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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 16, 2024 5:00am-5:30am AST

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he falls lowest into their lives, digging into minus each as you tell the stories, the israel is a minute to strikes, a group of people gathering for internet access and gaza city. at least 4 people are killed and thousands more injured. the hello, i'm sorry, m i z, this is alger 0, live from doha. also coming up on the program. satellite images show the scale of force displacement and gaza. southern says, a rough on the united nations is saying 600000 palestinians have fled in just over a week. the prime minister of savanna, kara, is fighting for his life on serving shots, and one is to be an attempted assassination. and rushes present legitimate present,
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arrives in china to cement what is called a no limits on a ship is usually thing the this i want to bring you over night is from gaza right now because actually we have had some news in about some 600000 people who have been displaced from the gaza strip. this is from the united nations as fighting rages on has been it strikes right across casa and northern gauze. that we have seen a series of deadly as rainy as strikes as they engage with my mouse fighters on the ground. but then we have seen continued attacks and the southern part of rough as well. this has resulted in some 600000 people being this phase. many of these people have been displaced multiple times inside garza 1st having been told to leave in the northern part of garza to the south. and now many of ross are being
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told to go to central gaza as a try to find that shelter though they are finding very difficult because many of these places are over crowded families being forced to move while they are starving dehydrated, and many of them are sick and wounded, i was just, there was honey my who, who sent us this report from outside of the hospital and darrell by law. he is following the full out from the latest as rainy strikes. this is, has been part of the pattern of a tax with documents documented a monitor over the past 7 months. it's the tax and all means of life. old as social services have been eliminated to include in this service, it's as simple as being connected to the internet or having you're going to charge the properly a group of people were on july street. that's at the one of the major streets in gauze. a city where at a point of trying to get internet connection were targeted by
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a drawing that the attacker drawn the targeted then by firing at least one miss out of the crowd. 3 people reported killed right at the spot. and one more person reported that killed inside the hospital as soon as arriving to the hospital, that's a standing critical injuries and could not make it. there are other injuries who were transferred to the hospital but are still a very critical conditions, particularly difficult time looking at a hospital that is, is largely running at a very low capacity in terms of medical stuff and the medical supplies inside the hospital, unable to provide the necessary needed medical support whatsoever on, on a separate a tax is really military. continue this track and intensive by it's artillery, selling as well as the ears try on jabante, a records you can't weigh more. people reported guild that causing
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a great deal of destruction including a journalist in his family. within the past couple hours, a journalist works inside the, the refuge account documenting these really attacks on the public facility. the residential building were attacked along with his, with a member of his family, were reported killed in an air strike. meanwhile, a booth is ready satellite has again attacked trunks carrying life. saving a bit was heading towards gaza. they climbed onto the vehicles frying and destroying the supplies. he is writing such as then went onto a talk to the palestinian drive is injuring both of them. the attack took place near the illegal is riley, sacramento fate l in the occupied westbank. it's now as you've been saying, the noise of nations as a, as said that more than half a 1000000 pounds of things have been displaced in the 10 days since as re times forced the closure of the rough crossing. as of today, some 600000 people, a quarter of gases population have been displaced from rough,
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i since the 6th of may as this really ground operation. there continues the office where the coordination of imagined affairs as ground incursions and heavy fighting, also continued to be reported. and there are by law, in central gaza, as well as in jamalia in northern casa, many of the families now on the move. once again, have already been displaced repeatedly since october, regardless of whether they move or stay civilians and gods and must be protected. meanwhile, israel's defense minister of guidance has come out in opposition to israel's control of the casa. often the war is cooling on prime minister benjamin netanyahu to rule out and he's not supposed to be lety on to instead consider palestinian alternatives to hum us when you call it was have been shut off. i called on prime minister benjamin netanyahu to declare that is really not to have a civilian rule over the cause of stripping, that there will be no, it's really military administration into strip. and that a governing alternative to home us in the gaza strip will be promoted immediately.
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lama jump jim is following the disappeared to the side. the is right, a cabinet from the to dining and capital online. because the national government has shut down now to sierra inside is 0, in a public spot, laying bare the divisions in israel's war cabinet on wednesday at a press conference in tel aviv israeli defense administer your lamp. golan stated publicly, that is real, should not be involved in military rule in gaza once the war is over. he also called on his really prime minister benjamin netanyahu to publicly reject that scenario as well. now not too long after that, you have the prime minister benjamin netanyahu saying that the palestinian authority won't rule gaza and adding that as long as how much remains no other party will govern in gaza. also responding a 3rd member of the war cabinet and is reopened against g back, gelato said galani speaks the truth that it is the leadership's responsibility to
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do the right thing for the country at all costs. and now again, this is all really showing deepening divisions among members of the work cabinet at a very critical time. at a time when more critics of nets and yahoo are stating that he has not expressed any clear plan for how gaza should be governed once the war is over in a so called day after scenario. we know that the americans have been frustrated by this, and i've also suggested that netanyahu would try to formulate a plan for how gaza should be governed once the war is over. but also we've seen more and more on named the members of the military establishment, but members of the military establishment, nonetheless, being quoted throughout these really media landscape and is really media outlets expressing frustration about the fact they don't think enough as being done to come up with a plan for a post, the worst scenario in gaza. also, members of the military establishment named members,
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but members of the military establishment, nonetheless, being quoted and is really outlets saying that they are very worried that because political leadership in israel is not heating the advice of the west. and what the us is urging is real to do that, that could constitute a bigger fracture. and the relationship between the us and israel going for how much i'm just here. i'm not. and just to remind you, the home it is covering this from a long because out there has been found by israel. we are forcing from outside the country, us and other developments. and lastly that a small jaime, or is blamed israel. so the stalemate and see is fine to go. sions and the statement to mark the knock by new rejected. any post will settlement for gauze of it doesn't include how nice. well welcome. we recently announced agreement to the proposal presented to us by all brothers in egypt. and could talk, which was known to the american administration and followed up on. but the occupation responded to this proposal by occupying i,
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controlling the rop are crossing and actually starting the aggression in the rough i area. i'm entering the jamalia camp and there's a 2 neighborhood in kansas city and they made amendments to the proposal and put the negotiations, added impulse. now to a developing story. we've been following police and then us saw arresting students as an incompetent to the university of california and online. it was there in the support of a cease fire and gaza. hundreds of students at the campus close of electra hold on wednesday, university of california. a line is one of many colleges across the country where i protest as have been demanding that schools divest from israel. the interior that they've held the lines have not buds one beds as officers. the
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appointments are on the 5th. so has undergone surgery off the main shelf in a suspected assassination. attempt is increased and so forth. is after meeting 5 shots of a fight at close range, while security scramble to confront the issue to government says the attack which is left the prime minister in a critical but stable condition was politically motivated. sources have a rest of the 71 year old mine. mom involved brings us the latest. this was the moment. shots were fired. that's little fuck is prime minister about the seats. so just a few feet away. the suspect the truth is russell to the ground. the prime minister was to see bundled into a waiting vehicle before the gosh. the hospital was late to enlisted to a specialist facility, but his condition was initially described as like as with most new bits of cove i was filming prime minister fits. so as shots went off, she said like 5 o'clock is your last and doctors cover the car by so blood on his
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head and then he fell next to the bay area. and i think this is a nightmare that i will not wake up from the should not happen in slovakia is defense minister said the attack was clearly politically motivated. you just talking about the level of democratic about it really to understand the child to, to accept the opinion. the not only one is the good one. if somebody has a different opinion, it's also have also his place on, on the field for disease, the issue. what's happened is the photograph of it, that's perfectly and we have to react on that. the stable robot seats. so had been attending a government meeting in the tone of high and low, a ne of the custom brought this novel. this was the press conference he gave shortly before the shooting. i mean a course of international condemnation. slovakia especially that said the talk is hard to comprehend. a physical attack on the prime minister is festival. an attack
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on a pass and, but he's also an attack on democracy. hateful rhetoric, which we see in society, leads to hateful actions. please stop at the attempt on the 5 minutes since life comes 3 weeks before you will see in parliament the elections in which populace, on the far right, the boxes i expect you to do well fits so its own brand. the populace nationalism has been the focus of repeated type governments post a slovak is longer assessing politically the fits so may the ballistic have come back last september of the 7 to previous to run a pro russian on probably american campaign and has promised and military support for you could i a country instruct, now waits for updates when it's leaders fight for life. how much fun does you wash in present? i do appreciate is arrived in china to visit is country's biggest and most important trading partner preaching will meet with the chinese prizes and changing
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things during his to day state visit, which is set to on this goal. and he does a saying is a no limits. partnership is now preaching 2nd visit in 6 months and his 1st overseas trip since being sworn in for a 5th presidential time how's his hair is katrina, you reports on this story now from a capital badging visuals. it's been more than 2 years since china and russia declared no limits on publishing. and this was letting me have put in is returning, debating to deepen a relationship that both sides say, is going from strength to strength and fond which enjoy the 2 heads of the state agreed to continue to maintain close exchanges and to ensure the spoofing the steady development of china, russia relations, the chinese president student pay has many cushion more than $40.00 to light. but this is the russian lead. his 1st visit since he secured a 5th to an office, he will be accompanied by nearly appointed defense minister on the right below.
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soft and foreign minister, so gay lover of becomes a week after she visited europe and refused you. officials calls for it to go to moscow to edits invasion of any crane. she has however, pledged to control the export of so called to use items that could be used in russia's wolf featuring has denied providing its military with i'm innocent with homestead in terms of appeasing of europe and saying that, you know, we're trying to do our best are you her, she say, you know, i'm in favor of a truce. i'm in favor of a peace process. but, but this idea that you should stop trading with russia because it's not in our interest. that's not going to work. savings. trade with russia has grown recent years and is now with an estimated $240000000000.00. much of it is boil and gas exported to trying to discount prices. this economic support has frustrated the
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western efforts to isolate, to come through the use functions. washington has threatened to cost health chinese banks from the global financial system if they versus military production, changing things, welcoming a president person is widely seen as an act of defiance against the united states. they just of closes and is working to upset us lead international order, and a strongly supported by rush tensions but the us have pushed the neighbors to set aside historic disputes. along the shed, buddha cushions to day trip will include a visit to hard pain in china is northeast. during the late ninety's sixty's, the region was a place of hold between the 2 countries. is now a symbol of corporation. katrina, you all to 0 agent. still have for you on the program, playing the fights and hard keys. more families are forced to join the millions or ready displaced by the one you claim will serve french troops arrived in new caledonia to help stop the days of protesting its pacific overseas territory. a 12
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big day statement margins. he has been to class the the high low that let slip to south asian. it continues to be a story of scorching heat. but some areas of india, we have yellow watches out on the as a across the north west for high temperatures. if you got into friday run just on a sees that shift up into the. so we'll see the heat to continue here. and while it is hot to cause a much of the region, we also see some funds of stones the pre monsoon, where whether looking around most southern areas, but also stretching to central areas is moved by seeing some of that west of weather on thursday. and as it rang continues across the north, east of india and eastern areas of the region, we will see another west suite to step in and start to work its way across
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afghanistan, bringing more wet weather here and eventually on was to focus on as we head towards the weekend of the bus all the heavy rain on friday across as a south of india and into sri lanka. now there's good news, the southern pots of china as we moved to east asia. it took me a lot. why is that owns the as day? the when, when the weather moving from the korean peninsula towards japan, we could see some damaging winds across a condo, as well as horseshoe, the west to where the pushing east, behind that much. why and how to places like beijing and shanghai with more weather coming into the south on friday. the unique perspective, why is it the doctors didn't get to have a say and any of the medical workforce has been so undervalued by the british government? from time on hub voices, tick tock had been a place for organizing politically for getting people to vote for getting people to
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protest, connect with our community and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere. why is our government taking us to work on the basis of live we the public has to get out there and do something about it. the stream on al jazeera, the, [000:00:00;00] the quick reminder of the headlines we have following this out, at least 4 palisades have been killed. many more injured. and in his writing, striking consistency of gathered an internet access point on the day, the palestinians mocked the $76.00 anniversary of the knock. the old catastrophe.
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when 750000 palestinians were expelled from their homes. so by his appointment is enrollment fits. those undergoing surgery also being shots and what appears to be an attempted assassination. government says that was a political motive behind the attack. 71 year old mine has been arrested on the russian present regiment present as arrived in china to visit his country. biggest and most important trainings on a visit is expected to on the line with the 2 governments, a cooling a no limits partnership. in all the news, the united nations refugee agency is saying they're now moving 3000000 ukrainians displaced within the country. and more than 5000000 refugees, a broad latest to flip people from the harkey region in the face of the new russian offensive. i was just there is john home and reports from har cave. just the day before session to scare the cat were in the home in full chance. now they're in a sense, if it displays people and how to keep the getting
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a mail ahead of an uncertain future. you could see what can be the plans for 5 man who has no home for now inside a cave in this place. but what could be my plans such just explain to me that this is all they've got a live sort of his life in both chance. and they've got maybe 4 or 5 bags. that's what's left of that life. now. 8000 people. the flight is russian forces across the buddha and into ne ukraine. a new offensive which is kept and several villages resulted in street fighting in the biggest part of town. both chance is russian pulse is a bunch of rescue politics of trying to get people out of it explosions and they say a tax on their vehicles. they'll get the low. so the good, what's the roads are being challenged with renee. the funds are being dropped from
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drones as well. sometimes you even need to get out of the car and put your hands on it and show that you're a civilian, that you're taking the elderly well, but that doesn't always help mislead me. after we spoke demitra drake but to try and pick up more people victorian a parent stay. so room problems getting here thing, but bicycle servicing. unless your procedure, why we don't need a shot at the automatic lupins and the cross roads have already passed a kind of soldiers to help the us. we jump into the car. they say to me, hold on, because now we will go at the speed of light a little bit of them as a now they staying and one of the few rooms in the center. it's meant mostly for processing. and most of the people have gone on to friends or relatives over they turn. they took no one's take them in. or at least they reach safety. they told us the boat miller went off and they huddled in the corridor way from the windows,
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even ukraine. second city under constant bombardment isn't really a safe haven. these people don't home and i'll just see the how to keep francis declared a state of emergency that's pacific island tired tribute, caledonia, off to protest left for people dead. so long rest was triggered by controversial changes that are things to be made to the voting system, the french parliament, adulthood, or constitutional reform bill, but will allow friends, residents have lived on the island for at least 10 years to remote in local elections. but the indigenous community of kind of accessing this decision will dilute that votes on the french government, is to point troops to new caledonia to enforce the state of emergency soldiers and forwarded applying for the island at an airport. now, most se, fonts as prime minister says they will help secure ports and the international airport. wayne hay is following all this from zealand. so it'll be interesting to
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see what the next 24 hours or so bring new caledonia has just working on thursday morning after another. if you was put in place of a night deck, if you again didn't told, there were reports coming through of a lot of 5 being list around different parts of the city, gun vessels between the security forces and protest as, as well. now thursday morning also has seen the beginning of this state of emergency, which will basically give the security forces greater powers to try to bring the situation out to control. crucially, they can detain people, they can place people on the house arrest and already reports coming in that they have done that. they've used those pallas by putting a couple all the more radical independence lead is approaches leaders anyway, and house arrest. they have brought in hundreds more police officers from france to adults to the numbers that are already there, that role. so moving to secure the airport as well, which remains closed. and the c port to is they try to bring this situation not to
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control. we take you to sit down now because the fighting and al sasha is intensifying united nations as ones that move in 800000 people have been displaced . the certainly is almost as it's the features of power, military rapids support forces in l. flasher town, west of the country, the only indicates that their enemy itself is heavy losses and fighters, equipments, and vehicles. but then the, our staff is also claiming victories. and they say that they were also able to seize ministry equipment from the army. well, he and stopped me. monitoring official officer donnas painted a big picture of the country's ongoing conflict, highlighting the challenges the agencies are facing as a trying to get aid into the country. deborah is on the reports from you and had courses and you of the seed. these people are trapped in an inferno of terrible violence with famine, disease, and fighting closing in and no end in sight. those were the words of the un top
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humanitarian official in the country who brief journalists here at the un headquarters of particular concern are the 800000 people trapped and faster in dar for region were fighting has intensified the past few days. right now, the humanitarian assistance, they rely on conch get through move and a dozen trucks carrying health, nutrition, and other critical supplies for more than a 120000 people have been trying to reach the city for weeks. they set out from ports to down on the 3rd of april and still can't reach of prussia due to insecurity and delays in getting clearances. a checks points. the fighting in all fashion is another tragic example of this conflicts, grotesque impact on civilians. she also said famine is on the horizon and there are only
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a few weeks left to try to avoid it. we have just 6 weeks before the leading season sets in, when food becomes less available and more expensive. this coincides with 2 other deadlines. the spot to the rainy season. when reaching people the need becomes even more difficult. on the end of the planting season, which could fail if we aren't able to procure until the receipts for farms. in short, the people of sedan are in the past of a perfect system that is growing mostly so by the de doctors without borders reports that at a hospital they support, you know, faster they received over 450 patients just within the last 5 days and many people couldn't even get to the hospital due to ongoing fighting, and they are running out of supplies. gabriel's on to algae is either at the united nations in new york. now the stories are following more than 2 and a half 1000000 people have been forced from their homes in the eastern democratic
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republic of congo. as a result of a conflict between government forces and m. 23 levels. the despise people living in caps with outside of taishan in most cases, provincial capital, government where people on now suffering from an outbreak of cholera. catherine story reports on this of the beast. health workers are struggling to contain up for their outbreak in calms for displace people in goma. the disease is pregnant quickly. 15000 people have been infected since january. these treatment center is feeding off. colorado was highly contagious and came to within buddies. as my child started vomiting that was followed by diarrhea, she was very weak. when we arrived here, doctors discovered it was color. she's getting back to a conflict between government forces and the entities we rebel group has made things worse. more than 2500000 people have been forced from the homes in the last
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2 of the happy as many are leaving rough in shelters like this. they have very little to eat, and then leaving conditions are on sony tarry, followed the didn't the color of the cases of growing every day and all the cabinets. and each week we did $500.00 reported cases. the security situation is not helping the walls, health, organization and other medi call health agencies say they're running out of funds to help millions of people in the country. we have people have almost nothing because they've been displaced because they've been forced to flee. uh their villages, their homes with nothing but the clothes on their backs, rockdale, where the most new arrivals are. and we saw people who literally are coming up with nothing. living in a sheet of plastic uh, trying to make ends meet,
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finding their dinner tonight. and what is needed is financial support. this is what recently happened into comp 10 kilometers west of coma. what a safety people, what killed when bombs, dash out to run that denies accusations by the government. the un, the us that it's finding m $23.00. bob got a comp displace people see it, a power t is keeping their family safe because even in what are meant to be secure areas like this, the protection isn't guaranteed. catching sight all just sierra as far as quotes has convicted, a former government minister from the county or of crimes against humanity, incentives 10 to 20 is bind bonds. us mine sancho, solved his interior minister onto the former dictator. jo, john, a sancho is found guilty on several accounts of torture and false imprisonment. nicholas hawkins, following developments from ca, incentive golf in the federal criminal court of buildings. the law in southern
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switzerland. there was a sigh of relief from the victims that wanted to tend this trial, but also, although was in the gambia that were imprisoned in the famous mile to prison in which a voice months sancho was in charge of. there's a sense that finally justice is being served place made clear to everyone. people are held responsible for what they have done and we're happy that the big fish we would say are the people who were in the top in the 30 have done stall on thought. dick has run away with saying, i'm not responsible. first, their responsibilities has been made clear today from asylum seeker, in switzerland, to being convicted of crimes against humanity seen as


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