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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 16, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm AST

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the rest, the cabinets and windows causes large, largest remaining, partially functioning, and hospitals is no longer functional. it was a lock line for $200.00 diocese patients per day in the world health organization. previously, one would die if a hospital with a shutdown fears for the o. murat to hospital also particularly acute. this is one of the last partially functioning maternity hospitals in the heart of cause, which was until recently happening almost half of the cause of the day, the title of a 180 base. it has already been forced to stop admitting patients and metix, one that was off adults. every single one of the 45 babies in the near nickel intensive care unit and the special intensive care unit will die if a hospital is occupied and been on 13 my medical staff at the q 80 hospital in rafa received an evacuation order from is ready forces as one of the last remaining hospitals and refer you to earlier on 16 bits available for the more than 1000000
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people sheltering and rough. and it's pleasure. what mean? very complete collapse of what was the limping health care system in rafa? mister president, allow me to compute israel's broad incursion into f as be described by the united nations as one of the talk this morning's in this 7 months, not met with reference destruction on game as south africa speaks to this court today. the destruction of gauze itself will be complete the change in the situation and cause and the new facts. in reference that i've described, the monster provisional measures that miss mcgraw, you will speak to, of the mississippi could not be stopped. the magnitude and the gravity of the situation facing the pedestal and keeping guards are not exemplified in wrestling. so that's because that's been motivated to come through age and key to this quote. to prevent the destruction of the final palestinian government, took garza with the times. it's hospitals, it's schools, it's libraries,
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it's businesses shelters. it's marks which israel has not yet laid complete waste and sought africa has come as quickly as possible to the court. treated sure that the exhaust palestinian men, women and children have sort prestige in rafa are protected from a black box. and it is for the region to protect different really because of the not personally need to ensure the survival of the palestinian people in cause as a group and the protection from for the home of ation disease and dis, israel's pleasure of the rest, the enter. i'm sure them questions fights me impacting the so dish, if you needed delivery of the last said and you minutes here in a basic services and medical assistance across cause. but israel genocidal x in reference to president and distinguished members of the court cannot be understood with author, appreciate you. the overall genocidal context in which israel is restful operation is embedded. my colleagues, dr. assume what outlined this along with the continuous fits of ref. now in hiring
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display across because this trip as a whole, i think mr. prism mac 50 for the 5th man. i'll give you. go to miss. i do the has yeah, this moment mr. president, members of the quote. it is a privilege to appear again before you on behalf of south africa to but it's also tragic just as we are back here for months off to this quote. first loaded provisional measures in this case against the state of israel. so that's a is compelling to appear before you. this urgent request for provisional measures
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and circumstances where the alarm founded by the court on 28th, march 2024. that quote, all the indicators of genocidal activities are flashing red in gaza and quote, didn't rough uh in particular, astounding louder than ever before. this is because israel has defied every single provisional measure indicated by this court. and it's what is of 26, january and 28th march. and then it's the session of 16 february. as i stand before you today, palestinians in gaza on not safe, they are not secure. they are still being subjected to an ongoing and intensifying genocide at the hands of israel. the future hangs in the balance
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mister dukes, you see explained and is address the assault unfolding and rough or the last area in gaza in which palestinian life can meaningfully be sustained. the assault on rasa, which has to get this application, is inextricably linked to the ongoing genocide. they'll conduct being committed across garza, mister president, i placed before the quote again a matter of kaiser. i reminds the court that garza is a narrow strip of land of approximately $365.00 a square to them. it says it is just 6 inches wide. valenze from top to bottom is just $44.00 inches which is
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about the distance between this court and skip whole airport. and so thats the contents. this is even less than the distance between johannesburg and pretoria roof. i live in the south of casa with an area of approximately 60 square kilometers this time last yeah. bravo was home to around 275000 palestinians. as a result with israel's on slips, i need to vacuum patient orders covering more than 3 quarters of cause as total territory. $1200000.00 additional palestinians fled into rafa and the order of israel as a place of last refuge. now israel has issued
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for the evacuation. what is directing palestinians to leave rafa in just the past? week 600000 palestinians have been forced to flee from rafa. but with no way to go, they is a total collapse of infrastructure of sanitation afford to a food supply. in short, the conditions necessary to sustain life for the 2300000 palestinians in gaza. the picture on the screen shows palestinians last month, starting to return to the homes of to israel is withdrawal of its occupation of con eunice. as we can also see, there is nothing left israel's most recent actions in rafa
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bring it's coordinated plan aimed at the distressed destruction of the essential foundations of palestinian life. in gaza into hardy find focus. we are in the final stages of that co ordinate to, to plan with the different actions of israel to use lemons, terminology, the systematic disintegration of the political and social institutions and the economic existence of national groups and the destruction of the personal security, liberty, health, dignity and even the lives of palestinians have led to the present precipice. israel has the power of each and every palestinian man, woman,
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and child in gaza to determine if they lives. well, how they die. history ones, us. what happens next? we cannot simply stand by waiting for that to happen again. it is not possible to account every story of every palestinian who is suffering at the hands of israel's relentless genocidal campaign. indeed, this quote has held in bosnia in genocide that quote, it is sufficient to examine those facts that would illuminate. the question of contempt illustrates the claim by the applicant of attachment of acts committed against members of the group, such as to lead to an inference from such a packing of the existence of a specific intent and quote. in the submissions,
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i show that israel's genocidal acts against palestinians in rough uh, phone parts of a continuing escalating patching of conduct across godsa that provides persuasive and consistent evidence of israel's genocidal conduct in lots of these new facts. so that's like a 6 an order from the court. the only order that will clearly protect what is left of palestinian life in garza. it seeks an explicit towards that israel sees it's ministries mimicry activities. not only in rough, uh, but throughout godsa. turning then to the genocidal acts.
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in my remaining time before you, i will highlight the following features of the genocidal campaign by israel. first, israel has continued to kill palestinians in garza including women and children at an alarming rate. second, as a result of israel's on slaughter, palestinians in gaza facing what the under secretary general of to you and has described as the west humanitarian crisis. she had seen for more than 50 years, said a israel systematic targeting and bombardment of hospitals and medical facilities. and it's searching of humanitarian aid has pushed cause as medical system to collapse for israel direct attack
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and siege of gods as biggest hospitals has led to the uncovering of mass graves. evidencing is randy mass because of the palestinians seeking shelter and medical treatment. finally, most recently, israel has intensified. it's a tax in the north while pressing on wood. it's rough uh, offensive leaving displace palestinians. no, we're safe to go. i will take these in 10. the 1st feature of the genocide will conduct killing since south africa appeared before the port on 11 january 2020 full at least 11500 palestinians have been direct feet killed by israel.
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the majority of these casualties a women and children. and then on tave with nearly 50 percent of the population are children this onslaught has occurred despite the binding orders issued by this court and the binding security council resolution. on 25 march 2024. demanding an immediate cease fire for the month of ramadan. in fact, as unicef pointed out, a double digit number of children were killed within hours of staff resolution to mothers and 4 children are killed every hour. ahead, felipe last surgery, me says there are no words left. that can do any justice to the people of
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guys are the numbers of dead and injured defy comprehension. at least 35000 palestinians killed and 79000 injured with 10000 more to port of the missing for under the apple. up to 1700000 displaced most multiple times and more than 70 percent of all housing stuck in garza and more than a few percent impass of northern region damaged or destroyed. the 2nd feature is a humanitarian catastrophe. israel as coordinates since plant in garza has resulted in a humanitarian crisis. the crisis that this quote wound about in january, february and in march. 4th,
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palestinians in gaza face has been described as quotes, apocalyptic levels of pain and injustice. given that food and other vital aid cannot get in and to people, including the chronically sick and injured, cannot get out. and quote, these elliptic conditions look step to west with israel's ongoing attacks on the north, middle and south. it will fill it with full blown salmon in the north, moving its way south and away israel. the blockade on food, fuel and medical supplies continue cause as children have suffered, particularly since the edge more than 14000 has
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been killed. thousands who have been injured or lost family members. violent estimated, 17000 children, unaccompanied or separated nearly own of guys as children have been exposed to traumatic experiences. the consequences of which will last a lifetime make no mistake. these conditions are a direct result of israel's military on thoughts on the besieged, on plays with full knowledge of the destructive consequences of this
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humanitarian crisis. in these circumstances, the circumstances i'm watching of humanitarian aid cannot be seen as any thing. back to deliberate snuffing out of palestinian lives. starvation to the point of famine, obstructing age in the face of firemen. and killing off at least $208.00 workers. for the courts previous orders to be effective. for the provision of humanitarian aid, urgency and that scale. israel has to be ordered to stop its ministry offensive. the 3rd feature of genocidal conduct as relates to the crippling of gods as medical system.
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israel offensive and rough or has further reduced access to health care in an already decimated health system. only 2 out of 36 hospitals are located within the so called humanitarian area designated by israel in just 6 days between 6 and 12 may met so so i'm frontier recorded that it was forced to suspend its life sustaining activities. i'll shut buddha clinic, handle the it's activities at the all immunology hospital and was forced to close its activities. in rafa, indonesian field hospital as it could not guarantee the security and safety of patients and stuff would be ongoing offensive. the assault on health care
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within rafa is the combination of, of the tax on health care services in gaza to which the main hospitals across casa, have completely stopped functioning off the israel military assault, pardon me, off to israel's military seized the rough uh, and carried him shalom crossings last week and prohibited the importation of life giving fuel to hospitals. on 13, may the european garza hospital completely ran out of fuel and experienced a total blackout. without fuels, hospitals cannot sustain, incubators, respirators and life saving machinery. health care in garza is crippled by shortages of food, few oxygen medicines, and i'm especially ex,
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to the upstair trick and meant to energy health system and gaza is virtually non existent and every functioning medical facility is overwhelmed with patients. babies continue to die of mountain nutrition and starvation. no. is there any escape medical evacuations? impossible. israel has seized control of on in feet and exit points into and also have casa tracking and already suffering population, and inflicting conditions of life. calculated to bring about palestinians, physical and biological destruction in clear violation of the optical to see of the genocide convention. the 4th feature
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of genocide will conduct is the discovery of mass graves and its targeted attack on hospitals is rand has killed hundreds of civilians including doctors and medical stuff. training centers built for healing into mass graves full of the decomposing bodies of men, women, and children. on 10, april a un inspections team reported that con eunice was reduced to rubble and debt and return these discovered costs the scenes of a mass graves containing the massacred bodies of the elderly women, children, and men. oh no sir. hospitals, blue scrap is reportedly still closed, the dead bodies of medical stuff many what the capitated,
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324 decomposing bodies were discovered as many stripped and time cost. of these only 42 well identified. and now the 1st 2 parties were discovered into mass graves. in all she saw hospital with only 12 bodies identified prompting. the you in 6th street general to pull full the immediate access of independent investigators. these bodies included women and children with many reportedly showing signs of torture and summary executions. the recent discovery of multiple mass graves, israel's ongoing cho, cold on information coming out of gaza and complete refusal to allow
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independent investigators in means that we will not know how many palestinians have been killed by israel to military campaign for some time . if at all. and only if the evidence is not obliterated by israel's ongoing military operations in watch, commissioner full could tuck, describes as the prevailing climates of impunity. it is for this reason that south africa seeks in order requiring israel to facilitate the unimpeded access into godsa fact finding missions, officials investigators. and during the list the feature
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of genocide will conduct relates to israel intensified attacks in the north during the past week a while all eyes and attention withdrawn to the horrific x on folding and russia is really tang throwed again into northern garza, an area that israel reported that it have cleared many months ago. on 11 may israel issued evacuation orders over 22 neighborhoods. in jamalia in northern garza, at least a 100000 people in the north had been forced to flee. the devastated homes that same day that same day of the evacuation, which is israel become a religious assault on northern godsa, kidding palestinian families in their homes and children near the 12 by mosque.
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within the giovanni i refugee cramp, journalist report that they have no idea about the number of people killed and most casa for the past to day. as medics are unable to move due to the heavy bombing. many people are still kept under the rubble waiting for rescue, but no one is able to move under the reins of phones. as i stand before you, mister president, it continues. on 14 and 15 may, just yesterday. and the day before yesterday is really military issue to new sets of evacuation orders for a part of 19 neighborhoods in northern godsa. displacing even more palestinians and such of safety. mister
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president, these are the credible facts. israel will no doubt once again deny and costs dispersions on the information presented by south africa and provided by the u. n. and as the international actors, including those, this quote itself has relied on it to do so while continuing to systematically attack or independent sources of information about what is taking place in godsa and refuse international investigations and joined the list entry into gaza. having denied access to gaza and attempted to discredit with other sources of information is where it is been free to portray a picture of gaza radically at odds. with all of the accounts. just
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yesterday, the prime minister's office proclaimed that quote, the humanitarian catastrophe that has been spoken of has not been realized nor overlooked. and quote, a bold denial of the findings of un experts and other independent agencies such as the i p. c. as the score pointed out, the i p c is a global partnership of organizations including months that is the well food program, the food and agriculture organization of the you in the world health organization. ultimately israel says that when he what suits them on the if and when it suits them, i'll put standing the facts on the ground that has been presented here today. despite
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the court providing israel with an opportunity to respond to south africa's current request. israel has failed to submit a response and confusion, mr. president of memphis and support the risks to the people of guys are imminent, irreparable, and rapidly increasing. this risk gives rise to the necessity for the remedy that we seek in this application. a remedy that one and israel genocidal campaign against palestinians in gaza. full of what i have described must stop israel must be stopped. south africa is before you again today. to respectfully ask the court to
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invoke its powers and the article $7052.00 of the rules of the court to order a remedy that will stopped israel. mister president, that concludes my submissions on the genocidal contact. i thank you for your patient, the attention and i ask that you call mr. new guy toby to the podium to address the quote on genocidal intent. thank you. i think we've seen for a statement i know be with the floor to with the 10 big okay. toby, the closer to mr. president, the members of the court. it is
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a privilege to appear on behalf of philadelphia go to the request for the indication of the provision on measures and or the modification of the existing measures has been taught by the minnesota assault of diesel. the fund offer was begun on the 6th and 7th of may, 2024, and has intensified and escalated since as shown by mister douglas safe. and mrs. haas, in the meantime, a tech is to decide the end. it's putting ours on demonstrate. so it is also consistent with the explicit states that and continuing to know side the intent of the state of the deals that i subsidies to the knowledge of kids that are are, are far, is the last a few of garza, the only remaining area in the gaza strip, which has not been substance either destroyed by his right. the only area that can host displaced people.


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