaponry. with the $700000000.00 in tank ammunition, $500000000.00 in technical vehicles and $16000000.00 in motor rugs not being available for delivery for several months or even several years. it is a clear sign, the 25 jo biden's campaign donors, as well as those members of his own policy and the republican party that it is business. as usual, as we've had several members of the white house continue to emphasize in the us
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media, that is wrong is guessing everything it needs except for that one. shipment of 2000 pound volumes over the white house is a power that concerns over the rough incursions. so father, the white house does not believe that the red lines have been cross despite the forcible displacements of 450000 people, sir, and attempted to rear sho, binding's campaign donors and the democratic party in a week. in fact, when there was supposed to be more discussion in congress about potentially coming off the pentagon, the state department and the national security council, well by do and the bite and ministration to continue to withhold those 2000 pound booms. a separate times the elders are at washington. stella head on al jazeera, russian forces claim further advances in the car key region as the us sex through state antony blinking visits the region on 40000 canyons living near lake victoria,
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enforcing their homes off to the lake. burst its banks, the really nice midnight should be nice and warm, but the, if this case, give you a good impression of it being much so big circulation ever suspend driven low pressure, it hasn't moved away. it's also, it's fairly stormy. i t that which it shouldn't be. and then the, the thunder valley is pushing ahead of it is slow moving in phases of particularly in front. so you go, when do you, whether it be interested from wet weather in some of the fonts moving through the power valley of know, miscellaneous and snow and the time in. and this without since old moving early study east was a bolder, windy looking picture, particularly on wednesday, doesn't improve somewhat. so it's day and friday, but it's still in the, in the high teams. and then as i say,
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the picture is the heaviest range is going to be the po, valley slovenia and possibly moving into the balkans as well with a fair amount of wind. which means you finding a visiting venice. wow. is going to be rather windy company. sundry and quite often wet for least a couple of days. but ahead of all that it's still by some warm spring should be that will just been brought a long way know product to also by 25 degrees here. well above the average has very different wind to make you see then thing of the nice and more a stove, i hope mister, how all the way from my time's on the boulder between mauritania and send a go towards the chat. but the share was now, i've gone the long way, know off into the seat. the. our oceans are on the switch. by a for rushes, fishing industry, government people are think you're bring deep sea trolling back. he's eating off of the choices,
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sees that go systems are going to suffer more and more with climate change and we need to adapt. now, marine conservationists are in a desperate race against time. the ocean provides services for us that we require as humanity. i'll just see you as lucy is dying of the last shock. the, [000:00:00;00] the tyler we got the top stories on elders 0 of us, our wednesday mark 76 years since the founding of israel's, or what the palestinians call the inevitable for the catastrophe. more than 750000 people were forcibly evicted from their homes. and now palestinians are facing
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a new catastrophe. is really forces surfacing deeper into gauze as north and south as some of the most intense fighting and weeks ranges on its forest. more than 450000 palestinians to flee from the south of the district. the u. s. a set to send israel and new weapons package worth more than a $1000000000.00 if it's approved by congress. it comes after presidential bite and delayed a shipment of bombs earlier this month, over concerns about the rising civilian death tool in gauze all for the french president, somebody run my cross called an emergency meeting, following writing and protests that have left. 2 people dead in new caledonia, the civil unrest as before in the french territory has been sparked by controversial changes to the voting system. so the move looks to allow french citizens, we've lived in the territory for more than 10 years, to vote in local elections. and leaders from the indigenous population note,
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as they cannot, people say that move could we can their representation, latasha butler is joining us from paris on this story. so natasha anymore, reaction from the french government to these developments was you mentioned that the french presidency, manuel mac raul, has called for com. he said that some of the violence of a scene in a new caledonia is the post 2 nights is absolutely unacceptable. and we know that he's meeting with ministers now, and especially the defense a meeting at the least say to discuss the situation. we've also heard from the a french and terry minister or so condemning the file. and since giving us a bit more about the situation on the ground, we know for example, that to people is being killed the circumstances in which they died. we not sure of though. we know the shots were fired at police officers as these process and the unrest a spread, vehicles and buildings were towards local socrates,
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their new caledonia, have decided to keep some schools shots, the add ports in which are in flights in and out of new caledonia as also being shots, as ortiz try to qual, beyond rest. and what we will say now is that a kind of fee that was put in place last night. it was the pace of cost to try and stop some of this fall and spreading that. cuz if he's actually being extended until thursday, so french authorities a certain kind of thing, but the situation will be quite so this evening and just give us a bit more background natasha on context, on what exec we have triggered the protests. what is all about the fact that the french government is wanting to make a constitutional reform and new colors. and what they want to do is make a reform that would allow a so it would basically creates a situation which people who lived in you kind of died you for the past 10 years, are eligible to vote in the collections. now, until now, that hasn't been the case because of some records,
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the struggle between the french government and the intention is kind of population of several decades ago. the french government though, says look, is point to change that because the population is growing and you've got people values should be allowed to vote in the place in which they move. on the other hand, do you feel vintage, those kind of population, the pro independence movement in new caledonia saying that changing phase voting rights is going to, is going to discriminate against the local kind of population who are going to become perhaps a minority. they said it's great to favor new arrivals, a new kind of a new you come mainly from mainland, from it's not everybody that is a french citizen, it's important to point that out. but the concern is really the vintage and this kind of population in some way, are going to see that 1st thing rights, best phase of voice diminish. and all of this basically feels a sentiment that the local population needs that kind of population of fights for
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many years now for decades. and that they feel marginalized by the french government in mainland for all. and they feel they are 2nd call citizens. some say, look, they're called the village of which kind of population states you can have access to water and electricity. so the french government to say they are treating everyone in the same way. but certainly there's nobody in mainland problem. so how does not have access to those electricity? okay, and it's also thank you so much for that reporting from paris and still in france of mine hunts for an escape prisoner after an ambush on a prison tomboy has now entered a 2nd day a car round into the convoy with gunman opening fire, killing 2 prison guards and wounding 3 more. the vans were transporting 30 year olds and how much i'm are back to jail after a court hearing. he's been convicted of robbery and also a charge in connection to a drug killing. the. you are a secretary of state antony blinking is continuing his diplomatic mission in ukraine
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. he met president of a letter as a lensky on tuesday, where he confirmed installments of a new us weapons package had already begun arriving in the country. congress recently passed $61000000000.00 of military aid on russian attacks on ukraine's car . key region are intensifying in the latest a 20 story building and the city center was hit. at least 20 people were injured. but no debts had been reported. a russian forces have steadily advanced into the course of region during recent days. on may the 10th moscow site, its forces had seized the village of hope to have come. by may, the 13th, more forces had advanced across the border to the banks of the river. both chop and on the 14th russian troops advanced to the village of lou key on sea. and on the same day to bar robots. com. john home and has more from car keys. you training officials and military on this
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a saying that the rushing cross border offensive into the northeast civic country, the heart of the region where we're right now has been slowing and they do use the word stabilizing. and that could be a couple of reasons for that. one, perhaps the so you crate in defensive, they said putting reinforcements in today's to try and stop the russian a boss. so perhaps president vladimir putin spoken much about his desire to create a buffer, a loan, this paul, the buddha, to try and protect russian cities like belgrade will not be of aside from ukrainian areas attacks. and they may feel that they've done and have taken a little, or at least contested enough line to make that happen. but that doesn't mean that this is over what the ukrainian head of milk free intelligence is said, is that russian troops are also covering along the russian side of the border of the ukrainian sumi region. that's right next to her teeth. and if those policies
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crossover, then that will stretch, you cranes, defense is still the and at the moment they're already out. mind about guns, us 600 speed lincolns in the country, partly to talk about that. he said, you know, a lot of, he's talked about the us military, a package, the officer, a long delay has started. b a has been approved and it started to be delivered to craig. but some of those were take months in some cases, many months to arrive, and at the moment groceries definitely don't home and out. is it a part of key of the us? president joe biden is sharply increasing terrace on imports from china. and the move comes just months out from the us. so like soon with bite and saying it will help american businesses compete on a more level playing fields. the tariffs will cover electric vehicles, batteries, and semi conductors,
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and apply to $18000000000.00 worth of chinese products. katrina using beijing with more on china's response to the terrace. china is furious about this move. it's urging the us to rethink the increase in tears. we've had chinese ministry of homeless release, a statement saying this not only violates w t rules that this is also the button administration violating its own pledge not to suppress and contain china is development in that statement. it says that this will seriously affect the atmosphere by lateral corporation, so we can expect tensions to rise in the us in china at a time where there was still a thing to really stabilize. now, according to the aging, this is really about domestic us politics and not really about substantial criticism of china's industrial policy. we've also had several st. media articles tried men with a similar message accusing us of more of a fighting. the issue of a capacity in china is akin, wheezing. really, the us to simply fail to keep up when it comes to the development of these crucial
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industries of the future. and that this is short sighted a long time. this is going to damage the global green energy industry. now these, this increase in charge is going to apply to a range of products including steel and aluminum. this is particularly bad news for the exposures of battery electric batteries, electric vehicles, and chinese solar panels. the chinese government has been pushing these sectors to be the new 3 be pillars of trade to replace the old 3 pillars of trade that were cheap, exclusive, clothing, furniture and home appliances or losing access to the us market or having that acts as radically decrease is going to put a serious dent in those plans. amazing says it will retaliate against this group and we're just waiting see what from that retaliation? katrina you, i'll to 0. they to north korea, state television has released images of the leader, kim jong and overseeing production of
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a new tactical weapon system. showing yang has been pushing the production of the weapon re system that they say will allow them to be ready for any war. and state media did not say what was the number of weapon reproduced so far? western leaders have accused north korea exporting weapon re it's produced to iran, answer russia. at least 13 people had been killed and 18. the others are injured after their bus rolled off a mountainous road in peru, bad weather conditions of hampered recovery efforts and peruse traffic department says such accidents are frequent due to the driver is going to fast on poorly maintain roads. lake victoria is the world's largest tropical lake. it's a source of life for millions of people who live along its shores. for risk of flooding in western kenya has caused that lake to overflow, forcing at least 40000 from their homes. catherine story reports


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