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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 16, 2024 1:00am-2:01am AST

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there still facing strong resistance from the powerful farm lobby in congress to the state bill expand the fight from their villages to the countries court rooms and electing their own politicians to save their lives. the, [000:00:00;00] the i know i money in sites is the new zone life from the coming up. in the next 60 minutes. israel's military strikes the group of people gathering for internet, accessing goals, especially at least 4 people killed thousands who injured civic is prime minister robot. so is shots and injured in
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a suspect to the sauce nation to 1071 year old man has been changed. the state of emergency is because in the overseas french territory of new caledonia, all to 4 people were killed during protest against select for reform. and russian president vladimir putin arrives in china for state visits in a show of unity between the 2 allies. the has been another day of bloodshed across garza, with thousands killed and countless, all those maimed on the same day. palestinians, monk knock the, the catastrophe in one of the latest strong submit solve his a group of people who gathered at some internet access size. at least 4 people were killed. dozens were injured. many critically or con, begins coverage. the, this is the off to math of and it's really a reading goal. it's a city. a heavily populated area was hit as posting and got to,
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to use an internet access points. this happened not long after it's ready to do so much through the day 2 neighborhoods to make a new road for tanks. as their tongues withdrew. comedies are tons only to be faced with both death and destruction. again, remember that as the we were shouting into school, which they showed an order and way of finding dead bodies was turned on the street . and then that we a separating hook going and then pick up the phone or houses and show them we came to the schools and then came here to see the damage that is so common here that people will post a covet body along the street, fairly demarcated, by the broken buildings on either side, people are gathering whatever food materials they can to provide the
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same stories that struggle in civil labels. street off the street. here did you need family had fled, is ready bombardment and the jabante refugee camp. the north to seek shelter, the ruins of gulls, the city i have a show of the i've got their number on my here. we are thrown on the street and they destroyed our houses. my 4 older children died. our homes were destroyed. they shook us and they threw us on the street so that she had some children, a trying to stay positive in the darkness. and in the summer and neighborhood nearby, more devastation offered his re strike on his un clinic for the days of some years about a work 10 life restructuring news of both paula about london. i woke up in the morning and heard people talking about an a strike on the clinic and it's 16 drop to miss out on it as 3. that's what i came. and so my mother in pieces and my father next to her. so i took the bodies and buried them all. hello, you have
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a home to come over the areas of refuge has become targets and backgrounds and to be ready, fundable palestinians are left with blissful protection. laura con al jazeera well honey, my mood sent this reports from outside. i like so hospital and they all by the following. the latest is rarely strikes. this is has been part of the pattern of attacks. we've documents, documented a monitor for the past 7 months. it's the tops and all means of life. old as social services have been eliminated to include it. the surfaces, as simple as being connected to the internet or having you're going to charge the properly a group of people were on july street. that's at the, one of the major streets in gauze, a city where at
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a point of trying to get internet connection were targeted by a drawing that the attacker drawn the targeted then by firing at least one miss out at the crowd. 3 people reported killed, right? at the spot and one more person reported it killed inside the hospital. as soon as arriving to the hospital, the sustaining the critical injuries and could not make it. there are other injuries who were transferred to the hospital but are still a very critical conditions, particularly difficult time looking at a hospital that is, is largely running at a very low capacity in terms of medical to stop and the medical supplies inside the hospital, unable to provide the necessary needed medical support whatsoever on, on a separate attacks is really military continue this track and intensive by its artillery, selling as well as the ears try on jabante, a refuge account with more people reported guild that causing
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a great deal of destruction including a journalist in his family, within the past couple hours, a journalist works inside the the refuge account documenting these really attacks on the public facility. the residential buildings were attacked along with his, with a member of his family were reported killed in an air strike. a group of is rarely supplements, has again attacked trucks carrying desperately needed a that was heading to with garza. they climbed onto the vehicles throwing and destroying supplies. the settlers then went on to talk to the palestinian drivers, enjoying them both, and talked to place near the illegal is rarely supplements of bait, though in the occupied west. like, as you know, as a nation says over 600000 palestinians have now been displaced in the last 10 days since is rarely tanks for the close of the roof of crossing. as of today,
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some 600000 people, a quarter of guys population have been displaced from rough, i since the 6th of may as this really ground operation. there continues. the office where the coordination of imagining affairs has ground incursions and heavy fighting, also continued to be reported. and there are by law, in central gaza, as well as in jamalia in northern cause. many of the families now on the move once again have already been displaced repeatedly since october, regardless of whether they move or stay civilians and guys and must be protected as well as defense minister you have, guidelines has come out and opposition to is roles control over goals off to the war is cooling on prime minister benjamin netanyahu to rule out such a possibility and to consider palestinian alternatives to how much immediately on you call it. it was something shut off. i called them prime minister benjamin netanyahu to declare that is really not to have a civilian rule over the cause of stripping, that there will be no is really military administration in the strip. and the governing alternative to home us in the gaza strip will be promoted immediately.
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and if i'm off on a mobile, i am not willing to exchange from us. then for foot tossed up after the terrible massacre of october 7th, i ordered the destruction of her loss. the idea of fighters and the security forces are fighting for it. as long as hamas remains intact, no other entity will step into perform a civilian management of gaza. certainly not in the palestinian authority. i'm attempting is the following. israel's post war plans for garza from the jordanian capital. i'm on because the nets and the government has shut down out, is there in israel, in a public spot, laying bare the divisions in israel's war cabinet on wednesday at a press conference in tel aviv is rarely defence administer your wife. golan stated publicly, that is real, should not be involved in military rule in gaza once the war is over. he also called on his really prime minister benjamin netanyahu to publicly reject that scenario as well. now, not too long after that,
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you have the prime minister benjamin netanyahu saying that the palestinian authority won't rule gaza and adding that as long as how much remains no other party will govern in gaza. also responding a 3rd member of the war cabinet and is reopened against feedback. galani said galani speaks the truth, that it is the leadership's responsibility to do the right thing for the country at all costs. now again, this is all really showing deepening divisions among members of the work cabinet at a very critical time. at a time when more critics of netanyahu are stating that he has not expressed any clear plan for how gaza should be governed once the war is over, in a so called day after scenario. we know that the americans have been frustrated by this. and i've also suggested that netanyahu try to formulate a plan for how gaza should be governed once the war is over. but also we've seen
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more and more on named the members of the military establishment, but members of the military establishment. nonetheless, being quoted throughout these really media landscape and is really media outlets expressing frustration about the fact they don't think enough as being done to come up with a plan for a post worst scenario in gaza. also, members of the military establishment, unnamed members, but members of military establishment, nonetheless, being quoted and is really outlets saying that they are very worried that because political leadership in israel is not heating the advice of the west. and what the us is urging is real to do that, that could constitute a bigger fracture. and the relationship between the us and israel going for how much i'm just here. i'm reminded of it how much i'm doing is covering this from a mom because israel has found out is there we are reporting from outside israel or
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the so that his prime minister robot feed. so has been on the going surgery off to being shots in a suspected assassination attempt, as he greeted support is often missing. 5 shots were fired at close range. well, security scrambled to confront the shoot to government says the attack, which is less the prime minister in a critical but stable condition was politically motivated. authorities of arrested a 71 year old man. how many miles the latest this was the moment shots were fired. that's the fuck is prime minister about the seats. so just a few feet away. the suspect the truth is russell to the ground. the prime minister was to see bundled into a waiting vehicle before being gosh, the hospital was late to at least to a specialist facility. but his condition was initially described as life with most
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new bits of cove i was filming prime minister fits. so as shots went off and she said like 5 o'clock is your last of doctors cover the love of her by so blood on his head. and then he fell next to the bay area and i think this is a nightmare that i will not wake up from this should not happen in slovakia. look like is defense minister said the attack was clearly politically motivated. we're just talking about the level of democratic bo, if it really to understand the child to, to accept the opinion. the not only one is the good one. if somebody has a different opinion, it's also have also his play phone on the field for disease. the issue was happening because of physically and we have to be on that the stable robot seats. so had been attending a government meeting in the town of hon. clover ne, of the custom brought this novel. this was the press conference he gave shortly
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before the shooting me a cold or something to national condemnation. look like you, especially that said, the talk is hard to comprehend. a physical attack on the prime minister is festival . an attack on a pass and, but he's also an attack on democracy. hateful rhetoric, which we see in society, leads to hateful actions. please stop at the attempt on the 5 minutes since mike comes 3 weeks before you'll see in parliament the elections in which populace on the far right pump is expected to do well fits those out in front of populous nationalism, has been the focus of repeated type governments post a slovak is longer assessing electrically the fits, so may the ballistic of come back last september of to 72. previous to run a pro russian anti american campaign and has promised and military support for ukraine. a country instruct,
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now waits for updates when it's leaders fight for life. how much fun disease. okay, let's go live to natasha butler, who's in the so the backend capital baptist lava. so natasha, do we know anything about the condition of the prime minister at the moment? of what we've heard from, say vasquez, deputy prime minister, who says the robot fits so is no longer in a critical condition. the deputy prime minister saying that he expects that he will survive. this comes off the hours in which we've heard from other ministers here. and so if i kid talking about the fact that fits so i was in a critical condition. fighting for his life is doctors operated on him in the central. so if i care clearly a very difficult situation, people in, so if i could stream you shaken by what has happened a little less, of course i happened earlier today, robot fits. i was at a meeting with his cabinet in lieu of this town in central,
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say vac. as he walks out of that meeting when he was a show to buy a gun, the eye witnesses talking about tearing those shots run out and obviously extremely shaken at the situation that has been a lot of reaction to here. in slovakia of the president, cooling this, a clear recess nation to attempt an attempt not only on somebody's life, she said, but also an attempt to attack democracy. and we've heard that, that sort of thing also from other leaders around the world, including of us present j by to new coal this and he and his crime. and what if we learned about the suspects and his motivation for this attack? for know so far is from local authorities that he is a 71 year old man. we understand his a full most security guard that he worked in the supermarket at some point. he was
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also a right. so he is published 3 unfolded ease of poems, and he was a member of a reuters club. we know that he had a gun legally that he had a license to hold a gun. his son who spoke to a media here and says like you said, that he did in fact have a license for gun said that it was confirmed by his son. his son to school said he doesn't know the motivation of full, his father's actions. and that's the main point here. we don't yet know the motivation that hasn't been any confirmation from police as to what it might be. there is no doubt. so there's some slaves, i can ministers, and the governments are saying from that point to view it could be politically motivated. this was obviously a situation which fits so was targeted directly. they are drawing those conclusions . but at this stage, we have no confirmation form police or investigates as, as towards why the suspect decided to carry out this attack. ok,
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thank you for that. natasha butler, that for us in. but i have to stop a hobble domestic is a form of foreign minister slovakia. he says the shooting has schultz, the nation, so we never had anything like the slack. yeah. is where the gong country and the only to go assess the nation or something like what happened today, something completely unknown that these wides. so shocking balls for public figures in public at large. surely we can uh, we have to admit that politics is why the polarized re simply uh, but everybody nowadays, whether you are calling in no position, the president of the country, everybody. cool. and then these and the people are we seeing just the recovery of prime minister because so lucky i became sent a peaceful world to be the already
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a crazy the end of europe and call me sure and or slough on their land and us presidential by then send their words and, and all these very buffing both happening. slovakian, and i think that all the country, we just, the it is 3 decades. the old, something like vision is just very bo international news about the name. really, it just shows how politics when it becomes bull rice can honestly somebody like the 70 years old bench and there was a few k d gone person who got the paper incidentally distressed way for the current conduct of politics and, and use these type of uh, 30 but violence against the prime minister. the to the united nations refugee agency says the now more than $3000000.00 ukrainians
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displaced within that country. and more than 5000000 refugees abroad, the latest to flee all people from the kalki region in the face of a new russian offensive. john holman reports just the day before session to scare the cat were in the home in full chance. now they are innocent to displace people and how to keep getting a male, a head of an uncertain future. you could see what can be the plans for, for a man who has no home for now, and it's hard to cave in this place. but what could be my plan is such, just explain to me that this is all they've got a live story of his life and both chance. and they've got maybe 4 or 5 bags. that's what's left of that life. now. 8000 people in the flight is rushing forces across the board and into no face. you cry. a new offensive which is kept and several
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villages resulted in street fighting. and the biggest boot a tom, both the chance of these russian forces a bunch of rescue parties are trying to get people out of it explosions. and they say attacks on the vehicles. so it's a good, what's the roads are being challenged? grenade farms are being dropped from drone just sometimes. you even need to get out of the car and put your hands on it and show that you're a civilian, that you're taking the elderly. but that doesn't always help much similar. after we spoke demitra adroit but to try and pick up more people victoria and the parents face the room problems getting here, playing but bicycles or anything like that. might you proceed. you already knew her shot at the automatic group on to end the cross roads of every past occur soldiers to help the us. we jumped into the car down there, they say to me, hold on,
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because now we will go at the speed of light and little bit of them as a now they staying in one of the few rooms in the center. it's meant mostly for processing. and most of, of people have gone on to friends or relatives who would like to they could no one's typed them in. or at least they reach safety. they told us the bottom of the width of and they huddled in the car. it all way from the windows, even ukraine, 2nd city, under constant bombardment, isn't really a safe haven. these people don't home and i'll just see the how to keep russian president vladimir pierson has arrived in china to visit his country's biggest and most important trading partner preaching will meet with chinese president and changing pain during his to day state visit, which is set to on the school with the lead is cool, a know limits, partnership misses, preaching, 2nd visit, and 6 months of his 1st overseas trip since being sworn and his 5th presidential
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time out is there is katrina you has moved from basing jungle going. so it's been more than 2 years since china and russia declared no limits on publishing. and this was letting me have put in is returning to badging to deepen a relationship that both sides say is going from the strength team to strength and want to attend to the 2 heads of the state agreed to continue to maintain close exchanges to ensure the smooth and steady development of china, russia relations, the chinese president student pay has met pushing more than $40.00 to late. but this is a rushing lead. his 1st visit since he secured a 5th to an office, he will be accompanied by nearly a pointed defense minister, andre below soft and foreign minister. so gay lover of becomes a week after she visited europe and refused you. officials calls for it to go to moscow to edit the invasion of any crane. she has, however, pledged to control the export of so called to use items that could be used and
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rushes will. f featuring has denied providing its military with i'm innocent with homestead use in terms of appeasing of europe and saying that, you know, we're trying to do our best. are you her, she say, you know, i'm in favor of a truce. i'm in favor of, of is process. but, but this idea that you should stop trading with russia because it's not in our interest. that's not going to work. savings trade with russia has grown recent years, and it's now with an estimated $240000000000.00. much of it is boil and gas exported to china at the discount prices. this economic support has frustrated the western efforts to isolate the problem and through the use functions. washington has threatened to cause health chinese bags from the global financial system if they rushed with new production, changing things, welcoming of president putin is widely seen as an act of defiance against the
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united states. the ages of closes and is working to upset us lead international order and a strongly supported by a russian tensions but the us have pushed the neighbors to set aside historic disputes. along the shed, buddha cushions to day trip will include a visit to hard pain in china is northeast. during the late 19 sixty's, the region was a place of hold between the 2 countries is now a symbol of corporation. katrina, you, alda 0 agent. phones has declared a state of emergency and thats pacific island territory of new caledonia off to purchased left for people dead. as a heavy french police deployment on the street, the civil unrest was forgive only controversial changes due to be made to its voting system. the french parliament adults to the constitutional reform bill that would allow french residents who have lived on the on and for 10 years to vote in
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local elections. dizziness comic say the move will need the vote. or we can speak now. so of course one wayne, hey, he joins us from to ranga in new zealand. so wayne, what is the situation on the ground today? they've been more protest. yes. was certainly there was not assigned them anything slowing down overnight. it's thursday morning, a new caledonia at that time. if you wasn't place again overnight, it didn't hold again. they were more things going on us and the techs on buildings quite a few fives around the capital city, new media, and on the outskirts as well, reports coming and also a gun and fly going on between protectors and security forces. and that confirmation to, as you mentioned, to all the desktop arising 3 protest is according to the government had been killed and one police officer as well. so i guess no surprise of the situation didn't calm down overnight given that it was wednesday evening. local time when use came
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through from frost at that 1st in the french parliament to amend the constitution had passed. it still needs to be ratified, of course, in congress. but that decision was always going to further and get the protest is on the ground in new caledonia. so wayne, how do you see this playing out? we have a 12 day state of emergency and french security forces on the way. uh will that come things down as well. that state of emergency came into force thursday morning local time, it's in force now it basically gives the security forces draco palace to try to bring the situation under control. they can get search, people with greater ease, they can search buildings, houses with great ease that can place people under house arrest, which they have done. so already reports coming in, the 2 of the more radical pro chase leaders within the independence movement had been placed under house arrest. so an additional $500.00 police personnel had been
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brought in from france to add to the, the already around $1800.00. that was, they had to try to maintain or bring about a security in new caledonia, the military's being deployed as well to secure the airport, which is still closed and the c port as well. so that's certainly trying to throw everything they can at the situation and you, caledonia. okay, thank you for that. wayne. hey, there for us. since herancha still ahead on the al jazeera, i heard you say i was this fellow who told you that story going head to head again . joe biden. donald trump agreed to hold to tv debates ahead of the presidential election and why victims in the gambia celebration decision made in far away switzerland the
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the had a lot of a high pressure has been building down on the in australia where you lots of fine and settled weather too much of the country, so got some spotty showers in storms affecting central areas of w a and also a coastal flo bringing some showers to coastal areas of queensland and new south wales of the next few days. now one friday, a cold front sweeps across the se when your chance of snow some small hail and showers to the likes of tasmania, as well as in southeastern areas of australia. we'll see temperatures down slightly here for cases like melvin, but instead for path. well, they'll be continued to sit very high for this time if you're unprecedented heat continuing through to saturday with clear skies. and this guy is having launch the blue for the south island of new zealand. but on thursday, you can see that rain starting to pick up the numbers all set to come down on friday. looking logically settled though, for the north island,
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the south side and seem that heavy rain starting to sweep into the south and the south east asia. the heavy rain is set to continue across the central band of the region with some very heavy falls. once again, for weston sumatra in indonesia and the malay peninsula. so as a to friday, the latest news as it breaks this, your smart or it's, it's a mess. it's not just for the cards government, but also for the incoming ones that they're not going away until they know what happened to their loved ones with detailed coverage, millions of pharma. now how rare thing that we'd cross by day, whether they may not get that good right because the mismanagement of wait am phone from around the world for prizes rose sharply. yeah. inside, when neighboring nigeria, restricted, as you will see, caught
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a duty and a growth using for p. use a code to contribute to improving the lives of thousands of projects except the cost. and we strive to ensure it reaches its deserving recipients. visit the costs are requested and remember, it's a cup you revise wells and increases systems costs on red chris the the the back of watching the out is there a mind to about top stories this hour and these full palestinians have been killed? many more injured and it is ready strongly can cause
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a city they were gathered as an internet access points on the day that palestinian small, the $76.00 of the vestry of the not or the to test free. which is when it's done is forces expelled $750000.00 palestinians from the homes in 19 so that his prime minister robot sits there was on the gun surgery on being shot in what appears to be an attempted assassination. the government says it was a political move behind the attack. 71 year old man has been arrested on russian president vladimir piercing his arrived in china to visit his country's biggest and most impulsive trading partner. preaches fast trip a boat abroad since securing his fate. presidential time on its expected on the line when the 2 governments have called a no limit partnership. now a jewish political appointee in the us interior department has resigned in protest
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against president joe biden support for his wells, one gaza lily green bag. coke, who works on the bobs and election campaign is a fast jewish official to publicly resign over the war. let's go to shepherd. tom sees live for us in washington dc, shap, so ciocca sore. exactly. what's been announce is an interesting thing. yes. is a fast jewish appointee in the by the administration to resign, but in fact a member of the defense intelligence agency on monday he resigned who was also have jewish this time. but he wasn't an appointee been working his way out of the system . the d, i is the pentagon equivalent of a c a, but i'll give you some choice, bit strong from the vector itself. he talks about how much she believed and by the fighting for a bedroom america. but then she says that she, if she was thrilled to join the development ontario, but, but what she suggests what's, what's the point of power if you contact your use of i can no longer in good countries continue to represent this administration. and it's present bible's
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disastrous continued support for israel and genocide and goals. and she says she talks about how all right and finally escaped the symmetric persecution in europe. and then within 2 generations, she managed to reach her position in the by to the ministration. but what's the point of having power, if you will, don't use it to stop crimes against humanity and she's particularly triggered it would appear at 5 bargain. cultivate conflating, being jewish with, with what is right, is doing in dolls. and she's subsequently spoken about how, you know, by the saying that what i know is role, that wouldn't be in a jew in the world who was safe, and was talking about how mazda attacks are triggered by english and decide to wipe out the jewish people. but what close it is biting is making use the face of the american war machine, another so deep. so you're wrong. there's a good heard and ancestors were killed by state sponsored both and in fact bite. and by doing that, and israel, by doing what it's doing cause is making jews very unsafe. and what do we make of
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the timing of this to where the letter is she currently is pending. if these are news to, to knock by day, which you were just talking about. so she says up there today is may, 15th, not a day. i reject the problem, is that one people salvation must come with another of destruction uncommitted to create a world where this does not happen. and this cannot be done from within the biden administration. beyond that, the timing is yup, she's another official from the by the administration to resign. we've had several from the state department who resigned. we've had to the the truck from the d i, i just mentioned someone from the verification department. we ads and then listed am and set 5 to themselves are in bushnell outside, outside the white house. and this does reflect what we've been hearing consistently over the last several months of the intense on these, within the administration, particularly in the state department, which i've seen, people refer to as being an open revolt. well, maybe close revolt, open or vote within the walls of the state department. and lots of veterans have
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been sent to blinking and other say, what are you doing while you're listening to us? but you also in that sense sort of enrollment. mostly, i'm not, not publicly like this, so i think that's that's, that's the difference is where the more people will probably come up there is that fear of retribution. in fact, at the close twitter account was suspended briefly. we don't quite sure what the connection that but now she's back on back on line, but there is that sense that yeah, something has to do. but providing for the attorney blinking for drake sullivan for bret mcguckie. the other ones who are driving this policy, they aren't listening to anyone else in the administration, and they had driven by their own personal sense of intent, scientism, and which is a by bidding that don't is in the coming election. okay, thank you for that sad, but we're time. see that 1st live in washington dc. this was we had the from she had published indians have been marking what they call the neck, but it's 76 years since the forced mass expulsion from what is now israel,
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the 76 seconds of sirens. right now. it's a gross field coupon westbank smoking each year since the catastrophe over the $750000.00 palestinians were forced from their homes as israel was founded. today, of course, the suffering and even greater catastrophe is more than $35000.00 men. women and children killed. 2000000 displaced by israel's will on guns. ready palestinian refugees in bay roots have riley to commemorate the anniversary of the next, but they say it's never been so important to remember what they have lost and of course they chance for palestine. they transferred you to them. they transfer garza and the children of garza who are under fire. these are the new generation of how the city and refugees and 11 on the
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hold on to their identity. it's been 76 years is palestinians were forced to from their homes, from what is now israel during the 1948 war, the refugees and their descendants, little has changed for them. they're still displaced. there's still space left. at the heart of the struggle is an event that they march every year. the not the arabic for catastrophe, that's what they call it. and this year it takes on a whole new meaning with israel's war on girl. so i can just be in front of sydney this year's enough, but coincides with a genocide and gaza, israel is killing, are people starving them and displacing them? now these children need to know. there is an occupied country called paula story. often people hear palestinians in the, on these refugees say that they're watching. i knew nothing about unfolding the guys up the walls of discount. tell the story of their decades a struggle for
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a palestinian homeland lower than what we keep talking about palestine to our children and grandchildren. we will tell them what happened to us, how we had to leave our homes and all. and i do, i just feel in this camp also there is support what thomas called the l. a. couple other talk against israel on october 7th, umbrella, we will never give up our homeland no matter how many children they killed. no matter how many houses they destroyed, this is orlando, the oldest refugee population in the world say. they will not surrender for their houses either bates or protests against the neck by being held at universities across the united states. many an odd campuses of which have been holding raleigh's in support of palestinians in gaza for weeks now. let's cross to john henderson who is asked a ronnie at the university of michigan and all the surge on. a what's happening while you are well, i'm
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a new camp and the students have been asked to take it down. they've refused to do so. when did you can see they're still operating at full scale. there is a food service over there where they give away donated food to the protesters. here you can see all the tents here. there is a medical tent over there and the regular academic year is over. but the students haven't gone anywhere, at least many of them. some of them obviously have gone home, but we just had a rally here. there were hundreds of students participating in it. and let me ask one of them to join us. this is selma romani, thank you very much for joining them for you have been here for weeks, but you graduated, what are you still doing? i am wherever the movement is and as we've seen, the policy move as alive and well on university campuses. because students understand how complex at our university has been in the ongoing genocide and all that stuff by using their enrollment to fund the companies that are killing our family members back home, so, so long as the university is conflicted in this,
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we will remain here. um and so have several community members. um this isn't just an issue that is relevant to students. it's all of us because all of us are concerned about what is happening in the heads up. and so the university is a public university and we are all here demanding for the university to take a more on ethical stand to drive us. so that is why the increments still up. it is day $24.00. we have hit 4 weeks into this encampment and we're not going anywhere until our demands have been met. and those demands which you've just recently read out in front of this rally crowd were to divest from is rarely a par tied in genocide. that's number one. the 2nd demand is financial operations must be the hold into a people's audit. number 3, the university of michigan must withdraw from all is really academic cooperation. in number 4 at the campus, police need to be abolished and replaced by a crisis response words. it seems like those demands have actually increased their pretty and vicious. do you,
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what do you expect the university to do and what has it done so far? yeah, so historically student movements have always had a number of various demands to which the administration will try to negotiate with their students on. um, we are completely and utterly firm on our demand for divestment. thankfully, we've had several wins within our own university where a faculty senate even pass resolution square divestment to be out and for disclosure, and as well as dropping, you know, any repercussions i have a free day again students. so these may seem ambitious, and historically speaking we can obtain the impossible or what may seem to be impossible. and we are fully committed to a recruiting with creating a on armed crisis response team. that is not the police because clearly i've seen how the police have brutalized students today and then has historically speaking in the past with a very certain events. so we are calling for the university to have an,
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an armed non violent response team that can properly commit to the safety of their students, especially those from us phone or both squarely. we have seen what these cops have been doing to students. and i had mentioned that as some of the administrators actually take these demands to the doors of the house, the homes of all 8 regions, send the regents for the people who can make the decision to change university policy. tell me what you know about that. yeah, so students within the early morning, 6 am decided to head to the homes of the board of regents and take the demands directly to the front doors because the regions have entirely ignored us for the last 7 months. haven't responded to our e mails, haven't agreed to meet with the coalition of a 100 student organizations. the largest multi cultural ethnic student in collections ever form on university's campus. it has shown a clear lock of ethics and leadership skills with their student body. so since they have not shown up to be in cabinet, we decide to bring the in camera to them and students have taken that on and tape the demands directly to their doors with summer morning,
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summer have money. thank you very much for talking to us again at algae 0. this is our 3rd time. i think you said their students, despite the end of the academic school year there, maintaining the encampment, they're holding rallies, and they've insisted that their demands be met before they break up this encampment . and as you've just heard, those demands have actually increased. let's say john 100 the 1st assa riley at the university of michigan and all the and all that club protests are being held in cities across the wells, including mexico city. take a look at this. these are live pictures that you as president joe biden on for the president. donald trump have agreed to hold a televised debate. the 2 candidates have room, fortunately agreed to june 27th for the event, which is due to be ad on cnn. another is slammed stores in tens of 10 on the us
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network, a b, c. presidential debates, usually all held in october. but the bottom campaign says that a rise in early voting means they should be held alia. a white house corresponding to me help us president joe biden has challenged for president donald trump to debate one. that is set to take place much earlier than typical for presidential debates. the to man has bypass the non partisan presidential debate commission in both format ad when these are set to take place. in terms of when this will happen, the schedule that the 2 men negotiate in real time is set for june and the 2nd for september they'll take place in television studios without an audience. and what we know, according to the video announcement by joe biden,
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is that he is going to show up in his own airplane. one of the todd, to the former president about saying he's going to keep for 4 years. and shop was to debate mean $0.20 that he had showed up for debates. now he's acting like he wants to debate me against or make my day pass. all even do a twice plus picks the day style. i hear you free on wednesdays. donald trump, the former president, responded on his own social media platform, truth social sinks, hook, and joe biden is the worst the bader i have ever faced. a cap put 2 sentences together and he went on to say, i am ready and willing to debate crooked joe at the, to propose times in june and september. he is also colleagues on the president to face him for debate in front of very large crowds, something that he believes that the current president is afraid of taunting him,
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saying that he can't draw large crowds and also proposing that there be a vice presidential debate. we should also 40000, there is another man that is vying for the white house and independent by the name of robert f. kennedy junior and he's last is both trump and 5 and saying that the president trump and finer clothing to lock america in a head to head match the 70 percent of americans say they don't want undermining democracy as he is valley to appear on stage for the debates as well. kimberly help you out to 0. the white house pricing in the c don's l. sasha is intensifying the un once more than 800000 people have been displaced that the student needs all me says in the face of the parent military, rapid support forces. i'll flush the town west of the country. the on these indicated the enemy had suffered heavy losses and voices, the equipment. i'm vehicles, the are
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a staff claims that achieve victories also. and that it was able to seize military equipment. the you on the top humanitarian official for see don is painted a bleed picture of the countries ongoing conflict, highlighting the challenges that agencies are facing as a trying to deliver aid. gabriel, as under his most new are the same. these people are trapped in an inferno of terrible violence, with famine, disease, and fighting closing in and no end in sight. those were the words of the un top humanitarian official in the country who brief journalists here at the un headquarters of particular concern are the 800000 people trapped and faster and our poor region were fighting has intensified the past few days. right now, the humanitarian assistance, they rely on conch get through move and a dozen trucks carrying health, nutrition, and other critical supplies for more than
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a 120000 people have been trying to reach the city for weeks. they set out from ports to down on the 3rd of april, and still can't reach of sasha due to insecurity and delays in getting clearances. a checks points. the fighting in all fashion is another tragic example of this conflicts, grotesque impact on civilians. she also said famine is on the horizon and there are only a few weeks left to try to avoid it. we have just 6 weeks before the leading season sets in, when food becomes less available and more expensive. this coincides with 2 of the deadlines. the spots of the rainy season when reaching people the need becomes even more difficult. on the end of the planting season, which could fail if we aren't able to procure and deliver seats for farms. in short,
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the people of sedan are in the past of a perfect system that is growing mostly so by the de doctors without borders reports that at a hospital they support, you know, faster they received over 450 patients just within the last 5 days and many people couldn't even get to the hospital due to ongoing fighting, and they are running out of supplies. gabriel's andre agassi, the united nations in new york. a swiss cool, it's has convicted a form of government minister from the gambia of crimes against humanity and jailed him for 20 years. this man sancho served as interior. i'm in the stone to the full met dictates and yeah, yeah, john, me, sancho was found guilty on several counts of torch and false imprisonment. nicholas hopkins, following developments from cops in the federal criminal court of buildings. the law in southern switzerland. there was
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a sigh of relief from the victims that wanted to tend this trial, but also, although was in the gambia that were imprisoned in the famous mile to prison in which a voice months sancho was in charge of. there's a sense that finally, justice is being served, place made clear to everyone that people are held responsible for what they have done. and we are happy that the big fishery would say, are the people who were in the top and in the 30 have done stall on thought. dave has run away with thing. i'm not responsible. first, their responsibilities has been made clear today from asylum seeker, in switzerland, to being convicted of crimes against humanity seen as a victory to universal jurisdiction, meaning that crimes that were committed right here on the african continent in the gambia were tried in europe in switzerland. it is
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a strong signal for the victims that have sought justice. this case is a lot my case because is the highest ranking official ever convicted in europe under the principle of universal jurisdiction. so it enables countries where the crime has not been committed when the victims, i'm not actually living to still convict someone who has committed international crime such as crimes against humanity, genocide, or walk crimes. there are several cases pending in the united states and sweden in other countries of members of yeah, yeah john, misery seem waiting to face justice, but for many of the cam. yeah. they want to see. yeah, yeah. tell me himself was currently an exile in equitable guinea in court, and perhaps this trial paves the way for that possibility. nicholas hawk algae, right? the car, it still has on the al jazeera, crestwood, inflation in africa, as most populous nation pushes, move not durians into poverty and mountain nutrition.
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the, like victoria is wells largest tropical lake. recent flooding in western kenya has caused it to overflow forcing at least 40000 from the homes. katherine solely reports from consuming county of the lawrence, a war leads to want to to get to house in the single county. she's been staying in the shelter for the displaced reasons. torrential rains have killed more than 200
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people and left many like her home last. she sees how, how is this pulling apart? poppy moines and crops have been destroyed like floods, new to this area, to talk on the 25th, 2019 we keep moving now every year we have to go to the shelters or questions. we've got kids and sometimes we just decide to stay home and deal with what are. yeah, but over the years it's just too much. i nate victoria, the world's largest tropical lake, often over flows into neighborhoods when these too much water coming from different in lex, environmental experts, see climate change is spotty to blame, but encroachment on water waves has made things worse. we need a dummy to control the flow or the lick, and we need, uh, trends just built on the delivery of a bonus and everything. most importantly, when the government and the people out on the wetlands to maintain on going south
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del wetlands. because the things that prevent the lift to go back to the land, many who's being displaced are in shelters like these are those of staying with relatives and neighbors here. that being even basic things like flour, cooking, or blankets. but the main concern is how these people are able to repeal the lives of war ships, the school holes with hundreds of others. this is not the 1st time they have come to seek shelter. here they say they want a lasting solution to what has become a nightmare on their shows. catherine, so you all to sierra you sooner, west and can you inflation figures in nigeria accelerated to a new 28. yeah. hi. and the april prices are for us and almost 34 percent in the past year. as the government slash petrol and electricity subsidies on the value of the currency and africa's most populous nation has suffered vaughn and unrest of
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a feed price hikes in recent months. that interest reports now from like us trading advocate to food market has taken a hit like many other markets across nigeria, few customers to come to buy these days. when they use their mouse, they practice is significantly lower than before. we use deed for meals a day. oh no, it's hard to eat twice a day as food has become so expensive. in march and april for the inflation ro, street the highest level in nearly 3 decades at the local currently came under intense pressure. but neither depreciated by 280 percent. the loss of the local, colorado says, vibe, you customer support stuff more expensive for nigeria by the countries. neighbors have seized the opportunity to re look and market why they can buy greens for this, it has prompted government to intervene. security personnel top rated way. how is this across the country?
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traders are suspected to be holding food items, something we should say to help these prizes. we will not allow anybody to one dumb mind, the google decision pharmacy, the high cost of seats for glazing. i'd record to the missionary, also responsible for low production and higher prices, the same security cost by criminal gangs. and also book on the northern region has also driven many people from their homes and problems. and i did, as government says it's military operations, is now turning the tide. a lot of communities of getting back to their lives is a very impressive program of what a timing issue, jews, and those who have no end escape. but to down domains. the government is also pumping down to what confucius, coal inigo, unregulated crypted trade, and congress is paid to latest. but not everyone agrees with its purpose. and some analyst,
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you are subsidizing corporate culture and ending insecurity would be the best way to address for troy to just and inflation africa's most populous country. please, i'll just go to lagos, nigeria. okay, that's it for me for this news out. sorry. mm hm. i think we'll be here most of days is the top. yeah, this is the 1st one i saw that we see in real time it's the victims themselves. there's this disconnect between what we are witnessing on social media versus what we're seeing on mainstream. it is always an attempt to frame a true side of them, but there is no 2 sides to this. the western media does have a western bias. understand what they are looking to see out and raise. the listening post covers how the news is covered. this is a front line where there is little life after more than half a year of hostilities that began when hezbollah opened up a front to help its allies from us. in casa,
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we are traveling with members of the united nations peacekeeping force. they're on patrol with lebanon's army. we are here to support them and these government to take control of the situation. but the army is not the dominant force here. has the law has a strong presence even before this late, this confrontation, nearly 100000, nothing. these have left their homes and livelihoods. it's a similar situation on the other side of the border. this is the cost of hor, official say loss that are already in the billions of dollars. although the contract is still large, but contained and confined to the, for the region, as well as says, the conflict won't end until there's a ceasefire in casa, but possibly not even then. because isabel is threatening a wider war if border security doesn't improve
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the israel's military strikes a group of people gathering for internet access and gaza city. at least 4 people are killed, thousands more have been injured. the hello, i'm my m i z. this is alger 0, live from dough house. so coming up on the program appointment is to have slovakia is fighting for his life policy was short,
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multiple times what appears to be an attempted assassination. roches present legitimate pollution arrives in china to cement or these cold and no limits on


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