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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 16, 2024 7:00am-7:31am AST

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least humanizes as waves and has to be p humanizes palestinian. this is not the time for doing this to kind of wait tracking those stories, examining the journalism and the effect that news coverage can have on democracies everywhere. here at the listing past, the he's really a tax continued to kill palestinian civilians o across guys that those will survive see only pieces of their loved ones, rename the play you watching. how do sierra live from to have with me for the back. people also coming up arrest classes canceled, and a heavy police presence at the university of california irvine, where students are protesting against the war in casa,
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also in the nearest to baki. as prime minister is shot, an injection, the suspect of assassination was 1071 year old man has been detained. the and russian price invited me to put in his, on a state visit to china, seeking more support for his war in ukraine. the . it's been another day of bloodshed across garza with doesn't scaled and countless others made on the same day palestinians martha knocked by the catastrophe in one of the major strikes. and this time had a group of people gathered at an internet access site. at least 4 people were killed and dozens were injured. many critically nor a con begins coverage. the. this is the optimal stuff and it's really a reading goal. it's a city. 7 a heavily populated area was hit as posting. it's got to,
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to use an internet access points. this happened not long after it's ready. boot is, is much through the, is a 2 neighborhood to make a new road for tanks. as their tongues withdrew comedies or tons only to be faced with both death and destruction. again, remember that it was the we were shouting into school, which they showed an order in the way of a funding dead bodies which turn on the street. and then that we a separating hook going and then pick up the fund houses and show them we came to the schools and then came here to see the damage debt. it's so common here that people will post a corporate body along the street, belly demarcated by the broken buildings only the side people of gathering whatever food materials they come to suffice the same stories of struggle and civil labels,
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street of the street. here did you need family had fled is where the bombardment and the jabante refugee camps of the north to seek shelter, but the ruins of gulls. the city i have a show of the i've got their number on my here. we are thrown on the street and they destroyed our houses. my 4 older children died. our homes were destroyed. they shook us and they threw us on the street so that she had some children, a trying to stay positive in the darkness. and in the summer and neighborhood nearby moved devastation offered his re strike on his un clinic for the bill of some years ship on a woke to life shattering news about paula about london. i woke up in the morning and heard people talking about an a strike on the clinic, and if 6 seems dropped a missile on it as 3 months ago i came in, so my mother in pieces and my father next to her. so i took the bodies and buried
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the lawyer, the public. i'm amazing, the aries of refuge has become targets and backgrounds and to be ready, fundable palestinians are left with blissful protection. laura con al jazeera and hope of his really settlers has again attacked drunk scaring, life saving age that was heading towards casa. they climbed onto the vehicle throwing and destroying supplies. these early settlers then went onto a time to on the palestinian drive, is injuring them both to pace near the legal is really settlement of faith and occupies the west. bank of the united nations has more than half a 1000000 policy names have now been displaced in the 10 days since these really times forced the closure of the vasa crossing. as of today, some 600000 people, a quarter of guys as population have been displaced from rough,
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i since the 6th of may as this really ground operation. there continues the office where the coordination of imagined affairs as ground incursions and heavy fighting, also continued to be reported. and that by law, in central gaza, as well as in jamalia in northern casa, many of the families now on the move. once again, have already been displaced repeatedly since october, regardless of whether they move or stay civilians and gods and must be protected. and other developments as well as defense minister you off the line does come out in opposition, days or as control over guys after the war is calling on prime minister benjamin netanyahu to roll out such a possibility and to consider palestinian alternatives to hum us when you call it, it was something shut off. i called them prime minister benjamin netanyahu to declare that is really not to have a civilian rule over the cause of stripping. that there will be no, is really military administration into strip. and the governing, alternative to home us in the gaza strip will be promoted immediately and jump
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jonas, following the dispute within these ready cabinet from the georgia indian capital i'm on because, and it's now government shutdown algebra in israel, a public spot laying bare the divisions in israel's war cabinet on wednesday at a press conference in tel aviv israeli defense administer your wife. golan stated publicly that israel should not be involved in military rule in gaza once the war is over. he also called on his really prime minister benjamin netanyahu to publicly reject that scenario as well. now, not too long after that, you have the prime minister benjamin netanyahu saying that the palestinian authority won't rule gaza and adding that as long as how much remains no other party will govern in gaza. also responding a 3rd member of the war cabinet and is reopened against he back the lot said golan speaks the truth, that it is, the leadership's responsibility to do the right thing for the country at all costs
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. now again, this is all really showing deepening divisions among members of the work cabinet at a very critical time. at a time when more critics of netanyahu are stating that he has not expressed any clear plan for how gaza should be governed once the war is over, in a so called day after scenario. we know that the americans have been frustrated by this. and i've also suggested that an engineer who try to formulate a plan for how gaza should be governed once the war is over. but also we've seen more and more on named members of the military establishment, but members of the military establishment. nonetheless, being quoted throughout these really media landscape and is really media outlets expressing frustration about the fact they don't think enough as being done to come up with a plan for a post worst scenario in gaza. also, members of the military establishment named members, but members of the military establishment. nonetheless, being quoted in is really outlets saying that they are very worried that because
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the political leadership in israel is not heating the advice of the west. and what the us is urging is real to do that, that could constitute a bigger fracture. and the relationship between the us and israel going for how much i'm just here. i'm not. and a reminder that mohammed john julia is covering this from amman because israel has found out to sierra, we're reporting from outside israel. now police in the us have arrested students at an encampment at the university of california, irvine in support of a sci fi and gaza. hundreds of students at the campus closed on for lecture hall on wednesday, university of california irvine is one of many colleges across the country where protesters have been demanding that schools divest from is really companies as get relates as with rob reynolds, who joins us now live from the university of california, you know, vine of so rob, bring us up to speed with the situation on the university grounds was the latest is
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well, folly, there's not much to see now. but earlier today, this was yet another american college campus where police were called in to forcibly disperse and dismantle a gaza solidarity student protest. this began several hours ago when students occupied a science lecture hall on campus adjacent to their encampment. hundreds of police then descended on the campus, they dismantled the encampment, destroyed the tents and cleared the building. then police moved remaining protesters after arresting. i should say, a several dozen. we don't know exactly how many of protesters were arrested, but they were taken into custody with the now familiar pull up, plastic zip ties and taken away by police later. police. uh, uh,
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gather the remaining protesters uh behind a police line and dispersed them on to a large open area on campus. declaring that they constituted an unlawful assembly warning and that they would be arrested or even subject to a non lethal force. most of those protesters then filtered away as police advance and police have now begun leaving the campus. we're seeing small groups of them passes from time to time. and campus maintenance workers are just now sweeping up the last of the remains of the encampment. the cause of protest signs the hand lettered placards of the other materials. they're putting them into garbage cans and taking them away falling. we're also hearing rob that a strike has been authorized by university employees to yes, that's right. student employees at the university. these are people who are student
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teachers who teach undergrads. researchers who work in the research laboratories, other workers in various capacities, all of whom are organized under the, the, a union, the united auto workers union, as it, as it happens to be. and there are $48000.00 of them, and they prep play a vital role in running the campus of the 10 university of california campuses. so they have authorized the strike as of today. it's wednesday evening here in california. we don't know exactly when to walk out will take place, but the workers say that their rights were violated by the suppression of the palestinian pro palestinian gods. a solid arity, a protest on the various campuses. and they see that their goal is to so a maximum chaos on campus volley wrong. thank you very much for the update that. so
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i'll just here as well. reynolds reporting their life from the university of california at irvine and students at the university of florida in gainesville, have also been demonstrating against the war in gaza. that's despite the university's orders not to ireland. fisher is on the campus in gainesville. this gives you an example of just how wide spread the fruit tests have been on college campuses and the united states. you've had about the big schools like george washington and columbia in new york. but here is the university of florida right in the center of the statements here to be in protest for weeks. this has become what they call a liberal regions or what people have been sitting out 24 hours a day. since the protests began a number of weeks ago, there had been arrest on the call. it just made things difficult for them. but they are still here, still missing a point. and on the, the, the palestinians commemorate macbook, they felt it was important to be here today for 76 years since then not above
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rushes, which is basically the initiation of the ethnic cleansing, the genocide of the palestinians. and over the past 7 months, we've seen really the escalation of that with what's happening in the us, what's happening in the ass for the past 7 months amounts to essentially just the next stage of that genocide that hasn't been, you know, ongoing for nearly 8 decades now, the students seem to be nice how long the process will last and they say, well, as long as the warning guys it goes on until the university of florida disclose is what investments it has in the defense industry and its links with israel and the agrees to dive back to remove all those links. all the fisher i'll do is either in gainesville, at the university of florida, the pain other well use. now slovakia as prime minister robert fits so has undergone surgery after being shot any suspect of assassination attempt. as he greeted
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supporters after a meeting, 5 shots were fired at close range, while security scramble to confront the shooter. the government says the attack was politically motivated. authorities have a rest of the 71 year old man. a tasha button that is in the silva capital branch. it's not i with more. we've heard from civic is deputy prime minister who says the robot fits so is no longer in a critical condition. the deputy prime minister saying that he expects that he will survive. this comes off the hours in which we've heard from other ministers here. and so if i kid talking about the fact that fits so i was in a critical condition. fighting for his life is doctors operated on him in the central. so if i care claudia, very difficult situation. people in. so if i could stream the shaken by what has happened to the list of schools, i happened earlier today, robot fits. i was at a meeting with his cabinet in lieu of this town in central slaves zachary,
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he walks out to that meeting when he was a shots by a gun. the boy knows so far is from local authorities, that he is a 71 year old man. we understand his a full most security goal that he worked in the supermarket at some point. he was also a roy to hit. he published 3 unfolded ease of poems. and he was a member of our voices club, a. we knows that he had a gun legally that he had a license to hold a gun. his son, who spoke to a media here in so like you said that he did in fact have a license for gun said that it was confirmed by his son. he started, school said he doesn't know the motivation of full, his father's actions. and that's the main point here. we don't yet know the motivation that hasn't been any confirmation phone police as to what it might be. there is no doubt though. there's some slaves. i can ministers and the governments
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of saying from that point to view it could be politically moved to faces. this was obviously a situation which fits so was targeted directly. they are drawing those conclusions . but at this stage we have no confirmation from police or investigators. as to what, why the suspect decided to carry out this attack. the still ahead on alger 0 sling the fighting around car keys more families are forced to join. the millions are ready to space by the war in ukraine and french troops arriving new caledonia to have stopped the days of protesting it specific overseas territory. as well as a state or emergency has been to get the high low they will get to africa in environment 1st, middle east and live bands. we've got a bit of
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a divide luxury dry conditions across most southern areas, much lesser and even wintery for places like to kia and northern areas of iran, all sit down in the south and showers, picking up there. on the 1st day. we got a bit of a strong wind blowing down the golf, kicking up some sand causing some hazy sunshine, but because sedate, rather high across we at the end do by 41 degrees celsius. the i'm think is all set to pick up across the event. we'll see a lot of the drive, but possibly when the situation as we go in, so friday, and that's because we've got some somebody wins kicking up from central africa, bringing the heat up to coastal areas of libya if it gets here, are sitting very high. so this time, if you know, so that's the heart doctor flowing across into southern parts of europe over the next few days. some bits and pieces of rain. it can be found lingering across the north west of africa, but the west also the weather. continuing around the gulf of guinea, the possibility of some pretty throat ferocious stones affecting southern motto,
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moving into mauritania on friday for the south of this, which were close at central band, not as well for kenya and boned twice for southern africa. the ok foundation is deliberate of the $300000000.00 will suffice. emboldened $75.00 countries around the world, 100 percent of set on an emergency donation spence on projects. and we ensure beneficiaries come 1st of a 300 on luis, haven't had gone through the bumps the crossing in recent months. our most of these bless and be blessed and we all turning your donations into direct delivery in the shortest possible time donates with confidence. the
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welcome back. a recap of that top stories on how to 0, at least full time is to means have been killed and many more injured. and then is really striking guy, the city. they've gathered out an internet access point on the data palestinians, long to not by the $76.00 anniversary of the founding of the state of israel police in the us have arrested students at the university of california irvine calling for a ceasefire in gosh, it's one of many colleges across the country where protesters have been demanding that schools divest from these really companies. and some of aki as prime minister of all much detail as undergoing surgery after being shot in what appears to be an attempted assassination. the government says there was a political motive behind the attack of 71 year old man has been arrested and that
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on use russian president vladimir fulton is in china for talks with his country's biggest and most important trading partner present children. thing is hosting person for to day state visit, which is set to underscore what the need is call 8 know limits partnership. this is 14 2nd visit in 6 months pennies. first, overseas trip seems being sworn in for his 5th presidential 10th. speak to james crabtree about this. he's a distinguished visiting fellow in the age of program at the european council on foreign relations in berlin is joining us from singapore. james. good to have you with us on al jazeera, so perhaps not surprising that present put in chose china as his 1st 4 and trip since he was sworn in for his 5th turn. he said that relations with china are at the highest level ever. what messages he wanting to send to you, are you thinking, what more is he looking to get from badging? to say as present person is going to be going to with the shopping. let's see once
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more help with the war in ukraine. and to prove that this partnership with no limits is what it stacks up to be the challenges that china price is constrained. so it doesn't want to annoy the united states too much, and it is also seeking to build relations with europe. so there are some limits to what this partnership is going to be able to deliver. i was going to ask you about a president and she, and just how difficult a balancing act is this all for him? you mentioned the us states just announce a new raft of sanctions against aging and, and hong kong based bands and companies that work with moscow. is she perhaps a little more concerned to this year and a this wrong about his friendship with which i think it's difficult. a china once strong partnership with restaurant because both he and president putin dislike a world in which the united states and its partners predominant. but he faces
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constraints at the moment. he's trying to stop the deterioration in relations with washington. and he also wants to build some ties with europe and thought me in an attempt to split europe from the united states. so there's only so much he's going to be willing to do to, to help with ukraine and therefore, so be looking to try and see if they can do things together in other areas supporting the needs china more then the other way around. or yeah, basically it's very on balance relationship. china is the 2nd largest economy in the world roster is the 8, china is not fighting a war. russia is fighting a war hoops in need see more than see needs from bruton. on the other hand, you know, this is a partnership with our interest on both sides and that's why it has been deepening and developing. and that's why in europe, in the united states, in india there's a lot of concern about where this partnership might lead to. and so what's the
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scope of the partnership? where are they likely to expand corporation on i mean it's not cheap, but you can look at a whole range of areas. so the rupture, energy exports are important. they hope that the market they last in europe will be replaced by china. there are areas like payment systems where both china and russia hope for the world in which the dollar is less dominant to both of them had nascent payment systems that they, they'd like to develop. there are other areas in the military domain where they're trying to cooperate space, cyber things like that, developing military exercises. so they're a range of areas whether i'm trying to do more. but there are limits and they're also areas where rusher is rather wary of china. right. doesn't one china to become a power and rushes back yard in the arctic or in central asia or for instance. so there's different limits uh that both sides place on, on what they call the no limits partnership. thank you for talking to us about this james crabtree,
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distinguished visiting fellow in the age of program of the european council on foreign relations. joining us out from singapore, thank you for your time. the united nations refugee agency says there are now more than 3000000 ukrainians, the space within the country, and more than 5000000 refugees abroad, the latest to free people from the concave region in the face of a new russian offensive john home and re for some khaki so just the day before session to scare the cat were in the home in full chance. now they are innocent to displace people and how to keep getting a male, a head of an uncertain future. you could see what can be the plans for, for a man who has no home for now, and it's got a cave in this place. but what could be my plan is such, just explain to me that this is all they've got a live story of his life and both chance. and they've got maybe 4 or 5 bags. that's what's left of that life. now. 8000 people in the flight is russian forces across
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the buddha and into ne ukraine. a new offensive which has kept and several villages resulted in street fighting in the biggest part of town. both chance is russian post is a bunch of rescue policies are trying to get people out of it explosions and they say the tax on that vehicles are good. so the good, what's the roads are being challenged with renee farms are being dropped from drone just sometimes you even need to get out of the car and they'll put your hands on it and show that you're a civilian, that you're taking the elderly. but that doesn't always help much similar after we spoke dimitris. right. but to try and pick up more people victoria and a parent stay so room problems getting here. thing but bicycles or anything so much
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you proceed. you why we don't lose or shot at the automatic lupins and the cross roads have already passed a car of soldiers to help us. we jump into the car. they say to me, hold on, because now we will go at the speed of light a little bit of them as a now they staying and one of the few rooms in the center. it's meant mostly for processing. and most of the people have gone on to friends or relatives that they took no one's take them in. or at least they reach safety. they told us the bottom of the width of and they huddled in the car. it all way from the windows, even ukraine, 2nd city, under constant bombardment, isn't really a safe haven. these people don't home and i'll just say to how to keep fighting in sedans out of 5 sure is intensifying the when one's more than 800000 people have been disgraced there. this is denise army says you defeated the military rapids support forces in now sasha, tom,
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west of dawn. the army indicated their enemies suffered heavy losses in fighters equipment and vehicles the r as f k instead of cheese victories also. and that it was able to seize military equipment of the you and stump, humanitarian official for saddam has painted a bleak picture of the ongoing conflict. highlighting the challenges that agencies are facing as a trying to deliver humanitarian assistance. given a nissan to has more than that, from you and headquarters in new york, the sudanese people are trapped in an, in for know a terrible violence with famine, disease and fighting closing in and no end in sight. those were the words of the un top humanitarian official in the country who brief journalists here at the un headquarters of particular concern are the 800000 people trapped in a faster and r for region were fighting, has intensified the past few days. right now, the humanitarian assistance,
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they rely on conch get through move and a dozen trucks carrying health, nutrition, and other critical supplies for more than a 120000 people have been trying to reach the city for weeks. they set out from ports to down on the 3rd of april, and still can't reach of sasha due to insecurity and delays in getting clearances. a checks points of the fighting in all sasha is another tragic example of this conflicts, grotesque impact on civilians. she also said famine is on the horizon and there are only a few weeks left to try to avoid it. we have just 6 weeks before the leading season sets in, when food becomes less available and more expensive. this coincides with 2 other deadlines. the spot to the rainy season. when reaching people the need becomes even more difficult. and the end of the planting season,
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which could fail if we aren't able to procure and deliver seats for farms. in short, the people of sedan are in the past of a perfect system that is growing mostly so by the de doctors without borders reports that at a hospital they support, you know, faster they received over 450 patients just within the last 5 days and many people couldn't even get to the hospital due to ongoing fighting. and they are running out of supplies. gabriel's on to algae is either at the united nations in your state of emergency has been declared in the french overseas territory of new caledonia. as after 4 people were killed in protest against controversial changes to the voting system, pro independence demonstrated say the reform will further not march in life and wayne, hey reports a state to the nation. so you may be in place and you, caledonia, but there is no sign of com. returning to the streets of the capital,
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new map groups and protest is continued together in violation of the new rules. burning fires in many parts of the city. pro independence groups laid by indigenous commack, a fighting a decision by the french government to change the electoral laws which they believe by design to marginalize the voice of the things awful. we hope that the state listens to us, that they realize that we do not agree with this. we do not agree with that little on the way. uh, why should we give other people the chance to decide for us. we've been in the colonial situation for several years now. then on tuesday, the french parliament adopted the constitutional reform bill that would allow a french residents who have lived in new caledonia for 10 years to vote in local elections. frances interior minister said the bill was aimed at expanding democracy . yours will good postpone them to respect the parliamentary vote. we need to understand what we're doing here. this is so that somebody's.


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