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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 16, 2024 2:00am-2:31am AST

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the the . ringback the israel's military strikes a group of people gathering for internet access and gaza city, at least for a few for le killed thousands more has been injured. the hello, i my m i z. this is alger 0. live from dough. how? so coming off on the program appointment is to have slovakia is fighting for his life policy was shot multiple times, what appears to be an attempted assassination. roches present,
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legitimate pollution arrives in china to cement what is called a no limits on a ship was shooting. in french troops arrived in new caledonia to help stop the days of protesting a specific overseas territory. a 12 days days emergency has been declined. the hello and welcome to the program. it's been another day of bloodshed across garza, with thousands killed and countless others, named on the same day. palestinians mocked the knock by all catastrophe. one of the latest strikes of mister wyatt, a group of people gathered at an internet access site, at least 4 people were killed and dozens more than injured. many of them critically, more con, begins our coverage. now this is the off to math of and it's really a reading goal. it's a city. 7 a heavily populated area which hits as posting as gather to use and
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internet access points. this happened not long after it's ready, boot is is much through the is a 2 neighborhood to make a new road for tanks. as their tongues withdrew comedies or tons only to be faced with both death and destruction. again, remember that it must be we with sheltering into school, which they showed an order in the way of a funny dead bodies which turn on the streets and that we are suffering hope going and pick up the fun houses and show them we came to the schools and then came here to see the damage debt. it's so common here that people will post a corporate body along the street, fairly demarcated by the broken buildings. only the side people of gathering whatever food materials they come to suffice the same stories of struggle and civil labels street off the street. here did you need family had fled
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is where the bombardment and the jabante refugee camps of the north to seek shelter . but the ruins of gulls, the city i have a show of the i've got their number on my here. we are thrown on the street and they destroyed our houses. my 4 older children died. our homes were destroyed. they shook us and they threw us on the street so that she had some children, a trying to stay positive in the darkness. and in the summer and neighborhood nearby moved devastation offered his re strike on his un clinic for the bulk of some years ship on a woke to life shattering news of both paula about london. i woke up in the morning and heard people talking about an a strike on the clinic and of 16 dropped a missile on it as 3 months ago i came in, so my mother in pieces and my father next to her. so i took the body as and buried the glory of
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a hummer. come the amazing little areas of refuge have become targets and bashful grounds and be ready. fundable palestinians are left with blissful protection. nor con l 200. i'll just here is honey longwood sent this report from outside. i like selves between darrell bhalla following the latest is riley strikes. this is has been part of the pattern of attacks. we've documents documented a monitor over the past 7 months. it's the tops and all means of life. old, the social services have been eliminated to include in this service it as simple as being connected to the internet or having you're going to charge the properly a group of people were on july street. that's at the, one of the major streets in gauze, a city where at a point of trying to get internet connection were targeted by
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a drawing that the attacker drawn the targeted then by firing at least one missile at the crowd. 3 people reported killed right at the spot and one more person reported it killed inside the hospital. as soon as arriving to the hospital, the sustaining the critical injuries and could not make it. there are other injuries who were transferred to the hospital but are still a very critical conditions, particularly a difficult time looking at our hospital. 6 is, is largely running at a very low capacity in terms of medical to stop and the medical supplies inside the hospital, unable to provide the necessary needed medical support whatsoever on, on a separate attacks is really military continue this track and to intensify its artillery selling as well, as the ears try on jabante, a refuge account with more people reported guild that causing a great deal of destruction including a journalist in his family. within the past couple hours,
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a journalist works inside the the refuge account documenting these really attacks on the public facility. the residential buildings were attacked along with his, with a member of his family were reported killed in an air strike. well, a group of his riley satellites, as again attacked trucks carrying live saving a that was heading towards gaza. they climbed onto the vehicles, trying and destroying the supplies is right. exactly. then went onto a time to the policy and drive is injuring both of them. if that took place, may it be illegal? is there any is element of bait out in the occupied westbank a? well in all the developments the defense ministry of guidance has come out and opposition to israel is control over god's are off to the war. he's quoting on prime minister benjamin netanyahu to rule out such a possibility and to consider palestinian alternatives to unless you call it it was, i mean, shut off. i called them prime minister benjamin netanyahu to declare that is really
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not to have a civilian rule over the cause of stripping, that there will be no, it's really military administration into strip. and that a governing alternative to home us in the gaza strip will be promoted immediately. and that's all i need to know. i am not willing to exchange from austin for foot tossed after the terrible master of october 7th, i ordered the destruction of his loss. the idea of fighters and the security forces are fighting for it as long as hamas remains intact. no other entity will step into perform a civilian management of gaza, certainly not in the palestinian authority. well, correspondent, i'm a job. jim is following the dispute inside these, right, a cabinet from the georgia and capital amman, because the and that's and you all have government has shut down al jazeera and israel in a public spot laying bare the divisions in israel's war cabinet on wednesday at a press conference in tel aviv is rarely defense administer your wife, golan stated publicly, that is real,
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should not be involved in military rule in gaza once the war is over. he also called on his really prime minister benjamin netanyahu to publicly reject that scenario as well. now, not too long after that, you have the prime minister benjamin netanyahu saying that the palestinian authority won't rule gaza and adding that as long as how much remains no other party will govern in gaza. also responding, a 3rd member of the war cabinet is reopened against feedback. galani said galani speaks the truth, that it is the leadership's responsibility to do the right thing for the country at all costs. now again, this is all really showing deepening divisions among members of the work cabinet at a very critical time. at a time when more critics of nets and yahoo are stating that he has not expressed any clear plan for how gaza should be governed once the war is over in a so called day after scenario. we know that the americans have been frustrated by
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this, and i've also suggested that an engineer who would try to formulate a plan for how gaza should be governed once the war is over. but also we've seen more and more on named members of the military establishment, but members of the military establishment. nonetheless, being quoted throughout these really media landscape. and as really media outlets expressing frustration about the fact they don't think enough as being done to come up with a plan for a post worst scenario in gaza. also, members of the military establishment, unnamed members, but members of the military establishment, nonetheless, being quoted and is really outlets saying that they are very worried that because the political leadership in israel is not heating the advice of the u. s. and what the u. s. is urging is real to do that, that could constitute a bigger fracture and the relationship between the us and israel going for how much i'm doing. but just say that i'm not the just on line with is covering this from
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online because israel is banned out. is era. we are reporting from outside is around the to the back is one minute the robot feet. so has been undergoing surgery off to being shots and a suspected assassination attempt is increasing. support is after meeting 5 shots will find at post range while security scramble to confront the issue to government says the attack which is less the prime minister in a critical but stable condition was politically motivated. sources of arrested a 71 year old man. mama ball has the latest of the this was the moment shots were fired. that's little fuck is prime minister about the seats. so just a few feet away. the suspect the truth is russell to the ground. the prime minister was to see bundled into a waiting vehicle before being gosh, the hospital was late to at least to
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a specialist facility. but his condition was initially described as like, that's why with most new bits of cove i was filming by minister fits. so as shots went off and she said like 5 o'clock is we do a lot of doctors come to the club by so blood on his head and then he fell next to the bay area. and i think this is a nightmare that i will not wake up from the should not happen in slovakia is defense minister said the attack was clearly politically motivated. we're just talking about the level of democratic about your facility to understand each other, to accept the other opinion and not only one is the good one. if somebody has a different opinion, it's also have also his place on the, on the field to disease. the issue, what's happened is supposed to go off of physically and the have to be on that the stable robot seats. so had been attending
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a government meeting in the town of hon. clover ne of the cops and brought this off . this was the press conference he gave shortly before the shooting. i mean, a course of international condemnation to move on to you as president said, the talk is hard to comprehend. a physical attack on the prime minister is festival . an attack on a pass and, but he's also an attack on democracy. hateful rhetoric, which we see in society, leads to hateful actions. please stop at the attempt on the 5 minutes since mike comes 3 weeks before you'll see in parliament the elections in which populace on the far right pump is expected to do well fits those old bron, the populace. nationalism has to be the focus of repeated outside governments. post a slovak is longer assessing electrically the fits, so may the ballistic of come back last september of to 72 previous to your on a pro russian anti american campaign and has promised and military support for you
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could i a country instruct, now waits for updates, when it's lead, as fight for life, how much money does. yeah. it's actually butler brings us more of the story from the so like capital brought to solve the from say, vasquez deputy prime minister, who says the robot fits so is no longer in a critical condition. the deputy prime minister saying that he expects that he will survive. this comes off the hours in which we've heard from other ministers here. and so it's like you're talking about the fact that fits. so i was in a critical condition. fighting for his life is doctors operated on him in the central. so i back here clearly a very difficult situation. people in so if i could stream you shaken by what has happened and all this of course happened earlier today, robot fits. i was at a meeting with this cabinet in lieu of this town in central se vaca. he walks out
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of that meeting when he was a show to buy a gun. the boy knows so far is from local authorities, that he is a 71 year old man. we understand his a full most security goal that he worked in the supermarket at some point. he was also a right to it. it's published 3 unfolded ease of poems and he was a member of a reuters club. we know that he had a gun legally that he had a license to hold a gun. his son who spoke to a media here and says like you said that he did in fact have a license for guns. i thought it was confirmed by his son. his son to school said he doesn't know the motivation of full, his father's actions. and that's the main point here. we don't yet know the motivation that hasn't been any confirmation from police as to what it might be. there is no doubt though, that some slaves can ministers and the governments a saying from that point of view,
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it could be politically moved to faces. this was obviously a situation which fits so was targeted directly. they are drawing those conclusions . but at this stage, we have no confirmation from police or investigators as to what, why the suspect decided to carry out this attack a little action present. i did not present as arrived in china to visit his country's biggest and most important trading partner preaching will meet with the chinese president junior in pain during his 2 days state visit, which is set to on to school. what lead is cool? i know limits, partnership is purch and 2nd visit in 6 months and his 1st overseas trip since being sworn in for his 5th presidential time after there was katrina. you reports on this from aging. well, you actually, it's been more than 2 years since china and russia declared no limits on hot mission. and this was letting me a put in is returning to badging to deepen a relationship that both sides say is going from the strength team to strength and the font at the end of the 2 heads of the state agreed to continue to maintain
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close exchanges to ensure this move and the steady development of china, russia relations, the chinese president student patient has met pushing more than 40 tight. but this is a rushing lead. his 1st visit since he secured a 5th to an office, he will be accompanied by nearly appointed defense minister on right below soft and foreign minister, circ a lover of tones becomes a week after she visited europe and refused you. officials calls for it to go to moscow to edit the invasion of any crane. she has, however, pledged to control the export of so called to use items that could be used and rushes wolf featuring has denied providing its military. i'm innocent with homestead in terms of appeasing of europe and saying that, you know, we're trying to do our best. are you her, she say, you know, i'm in favor of a truce. i'm in favor of a peace process. but, but this idea that you should stop trading with russia because it's not in our
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interest that's not going to work. savings. trade with russia has grown recent years, and it's now with an estimated $240000000000.00. much of it is boil and gas exported to china at the discount prices. this economic support has frustrated the western efforts to isolate dependents through the use functions. washington has threatened to cause health chinese bags from the global financial system if the russia production season things welcome angle president. person is widely seen as an act of defiance against the united states. the aging of closes and is working to upset us lead international order and a strongly supported by russia. tensions but the us have pushed the neighbors to set aside historic disputes along the shed, buddha cushions to day trip will include a visit to hard pain in china is northeast. during the late 19 sixty's, the region was a place of hold between the 2 countries. is now
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a symbol of corporation. katrina, you alda 0 up front is the kind of state of emergency and it's specific our entire tree of new caledonia, of the protests left for people dead as a heavy french police deployment on the street. civil unrest was triggered by controversial changes due to it to me, they twist voting system, french parliament and talk to the constitutional reform bill that would allow french residents. you've lived on the island for 10 years to vote in local elections. the indian is conic. save the move will dilute that votes. my correspondent wayne hey, joins us now. so tell us more about this 12 days date with margie and see what french security forces are trying to achieve. well, it'll be interesting to see what the next 24 hours to sort of bring new caledonia has just working on thursday morning after another few was put in place of a not that give you again didn't told there were reports coming through of
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a lot of fives being list around different parts of the city, gun and back. so it was between the security forces and protest as well. now thursday morning also has seen the beginning of this state of emergency, which will basically give the security forces greater powers to try to bring the situation not to control. crucially, they can detain people that can place people on the house or wrist and already reports coming in that they have done that. they've used those powers by putting a couple all the more radical independence lead is approaches leaders any way under house arrest. they have brought in hundreds more police officers from france to bolster the numbers that are already there, that role. so moving to secure the airport as well, which remains closed. and the c port to is that trying to bring this situation not to control. thanks for a launch rain i. so i have for you on the program, the sirens down for
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76 seconds, one to every year since then not all photography and palestinians are forced from now on the the hello there. let's get the full costs for north america, and it's been something of a stormy situation. nicole central part of the us. well, the storms off still. they're moving their way across from eastern areas and we'll see the development of another batch down in the deep south is very heavy. rain to come in for texas. that is likely to cause some flooding issues. the rain stretches across the woods, the midwest, behind that we'll see more in the way of wet and wintery weather, starting to develop a coast western parts of canada and the north west pacific. and that's going to
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drop the attempt to rob a dramatic aid in calgary. alberta where we have seen those wild sizes. welcome weather starting to push across into central parts of canada on friday. so the south of is it continues to be a very to why and also very hot picture for the southwest and southern areas. we're expecting that temperature in dallas to continue to rise over the next few days, and temperatures are rising once again across moving parts of mexico's the story of heat across central america in the caribbean. searching 9 degrees celsius that in monterey owns the state does drop slightly on friday, but the heat continues from much of central america and the caribbean with a mix of sunshine and showers size day to friday the the
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low. i'll come back a quick reminder of the main stories now. at least for palestinians have been killed, 90, more injured, and in his writing strike and gaza, such a, a guy that as an internet access point on the day that the palestinians, moxie, $76.00, and the luxury and not all catastrophe. this is why not design is forces expelled at 7 150000 palestinians from their homes in 1948 by his appointment as to robot feats. so has undergone surgery off to being shots and what appears to be an attempted assassination. government says that was a political, most of buying a tax. 71 year old mine has been arrested. the russian present legitimate version has arrived in china to visit this country biggest and most important trading pontiff christians. first trip of bullets and securing is 5th presidential time last week, expected to underline want the 2 governments of cold,
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no limits partnership. now 8 jewish political appointee in the us interior department is resigned in protest against president joe biden, support for israel as war on gaza. lead. greenberg cool, who worked on the binding election campaign, is the 1st jewish appointee to publicly resign over the war traveler towns. he brings us the nicest on this from washington. a very greenberg coal is the 1st to bite a pointy to resign. as a result of joe, by this complete acquiescence to israel's slaughter in garza. but in fact, actually another jewish member of the administration did resign on monday, a career military officer in the defense intelligence agency. she talks and has asked her about how she was a true believer in the bite administration. having worked on jo byers's presidential campaign, however, she writes, i can no longer in good conscience continued to represent this administration and its present bible's disasters continued support for israel genocide in gauze. and
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she actually goes on to say, present bite and has the blood of innocent people in the, on his hands actually particularly centers or opposition to being jewish in particular. she's very triggered by present bibles consistent conflation by being jewish. i'm bad for supporting what is ro is doing in gaza fighting, she writes is making jew is the face of the american war machine, and that is so deeply wrong. she writes, and he says that by a bite, and that is really making jews less safe around the world. she ever can see elders here at washington, this policy, the mocking what they call the not but it's 76 years since that force mass expulsion from what is now israel, the 76 seconds of sirens running out of, you know, keep mind westbank walking each year. since that catastrophe on 750000,
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thompson has a full from the homes. as israel was founded today, the suffering and even grace a catastrophe, is more than 35000 men. women and children killed. 2000000 displaced by war on gaza . upon a sending refugees in a route to riley to commemorate the anniversary of the night. but they say it's never been so important to remember what they last. i'm just there is an a honda was that, that protest they transfer talestine. they transferred, they transfer garza and the children have garza who are under fire. these are the new generation refugees and 11 on the hold on to their identity. it's been 76 years is palestinians were forced to from their homes, from what is now israel during the 1948 war, the refugees and their descendants, little has changed for them. they're still displaced. there's still space left. at
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the heart of the struggle is an event that they march every year. the not the arabic for catastrophe, that's what they call it. and this year it takes on a whole new meeting with israel's war on ground. so i can just be in front of me this year than that. but coincides with a genocide in gaza, israel is killing or people starving them and displacing them. now these children need to know. there is an occupied country called policy. often people hear palestinians and living on these refugees say that they're watching. i do not unfold and got off the walls of this town to tell the story of their a decades old struggle for a palestinian homeland lower than what we keep talking about. palestine to our children and grandchildren, we will tell them what happened to us, how we had to leave our homes and all on i do, i just feel in this camp also there is support. what time i've called the l. a.
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couple other talk against israel on october 7th, umbrella, we will never give up our homeland no matter how many children they killed, no matter how many houses they destroyed. this is orlando, the oldest refugee population in the world say. they will not surrender for their houses either bates or protests against and not for being held at universities across america. many of them are at campuses which have been holding raleigh's in support of palestinians in garza for weeks now. it's close to john hendern, who's at raleigh at the university of michigan and, and all the, tell us what's happening there and what the students have been saying to john. well, this isn't enough for rally here at the university of michigan. you can see me, we are at an encampment and they've been asked to disperse when they have not done . so there are hundreds of them here. and they're talking about the demands that they have literally changed on the doors of the homes in each of the regional
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regions of the people, the university. so can make decisions about changing policies. i've got a student here can talk to and this is josiah walker. thank you, just for joining us at al jazeera, may probably may let me ask you, we're all bunch of the over here watching a rally where they're talking about a table behind you. what does that table? yeah, so we've constructed a table because for the past several months we've been asking my reason. so i come have a conversation with mazda about media item, and then they have a set. arguments are quite simple. we want the university. the last one of these are property of the drum, the what the university and to open up a people's audit means we can see it where you have a disability money. we have to pay for it off off and it's really after the minutes situations. the receipts of dollars and then on that table i can see that there are they had pictures of each with a in early regency or change sitting chairs. i guess that's because they wants me
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to you in person. right. that's a negotiating table with no negotiate. exactly, exactly, and the as you know, it's not like the reasons are on the table. occasionally they'll walk kind of the diagonal. but they will organs vancammeron themselves to listen or just so you're looking for and i've never solutions. and this is the school year is over and you're still here and all these people are still here. are you all gonna remain until you get your demands met? what do you expect to happen? what, how is the university resolved in so far? yeah. so are we say just close that i'm not what i. busy right is not one of our most economic chairs. we actually mean on this. so this summer a lot of students are taking 510 minutes probably honestly working on somebody, especially good moment. so we're in the area with some stuff and we come back to and cabinets as a part of the operations. so to make sure. all right, well thank you very much. uh, did you say i wonder who is a student here at the university of michigan where the not
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a rally continues with hundreds of students. they are going to continue to remain here and they keep making those lands and events demands of actually kind increase today your josiah talking about them. thank you very much. john. 100 range latest from that radi there. as the american students mock 76 years since the not well catastrophe. and all those stories are following us present jo live in the form president donald trump of agreed to hold a televised debate to candidates a reportedly agreed to june 27th for this event. judy, re add on cnn, and now the is planned for september tabs on us network, a b c. presidential debates have usually been held in october so that the vitamin campaigns has a rise in reversing means that they should be, have held on your own. now the european union is urging the jordan government to a drawer, a so called foreign influence, little that use as it would negatively impact the country's progress towards
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joining and brought me if you've ever done co has more from to please see european officials of reiterate.


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