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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 15, 2024 10:00pm-10:30pm AST

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to business like this, this will to you believe, i guess is online fly on one of your this makes modern plates. the israel's military strikes a group of people gathering for internet access and golf and city. at least 4 people are killed. dozens, move on and get the money in sight. this is alex, is there a life from dell ha. also coming up, 600000. people have been forcibly displaced from rough and southern gauze and just over a week, and that's according to the united nations. prime minister locket slovak is fighting for his knife up to being shot. what's the government is quoting the attack a political so inflation is a 20 a high enough because populous nation. as more nigerians of pushed into hunger,
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probity, and malnutrition, the we beginning cause a city where at least full palestinians have been killed by and is ready as strike least 20. all those all ended with some in critical condition. the is really mid a tree attacks a heavily populated area with palestinians with gathering to use and internet access point of the selling of the giovanni, a refugee camp in northern gauze that killed full palestinians on another strike hit in, in re affiliated clinic and gauze. a city killing at least 10 people neural con, has this report as the o, this is the ultimate of, and it's rating and rating. go to city, the injuries a to brutal to show. i would say a heavily populated area was hit posting and scrap it to use an internet access
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points. this happened, note loan officer is ready. boot is a smash through this a 2 neighborhood to make a new road for tanks. as their tongues withdrew comedies or tons only to be faced with both death and destruction. again, remember that it must be with sheltering into school, which they showed an order in the way of a funny dead bodies was turned on the street. and then we a separating hook or, and then pick up the phone or houses and show them we came to the schools and then came here to see the damage debt. it's so common here that people will post a college body along the street, barely demarcated by the broken buildings on either side. people gathering most of the food materials they can to provide the same stories that struggle and civil labels street off the street. here did you need family had fled
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is where the bombardment and the jabante refugee camps of the north to seek shelter, but the ruins of colors. the city. i have a show of the i've got the number on my here. we are thrown on the street and they destroyed our houses. my 4 older children died. our homes were destroyed. they shook us and they threw us on the street. so the shuttle to some children, a trying to stay positive in the darkness. and in the summer, a neighborhood nearby boat devastation of to it is right strike or the u. n. clinic for the of some years ship on a way to life shifter. news of both of us. and then i woke up in the morning and heard people to looking about an, a stripe on the clinic. and f 16 dropped a missile on it as 3 months ago i came in, so my mother in pieces and my father next to her. so i took the bodies and buried them all. hello, you have
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a how much of the live areas of refuge has become targets and bathroom grounds and be ready? fundable palestinians are left with blissful protection while you're at work on al jazeera, cortez goss. this population has been displaced from russia in the south during the past 10 days past, according to the united nations. as of today, some 600000 people, a quarter of guys as population have been displaced from rough. i, since the 6th of may as this really ground operation, there continues the office where the coordination of imagined affairs as ground incursions and heavy fighting, also continued to be reported in debt or by law in central casa, as well as in jamalia in northern casa, many of the families now on the move once again have already been displaced repeatedly since october, regardless of whether they move or stay civilians and gods that must be protected.
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a group of israeli settlers have again attacked trucks carrying desperately needed aid that was heading to with gaza. they climbed onto the trucks growing and destroying supplies. these really stuff has been went on to attacked 2 of the palestinian drivers, injuring them both. it talks to place near the illegal is rarely assessment of pizza in the occupied west bank. as well as defense minister you have guidance has come out in opposition to israel's control. overt gauze of post war east cooling on prime minister benjamin netanyahu to allow any such possibility a good it was. i mean, shut off. i called on the prime minister benjamin netanyahu to declare that is really not to have a civilian rule over the cause of stripping, that there will be no, it's really miniature administration into strip. and that a governing alternative to home us in the gaza strip will be promoted immediately. and if i'm off on a little, i am not willing to exchange from austin for foot tossed. after the terrible master
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of october 7th, i ordered the destruction of her loss. the idea of fighters and the security forces are fighting for it as long as homos remains intact. no other entity will step into performance. civilian management have gaza, certainly not the palestinian authority. cause to announce here, well, how much i'm doing here? joyce? me live from a mine in jordan, just to remind you, the reason we are in mind is because the missing yahoo government has sunk down out of their inside israel. so how many, how united is the, is riley government and the ministry as they continue that tax on garza? i mean, certainly the fact that you now have a very public dispute laying bare the divisions within the war cabinet with regards to the war on gaza. this shows that there was a lot of discord. you've heard those comments from york a lot. these really defense minister that was at a press conference earlier in the day in tel aviv expressing
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a lot of frustration with the fact that the prime minister is not coming up with a day after plan for how got how gaza would be governed. he says that the is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu needs to reject the idea of military rule over gossip. once the war is over, he went on to say that the day after scenario um, how much will only be achieved by giving control the palestinian elements with international support to form a governmental alternative to how much this is a bubble and is really interest. unfortunately, the plan was not brought up for discussions and worse. no other alternative which brought up for discussion. no decisions is a decision. those comments were interpreted by many right wing members of the government as, as though the defense minister was saying that the palestinian authority should take control of the governing of gaza. and then you had, as we saw a prior to you talking to me, you saw that the is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu. then came out with
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his, with his own remarks. and he said that the palestinian authority won't rule gossips . and that as long as how much remains, no other party will govern in gaza. beyond that, just to make matters even even more dramatic. you had been a guess who was also a member of the work cabinet. and he came out and express the support for what the lot had to say saying a lot speaks the truth. it's the leadership's responsibility to do the right thing for the country at all costs and, and just to show you where things stand at this hour. now you've had some of the very far right wing, members of minutes. the i was coalition people, i gets marvin vere, who's the national security minister. and he's essentially calling for a don't want to be fired. so this shows you what a complicated picture it is as an israel, when it comes to discussion of a plan for a day after scenario, once the war ends. and clearly, there is for us ration from the highest echelons of the military and israel as to how the prime minister is dealing with this. right, is the oldest political division and confusion. i mean, what does it tell us?
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does it suggest perhaps that the us cools for a pose will planning cause a, a starting to be head inside as well? we've seen indications over the course of the past week that the military leadership in israel is concerned about all this and that they are trying to heat the calls of the americans. and one of the things that we're seeing is a lot of a named is really military official speaking to his really media outlets. saying that the government needs to do more to ensure that the relationship with the us is not broken going forward. they are concerned that if there are more uh, stoppages of, of weapon shipments to israel, that that would impact the war on gaza and it would impact their operational capability when it came to potential other conflicts on other fronts going forward . um, but clearly these military leaders are, are also they are saying that they are concerned about the fact that these really
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are me is having to go back to areas in gaza. specifically in the north, which they had said in the past. they had already cleared of how much and they're worried about what this means going forward. so they would like to see more planning going into what's going to happen once the war is finished. and they would like to see the as rarely, political leadership listen more to their american counterparts about what to do because there is a lot of worry from these really military leadership about how they are going to continue to conduct this war going for me. okay, thank you for that. i'm gonna jump june that for us in amman, jordan, a slovak is prime minister robot fits so is undergoing surgery and hospital often attempted assassination. the government says is, condition is critical during the whole reports. this was the moment shots were fired slovakia as
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a prime minister the robot feet. so the prime minister is seen here being bundled into a waiting vehicle before being rushed to hospital. people's late to lift it to a specialist facility where his condition is described as life threatening and his feet away, the suspect is wrestle to the ground. no motive for the attack was immediately apparent. stable robert feet, so had been attending a government meeting in the town of ham glover, north east of the capital, brought the smell of the switch, the press conference he gave shortly before the shooting. made a course of international condemnation in slovakia, as president said, the attack was hard to comprehend. the physical attack on the prime minister is festival. an attack on the pass and, but he's also an attack on democracy. hateful rhetoric, which we see in society, leads to hateful actions. please stop at the attempt on the prime minister's life comes 3 weeks before europe and parliament elections in which popular stand,
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how drunk parties are expected to do well. veto his own brand of less between nationalism has been the focus of repeated anti government protest. slovak is longest saving political leader. he told me to come back last september off to serving 2 previous terms. he ran the pro russian empty american campaign and his promise to and ministry support for ukraine. a hi. with this little bits of alcove of was taking pictures of prime minister pizza on her phone. as shots went off, she said like for the crack has zillow. some doctors cover the car by so blood on his head and then he fell next to the battery. and i think this is a nightmare that i will not wake up from. this should not happen in slovakia for country and shock. now waits for updates on its leaders fight for life during the whole l. d 0 or within the past hour or so we've had an update from slovakia is defense. minnesota who said the attack on prime minister robot feature feed. so was
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clearly a political, the sold you just talking about the level of benefit both related to understand the child to, to accept the opinion. the not only one is the good one. if somebody has a different opinion, it's also have also his place on the field for disease. the issue, what's happened is the political south africa please and the have to be at that level. the mess is a full mess. foreign minister slovakia, he says what has happened? history shocked the nation that we never had anything like the slack here is where the gong country and the only to go assess the nation or something like what happened today. something completely unknown that these wides. so shocking balls
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for public figures and public at large. surely we can, uh, we have to admit that politics is why the bull arrives recently. but everybody nowadays, whether you are calling you in no position, the president of the country, everybody cons, then these and the people are we seeing just the recovery of prime minister because so lucky i became sent a peaceful world to be the already a crazy. the end of europe and call me sure on or slough on their land and us presidential by then the send their words and the, and all these very nothing was happening. slovakian. and i think that all the country we just, the is 3 decades. the old, something like vision is just very bo international news about the name really. it just shows how politics,
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when it becomes bull rice can lead somebody like the 70 years old pension. there was a do k d gone person who got a paper in that a distressed, we've got in contact of politics and, and use these type of, uh, 30 the violence against the prime minister. so head on the als, is there a violent protests in new caledonia? what is behind phones is plans to declare estates, emergency it is pacific o, this seems territory. i'm broke mcbride and sole south korea, rome boot is both states that some young, the faithful us celebrating and controversial style the the
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hello that was stopped by looking at the satellite image for europe. and you can see a divide from west to east weatherwise over the next few days. a high pressure in charge was northern, an eastern area. so lots will settled, sunny weather to be found here. but this an area of low pressure to the west that's bringing in some very wet and windy weather. the worst of that on thursday, affecting northern parts of it to be some very heavy rain expected here we could see flooding from that behind it. some showers coming in for fronds into northern areas of spain and portugal as well as rain coming back in spots of person and island. but still some sunny spells as we go into friday. when the weather shifts across most central areas, bringing very heavy rain to southern parts of germany, we also see some of that drift into poland as well as the north of this. it is a lot dry. we've got temperatures sitting very high across pots of norway, sweden and finland, but also some fly, a danger warnings out here. it was up nicely for the balkans. as we go into the end
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of a week, the figure is continuing to rise across eastern areas and we will see some improvement coming in for is to be for southern areas, including for room sunshine, through to friday, a chance of showers on saturday. the teams in the gaza strip as is a lot continues. there's a deliberate mission of posting and humanity in western media and it needs to be questioned, sustains the coverage that actively humanizes is ratings and actively humanizes palestinians. this is not the time for doing this kind of weight. tracking those stories examining the journalism and the effect that news coverage can have on democracies everywhere. here at the listing the best the
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the working out is there a mind to about top stories this hour. slovakia is prime minister robot feet, so has been shots and taken to a hospital in what is being reported to be a life threatening conditions. suspect has been arrested. the defense ministers quoting the attack, a political assaults at least full pallet seniors have been killed and more than 20 injured fine. is randy as striking cost of 1520 minutes. she told us in a heavily populated area where palestinians were gathering to use and internet access points. the, the palestinians mocking what they call the knock that it is 76 years since that
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forced mass expulsion from what is now israel. the 76 seconds of sirens rang out and cross the occupied westbank mocking each year. since the catastrophe of a 750000 palestinians were forced from that homes. as israel was found it today, the suffering is even greater with more than 35000 men, women and children killed by israel's wound garza. i understand you refugees and they route to raleigh to commemorate the anniversary of the knock that they say. it's never been so important to remember what they lost sight of hold. it was out the protest, the they chance the palestine they transferred. they
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transfer garza and the children of garza who are under fire. these are the new generation refugees and 11 on the hold on to their identity. it's been 76 years. has palestinians were forced to from their homes, from what is now israel during the 1948 war, the refugees and their descendants, little has changed for them. there's still this place. there's still space list. at the heart of the struggle is an event that they march every year. the not the arabic for catastrophe, that's what they call it. and this year it takes on a whole new meaning with israel's war on ground. so again, as the input of sidney this year, the not the coincides with a genocide in gaza. israel is killing or people starving them and displacing them these children need to know. there is an occupied country called paula sign up and people here, palestinians 11 on these refugees say that they're watching a new not by unfolding the guys up the walls of discount. tell the story of their
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decades a struggle for a palestinian homeland lower than what we keep talking about palestine to our children and grandchildren. we will tell them what happened to us, how we had to leave our homes and all on i do, i still in this camp also. there is support. what time i've called the l x stuff. let us talk against israel on october 7th. umbrella, we will never give up our homeland no matter how many children they killed, no matter how many houses they destroyed. this is orlando, the oldest refugee population in the world say. they will not surrender center for their houses either they do, it's the university of them. so them been close for 2 days off to protest as was forcefully removed by police. hundreds of students had occupied the organization's premises, demanding that it comp ties with is where the universities out is there
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a step boss and met students who say that concerned about their democratic rights for philosophy, students studying. and i'm so them on the box most here took part in protests against what they considered to be the university's complicity in israel's war on gaza. this was the scene a day earlier. students would never face violence before at the university of am. so them, 05 say it was a shopping experience. yeah, you definitely don't feel safe, you dusty encouraged to let your voice be heard, but to you for the 1st kind of saying that they've taken a sense of these issues and whatever people are feeling is reading not important to them. hundreds of students suffered injuries and recent protests. the university was not available to comment and students the months for it to cop ties with. it's really, universities have not been met students for us to think their classes, outdoor sill recovering from the fire and step experienced over the past week. many didn't expect the post testing and then that balance would be so dangerous that the
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right to demonstrate was come under so much pressure. video stake inside the university show not only police using force, but a group wearing mask as well. university estimates losses are as high as $1600000.00. missy international says social media posts from dutch boy additions like fall right. lead a he it will. this is freedom party, dramatically one most vote and elections last year. a few anger and tensions by calling students come and, and to submit to what we've seen in recent days. it's not happening in effects. you i'm, there's growing support for, for right politicians and politics in the netherlands. and this is a, it's a direct and immediate threat on the rights and freedoms. we are sort of for use to in the netherlands. and, um, and the city is, is very, very committed to, to fight back. because there's,
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there's something at stake right now. students say they're not to bother by the damage done to the university building. why would really all the people she was outraged the damage done here in all universities is, what is this outrage when we talk about all palestinian brothers and sisters? why is you know, outraged about what's happening that despite police violence and public criticism, students say they feel encouraged to continue. and out of that city, students have protested without any police intervention stuff fast. and l g 0, i'm so that the french government has imposed a state of emergency in the pacific all in territory of new caledonia for at least 1212 days of to protest left for people that the civil unrest was triggered by controversial changes due to be made to its voting system. natasha butler explains often now the noise of unrest and the new caledonian capital. a new male residents
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cleaned off. well, some fun has continued to damage game during find a protest by pro independence group voice and your games to move by the french government it believes is designed to marginalize its voice, and vast of indigenous cannot community securely. things often we hope that the state listens to us, that they realize that we do not agree with this. we do not agree with that little on the way. uh, why should we give other people the chance to decide for us, we've been in a colonial situation for several years now. on tuesday, the french parliament adopted a constitutional reform bill. there would allow french residents, you've lived in new caledonia for 10 years to vote in local elections offices. interior administers that the bill was aimed at the expanding democracy route, which was really good for me to respect the parliamentary vote. we need to understand what we're doing here. this is so that somebody's bone and you kind of don't, you know, to caledonian parents can vote in local elections. it's not revolution reasonable.
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but members of the cannot community disagree. they say the reform or don't use that . the met push for independence, so i'm left when politicians say the bill should be scrapped into put, there are 2 communities in new caledonia for them to have a common destiny. you can't ignore the indigenous community, the contacts, the decision to pass this bill in the national assembly is something the 3rd government and there's to call a compromise. but the only compromise that's been made here is one between him and the loyalist. the context did not want. the french government says it wants to solve the course is 3 face to face. 2. is obviously the subject pretty to kenny doing your i am inviting, new caledonia is political leaders to take a front is out stretched hunt uncomfortable re for discussions in the coming weeks . the important thing is, appeasement. the important thing is dialogue 3 referendums of being held in new caledonia since 2018. all of them chose to remain a french territory,
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bought the independence movement boy called the last one in 2021 french presidency . manual micro has declared the state of emergency in new caledonia and cold for calm, but is government planned for full has exhaustively, to the sense among some kind of the powers of golf and the 2nd call citizens, that their opinions simply don't count. natasha butler. i'll just sarah power a forcing in sue jones l. sasha is intensifying as the u. n. ones more than 800000 people on displaced the facilities on me says in the face of the power military rapids support forces in our special town west of the country. the only as indicated, the enemy had suff and heavy losses in spice's equipment and vehicles. b r a suff claims in achieve victories also and that it was able to seize ministry equipment inflation because the nigeria accelerated to
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a new 28. yeah. hi and april. i says have risen almost 34 percent in the past year as the government to slash petrol electricity subsidies and the value of the currency and africa's most populous nation has suffered violent on rest of the same price increases in recent months, including a tax on grain warehouses, that address reports now from law goes. trading advocate to food market has taken a hit. like many of the markets across nigeria, few customers to come to buy these days. when they do the amount they purchase, it's significantly lower than before. we used formulas a day. oh, i know it's hard to eat twice a day as food has become so expensive in march and april for the inflation ro, street the highest level in nearly 3 decades. at the look of courtesy came under intense pressure. when ida depreciated by 280 percent,
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or the loss of the local cut or says value has metal stuff more expensive for not getting by the countries. neighbors have seized the opportunity to 3 local markets . why they can buy greens for 2 this has prompted government to intervene. security personnel top rated way. how is this across the country where traders are suspected to be holding food items? something we should say to help these prizes. we will not allow anybody to put in the mind the schools will dismiss the pharmacy, the high cost of seats for the laser. and i will go to the missionary, also responsible for low production and higher prices in security costs by criminal gangs. and also book on the northern region has also driven many people from their homes and problems. and i did, as government says it's military operations, is now turning the tide. a lot of communities of getting back to their lives is a very impressive program of what
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a timing and if you choose and those who have no m escape but to down domains. the government is also coming down to what fiscal ego unregulated, crypted, trade, and color, so speak to latest. but not everyone agrees with it's about books. and some analysts are subsidizing corporate culture and ending insecurity would be the best way to address which shortages and inflation in africa's most populous country. greece august, lagos, nigeria, wednesday is a public holiday in south korea, celebrating who does best a lead up to the annual event includes a cold professional d. j who's been attracting a growing following real mcbride explains.


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