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tv   Witness Desert Smugglers  Al Jazeera  May 15, 2024 3:00pm-4:01pm AST

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the world from here, the . ready see what you all just bear with me. so robin and day i'll remind you of. i'll talk new stories. it's been 76 years since. what paula sony palestinians called the not the 76 seconds of the sound of sirens, rang out across the occupied westbank mocking each year since the catastrophe its when more than $750000.00 of them were forcibly evicted from the homes. today the suffering and even greater catastrophe with moles and 35000 men and women and children killed by israel's will, on goss mccloud. mr. a lot of our lives through the not fun, just one. we will display several times to send you an exile. in 2014,
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we were displaced in 2008. we were displaced in 2022 and the display was a child in 1967 as well. this is the circumstances were very difficult to is and what your order is for the person does not feel themselves except in the home. very bit to reality and the situation is difficult. a tiring and boring life, we have begun to wish that we would die under the rubble of homes rather than be abandoned itemize. and it was that a r l a life is a tragedy. life is nonexistent. people have been destroyed. how many boxes have died? thousands, half of the population of gaza has died. garza has been destroyed. the rich person has become a bigger and god side. israel has taken us back 100 years, just palestinians, they'll probably the westbank mach that israel has been expanding expenditure operation across calls are showing in jabante, a refugee camp in northern garza. while the us is set to send is rarely new weapons
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package with mold and a $1000000000.00 if it's approved by congress. it comes president joe biden pulls, they shipments of weapons to is round out of this month. now he's was prime minister netanyahu not to moment to ground defensive into rafa without safeguards, the civilians, while the a sexiest agency blinking is continuing his diplomatic mission in ukraine. he met with pleasant blood vessel and skilled choose day and confirmed installments of a new us weapons package. how big of arriving in the country congress recently passed $61000000000.00 for the military aid russian to tax on ukraine's hockey region are intensifying in the latest. a 20 story building and the city center was hit at least 20 people in good, but no tests have been reported. sites present but by chrome has cold and emergency meetings following violent protests that have left to people that in new tele donia . my business from this is paula. been to have passed a bill to get french citizens the right to vote in new caledonia, the leaders of the indigenous population known as the catholic. se the move with
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weak and that representation was legit. it's regrettable vision. now paul and men treat debates from some about and other parties didn't say a word about law enforcement. they were only in showing the new caledonia democratic folks is respected. they've voted 3 times to remain french. and to respect the parliamentary vote, we need to understand what we're doing here. this is so that somebody is born in new kind of don't you have to caledonian parents can vote in local elections. it's not revolutionary. at least the same. people have died that 18 others are injured after a bus rolled off of mount and us right in southeast and through will forward to say 40 people in the bus when the accident happened. bad weather conditions have happened. recovery efforts of the remaining bodies on the scene not peruse. traffic department says such accidents. all frequent future drive is going to fast on poorly maintained rates. us president, to shop the increasing tires on impulse from china. the move comes months ahead of the us selection by themselves,
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it will help american businesses compete all enable level playing field. baton roads will cover electric vehicles, batteries, and suddenly conductors that apply to $18000000000.00 worth of chinese products. knowles, korea, state television, has released images of the to can juggle noticing production of a new technical weapon system from young has been promoting the system, saying it's enables the country to be ready for any will west and leaders have accused those career exporting is weapon rates of countries including iran and russia, you can follow those stories on our website. the challenges of adults comes updated through out today. i will be back in hoss not with more news here on algebra, but next it's witness. does it smugglers to stay with us? the
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or the . 6 the
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the is agent of service. i mean that's what the of the, the, the the
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yeah, yeah. the the the she is a god. sorry, i mean bisman my immune might have sending us nothing. so then i can see why this is the 7 a to you kind of tell me say i shouldn't really use what i see. i mean, yeah,
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i mean, if you had asked me for a little a few minutes here, i'm just below and you can send this over to the cafeteria for you. me any investments you can look at everything. measure the 2 milli seconds. do you want the trash or it can be it isn't about what this why that of this computer stuff instead of the submitted a supposedly bought it on a video of, of the stuff and i was trying to send them to the gym. i any the
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document at the bottom, the 2nd semester showed me between not able to 97. my to stop by now that i give a little bit of blue because i had never said the folks at nissan from 50 check and hasn't mentioned this or, you know, checked with different on how to sort of donation pay it.
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but i'm kind of interested in the rest of the mesh the the dentist and the video is that the cost of $3.16 is the test and everything with us. what does
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what about the the the the the appointments to go to get that
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covered? i'm showing the federal on the sign in the as the energy costs over the phone with the full
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70 percent. that should be an issue. so it definitely would give just a few pieces of furniture and household a as in sierra, s k e ha, ha, ha ha
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ha, shirley c y the, the, it will be telling you what it means about it. and i don't want to just, you know, see would that get that into the see what i suppose it didn't come to the idea of the why do you kind of could he give you of the country as have been visiting us as a gun. also, problems have done
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a lot of sort of global shouldn't be an independent living kind of issue. generally the technicians are these, these are the 2 issues. i remember the the, the the didn't
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a good was issue money. as i mentioned, there was any discussion the of the
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lease produced up in color is the way we look at the should be the become stage, the moments that a as a b r to push them a total 100. a month is the center. they only do not need lash lane, loveless as much so. so you know, lucy hills, what us look good,
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going to handle the committees for him as well. so how do i that have been doing is to say one of the the when to read matter, wish for each game of a few somebody named interest them a while we get him of civil told us we are sending that and the window will just simply do is the 2nd the go be screen goes from move the go with the cobra, show it oh, it should be finished. especially with the fact that i just really interested in seeing how i'm seeing is in
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a sort of the way you can fit in the process and part of the the street. and this is an update be what a as a government local enjoys outside of the mother in southern of the, of the laptops. it was a all. no,
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but i think the inside of really i'm missing now will the me to come to the restaurant or so mostly the end of the site. a sauce enough to select the human will it make the phone good? i'm glad to show the limits any additional but you can
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show us how much is each fun and this is this get done. so it is so low. so if you have any fish, just fix dummy empty dish to look at the bottom of the then i'm going to send them to shut it up to how they shut it on. let's see why we don't get kinetic mind sending out the o 7. you can see on it, and that's what happens. bosh, man, especially when it cannot be the structural
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seal shut. check be it can, at least i ordered some of the shim going with the pot. i don't know. 100, you know, lot of big lakes either. the kitchen, so we bought a metal with me the uh the, the,
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the month. that's what the holdup someone has said around the issues that are on the side of the, of the people. he just has a right to go daddy at them putting nobody finished. i'll leave you stop and restart the shower here she's she uses the
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can help please hand them as a message. the last we have had the secretary from 9 am sick and i am putting in a little bit of dental cetera on this and have a good 2nd sick rather, you know, he but he said it was one of the units number headache and then as far as the emissions side of things, not sure i've had a good culture over the dish over the bush, understand me. i just want to,
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i just want to know my daughter who make money as wanted. and then that i was just wondering, i was going to know him and i'm thinking the, i don't know what it is. this is what i get in the zone for the sale of 50. so
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the, the initial sort of something to do next semester and the customer now is the time to be direct. israel's project has been to completely conflict zionism and judy as a. but this was not a jew, israel's, of state. and they need to be treated as any other state. what, this is where the tough questions are, as can you see negotiations being even hacked. this is most important, which if you're going to involve shape, poll, unapologetic, i'm just awesome. upfront on out 0. so we news of
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eunice goes, world press freedom prize, were announced a collective award honoring the palestinian journalist covering the war wrong. does one of the recipients out his ear is guys a bureau chief. why i do send a message of appreciation. he says palestinian terrorist and guys i need justice and protection. his wife, children, and other relatives were killed by his available all before he himself was nearly killed. at least 143 media workers and journalist have been killed in gaza in nearly 7 months of war. this use wordpress freedom conference also focused specifically on the dangers faced by journalist covering the environment. the number of attacks against the terminal is to us specifically covering the environment has risen 42 percent in the last 5 years. the best and to build experts say is for those who attack facts and silence journalists to be held accountable.
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news you. it's really just bear with me. so we run into a reminder of all the top new stories. it's been 76 years since what palestinians called the, not the 76 seconds of the sound of sirens running out across the occupied west bank marking each year since the catastrophe. it's when more than 750000 of them were forcibly evicted from the homes. while history is repeating itself as palestinian stuff for an even greater catastrophe. with more than 35000 men and women as well as children killed and israel's war on garza, israel has been expanding its ministry operation. it costs the strip with ongoing
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heavy finding in jabante, a refugee camp in renewals. now the us is set to send as riley, new weapons package with mold and a $1000000000.00. if it's true, if it's approved by congress, that is, comes as present j bars and polls they shipments of weapons to israel out of this month. it was prime minister benjamin netanyahu not lower to ground invasion into the alpha without safeguards for civilians. the secretary states, hence the blinking is continuing his diplomatic mission in ukraine. he met with present governments. when's going choose de unconcerned installments of a new us weapons package? how big of arriving in the country congress recently passed $61000000000.00 for minute 38 russian to tax on ukraine's khaki regional, or intensifying, and the latest a 20 story building and the city center was, has at least 20 people in just but no tests have been reported french president manual, that crawl has cooled at emergency meeting the following and violent protests of the left to people that a new caledonia. then because of phones is parliamentary, passed a bill to give freedom citizens the right to vote in new caledonia. but the dissolve,
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the indigenous population data is a cannot say the move could we can that representation at least 13 people. it adds and 18 others are injured. after a bus rolled a man to this road in southeast and through various traffic departments, as such, accidents off frequently to drive is going to fast on poorly maintained roads. a little screen state television has released video of leader kim jong and eva sing production of a new tactical weapon system. showing yang says it enables the country to be ready for any will. less than the does have accused those career of exposing as weapon rates or countries including around and russia. those where the headlines, i'll be back with the island, does it renews on just a half of those time we, we tend to witness this time. does that smokeless the
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dispute on the funny important, but definitely in the for something that's absolutely public that's hopefully there's no med extra is available for stuff. there's of, up in the the, the
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problems show this when the just the door involved with the some of the, the, the, well the the,
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the tune little who, because industries in your one on the back on the estimate on governor to do it sort of the holiday and the so this article friday will definitely be able to follow be able to judge which
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a select color another. what about excessive but over the one of the others move it, go to the thought he gave me instead of this a motion this direction, then how do i be cold and stuff like this? i know that or is it possible to well, we move guy today, not in the system or the am shifting and saw you with us just about the the
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that but i go to go to the uh oh, the police to go on the 17th. it was going to the southern end, you had some sort of
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a betty guessing the message was the amount of been in bottles of the shop to sort of set those hello sounds good fish that and then i'll be the focus of the low and has said well as you message, so will the best to this show me leave me your home, see in the video has up and watch what was the i get your thoughts are certainly have had a month like and now the screws can literally screen the people short of it today it's all about the system will say the
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sort of hit should you should turn in the, the one that came up on me and the one of the,
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[000:00:00;00] the the, the,
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the themes, pennsylvania. i need to get a hold of the on that uh, estimate, literally with dentist or the defensive to be on may show them what it can you just if they don't give me a simple question can. so we're looking at the little thinking a little can you feel free? the one that took a little bit them to let me share, have
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a ceiling to observe the level of coverage that we can try and fix the field for him as a month to add. and that's the issue. i wanted to see a must go to also most of the and that was due to the clement. now did you have those zillow, though they should a issue the amount of a how do you think it had to be good and i want the guys could really tell them what the heck daniel the about us of the need and of lead to the other and you had, you had, and one of the the,
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the number you know, i maybe the service, i don't know that the the, [000:00:00;00]
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the, the, the, the, the additional 10 a month ago with an incident that because it was medical when i had the streaming service, the the
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the the the the, the, the, the, the,
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the, the the the, the, the,
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the you record. hello . the the
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the how do you understand what you're looking for an assessment is to solve box when i was trying to set up the laws of the wow good
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the the the message the i don't know the he was the rest of the heck the heck the some and some of them will have a gentleman chickens. they usually do the sugar, but i'm not sure what, which chevrolet we're trying to get a mean i'm decision of a single image instead of of someone because every mean i thought about how i'm assuming cancel and getting the site to book the so you want to say out of in front of the, you know, the video content video shot, the animal can pull it out there as well. and the, there are man, so i'm in much the days with the unlimited plan that they come with
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in the uh. a 1 mm hm, that's good. so the last question is the, the has shown is that i hate the model for sure why the beginning a fish, by the way of getting them as though to attach
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the method that had arm itself in modelers, oklahoma monitors, oklahoma pims arguments well, a little fat that it had only way to shuffle it to them. i enjoy life a shop system applauded c 6th street fun here to our fishing coffee the in the. c c c c
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c c c c the, the fit the interest small little bit, not a 100, was a give the zip and certainly had a good time to look at it to the, to the ministry. the decision decision legislation has seen have been this. i'm on the most of us to the here. so you know,
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to age the sort of subject just the it has been a huge set of good stuff on this chart. is it well by the guys seen a lot of levels of that.
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yeah, i did do a 2 month of of the see the budget best of flash everybody. it has nothing to go up to. so at least the thing is most of the, the less the key but that i minutes would be at the end of the image. and i'm up on a 2 bedroom. uh, literally just do a bad question a little because he had to cut him up on a 2nd. let me just a number is more of a feller, convert it because he a lot of let them sit and the you the other the be the total initial jewish hospital just as well able to do is just as of up some fields and as a lot of miles on the city unless it's in the community,
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it's been had discussion with the vehicle sort of beach come in, a didn't have to update the student opinion one altogether the the she doesn't. and instead of taking the in belgium in maybe the
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just me as a mechanic, oh, of the or the we news of eunice goes, world press freedom prize. were announced a collective award honoring the palestinian journalist covering the war on gaza.
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when does the recipients out? does he have his guys a bureau chief, why i do send a message of appreciation. he says palestinian terrorist and because i need justice and protection his wife, children, and other relatives were killed by his really bumps before he himself was nearly killed. at least 143 media workers and journalist have been killed in gaza in nearly 7 months of war. this use wordpress freedom conference also focused specifically on the dangers faced by journalist covering the environment. the number of attacks against the terminal this to us specifically covering the environment has risen 42 percent in the last 5 years. the best and to build experts say is for those who attack facts and silence journalists to be held accountable. considering the season with it, and this is actually remarkably benign,
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whether it's a good path to south america, or basically there's funding sit on the ground in the river uruguay. and then we could talk without reassurance as far north as rios is next. cold front goes through the stormy weather is off shelves to enjoy the sunshine announcing gina chile, unicoi for a while. his confirmation then a southerly breeze and showers, which in them could be pretty big ones go through and then you warm up again. now it's been pretty hot and ready for the whole the week. back up to 35 in the sunshine. come friday. not as long as it was to the know that. all right, sir. the seasonal range of increasing you've been, i think, in the northwest of brazil, across to ecuador, as well as the pots of peru and the reaching panama, because he said he went to you. but central america has been seen very huntsville side, the winter, and still then that from the lease across to mexico. we are breaking records. 47 in that particular state in mexico is pretty much as high as you go get any way in
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mexico. monterey is rising from 35 and there's 39 in the next day or so. shower wise on surprise me because the sun is coming through to give you the heat. there are very few shows that's not true in the us, and the southern states has to be vicious thunderstorms on their way. now the next 12 or so house through florida, i'm counting the cost is real installation defense as tech, a whole trade for the nation to $1.00 of the economic costs of buying on palestinian watkins and as well as on pending labours, livelihoods popular new weight loss trucks reshape the industry, counting the cost on al jazeera. here's from, i'll just here on the go and the tonight out is there is only mobile app. is
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that the, this is where we just fix allies from out is there is a mobile app available in your favorite top to just set for it and type to move the new app from out to 0 new at using. is it the, [000:00:00;00] the blog? so robin, you're watching the, i'll just say it renews online for the headquarters here in the hall coming up in the next 60 minutes. the siren signed for 76 seconds. one to every. yeah, since the not quite old catastrophe. when palestinians or falls from the 76


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