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tv   Witness Desert Smugglers  Al Jazeera  May 16, 2024 4:00am-5:00am AST

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the m, the hello, i my m i z and don't are just a quick look at the main stories. now that means for palestinians have been killed . many more injured. and on his riley strike on garza city, they had gathered into that access point on the day the palestinians, monk, the 76 anniversary of the knock bo catastrophe. my design is forces expelled at 750000 palestinians from the homes. in 1948 will have mosley. this mohammed was blamed to israel, so the style made and seized find a ghost ations and a statement. i knew i rejected any post will settlement for garza without him. as israel says, its forces have been battling and last flight is in rough. uh, i to space palestinians have been trying to find some safety. well,
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no more from them. we recently announced our agreement to the proposal presented to us by all brothers in egypt and could talk, which was known to the american administration and followed up on the occupation. responded to this proposal by occupying i controlling the rough crossing and actually starting the aggression in the rough i area i'm entering the jamalia camp and those a 2 neighborhood in kansas city. and they made amendments to the proposal and put the negotiations, added impasse in all the headlines, police, all surrounding and, and cattle into the university of california and online in support of a cease fire in gaza. hundreds of students at campus closed off electrical on wednesday fronting police to then in soco v area. university of california is one of many colleges across the us that have been staging, protest demanding that the schools divest from is around. so like his appointment is a robot feed, so his underground surgery also being shots and a suspected assassination attempt as inquiry to support his after meeting 5 shots
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will find at close range. well, security scramble to can from issue to government says the attack, which is less the prime minister in a critical but stable condition. it's politically motivated. as long as you have now arrested, a 71 year old man. russian president, i deem a person has arrived in china to visit his country's biggest and most important trading pond to present will meet with the chinese president shooting thing during his to day state visit, which is set to underscore the need is of course a know limits partnership, this is now 1st and 2nd visit there in 6 months. and ukraine, the present modem is it landscape is canceled all upcoming fund visits as a country struggles to contain russian advances in the east in quite intrusive, withdrawn from some areas of the heart keen region us. i'm curious, they asked me blinking is currently in ukraine to reassure case of continuing american support, including a $2000000000.00 arms package. also have phones is the kind of state of emergency
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and is pacific island territory of new caledonia to protest that for people. dad is a heavy french police deployment on the streets that the civil unrest was triggered by controversial changes due to be made to his voting system, french parliament adult to the constitution or phone bill that would allow french residents who lived on the island for each 10 years to vote in local elections, but the indigenous cannot say that this move will dilute that votes. well, these are just some of the images that we see. all the appointment of french troops and new caledonia, frances prime minister, said that they will help to secure ports add to the international and force in the capital a fight against it. also foster as intensifying with you and warning of more than 800000 people being displaced at the armies as it defeated. department of free,
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rapid support forces their west of the country, a ami indicating that their enemy itself and heavy losses. the reserve claims that it's had some victories as well. they were able to seize the armies and ministry equipment. you as president drove by and then the former president, donald trump has a great tel tel advised to base 2 candidates, a reportedly agreed to june 27th for the event which is due to be add on cnn as another one. then time for september 10th on the us network, abc presidential debates are usually held in october. but this time, the binding campaign is saying it should be held early because of funding voting. i ran because of the news continues here on out as they are off to witness that's coming up next the . ready the
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the is agent of service. i mean that's what the, the the, the, the the
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yeah, yeah. have the, had a very very she is a god. sorry, i mean batesman might even have sending us nothing. so then i can see why this is the 7 a to you kind of tell me, hey, i shouldn't really missed what a see. i mean,
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yeah, man, i'll see him ask him and i told him, well let me, let me just blame. you can send this over to the cafeteria for you. me an investment. you can look at the beauty music. second, see why the trash can be it is about what this why that of this computer stuff instead of the some of us about the bena amada video of, of the stuff and i was trying to send them to the gym. i any the
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document in the bottom, the 2nd semester showed me between not able to 97 my a sub. i know that i give a little bit of a blue because i had never had the folks at nissan from 50 check and has their method there. so i even know, checked with different on how to do me pay it.
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but i think there's some kind of interested in the rest of the mesh, the the evidence to say a disabled and the cost of $3.16 is the tests and everything with us. what does
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what about the evidence of the the goal is to go to get the
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maximum covered. i'm showing the little on the sign in the as the energy costs the over so i want to get the full
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set of 70 percent. that should be an issue. so definitely what if you to just, if these are things that s as in sierra, s gallery, the
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the page showing as to why the, the, the, it is, well they tell you what it means about it. and i don't want to just, you know, see would that get that into the government? see what i suppose it didn't come to the idea of the why do you kind of could he give you of the country as have been because it is the zip code. and also problems
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have done a good idea of what it should be in the new either because of the issue the, the technicians are these, these are the 2 issues that i remember the the, the the,
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the issue money. as i mentioned there was any discrepancies. the of the
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lease produced up in color is the way we look at the should be become seen. some of them is that a as a b r to push them a total 100. a month is the center. they only do not need lash lane, loveless as much so. so you know, lucy hills, what us look good,
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going to handle the committees for him as well. so how do i that have been doing is to say one of the, not the when to read matter. wish for each game of a few somebody named interest them a while we get him of several told us we are sending that and the window will just simply do is this isn't the and if we go be spinning goes from where they go with the cobra. show it oh, it should be finished. especially on the fact that i just really interested in seeing how i'm seeing is in
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a sort of the way you can fit in the process. and part of the, the street play the village where the government local enjoys outside of the mother and for them of the of the laptops, it was a all no,
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but i think the inside of really i'm missing now will the do you me to come to the restaurant or some actually html site. i saw somebody human with it or make the phone good. something that i'm going to show the clements any additional you can show up how much is each other and this is just
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showing is so low. so if you have any fish, just fix danny dish to look in the back of the of the them instead of you have 30 minutes. so now i'm gonna shut it up to how many shuttles see from that's why we don't get kinetic mind sending out. so the some of the you can see on it, and that's what us on spanish says that one cannot be
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the shop children, cl, shops on a child. we can at least i ordered from the gym. go with the pot. i don't know. 100, you know, lot of big look see that the kitchen. so we've got a metal with me the, uh the, the,
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the, the, what, the holdup someone has said around the issues that i got on the side of the, of the people here just as of right, yeah, that's a good idea to them. i think nobody's conditionally stopped and started showing that she's she uses the
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health which hadn't been sent missing the last we had had the secretary from new items to come out and putting the animal center on this and have a good, sexy sick rather, you know, he pretty much the unit number, how the illnesses the emissions side of things. i'm not sure i've heard of the culture over the dish over the bush. understand me. i just want to,
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i just want to know my daughter who make money as wanted, and then that i was just wondering, i was going to know him and i'm thinking the, i don't know what it is. this is what i get in the zone for the sale of 50. so i'm gonna go to
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the initial sort of software to do next semester. and the customer, our oceans are under swift by a for rushes, fishing industry, government. people are thinking of bring deep sea trolling back global eating off the choices sees that go systems are going to suffer more and more with climate change and we need to adapt. now. marine conservation is, are in a desperate race against time. the ocean provides services for us that we require as humanity. i'll just see you as lucy is dying of the last shock. you will see the
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card a duty and a grow viewing for p. use a card to contribute to improving the lives of thousands of our projects except the cost and we strive to ensure it reaches it's deserving recipients, visit the cost on the web presence. and remember, it's a copy, revise wells and increases systems. caught on red chris palestinians who were expelled from their nuns in the neck of 1948 still don't have the rights of return. that is the land was extorted and settlements were built. 20 . i'll just the or world goes back with the young, good old palestinians to re discover their ancestral homes. why doesn't my grand parents stay here? why aren't i here? return to palestine on, i'll just 0 the
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hello. i'm around and logging in doha, just a quick look at the 9 stories now. at least full palestinians have been killed and many more injured. and in his writing strike on gauze associate, they had gathered at some internet access point on the day, the palestinians, a mocking the 76 anniversary of the not compatible catastrophe winds on his forces expelled 750000 palestinians from the homes. please the surrounding and count him into the university of california and online and support the ceasefire and garza hundreds of students at the campus close of a lecture. hold on wednesday, prompting police and circle the area in the state of california is one of many colleges across the us that have been staging protests, the money that schools divest from israel. so like his appointment, is there
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a good faith? so has undergone surgery off to being shots and the suspect of his oscillation attempt, as he greeted support his after meeting. 5 shots were fired at close range, while security scramble to confirm the issue to government says the attack was politically motivated. pharmacies of arrested a 71 year old, non russian present legitimate present as arrived in china to visit his country's biggest and most important trading pond. preaching will meet with the chinese president changing paint during his 2 days state visit, which is set to underscore what the need is cool and no limits partnership. this is now present 2nd visits in 6 months. also have frances, the kind of state of emergency and is pacific island territory of new caledonia off to protest left for people dead as a heavy police presence on the streets. the civil unrest was treated by controversial changes that a jew to be made to the voting system. the french parliament adopted a constitutional reform bill,
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but would allow french residents who have lived only item for at least 10 years to load and local elections. but the indigenous community of cadillac say that this move will dilute that most to you as president joe biden. and the former president donald trump agreed old telling lies, debates june 27th, is the date for the event, which is due to be add on cnn. another one is planned for september 10th on the us network. abc presidential debates are usually held in october, but in the bite and campaigns as a rise in early voting means that they should be held as an audi a date. because those are the headlines. i'll have another bulletin for you in about 25 minutes time witness. now continues the
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dispute on the funny important, but definitely in the for something that's absolutely public. that's hopefully news in omega is available for stuff there's of up in the, the the, the
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problems show this when the system or the door involved with the some of the, the, the well the the,
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the little who because there's a reason your tiny the one on the back on the estimate on the do it. so to find a home the so this article 58 will definitely be able to solve be able to judge which should not have been on the what about excessive by the others?
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move it, go to the thought he gave me instead of this so you can go this direction, then how do i be cold and stuff like this? i know this is about to 12. we move guy today, not in the system. i am shifting and so you with us just of one button or the
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door to go to the other. oh, the only degree on the 17th it will sit in the southern end. you have some sort of a,
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but it gives me the message of the short list for the set, those hello sounds good of the steps and then i'll be focus chevy. lo and has said that as well as your message. so will the best because it's showing me that you're seeing the familiar has happened watch over stay playing the i get your thoughts, a sudden i had a month like i'm now let's go to school a little of tanner luthey, but short of it today. it's all about the system will say the sort of hit should
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you should turn in the not the one that came up on me and the one of the
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the the, the, the, the
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themes pennsylvania i need to get a hold of the on that uh, estimate literally within it's gonna be on may show them what it can you just if they don't give it a simple question can. so we're looking at the okay, give me a little can you feel free democratic a little bit? let me, let me share, have a ceiling to see if we can share. it looks
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the i'm having number for him. yeah, it's a month to add and that's the issue as and wanted to get a must got also also i've got and that was due to the clothing now, did you have those zillow, though they should a issue, the amount that i had you guys were good and i want the guys could really tell them what the heck daniel the about us of the need and of lead to the new had you them had. and one of the the the number
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you know, i maybe the service . i don't know that the the, [000:00:00;00] the,
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the, the, the, the, the, the dish router a month ago with an incident that because it was medical when i had the streaming service, the the the
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the the, the, the, the, the, the, the,
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the, the, the the, the, the 100
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hello the to the
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how do you understand what you're looking for an assessment is to solve the job. so the laws of the wow good the
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the the message, the i don't know the semester he was the rest of the heck the heck the some and some of them will have a gentleman chickens. they usually do the sugar, but i'm not sure which chevrolet we're trying to get a mean. i'm decision of a single image instead of of someone because there, you mean i thought about how i'm assuming cancel and getting the book to so you want to say out of in front of the, the video content video shot, the animal can pull it out there as well and the there are man, so i'm in much the days will limit limit of the day coming well in the
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uh. a a the see that it's been a good. so the last question is the the ad? shoulders. and i hate, i'm not sure why the beginning this is by the way of getting them. how do i that's just the method then how do i mean?
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so in other words, oklahoma mazda of oklahoma, pims arguments well, the fact that it had only way to shuffle it to them. i enjoy life a shop system applauded c 6th street fun here to our fishing coffee the the. c c c c c c c c
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the, the fit the interest more depend on the 100 was the give, the zip. the certainly had a good time to look at it to the vets above the administrative decision decision session has which is susan? have been this, i'm on the best of the here. so you know, to age
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the sort of subject just the it has been a huge that is still under consideration. what is it, what were the guys seen? a lot of levels that i have to buy yeah, i did do
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a 2 month of of the see the budget best of flash. that'll be it has nothing to go up this way. at least the thing is most of the, the less the key. but that i minutes would be at the end of the image and i'm up on a 2 bedroom. uh, literally just do a bad question because he, you know, i'm gonna try to catch him up on a 2nd. let me just a number is more of a feller, convert it because he a lot of let them sit and the you the other the that'd be the total initial jewish hospital just to slow able to change the issues of up cynthia inside that you're about from sitting in the sits in the communities because that's what we did here. we'll beat them in a didn't have the will gauge of love
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a better that suited equity one altogether to the the, to the sink. the thing in the, in belgium is maybe the, was just me as a mechanic. oh,
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of the i had a low, then let's get the full costs for north america. and it's been something of
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a stormy situation. nicole central part of the us. well, the storms off still, they're moving their way across from east and areas and we'll see the development of another batch down in the deep south is very heavy. rain to come in for texas. that is likely to cause some flooding issues. the rain stretches across the woods, the midwest, behind that we'll see more in the way of wet and wintery weather, starting to develop a coast west in parts of canada and the north west pacific. and that's going to drop the attempt to rob a dramatic, a in calgary alberta where we have seen those wild sizes. welcome weather starting to push across into central parts of canada on friday. so the south of this, it continues to be a very to why and also very hot picture for the southwest and southern areas were expecting that temperature in dallas to continue to rise over the next few days. and temperatures are rising once again across moving parts of mexico's, the story of heat equal central america in the caribbean, searching 9 degrees celsius. the in monterey, on thursday,
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does drop slightly on friday, but the heat continues from much of central america and the caribbean with a mix of sunshine and showers size day to friday. the as universities across the u. s. mobilize for palestine, an unprecedented track down intensifies. they're putting a target on my back there say, here's your person, go get her fault lines investigates the mechanisms of suppression and the implications for academic freedom. universities who embrace diversity when it's for posting in right, you're suspended, you're investigated, you're shut down the palestine exception. when it does either, and this is a region that is, was equally develop thing, but it's one also that is afflicted by conflict. police perhaps we try to balance
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the stories, the good, the bad and the people allow us into their lives, dignity into money. see as detailed as stories. the israel is a minute to strikes, a group of people gathering for internet access and gaza city. at least 4 people account and thousands more in just the hello. i'm sorry i'm i z. this is alger 0, live from doha. also coming up on the program, satellite images show the scale of force displacement and gaza. southern says he,


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