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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 16, 2024 7:00pm-7:30pm AST

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you know, the last person at the court was american, but this time is lebanese, and there's already a talk in some parts of the american media that the american was pro. is there any that have any, is this pro palestinian? i don't think that's going to we in as much as people think. i think the court has proven to be a respectable body of judges. i think there are too many charges for anyone judge to be bribed or pressure though what have you. and i think the united states stuck in the end of the day if might have not joined the ice. you see, but it is part of the estimate. it is if it does, it is part of the on the genocide convention. and i think this court will have its task made made up for the problem. the complexity of this issue in front of the court is that it all, it has to be done under the provision of the support on the, the, the context of genocide. and that's why the south african thrive badly to go back to the essentials. there is intent. there's a pattern. in addition,
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there is urgency, intent, and pattern. a huge, really important to show that is right, is not just fighting. come us is not just fighting a complicated uh back to see, you know there is intent and there is pattern to harm the palestinian people. i flush alright, we'll leave with that. thanks so much. manuel. i'm the shadow us. all right, let's uh, recap where we're at or approaching, which is cross 1600 g m t. we've had the 1st day of oral arguments by south africa at v i. c. j, the international court of justice, asking the court to intervene with extra provisional measures. in addition to, to earlier provisional routing saying, the situation has changed since earlier rulings that recline this acetate, the quote to intervene to prevent what it says is an intentional precedent
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of genocide taking place in gauze, or it's asking the court to, to order his relatives sees it's offensive. let's go over now to step fast and she joins us from the hague. so step to boil down the arguments by south africa we heard today. it's basically saying to the quote, you have the power to end. this will use it. that's exactly what the south african legal team side and actually even stronger. they said so far, the court has failed to protect the palestinian people from this genocide. so it was a very strong appeal of for the core to, to impose to order if the route to immediately stop the fighting the, the, the actions military actions in gaza. and specifically in the alpha. uh, this is a different order that they had already asked in january to impose that similar
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order on israel to stop the fighting immediately. and then the i, c, j a, the international court of justice didn't order that. they said then that the professional orders was to, for his route to stop genocide. the acts like killing a displacement, uh, refraining from you. i'm gonna tell you in a, but this varies from order to stop the minute your operation altogether. they failed to do at the time, but now 4 months later, more than the 35000 people at that at that time it was 11000 people. so the situation was seriously escalated. so south africa now says it is, there is no more time left, and the court has now to show its power and stop as well from continuing its they call it, it's sort of an end game that israel is now doing. and then how far deliberately many like taking the palestinian people and wiping gaza completely from the map. and so step we've heard what happened in court today?
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what happens tomorrow as well as well was also of course, presence here during this oral hearing, but it was striking to see that there were only a 3 members of the legal team compared to a much larger team, a re presenting as well in january. and there's a lot of speculation, but one of the people from the south african legal team said that it's really wants to make a point that it didn't have enough time to prepare that it's been the to start and that is hearing what's taking place. and so there's only 3 people capable of coming, but the order at the end is basically also that it doesn't care so much about this case. and this is exactly, of course, what south africa has been saying all the time that there is contempt from israel for this case and for, and to international justice in general. step boston, watching proceedings for us and the i, c,
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j. whatever the cost of the public hearings that the international court of justice, thousands of palestinians have been killed on january the 10th the day before the hearings began. is ready for us, is it killed more than $23000.00 palestinians during the 2 days of the hearings on january, the 11th and 12th is where the bombardment killed another $351.00 in the month. following those hearings more than $5000.00 palestinians died, but on february the 16th few ends highest quote, rejected a request for urgent measures to safe cons civilians in garza, since that request was rejected, the molten $6000.00 palestinians have been killed. raising the death toll to 35272 close 280000 wounded. while the south african lawyer either has some spoke at the court,
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she outlined the devastating impact israel's was had on children in garza. more than 14000 has been killed, a thousands who have been injured or lost family members, violent estimated, 17000 children, unaccompanied, or separated. nearly all of guys as children have been exposed to traumatic experiences. the consequences of which will last a lifetime. minot from time is a professor of political science, the bottom line university joins us now from west jerusalem. good to have you with
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this once again. so looking at what's happening in the quote today, the situation in terms of israel's position and quote, getting 100 honda? yes, definitely not totally and zip code code. so i would cite the quote and data international public opinion, of course or so is really relations with the issue of going troy prices uh, ongoing crisis is with the united states. so it is rarely say but is rather situation political, the situation is worse than it is. israel is, this is why the government paying attention to what's happening in the i. c. j. a very hardly very hardly uh is when does not count the the hey court. it's right. accounts only for america, not ministration. and gave them face in their limit. the way that's
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the very side to side. it's is righty psychologically politically the government, the but the society as a whole spirit leaves october 7 atrocities they did not to move beyond. the basic is really, is motivated by revenge is why the want story finch. also, the army operation is it is not calculated towards the end of the day after, but we're expecting to revenge. this is, this is where the is really society spends and this is the way it looks on. take your reference, the american position on may 8th. we sold the us defense secretary lloyd austin, say that the us is pulls the shipment of problems to israel. how serious a change do you think has taken place or is taking place in the us position of
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support for israel and it's offensive in gaza. they say that they are the big political, the culture of the american political culture and this really political culture, a very different summer. it goes sunday in and speak very softly to be is ryan days. they don't, i'm to spend such a language. is riley of the space. obviously, let's say direct where it's a brutal x. that's the only way. ok, that's me come back at 56. but look, the american president eisenhower the subject to the real. it was a very clear message, you must stop the say, you must stop by and good night and we drill is run, had no choice but to a bite. this was also the language of 56 that to the us us. oh. so if,
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if you and you said send to is right. so this is the language of this rest of the standards. do you agree with those is ready on the suicide. part of the problem is the facts. as i said that the is really prime minister has a lot more of the game from the continuation of the role rather than heating provisional routing, some of the i c j. and i agree and will only let them know, but also the general stuff for so they administer the minister of defense. if i have to also the old cabinet, all of them were responsible for the wrong policy. you got to lead to for to, for 7, all of them expected to do face the commission and the day after the election. so the day after the war, all of them must provide the result is really public. it to the, to a to,
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to be read family is a to fall, a sort of families have to do the hosp address in augusta and also the displays because of what the government decided what it did and what you know, they did not choose the police because the track, all right, thank you very much for your thoughts and the analysis on that. right, well let's bring it and i'll just say we're assuming it political unless 11, but shot a he joins us here in the studio. so model, i'm looking at what's happening at the i c j. the bottom line is the how much hope do you have? the quote will step off. it's provisional rulings and outright cool for an end to this will look off of the south africans have made again, a very good argument last time around. they guess the net wide. they try to make all kinds of legal arguments very detailed themselves. so for this time,
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it was much, much more focused because they were not supposed to repeat themselves as most of the why now, what happened a look, it's not just that they are clever and smart and, and, and, and have the proof and, and what i like when it's because what happened speaks louder than any argument can you can making any court just by citations, mass grades, mass graves. so when they speak of mass graves, it could easily doesn't invoke so bridge, right? i mean, boss neil, and that's the least you could do is invo and watch the far fewer people died, then say, and i knew this, but so the idea that is where it has been getting such war crimes that it has been doing. it was such a pattern was such and then with clear objective as, as cited by war, cabinet ministers or so i have the security cabinet, minnesota thing and he,
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the nation overall 500 units on size. so all of that strong. but does it cost you to genocide and is this part of a process a back to an intent that this court, this very particular court can judge, i think that's what it is. and hence the idea of the jurisdiction has been visited and revisited again. and again, with this chord new that now the south african, again picked up on the provisional arguments of the last time as a new of the i c j. how soon is that? the yes is, is within your jurisdiction. well, not a spending something over the 1st 4 or 5 months since your last time is right. it has basically a spot on you is right. has he mediated you? it has defied you. it has why elated everything you asked of it. in fact, they double down the insight, the more, the more they destroyed more, the better spin you and people of, gosh, let's talk
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a little bit about the part of the south african pleading today, which was the court has palace. it has not use so far. well, hey, are you going to be the of the legal aspect of the thing that i am? no, i mean, i must admit, right? i mean there's that limits to what i can say. but yes, i think it's brought generally speaking, they the, the idea that this quote could do a lot more that it has done. i mean, just in terms of issuing orders, nothing. yes, it doesn't have an army. right. and it cannot implement. it cannot, a mirror, ends up anything actionable. it can only go back to the united nations because this is that you import. it can go back to the united nations security council, right? again, which come through is going to be to the of the, it's a politicized process instead of a legal one. absolutely, but i think the model, the model stands of this course, meaning the legal slash model would be important in the cost of public opinion. and
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why is that important? even if the united states, you remember, i'm not sure if our viewers are on the world. remember that the, the national security spokesperson at the white house said it was made at least baseless, in the case of the south africans is what setting to the court disagreed and said, there is a plausible genocide basement that we need to press get for the tech support of snippy. now, why is this important? because the united states is losing credibility, disclosing standing around the world because often double standards and hit bankruptcy on. the question of us are, these are 2 different things. it's double standard because it's each one situation in a one way another situation other way. so ukraine protest, i right to hypocrisy because it tends to be standing for universal values, democratic values, human rights, and putting human rights at the center of its foreign policy. what are the same time providing some $15000000.00 of farms to have done through that is basically
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now accused invited in cutting genocide. so america is suffering hugely in terms of its cuz they broke down suddenly because of its defense of is, is justification or is as well crimes and genocide. and i think that wouldn't have consequences on the intermediate, on long term, on the superpower status of the united states. all right, model one. thanks so much for your analysis. the now is ready for susan palestinian fights is meanwhile on the ground in guns of a locks in a fist. spiteful in the north is where i was made a tree says 5 of its soldiers have been killed, 7 injured into a body and what it says was, from the fire incident of the wing of how must be assigned brigade says it's full,
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says kill 12 sold is what it describes, is a complex operation. sort of height ox reports the skies in gaza on the quiet before the war. drones constantly kept to close on palestinians 24 hours a day. that's continuing, as is the heaviest is ready, bombing that palestinians have ever experienced those in northern gauze. the what is well known, sits will last year for the strikes had ended in january. that was when israel said it had dismantled from mazda and moved onto the central garza thoughts several months later. and israel has renewed its intense involvement. what are you in places like to buy the refugee camp or being it's hot every day. and on wednesday, as strikes skilled dozens of palestinians they
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filmed moments of to one of them. the images of names, people, or to graphic that to show the bodies arrived the hospitals in 76 years to the day. also, the not qual, catastrophe took place. winds the line is 4643 quotes of a 1000000 promised simians from their homes. and then mfc to wireless on them. and as you can see, there is going to other people in this house were injured and did not house to go to help. so we feel that even though we are a life, it's older and good times of work, what's the best in the north killed several israeli soldiers. this video is set to show injured troops being evacuated out of jamalia,
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this by international calls for it to end the will. these rated government says it will continue fighting across the whole of the goals and strip and not just and rough in the south, where it's still to the major offensive last week. a israel says it's defeat to thomas except for a few battalions and drop off and it's targeting remaining flights. is tomas says it's still going strong and it slates this video. it says it's killed a group of his ready soldiers and jamalia using on to tank missiles and explosives view and says 9600000 people who'd been taking refuge in russell have been forced out. israel had already to space them from the noise and the center of the strip. now they're on the move once again in a small stretch of land exposed to attacks from the crowns. i'm yes,
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certified at all to 0. all right, let's go over now to hand me my mood. he joins us from data by left, that's outside a long so hospital lives in garza for us. so honey, despite the whole, the, all or logging is going on at the i, c, j, the international court of justice is riley strikes, continuing to claim more lives there and go so right yes, that man, it doesn't seem to be a coincidence that after any meeting in an international body, whether it's the un security council or the ice easier with the it on the ground, a version these really talks with is really military intensifying. it's a talked in the northern part, including the value of refuge account with more, pushing deeper into the central part of the records you can and it's vicinity, including for the northern part of this trip that includes bit la city and the edges of bait tunnel with more troops are mobilized on the ground is really
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occupying. forces are surrounding evacuation centers. these are the honor was schools, the united nations for palestinians. refugees facilities turned into shoulders for the 1000 of palestinian displays. and from there on since the initial weeks of this genocide, those were the reports that were receiving confirmed reports of further civilian casualties are caused by the intense bombing campaign either like airstrikes or killers, selling their more people who are forced into this in force displacement right now that the word evacuation seems to be really light when we look at what's going on on the ground, what's going on under the fire and a 100 relentless attacks. people are forced into this enforced displacement of from one place to another. and right now they are directed into the western part of gaza city that is large the unsafe as well. there's literally no safe place across the strip. meanwhile, and roughly 50, there's really military push deeper into the center part of the,
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of the city mobilizing one more. but holly and i am calling for more foot soldiers on the ground to invade a rough. i city the right. what we receive within the past couple hours is a tax at the vicinity of the kuwaiti hospitals like a way to hospital is that a small sized health facility enrolled by city. the only officials a health facility written remain to my operational right now at this particular difficult time. another field hospital is that the western part of the city in new york, as well as the evacuation, the one that's on the western part of the city are reports of many injuries, wires inside the hospitals. other people are in the streets and with the inability of civil defense, they crew members and paramedics to reach those size to be heavily bombed by these really military, their risk of, of them losing their life. and the risk of having a higher number of casualties is a quite high right now. these really military continue to pound across this trap.
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and as i stated earlier, is not a coincidence that there is a search in the tox, that that is causing already further civilian casualties. that's highly my fluid loss for us from gaza. egypt has rejected israel's proposal to jointly quoted a, the reopening and management of the crossing between sinai and garza. this follows israel, seizure of gauze of the gauze, the size of the crossing last week. egypt says the crossing on the gauze aside, should be managed solidly by palestinian or far these according to agreements. the alpha crossing is crucial for humanitarian aid and medical evacuations. its been close since may the 7th when this route took control. because aside, it has since piled up on the adoption side, unable to cross. oh goodness, sorry. what's the middle of it?
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the whole big israel continues to engage in evasive actions, to avoid this responsibilities and in devious maneuvering around efforts to achieve a ceasefire. furthermore, it is defined to adamant about its widely condemned military operation and rough uh and 6 to leverage the rough are crossing from the palestinian side to send a divide siege on the gaza strip. once again, i definitely states that egypt is unequivocally committed to steadfast position, both in words and actions in rejecting valid creation of the palestinian calls, the false displacement or compulsory migration of the palestinians, as well as the creation of conditions, rendering garza uninhabitable with the aim of feedback awaiting the land of palestine from its people. let's go through and on. ha, now he joins us live from my mind in golden. and i should mention this trial is shot down. i'll just here as operations that so we all reporting from outside the
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country since in ron, in on mine. so in run, listening to the statements coming in from egypt. what kind of reaction are we getting from his right? the officials as well before we get to these ready officials list as a fi, i give you an update on why the presence of ages made that particular statement. these reading problem is that benjamin netanyahu actually blamed egypt for not opening the roof of board across i can say that it was egypt fault that you bought a terry and aid wasn't getting through into the goals a strip. now egypt and israel have a very complicated security agreement relationship between them. it began in 1979 under the camp david accords. now, when it comes to rafa, specifically roughly supposed to be a demilitarized, so there isn't supposed to be any military on that side. also, the palestinians are supposed to run the
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a rough aside all that about cross like obviously that isn't happening. there are now large numbers of is ready forces in that. so is, as or egypt is incredibly frustrated, but it's being blamed for something that it says is a violation of the treaty become david a quotes the actually brought about that security coordination now in terms of is really we actually haven't heard anything from me is really so yeah, but normally for mr. benjamin, the next, you know, who does react strongly when he gets blamed for the humanities, hiring a thing. so we probably will get something from him, but it's likely to be the same language that we've heard from him time and time again, it simply deflect and blame others for the last few minutes, hearing aid getting into the country. all right, we'll leave it that. thanks so much bye. com. a reminder that yvonne phone is covering this from a mine because israel has band out to 0. so we are reporting from outside the
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country. a hostile disease, a flight up again along the border between 11 and then this route. 3 civilians have been injured to critically and this riley strikes and the 11 a is bullet. a village of them has the law. 5 thousands of rockets on the tree positions in northern israel, at least 3 soldiers was seriously injured. sign a hold of has mo, from beirut to. there is a steady escalation in the bustle between the is really military and the lebanese. the arm group has the law. the conflict appears to be in a different phase, both sides increasing the frequency of their operations. also the military operations becoming more deadly. on wednesday, hezbollah carried out its deepest strikes yet inside this ready territory, some 35 kilometers from the board or the is really army, acknowledging that quote, a sensitive military size was damaged by an armed drone. now hezbollah said that operation was in response to the killing of its members,
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but as well does not seem to be the periods carrying out yet another targeted assassination on thursday. israel has been targeting has while a field commanders over recent months, more than 13, a drone strikes targeting vehicles of israel to increasing the tempo of its airstrikes carrying out 16 in a matter of up in a very short, a short time in the east of the country and eastern 11 on a far from the border. so both sides really escalating this conflict but still being cautious not to not risk being a wider confrontation in the sense that military targets are still being chosen. um, as well as secretary general a few days ago saying that the group continues to develop its operations in quantity and quality. but like i mentioned both sides still of treading carefully trying to avoid a wider confrontation which really could hurt them both center for their alistair
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theater fables. now is why the forces have counted out raids in cities across the occupied westbank. they store them several branches of the money exchange company, choosing it of supporting terrorism. 3 palestinians were killed, 2 wounded and arrayed until the cut on this right besides those attacks palestinians and the prophecies northwest of nablus, of the time for all the new stories. now policeman, slovakia have charged the man with attempted murder of 5 minutes total but seats. so the prime minister is in stable condition off to being shot. 5 times is the greeted support is after a meeting. the government says the attack was politically motivated. natasha boss. the results from central still voc. yeah.
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this was the movement. shots were fired as slaves like he has the prime minister robot fits within moments, the suspected shooter is russell to the ground. yes. and he saw, i witnessed that the gunshots sounded like fire crackers the deluxe contractors cover the car by so blood on his head. and then he fell next to the battery. and i think this is a nightmare that i will not wake up from this should not happen. in slovakia, the prime minister was bundled into a vehicle and later and left it to a specialist facility in this hospital in the central slave rank town bank. scott, it's theresa where he underwent an operation. the last it i was told because of this hospital was in for the noise to say fits those life and say, but he's now in a stable.


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