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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 16, 2024 9:00am-9:31am AST

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it is us precedent, you will find the right to stand with this real with no red line, as long as us support continues. is there anything that can stop is real simple on concept from going on in? definitely a quizzical look at us politics. the bottom line, the these really military stays, 5 of its soldiers have been killed as the battle for the nose of guys slays. again . that is more than 600000 to find a simians have been forced to see the south in just 10 days. the low, i'm 40 back people, you're watching out you 0 life from don't i also coming up the russian president vladimir fourteens on
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a state visit to china seeking more support for his war in ukraine. frank show, so heading to new caledonia, after an emergency was declared to stop vine and protest image specific overseas territory. and freedom was face to face again. joe 5 men donald trump agreed to hold 2 tv debates ahead of the prize eventually. next, the thank you for joining us. we begin in guy's side, where there is a fuse battle in the north of this trip. these really military says 5 of its soldiers have been killed and another 7 injured in jabante a. it says it was an incident of friendly fire, is really had a comforters carrying out strikes in northern sky. so let's bring in our correspondent tank up was on for the latest season. daniel belie in central guys, a tie. what more do you know about the circumstances of the death of these 5 is
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really soldiers of the way what was happening in fact, bullying valley. a refugee camp is that the military starchy too deeply pushed into the hall to jamalia a refugee camp. in order to many tally, dismantled the military capabilities of how much movement as they have been claiming before by the battles that have been described to be the hardest and the did lease about. because the level of confrontations are extremely high. specifically that the military reading of how much has been releasing different videos showing attacks being carried out against that usability troops and or different um pushes being made by the palestinian scientist. they managed within the past 24 hours to drop a dose of his medicine. just getting 5, at least of them while southern others, being haunted by these very military has justified the killing of their soldiers. being kate, by a friend lead time. sure fire. which means that the is where the military has been
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under intense military pressure in that's come, which cause that it to be one of the strong hold of some us movement in that area. so generally, the, the ongoing confrontations are still ongoing till to now as the is very mandatory has been completely, depending on you civic c, supply, a power represented in destroying residential buildings alongside with key civil infrastructure in that area. the managed to partially, we drove from some certain streets and to come the but at the same time, they are trying to re deployed that troops in a way that can avoid them to get holly casualties as the go going on with confrontation with palestinian groups, the yeah, this is fighting clearly in the north tower while people are fleeing the south heading to the no yes, according to the united nations, at least 600 the house. that's how citizens have flipped from roof district since
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the beginning of the mandatory and kitchen for the city wide. only in the past. 48 hours, at least 150000. others being fleeing from xact area as me controversial mandatory evacuation or has been passed to the residents of the central areas of roof or has the is there any minute treat has more place, move troops in order to expand the fighting to reach this area. despite the east, very description for the operation to be limited by what it's happening is using collateral destruction in the eastern portion of the city, where confrontations are still ongoing. that within the past couple of hours, more attacks and rough district for the full palestinians have been killed from the same family in the western parts of roughly. and also the ministry has dropped leaflets in the western areas of roughly district to close to almost the area for east valley captives quoting for any kind of hill to get them by palestinian residence on this is a part to be used by the ongoing assets in order to restore that cotton citizen
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mainly, they have been having different kinds of confrontations for it. casualties among palestinian civilians in the roughly district continue to rise and to arrive to escalate the hospital. in light of the great difficulty that emergency workers have been coming through during the process of searching for victims in areas of confrontations due to the holy intensity of abutment definitely topic. thank you very much for the update that challenges here is terry capitalism reporting that alive from daniel blah in central, gaza. and other developments stays around the defense ministry. you'll have guidelines has come on out to you, not position to raise or us control over guys after the war is calling on prime minister benjamin. it's now to roll out such a possibility and to consider palestinian alternatives to hum us immediately when you call it it was, i mean, shut off. i called on prime minister benjamin netanyahu to declare that is rarely not to have a civilian rule over the cause of stripping, that there will be no,
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it's really miniature administration into strip, under a governing alternative to home us in the gaza strip will be promoted immediately i'll just say as mom and john jonas following the dispute within these really cabinet from jordan's capital of mine, because the national government has shut down alger sierra in israel, in a public spot laying bare the divisions in israel's war cabinet on wednesday at a press conference in tel aviv israeli defense minister, your wife, golan stated publicly, that is real, should not be involved in military rule in gaza once the war is over. he also called on his really prime minister benjamin netanyahu to publicly reject that scenario as well. now, not too long after that, you have the prime minister benjamin netanyahu saying that the palestinian authority won't rule gaza and adding that as long as how much remains no other party will govern in gaza. also responding a 3rd member of the war cabinet and is reopened against feedback. galani said
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galani speaks the truth, that it is the leadership's responsibility to do the right thing for the country at all costs. now again, this is all really showing deepening divisions among members of the work cabinet at a very critical time. at a time when more critics of nets and yahoo are stating that he has not expressed any clear plan for how gaza should be governed once the war is over in a so called day after scenario. we know that the americans have been frustrated by this, and i've also suggested that nothing yahoo would try to formulate a plan for how gaza should be governed once the war is over. but also we've seen more and more on named members of the military establishment, but members of the military establishment, nonetheless, being quoted throughout these really media landscape and is really media outlets expressing frustration about the fact they don't think enough as being done to come up with a plan for a post worst scenario in gaza. also,
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members of the military establishment named members, but members of the military establishment, nonetheless, being quoted and is really outlets saying that they are very worried that because the political leadership in israel is not heating the advice of the u. s. and what the u. s. is urging is real to do that, that could constitute a bigger fracture and the relationship between the us and israel going for how much i'm just here. i'm not again mama jump june is covering this from my mind because israel has bind allergies. here we are reporting from outside israel. a group of these really satellites has again attacks trunk, scaring life saving aide that was heading towards casa. they climbed onto the vehicle, was throwing and destroying supplies. these really settlers and went on to a time 2 of the policy and drivers injuring them both. it took place near the eas, really illegal settlement of faith and amy occupied by spot. police in the us saw arresting students and removing 10 set an encampment at the university of
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california in irvine and support of a ceasefire and gaza. hundreds of students at the campus close on for lecture hall on wednesday, university of california. irvine is one of many colleges across the country where protesters have been demanding that schools divest from these really companies rob reynolds is that the university of california irvine campus with more behind me, you can see just a few of the hundreds of police officers who were called here to the university of california irvine campus. earlier today, they were called because students began occupying a science building on campus. and after police arrive, they tore down the students pro palestinian solidarity kit and camp at the guise of solitary and camp. and removed all the tents, those or have been completely dismantled. now, a few moments ago the police began moving in to sweep out the remaining protesters
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who were on campus. there were a number of arrests earlier, and the police have said that anyone who remains on campus is in an unlawful assembly and are subject to arrest in possibly the use of a non lethal force in another move of displeasure in the wider academic community over these actions by administrative since 48000 student workers lecturer, student teachers, researchers and others were represented by the united auto workers voted overwhelmingly to go on strike against the 10 campuses of the university of california. earlier they said that their rights had been violated by the suppression of the pro gauze of solidarity protests. and that they aim to so maximum chaos their words on campus by withholding their labor. it's not certain
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when those walk offs walk out will begin. but the vote has been taken in the strike appears to be set a protests against and not follow the catastrophe are being held that universities across the us. many of them are at campuses which have been holding valleys in support of palestinians and gas or for weeks. now, john henry, for some our brain michigan. here the university of michigan, the administration have asked students to break up this enhance the academic year over with zoo filters. they are going to remain that they are holding hundreds of people and they have said that they have taped their demands to the doors. the region, the region, so the officials of the university with the power to change policies, those cnn's are one to the best for him, is really tight in genocide, in their words, never to financial operations, they say must be beholden to what they call a people's audit and 3,
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the university of michigan needs to withdraw from home is rarely academic cooperation. and they need to abolish the police force and replace it was a crisis response force. we talked to a student here, this is what she had to say to what student and movements have proven is that the heart of the movement is well in a live with in campuses. and so wherever the movement resides, that is where i will be, and that is where the policy and supporters will always be. so the and kim is still going on strong. today's day 24. and we're going to remain here until our demands are mad. and i have technically graduated, my heart has never graduated from the policy move. it's always going to be committed to that no matter what. so i am going to remain here. and so has several of our team members will put in our folks. and students who are even taking classes right now, but who have decided to not go back home for the summer and to remain here because of their commitment to policy innovation. as part of the not for rally students
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large around campus here at the university of michigan to draw attention to their demands. and then they came back here to the encampment and gathered around on the table. that's the negotiating table. and on each of the chairs is a picture of one of the regents of the university. that's because the university regents have not been negotiating with the students and their students want them to come to the tape. john henry and al jazeera ann arbor, michigan, still ahead on knowledge is harassing the fighting of on keys. more families are forced to join the 1000000 so ready to space by the war. a new, the in depth analysis of the days headlines. if that was a rough or offensive, where would the people go? people have no place to go. each one of 1000 people has to be displaced at least 2
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times frank assessments. this is a maxim blow to free speech and freedom of the press, informed opinions you can be somebody, this is on one of the hostages, october 7th, and return. and i want the chilly to stop inside story on al jazeera, a meeting of mine's the tragedy from me, of a democratic solve africa. it's how quickly we sort of adopted the very told re global, know the intertwining of money and politics campaigner andrew find state. and photographer shock you do on, on active is under crisis and gone. so what is happening today is something on our watch and years from now. there will be people asking, how did you let it happen? studio will be on scripted part one on notice of hearing this type chart, populations a decline, 70 percent. understanding the reality i just placed it floated out as it was, teens across the world. when you come to the house of the story, the,
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the, [000:00:00;00] the, you're watching l g 0, a reminder of our top stories. the is really military says 5 of his soldiers has been killed by so called friend a fire in japan. the northern gaza is the single biggest loss for the military since every year around defense leaving them north of a straight began early this week. the united nation says around 600000 thomas simmons have been forcing me this space by these really military in rock find the past 10 days. that being order to move in overcrowded refugee camps and police
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in the us have arrested students at the university of california irvine calling for a see sign, gaza. it's one of many colleges across the country. we have no testers have been demanding that schools try best for me is really, companies are our leaders a gathering and by reins capital to participating in our bleak summit? say 07 month more on guys. i is expected to dominate discussions at the meeting. this is the 1st time the original drunk has gathered since the summit in size radius capital react in november. during that summit along with the organization of islamic corporation, the li call for an end to the war in gaza. they also demanded for an hold on arms exports to israel. a now the wells news russian president vladimir putin is in china for talks with his countries biggest and most important trading partners. as a changing thing is hosting 14 for a 2 day state visit, which is set to underscore what the latest call
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a no limits. partnership is fulton 2nd visit in 6 months and he's 1st overseas trip since being sworn in for his 5th presidential term. let's spring in katrina, you from on the visit. she's in badging for is so tell us about what's being discussed. katrina between the 2 leaders. the, well, this to day visit is really about cementing an unprecedented strategic partnership as let them at present calls that he was facing for the very welcome that the great hold of people. he met with president cj and paying this morning. and as i speak, the signing a joint declaration, which further talks about the deepening of the corporation between china and russia . and there's also expected to be the signing of 10 more documents or 10 deals between the 2 sides. now the 2 major topics that have occupied the agenda have been the warranty, trained and rate. now when it comes to the war, so that i'm interested in publishing all paid and chinese state media, just ahead of the visit commending china is neutral,
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stopped on the conflict. he says that she didn't think has not worked since the world by contributing to it hasn't the disrupted the global economic system, unlike western countries. and he also has, thanks china for validating rushes, what he says, rushes of security concerns when it comes to this not so you just ping is just fresh himself from a visit where he met you. officials impressed with having to pull all intrusion to end his invasion of you said she just thing has resolved those fools. he has failed to condemn the world, but at the same time kind of wants to position itself as a mediator as a promoter of peace and manual mac from the front president did say she didn't envision, would like to see a sort of truce perhaps during that powerful impacts in july, so that may have also come up. now the other big issue and a huge issue that will be discussed or has been discussed the issue of traits. china has been an economic lifeline for russia since invasion of ukraine. trade has increased between china, russian,
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by about 60 percent. it's was at least $230000000000.00, and many of those transactions have happened in the chinese us not in the dollars. so one of the main topics of discussion is ways that these 2 countries can continue, that they do new trade without those days, without them, without it being impacted by a long list of west sections. right. and it seems katrina that this is an imbalance relationship with china, providing an economic lifeline to moscow. what does b g get in exchange? well, china currently finds itself in the world in and increasingly tens rivalry with the united states and aging policy makers be that as a real threat, they don't believe that that is going to go away any time soon. so it's very important to the aging, to have a big player like russia in it's called a big military palace. should there be any sort of conflicts down the line? also, she didn't thing has made it very clear that she does not like this current international
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order that is dominated by the us staging has a q is the us a bullying and not understanding the systems of, of, of other countries. and she just ping has made it clear through huge creation of belts and broad initiative pushing up the brick block for example. and even his efforts to drive a wedge between europe and the us that he wants to sub the that for its old us. and this project to create what aging sees as a mobile to pull the world is very much supported and also pushed by by them. if you to members, katrina. thank you very much for that. that sandra 0 is katrina. you are a 14. they live from beachy, while early i spoke to james crabtree, a fellow of the asia program at the european council on foreign relations. he says china wants a strong partnership with russia, but will not be assisting with the ukraine more out of fear of avi and h in europe and the us. this is a very unbalanced relationship. china is the 2nd largest economy in the world
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rosters. the 8th, china is not fighting a war. russia is fighting a war, pushed in need, see more than see needs from fulton with. on the other hand, you know, this is a partnership with our interests on both sides. and that's why it has been deepening and developing. and that's why in europe, in the united states, in india, there's a lot of concern about where this partnership might lead to. and so what's the scope of the partnership? where are they likely to expand corporation on? i mean, it's not cheap, but you can look at a whole range of areas. so russia, energy exports are important. they hope that the market they last in europe will be replaced by china. there are areas like payment systems where both china and russia hope for the world in which the dollar is less dominant. and both of them have mason payment systems that they, they'd like to develop. there are other areas in the military domain where they're trying to cooperate space, cyber things like that, developing military exercises. so they're
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a range of areas where they are trying to do more. but there are limits. and there are also areas where rusher is run. the wary of china right doesn't one china to become a power and rushes back yard and the arctic, or in central asia or for instance. so there's definitely limits the both sides place on, on what they call the know limits partnership. the united nations refugee agency says here now more than 3000000 ukrainians displaced within the country, and more than 5000000 refugees abroad, the latest to flee all people from the hockey region in the face of a new russian offensive john home, and rape for some hockey just the day before so sure and to scare the cat were in the home in full chance. now they are innocent to displace people and how to keep a getting a male, a head of an uncertain future. you could see what can be the plans for 5 man who has no home for now, and it's got
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a cave in this place. but what could be my plans such just explain to me that this is a little, they've got a live sort of his life and both chance. and they've got maybe 4 or 5 bags. that's what's left of that life. now. 8000 people in the flight is russian forces across the buddha and into no face, you cry. a new offensive which is kept and several villages resulted in street fighting in the biggest part of town. both chance is russian post is a bunch of rescue. policies are trying to get people out commit explosions and they say a tax on that vehicles look at the low. so the good, what's the roads are being challenged with renee farms are being dropped from drone just sometimes you even need to get out of the car and they'll put your hands on it and show that you're a civilian,
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that you're taking the elderly. but that doesn't always help mislead me of to we spoke dimitris, right. but to try and pick up more people victoria and the parents face the room problems getting here. thing, but bicycles. module procedure, why we don't lose or shot at the automatic lupins and the cross roads of every past occur soldiers to house to us. we jumped into the car. they say hold on because now we will go at the speed of light a little bit them as a now they staying and one of the few rooms in the center. it's meant mostly for processing. most of it, people have gone on to friends or relatives that they took no one to take them in. or at least they reach safety. they told us the bottom of the width of and they huddled in the car. it all way from the windows, even ukraine, 2nd city under constant bombardment, isn't really
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a safe haven. these people don't home and i'll just see the how to keith. slovakia is prime minister of all that fits. so has undergoing surgery after being shot in and suspected assassination attempt. 5 shots were fired at close range of c greeted supporters after a meeting. the government says the attack which has left the prime minister in the critical but stable condition was politically motivated. authorities of a rest of the 7 to one year old matt francis government is deploying troops, who is overseas territory of new caledonia. after 4 people were killed in writing a state of emergencies in place to tackle vine and protests against a cost issue. amendment that people say will freight and marginalized, and the legislation allows voting rights. so french residents who have lived for 10 years in the pacific island territory when, hey, reports a state to the nation. so you may be in place and you, caledonia, but there's no sign of com. returning to the streets of the capital,
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new may have groups of protest is continue together in violation of the new rules. burning fires in many parts of the city. pro independence groups lead by indigenous commack, a finding a decision by the french government to change electoral laws, which they believe designed to marginalize the voice of the things awful. we hope that the state listens to us, that they realize that we do not agree with this. we do not agree with that little on the why should we give other people the chance to decide for us, we've been in the colonial situation for several years now. then on tuesday, the french parliament adopted the constitutional reform bill that would allow a french residents who have lived in new caledonia for 10 years to vote in local elections. frances interior minister said the bill was aimed at expanding democracy . yours will good postpone them to respect the parliamentary vote. we need to understand what we're doing here. this is so that somebody's bone and you kind of don't, you know, to caledonian parents can vote in local elections. it's not revolutionary. but
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members of the can not community disagree. they say the reform would dilutes the inverts and the push for independence. some left wing politicians say the bill should be scrapped. do put, there are 2 communities in new caledonia for them to have a common destiny. you kept ignore the indigenous community to conduct the decision to pass this bill in the national assembly is something this your government and there's to call a compromise. but the only compromise that's been made here is one between him and the lawyers. the context did not want to of the bill still needs to be ratified by congress. but in the meantime, the french government wants to hold talks with protest leaders. on wednesday, the prime minister held a crisis meeting in paris and ordered more security personnel to be sent to new caledonia. the government has also banned the social media at tech talk out of concern that was being used to organize and intensify the protests. wayne, hey,
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al jazeera towed on a new zealand you as far as in joe biden, informa present. donald trump have agreed to hold televised the base ahead of the presidential election. the 2 candidates have reportedly agreed to june 27th for the event which is due to be at on cnn. another respond for september the 10th presidential debates have usually been held in october and that is in use for now on. ouch is here and that's it for me for the back to stay with us inside stories next them. and so rahman will be with you. thank you so much. the the, had a lot of they will get to africa in name is the 1st middle east and live and we bought a bit of a divide. luxury dry conditions across most southern areas, much west or an even wintery for places like took here and northern areas of iran will sit down in the south and showers,
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picking up there. on the 1st day. we've got a bit of a strong wind blowing down the golf, kicking up some sand, causing some hazy sunshine, the figures sedate, rather high across we at the end do by 41 degrees celsius. the i'm think is all set to pick up across the event. we'll see a lot of the drive, but possibly when the situation as we go in. so friday, and that's because we've got some somebody wins kicking up from central africa, bringing the heat up to coastal areas of libya. so he gets here are sitting very high. so this time if you and also that so hard, just slowing across into southern parts of europe over the next few days. some bits and pieces of rain. it can be found lingering across the north west of africa, but the west also wet weather, continuing around the gulf of guinea, the possibility of some pretty throat ferocious stones affecting southern market and moving into more retaining on friday for the south of this, which we're close that's central band, not as what for kenya and boned twice for southern africa.
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the why have american evangelicals become his real strongest back or is us president joe find the right to stand with this really with no red line? as long as us support continues, is there anything that can stop is real, solve on gaza from going on in? definitely a quizzical look at us politics. the bottom line, angry protest in georgia, the bottom it says approved a circle for an agents film. critics site will stay of the country away from democracy by adopting a russian style system. so what's mix for georgia and could this and it's aspirations to join the easier this is inside story, the


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