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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 16, 2024 10:00am-11:01am AST

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is working to address the plastic waste problems and has had some success in making this and such as reducing marine plastic waste and promoting recycling. the . the problem is to hold while many watching the oldest ever news on life and my headquarters here in the hall coming up in the next 60 minutes. these really mean latrice as 5 of its soldiers have been killed as the baffles of the knolls of gulls . the flies up dance as mold and 600000 palestinians are being false to free the south in just 10 days. the russian president, vladimir putin, is on a state visit to china,
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seeking will support his will in ukraine and problems sent troops to new caledonia, after with a bunch of violent riots, kills full of people and it's pacific island territory. the cry deep on the ground souls 50 in south korea, preparing for the next flood. the welcome to the news that we'd be getting gone. so it was as a phase bottle in the noise of the strip. these really minute 3 says 5 of its soldiers have been killed and another 7 injured in jamalia. it says it was an accident of an incident. pardon me, of friend, be fine. but this video shows some of that fighting with these really helicopters carrying out strikes in northern garza. israel's military has been expanding its operating in jamalia refugee comp. tonight says it's targeting remaining, come us fight, says we'll have is by the reaction in just
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a bit. but the image of jane is standing by in a month. that's cool. say the 1st night to target composition, who's in debt above and central gaza for us on a topic as the sun rises, the overnight death toll rises as well. and the focus has really been really up in the north of the straight. yes, that's right. so hill, there was pretty much concentration and we see clean military intensification in the north of the gauze. and stripping particular into a valley of rectitude. come. but since the beginning of this miniature includes in buttons that have been described to be lead to per size and completely plugged the but we can post parts of the new modern west tactics of wafaa continue to be used by palestinian troops that attracted the maneuvering troops on the number's 3 so that very densely populated air, you know, the bathrooms are still taking place on the hearts of the value. a refugee camp where the is where the military has announced the killing and the death of 5 of his
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soldiers, while 7 others being wounded, 3 in critical injuries, and the critical conditions right now. and they have been justifying the death to be clear. miss identification by 2 minute treat times that were completely observing a chloe, a military movement for adversary's part, yet latex had been discovered to be the are members of the brigade, 202, which was working in the hot, over which about the refugee camp fox according to our witnesses, but it was continued to this very moment while the east bed he met it. treat continues to use of the supply of paula in destroying buildings in order to watch all military attempts being made by palestinian troops in order to confront the east very maneuvering troops in the streets and even to the outskirts of that very densely populated area composing before us in the above, thanks to the update targets call server to mohammed junk june and joins us live from the jordanian capital. i'm on my desk. so this way the soldiers affect the
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public at large for the closing i have it going on. humans that seems within the israeli government of the that's right to hell. you have more and more people inside of israel, according to polls were questioning the overall word strategy while pull after pull shows that the majority of the public does support the war effort. there are more questions about how it is being prosecuted inside of god. so beyond that, also you have people asking questions, including military figures as to why the is really military is having to go back to parts of guys or where they had been already. and when in which they had stated that they had already cleared those areas of how much fighters, so that's on the one hand. but then you also have of note, this very public dispute that erupt did yesterday when the defense minister is really a walk, a lot, gave a press conference and tel aviv and said very publicly, that is real, should not be involved in military rule in any day. after scenario,
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once the war is over in gaza, he also called on these really prime minister benjamin netanyahu to endorse that stance as well. the issue at hand is the fact that more and more military leaders are openly questioning the fact that nothing yahoo doesn't seem to have come up with any post war strategy. that is something that the americans are calling on him to do. that is something now that we're seeing a lot of on the military officials throughout israel, in his really publications questioning why there is no plan at hand on how god's is going to be governed. once the word is overwhelmed at yahoo, fired back a few hours after saying that essentially no plan would be put in place until how much was defeated. and then you had another member of the work cabinet, a 3rd member of the war cabin. it's been against who publicly backed what the lot the defense minister was saying this all just going to show the disputes that are currently happening inside the work. i'm at lang, bear these very public and very deepening divisions at a very critical time. and israel is under increasing pressure from the international community, especially from the united states,
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to not go all into alpha and to try to come up with some sort of coherent plan on how god is going to be governed once the war is over. so. so how did, thanks so much sold as updates, and we just want to remind all of you is that now how much i'm doing is covering the story from amman in jordan, because israel has bend out, is there a so we're reporting from outside of israel. well, the scale of the crisis defies imagination. thoughts. the stock warning from the international rescue committee as is ready forces intensify the result in the south because the 600000 palestinians are being forced to flee the southernmost city of ruffled in just 10 days. so this is an aerial shot of north west rafa on the 4th of may 2 days before that is really action began. and this week, as you can see, most of the tents and shelters have been removed, but wherever they called, well, this is one of the places in con eunice knowles, from rafa on the 4th of may,
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that it was those attempts to be seen. but this is wednesday, as you can see, the number of tents has increased dramatically. so let's bring in our correspondence to recover as a and who's in debt or bala in central cause or for us again and tarik, people do continue to leave rasa even us. these right, these attack as we've already heard in the know because the fighting a mass apparently, but definitely way you are the well, the new reality. in fact, so hell is that the people that have been forced to flee a rough off on the mass is very bottom, and they have been carrying out wind military campaign in the eastern portion of a city using lisa for destroying residential houses and schools, clinics. and everything that could be suitable for human habitation, where palestinians have been receiving most controversial evacuation orders to fleet from the central areas of the roof. now that you spend a minute trees,
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mobilizing, move for guides in order to fly, to drop a hide. it seems that it reflects that you spend the intentions to expand them to produce the village of ration to reach to the middle area. and despite the is ready description of the operation to be precisely and limited. now people, so you can go from rough, i to the milwaukee area in the northern part of funding. just let the western pontiff kind of just along slowly to debbie and find out which is now the most densely populated area. people have ended up right now, living and drastic humanitarian situation where they are forced to live and make shift tens that completely have new sewing or how using facilities. and i'm a b growing rapids increase. all the in fact to us diseases suppressed among palestinians who are right now experiencing new challenges in terms of getting food with a new places, holes evacuation where some companies have slipped from the houses for the 6th or the 7th time right now. since the beginning of the conflict,
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where as we have been talking to a number of low cuz they had been saying that's where i completely exhausted from being displaced. and we saw that we'd, we evacuated to roof. i could be our last trip of evacuation. now it sounds to be like safety for us is actually truck being used by the is really meant it treat to keep destroying what left to from the goal is a straight line at the same time, we have no hope that this on going back to the ground can what this kind of ends within the coming days. so it covers the, the force in data by thanks very much for that. we'll be keeping in touch with the topic throughout the day. i as how most of the nation with any of the tasks blamed as well. so the style made in see sign to go she asians, and then the statement to month to knock the honey of rejected. any paste will supplement full garza without thomas an armoire column. we recently announced agreement to the proposal presented to us by all brothers in egypt and could talk, which was known to the american administration and followed up on the occupation.
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responded to this proposal by occupying i controlling the rough crossing and actually starting the aggression in the rough i area and entering the jamalia camp . and there's a 2 neighborhood in kansas city and they made amendments to the proposal and put the negotiations, added impass. how somebody is a professor of, of in special sizes, accounts, all universe. he joins us now heading down kentucky with us. again. let's just talk about what he smells and he actually have to same and you called kill the idea of how boss is a political grouping. can you? because no matter how you decide or how the west is defines um that would democratically elected ingles or in 2005. and i don't getting any way when you know it is of us now with that is what it has been trying 30 minutes. how much over the last 78 months, and the defense, they failed miserably. and, but if you want to go like a little bit deeper, you know, how much does it pay me for them, but the amount of resistance so likely for the students have the right to resist occupation. we've seen this like before,
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we've seen what these writers have done to the fellow in 1982, they defeated the military advocates expo them out of lebanon, and then they, they, they had to leave with them simply because the idea continued because it's not about the military or the political organizations about the fed, a senior writers of determination at this, it is, it is how you know, have nothing to internalize properly. and they still believe that light is right when, when history has approved the otherwise, uh, this is exactly what teneo is. was trying to say that, you know, the world can try like on a for maybe a couple of months, lets see month. but at the end of the day, we would do a sit with how much because how much is an idea is an identity. that'd be kind of cnn, um, identified with a demo, but the notes of that is really is all the pets rating and pushing is that they are going to get rid of how much one way or another. and what we're seeing is that as really pushing throughout the continues the us as we heard of the last what 48
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hours now is continuing to supply alms to is route to allow them to go after those a power in time us battalions. israel says they exist, they need to be liquidated, but yet we have this concerned about the near on a 1000000 palestinians trying to flee rougher as well. it is a difficult scenario for about these re needs to deal with on to the americans to justify you know, this is cause and effect in terms of cause. the americans have been telling the is why it is that you can do it and verify you can convey that off at the same time. they provide them with everything, getting out munitions that they need. and i mean casting aside all these uh, performance able to say, uh, things coming from by them as if he's trying to tell every, the everyone else that he cares about the material dimension. but at the same time it continues to, you know, supporting that to me. i was efforts to invade, to own a refund on the roof and you know it to me is to be seen. but the question is, what are you going to do with the 1?
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1.5000000 people. you're going to kick them out of both gas out. you're going to read ok then where? uh those people have been relocating maybe over the last 2 months. 4 or 5 times. so it's, it's, it's only add to the misery i think a and b is right. it has no plan, like something that can be implemented. and while, while you say they have no plan, they also have an ongoing problem which seems to seems to reappear. and daniel, her gallery, the military spokesman, said back on the 6th of january that i quote, we have completed on the dispensing of her boss as military framework and the knowles of the as a strength, and will continue to defend the achievements yet we'll sing the noise of gauze, the rise again, how boss has managed to regroup, or however, whatever. however, that tactics all, we're not privy to that, but they are dealing with these riley's up in the north and this is causing yet another problem for these riley's at ease. this is, is very, he was chatting for these right is because i know they're fighting english. i've
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enough. i think the regular army wild way they can defeat and then they can declare victory is a submit ticket or for, you know, it's not like the but a scene is or how must have some battalions in tanks where you can destroy them. and that's if people are fighting, maybe individually they can concentrate in any, any area, any part of, of gaza. and they can fight back. and that's why we said, when he said that, you know, they're back in the north, which should have been done like months ago. it's, it's simply say, is one thing that these ladies can continue to war, but they can't, when uh, you know, when, when it gets to, unless they have a strategy, when they, they like it as a body from kind of like university kentucky, with a supposed be to you through the bank. thank a sense of overhead here only i'll just even use are including sleeping. they fighting around tough teeth. full time is that falls to join the millions already displaced by the role in ukraine. plus i hear you free on wednesdays,
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face to face again. dr. barton and donald trump agreed to hold 2 television debates, the head of the presidential election, the to the days of the news. the russian presents documentation is in china. if adults with the countries biggest and most important trading pontiff, president teaching thing is hosting facebook page and for a 2 day state visit, which is set to and the school. what that means is called a new limits partnership. they say is preaching 2nd visits in 6 months and his 1st day receives trip since being sworn in for his 5th presidential tub. well, we have correspondence in the russian and chinese castles, tracking teaching, visit you the shop of oliver, is it most good with us? call save to katrina, you in, bang, shanghai can see it. i mean, what are we expecting decides to discuss that? will it become privy to all of us? the student taking content is that it appears in an
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old friend and you are certainly welcome to such on thursday morning paging. literally rolled up the red carpet for him to receive the very vibrant military weltman. susan is also accompanied by very big delegation in suiting his new ad form at defense minister, as well as several important finance ministers. so that does tell us that the warranty crane and trade are 2 big topics on the agenda. now they held a close to meeting this morning on thursday and just about an hour ago, they also had an event finding a joint declaration, as well as 10 government documents, including everything from deepening tray to the protection of siberian tigers. now during dislike that signing, she didn't think gave some comments, and during that a speech, she said that she was celebrating 75 years of diplomatic ties between russia and china. that that relationship was a stabilizing force in the world, in the face of rising for germany. no doubt, referring to the united states. he also talked about trade,
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how trade between russia and china had increased by a 170 percent in the past 10 years. and there was still potential for that too. expense. and he made a point that russia, china corporation did not target any 3rd policy, that it was a mutual respect, mutually respectful, beneficial partnerships, and that you hurt in the end that so what you prayed, what she referred to as of prices, would be solved peacefully, presented to his pods said he was grateful to china to trying to solve the ukraine price as well, considering the security concerns of both sides. and he said that there were approaches to regional and global issues like aging. and moscow was very simple and that they were both working hard to achieve what they both described as more multi polar wells pretend also criticized as a glut global institutions such as the united nations and d. 20 saying that they needed to be the politicized. and said that bosco and aging would work together to improve security, engage a pacific,
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and he didn't do what he said were closed. alliances in the region, no doubt, referred to the book, is packed, which paging cans. it is a, an alliance design to contain china. of course, katrina will continue to follow a present patients visiting china. it needs to be today. thank you this call say that now to must go. i usually shop of oliver is standing by for us and i want to usually, i mean how this trip is being viewed. in most cases, the light's hued as symbolic and a significant and just a short while ago president, she said that of a 3 quarters of a century relations between china and russia had become even stronger. and also in march, last year, russian became the 1st country president. she visited also his re election as president, and today left him. a patient, as he mentioned, is returning the owner, heading to trying to just days after his nokia racing 4th 5th time. bring his renewed cognitive ministers to beijing with him. russia sees the relationship with
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china as strategic and particularly strong, it considers trying to its main triplets, co ally and paul. russia has been particularly vocal about its tried to united, was trying to, to challenge the u. s. global dominance and for a long time both leaders have been saying that there are no limits in the relations in the relate in the countries of electro relations, as you mentioned. but uh, as i mean when russia is involved in the co fixing ukraine and has to deal with unprecedented west of sanctions. the russian economy is increasingly dependent right now in china. and despite china enjoys rushes, cheap oil, gas, and coal, the russian market is tiny compared to china's economic relationship and trade with the united states and europe. trying to treats the them as equal and rich fondness and does not want to lose them and enjoys that respects, that full despite the friendship and cooperation with china, with russia rather,
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trying to says a does not provide russia with lee. so weapons that russia can use against ukraine and one of the important reasons for it is threats. so sanctions from the american and european partners in china, values and doesn't want to lose and apart from what we hear, that's the trade between the countries is growing. the countries are increasingly switching to payments and then not show currencies on the visit seems to be very successful. but of course, there is a big part of the question of how to and the conflicts and ukraine will be address . because china obviously has its leverage of a russia, a shop of oliver investigate. thank you. let's go. so it was on the multi senior research fellow at the same time center for china. and globalization joins us now from trying to, in trying to get help you with a mr. bulk on the product i'm, the guy is pose. that's usually a said, it's no surprise at present periods and has chosen china
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a 1st best phone trip since being and they'll give a to the 5th time. again, he says that those relationships with china are very important. but what do you think he wants to get from china? because he's got quite a wish list. you know? that's right. and so hill, this is a very important meeting for president booth. i think it's very important that these 2 countries work together to address some urgent threats facing the world. and i think there's a growing consensus globally that a lot of this instability boss, threats to prosperity. and he's originate with the united states, for example. but for the us, tens of thousands of innocent palestinians would still be alive. but for the us, the ukrainian conflict would not be anywhere near as destructive as it has been. and, but for the us, tensions in the south pacific would not be as great as they are. so i think russia
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and china is to great powers, a c, a, their responsibility in immediately rating uh, some of these challenges in different parts of the world. and of course, for president most of q challenges, what's going on and ukraine, and related european sanctions, or i'd say sanctions from the west against russia. it will be interesting to see what he does get from beijing. but in terms of presidency, it's a difficult balance that got him right now because you say, you know he's c and the china is in conflict with its neighbors in asia pacific. it also has a soul to influence within the middle east with rod and saudi arabia managing to brokering a piece by which couldn't directly impact what's getting, holding dollars in the long term. but in the recent few days, what we have seen is, is rough to sanctions. against china and whether it's bank,
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so or business is the us as impose sanctions against the he has to be capitalized. suppose about what the problem is, must go, because he knows what the repercussions will be, possibly from the west as well. i think it's the hill that's certainly one way to look at it the other way, but i think to cast it into more positive light is that china can play a pivotal role as a bridge between russia and between the west. so clearly the u. s. is escalating its economic attacks against trying i was like this a recent raft of sanctions against green industry products. but at the same time, i think there is a growing global consensus that china has the technological leadership in the transition to a more stable economic future. it also has the manufacturing capacity, and increasingly it's recognized. they have been design capacity to deliver the
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products, whether that's electric vehicles, solar panels, that consumers and businesses really want. so i think that you're right, if a china must strike a balance. but i would see this more of the train is playing a bridge and has much to offer russia iran as well as the united states and europe . and clearly, there are differences that must be managed in ridge, but again, i see this in a more positive light. the china can act as a bridge to address bob. some of these seemingly intractable problems, it's good to get your insights as always on the box of the center for china in globalization. thanks for joining us. thank you. that'd be nice to patients. refugee agency says that more than 3000000 ukrainians displaced within the country . a more than 5000000 refugees abroad, the latest if they all the people from the region in the face of a new russian defense of john,
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home and reports from the just the day before session. to scare the cat were in the home in both chimes. now their in incentive to displace people and how to keep getting a male ahead of an uncertain future. you could see what can be the plans, what fi man, who has no home for now and the kind of cave in this place. but what could be my plan is such that just explain to me that this is all they've got a live story of his life in both chance. and they've got maybe 4 or 5 bags. that's what's left of that life. now. 8000 people in the flight is russian forces across the buddha and into ne ukraine. a new offensive which is kept and several villages resulted in street fighting in the biggest part of town. both the chance of these russian forces a bunch of rescue policies are trying to get people out of it explosions
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and they say attacks on their vehicles. so it's a good what's the roads are being challenged? renee, the psalms, are being dropped from drones just sometimes you even need to get out of the car and put your hands on it and show that you're a civilian, that you're taking the elderly. but that doesn't always help. mostly in lieu of to we spoke demitra drake, but to try and pick up more people victoria and the parents stay so room problems getting here thing, but bicycles. so much your procedure, why we don't move our shop at the automatic lupins and the cross roads of every past across whole just house to us. we jumped into the car and they say to me, hold on. because now we will go at the speed of light and little bit of them as a now they staying in one of the few rooms in the center. it's meant mostly for processing. most of it people have gone on to friends or relatives who would like
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to they could no one take them in. or at least they reach safety. they told us the bottom of the width of and they huddled in the car. it all way from the windows, even ukraine, 2nd city, under constant bombardment, isn't really a safe haven. these people don't home and i'll just see the how to keep still a head here. all the news of security is tight and outside the hospital and the slaves capital, where the prime ministers recovering after the assassination attendance. the faceoff on the campus us please take on students of the university of california, protesting against israel for garza the
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have that was stopped by looking at the satellite image for europe. and you can see a divide from west to east weatherwise over the next few days. a high pressure in charge out because northern and eastern area. so lots of settled, sunny weather to be found here, but that's an area of low pressure to the west that's bringing in some very width and windy weather. the worst of that on thursday, affecting northern parts of it to be some very heavy rain expected here we could see flooding from that behind it. some showers coming in for fronds into northern areas of spain and portugal as well as rain coming back in spots of britain and on . but still some sunny spells as we go into friday. when the weather shifts across small central areas, bringing very heavy rain to southern parts of germany, we also see some of that drift into poland as well as the north of the citizen locked riah, we've got temperatures sitting very high across pots of norway, sweden and finland but also some fly, a danger warnings out here. it was up nicely for the balkans as we go into the and
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also a week this week is continuing to rise across eastern areas. and we will see some improvement coming in for is to be for southern areas, including for room sunshine, through to friday, a chance of showers on saturday. the palestinians who are expelled from there and then in the neck of 1948 still don't have the rights of return today is that the land was extorted and settlements were built. 20 houses 0 worlds goes back with young, good old palestinians to re discover their ancestral homes. why doesn't my grand parents stay here? why aren't i here? return to palestine on al jazeera of the
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. ringback the, the book about if you want to build is it renews with a single raman in doha, remind to of, on top stories. these are in the military says, part of its soldiers have been killed in a friendly fire incidents in jamalia in northern garza. it's the single largest
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loss of life full the all reasons. it renews a ground defensive in northern gauze that to get this month. the united nation says about 600000 palestinians are being forced to be displaced by these really big tree and rough in the past. 10 days that being older 2 lives nice of me, it over crowded refugee tends. the beautiful courts of justice is due to hold hearings of extra emergency measures sold by south africa against as well as the tax on rough edge owing its war. and garza pretoria is demanding an immediate hold to his right the funds. both of 1500000 palestinians have been sheltering in the southern city. a now fleeting south africa was the call to or the israel to allow him that access to the strip. so you've unofficial see about it's heavy and agencies generalist and investigators. so you and the top coal sold to this route in january to do every thinking it's power to prevent genocidal acts or the allow aid intake. also, when it's your boss is a professor of international law,
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middlesex university, his work is focused on human rights and in special criminal law. and he chose this on line from the mr. tr boss, always nice to have you on the program. thanks for your time. we just begin with another hearing at the i, c. j being brought about by south africa for additional meshes. have the ground realities changed in gauls enough, in your opinion, for this presentation to be made by south africa. they tried in january and nothing much happened as well. yes, david, going back. this will be the 4th request by itself there for god, for provisional measures, and those you mention at the end of january and they were successful in getting an order. they again obtained an additional order late in march, and they are arguing now they will be presenting before the court this afternoon in the hague. that the circumstances that they have developed in the mall now where they are essentially claiming that they are in the business the and this is the of
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the gaza. and with the destruction of rafa, the threatening discussion of around the, the, the, this is sort of the final stage. and so they're asking for a renewed order. and in particular, they're focusing on a requirement of a cease fire that the military activities stop altogether. and this will be by the court to decide the court has clearly indicated the urgency of the matter. the application was filed on friday of last week and they sent a hearing for today or 5 days later. and this is really a extremely unusual. they haven't responded with the same kind of urgency before, so it shows that the court was taking this as a very serious matter. i just want to race, right. do you actually things that the, the, the, the presentation of this is the end for rafa is going to sway the cold as well . of a funeral. it's a, it's a difficult things are predicted how the court is going to respond to the court has
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been fairly consistent in it's in the way of to address this crisis since since january. and i think it's fairly united on it. how, of course, court has a lot of freedom in terms of what they order as well. i don't see them retreating for anything they said earlier, but you know, they couldn't, they could either reinforce it, they could make a much stronger order. this is really and this, these are the details, these are the nuances and so carpets then, although it tries to get you in the name of the, in its orders, there are a lot of been a lot of separate opinions in recent, in the more recent orders not just in this case, but also in the companion case that was filed by nicaragua, against germany. and so, you know, the courts, these are 1715 individuals well with the, their own views and their own approaches. so it's, it's very difficult to predict exactly what's going to emerge. so i missed this, your boss, just following international audience as well. just to clarify the south africa has
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made these approaches to the i. c, j. o does have been made to some extent, how are they being implemented by israel from october, the 7th to today? you know, they have not, and of course this is one of the things in south africa is seeking is some recognition by the court that israel has failed to implement them. it doesn't mean that these have been to no purpose or to have no effect, because they haven't clearly influenced the political situation and the political debate. they, the terminations by the court and these provisional measures, orders have had a huge political impact of not only on states that have been traditionally very critical of israel, but also on many of the states that are most friendly to one who are persuaded, i think are increasingly persuaded of the, of the, of the harm that is real is doing and the need to stop it by the. ready billings of
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the court today, and so they've been significant in my opinion. well, we will certainly see what the quote does have to say and how the presentations laid down. so round about $1300.00 at g m t a he on out, is there williams your boss? so joining us from london. thank you sir. please in the us of arrested students and remove $0.10 and, and come into the university of california. and of i'm in support of a ceasefire and garza, hundreds of students on the compass plays. don't feel like to hold on wednesday. the university is one of many across the country, but protests have been demanding the institutions divest from is rated companies. rob rentals is up the university of california irvine campus. with more of the behind me you can see just a few of the hundreds of police officers who were called here to the university of california irvine campus. earlier today, they were called because students began occupying
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a science building on campus. and after police arrive they tore down the students pro palestinian solidarity kit and camp at the gaza. solid already and kept and removed all the tents. those are have been completely dismantled. now, a few moments ago the police began moving in to sweep out the remaining protesters who were on campus. there were a number of arrests earlier, and the police have said that anyone who remains on campus is in an unlawful assembly and are subject to arrest and possibly the use of a non lethal force in another move of displeasure in the wider academic community over these actions by administration, 48000 student workers lecturer, student teachers, researchers and others were represented by the united auto workers voted overwhelmingly to go on strike against the 10 campuses of the university of
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california. earlier they said that their rights had been violated by the suppression of the pro garza solidarity protest and that they aim to so maximum chaos their words on campus by withholding their labor. it's not certain when those walk offs walk out will begin, but the vote has been taken in the strike appears to be set to the nationals of palestinian. the sun being remembering the 1948 contrast renewed aspen that cost of hundreds of thousands of palestinians befalls from that land, joined the creation of israel. they say that history is repeating itself and israel's war on garza is a 2nd not above the sea and even possible from santiago of the square inside the palace vivian club into the one of the country's largest, where a solemn ceremony has just taken place to commemorate the 76 anniversary of the not
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good by the hour of, of the word for catastrophe in the front row. there were at least 10 senators and congressmen from the political left and the political rights as a strong demonstration of support for the palestinian cause. if i mean my family's kind of study and so i knew perfectly well what happened and how this community of stuff with so much over the last 76 years and most of the not far refers of course to the force displacement of 760000 palestinians from their home that the president of chillies palestinian club was one of them. the palestinian ambassadors to these thanks to this country and it's a government good, strong support. adding that disease. fire in general needs the kid in west coast where anyone must, who never know darkest dreams. did we imagine that we would witness new master cuz i knew displacements, thousands of palestinians working in search of
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a safe place today live on television. really is one of the 1st latin american countries to recognize the palestinian states. it's also has the largest palestinian community outside of the new lease center to francisco. china. one tells us a 222 days of genocide can not continue with impunity. that meant that they really are lower than that way. we heard this ends with the risk of these war criminals and systematic violations of human rights, like 5 minutes to nathan, yahoo! that's what we're asking, the full, the international criminal court. many here tell us that what's happening right now in dallas is like a repetition of the knock box. they also say that they believe the israel is losing support. day by day, much for palestinians living in garza. and in the occupied territories, a fear time is running out to sea and human outage in sierra santiago. so lock is probably minister robot to seat. so
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a 100 on surgery after being shot in a suspected assassination attempt fine shots of a find that close range has increased support is not for me. think it's a is a critical stable condition. the government says via tech was politically motivated . authorities of the rest of a 71 year old man. let's go. so he said to natasha butler, who's the bank, so it be starts in central stockett where the prime minister was attacked and is now hospitalized. hi natasha. i mean, what's the latest on the probably be this, this condition will department is the remains in hospital as you can imagine off to being shot a 5 times in the central. so back in town of a low on wednesday don't is at the hospital working well into the night or for a single and a him we, i'm to stand for many hours. we've heard from one of the doctors a while ago from the hospital who says that feed, so it was no longer in
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a life threatening conditions that his condition has been stabilized. but still he remains in an extremely serious condition. as you can imagine off the sustaining those a 5 gunshot wound, so we also understand the one of his main injuries was actually to his abdomen. well, as you can imagine, this attack is really shaken people in so exactly of the presence of slaves. acura has said this is no such a nation that time. she also said this isn't just about an attack on a human being on a life. this is also, she said, an attack on democracy of tools. that was the suspect detained. what more do we know about a so that's why we are just moments of the shooting a mind was russell to the ground, a suspect we knows that he's a 71 year old man from central state back here from the village. we understand that he had a gun legally. his son has been talking to slaves back in media about how his father
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had a gun license. that was a legal weapon. the suspect was a form, a security guard did once work in the supermarket. he was also a royce, his own. we believe that he had published over some, at least at least 3 collections of poetry. we don't know, however, what his motivation for the attack was police are expected to give a few more details. today, in a press conference, the governments in several minutes is a upset and you come out quite quickly. they all saying that this is a politically most devices attack. even though we don't know what the motivation was of the help of the suspect. what is clear though, is that feed, so it was for many people, quite a divisive figure. he's a populous politician. he was recently re elected at the end of last year, and he was in the midst of launching a crack down on the national board. costs that his government saying now that journalist and what they called liberal media,
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all to blame for pushing what they say of false narratives about faith. so chris takes the feed, so say that he was trying to rose the rights that freedom of speech and was so i'm a now worried about and slave back. yes. is that this assassination attempt? this a tag good for the fuel and destabilize a country that is already ballistic. a photo rise, the tester about the left voice in centrals that i can with the update. thank you. of the, the french government is deploying troops to it's overseas territory of new caledonia, of to full people were killed in writing a state of emergency as in place to tackle violent protests against the constitutional amendments. the people say will further mulch and allies. and now the legislation allows facing rightful french residents who lived for more than 10 years and the pacific island territory. wayne, hey, reports a state of an agency may be in place in new caledonia,
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but there is no sign of calm returning to the streets of the capital. we may have. the loops of protest is continued together in violation of the new rules. burning fires in many parts of the city, the pro independence groups lead by indigenous kind of luck, of finding a decision by the french government to change electro laws, which they believe are designed to marginalize the voice. the clearly things often we hope that the state listens to us, that they realize that we do not agree with this. we do not agree with that little on the way. uh, why should we give other people the chance to decide for us. we've been in the colonial situation for several years now. on tuesday, the french parliament adopted the constitutional reform bill that would allow a french residents who lived in new caledonia for 10 years to vote in local elections. frances in terry administer said the bill was aimed at expanding democracy. what was real good? pull for them to respect the parliamentary vote. we need to understand what we're
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doing here. this is so that somebody's bone and you kind of don't need to. caledonian, parents can vote in local elections, it's not revolutionary. but members of the can not community disagree. they say the reform would die loose the vote and the push for independence. some left wing politicians say the bill should be scrapped into put there are 2 communities in new caledonia for them to have a common destiny. you can't ignore the indigenous community, the contacts, the decision to pass this bill in the national assembly is something the 3rd government and there is to call a compromise. but the only compromise that's been made here is one between him and the loyalists. the context did not want. the bill still needs to be ratified by congress, but in the meantime, the french government wants to hold talks with protests. lead is on wednesday, the prime minister held a crisis meeting in paris and ordered more security personnel to be sent to new caledonia. the government has also banned the social media app,
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tick tock out of concert, and it was being used to organize and intensify the protests wayne. hey l g 0 total . yeah. easy, illinois. but literally, we spent to david graham and he's the president of the new colored and the chamber of commerce and industry. he says the riots have had a significant impact on the territories economy. we experience 3 days of brands and they were perpetrated by a task. i don't young people out of the society and we will not really prepared for that. and that's why we were kind of overwhelmed by the situation. nobody was prepared. we lost more than 100 businesses that was under nice or reduced to ashes. that means 2000 jobs lost and the chamber of commerce has missed to make it the financial loss of at around,
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at 20000000000 frank. so if i put you in perspective, that would be 40000000000 euros in maintenance for us. that is, of course content over time, a tom, it's about a has about return. that's whenever i do the, comes in the re, upstarts again. what we really need is these types of urgency, this type of urgency for us. it's a good thing because we have found that so those rioters uncontrollable and they were not even related or maybe incentivized by pro dependence, that politicians and know that socially out of control. that's what we need to return to. this takes a little a well, still a head held out, is there a crowded incentive treat conditions become so the democratic republic of congo prophetic circumstances for a rough express of color,
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the the book about us present a bug and then full, but present donald trump i've agreed to hold televised debates ahead of the presidential election. now the 2 candidates of supposedly agreed on june the 27th for the event. this to be at on cnn. i know that his plans for september the 10th presidential debates have previously being held in october. a white house correspondent kimberly health gets, has more to us president joe biden has challenged for president donald trump to a debate one that is set to take place much earlier than typical for presidential
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debates. the 2 man has bypass the non partisan presidential debate commission in both format ad, when these are set to take place. in terms of when this will happen, the schedule that the 2 man negotiated in real time is set for june and the 2nd for september they'll take place in television studios without an audience. and what we know, according to the video announcement by joe biden, is that he is going to show up in his own airplane. one of the todd, to the former president about saying he's going to keep for 4 years. and shop was to debate to me in 2020 the sense that he hadn't showed up for debates. now he's acting like he wants to debate me against or make my day pow hall even do a twice plus picture day style. i hear you free on wednesdays. donald trump,
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the former president, responded on his own social media platform truth social saying hack. and joe biden is the worst the bader i have ever faced. a cap put 2 sentences together and he went on to say, i am ready and willing to debate crooked joe at the, to propose times in june and september. he is also colleagues on the president to face him for debate in front of very large crowds, something that he believes that the current president is afraid of taunting him, saying that he can't draw large crowds and also proposing that there be a vice presidential debate. we should also point out that there is another man that is vying for the white house and independent by the name of robert f. kennedy junior. and his glasses both trump and 5 and saying that the president trump and binder colluding to lock america in the head. the head match that 70 percent of
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americans say they don't want undermining democracy as he is valley to appear on stage for the debates as well. kimberly help you out to 0, the white house. more than 2500000 people have been false from the homes of the east and democratic republic of congo. by conflict between government forces and the m. 23 rebels. the displaced and living in unsettled recounts and north keepers provincial capital, gabe. but people who are suffering from color as catherine solely reports these health where kids are struggling to contain not father outbreak in comes for displaced people in go my. the disease is pregnant quickly. 15000 people have been infected since january. these treatment center is feeling up color. i highly contagious and tend to within buddies. as my child started vomiting that was followed by diarrhea, she was very weak. when we arrived here, doctors discovered his color and she's getting back to
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a conflict between government forces and the entities we rebel group has made things worse. more than 2500000 people have been forced from the homes in the last 2 of the happy as many are leaving rough and shelters like this. they have very little to eat. and then living conditions are on sony tare, full didn't color, but cases of growing every day in all the cabinets. in each week we did $500.00 reported cases. the security situation is not helping the walls, health, organization, and other medi quote, health agencies say they're running out of funds to help millions of people in the country. we have people have almost nothing because they've been displaced because they've been forced to flee. uh their villages, their homes with nothing but the clothes on their backs were up. they'll where the most new arrivals are. and we saw people who literally are coming up with nothing.
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living in a sheet of plastic the uh, trying to make ends meet, finding their dinner tonight. and what is needed is financial support. this is what recently happened into comp, 10 kilometers west of coma. what a safety people what killed wynn palms, dash out to run that denies accusations by the government. the u. n. the us that it's funding m $23.00. bob got a comp displaced. people said the priority is keeping the family safe because even in what are meant to be secure areas like this, that protection isn't guaranteed. catching, so i, i'll just sierra will forward. he's in south korea. what else? new measures to tackle, southern expected joining. it's rainy season that they include the use of all the visual intelligence to help predicts floods might following devastating storms last
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year smoke. mcbride has moved from sol a, a longer volts away and sold a pro to busting it, spends emergency services, test defense is meant to stop or repeat to flooding. that's taking place here in previous years. work is monitored from the control center that now uses artificial intelligence to predict where floods are likely to occur. processing vast amounts of data from previous events and whether patterns to doing the, the amounts of jobs it has increased beyond what full cost is can handle. i believe this, i technology will enable us to give foster and more detailed floods, full cost, singleton some of them. it will enable meet urologist to triple the number of locations across the country where they can predict the flooding. rain storms last year with the worst and the decade, killing, endangering dozens of people, and displacing thousands. a lucy ever we hope to significantly reduce the amount of
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time it takes to predicts nothing. but that still doesn't reduce the increasing impact of extreme weather events. south korea is also turning to ever more i'm vicious input struck just like these underground tunnel capable of capturing and holding a 3rd of a 1000000 tons of rain water. enough to fill a 160 swimming pools running for near the full kilometers on the cell. it will still go to that would otherwise flood the city above to be late to have pumped away with climate change, an abnormal weather patterns happening globally. i believe this tunnel technology could become an important export item. south korea was preparing defences for itself, but also developing nc flooding measures that could be used in other parts of a world facing the same climate process. rob mcbride, i'll just say it right. so us, let's say it's for me to hold on this. all this news,
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i'll have more news on the other side of the right. but until then from the news, our team here in the office, that's a good time to come. the as universities across the u. s. mobilize for palestine, an unprecedented track down intensifies. they're putting a target on my back there say, here's your person, go get her fault lines investigates the mechanisms of suppression and the implications for academic freedom. universities who embrace diversity when it's for posting in right, you're suspended, you're investigated, you're shut down the palestine exception. when it does eat a full step of the homes, and now i think from the huge a group of displaced people sit in the shade. this is the 3rd time they've had to flee that village close to the town of coker and they hadn't even arrived in the village before they start telling us. it's especially hard for the children. most
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schools being close since the q 3 years ago and constantly moving is the plan set 24 hours a day. there's a constant bonds in the sky. that's what the fight to say is why 12, it's a sponsor place. it's up the looking for targets fronts, hillary, but also capable of jumping down on other basic services like health care scares to the clinic. a small truck arrives inside my pen a in labor and moaning and paint sound. everyone has been hoping to hit smiles and really for the family and the medical stuff for the new arrival in a very uncertain world over 27000 harrowing photographs as mutually can do that to us. the evidence in this case is frankly even stronger the mass that we had against the nazis at nuremberg. and these crimes continued in the
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fast of a 2 part series out to 0 photos, powerful cases of all crimes against civilians allegedly killed by the syrian government. with photographic evidence from the seas of files, the lost souls of syria on al jazeera, the israel says 5 soldiers have been killed in front of the fire. is it renews at scro defensive in those and goals of the blood. so robins watching all of their life. but headquarters here in the coming up exodus from a rafa mold and 600000 palestinians full to phase of the south in just 10 days because of the fusions on the state visit to china thinking multiple.


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