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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 15, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm AST

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the say in the, the time to me, the useful people have been killed and is really strong and kind of internet access points. in garza city, the i'm sammy's a, them, this is out just here a live from dall. so coming up the sirens sound for 76 seconds, one for every year since the mac, but catastrophe,
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palestinians were full from that homeland. for 5 minutes or so back here is in a life threatening condition and house for the last to being shot several times in the suspected assassination. the time russian attacks on the side of kia regents in full c crane's president to cancel old fond engagements. news we stopped with breaking news out of gauze and stacy, what at least full palestinians have been killed. fine is really a strike at least 20 of those were into with some in critical condition. these right a minute, 3 attacks are heavily populated area where palestinians were gathering to use and internet access points. casualties are expected to rise of
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the shelling of the jabante, a refugee camp in northern gauze, or killed full palestinians. while another strike is an unruh affiliated sent, it can gauze the city killing at least 10 highly my load isn't data by joining us from outside of the hospital. so looking for internet and losing their lives, take us through the laces college caused by the is ray the strikes a yes sir. well, this is part of ongoing deliberate attacks on civilians across the gaza strip. this is definitely not the 1st time we're expecting to see more of this happening in overcrowded central area in the southern parts. and it's really our, me, it military is always have a 0 if occasion for these a talk. these are group of people who were on july the street. this is one of the main is free. it's at the center of dogs, a city leading into this. that's why they used to be a driving neighborhood,
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not anymore after the, on the intense bombing campaign that destroyed all means of life and eliminated all social services, a group of people right? either around to an access point for internet to get connected to the internet. so they can talk to family members who, where does waste into either the central area or the southern part of this trip, or simply just to look out to look for news, philip, where is the next to place to evacuate to given the intense bombing campaign, taking place in the northern part right now, particularly jamalia refuge account. this is the best, the fit kind of just a talk on civilians either trying to get connected to the internet side or charged their phones. it happened in the western part of gauze us to be an issue with one district. and it happened in hon. you. and is that the initial weeks of the war where people in, well inside a coffee shop, is charging phones and connecting to the internet as well and watching the news on,
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on tv. and this time, a group of people were deliberately attack similar to what happened in, in, in the past. and this is, is this because the reason these people are on the street is looking for internet is because the entire gaza strip for the past couple days have been off the grid, no phone calls, or either the signal is horribly jammed and people cannot make any phone calls whatsoever, or they are disconnected from the internet. it takes them some time, days or weeks just to be back online and to read the latest or to get ahold of a family member either in the northern part on the southern part, the sub, according to the civil defense, a crew members who rushed through the side, the reported board people had been confirmed, killed, it transferred to allow the baptist hospital several other critical injuries war in the hospital that is already crippled in terms of its capacity to intervene and provide medical support and saving lives. and that's where the risk of these people
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losing their lives and had a video's being emerging from palestine infections. what does it tell us about the state of baffled is going on with earlier today we're, we're able to look at some of the videos in the footage of crum value refuge account, where they are confirmed reports of extreme fighting going on between palestinians fighting groups who are persistent and the fight to get pushing back then beating force. there's these really military as well as that along with its tanks and armored vehicles that has been pushing deeper into the center parts of directors. you have just to give a little bit of context of this refuge account that has been repeatedly targeted at the vast majority of its residential buildings and infrastructure completely destroyed. we're looking at a 2 square kilometers area where the least a $180000.00 people live in. this is small,
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so the residential building in our back to back the there. the rolls are very small . all these out of ways are very small and narrow for people to walk, middle on for cars to move in. so any single missile can cause a great deal of destruction inside this rep is you can despite this then the small size, the report that we see a palestinian fight, a group push him back greatly. and the fight thing and engaging and extreme battle with is really military. there's really missouri stated that they are targeting him off this phone calls as was loud. it was a terrorist cells inside the refuge account. all right, thanks so much kindly my fluids and central guys are all targeted. both the age and the side on the refugee camps, killing thousands of palestinians. all this is palestinians mark 76 years since the fullest mass expulsion known as the next. uh, what is now israel thought
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a couple of assume for pulls from data about the last good by case on the cheek of a child. now like the, the parish families whom was destroyed by and this very asteroid killing several of these is what generational trauma looks like as relatives of different ages. got that in shot. the, the court house had b, b, r a big for my last, last moment together before barrier price home in the rage, in the center of the car was a strip. it's a refuge account created in 1949 during the next one of 8. that still exists today, including hon. eunice and david bella. with those as if people have been killed in
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the last few days. they is really strikes that it started off as tends to house palestinians taken out of the homes by scientist forces across his tory pads, towing some of them ended in guns. i now completely trapped on the mission. a lot of the, the ellipse through the not fun just once. we will display several times to send you an exiles in 2014. we were displaced in 2008. we were displaced in 2022. we were displaced. i was a child in 1967 as well, and the circumstances were very difficult. m chevy sits with his grandchildren, who should mostly be at school. and instead, they have been moving from one place to another. trying to show to from is very aggressive from bottom and since october last year there's no catastrophe, worse than this one. i've been here for 80 years and nothing compares to this new
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house neighbor, donkey or human beings. less than this life. everything is gone. these kids already trapped in a cycle of violence as, as well as will continues with new engines sites the only here from the graph parents. the last of the next generation of a life is for you from occupation. that's a distant dream for palestinians, especially for people here in gauze for a 10 minute refugees and the homeland target composition. oh, just sierra derek, but i had a story. the way that's to announce that some breaking news coming out of your request. so the bank is prime minister robot seats, so as being shot several times, he's reported to be in a life threatening condition in the hospital. the shooting occurred in the town of
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high and low or north of the capital, but this lava it was shut off through a government meeting, a suspect is being detained. the slow bank president has spoken about the incident . i'm shocked. we're all shocked by the terrible a malicious attack on prime minister robot feet. so something serious does happen that we can't even realize yet. a physical attack on the prime minister is primarily an attack on the pass and, but it is also an attack on democracy. any violence is unacceptable either in the code. sco is vice president for policy and programming a globe sac, a security policy. think tanks joins us now from brought this a lot of good to have you with us. so is it becoming any clear uh tool? since we last spoke as to why this incident occurred, we still do not have much information. we know that the person who commits additional 10 has been detained and is currently with the police. but there's no
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information about his motivations, or why should come into this atrocious facts. we know that very likely he possessed the gun legally, very likely to use the war card in the security commercial security services before . but there's still no indication about his motives. and listening a moment to go that to the president talking, one wonders whether people are thinking right now with a peaceful politics is hanging in the balance as well as the life of the prime minister in absolutely everybody is very much concerned. what they subtract means for the country on the one hand of the rock concerns about whether what did something's wrong, obviously of people should have the right to disagree with fans. and there are peaceful ways to do so, and nobody expected that people escalade so enough to violence, of course, if at all, that's the adult that was an act of politically motivated violence,
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which again, we don't know yet. i'm 2nd of course, people have questions about what to do with me and for the future. some people might overreact and start suggesting that the positions should be crept down a pool, and that's uh, which is straight to the white house. people ever express disagreements in the society that would also be a very bad precedent for the country. quite the opposite. what would be expected from all parties is to come together and find a way for people to express their legitimate improvements and credit pro democratic channels. how disagreements this can be settled and how much concern is that about the potential for this to impact the balance of power in the country? that was still the model? no, yes. a multiple depends on what happens in the upcoming days. of course. watchful depends on the condition of the prime minister feed so much all depends on what we
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learned about the motives for they set that wherever the key or some voices from some of the members of the prime minister seats a sparks the but also of the junior party in the color sense, that's a, there's been too much for all this movement in the country, but we need to restrict this movement, but it's only for the full rise into the society on that hands would see also a lot of statements from the political leaders like the president of the country or the last 44 is also member of the government deposition leaders. court all saying that violence should become damaged and the should we all come together. um, instead of escalating the situation for the instead of bull arising the situation, we should find ways how to include more people in the political processes. okay, well and leave with that. thank you so much for your analysis. thank you.
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the new crane's president of all of them is that landscape is canceled. oh, i'm coming phone visit. it says the country struggles to contain russian advances in the east ukrainian troops of withdrawal and from some areas of a how to keep region us secretary of state. and to me, blinking is kind of late in ukraine to reassure okay, of of continuing american supports including a $2000000000.00 package which is 0 is due on home and has more from product c. craning authorities has said about $8000.00 people, have had to be evacuated from the border region where russian troops launched and offensive on the hours of friday going into the northeast, the crime in the hall k region, where we are now. a lot of those people the been invite to a to the impact to post through this center where they've been given food water
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i've been registered in hopefully a place to sleep has been organized for them. we've been talking to a few of them. most of them going for from, from china, which is the largest section in a town that's in that for the region. a lot of them, it said they fled just with a few bags of pet perhaps. and some of them even had to go on foot to get to the nearest rescue patrol. you can pick them up. the crane in general, come on, says the ukrainian to assist and brushing force is a dispute, not in town. and the ukraine is trying to push the russian forces out russian force of claims that they've captured several village is at least in that, for the region. now you cry new. so it says that it's working to stabilize it that it's resistance to stiffened up. and it said reinforcements, and even if it does stabilize it, it's also worried about the build up of russian forces in sumi region. that's the region right next to heart of key for each it. and it's for the russian forces
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a little not boat. what might happen if they launch a similar offensive ukraine is really stretched thin along this front line. that's more than 1000 kilometers the weight and some more weapons to arrive from the us and countries in europe, the allies, but they also need more power to repel russian forces. that at the moment seemed to have the hon john home. and i would just say to kind of keep to still had on al jazeera joe biden. and donald trump of agreed to the site itself in 2 presidential debates. first beheld, next month, the on counting, the cost is real of installation defense has took a whole trade for the nation to $1.00 of the economic costs of buying on palestinian watkins. and as well as attending laborers, livelihoods,
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and can popular new weight loss trucks reshape the industry. counting the cost on alex's era, where you're looking at now is over flow from the nearby to pile landfill. garbage has reached a height of more than 35 meters and is well over capacity. this is just one of many landfills around the country that have exceeded capacity mostly due to an excess of plastic pollution. indonesia is one of the world's top contributes has of plastic waste accounting for around $7800000.00 tons each year. and it's at locations like where i am on the outskirts of jakarta, where you can see the scale of what environmental groups, quote, a plastic waste crisis. the most common plastic pollution in engine asia, a single use sashes which environmental group say or small, but accumulation add to the countries environmental button introduced as government says that it is working to address the plastic waste problem and has had some
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success in making this and such as reducing marine plastic waste and promoting recycling the the, the, are watching out just a lot of time to recap, i'll headlines now. so the idea is 5 minutes, the robot said so as being shot several times and taking the hospital and once being reported to be life threatening conditions, the shooting happens in the town of high and low. but notice of the capsule bucks for us as lava suspect. has been arrested at least full palestinians have been killed the more than 20 inches by his right. the striking gauze, the city these right imagery targeted the heavily populated area for palestinians with gathering to use and internet access points. but
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as we mentioned, palestinians a monkey what they call the next bar. it's 76 years since they have forced mass expulsion from one who is now israel. the 76 seconds of silence being sounded right now. so across the occupied westbank mocking each year since the catastrophe. more than $750000.00 palestinians are false from that homes is israel was found the day, the suffering and even grace a catastrophe. more than 35000 men, women and children killed vice rails on guns, a palestinian refugees and by roots of riley to commemorate the anniversary of the natural catastrophe. they say it's never been so important to remember what they
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last sign. a hold of was that the protest they transferred palestine, they transferred you to them. they transfer garza and the children of garza who are under fire. these are the new generation of how the city and refugees and 11 on the hold on to their identity. it's been 76 years is palestinians were forced to from their homes, from what is now israel during the 1948 war, the refugees and their descendants, little has changed for them. there's still this place. there's still space list. at the heart of this struggle is an event that they march every year. the not the arabic for catastrophe, that's what they call it. and this year it takes on a whole new meaning with israel's war on ground. so i think i can as the input of sidney this year, is enough, but coincides with a genocide in gaza, israel is killing, are people starving them in displacing them? these children need to know. there is an occupied country called paula story. often
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people hear palestinians and living on these refugees say that they're watching a new not by unfolding. gotcha. the walls of discount. tell the story of their decades a struggle for a palestinian homeland lower than what we keep talking about. palestine to our children and grandchildren. we will tell them what happened to us, how we had to leave our homes and all on i do, i just feel in this camp also, there is support. what thomas called the l. a. couple other talk against israel on october 7th. umbrella, we will never give up our homeland no matter how many children they killed, no matter how many houses they destroyed. this is orlando, the oldest refugee population in the world, se, so they will not surrender center for their else as the the data. it's us president joe biden and former president don't from have agreed to hold
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a debate next month to candidates of reportedly agreed to june. the 27th for the event will be add on cnn. now the response of september presidential debates usually being held in october for the bible campaign, says a rise in evaluating means. people need to see candidates earlier and kimberly how could, joins us now live from the white house. so joe, about joe biden, i should say, found the creative way to get this one held earlier than usual. right? yeah, that's right. the joe biden us president uh, coming out and making this announcement through his campaign. and what he's done is not only been creative, but he's been creative in the terms of this in the announcement he's really made a departure from the traditional uh, what has been for a very long time. the non partisan commission in terms of the terms of the so that
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has been in place for very many, many years. the fact that it has been a structured format that has been in place. he's completely the parted from that, the campaign saying, but it's not necessary, but they don't need an audience that this is going to be something that will be completely different. and so the us president said that this is not only going to have a different format, but it's going to be on his terms. take a listen. sound shop was to debate to me in 2020, the sense that he had showed up for debates. now he's acting like he wants to debate me against or make my day pass paul, even do a twice. so let's pick the day style. i hear you free on wednesdays. it seems like that was an offer. trump couldn't refuse. tell us about the reaction to that or yeah, that's right. uh well is it, as we know donald trump has his. 1 own as social media platform, it's called truth social, which he took to to respond almost immediately. um,
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what we do know is that uh the. a president joe biden said that he plans to take his own play one, but he will be keeping for another 4 years. that's a forced air force one. so donald trump is going to have to get his own transportation. apparently, donald trump, who said he is ready and willing, that's what he said on true social, but he's also called for additional debates and vice presidential debate. and he had to post back at joe biden saying that he wants some large crowd, something he accused his competitor, joe biden, currently in the white house. a being afraid of. we should point out though that there is also an independent candidate in all of this. robert kennedy junior and he is lasting both of the camp candidates, a bite and ad trump saying in fact, but they are colluding to lock in this hand in hand ad. but most americans
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don't want either of these candidates and but they're undermining democracy and he is valet to try and appear on stage as well. all right, thanks so much. kimberly. how could i jerry is due to release it's inflation. the thing is for april, they're expected to show a 40 percent rise in food prices, advocates most populous nation has suffered violence on the rest of the food price increases in recent months, including a tax on grain by a houses. i'm going to dress for faults. now from lagos, trading advocate to food market has taken a hit. like many other markets across nigeria, few customers to come to buy these days. when they use their mouse, they practice is significantly lower than before. we use deed for me is a day. oh no, it's hard to eat twice a day as food has become so expensive. in march and april for the inflation roll
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street, the highest level in nearly 3 decades at the local currency came under intense pressure, but neither depreciated by 280 percent. the loss of the local, colorado says vibe, you has met port, stop more expensive for not getting by the countries. neighbors have seized the opportunity to re look and market why they can buy grains, fortune. this has prompted government to intervene. security personnel top rated way, how is this across the country for traders and suspected to be holding food items, something we should say to help these prizes. we will not allow anybody to one don't mind the google decision. i'm gonna say the high cost of seats for the laser, and i go to the missionary, also responsible for low production and higher prices. the same security cost by criminal gangs. and also book on the northern region has also driven many people from their homes and problems. and i did as government says it's military
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operations, is now turning the tide. a lot of communities of getting back to their lives is a very impressive program of what a timing and if you choose, i'm those who are my land is kim booked to down domains. the government is also pumping down to what fish, as cold and ego unregulated, cryptic trade and color says, pick you latest, but not everyone agrees with it's about books. and some analyst you are subsidizing corporate culture. and ending insecurity would be the best way to address which shortages and inflation in africa's most populous country. greece, august, lagos, nigeria, the french government is expected to declare a state of emergency in the pacific island tire 3 of new caledonia. off to full people were killed in prose tests. the civil unrest was triggered by controversial changes due to be made to its voting system. like allow french citizens who have
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lived in the territory for more than 10 years to vote in local elections. leaders of the indigenous population known as the count, like people say, move could, we can bear representation that states for this show. it's calculate costs. now the, the, the risk for further funding in sumatra is still with us or whether it rains are moving north for the sunday. i'll still providing quite a lot of slides or potential from the big funds to orgs. and the orange top suggest heavy ones, south of the thing north of the bank often to us, call them to and beyond. maybe into thailand, with seasonal the, the change has gone from hot dried to humid and wet. now if we move further north, i'm surprised maybe this looks like a spring storm revolving around the sea of japan nose and it wouldn't be weather to
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at least the north coast of homes shoot behind is left behind rather wet ground, but no sun in the sky. of the solid, for example, warming up over good parts of china, and is now remarkably drawing beijing's up to $34.00 degrees or definitely we should be. the shingles are creeping back into the laundry from further south west in china. and rain has been quite substantial recently and marissa has not been storyline. the figures are below a 100 millimeters in the day, but they're quite high, 50 to 70. and as you can see, the full cost creek stuff into the tip of india, so carola and time allowed to basically get where we've had some pretty vicious stores all the way as finals as moved by. this is 10 for the temperature admittedly, but it's so often humid, but it's hotter still, of course in the northwest of india and pakistan over 27000 her wing photographs as mutually can do that to us. the evidence
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in this case is frankly even stronger than that that we had against the nazis at nuremberg. and these crimes continued in the fast of a 2 part series out to 0 photos, powerful cases of little crimes against civilians allegedly killed by the syrian government. with photographic evidence from the seas of files, the lost souls of syria on al jazeera, the other the laura kyle. this is counting the cost on al jazeera. you know, we can look at the, well, the business and economics this week. as well as i selection deepens of tequila, hopes, trade with the nation. what will that cost of their economies? a lot of the countries.


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