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tv   The Listening Post  Al Jazeera  May 16, 2024 7:30am-8:00am AST

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the pro independence groups laid by indigenous come out of finding a decision by the french government to change electoral laws, which they believe designed to marginalize the voice. clearly things often, we hope that the state listens to us, that they realize that we do not agree with this. we do not agree with that little on the way. uh, why should we give other people the chance to decide for us, we've been in the colonial situation for several years now? on tuesday, the french parliament adopted the constitutional reform bill that would allow a french residents who have lived in new caledonia for 10 years to vote in local elections. frances interior minister said the bill was aimed at expanding democracies was real good pull for them to respect the parliamentary vote. we need to understand what we're doing here. this is so that somebody's bone and you kind of don't, you know, to caledonian parents can vote in local elections. it's not revolutionary. but members of the can not community disagree. they say the reform would dilutes the
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votes and the push for independence. some left wing politicians say the bill should be scrapped into put there are 2 communities in new caledonia for them to have a common destiny. you can't ignore the indigenous community, the contacts, the decision to pass this bill in the national assembly is something this, your government and there is to call a compromise. but the only compromise that's been made here is one between him and the lawyer listens. the context did not want of the bill still needs to be ratified by congress, but in the meantime, the french government wants to hold folks with protests. lead is on wednesday, the prime minister held a crisis meeting in paris and ordered more security personnel to be sent to new caledonia. the government has also banned the social media at tech talk out of concern that was being used to organize and intensify the protests. wayne, hey, al jazeera towed on a new zealand us 1st thing joe biden, informa present. donald trump have agreed to hold tele,
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vice debates ahead of the presidential election. the 2 candidates have a fortunately agreed to june 27th for the event, which is due to be ad on cnn. another respond for september the 10th on the us network, a b. c. presidential debates have usually been held in october, but the binding campaign says a rise in early voting means they should be called earlier, cuz you did a poor job. much one of those stories on our website at ouch is here a dot com. the very latest on all of the stories we're covering here are more useful. you own allergies here in about 15 minutes, right after the listening to the hearing disliked chart populations a decline, 70 percent. and we're still not doing anything about understanding the reality like that. and exploded,
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reporting from whatever happens next to the university have already made history out as soon as teams across the world bring you closer to the faucet, the story a band algebra get shut down in is really just as this really forces move into a rough is equally as prime minister, georgia maloney out to turn state on television in this state controlled television . and halfway through in the a 6 week long election process, we examined the narratives, both in the mainstream media and on the sofa. the this past week offered a brief moment of hope for the approximately 1500000 palestinians tracked in rafa. supposedly the last safe space for civilians in garza from us had accept the terms
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of a cease fire agreement. it looked like lives would be safe, but on tuesday, prime minister benjamin netanyahu said the proposal fell short of israel's key demands. and now and assault on rafa is underway. coinciding with all of this has been the closure of alger 0 is news operation in israel. our news coverage, tv, broadcast and website are all blocked there. that measure may shield is released at least temporarily, from the fours that are being inflicted on rough, uh, but it will not stop this network from covering the story. what it does signal to the world go and the nothing yahoo governments allies abroad is that is real so called democracy is not what it's cracked up. this really is a try to uh ser, portray this kind of like an end game. this is sort of the last bastion city and the gods strip, where they are claiming that the military operations is not complete until the army goes in with the troops to what the scrub of dismantling has remaining and
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destructive. the reality in practice of this is that the broadwell file is right now, the only home for palestine, your life, and society, and refuge for people have been displaced for the past 7 months from the northern strip all the way down to this. so rough thought was supposed to be the red line. that is real, would not cross its forces, have carouse around $1500000.00 palestinians say more than half the surviving population after 7 months of punishing civilians with bombs and bullets. you can add another bit trail to the mix, having advised those civilians to take refuge that the nothing. yeah. who government now cause rough or the last strong hold of home office, and within a day of rejecting a ceasefire that her most had agreed to that would have freed every remaining is really hostage. nothin yahoo! sent in the troops for reasons that may be far more political than strategic. so
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his desire to continue this genocide is both because he's genocide, but also because he is a survivalist and he wants to make sure that he remains in office. the bigger issue is that it seems to me that there are no red line back in march. we heard president biden say there's read lives that are to crosses and they get to cannot have 30000 more palestinians. and then we very quickly backtracked from that. they've made a mockery out of the international legal system as we know it, they've made a mockery out of out of the genocide convention and the fact that nothing. yeah. who continues to be able to do whatever he wants to do, just shows you how to cite will he is and how satisfied will the united states as well. of the 4 interviews getting this piece, you will notice that only one of them is via webcam. the one we did in israel, we have no choice given that on the eve of going into rock 5 and nothing. yeah. who
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government band alger 0 from the is really airwaves. and from reporting from there in announcing the police raids on algebra as officers, israel's communications minister called the net work, a threats to is really security because it broadcast statements issued by from us what alger 0 really is. is it clear and ever present danger to the is really narrative. it has the journal is on the ground in gaza, documenting the story that we most into a national news outlets cannot since they have been locked out by israel wester, news outlets for us to cover gaza at a distance have reported on the is really track down on al jazeera, but in an industry that usually stands up for its own, there has been a noticeable lack of solidarity there, which is era. i think many people, if, if they do what you would see it as some kind of propaganda,
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they would say the news media outside of israel is the captive in a way to this pro israel narrative. and they don't consider, i'll just 0 as one of their own. so i'll just 0 is other to because it is funded by kata. nits in yahoo is attacked potter, even though it's instrumental in mediating for a ceasefire. so that's why there is hardly a ripple of descent among foreign media, but those of us who need that diverse view of what's happening in the middle east and know that that is false. the notion that by broadcasting the statements of come us, we're interviewing people that the israelis are designating as terrorist is supporting . terrorism means that you don't actually believe in real journalism, and that's how it and then what time are they? uh well, some of them then of good if you, how much did you say on inputs? so, you know, i follow the telegram feeds of the old custom brigades, the,
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the armed waiting a from us. and because i follow that feed, in addition to israeli government feeds, i have a much more nuanced picture of what has happened on the ground. the fact is that what they don't like about alda 0 is coverage, is that it has the audacity to contradict the is really narrative or to simply do the job of journalism. well, me is really military and politicians on like have been making these claims for some time. they have not been providing the evidence needed to support them. it's not that al jazeera is advocating colossus position. it's that al jazeera is allowing people to make up their own mind, including benjamin netanyahu, whose own minister of justice, who, according to reports into, is really newspapers relies on out just it was coverage of, gosh, be is really, authorities would do better to focus on their own airwaves, the same government,
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the just shut down a news network for quote, endangering is really soldiers has no issues when a senior official in the ruling the crude party goes into and is really new studio talks about palestinian civilians in gaza and comes out with this amount and some of the been people i've been some of the goodness. how old will i will, but i will have to visit when you live here. seen those types of clips is actually a daily occurrence. this, this is not an operation. we see almost daily politicians make these making these genocidal statements on television. we hear them on radio in print, it happens all the time. we hear not just commentators, but sometimes the journalists themselves making these exact same statements. so how much they came in of that team? how can we push on the helping push a gym to pull them? first of all, to leave to learn about the home in the israel is
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a country that is in genocide or fever. and the reason that they don't want networks, lakeesha theater here is because they don't want anybody covering the genocidal fever that has taken shape inside his room. and to look at is really media from the beginning of the war. it's basically being a company in support of the war. there is this kind of popular consent for creating this kind of singular hedge, a monic narrative for everyone to believe in, to allow the government and the army to do whatever it needs to send. the coverage is obviously not showing as early as what is happening to postings on the ground, the number of people who were being killed any testimonies of how that was being waged when that is your media environments. but then you having us, you have in society that is not able to confront the realities of what their country is. waging a society that likes to describe itself as a democracy, the only one in the middle east,
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israel's the only true democracy in this region that isn't narrative, israel's government constantly puts out there and it resonates with its media allies abroad who venerate israel's democracy regardless of the crimes against humanity, but it commits that you're not homeless. israel is a democracy and a as a jewish state, as supports and, and believes in every life matter against. but since when have a part, hard states been considered to democracies just because they hold elections and what kind of democracy locks the global media out of a war zone that has become a slaughter house for civilians kills journalists, they're at an unprecedented rate. and then benz one of the only news channels that has its own reporters in garza, survivors risking their lives to get the story. yeah, we need to talk about that term. democracy is real calls itself
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a democracy. it's citizens think of itself as a democracy, but it isn't a democracy at all. you could call it a f knock or cd with superior rights to is really jews. you could call it a secrecy because it's captive to the religious elements and religious leaders. and also the ministers that bring a, a far right, jewish interpretation of a jewish law into the thing is really secular context. so this is not a democracy that we're talking about. perhaps nothing unmasks that in a more powerful way. then that state which is supposedly the only democracy in the middle east waging a genocidal war of extermination against the palestinians while simultaneously
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trying to shut down the single most important network that is broadcasting the other side of the barrel of the is rarely gone. that is being pointed at the people of palestine and fired non stop for 7 straight months to the tune of almost 35000 and confirm that it serves as a very powerful symbol of a narrative based entirely on lies that somehow there's some justifiable aspect to any of the journalists at least public broadcast or right have gone on. stripe, salaries and working conditions are part of it. the bigger issue is political interference. and the politician they accuse of that is prime minister georgia. maloney tara from alpha is here with which on this right stage woke out of what they use in cold, suffocates, and control by george, i'm a nineties administration,
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and the time it's the time the network into quite a mouthpiece for the government to join this union says it wants to stop political appointments, and key editorial roles is what is the censoring of voices and stories that do not fit with the routing code additions fall, right. agenda. it's common for governments and it's the to a point loyalist to talk jobs, right. but since she took office in 2022 minorities perceived interference in the broad costa has led some high profile preventive manages to quits. the slightest show down between rise stuff and the government goes back to april 25th. it's an eve liberation day when a permanent, also antonio square dotsie, which federal to deliver an anti fascist monologue. but just hours before the show was meant to add, scratchy, was informed by right, that his appearance had been cancelled for the newspaper. louder appropriate lights revealed what quote, editorial reasons. scratchings words were eventually read out by
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a host at the right setting. i bought toner and an act of sort of diety, nobody's insignificant feel. quando consists of the from 5 little they didn't even the studies story cheap. yet because she didn't have to hold up, i really need to do it all g. fabulous walk, or without nelfa, she's got the prevenient, so upgrades or to dispense a valley, fit updates, and decent. it'd be a good fit that did that again, that could stick with sending to you, but a sense of my, if you put the ad and it's showing, see i'm it, let's put it and stuff as she stuff full, screwed out to and many other than it today, the whole effect was a blatant act of censorship, one that fits into why the pots in for maloney of government, which is trying to re make the media as well as the cultural institutions and its own political image. john this, the public broadcast. speaking off the record, say that so this government write the symbol of the so called dictatorship of the left. they think if they control the media, they will change the cultural narrative intensity. thank start. india is halfway
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through an election process of voting. marathon the last 6 weeks calling and election historic is a bit of a cliche, but this one really does qualify, should the ruling b, j. p and prime minister and arrange remote e when it would be the 1st indian government to win elections back to back to back with 3 terms in office. so the b j. p is throwing all it can at this campaign. modi's face is everywhere. there's been an avalanche of b, j. p advertising and then there are in the, as mainstream media outlets, the over whelming majority of which are pro modi for potential spanner in the works is the messaging from a collection of youtube or is putting out, explain, or is critiques and interviews. or questioning the b j piece, otherwise, dominant narrative, many are journalists who gave up mainstream news rooms for places in the online ecosystem are cash banner g is one of them. he has $4000000.00 followers,
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and his videos are racking up to the stage the headquarters got the heck it reaction of the novel monday on and finding out that it's an example of data. by the way, that's how they pulled. i pulled up. i've had all the got the search got to get points and they go to see about how many people would've been out there are cash buy energy joins us now from new delhi, mr. banner g. on the surface, the selection looks like a done deal. give us a sense of what no rent remote is appeal to the indian electric is built on where to begin with. i wouldn't say that it's already done invested in getting addictions that tend to be remarkably unpredictable. why movie is definitely a far ahead. these change very rapidly in politics, you'll see the prime minister a lot less confident. you'll see him going back to his board tricks. so therefore, i wouldn't say it's done and dusted a lot of movies. tom good is my appeal comes from the fact is that people are
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really buying themselves attracted to this man who seems to be in control with i don't know what to use, whether the data suggest that it's a separate issue. this is politics. so that is the job which unfortunately for the opposition, no one comes even close to. so those people who are not very happy with that in the body at this point of time, they're not happy. maybe what has happened 10 years after his daughter spying? he's the only guy that owns the work for among the people unhappy with motives rule is the country's largest minority. it's muslim population over the years mostly has left some of the ugly talk to his proxies on that. but recently in this campaign, he's been a little bit more vocal and some of the things he's come out with like this next, that sound a little bit dangerous little. so now the number 9 jobs, one of the boards. yeah. so how do use explain this change of tact by mode,
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even the fact he's a little more direct these days? that is the question. if there was one question to be honest with regardless of who wins or loses this election. the one question to ask is, what really happened? remember, as you pointed out, that in the movie himself doesn't know the dog whistling he has enough and more people to do that. obviously, some brazen goal is to balance some hints off genocide being dropped to you and then suddenly after the 1st phase of election, you'll see this man come back into his board. roots angry is getting a socket that did these do some, but the plot my la hot a minority ma my job, most of the minor somewhere down the line, the pgp has understood that the campaign off progress, the india is on the right track. india has developed, people have more money,
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is not really going to work. and therefore hawking back to the fios psychosis of the people. the majority of us has minority, 80 percent of us as 20 percent of these 20 percent. i'm going to expand, they're going to take over your space, you'll put it into the space. they will become a, the prime minister, etc, etc. the side, the truth here is that this, that because they will feeling that in the movie, it has all the is you did him good, elect orders out so, so what he's doing, he's doing fully aware of what he is doing and it may just work also for him, we cannot discuss politics in india without talking about the mainstream media you used to work in that's spear. you've since gone independent. talk to us about how media in india has been transformed in the period of no render modi's rule. when i joined television media in 2004, 2005 and the there was a total of new television channels that were coming in database and was on a high,
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it was the aspiration, a job to be in. and i think my style is that i switching 2012 because what has happened, dr. 2014 is that the gradual decal but of mainstream media has happened uh by the b j. b. and that is a terminology also that is used for the mainstream media in india, which is called go. the media is basically a media that's 6 in the lapse of those in power. and what has happened is that that media has really allowed the body to take on a force which is much larger than him. so you can imagine him as a see me off of a family where his decision should not be criticized. so no idea that he can come up with can be a bad idea the if the idea is a good idea and if it feels it's it's, it's the implementation. so the media is really has allowed for the dumbing down of the political discourse and questioning of the opposition rather than the questioning of the government in power. or you flag the mainstream media space
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you've succeeded, you know, have one of the country's most popular youtube channels as a youtube or does pressure still land on you in some ways walk us through that world. so there are 2 levels of pressure. i think the easier level of pressure is the direct level of pressure. so for example, trolling in india is an industry where you have people literally sitting on rules and rolls of computer and doing work for a particular party. and of course be really have the largest online social presence and it's saying anything against the establishment will really result in volume and us and really toxic abuse. then comes the soft pressure in terms of people reaching out to you, telling you separately, what are your doing? why do you just asking questions to the government? why don't you ask questions to the opposition and, and, and some of the headings would be dropped. you'll be, is that don't watch out. you may have trouble coming you a week. so that's
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a feel that one lives in. i mean somebody asks me, what's your business plan? i jokingly tell them. it's to stay out of prison. that's the plan. on the was off the pressure in the attic, but i showed that's going to come in very soon, but kind of the regulations that are being brought into effect already. you have the new i t degradations, which basically didn't allow the government to put it on any youtube channel to handle based on national security interest. on top of that, you have a new broadcast bill, which would basically give the government a lot more bibles or even youtube channels, if the government or any of the citizens that aren't happy with any of the board that we do, big and right to us. and we are duty bound to alonzo within 24 hours. so technically they can betty us and people worked with 500 complaints on a date. it's using the law against the people were trying to maintain the constitution, trying to speak out for laws and values. and using that very same law against them . when we discuss politics and india,
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we do tend to let audiences off the hook. we don't really hold audiences accountable for the material that they seem so ready and eager to consume. what has the success of moldy and the b j p revealed about how gullible or perhaps ideologically right, when indian news audiences really are due by that. um, that's one of the saddest spots actually. um i, i come from a generation of television that was dejan. anything then i come from this last 10 years of watching television, and i always had seen um, uh, the silent uh spect data view. uh, well, uh, no use to say what is going on in june television. oh, this noise is this heat that is going on in the new television. i had an opportunity of watching something else. i would have the prime minister has some cleats and remarkable clarity on issues. it's only often blue,
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independent journalism, dwayne youtube channel, is off to so many as one gets to understand as those logistics uses. nobody wants to watch send somebody new mazda. nobody wants to watch just the fact that the fact is that while the government is specializing, mainstream media owning mainstream media, people also love watching this kind of viral bigoted content. otherwise, these channels would have gone out of business, what the mainstream media of what the government has been able to do is to tap into that deep. we're going to be good to be that people have within them exploited enable it any more than people to go ahead and then speak out what was inside them that hot. so the fuel cycle is this is being played phone on and this election bids show us just how much fuel you can inject and to be. but our cash bonner, to thank you so much for taking the time and walk us through the politics and the coverage of the indian election. thank you for speaking to us today. here at the
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listening part. thanks for having the old. and finally, last week, we reported on the campus protest movement in the us, including at columbia university in new york, where students and faculty were demonstrating against israel's were on gossip. that same school hands out pulitzer prizes, one of the most prestigious awards in american journalism. and when it announced its list of winners this past week, one organization stuck out the award for international reporting went to the new york times for its quote, wide ranging and regulatory coverage of how mazda is the tax on october 7th. and israel's devastating response. the paper one, despite multiple issues, the audiences have raised over the times as coverage of gaza. questions over terminology, emphasis and an institutional pro israel bias, typified by a now in the taurus investigation, but accused to mazda, of using systemic rape on october 7th, co written by
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a former is really intelligence officer with 0 journalistic experience. that article was thoroughly debunked and got all kinds of pushed back in the times is own newsroom. but that's the award winning journalism in america these days. we'll see you next time. here at the listening post. in depth analysis of the days headlines. if that was a rough or offensive, where would the people go? people have no place to go. each one of 1000 people has to be displaced. these 2 times frank assessments, this is a mass and blown to free speech. and freedom of the press informed opinions you can be somebody, this is on one of the hostages, october 7th, and return. and i want to start inside story on out to 0 read. and so one of the words, wherever screeches numbers are plummeting due to deforestation,
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culture and climate change indian signed a fighting to puts it to one of the most important things to control the species is to maintain that habitat one. 0, one east reveals the bottle to save into use with. oh no, just the latest news was so intense that this is all that is left. people are digging through debris and twisted metal to find anyone left alive in depth reports the entire gaza. population of 2300000 people do not have enough prices, escalating and detailed coverage as well as prime minister relies on foreign ministers to stay in power. they want the raft results to go ahead, define them, and then you all who could be out of office. why have american evangelicals become? is real strong. as backer is us president, you'll find the right to stand with israel with no red line. as long as us support continues, is there anything that can stop is real,
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solve on concept from going on in? definitely a quizzical look at us politics. the bottom line, the is really a tax continued to kill palestinian civilians. oh, across guys are those who survive? say only pieces of their loved ones, 3 me the flow, this is alex, is here. i live from bill. ha, i'm for the back. people also coming up, satellite images show the scale of forced to space mentioned guys, a 7 city of rafa. the u. n. says 600 thousands palestinians have fled in just over a week.


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