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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 16, 2024 12:00am-1:01am AST

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the business latest is free to you believe i guess is an ice fly on one of your makes modern plates. the . ready ready ready the hello on monday inside, this is a nice lie from day coming up. in the next 16 minutes, israel's military strikes the group of people gathering for internet access in garza city. at least 4 people at killed thousands more injured in surgery and fighting for his life. the prime minister of slovakia is so multiple times in what appears to be on the thames said assassination. brought an attack from the khaki
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region 4 c koreans, president and council is foreign engagement. and luscious president vladimir putin arrives in china to cement what he's called a notary limits. partnership is easing pain and on peace of spanish sports. these majesty united adult calls, european aspirations a major blow thanks to a $32.00 premium, even at old trafford on a night when chelsea. so one the hello welcome to the program. it's been another day of bloodshed across garza, with thousands killed and countless, all those names. on the same day palestinians smoke not by the catastrophe. in one of the lights of strikes, a missile hits a group of people who would gather some internet access sites. at least 4 people were killed, dozens were injured,
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many critically nor call them begins all coverage. this is the off to math. if it's ready and a rate and go to city the injuries a to brutal to show. all i would say a heavily populated area was hit this posting and scrap it to use an internet access points. this happened not long after it's ready, boot is smashed through this a 2 neighborhood to make a new road to the tanks. as their tongues withdrew comedies or tons only to be face with both death and destruction. again, remember that it must be with sheltering into school, which they showed an order in the way of a funny dead bodies which turn on the street. and then we a separating hook going and then pick up the fun houses and show them we came to the schools and then came here to see the damage death. it's so common here that people will post a corporate body along the street,
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barely demarcated by the broken buildings. only the side people of gathering books have a suit of materials they come to suffice the same stories of struggle and civil labeled streets of the street. here did you need family had fled, is where the bombardment and the jabante refugee camp southern north to seek shelter. but the ruins of goes to the city. i have a show of the i've got their number on my here we are thrown on the 3 and they destroyed our houses. my 4 older children died, our homes were destroyed. they shook us and they threw us on the street. so the shuttle to some children a trying to stay positive in the darkness. and in the summer and neighborhood nearby moved devastation offered his right strike on his un clinic. for the bill of some years siobhan awoke to life shattering news of both paula about london. i woke
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up in the morning and heard people talking about an a strike on the clinic and if 16 dropped to miss out on it as 3 and i came in, so my mother in pieces and my father next to her. so i took the bodies and buried the lawyer. the public of the areas of refuge has become targets and bass, grounds and be ready. fundable palestinians are left with blissful protection while yet laura comes out to 0. honey. my heard sent us this reports from outside. alexa hospital and there are the following. is the latest, is there any strikes as this is, has been part of the pattern of attacks. we've documents, documented a monitor for the past 7 months. it's the tops and all means of life. old, the social services have been eliminated to include it, the surfaces, as simple as being connected to the internet or having you're going to charge the
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properly a group of people were on july street. that's at the, one of the major streets in gauze, a city where at a point of trying to get internet connection were targeted by a drawing that the attacker drawn the targeted then by firing at least one miss out at the crowd. 3 people reported killed, right? at the spot and one more person reported it killed inside the hospital. as soon as arriving to the hospital, the sustaining the critical injuries and could not make it. there are other injuries who were transferred to the hospital but are still a very critical condition, particularly difficult time looking at a hospital that is, is largely running at a very low capacity in terms of medical stuff and the medical supplies inside the hospital, unable to provide the necessary needed medical support whatsoever on, on a separate attacks is really military. continue this track and to intensify its
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artillery, selling as well as the ears try on your body, a records you can't weigh more. people reported guild that's causing a great deal of destruction, including a journalist in his family. within the past couple hours, a journalist works inside the, the refuge account documenting these really attacks on the public facility. the residential buildings were attacked along with his, with a member of his family, were reported killed in an air strike as well. the, you know, as a nation says more than 600000 palestinians have now been displaced in the 10 days since is ready. tanks full, the closure of the roof of crossing as of today, some 600000 people, a quarter of guys as population have been displaced from rough, i since the 6th of may as this really ground operation, there continues the office where the coordination of imagined affairs as ground
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incursions and heavy fighting, also continued to be reported in data by law in central garza, as well as in jamalia in northern casa, many of the families now on the move. once again, have already been displaced repeatedly since october, regardless of whether they move or stay civilians and gods and must be protected. as well as defense minister, you have guidance has come out and opposition to is roles control over gauze, a post rule. he's cooling on prime minister benjamin netanyahu to rule out any such as possible as a and to consider palestinian alternatives to home us immediately. and you call it, it was, i mean, shut off, i called on prime minister benjamin netanyahu to declare that is really not to have a civilian rule over the cause of stripping. that there will be no, is really military administration into strip. and that a governing alternative to home us in the gaza strip will be promoted immediately. that's going to take. mohammed jumped here and he joins us live from amman. jordan, because the nothing you all who government has shut down now to sierra in israel.
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well, how and what should we read into this very public job against nursing, yahoo by his own defense minister of a post will gaza as well. but simply molly and this really is laying there. these deepening divisions within the is really wor cabinet when it comes to this. uh, this idea of how gaza should be governed once the war is over. this was a, this is rather a very public spat. you have the is really defense minister you off. colanda is a member of the work cabinet saying that israel should not be involved in any military rule and gaza and a post for scenario. and then you will have the prime minister benjamin netanyahu, another member of the work cabinet after that, coming out and publicly rebuking galani and saying that how much will not rule. and that essentially nothing can be done until the war is over. and until how much is defeated and then you have a 3rd member of the war cabinet began to was
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a former defense minister in israel, who publicly backed kalonde. and essentially said that the prime minister should take the advice of the, of the, of the military leader of the defense minister. so this, again, just going to show that these, these arguments are only getting worse. we've known for some time the members of the military establishment in israel are getting increasingly worried about how netanyahu is handling the war effort. we've seen quotes from a named military official and israel throughout the is really media landscape over the course of the past week. expressing a lot of concern, concerned about the fact that people are worried that that's an yeah. who perhaps is only trying to prolong the war so that he can stay in power longer. also concerned about the fact that political leadership in israel, the military establishment does not believe more and more that the political leadership in israel is taking the advice of their american counterparts. and there is a lot of worry about what is going to happen in a day after scenario, especially at
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a time when these really military is going back to areas they've already been in, in gaza, in areas where they have thought they already cleared how much and they're saying how much regrouping, so there's a lot of worry, a lot of concerned about the military establishment, what we're seeing play out throughout israel in the past several hours with these 3 members of the work cabinet, certainly reinforcing all that. right. i haven't, and we've also had from is not honey at the head of thomas on the state of sci fi tools. again, this whole idea of post will cause a dominating what he had to say to construe what he did say. so i mean, we heard from the political chief or how much this might any uh and he essentially said that there is not going to be an acceptable into the war in which how much is not in control in gaza. he also said that it was the as really amendments to the ceasefire proposal that had been presented by mediators in cairo that that's what
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has brought things to a standstill. and also he reiterated something we've heard from him us for quite a while now, which is that uh, there was no sees fire that could be entered into unless it was agreed that that would mean the end of the war. and this really just goes to show how complex it is trying to continue these, these fire negotiations and trying to actually get these both sides to enter into a ceasefire group because these major sticking points remain. and one of them is, what does a cease fire mean? these really got my continues to say that if there is a ceasefire, that it would not be the end of the war. and how much says that they will only answer a ceasefire. that would mean that the war has come to an end, so that's where things stand and really just reinforces why essentially things are as damn so right now and why it's been so difficult to get past those obstacles whenever negotiations go on, mean. okay, thank you for that mohammed june that for us in amman, jordan and then just to remind him that he is covering this from a mom because as well as and out to 0 reporting inside israel are
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now group of as rarely settlers as again the attack trucks carrying desperately needed a that was heading to with gaza, they climbed onto the truck. so you can see that growing, i'm destroying supplies. these really surplus then went on to attack. 2 of the palestinian drive is injuring them both. you talk to place near the illegal is rarely supplements of beside the in the occupied west. like the slovak is probably minutes. the robot fico is undergoing surgery and hospital off to what appears to be on the attempted assassination. the government says he's fighting for his life. he was shot multiple times by a 71 year old mine who has been arrested general reports. this was the moment shots were fired at slovakia as prime minister robot feet. so
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the prime minister is seen here being bundled into a waiting vehicle before being rushed to hospital. people's late to lift it to a specialist facility where his condition is described as life threatening and his feet away, the suspect is risk to the ground. no motif for the attack was immediately apparent, a stable robot seat, so have been attending a government meeting in the town is handling the north east of the capital process . some of the schools, the press conference he gave shortly before the shooting, made a course of international condemnation. slovakia as president said, the attack was hard to comprehend. the physical attack on the prime minister is festival. an attack on a pass and, but he's also an attack on democracy. hateful rhetoric, which we see in society, leads to hateful actions. please stop at the attempt on the prime minister's life comes 3 weeks before europe and parliamentary elections in which popular stand,
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how drunk parties are expected to do well. veto his own brand of less clean nationalism, has been the focus of repeated anti government protest. slovak is longest saving, political leader, he told me to come back last september off to serving 2 previous terms. he ran a pro russian empty american campaign, and has promised to and ministry support for ukraine. with this little bits of alcove was taking pictures of prime minister feed, so on her phone, as shots went off, she said like for a crack of your loss of doctors cover the car by so blood on his head. and then he fell next to the battery and i think this is a nightmare that i will not wake up from the should not happen. in slovakia, the country and shock now waits for updates on its leaders fight for life during the whole l. d 0. 0 bravo. the mess is a form of foreign minister of slovakia. he told my colleagues, somebody's
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a down that political polarization in europe needs to be addressed and we never had anything like the slack. yeah. is where a gone country and only to go assess the nation or something like what happened today. it's something completely unknown that these wides. so shocking both for public figures and public at large. surely we can uh, we have to have meet the politics is quite the polarized recently, but everybody nowadays, whether you are calling tional position, the president of the country, every body conte, then these and the new people are wishing just the recovery of prime minister because so the cap became sent a peaceful world, meet the already the president and of europe the, and call me sure on the worst lot phone the early and, and us presidential by then the need to send their words and the,
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and all these very buffing both happening. slovakian, and i think that all the country we just, it is 3 decades. the old, something like this is just very bulk international news about the name really. it just shows how politics, when it becomes bull rice can honestly, somebody like the 70 years old pension, there was a do k, d gone person who got the paper and then they distressed. wait for the car and conduct of politics and, and use these type of a study violence against the prime minister. you mentioned the polarization the do you think this might impact the public sentiment on some of those polarizing issues like the versus relations with russia? a yeah, i don't think that these will have the impact on the, for a totally say of the country. i think that these slow, like, you know,
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very often label that to be up for russian and on or not. i think that's what like, yeah, he's through the full 20 years member of the un nato and i and i am sure that we will continue to be part of you and they tall uh because we just intertwined with european union and we've the west currently, however, the leading theme in public, the scores east. how to convert these tragedy to reunite the people how to overcome these divides, which are very often just very personal, very often difficult to find even id a lot gene that uh so i think that on one hand, some politicians accused all position, but the majority of the people are just saying that these are subtract the project be we should stop. i hate store between political figures and try to reach you in
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the country and develop some standard normal politics, democratic politics when the friends of being in part of political life. but they cannot, leads directly kelly's ation of public life. and i personally believe that the strategy tragedy will arrive to lead to attend to real nice boss political camp n c does in there. it's interesting that you mentioned, i think you're indicating that there's a, might be a public swing away from hateful rhetoric and politics. how do you think that might impact the upcoming you parliamentary elections and some of the candidates of use that kind of rhetoric, the popularity of some of the populace forces and so on a yeah, i think we will have a slope actually a vote on the dates of june in the early elections. and i think that i'm almost sure that these tragedy and let's hold the prime minister,
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that the doctors will be able to say these lives. but i just think that many topics we tried being discussed of domestic nature. europe in nature, will be overshadowed by these attempts to come closer overcome these divides. and i expect that it will cool down these a high degree of polarization before upcoming your elections. the united nations refugee agencies says that the now more than 3000000 ukrainians displaced within the country and more than 5000000 refugees abroad, the latest, the fleet, people from the khaki region in the northeast of the country, off to a new russian offensive john home and reports now from call to
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just the day before session. to scare the cat were in the home in full chance. now they're in the center for displaced people and how to keep getting a male, a head of an uncertain future. you could see what can be the plans for 5 man who has no home for now, and it's hard to cave in this place. but what could be my plan is such, just explain to me that this is all they've got a live don't have his life in both chance. and they've got maybe 4 or 5 bags. that's what's left of that life. now. 8000 people in the flight is russian forces across the buddha. and into ne, you crime a new offensive which has kept several villages resulted in street fighting in the biggest food a town both chance. i think it's russian purposes of both rescue policies are trying to get people out commit explosions and they say the tax on that
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vehicles are good. so the good, what's the roads are being challenged with renee farms are being dropped from drone just sometimes you even need to get out of the car and they'll put your hands on it and show that you're a civilian, that you're taking the elderly. but that doesn't always help mislead me. after we spoke demitra drake but to try and pick up more people victoria and the parents face the room problems getting here. thing, but bicycles or anything like that. might you proceed why we don't lose or shot at the automatic lupins and the cross roads of every pest, a car of soldiers to house to us? we jump into the car and they say to me, hold on, because now we will go at the speed of light and little bit of them as a now they staying in one of the few rooms in the center. it's meant mostly for processing. and most of the people have gone on to friends or relatives over they to they took no one's take them in,
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at least they reach safety. they told us the bottom of the width of and they huddled in the car. it all way from the windows, even ukraine, 2nd city, under constant bombardment, isn't really a safe haven. these people don't home and i'll just see the how to keith. well, russian president vladimir pierson has arrived in china to visit his country's biggest and most important trading pasta. he will meet with chinese presence using, paying during the 2 day trip, which is set on the school. what the lead is cool, a know limits partnership says payton 2nd visit to china in 6 months on his 1st overseas trip since being sworn in for us. presidential time out of there is katrina. you have this report from beijing as well. you a so it's been more than 2 years since china and russia declared no limits on a hot mission. and this was letting me a put in is returning to badging to deepen
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a relationship that both sides say is going from strength to strength and font at the end of the 2 heads of the state agreed to continue to maintain close exchanges to ensure this move in the steady development of china, russia relations, the chinese president student patient has met pushing more than 40 tight, but this is a rushing lead. his 1st visit since he secured a 5th to an office, he will be accompanied by nearly a pointed defense minister andre below soft and foreign minister. so gay lover of it comes a week after she visited europe and refused you. officials calls for it to go to moscow to edits invasion of any crane. she has however, pledged to control the export of so called dual use items that could be used and rushes will. f featuring has denied providing its military with nutrition with homestead, in terms of appeasing of europe and saying that, you know, we're trying to do our best. are you her, she say, you know, i'm in favor of
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a truce. i'm in favor of a peace process. but, but this idea that you should stop trading with russia because it's not in our interest that's not going to work. savings. trade with russia has grown increasing hughes, and is now with an estimated $240000000000.00. much of it is boil and gas exported to china at the discount prices. this economic support has frustrated the western efforts to isolate the problem and through the use functions. washington has threatened to cause health chinese banks from the global financial system. if the rest of the military production, changing things, welcoming of president person is widely seen as an act of defiance against the united states. they oppose this and is working to upset us lead international order and a strongly support to 5 russia tensions. but the us has pushed the neighbors to set aside historic disputes along the shed, buddha cushions to day trip will include
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a visit to hard pain in china is northeast. during the late 19 sixty's, the region was a place between the 2 countries is now a symbol of corporation. katrina, you all to 0. thank you. joining us live from washington dc is donell jensen. he's a senior advisor for russia and europe at the us institute of peace. thank you for your time, sir. so love that person is using paying. i've seen each other more than 40 times over the past 10 years. it indicates dismissed that there was a real political will between them to forge place the ties, which goes well beyond economic interest. well, the most certainly the us, there's not only a personal chemistry that appears, but china and russia, and i would add north korea and the wrong share of what they call access of people . they have closed the us rules by center, not for order. they feel that discrimination against them and they're joining forces that doesn't mean their allies, but their partners,
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certainly partners and there's one central goal with they have, which are made sure made out of the united states are quite in this place. so at the time of the roster can uh, the federal and regular powers and they want so desperately in terms of this visit, what do you think is going to be dominating the agenda as well? first of all, the symbolism is interesting is fluid 1st trigger. after his room, doctor racing last week, and 2nd, it's pulling go onto page and not vice versa. and. and that shows you the fact that trying to use the dominant tire and the relationship trying to have the tray of interest all over the world, including with europe and the last, but russia is isolated. and so why russia shouldn't walk china till sort of last year when the war, why are they giving them equipment that can be used for a mouthful purposes to has to have play and that's what differential world of age. and then i think some rough and great with, with the 1st china,
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on the other hand, as children to moscow at the same time, they're trying to maintain their role as a great trading partner of the west. and that's a lot easier thing for trying to do that russian, but it's rascal has really, there are 2 other alternatives. do you think we could also hear more about this piece plan that china has proposed and the crane war? i mean, this is any piece plan coming from china, likely to favor ukraine as well. i like extra stuff. i don't think that's very likely. however, try me, as often mentioned as a possible intermediary, should the sides of your brain ever come to negotiations just as india. the problem is that a trying to, as soon as children strong toward russia, and it's not seen as a fair arbiter, whatever talks monitor should a, it's, or so, china has to be seen as a diplomatic fire, be seen as a great diplomatic power at the same time time it has to be phenomenal needs, and i think the chemistry here that you'll see this week and also thomas of the
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world. what kind of closer and closer to russia than they do them almost any other country. it's not to say they support the war excuse of directly sabbath they want peace, they oppose may know they want us power limited and so forth, and that makes them, as well as the wrong. and the 3 a that's called a natural partnership. not alex, how do you think the invasion of ukraine actually uh, ended up changing the relationship between china and russia? i mean, do you think the sanctions, the us as levied on china for it supports of russia has perhaps even pushed a china closer to russia as well? i would not say because i say that the so called the limit the sensor was 5. the way it happened before the war, it was shot before the war. the sanctions are after halftime a rush of trying to it's one of those few not for alternative. one of which is china and that has made, betrays between the 2 centers. larger and more relevant to russia's war effort.
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but china very, very carefully was listed in law. they don't ever come out and say they supported the invasion of the brain. they don't ever come out and say there's support rushes weren't efforts but quietly. the trial slip in the gray area park and we would try to keep that trading relationship going at the same restaurant in any case. so i try to whomever far between the 2 countries. she's trying to as the top dog with rocks as i'm sure we have. and by the way, that's why we're saying, go to beijing tomorrow, about j go to boston. oh, okay, good to get your thoughts diligence and a senior advisor for rough, sure. of the us institute of peace are still ahead on al jazeera von and process in new caledonia. what is behind prompts is planned for 12 day stage of emergency and it's pacific overseas territory. the premier league clubs can vote to
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scrap the video assistant referees as early as next season piece that will have all the details, the the hello that was stopped by looking at the satellite image for europe. and you can see a divide from west to east. weatherwise over the next few days, a high pressure in charge out because northern an eastern area. so lots will settled, sunny weather to be found here. but this an area of low pressure to the west that's bringing in some very width and windy weather. the worst of that on thursday, affecting northern parts of it to be some very heavy rain expected here we could see flooding from that behind it. some showers coming in for fronds into northern areas of spain and portugal, as well as rain coming back in spots of britain and olive. but still some sunny
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spells as we go into friday, when the weather shifts across small central areas, bringing very heavy rain to southern parts of germany. we'll also see some of that drift into poland as well as the north of the citizen locked riah. we've got temperatures sitting very high across pots of norway, sweden, and finland, but also some fi, a danger warnings out here. it was up nicely for the balkans as we go into the end of a week. the figure is continuing to rise across eastern areas and we will see some improvement coming in for is to be for southern areas, including for room sunshine through to friday. a chance of showers on saturday. for the latest news wave was so intense that this is all that is left. people are digging through debris and twisted metal to find any one left alive in depth reports the entire gossip population of 2300000 people do not have enough. prices
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is escalating and detailed coverage as well as prime minister relies on foreign ministers to stay in power. they want the raft results to go ahead, define them, and then you know, who could be out of office. you will see the caught a duty and a growth using for the p use a cost to contribute to improving the lives of thousands of projects except the cost. and we strive to insure it reaches its deserving recipients, visit the cost on wordpress. and remember to cut purifies wells and increases systems costs on red chris of the
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forcing house. is there a mindful top stories this hour and these full palestinians have been killed in more than 20 inches? fine is really a striking gauze, especially during the ministry talk said a heavily populated area with palestinians with gathering to use and internet access points. russian president vladimir putin as arrived in china to possess his country's biggest and most important trading partner pretend will meet with chinese present. she's in pain during his 2 day trip, which is set to on the school with the lead is cool. 8 no limits partnership. so vasquez prime minister robot feed, so has on the go on surgery ops being shots in what appears to be an attempted assassination countries. interior minister says it was a political move. 71 year old mom has been arrested.
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theresa fallon is direct to at sent us a russia europe, asia studies. i spoke with her in the last hour. she told me the attack highlights the political polarization in slovakia across europe. it is deeply disturbing. the president of the european commission has condoned it as, as very much upset by all of this, and everyone wishes that he will survive this horrendous attack. but i think that this also points to the deep political polarization that exists in slovakia. and you also see this throughout europe, many right wing parties are gaining in strength. and today we also secured filters in the netherlands, put together a government, he has been unable to do that for the last few months. so he's very far right. and so i think that this deep political polarization, we're seeing all across europe. earlier, we had that from the defense minister saying as, as a, as you've been describing
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a political assault, a painting for com and asking for hatred on social media to stop. that speaks to the divisions that you were describing. can you explain when it comes to slovakia? what is in more detail? what is caused that polarization? well, of the multiple reasons. but this government, as you noted in your earlier news package about the story, he was out of the office because of a assassination of a journalist, a 27 year old journalist. and that journalist was investigating corruption. so since he came back into power of the go has actually a disbanded and anti corruption organization against the rules and regulations. so i think that the public is very upset by that. some members of the public in opposition to his party that he's very pro russell. he's kind of from the same of these very close to victor, oregon, and hungry. so we see is kind of pro russia
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a pro china position. and this in, across europe is a year of election sourcing, the european permanent elections in june as well. and so i would say this is about 3 countries that have moved more to the center. that would be poland breeze. and i'm sorry, forgot the 3rd one, but there tends to be a far right move, especially in germany. we're seeing a the f d. a alternative for germany has got 20 percent of the the vote so far. and now with these new crises, a new um, corruption issues in regard to the number one theater maximillian cross. she has been accused of taking up or having to do with espionage and china. his 2nd on the poll list has been taking bribes, are allegedly taking bribes from russia. so there's the corruption in some of these far right groups. and they think that there is growing polarity across europe, especially height. and because of the election year,
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the french government has imposed a state of emergency in the pacific on an territory of new caledonia for at least 12 days off to purchase left for people that the civil unrest was triggered by controversial changes due to be made to its voting system natasha butler has moved from paris officer. now the noise of unrest in the new caledonian capital, a new male residents cleaned off. well, some fun has continued to damage game during final prototypes by pro independence group voice. and your games to move by the french government h believes is designed to marginalize its voice, and vast of indigenous cannot community securely things often we hope that the state listens to us, that they realize that we do not agree with this. we do not agree with that, little this home the way uh, why should we give other people the chance to decide for us we've been in the colonial situation for several years now. on tuesday, the french paul,
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i'm at adult to the constitutional reform bill that would allow french residents. you've lived in new caledonia for 10 years to vote in local elections offices. interior administers that the bill was aim to the expanding democracy route, which was really good for me to respect the parliamentary vote. we need to understand what we're doing here. this is so that somebody's bone in new kind of don't, you know, to caledonian. parents can vote in local elections. it's not revolution reopen. but members of the cannot community disagree. they say the reform don't use the push for independence. so i'm left when politicians say the bill should be scrapped into put, there are 2 communities in new caledonia for them to have a common destiny. you can't ignore the indigenous community, the contacts, the decision to pass this bill in the national assembly is something this, your government and there is to call a compromise. but the only compromise that's been made here is one between him and the loyalist. the context did not want. the french government says it was to solve
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the course is through face to face talks is obviously pretty cheap. getting to new york, i am inviting new caledonia as political leaders to take the front is out stretch ton uncomfortable re for discussions in the coming weeks. the important thing is, appeasement. the important thing is dialogue 3 referendums of being held in new caledonia since 2018. all of them chose to remain a french territory, but the independence movement boy called to the last one in 2021 french presidency . manual micro has declared a state of emergency in new caledonia and cold for calm, but his government's plans were full, has exhausted place to the sense among some kind of power as regards to the 2nd call citizens that their opinions in pete on counts. natasha butler, i'll just 0 power as they can get more on this from a corresponding wayne hey joins us from to ranga and using waiting. so what is the latest on the situation on the ground of the still no protests going on. yeah. as
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well as thursday morning local time in new caledonia. certainly i have and i've not overnight, no sign that the violence, the trouble was slowing down at if anything, if he had to intensify following that decision, know that virus and the french parliament which took place on wednesday evening. you cannot guarantee a time to pass the bill that's will ultimately lead to a change in the constitution and will change the electrical law in new caledonia despite the care. if you just bought the band on public gatherings, being in place of a nice, they were more fires burning around the capital, city, new media and the surrounding areas. more damage done to property people, general general, the gathering in violation all that care if you and the public gathering band. and it was that reports coming in all of a gun and 5 being exchanged between both sides protectors and the security forces.
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and confirmation of that toll rising as well that coming through from the local government in new me up, that 4 people have now been killed. 3 protest is and one police officer wayne. how do you see this playing out? we have this 12 day status emergency and french security forces i believe and, and now on the way to the country will that works or well, i think that the french government really had no choice but to try and bolster the security situation on the ground. because initially, according to reports coming in from an in caledonia, the protest is who were on the streets of the capital were numbering the security forces. so an additional $500.00 police officers have been seen from mainland france to new caledonia to add to the already $1800.00. also, that was already them. the military has also being cold and they have been ordered
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under the state of emergency, a state of emergency, which is now in force to secure the airport, which remains closed by the way to all incoming and outgoing flights. and the c port as well to the state of emergency will give the security forces, mainly the police break of pallets really to again it was that bad on public gatherings to be able to search and detain people as well. so certainly they are throwing everything they can at the situation. okay, when hey, that for us into around gun using and you as president joe biden. um for the president. donald trump have agreed to hold a debate next month. and 2 candidates, several fortunately agreed to june the 27th for the event, which will be ad on cnn and other devices plan for september the 10th on us network . abc presidential debates usually take place in october. the button campaign says a rise in the voting means people need to see candidates earlier on white house,
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correspondent kennedy. how could explain to us president joe biden has challenged for president donald trump to a debate. one that is set to take place much earlier than typical for presidential debates. the 2 man has bypass the non partisan presidential debate commission in both format ad, when these are set to take place. in terms of when this will happen, the schedule that the 2 man negotiated in real time is set for june and the 2nd for september they'll take place in television studios without an audience. and what we know, according to the video announcement by joe biden, is that he is going to show up in his own airplane. one of the todd, to the former president about saying he's going to keep for 4 years. and shop was to debate mean $0.20 that he had showed up for debates. now he's acting like he
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wants to debate me again or make my day pass all even do a twice plus picture day style. i hear you free on wednesdays. donald trump, the former president, responded on his own social media platform, truth social saying hack. and joe biden is the worst the bader i have ever faced. a cap put 2 sentences together and he went on to say, i am ready and willing to debate crooked joe. at the to propose times in june and september. he is also colleagues on the president to face him for debate in front of very large crowds. something that he believes that the current president is afraid of taunting him, saying that he can't draw large crowds and also proposing that there be a vice presidential debate. we should also point out that there is another man that is vying for the white house and independent by the name of robert f. kennedy
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junior. and his glasses both trump and vive and saying that the president trump and binder colluding to lock america in a head to head match the 70 percent of americans say they don't want undermining democracy as he is valley to appear on stage for the debates as well. kimberly help you out to 0, the white house, so head on out a 0 time rough, mcbride and sole south korea. rome boat is birthday that some young the faithful of celebrating income from the show started on peace, a confirmed counsel as hers for another full turn them into pizza will be here. same with the the,
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[000:00:00;00] the time for the sport, his pizza money. thank you very much. that just the united have delta a massive loads in utah, so it's aspirations of thing. you repeat in football next season. that's thanks to a 3 to win at old trafford. in the premium e probably may new, open the score and full the home side show fee off of the half hour mark. stephen made magpies equalize through anthony golden mostly sold the advantage of the all or the man of the moment for the re, tables. that is needed, so i was suppose to be equalized. they were handling the accounts of the tech reference for the making of 312, eric 10 huntsman. the businesses will reduce the deficit to 3 to the sea level.
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chelsea on our in poll position to play european football next season of the baby price and see when they when a new cost is loss, puts chelsea in $63.00 points above. and you can also go some co palm in the face off. and kristof include who in the 2nd, where is now, although they did have a man saying to of late in the 2nd of the out showing least james picking out at one of the prize and opponents, which received the late code prize and capitalized and screwed. a light consolation go through denny. well back. but it's chelsea pick up a full straight for any indeed. when they only need a point to them to bowman, to secure the rookie and football for next season. well, premium. the tubs will both on with a script video system for 3. so next season, the resolution has been submitted by will 2 votes on abolishing the technology at the premium. each level. next, annual meeting in june, v, a. r as it's known and has been used in english to apply since 2019 to help officials make decisions. but this season has featured several controversial v a or
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decisions and a number of managers including rooms ball scary o'neill have been critical office use. meanwhile, in scotland, celtic has been crowned champions once again winning a 3rd title in a row. a 5 no win over, kill monarch, gave them an unassailable 6 point lead at the best. the clause good arrivals ranges, its face, the full lead seidel. celtic pay ranges in the scottish cuff finally, in $10.00 days time, with all aim to do the double sum of those top teams could be coming to a stadium, new user. that's all for footballs, governing body fee for a move ahead with plans to allow domestic leads to play match as a broad hate of this week's fee for congress. in bangkok, the organization has ordered a review of its traditional policies, which is always blocked, attains to hold regular season matches in the countries while some friends may object of games being moved. thousands of kilometers away. it is become a regular thing in us both as teams looked bold,
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they brands globally well this week, congress will also vote to confirm the host of the 2027 women's world cup and presidency on infancy that has also been speaking about a 1st ever women's club will get proposed for january 2026, a 16 team tournament with the intake face every 4 years, allowing top european and us teams to compete against clubs from countries where the women's game is less developed. it's crucial last of the huge, huge success in australia, new zealand, at the last women's was caught by what we had 2000000 viewers and the stadiums, to media and around the world that we built on that success to create new global competitions because the national theme for goal is obviously based on cloud as well. these are definitely going to boost women scott football, all over the world to an unprecedented level. because the best players from
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whatever they call me that was played this competition and control case. they have talent. such souls governing body, also consumed condo as the house full. the next 3 editions of the fif of arabs kept beginning next year and being held every 4 years. also that the country held the tournament in 2021 just a year before hosting the world cup. it's also recently healthy, asian cup, cause it has also been consumed as hosts of the next 5 additions of the and the 17 world cap. okay, it's changed from football to tennis now and a straight in open champion arena sutherland goes through to the semi finals in room the world of a to sure cool injury concerns also medical time out on the lower back problem during the previous match. and she had little trouble defeating left the in line cd elaina of the pin code 626 full. so what i'm reaching the last full. well, this is nipple one,
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the teddy and wasting full sutherland kate in the same easy as the american. danielle collins, he's another bill of russian victoria as a rank and the law states. the will. number 15 who we set to resign at the end of the season, frustrated as a raincoat, whose under forced air was piled up. columns extending hood rayquil 219 when some 20 since march. i see 16463. let's see in the women's tournament on the main side, chili's or something below explained that he'd surprising run in the tenant capital by reaching the semi finals to below defeats and know that just rich and kind of exceptional in the previous 2 rounds. still has locked up the seats on his 1st appearance at the tournaments in room. this time beating a jang. jin 636 full to reach and 1st most to see semi final. he will face 2017 champions. alexander is very, i have in the indian premium lead the punjab kings. i've seen of the red just on royals by 5 wickets. registered on bassett 1st,
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but could only post one under the $34.00 for 9 inmates when he opens the on product . the associates sending out to be the highest school despite slumping to $58.00 for the fee. the kings held in its m cones and be some 63 helping them reach they target with 7 boys to spam, from job or down in 9. but the wounds remain sick and but again, this vanity, this, the writing in the i champions that in the nuggets, the closing in on a place in the western conference finals. before getting 5 of the minnesota assembles because of you, all could, which was presented somebody's most valuable pay or what for the food. so i'm in full seasons. i disintegrated by top school with 40 points to be the nuggets to a 11297. when done, denver all now 3 to up and we'll see all the series with one move victory and a new mix. so one went away from the 1st trip to the eastern conference finals and $24.00 use jet and run some stones with $44.00 points. the 5th time in this post season that he has got at least 40 points. that's where most of you,
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since the front of james managed to achieve that feature in 8 playoff games in 2018 valley. the next rebounded from a heavy loss in game for and to be the indiana pacers. 12191 in game 51. the 2nd see the mix can win the series on friday at indiana. i the 1st trip to iceland theory as also for all eggs on the 6 claims. he's lost weight because he's nervous about they fights on saturday, but it's undefeated fighters have arrived in riyadh for the belt, which was postponed to any of this year when furious off of the cuts. the, when it will be the 1st undisputed heavyweight champion cents a minute louis 24 years ago. and i'm very nervous. who's act plays. don't pay me off on saturday night. please. extra plays someone's always got to go and it's going to be that came over to our thoughts and that way. so that as an alex on the roof exit, great flights are full. unfortunately, if i have a asked to come against the great tie some here,
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or even if you have 20000000 people screaming these names, they cannot fight for him on the night when there's too many in there on the night, it's going to be very daunting when he's got the undertaker and the ring with him. baseballs biggest stall show, hey, i would. so he pulled up a huge home run. this one coming in the la dodgers tend to way move with the san francisco giants, which is 12 of the season. and between 156 visas, which is the longest home at san francisco, his article book immunity to use and to time to the phones jump into the upon the to continue to hold the lead at this, you do that, it's on the off the stage 11, right is headed over to under to these is down the avery as it coasts. on wednesday it's going fall too fast to notice a special passenger on the train following the journey. that is the tutor at the top of the a trophy. the stage finished with the chaotic split one by each end in sight. this is jonathan milan, when spoken to who holds a 2 minute 42nd lead and the think jersey getting into thursday's 12 stage. and
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that's what was supposed to be useful tonight. was pizza. now, wednesday was a public holiday in south korea to celebrate book as best say the lead up to the annual event included a controversial d j who's attracted a good growing following role. mcbride explains as he goes by the stage named d. j. new jeans, new and performing in the traditional buddhist monks outfit. certainly get you some ho noticed the modern dance music he plays, provides a packing for merits that spread traditional buddhist teachings. with a growing following in south korea, you and has won the support of the largest buddhist order here. but his reception abroad has been mixed with them all. and he's just had a successful show in taiwan. he tells his host, but his subsequent visit to malaysia was criticized by some bodies that for being disrespectful. still d, jane eugene's name was the stop
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a full night at the annual festivities. and so the deductible does best day. it's month by an elaborate procession and display of lentils and floats with a difference. the meat. yeah. the focus this time was trying to connect with young people when he met. uh, they had been reports that korea has the highest levels of stress along developed countries with young people, especially suffering from trauma and feeling hopeless about the future. so young people particularly struggling many of the events and attractions were aimed at spreading foot isms appeal, especially among the young. once per dominantly buddhist, the number of south korean faithful has been gradually declining over the years. with more, a more buddhist lead is not believing it's time for him, a co identity society, so dominated by k paul electronic dance music using those something beats in the
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service of buddhism. the most people here excess of the cry delta 0. so okay, that's it for me, my, the inside for this news, i'll be back in just a moment with most of the days the a pod huge, i mean to be used as the oil see suffered casualties. we have not suffered to scientology use. thank goodness we did have injuries from a missile strike on a guest house, thought provoking on to who they to say, no delta standards to all of us. any anyone in particular i said to facing realities. government seems here to whittle down democracy. if this is troubling for you, it's very, very painful to you. the story on talk to how does era a meeting of minds with israel committing genocide before our eyes, and none of our mainstream politicians across the board seem to have
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a problem with this campaigner andrew fine. stay and photographer shock you do on, on active is on the crisis against each one of us. these are with this, and this is upon us. as with this is to be able to validate for the seeing around the studio will be on script part 2. 0 no, disease in the brazilian amazon, a star trail of the ongoing tragedy faced by the general money people. for years they have borne the brunt of the legal mining activities. their rivers poisoned with mercury, rendering water, i'm drinkable and fish inedible. in 2023, pressed and losing us. one of us, 2 of us, sent a national task force to expel the invaders from the reserve. more than the year has gone by and nothing has changed. illegal miners return every day. we see their clients coming and going present lula has promised to help deforestation to increase the number of indigenous reserves for self indigenous people here say
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they've come to realize that having government support is not enough. they're still facing strong resistance from the powerful form lobby in congress to the state bill, expand the fight from their villages to the countries court rooms and electing their own politicians to save their last the the, [000:00:00;00] the i know i money in sites is the news out life from the coming up in the next 60 minutes. israel's military strikes the group of people gathering for internet access and goals, especially at least 4 people killed thousands who injured the back,
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his prime minister robot. so is shots and injured in a suspected assassination attempt. 71 year old man has been changed. the states of


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