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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 15, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm AST

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5 pull drainage and you see good bill settlement people's beeping in near the narrow be down say they know they're not supposed to be that, but it's the only case they can afford. the his rails ministry strikes a group of people gathering for internet access and gaza city. at least 4 people are killed. thousands more wounded. the hello, i'm sammy's a them. this is i'll just say we're alive from the hall. so coming up, the simon sounds, the 76 seconds once every year since the neck of all catastrophe and kind of city
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ins will falls from the home on the front of the so. so back here in life threatening condition and hospital off to being shots and the suspect to the assassination of the time. and russian attacks on the how to give region full su craig's president that council old foreign engagements, the installed and gaza city, where at least full palestinians have been killed by ms. riley strike or at least 20 others injured with several in critical condition. these really minute tree attack that heavily populated area where palestinians with gathering to use and internet access points, the casualties are expected to rise. the shedding of the jabante, a refugee camp,
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the northern gauze, are killed full palestinians, while now the stride kids and the unruly affiliated syndicate gauze, the city killing at least 10 honey. my mood is outside the deluxe, the hospital and data. and by following the latest is riley strikes are expecting to see more of this happening in overcrowded central area in the southern part. and is really our, me, it military is always have a 0 if occasion for these a talk. these are group of people who were on july the street. this is one of the main street at the center of dollars, a city leading into this. that's why they used to be a thriving neighborhood. not anymore after the, on the intense bombing campaign that destroyed all means of life and eliminated all social surfaces. the group of people, right? either around a, an access point for internet to get connected to the internet. so they can talk to family members who, where does waste into either the central area or the southern part of this trip,
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or simply just to look out to look for news to look where is the next to place to evacuate, to give in the intense bombing campaign taking place in the northern part right now, particularly jamalia refuge account. this is the best, the fit kind of just a talk on the zillions, either trying to get connected to the internet or charged their phones that happened in the western part of garza city. an issue with one district and it happened in hon. you and is that the initial weeks of the war where people in, well inside a coffee shop, is charging phones and connecting to the internet as well. and watching the news on, on tv in central garza israel targeted both the age and the site. author refugee camps coming dozens of palestinians. all this as palestinians mock 76 years since the fullest mass expulsion known as the next uh, what is now israel thought
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a couple. i assume reports from data by and central garza the last good by case on the cheek of a child. now like the big garage families whom was destroyed by in these very s tried killing. some of these is what generational troll my looks like as relatives of different ages. got that in shop because i don't have b b r a big for my last last moment together before barrier price home in, in parades in the center of the car was a strip. it's a refuge account created in 1949 during the next one of 8. that still exists today including hon. eunice and david bella. with those as if people have been killed in
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the last few days and is really strikes it started off as tends to house palestinians kicked out of the homes by scientist forces across his tory patch story. some of them ended in guns. i now completely trapped on the mission, one of the, the ellipse through the not fun just once. we will display several times to send you an exiles in 2014. we were displaced in 2008. we were displaced in 2022. we were displaced, i was a child in 1967 as well and the circumstances were very difficult. and shad the sits with his grandchildren who should mostly be at school. and instead they have been moving from one place to another. trying to show to from is very aggressive from bottom and since october last year there's no catastrophe, worse than this one. i've been here for 80 years and nothing compares to this new
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house neighbor, donkey of human beings, less than this life. everything is gone. these kids already trapped in a cycle of violence as, as well as will continues with new engines sites the only here from the graph parents, the last of the next generation of a life is for you from occupation. that's a distant dream for palestinians, especially for people here in garza who a 10 minute refugees and the homeland topic up as in oh, just the euro, derek, but i have a story. we tons of some breaking news coming out of europe. west the back is prime minister robot seats, so has been shot and is reported to be in life threatening condition. in hospital, the shooting occurred in the town of 111 north of the capsule brought to slobber. he was a tax officer, a government meeting, suspect is being detained. slow bank presidents has spoken about the incident.
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i'm shocked, we're all shocked by the terrible a malicious attack on prime minister robot feats or something serious. this happened that we can't even realize that a physical attack on the prime minister is primarily an attack on a person, but it is also an attack on democracy. any violence is unacceptable by elaina could sco is vice president for policy and programming at the globe sack a security policy think tank. she joins us now from practice. law of a good to have you back with us. so we know that a suspect has been arrested is not giving any clues as to the motive and who's behind it. as we know a little bit more about the dentist though, besides that it says 71 year old man. she positions himself on social media as of right. so and the publicist there was also ways to connect to. she saw i'm actually, sam said that she cannot,
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could not see any indications that she's father would need anything like that. and we do not have any direct information about the motives oldest aspects of or what actually motivated that, or do we know anything about the leanings of this person, any affiliations, political organization or all the lies with them? oh, much when know from tucson, that the individual did not vote for us, matt, that's the party. all priming is 13. so, but with the last, you know, and this, and that was about how strong his political beliefs were, or whether she was politically engaged at all, talk to us about the sense of shock that must be going through the country. it's not often that you have this kind of attempted assassination of such a high level politician in slovakia. oh absolutely. yeah. that is definitely a shock. political violence is something that the country was trying to defeat over the past 30 years. the country had difficult times when they were dominated by the
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soviet union. at that time there was a lot of politically motivated violence that was made sense from the people associated with the soviet union, from the government against the position. then the 9th is for a very difficult period with a lot of criminality in the country. but i'm not sure to remember that. also in 2018, there was a shortened offer, a terminal waste, actually span se then also shutter the country. but they said, of course, the highest level and the most feasible attack on the most important person in the country, the highest political representative of the country. this has some sense people were not traded for, people could not imagine. and that's something that us generates and a lot of conversations already about what other countries go in and how we can make sure that politically political violence, if it was the case of political violence, does not become contagious. oh,
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i thank you so much for your analysis. better laina. thank you so much for having me. the uh, ukraine's president of all of them is that landscape is canceled oil. i'm coming far and visits this. the country struggles to contain russian advances in the east ukrainian troops of withdrawn from some areas of how to keep the region us secretary of state anthony blank, and is currently in ukraine to reassure okay, of of continuing american support, including a $2000000000.00 package. i'll just say it was john holman, has more from how to keep or craning authorities has said about 8000 people have had to be evacuated from the border region where russian troops launched and offensive on the hours of friday. going into no space. the crane in the hall cave region where we are now, a lot of those people, the been invited to a,
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to the impact to post through this center where they've been given food. water i've been registered in hopefully a place to sleep has been organized for them. we've been talking to a few of them. most of them going for from, from china, which is the largest spectrum in a town that's in that region. a lot of them, it said they fled just with a few bags of pet perhaps, and some of them even had to go on foot to get to the nearest rescue patrol to come pick them up. the crane in general come on, says the ukrainians to assist in russian forces a dispute, not in town, and the ukraine is trying to push the russian forces out russian force of claims that they've captured several villages, at least in that for the region. now ukraine also says that it's working to stabilize it, that it's resistance as stiffened up and it said reinforcements. and even if it does stabilize it, it's also worried about the build up of russian forces in sumi region. that's the
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region right next to heart of key for aged. and it's for the russian forces, a loan that border. what might happen if they launch a similar offensive ukraine is really stretched thin along this front line. that's more than 1000 kilometers the weight and some more weapons to arrive from the us and countries in europe, the allies, but they also need more power to repel russian forces. so that the moment seemed to have the hon john home. and i would just say that kind of key as russia as president to assign the decree, naming a new government, including a replacement full, the defense minister, levy meant food, insides, everything must be done to ensure the russian army is able to fulfill its objectives on the battlefield frequencies, russian forces are advancing on all fronts in ukraine that i had on al jazeera vine, and protests and new caledonia behind france's plans to declare
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a state of emergency and its pacific overseas territory. joe biden and donald trump have agreed to face off in 2 presidential debates. the 1st will be held next month, [000:00:00;00] the in depth analysis of the days headlines. if that was a rough or offensive. where would the people go? people have no place to go. each one of 1000 people has to be displaced these 2 times frank assessments. this is a mass and blow to free speech and freedom of the press informed opinions you can be somebody. this is on one of the hostages october 2nd, it's return. and i want to start inside story on al jazeera,
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the challenges the,
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the, you're watching. now, this is a time to recap on headlines so that he is prime minister of a date. so has been shots and taken to the hospital and wants for pull to be a life threatening condition. the suspects has been the respite. at least full palestinians have been killed. the molten 21 define is right here. so i can gauze the city is right, eventually targeted, i have any populated area, palestinians with gathering to use and internet access points. as we mentioned, the palestinians mocking what they call the next bar. it's 76 years since the full mass expulsion from others. now israel, the 76 seconds of silence sounded across the occupied westbank mocking
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h. here since the catastrophe on 750000 palestinians were false from that house is israel was found that today the suffering and even greater catastrophe. more than 35000 men women and children killed by, as well as bore on garza thousands of also have been gathering around europe to commemorate the next. well, let's go to william t called joining us live from balance. how is that to an outlook that to the very loud thought at the moment, this is the phone to the phone calls made the allowed speaker. one second of 1000 people are now a real mississippi lots and lots of dog demos in banana, organized by the groups. but here today, a real mix of people, the city is a lot of people were family and got a lot of damage with the image of a lot of phone as well. if you ask me, what was the 1st thing that gave you won't have
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a great view is they want for you to go ahead and say, but now the other thing about that you to be very quickly is they won't the german government to stop sending weapons to israel gem and even pulls the 2nd biggest federal obama j as well. everyone here once and just up to the next thing, people tell you is that that very upset about the way that the protest invest trunk do you have controls? now, there's probably 300 police of experts as that needs to me is more across the city . they spent about 5 minutes be organized with the stuff to protest, reading out the list of restrictions on most people are allowed to stay with a whole list of a legal groups, including a box which con fee, because most did you call and have that symbols, yukon john, to in favor of them. if the police have a valid rest people that's happened many times have his police on the cover in the crowd, you watches, translators from valor back. so if i hear anything that doesn't comply with that, roosevelt brown, it's now compared to the last 2 years when the next part evans,
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because the band, bunch of it different save, publish. it has to go to have to go ahead. all right, well leave with that. thanks so much william peacock now, us president joe biden and former president donald trump have agreed to hold a debate next month. 2 candidates were supposedly agreed to the june 27th for the event. it'll be add on cnn. and the other is planned for september presidential debates of usually being held in october. but the bible campaign says a rise in any voting means people need to see candidates earlier. it's kimberly how could is live for us at the white house. and joe biden got kind of creative in calling for that debate, right? yeah, they both did in a way they kind of started the debate early with a debate about the debate and these doing social media posts. what started with joe
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biden essentially challenging donald trump, who's never went back down to a challenge. he, he basically said that donald trump loss to, to debates to be in 2020. and since then, he hasn't shown up for debate. now exactly what he wants to debate may. so he said make my day pal at a video as social media. and as you turn, the donald trump responded. they'll get to that in a moment. but especially as you pointed out, what he's done is really broke the mold. as you pointed out, they're going to be a different format and it's going to be really with no audience, and it's going to be on a different date. and this is what the president had to say about it all on shop was 2 debates, mean $0.20 that he had showed up for debates. now he's acting like he wants to debate me again or make my day pow hall even do a twice. plus pick the day style. i hear you free on wednesdays. i guess that was
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the offer. trump couldn't refuse. right. tell us about the reaction. yeah, that's right. then when they were talking about it, when these posts, what he said is ease of donald trump says he's gonna bring his own transportation. and apparently joe biden says he's going to bring his own plane one that he attends to when it comes to air force. one cheap for another 4 years will donald trump responded on uh, true social, that's his social media platform. he says he's ready and willing, and he has got another dig in there. calling joe biden, the worst president in american history as he accepted. he also said that he would like to have a vice presidential debate, and he would also like large crowd something that joe biden said he didn't want. and then pointed out that he said that he believes that by the and is afraid of large crowds. what we should also say in all of this is that there was another presidential contender that responded as well. and that's robert f. kennedy junior
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. he is an independent and all of this and he criticized both of these men saying, but they are colluding to lock americans. in the head, the head match that 70 percent of americans don't want ad, but they're undermining democracy. and as a result, he is value to also appear on stage. when donald trump is joe biden, debated out want thanks so much. kimberly how can, as the french government is expected to declare, a state of emergency in the pacific got entire treat of new caledonia. soft protests less for people that the civil unrest was triggered by controversial changes due to be made to the voting system. that's actual box that has more from paris officer. now the noise of unrest and the new color doing in capital a new man, residents cleaned up well. some fun has continued to damage game during find a protest by pro independence group voice. and you can use to move by the french government. it believes is designed to marginalize its voice,
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and vast of indigenous cannot community securely things often, we hope that the state listens to us, that they realize that we do not agree with this. we do not agree with that little on the way. uh, why should we give other people the chance to decide for us, we've been in the colonial situation for several years now. on tuesday, the french parliament adopted a constitutional reform bill. there would allow french residents, you've lived in new caledonia for 10 years to vote in local elections prompts as interior administers that the bill was aimed at the expanding democracy route, which was really good to respect the parliamentary vote. we need to understand what we're doing here. this is so that somebody's bone and you kind of don't need to. caledonian parents can vote in local elections. it's not. revolution were able to, but members of the cannot community disagree. they say the reform or don't use that the met proof for independence. so i'm left. when politicians say the bill should be scrapped into put there are 2 communities in new caledonia for them to have
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a common destiny. you kept ignore the indigenous community to conduct the decision to pass this bill in. the national assembly is something this, your government and there's to call a compromise. but the only compromise that's been made here is one between him and the lawyers. the con knox did not want the french government says it wants to solve the course is through face to face to face. is obviously the subject pretty to get it done. you know, i am inviting new caledonia is political leaders to take the front is out stretched hunt. i'm comfortable. re for discussions in the coming weeks. the important thing is, appeasement. the important thing is dialogue 3 referendums of being held in new caledonia since 2018. all of them chose to remain a french territory, bought the independence movement boy called the last one in 2021 french presidency . manual micro has declared the state of emergency in new caledonia and cold for calm. but is government planned for a full has exhaustively,
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to the sense among some kind of the powers of golf and the 2nd call citizens, their opinions and pete on counts. natasha papa. i'll just sarah paris of staying in france. a nationwide $900.00 for an escaped prisoner off to an ambush on a prison convoy enters the 2nd day. protest is rattling in front of several prisons in fonts and solidarity with the families of 2 prison guns killed on tuesday. thousands of prison employees gathered in the main cold scouts of prisons where the victims were based. 2 days in judge has extended the detention of 2 journalists who are arrested last week. the radio journalists were detained on site today of a political comments made on the radio, but we kept in prison until the trial expected. at the end of the month, the public prosecutor said they were detained for a crime related to defamation. meanwhile, lawyers began to one day strike off to one of their own was arrested to lizzie and
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police arrested sonia death, money alone, and $9.00 for the criticism of the president's fighting in sedans and fashion is intensifying as the un ones more than 800000 people. are displaced, the sudanese army says it defeated the power of it through rapid support forces and then fashion west of the country. beyond me indicated that reading me itself with heavy losses in finances, equipment in vehicles. they are assess, also claims it the chief x rays, and that it was able to seize mandatory equipment. here it is due to release its inflation vegas, the april. they're expected to show a faulty percent rise in food prices. africa as most populous nation has suffered violent on rust over food price increases in recent months, including a tax on grain warehouses. i'm gonna address reports, lagos, trading advocate to food market, has taken
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a hit. like many of the markets across nigeria, few customers that come to buy these days. when they use their mouse, they practice is significantly lower than before. we use deed for meals a day. oh no, it's hard to eat twice a day as food has become so expensive. in march and april for the inflation roll street, the highest level in nearly 3 decades at the local currency came under intense pressure, but neither depreciated by 280 percent. the loss of the local currants has value, has meant for stuff more expensive for not getting by the countries. neighbors have seized the opportunity to re look and market why they can buy grains fortune. this has prompted government to intervene. security personnel top rated way. how is this across the country traders and suspected to be holding food items?
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something we should say to help these prizes. we will not allow anybody to undermine the particulars of this major pharmacy, the high cost of seats for the laser. and i would go to the missionary, also responsible for low production and higher prices in security cost by criminal gangs. and also book on the northern region has also driven many people from their homes and problems. and i did, as government says it's military operations, is now turning the tide. a lot of communities of getting back to their lives is a very impressive program of what a timing issue, jews, and those who are in the escape, but to their own domain. the government is also pumping down to what fiscal ego unregulated, crypted trade, and congress is paid to latest. but not everyone agrees with its purpose. and some analyst i get subsidizing corporate culture and ending insecurity would be the best
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way to address for troy to just and inflation africa's most populous country. pres, i'll just go to lagos, nigeria, that's it. so this show weather is next, then inside. story examines the fine print of george's farm implements phil, what it means for its fit to join you the it wasn't quite the 8th, and most of it took here and then the cloud folds again and forecasts wiser. the eastern side of the country is probably going to be pretty showering during so say, and just running into the west, because it's got to be fitted in the sky snyder still folding in the east. the 19th and across into georgia as well, possibly announced by joan south of that lot. just looking breeze the weather look fine. that's true across the rock tools. most of the runners to know something
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wrong and to administer. and where cheryl is all particularly possible, who's been so wish around here recently that he's a nice picture for english kick, kick us down a field for the properties, practice lead this area that kind of the halt drive reading peninsula, the wheaton sort of thing. and then i went to the court strong and strengthening, so the full of dust document signed it, sent me dust. yeah. the stairs bit hazy, potentially in there. and so the low fourties above average, but not buying very much on a dry looking picture. as you can see from most places as los the next couple of days, the strength of the with the anything really changing or dropping further assessments right next door to alaska, the readings almost completely gone there. every day you get share of am an aging from lake victoria, but beyond that, nothing very much is happening unfortunately, on science with that, it surprisingly halt for the far risk. very high on the west side of south africa, the
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heroes from i'll just on the go and the tonight i'll just there is only mobile app. is that the, this is where we live from out is there is a mobile app available in your favorites apps to just set for it and type to move the new app from out to 0 new at using. is it the angry protests in georgia on the bottom? it says approved to circle for an agents film. critics site will stay of the country away from democracy by adopting a russian style system. so what's mix for georgia and could this and it's aspirations to join the be here. this is inside story. the


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