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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 15, 2024 6:00pm-7:00pm AST

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to. ringback the, [000:00:00;00] the hello, i'm sammy's, i them, this has been use our live from dell coming up in the next 60 minutes as well, targets palestinians gathering to use it. instead of access points. in garza city, least 4 people are confirmed till the sirens sounds to 76 seconds. one for each year. and since the next all catastrophe, when palestinians are full from the home line, the prime minister to the bank here in
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a life threatening condition and hospital off to being shot multiple times in a suspected assassination attempt from so set to declare a state of emergency services power tree of new caledonia full piece a lot that in protest against plans those the reform dom piece of statements with useful c for prepayments for its annual congress in bangkok as it moves towards allowing domestic leaves to play match as a bold and reveal sense for a new women's club will come the while. we start with breaking news out of golf, the city where at least full palestinians have been killed by miss rainy strike. at least 20 others on injured a number of them in critical condition. these are any bad treat, talk through the heavily populated area where the palestinians were gathering to
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use and internet access points. casualties are expected to rise on the shelling of the jabante, a refugee camp in northern gauze, or killed mold fomo, palestinians, while another strike hits in the underwater affiliated clinic and gauze, the city killing at least 10 people. and in central garza israel targeted both on board i age and the site on the refugee accounts, killing thousands of palestinians. all this is palestinians mock 76 years since the fullest mass expulsion known as the next. the what is now, israel topic about assume begins on coverage from debt about a central garza. the last a good bye kiss on the cheek of a child. now, like flies on the paper rushed families whom was destroyed by and this very asteroid killing several
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of these is what generational tro my looks like as relatives of different ages. got that in shot because ours had b, b r a big for mine. last, last moment, together before burying it brushed home into rage in the center of the car was a strip. it's a refuge account created in 1949 during the next one of 8 that still exists today including hon. eunice and david bella. with those as if people have been killed in the last few day using isabel strikes that it started off as tends to house palestinians kicked out of the homes by scientist forces of course historic passed on. some of them ended in guns. i now completely trapped on the mission. a lot of the the, we lived through there,
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not fun just once. we will display several times to send you an exiles. in 2014, we were displaced in 2008. we were displaced in 2022. we were displaced. i was a child in 1967 as well and the circumstances were very difficult. m. shad the sit with his grandchildren who should mostly be at school. and instead they have been moving from one place to another. trying to show to from is very aggressive from bachmann since october. last tier. up, let me know. there's no catastrophe worse than this one. i've been here for 8 years and nothing compares to this. no house neighbor, donkey or human being is less than this life. everything is gone. these kids already trapped in a cycle of violence as, as well. so continues with new engines sites. the only here from the graph parents, the last of the next generation of a life is for you from occupation. that's
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a distant dream for a palestinians, especially for people here in gauze for a 10 minute refugees and the homeland topic up as in o, just sierra derek, but i had a story of handling. my fluid is in data outside of the hospital joins us now from that. take us to the 1st of all the off them off of this latest series of ass strikes. well sammy, the, the past hour has been followed. the much evolving events in the northern area, not only will look at the, an incident where a group of people on the last 3 trying to connect to the internet and very close to an access point. were targeted by a missile fired by a drawn of 3 people. so if i transferred to a highly baptist hospital, pronounced it right away, there was more with a critical injuries are in the hospital there. the rest given being sufficient, medical staff,
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think upon inability of the hospital to intervene and provide proper medical is the support for them there, the rent that you're going to lose their life. but what's really more shocking right now is the deliberate of talking a group of journalists in jabante and these are the drums are being covering and documenting the day for the past few weeks. what's going on the northern part and more recently in jabante, a refuge account with. we are informed by a civil defense the code a did. there was a deliberate attack by the artillery showing and by the by drawn dismissal was fired by johnson. a group of journalists, as well as an ambulance vehicle was in the area, was also targeted. the reports talked about the, the, the bullying casualties, including the journalist as well as the ambulance driver and his a since then a and a nurse inside the vehicle in the vents are evolving into much of dramatic scene right now,
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where there's more of an indiscriminate attack going on at the side of the side of evacuation centers. these are a group of the schools and we've got value, a refugee camp to where hundreds of families have been sold during inside these schools. these are evacuation centers operated and managed by honor why the united nation for palestinian refugees and more people are trapped inside. uh, these sensors aren't able to leave those whole matters to leave. they actually met, managed to get away from the area under tv fires by machine guns and by a pocket, drones that gets chasing them out of right and the value of refuge account for them to point out, right. the value or if you can, is the, the most densely rep is you can say across the garza thread, but we thought about it to a square kilometers where at least a $120000.00 people live inside this revenue cab. the vast majority of them have been displaced in this war and they've been in and out of there at the time,
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depending on the military operations there. but this time is really monetary, seems to be adamant to push deeper into the center all directly he can pushing more people into enforce displacement as well as causing just talking level of instruction as we were told by civil defense. the crew on the grad remaining public facilities, a residential buildings are destroyed or severely damaged by these really military honey. also videos are emerging from palestinian groups. what do they tell us about the fighting in the bottles which are raging? yes. well both and the bali and the northern part and drop by the d reports of the extreme confrontation between palestinian biking groups then and is really military and it's been bathing forces on the ground in rough rock. we're looking at it reports and footage of the palestinian fund. we're conducting the, the 3 the street and building to building come back
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a spot it clashes with the brand new military, just taking advantage of what, what else the, the may, the rubble they created by the shocking level of destruction in the area and, and helping palestinian finding group in maneuver again, very a similar situation and then jump valley as well where there's really immersed military setting and in a, in a bit in a statement that'd be, have been targeting infrastructure and strong to hold for almost the same time. and looking at this, come back of the palestinians, the fighting a group been pushing against these rarely a time and on the vehicle in the area. there were earlier reports of at least the 12 is reading soldiers that were killed in an ambush. this has not been very bye bye or haven't been eh, verified by there's really another 3 of the statements talks about a group of, of folder who were injured and, and your body as well as more of them in and drop off sticking. all right, thanks. so much honey,
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my load that so back is 5 minutes the robot states. so as being shot several times and is reported to be in life threatening condition in hospital. the shooting occurred in the town of lava north of the capital, but this lava was shut off through a government meeting, suspect has been detained. a slight bank. presidents has expressed shock over the incident as i land eclipse. go. is vice president for policy and programming at load sec, that's a security policy thing time. she joins us now from brought this lava good to have you with us. it's early hours, but any indication of who might be responsible, what the motive might have been at this moment some time where it has no information about the identity or the show to more about the motives or reasons for
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that task. so it would be too early and to responsible to speculate on this topic. what impacts might this have on the upcoming you parliamentary elections? of course, now the entire attention of these on the, on the one hand condition of the prime minister. but also ever by the, in the society. absolutely. everybody's starting from political leaders, but also from regular ordinary citizens. everybody is engaged in the discussion about how we have come to this point and to why somebody in the country has decided the political violence is the best way to resolve any disagreements or any problems that the person might have. so there's an in house discussion about how we can lead back to as individuals and what forms of political engagements are available for us citizens. so definitely this topic will be high on the agenda ahead of the
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parliament of the european parliament, the direction that is going to happen in a few weeks from now. and of course, a lot of parties are going to be trying to discuss the issue of how to bet the structure, democratic processes in the country, but also how to better provide security in the society. do you think this incident might have an impact on the balance of power between populist forces and unless this it is definitely very early to say we still do not know the details of the shots in uh, what's gonna happen next and what steps a go into the taken but of course it will be high on the agenda of various political parties and potentially the solutions to the problem to the problem of political violence or to the problems of the problems in slovakia will be very different. so potentially it might change the way how people perceive which part is they should be supporting. think of so maybe the sense of shock that must be going
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through the country. it's not often that you have incidents like this and so back. absolutely. for the past 3 decades, slovak society was working very hard to make sure that there's no point to combine life in society. but there's no violence of any kind in the society, the society because so much experience was the violence of for political reasons against political opponents. during the time when the country was dominated by the soviet union, the 9 to 9, this was a very difficult period for people. so the country code that we can overcome it's, but this incident is very disturbing. but of course, it doesn't truly come in a vacuum. for example, a couple years ago there was a, a politically motivated shooting in practice law were and a person shots, a 2 people from eligibility community industries. and that was
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a clear case of from politically motivated violence in the country, but it did upset, tried political level, and this is something that has never happened before. and it has truly solved the entire society in slovakia. all right, thank you so much for your analysis. of the thank you for having made the now as we mentioned, palestinians a mocking, well they call the next the mid 76 is since the fullest mass expulsion from what is now israel the 76 seconds of sirens being sounded right now. so across the occupied westbank mocking each year since the catastrophe. moving 750000 palestinians were forced
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from that homes. as israel was found it today the suffering and even great catastrophe. with more than $35000.00 men, women and children killed vice rails one gossip that out alone i caught is an assistant professor of conflict resolution and diplomacy of the arab american university in palestine. she told zane before all the in ramallah out of syrians are still suffering and ongoing. next not the boss is to the says, a front of those totally up stories as we are witnessing and living at 2nd neck by in 2024. the combination of next, but was suppose to me, to end the forcibly eviction or the for the directions of the palestinians becoming refugees all around the world. which are with this thing to the 2nd neck about where the palestinians are putting again. and is this where they are forcibly being invested, they are the property, their homes are being confiscated and the land is being annexed. but also in the
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summer, in the garden value and, and some, yeah. and he brought in bethlehem. i mean, the palestinian people are still still putting an ongoing net for 76 years. it's about time that you guys have nations. and so i'm not that a member of the states of this as a committee realized that the 15th of may not the day to celebrate is not a day to repeat, accommodates, in order to adjust the number is a day to say no to more towards extra seconds of how the thing is is to say no to resume your occupation to say enough to the is there any crimes that is there any dental side? and it's all remember that to day the same day. and when we update the policy in your network, which is the catastrophe, basically the whole world is this kind of speed. i said it's been set up, but i think the end depends is the independence of the state of israel. and it's about time we hold the state accounts of and it's about time we see this, see that as being as new, that is a little side of the case of the i c j. it's about time, they are held accounts, but it's about time. did
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a military leaders are also prosecuted at the ice. you see on the i c, j. it's about time and this is the prolonged occupation. it's about time we define the borders of the faith of as a that was declared 76 years ago. and it's about time we say like a faster speed against the policy and people must stop the past and you and people are not asking for a favor from the community. those are um, but the device for that a few days of return, i can position the product enhancements for so determination is data. we're talking about a of an independent states and the policy will be what has accepted the 2 state solution just because they believed in the piece, but the good and diplomatic tool. however, in 2024 after the genocide and the and the continued catastrophe a neck bass being repeated to an ongoing sundays. but it also did, i guess our people everybody's would say no. today is the occupation north of the genocide and north of motor next. but because of how the thing in the metal and drop a part is the editor at local coal, let's say hebrew, hebrew news sites. i'm member of a line for all this. right?
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the palestinian movement promoting pace. joins us now from tel aviv good to have you with us. so 1st of all, to what extent does, why there is why the society recognize, acknowledge, you will see the next. what it does see here is previously i would say to 20 years ago or so even though the user i need to choose, she said so sorry, people's completely ignored about them not by and the uh, the issues to, to, to, to say that to, to exist today uh they do have a nice mostly savings do it could be nice that they're not bad existence. any type of, uh, the question is, what is the more that's a to be better for me. it, unfortunately in diesel, we have seen many too many users. i mean for the patient say a, this is
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a solution that shouldn't be repeated that good enough about does that. i should be repeated. 3 and that to uh, there's no denials been not though it's even being used as a for this a good tool to, to uh, track them the 1st thing. and so imagine that that's the expression to your point. let me read out now some statements, referencing the next well by some of the prominent is ready politicians. let me start with the agriculture minister of a dick. so said last november, i quote, now we all now rolling out the guns that next book of the kinetic deputy speak. and it seems, i totally said in october, not car expel lemuel. if the objections cast so much about them, let them wrap them off in cellophane with the green ribbon. settlement. generic
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means goodbye while arial cal. now he's an m p from the governing la crude policy. what he said in october. right now, one goal next. but unlike but that will overshadow the neck for a $48.00 neck. but in garza and not clear to anyone who dies to join. when you listen to the statements like that, you've got to wonder whether at least those in power of framing the neck. but as even was something positive that is to be repeated. yes, said they, they certainly do. i'm trying to think, i could argue that this is this kind of small frustration that in 48 the jewish leaders. we're not open to talking about that, but they maybe did it, but they were not talking about it and today about talking about it. and maybe he
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gets assigned also 1st things on us not knowing what to do with the present student . that's to explain to you that they did not go anywhere that despite all the doors off to him guys, and you do expand care into was a man in the pause being signing. so i mean to be asked for an independent signal pulling the dog disappear. um they hold the so i see that that there wouldn't be some of the codes that will make the print student disappear in to it is unfortunately being used by it. so i would say maybe some of the tactics used by me all week, especially uh the older 2 eventually guys i know connecting to people to return. that may be also a reminder of design about. but i would say that some of these remarks back to put addiction. you mentioned, i see the more the sign of frustration that the scene, you know,
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676 years later the pursuing problem did not disappear. did not the ration to do? yeah. we hear from powerful a blog, shall we say, the israel, amongst the settlements and expression of a desire to expand the settlement movement and looking at gauze as they've been opportunity to do that. right? yes, certainly go, i think, i think part of the story thing right? right, drink any impact what else you better know? i have tried to use at least in the political imagination of these well uh, the past, the preventive stuff, type of stuff. so the 2nd by how boss has an excuse to lounge this and you're not about uh to get into the use really disclose, but it's a good this goes in
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a way that we have enough experience. i never experience in such structure. i would say that's a power of it's such a stretch. so yes, i think there was a kind of cooling to effort to bring in these, to, into the political, the scores. how successful they are. it's a great, so what's going on in guy's side. so to me, amounts as, as the i, c k says, to applause a book, a tremulous side. that's what the i c j said then each now considering what the issue and god to want a piece of the use. well, it's actually concepts, but i guess i think i had to find a ride as soon as an opportunity to lean over dependence to them in the hoping that
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in a definitive way as the plan by the now the finance minister that sent a small tweak the plan which he probably probably would started to give to the 2017 . so for the solution for this, besides subscription for the posterior compulsive. so yes they see it is a frontier future. all right, thank you for your analysis of that. and now the us is going ahead with a new um shipment to his ro, pending approval by congress, comes off the president joe biden delay the consignment of bums earlier this month . so it concerns about the rising civilian dest tolling garza. and this also has the license, the binding administration is to send a shipment of weapons to israel worth more than $1000000000.00 the 1st to the country since us president joe biden put a consignment of 3500 bombs like these on hold. that was halted
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due to the high number of civilian casualties in israel's war on guns and fears. it would launch a ground offensive and drop off civilians have been killed in gaza as a consequence of those bombs and other ways in which they go after populations made it clear that if i go into rafa, i haven't gone. and ralph has yet to go on or off, or i'm not supplying the weapons that have been used historically to deal with ross . but the us move drew for years, criticism from israel, who has okay, we are determined and we are united in order to defeat our enemies and those who want to destroy us. if we need to stand alone, we will stand alone. i have said that if necessary, we will fight without thinking dials. the new shipment will be comprised of tank ammunition, tactical vehicles and mortar rounds. but there's still no indication of when the
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weapons would be sent. congress still needs to vote on the measure to, but it's likely to pass in the republican controlled house. the united states has both privately and publicly voice. it's opposition to israel expanding its military actions in so far as more than one and a half 1000000 palestinians are seeking refuge in the southern most city in gonzo. but this latest weapon shipment will be used against palestinians. and israel's war on gonzo have the central jersey to kimberly how k is live for us at the white house and kimberly, i'm sure you heard that sound like that from joe biden. it sounded like the thinking was how to wind down or restrict wesson's supplies. if these writers go into that off on why is why, why is the administration pushing through with
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a new package of weapons now or yeah, well the thinking has always been, but there would be this pause that would take place, but only a pause for the offensive weapons, if you listen to the language of the president, when he announced this pause of the $3500.00 bonds, that would be shipped to an israel. it was a pause of weapons that could be used for ground defensive into rough. um, but uh, not for the defense of weapons that is real has been asking for in terms of like practical weapon, re add and munitions. that is what is going to be approved by congress this time around did the language that came from the us president, the national security adviser, the secretary of state, that was always something that they said was iron clad and that they were committed to. and so this is an example of the 5 line, but the administration has been walking. they have said that all along with they
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are us started supporter of israel's defense as well. they said that they wanted to send this message to israel. they have never back down from saying that they would continue to defend israel from what they see as threats from partners, or rather from the threats such as players like iran. i guess there is a, maybe a question of what nuances are emphasized. take us through the politics going on behind the scenes that one suspects is probably a part of this. yeah, well, i mean, the bottom line is this is an election year end. so joe biden has a rather difficult hand to play when it comes to satisfying just the various factions of the democratic party. you have a very significant and very powerful jewish lobby that is largely democrats and is looking for him to continue to support israel. but at the same time,
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you also have the more progressive wing that is very largely useful in nature and has been actively demonstrating all across the united states and college campuses. and then also you have that global protests has been happening in world capitals, internationally as well. saying, but they're looking for conditions to be attached to the nearly 4000000000 is given to israel every year in military aid. and so trying to balance that has been the challenge for joe biden. so that's what this has been, has been essentially um, walking the 5 lives sending a message to israel, but the things are not going to be automatically said all the time. especially with the more than 35000 palestinians that have been killed. this is an example, a rare example of the us using the tool and leverage that it has to send that message. but at the same time, a still continuing with its commitment to israel that it has done for decades. all
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right, thanks so much. kimberly how kids the still ahead on al jazeera, ukraine's president cancels on coming, found visits, prussia escalates, attacks the hockey region and installed the premier league type. who remains mine just to city to lose the standing don't. people saves today, guys so so we'll have the details, you know, the, considering the season with it and this is actually remarkably benign, whether it's a good path to south america, or basically the southern sit on the ground in the river uruguay. and then we could talk about reassurance as far north as rios and next cold. frank goes through the stormy weather is off shelves to enjoy the sunshine announcing gina chile,
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unicoi for a while. his confirmation then a southerly breeze and showers, which in them could be pretty big ones go through and then you warm up again. now it's been pretty hot and ready for the whole the week. back up to 35 in the sunshine. come friday. not as long as it was the know that all right, sir. the seasonal range of increasing. you've been thinking the north west of brazil, across to ecuador, as well as the pots of peru and the reaching panama, because he said he went to you. but central america has been seen very hartsville, south the winter, and still then from billy's across to mexico. we are breaking records 47 in that particular state. and mexico is pretty much as high as you get. it gets any way in mexico. monterey is rising from 35 and there's the 39 in the next day or so. shower wise on surprise me because the sun is coming through to give you the heat. there are very few shows that's not true in the us, and the southern states has to be vicious thunderstorms on their way. now the next 12 or so house through florida,
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the of the next generation in the united states, they're not happy with what is happening in gaza. they're not happy with the u. s. foreign policy, and that's why they're trying to make their voices heard. the administrators of each university really have a choice to either escalate and calling police be confrontational, or to actually listen to what their concerns are. city stream of people being arrested, placed in the zip tie and cops and taken away many of the purchases we've talked to have said they will continue protesting until their demands are meant on counting, the cost is real installation. jason says tech a whole trade for the nation. so one of the economic costs of buying on palestinian watkins in israel is tenzing labourers, livelihoods,
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and can popular new weight loss trucks reshape the industry. counting the cost on al jazeera, the, [000:00:00;00] the, the only thing i'll just 0 time to recap on headlines down the back is 5 minutes. the rubber pizza is being shot several times and taken to the hospital. and once being reported to be a life threatening condition, the choosing happened in the town of himself. i know so for that, his lava suspect has been arrested. at least full palestinians have been killed and more than 20 inches. fine is rarely striking. garza city, these right the minutes we talk through the heavy,
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the populated area with palestinians with gatherings using into that access point. the a bank to our coverage of the 76 anniversary of the neck of old catastrophe. the false displacement of 750000 palestinians. this israel was founded during the 1940s, more than 15000 palestinians were killed in thousands of massacres. committed by zionist forces. the 1st mass killing was recorded at the back of the chaise, or at least 60 palestinians were killed by the high gun offices. in april 1948, an estimated 110 villages were budded by zine. this time it 3 forces in the village of dairy a scene. now what is now occupied east, jerusalem. but the killings did not stop off the rest row was created. these $200.00 villages were reportedly killed and fighting and mass exit q. sions tween
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may 22nd. and the 23rd 1948th and con, pulled on the high haifa, palestinian refugees and by ruth of riley to commemorate the anniversary of the next. though they say it's never been so imposing to remember what they last st ahold of was that the protest, the they chance the palestine, they chance they chance for garza and the children of garza who are under fire. these are the new generation of how the city and refugees and 11 on the hold on to their identity has been 76 years. has palestinians were forced to from their homes, from what is now israel. during the 1948 war, the refugees and their descendants, little has changed for them. there's still this place. there's still space list. at the heart of the struggle is an event that they march every year. the not the arabic for catastrophe, that's what they call it. and this year it takes on
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a whole new meaning with israel's war on ground. so again, as the input of many of them this year, the not but coincides with a genocide in gaza, israel is killing, are people starving them and displacing them? now these children need to know. there is an occupied country called policy up and people here are palestinians, and living on these refugees say that they're watching a new not by unfolding. gosh off the walls of discount. tell the story of their decades a struggle for a palestinian homeland lower than what you're talking about, palestine to our children and grandchildren. we will tell them what happened to us, how we had to leave our homes and all. and i do, i just feel in this camp also there is support. what time i've called the l x stuff . let us talk against israel on october 7th, umbrella, we will never give up our homeland no matter how many children they killed, no matter how many houses they destroyed. this is orlando,
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the oldest refugee population in the world say. they will not surrender for their houses either. they do, it's well that spring and now model on bush. all right, he's out to 0 senior political analyst. good to have you with us. i'm our one. we've been talking about various aspects of the neck, but it's day. but what i want to do in this interview is talk about the global politics of the neck, but then a now what happened in 9048. some describe as it was a nation being dispossessed in silence in darkness. because the global, how is it that time simply didn't want to say or didn't see what was happening, the palestinians? well, there's certainly an aspect to that, especially that uh, is there a declared independence only 3 years after the end of 2nd world war one, we saw the unfolding, the holocaust, i guess the jewish people and it was
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a holocaust that was basically taking place why western powers were looking on really in the beginning. so watson powers did not actually come up to the state to that, to saving the jews in the beginning of the 2nd piece and the 19 thirty's to wash their own sins for not really saving the jews. i think the best thing is had to pay the price and the western powers were complicit with as far as um, how much is the now? how much has changed today? but this, the thing is uh, assigned me that we forget. that the 19471949, there was no life television or social media that alone social media. but clearly it wasn't until the early fifties. in fact, the bbc came on life life television, and not until 1991 we'll see. and then coming on and you know, from bucket that at the time to do a live news from the, from the field. so the idea that this was happening in $94.00 to $8.00 in the
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doctor's or in silence and so on. so forth was also because as one at one at a famously said, we didn't know then, but we knew it. oh, now. so what are we doing about it? mm hm. the arab can, that's changed a lot since 1948, right? well, the night is there certainly where divided then they were in pretence then, but they just emerged out of colonialism. people forget that. syria to a large degree of course, jordan and so on. so what this, what cancers the to just become independence or 1st empowers that they call in your lives. but the remain on the done done domination of western powers. but today, 75 years later, they are not dominated, they're not caught on their lives or anything. but they still impotent raj a they're still divided larger than i'm talking mostly about that are bridges about our government. so while they are give paying lip service to the question of palestine,
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why they are making declarations in support of palestine or against genocide in palestine. but in terms real terms, support anything the general side specifically, nothing being done by hand, i presume. all things a little bit different when it comes to how the gauze of war may be re aligning global solidarity, strengthening, global solidarity with the palestinians as a dispossessed people, even if, as you said, out of state. so, you know, quite impotence. look until, i mean, i say that with the, you know, with heavy heart until the middle of last year i, my son was going to become more like a comma or, or somebody calling in, you know, the larger picture in the world today as part of where really, on the process of fully normalizing with these read the united states was to new or open other countries including russian, china and india, were all not just normalizing correlations with is there
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a they were expanding economic and political relations is our own at the expense of spanish style, so i say soft over 7 and mostly notably, sense as far as an unfolding general side on including side on, on the tv screens as what we just say that we needed a like a backlash. i'm, the backlash was across the board among movements for justice, equality against racism around the world. but what we saw the last few weeks that was totally refreshing. so to the encouraging and inspiring was the generations z, you know, the students, the young people on so on, so forth, especially in western society, taking the for and paying prize, making sacrifices for, is that a serious challenge to the global pow structure of a dispossession. if we put it that way, we'll look into, i mean, to durham, i don't think that's going to make any difference for the people in your body of has or rough, fucked. you know,
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when you talk about hardwood columbia and oxford cambridge news on geneva. and so on, so forth. we're talking about the next generations of leaders around the world, the next to lead the next the economic financial political elite that on the world . so yes, in terms of longer term, you one cannot be. but as i said, inspired and the hopeful that this new generation would be far better than their parents. the so called the next generation milan was good to have you in the studio . thank you so much. i let's, let's go back to haile. my moody joins us now live from david by in central gaza. and i'm wondering, had a if palestinians that have time to reflect even on the events of 1940 a given that they're living through what some of describing is the seconds, not all right. now the yes and the more time you,
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the more we talk to people about their memories of 1940 the generation of the war, a trauma all the way to 2024, the enforce displacement, the more we see the emotional land, the, the mental break down here across the, across the gaza strip. we have people who are old enough or remember what happened to them when they were young, get their homes in the what's now has become the central and northern israel. it moved to rose, bank and gaza strip. to talk us it's through about the horrible experiences that they face and the challenge of the created by the mass expulsion of palestinians into the west bank and the gaza strip. but right now, what we're, what we're seeing and according to their testimony, is it's much more a ruler in terms of a rest aggressive being aggressive in terms of brutality that everything is being targeted here deliberately, not only, not all the people here, but we're looking at an infrastructure, public facilities, animals, everything's complete,
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elimination of social services and all means of life to the point people here, a whole heartedly feel this. this is part of the, the, the, the, the constant and the permanent feelings are being displaced inside their own land. the creation of the west bank and the gaza strip right after the grace of data is real. these 2 reservation for the past 76 years has been so aggressive in terms of living conditions in terms of the steps that part type system in terms of their raises policies of wide on, on the residents of both garza and the west bank. the only difference as one old person in his early ninety's for that the only difference between 19482014 right now is that in 94 days, the world did not hear about the miles explosion. and the, the mass going of palestinians and driving them from their home. but this time
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everyone is watching. and he continued by describing if anyone asked or wonder about a genocide it's been live broadcasting. thanks so much. hi, me. my smooth the french government is expected to class a state of emergency and that the civic guide and tired tree of new caledonia present to my new michael as called an urgent cabinet mazing off to 4 people were killed in protests. the civil unrest was triggered by plan changes to new caledonia as voting system. will. they allow french citizens who lived in the territory for more than 10 years to vote in local elections. leaders of the indigenous population known as the contact people say, and move could we can that representation? staying in front of nationwide manhattan for an escaped prisoner officer, an ambush on a prison convoy enters a 2nd day. protest is routing in front of several prisons in front and solidarity
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with the families of 2 prison guards killed on tuesday. thousands of prison employees gathered in the main coal childs of prisons where the victims were base. gunmen killed the gods and injured 3 others during the ambush on the prison convoy . how many lumber scapes during the incident? are you cranes, president, but all of them is that i'd say, is canceled the old lot. coming phone visits has the country struggles to contain brushes, advances and the are you kind of in troops of withdrawing from some areas of the hockey region. us secretary of state anthony blinking is in ukraine to reassure okay, of of continuing american support including a $2000000000.00 package. rushes presidents assigned to a degree, naming a new government, including a replacement for the defense minister, but allowed to move fluids and says everything must be done to ensure the russian
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army is able to fulfill its objectives on the battlefield. booting says russian forces are advancing on all fronts in ukraine. in sudan, fighting in the city of, of sasha is intensifying. united nations is wanting more than 800000 people that are displaced. the sudanese army says it defeated the time of that tree. rapid support forces in the west and city officer inflicting heavy losses on finances and vehicles. b r s. f also claims it's a chief victories and sees military equipment still ahead on al jazeera, the strategy and open champion moves into the last 4 in rome. people will have the action is for the
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business latex to be sponsored by interlock tuck. he's real estate consultant, the base initial agents to be sponsored by interlock tuck. he's real estate consultant
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. the the how come back? let's catch up now and all the sports news in faith. so we thank you very much for pools. will the governing body fee for it has moved towards allowing domestic leaves to play games in other countries? and it lets me see for congress in bangkok, the organization has ordered a review of its traditional policy, which is always blocked, attempts to hold regular season matches abroad, while some friends, male jack, to whom games being moved thousands of kilometers away. it has become a regular thing in us bolts as teams look simple, they brands globally. so this week congress will also vote to consume the hostile between the 27 women's world cup and present gianni infancy, you know, has also been speaking about a 1st. if
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a women's club will kept proposed for january 2026, the 16 team tournament with intake base every 4 years, allowing top european and us teams to compete against types from countries where the women's game is less developed. it's crucial loft of the huge, huge success in australia, new zealand. the last women so was caught by what we had 2000000 viewers and the stadiums, to media and around the world that we've built on that success to create new global competitions. because the national theme for abilities obviously based on cloud as well. these are definitely going to boost women, scott football, all over the world to an unprecedented level. because the best players from whatever they come into the play and there's competition and control case, they have talent, stuff on ortega was the unlikely hero for mentions to see if they maintain their advantage in the race for the premium. the size of the standing goal. keep it made of crucial, save against,
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taught them to ensure they replaced also at the top of the table with just one game remaining. david state supports. wow. the moment claudio, let's put city and throw it all the way. but thanks to his substitute goalkeeper, the total price is still very much in the hands or take a city needed to win that game in hand. it took them to go back top of the table and then the hall and put them on track early in the 2nd half. but then things ton twin cities, goalkeeper edison stuff with a head injury. the team don't to forced him to come off, even though he didn't want to go came steph, and will take it as his replacement. and he was called upon almost straight away as truly serves the 31 year old jim. and then go into way again to block another shot for me to does that ski before?
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what could be the most defining moment of the season with 5 minutes left? the eggs bodies. jeremy duck, who didn't win a penalty for city, which gave holland the chance to put the game beyond that. i know the doubles of the needs top score to take is 20 to 27, but this note belong to his teammates. the other end of the painting to last day, how is his team a team? because ortega say the actions and the ways are so it is temping can be used them when against the town, but that is a reality more than a football in the mountains are so, so, so tight. so cities still in control heading into the final round of games on sunday,
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on track to win the full straight premier league type 2 and 6 and 7 seasons that stokes out you 0. yeah. so here's how things stand also that results matches the city lead by 2 points from austin will and will be guaranteed to make history if they beat waste time on sunday. boston will host ever to knowing that they need to win no matter what to bedding. amazing contentions to finish as slow leak as top gold score of the 20 year old england midfielder scored again for the champions. as they thrust oliver is 5. no, that takes these tenants and 19 in the windshield of the road is all tim dump big. who leads with 2 games remaining fitting and bolts? i had 2 assistants on the night, one to set up a great start. bye for the valve. have a another full vin, easiest junior, who school twice himself. that's now 9 straight lead waiting for madrid. we have already wrapped up the title and faced documents in the champions league final on june. first was straight in open champion. the rena sutherland case due to the semi
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finals in rome, will be able to ship of injury concerns or for medical timeouts on a lower back problem during her previous match. but she had little trouble refusing left the 1000000 cd elaina of the pin code. 626 full southern cope will pay the winter of wednesdays of the course of final between philip beller, russian victoria, as the rank of it, and danielle collins. she has never won the teddy and has been in the mains tournament chiles. alejandro to below explained that he surprising running the tent in capital by reaching the semi finals below who had beaten the chunk of which and cut and functional in the previous 2 rooms. still hasn't dropped to say it's always 1st appearance at the tournaments in run. this time beating jang g, jen. 636 full. you'll face either. alexander is very of ok. the 1st score place in the find the raining in be a champions, but then the nuggets are closing in on a place in the western conference finals before getting 5 of the minnesota temples
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. because i, you ok, she was presented with the leaves most valuable player, reward for the food timing full seasons. the celebrated by top scoring with 40 points to be the nuggets to a 11297 when been going out 3 to up and we'll see all the series with one move victory c and the new york mix. so one went away from base those trips to the eastern conference finals and quincy full years. chain in brunswick, stalled with 44 points. the 5th time in this post season that he screwed at least 40 points to be assessed. that promotes sense. lebron james managed to achieve the feature in a playoff game scene 2018. what's the next? rebounded from a heavy loss in game for deanna paces. 12191 in game 5 is the 2nd seated mix can win the series on friday as indiana victory. shy. therefore, tyson theory has last of all exactly. 6 claims. he's lost weight because he's nervous about they fights on saturday, but then defeated fighters have arrived in re add for the belt,
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which was postponed earlier this year when furious off of the cuts the when it will be the 1st undisputed heavyweight champion since linux louis 24 years ago, i'm very novice, so check. please don't bait me up on saturday night. please extra please. someone's always got a go and it's going to be the same over there unfortunately for them. but similar, it's on the roof exit. great flights are full. unfortunately, if i have a us to come against the great types of errors, even if he are 20000000 people screaming his name, they cannot fight for him on the night when there's too many in there on the night, it's going to be very daunted when he's got the undertaker and everything with him . for me to one dr. alex elbow on has ended speculation about the c 2 by signing a contract extension with williams elbow. and that'd be linked with moves to both rateable and mercedes. but he's thing puts off the agreeing a new multi year deal, the principal entire drive. it is a nice season with williams. and last year to help the teen finish 7th and the
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construct his championship. that best results in 6 years. i said, we'll finish with a home, a huge home run by faithfuls biggest stuff. so hey, i, tony, this one coming in the door just attaining to wayne over the san francisco giants. it's east 12th of the season. and when 136 meters, which is the longest time at san francisco's, are we to talk in nearly 2 years? oh, i thought so. it was full of things for the time being. i'll be here again later with another updates. anything so much peter, now us president joe biden and former president donald trump have agreed to hold the debates next month. 2 candidates of reportedly agreed to june 27th for the event set to be added on cnn. now that is fine for september presidential debates of usually being held in october for the binding campaign says the rise of, of the voting means versus need to see the candidates soon. uh well,
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that's it for this news out. the back of the top of the i'll stay with us the the listings in the gaza strip as easily as long as continues. there is a deliberate omission of posting in humanity in western media and it needs to be questioned, sustains coverage that actively humanizes as readings and actively humanize of palestinians. this is not the time for doing this to kind of wait tracking those stories, examining the journalism and the effect that news coverage can have on democracies everywhere. here at the listing past
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the the mission of a thing. so she needs this, you know, this is, this is helen sort of female surgery and let me see this is yvonne did i,
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can you tell me the, the, the at least 4 people have been killed in is really strong and kind of internet access points in gaza city, the time sammy say them, this is i'll just say


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