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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 16, 2024 10:00pm-10:30pm AST

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the football team, whatever happens next to the university have already made history out to do is teams across the world. bring you closer to the house at the store in the south africa, appeals to the world's top co to hold israel defensive on rafa. immediately saying it proves genocide link this is check to define or below that is intended to destroy the palestra new. gosh, the clock, this is out. is there a line for me to also come out on the day of the hearing is really bombing kills 5 people in rough or 600000 palestinians have been forcibly displaced just over week
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. and former us president donald trump returns to court is a key witness and the so called fresh money trial continues, whose testimony? a flat improvements using paying promise to deepen russia and china, a strategic partnership at a meeting in reaching the so yes, we begin at the international court of justice at the hague, with south africa has requested the you in the top court to order israel to end it's offensive, and rafa immediately is ready at times on the city has so far for nearly $600000.00 pallets and use to flee. speaking to like the judges on thursday. so that because the legal team accuses relative violating the genocide convention that they argue that israel's operation in rafa is the last step in the destruction of gaza. this
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is a texas or in violation of fundamental rules of preventative and low. but in addition, they provide evidence of the crime of genocide in terms of articles to a, b, c, and d. of the genocide can be as the president, members of the court, this is tech is a final blow that is intended to destroy the palestinian group in gosh, they also say that as well as players are of the rafa crossing has cut off finally to the strip was ending and already done a humanitarian crisis. united nation says that farming and northern goza is spreading, so the ref across the remains closed. and there is a continued lack of safe and look just to keep viable access to the care and shall, impressive. the crosses cannot be more urgent, and that is so we israel's assaults on rest, and the closure of these critical crossings all aggravating the feminine like
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conditions across garza. with over a 1000000 people are predicted to face catastrophe. let's enough from stat fascination as mo, from many the tone today in the court was very urgent to compare to even to the 1st hearings in january. you could feel that's now 4 months since the court has imposed by the orders on this route. uh, south africa feels time is running out for the people in guys and especially for the people in guys in the are i for they say this is a game that israel is now playing in a rough. i'm making sure that the people are now completely wiped of the map and that the guy's eyes just going to be one big pile of rubble. so they say the court has now to act. it has the power to do so. and so far it has failed to protect the palestinian people of from this genocide a sort of a last chance. and they also asked the court to be more specific in the new
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professional measures that they have to impose according to south africa and as well because as well, has been saying that it has been complying, of maybe not completely understanding of the order. so they have to be very specific and they have to come very soon. according to south africa. step 5, some algebra take. what only a south african lawyer dealer has seemed, spoke of the court, and she outlined the devastating impact of israel's will on children in gaza. more than 14000 has been killed. thousands who have been injured or lost family members. violent estimated, 17000 children, unaccompanied or separated. nearly
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all of guys as children have been exposed to traumatic experiences. the consequences of which will last a lifetime of a made a minute with what you proceedings from john his back. so that's like his government remains hopeful. the international court of justice will room and its favor and order and immediate ends to israel's military operations in rasa. and that's as the killings continue and humanitarian situation wesson's. and that's precisely why south africa as approach the court. this is the 3rd time it's done. so why it's hopeful it is concerned that as well as not observe the previous orders made by the i c j and it ultimately once international to prevail. it wants to protect the rights of palestinians. and once a ceasefire in garza,
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the president of south africa, slowed them up, was a in recent days, has said that so that africa remains unequivocal and unapologetic about its support for palestinian rights and palestinian people. and we've also previously heard from the international relations and cooperation with us to the lady bundle. she has said that so that for quote, south africa will continue to pursue all legal and matic means to ensure there is a ceasefire in garza. and also that africa has described conditions in gaza in rough uh as apocalyptic, has said that conditions they are a rustic. and again is trying to bring some sort of relief to palestinian people by approaching the court. and while it's brought to a case of accusations of genocide against israel will take years to be decided on and yes to be heard. it's hoping that there will be some sort of immediate intervention by the court to ensure the safety and livelihoods of palestinians are
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protected from dumler ultra 0 joanna's book as well as well as defense minutes. so you have to launch says announce additional ground forces are being deployed to rafa. defense if is worse than done already die humanitarian crisis in garza southern may city. i mean, my mood reports now from de paula in central gulf are 5 copies of preparing to bury her husband and her son. but this is not the 1st time she has lost loved ones. there is really a tax in this for the table in the house at the beginning of the room and 10 people amounted 5 of them. when my children, wives of my sons and my grandchildren, this is the human cost of israel war and garza pain, suffering despair and a side that has become too familiar to gauze. a population of funeral
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in an area that was supposed to be the last safe place for palestinian people here . find themselves surrounded by intense is rarely bombardment. the, there's no safe place was just enough of hun eunice. they floated jamalia and the say that's enough of safety. is there any with good now? is really troops on the ground. the reason they really forces have pushed deeper into rough despite international contamination. allows these really army prepares to expand its military maneuvers in gauze and south, most city, 600000 people have a slave the area the place is like here and there is by honey my mode. i was just the. 7 there are blocks with the palestine as well. egypt is rejected as well as proposal to join the coordinate to the reopening and management of the raft. crossing between sinai and guns are as follows. israel seizure of the guns assigned
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to the crossing last week. it says the crossing on the guns aside should be managed solely by palestinian authorities is laid out in longstanding agreements. the rafter crossing is crucial for humanitarian aid and medical evacuations, and has been closed since may the 7th. when his rail took control of the guns, a side aid is since piled up on the junction side of the border. unable to get to the other side. well, goodness, sorry. what's the middle of it? the whole big israel continues to engage in evasive actions, to avoid this responsibilities and in devious maneuvering around efforts to achieve a ceasefire. furthermore, it is defined to adamant about its widely condemned military operation and rough uh and 6 to leverage the rough crossing from the palestinian side to certified siege on the gaza strip. once again, i definitely states that egypt is unequivocally committed to steadfast position,
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both in words and actions in rejecting valid creation of the palestinian calls, the false displacement or compulsory migration of the palestinians, as well as the creation of conditions, rendering garza uninhabitable with a free evacuating the land of palestine from its people in con reports now from a mountain jordan is rather shut down houses here as well, for asians within israel. these comments come from the presidency off to these writing prime minister benjamin netanyahu publicly said that uh, the rafa crossing could open, but egypt didn't want to open it. now. egypt and israel have a very complicated security relationship. agreement had the beginnings of that would come, david, which was that help in uh, 1979. the codes that were assigned at car david when specifically talking about ref, i've meant the rough i should be demilitarised and palestinians should be in control of the guards inside of the across the one k. those 2 things on happening.
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presidency is also saying effectively to the is raise that you are in gaza, you've created this mess. this is on isn't on us. but you also have to remember at egypt, sions, running a tremendous amount of domestic pressure as well. the war is incredibly unpopular amongst egypt. and public, so that's something that's easy we'll be looking at. you're looking at the voices of the streets. that would be hearing a need capitulation. any agreement with israel is going to be incredibly popular, unpopular. so that plays into why we've had these comments come out. so far, like i say, we haven't had any is reading reactions so far, but it's likely that we go to it. something that we've heard before, particularly from prime minister benjamin netanyahu, who intends to deflect and blame the egyptians for not letting in the humanitarian aid. now the egyptians are actually fighting back in this. it seems that there is
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very angry with the beginning of that fight back against these is ready accusations . and just to remind you that in mind, comments covering the story from a mom because he's around his band al jazeera and we're reporting from outside the country a let's enough from mccully and not a who's a political. i mis joins this on. skype from washington. d c, i was good to help me with this. we had strong woods from the junction president, presidency c as both sides. trade blame. how serious is this disagreement do you think? i think it's very serious. nicholas at the 1st time since 1970 tonight to see this throw and divisions between egypt and is it a i think they different position can be explained by p t issues. the 1st one. is there any invasion? seizure and the completion of the crossing on may 7th, as well as its inclusion and to defend the vehicle the door between egypt and get this table which might lead significantly. the option is that you need me to treat
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the blind things to be tonight. i would as the put it on $505.00 if i did feel quoted which prevents as a, from having any heavy military operation. the or the 2nd thing, i think there is a feeling someone gives you, particularly the government that the kind of to petition and dropped off my key to a mess of a displacement of a single refuse in to say 9 which could absolutely be significant change. and the age of sion, politics and security issues. so as we, as we have today, a problem, but other than season the t unequivocally rejected any attempts by, as an in order to correspond opinions out there like trying to say night as well as equity post adding to tensions of these ready tangs. and so just operating on, on the egypt doorstep, how the ordinary egyptian see all of this, how they viewing israel's assault on girls, right? the loss of months, a bullet from the beginning of this war. nick, there is a huge rejection and diffusion of what's happening around now and,
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and get particularly egypt had this relationship was palestinians, and get this to the we have the hold of the borders over the last, you know, civil essentially. so now seeing this kind of shit going to say that word again instead of brothers and sisters, that it's very, very something unbelievable for them. so, but unfortunately there is no space for the options to accept press this present clinton, frustration because the, the, the team, they just sort of refuses any kind of, quote, this again, is this unless that he needs this as it happened over the last few days to suppress that sentiment off is what i'm taking over close uh, costing both of them. so i think this situation is, is very complicated right now. and very, i mean, i said before, friday's time to happen to the option is a to ship to see this scandal for all different subdivisions and intentions that might actually be utilizing. for the 1st time the, these are pretty between both sides, right? this comes the z i, c, g i, c j. case is reopened with easiest back. how does this sit in the framing of
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a little bit? i think egypt, today's this issue over the last few days when it suppressed it's supplant and intention to join the south africa case, i guess it's a significant thing. even if somebody contin now, because this would make a huge difference if egypt really wants to go forward with this because this means that's one of the key out of countries, is showing this case again, is it not only this, but also one of the most allies but is it a that it's backed into, isn't enjoying this, would be significant even if egypt really serious about going forward with this step. i really great to have your perspective appreciate that. thanks very much. how many of the 90 for 2 i missed joining us from washington, dc. thank you. this is still a head here now, does there a ukraine's president visits the city of khaki in a bid to boost morale as russia makes military gains nearby. the
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i had a lot of that we've got something of a stagnant weather pattern across the you're at the moment. so what we've seen in the past few days, we'll see in the next 2 going to area of low pressure is when you move wet and windy, whether it's weston and most central areas. but high pressure across the north and to the east is keeping things allows me fine and drive and lots of sunshine for scandinavia attempt just sitting well above the average for this time of year. now after we saw some flooding in the north of it today, we still got that rain then mainly affecting north eastern areas with an amber warning out there. but it's germany that set to do to see the west of the weather on friday, with a red warning out west in areas stretching from cologne down to the border with switzerland behind that we still got those showers coming in for france. mold and
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pots of spain and portugal, with some blast, we winds coming into western areas and of tons of sundry rain for southern parts of england. it is looking much fine, it with sunshine in the north on saturday and those conditions stretched across a scan. today the we will see that went to weather start to ease across the balkans . as the numbers start to rise, that on friday things will cool down. so i get across at some western areas, but the thing is i'm going to continue to rise up in the north for stuck them in sweden. you will see caught a duty and a growth using for p use a cost to contribute to improving the lives of thousands of projects except the cost. and we strive to ensure it reaches its deserving recipients, visit the costs are requested. and remember, it's a copier size, wealth,
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and increases systems, costs on red chris for the the, the watching out 0 or mind about some stories and the international court of justice as heard, arguments by south africa requesting an additional emergency measures to hold as well as offensive on rougher view insights is rarely a time, so unless you have forced any 600000 palestinians to flee in just over a week, israel says is deploying additional ground forces to ratford respond to warning from the united states. defensive has worse than, than already done. humanitarian crisis in gauze,
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it's sort of my city. i think it says reject to them is really proposal to the joint be reopened and manage the roof for crossing after israel sees the kansas sides last week. caro insisted any palestinian authority should manage the gulf across the us military says it's completed the construction of reflecting pair of concepts aimed at facilitating the delivery of agents and the strip of cost when she have returns. he was present to the pentagon briefing in the last uh at the else the deputy price x rays, sabrina's thing about how the so called maritime cardo would work. and there's a distaste business that yesterday that he wasn't satisfied. you have the ability to function arrangements. yeah. and then the ad is the, the maritime card was exposed, it would, you don't think there's a lot of the maritime car doors exposure, any additional risk above and beyond that, which is already present and caused. that's pretty frightening, given how many people have been through. i don't think we've come up here with rose,
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co colored glasses and said that we're not, this is not a risk. this is an active wars down what we, if i could just if i could just finish. so we have had assurances from the idea that they will provide security to us forces that are operating on and, and set up that temporary floating causeway. we will also have a presence of a destroyer in the region to ensure that us forces are protected. that as we take force protection very seriously, we would not have done and oper i may put together a mission like this and coordination with us, the id without thinking about our forces that are going to be in it, that could potentially be in harm's way. what, what was that? so again, i'm gonna, i'm gonna tell you what i said earlier at the top of when you asked me that exact same question. we have to do conflictions all set up one in cyprus, one in israel. we have 8 workers. we have u. n. workers, usaid
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u. s. military idea of sitting together in a cell for the exact question that you're asking to the conflict on these important issues. the former us president donald trump is back in a new york. cortez's harsh money trial continues from his charge with $34.00 foot. i'm accounts for allegedly falsifying business records to cover up payments to an adult film stuff in the final days of the 2016 election campaign. defense attorneys on cross examining format. trump confident michael cohen and he says he arranged the transfers of cash more than this. let's go live to chris. and so maybe he's outside the courthouse in new york. so the cost of what's been happening today of the weather. this is the 3rd day that michael cohen has been on the stand, and donald trump's lawyer has been grilling him, attempting to undermine his crib of credibility and his claims that donald trump not only knew about his efforts to silence that adult film star. but also that he
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authorized reimbursing him for at the claim that is crucial to the prosecution case . here as the president, the former president's being charged with falsifying business records. so whether or not he knew that listing these payments to michael cohen as legal fees was really in exchange for this, this act to silence a film start is, is crucial. so be earlier in the day, the with the attorney for donald trump was asking him about his social media post and his pod cast and introduced evidence from those post. showing that donald, that michael cohen was out for revenge against donald trump settings. eager to see donald trump behind bars, something that call him did not deny. cohen also didn't deny that he lied under oath in the past and his words to protect the president. but again,
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the defense grilling away at michael cohen attempting to undermine his credibility . so the jury will not take his point of view on this. the president has been in the court room all day. he's got an entourage with him, of supporters, including members of congress and the son of the president. once again, complaining that he's being silenced, due to a gag order in the case. but when asked if he'll testify on his own behalf, he declined to say the defense will. keeping that possibility open that donald trump could testify going for when they present their case to kristin's. thanks for that tech has to be made before the king size is trying to stabilize the front line and the ne cocky region where moscow has made its largest territorial gains and months. the president voted minutes events key visited engine troops and kind of keeps city in a bid to boost morale. he says the situation remains extremely difficult. john
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hallman has this report now from khaki. so it's been a tough few days for the so just the ukraine president, the modem is lensky. it's a long project, but i want to thank you for all you do. thank you for your brave. what he'll do. he's visiting the hockey region. in ne, you cried after rushing cross border offensive took about $200.00 square. columbus is a territory. you craze on forces say that now slowed it's of bones. fuller, they still fighting in the biggest town in the border area. both chance. the boy, the situation extremely difficult. the enemy is taking possession sort of streets of the town of, of 10th another russian push, just west is about 7 kilometers into this up push carries. a few moments is more than brushing. artillery will be able to show the northern outskirts of here how to keep ukraine 2nd largest city and home to more than
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a 1000000 people. it's already being attacked frequently from yeah. we brushy using especially guided problems. they have wings and a g p a system. i'm released from boma is come in trouble more than a 100 kilometers to the target to the heating the front line to say step on who's just come off it for a brief and a smoke in the assume a region we had a situation where more than 100 guided bombs, flew into one of the settlements in 3 days. they used them all over the place wherever they can. they have unlimited reserves to fight the jets, which could stop the bombs who carry them along with many of the other weapons promised by ukraine's allies have yet to arrive. although some us alms from a $61000000000.00 us military, a package on now coming in. the meanwhile,
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this country likes troops away from ray. this latest incursion would also, i mean, it's down tomorrow feeling home and i would just say to kind of keep so the back is prime minister robert fits his undergoing surgery off to being shelton a suspected assassination attempt on wednesday, 5 shots or 5 at close range degrees and supporters of the meeting pizza is in a critical but stable condition. the government says the attack was politically motivated. authorities have arrested a 71 year old man. originally they've letting me peyton is in china, deepening of what he calls and unprecedented strategic partnership. virginia has provided most good with an economic lifeline. jordan, it's invasion of ukraine either to lead is discussed the war and expanding trade and investment. the power also called the de politicize ation of the united nations . katrina, you reports from baker, a powerful welcome for
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a man chinese president. steven pane goodness it is an old friend. vladimir putin walked to the red carpet as he arrived and aging for to day visit to deep and cooperation between china and russia. phase i issued from china will always be a good neighbor, confront of mutual trust with russia and the continued consolidate of friendship between the 2 peoples. however, aging has been most goes most important support a since it invaded ukraine and has resisted calls from west and lead is to reduce that trade 40 percent versus impulse amount for china, including electric vehicles and smartphones shows out of the us market by just see if you do sure when you're china is russia some leading partner in the international trade based upon last year's data we for our country became number 4 in the export and import dallas of china. these says the t lead assigned a doing declaration, celebrating 75 years of diplomatic ties. edison investor teacher partnership 10
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deals were also signed on development, cultural exchanges, and the protection of the siberian totally goods cheating things as the china restroom relationship is a stabilizing force in the face of us, the gemini regions says both sides of working to the polar and criticize which he described as a politicize ations. institutions such as the united nations enforced alliances in the asia pacific. the russian president says he's grateful for china's efforts to solve the ukraine crisis. will taking into account the security concerns of both sides versus newly appointed defense minister is also engaging and has brief to see on russian forces progress in the fighting. from russia standpoint, it signals to the rest of the world that russia is not alone despite the invasion of ukraine. and despite all the sections that have been imposed on russia, the apparently some limits to this store called no limits partnership. she has
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stopped short of providing most go with direct military support. being careful not to antagonize washington and brussels too much economic corporation between china and russia may be growing, but it remains roofed by the volume of chinese trade before the us and europe. katrina, you, alda, 0 beaching, the present in president diluted the silver has announced a new aid package for victims of flooding. the southern states of rear grandeur. so that have killed 149 people. the government says a $1000.00 will be given to effective families who has already pledged $10000000000.00 in reconstruction projects and temporary housing such operations around going to find $100.00 people missing in the floods that struck 2 weeks. and major reinforcement operations on the way to both the security forces and the french pacific island territory of new caledonia. they had left the police and
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soldiers for the 3 nights of writing, elect, or reform for people have died in the interest, including a police officer under simmons. as this report now. reinforcements to strengthen the ranks of security forces. 17000 kilometers away in new caledonia, head out from france. i'm a mission to quail. the violets in new caledonia is capital new may a loosing and austin and continue despite a curfew and stage of emergency french troops. i've also been deployed to backup hundreds of extra police officers. the mineral rich pacific garden became a colony and the 19th century. it still remains the french control. the situation we have cut down here and the situation there remains very tense with looting, riots fires and the soldiers that are obviously intolerable.


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