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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 17, 2024 3:00am-3:31am AST

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decision makers in check, so the devastating human cost of their decision working at the 0 enables me to make that positive voice is relevant to you so that there's more that you guys us than divides the israel keeps up. it strikes on rasa is the defense minister announces more ground troops being deployed to the city in southern casa, the hello, i'm sorry, i'm to my z. this is alger 0 life from del. how. so coming up on the program construction of a floating period to help get more humanitarian aid into goals or is now complete as the one one's assignment. and the news of spreading to the south. south africa
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cools on the you and stop cool to intervene. just don't want it describes as cottage and cause that's and accuse israel of stepping up genocide. the tree point today is that easily is declared. a lot of whitening garza from the map is about to be realized. and the presidents of russia in china, cool for a form of the world order and the united nations, the hello and welcome to the program, is ready. defense minister, your guidance has announced additional ground forces of being deployed to gauze is southern city of rasa. the intensified operation comes israel's top allies, a warning against a full scale offensive in the city as already been heavy fighting on the outskirts of the area between his raney troops
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and palestinian armed groups. you, when his saying 600000 palestinians have fled the south and the last 10 days, events of his west and it will ready dies humanitarian crisis. and rough uh and elsewhere and gaza. honey, my mood reports to us now from daryl bella. this is in central gaza. our fab comedies are preparing to bury her husband and her son. but this is not the 1st time she has lost loved ones. there is really a tax in this war. the table in the house at the beginning of the room and 10 people wanted 5 of them, my children, wives of my sons and my grandchildren. this is the human cost of israel war and garza pain, suffering despair and a side that has become too familiar to gauze. a population, a funeral in an area that was supposed to be the last safe place for
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palestinian people here. find themselves surrounded by intense is rarely bombardment the, there's no safe place just enough of hon. eunice. they solicit jamalia and the say that's an awful lot of stuff safety is there any with good from now is really troops on the ground. the reason they really forces have pushed deeper into rough despite international contamination. and as these really are me prepared to expand its military maneuvers in gauls or south, most city, 600000 people have a slave the area to places like here. and there is by honey my mode. i was just the . 7 there ballasa city palestine meanwhile, and the north is ready force, is there a pushing deeper into the central jamalia in a renew defensive giovanni
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refugee camp is faced heavies ready bombardment with another 100000 policy is being displaced from this part in the north wounded civilians have been taken to the combined onto on hospital, but the stone for that say that they don't have the supplies to be able to provide proper treatments and cap for these patients was archived lose centers. this update now from jamalia. this really forces intensifying the against the videos and nothing does district and receive the casualties. and the lights of what distribution tells me the cause of lies babies noon. it's a wonder women are the targets and the victims of the as well 80 from being this morning and then the this is a wounded patients we are treating at the i see you as you can see, the process is very simple. we normally place
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a step on the patients who are undergoing surgery. however, they are no slabs at the come out to an hospital given that precarious situation. conditions have worse and we do not have enough syringes. there is no sarah, they'll know next steps and even ventilate to hoses are not available. the situation is die and medical supplies are not enough for us to cater to the wounded people's needs. well, the us military size, but it's now finished building a floating pair for the delivery of aid off the coast of gaza. washington's as 90 truckloads a day will initially be delivered using this pair. the united nations is trying to figure out the logistics of distribution the aid, and whether there's going to be enough fuel to do so. they say that the pay it wouldn't be necessary in the 1st place if israel was align trucks to enter through the land crossings. gabriel alexander reports now from un headquarters in new york . the united states says the floating dock is now anchored near garza and ready to receive maritime 8 shipments for the united nations to distribute but un,
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on thursday said it is still finalizing operational plans. how to do so, but reiterated that land crossings can bring in more aid, all right, much faster, to stave off the horrors of famine. we must use the fastest and most obvious route to reach the people of gaza. and for that we need access by land. now the un says right now the main land crossings and guys are remain either closed, unsafe or not logistically viable. and even if a drug skit in the lack fuel to get to places to distribute it. basically the bottom line is it's only small amounts of food are getting in and, and in terms of fuel the fuel imports have, for all practical purposes stopped, we desperately need more fuel humanitarian organizations. echo the sentiments of the un that land nazi should be the focus. there are hundreds of trucks waiting on the other side of rough, a crossing the main land route to get that,
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that previously we were getting aid into gaza. and, you know, filled with fluid filled with medical supplies, and they're not being allowed through. what we need is for israel to reopen all of the crossing points into cause of all of the land crossing points into casa, and to allow unfettered and unrestricted access. he's really openly hostile to the un, even killing a un security officer and wounding another in rough at this week. this calls into question how safely the un could deliver aid nations in a very difficult situation where they're being expected to provide. for example, this humanitarian support, the people gaza at the same time, and they have to provide for the security and safety of their staff members. even when you have the opening of the support, even as you have more a come in. even if you have the fuel and the ability to distribute it, you still have this critical issue that is really, really prevalent on the ground and cause a right now, which is, you know,
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the communication with the is really military and the ability to safely and deliver this in and that is the real problem with the un faces right now. rushing to come up with a plan on how to safely deliver aid from a floating dock. it didn't build, didn't request and doesn't even think is an ideal way to get a into gaza and could be nothing more than a costly distraction. gabriel's on to elders either. it's united nations in new york. and all the developments egypt is reject did as well as proposal joining you to coordinate, the reopening and management of the roof, or crossing between sinai in gaza. egypt says the crossing on the gauze as i should be managed, only by palestinian authorities as laid out in longstanding existing agreements. rough crossing is crucial for humanitarian aid and medical evacuations. but it's been closed since may the 7th. when israel took control of the guns aside, a house is piled up on the egyptian side, unable to cross into
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a gauze of what people are in desperate need of it. as well as released the video, it says shows the moment it attacked israel with an armed drone. this attack took place near the town of met, toola is ready, media reporting. 3 soldiers have been injured. one of them seriously, on the wrong, the day these really on the count out several strikes in southern lebanon, has been a rise in cross border exchange of 5 between israel and his ball. as soon as the wind gauze has started in october, south africa has made an urgent appeal to the international courts of justice in the a to stop. israel submitted trail pricing and rough immediately says that since it's filed this case in january, the situation has reached a new and horrific stage. south africa's arguing the israel's operation, rasa is the last step to the complete destruction of gaza. step vasa reports on this now from the hague. for nearly 4 months since the highest un court ordered
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israel to prevent genocidal x in gaza, it was in the hate office, was accused of not listening. sadly, south africa is yet again compelled to attend to this quote and recognition of its obligations under the genocide convention due to the continuing annihilation of the point of steam and people with over 35000 now killed. and most of the guys uh, they just showed up in south africa south instead of following binding court orders . israel has escalated the situation with it's a sold on rafa. calling it's guys of the last refuge where one and a half 1000000 people have been cramped together. facing their units here we in catastrophe. this is the last step in the destruction of gaza and this palestinian people. it was rough for the broad south africa to the quote. but it is
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all palestinians is a national ethnical, and racial group who need the protection from genocide that the court can order when south africa presented the genocide case in january, the death, the oil and gas us to death more than 23000. the court in order this route to stop genocide, the ex, but refrained from ordering a ceasefire. 4 months later south africa says the court has a last chance to stop what it calls as well. and gain by ordering is immediate withdrawal from gaza. this is the 4th time south africa has us this chord for provisional measures against israel to stop its relentless attacks. its arguments sounding more urgent each time with israel pursuing its war aims. and guys are many, are wondering what international justice can do to prevent and stop genocide. so you say south africa argues the court does have the authority. the essential point
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is that the court has the power to act to ensure that its previous orders and its event, your judgement will not be with us. and the palestinian people will be protected and that he needs to exercise that power. now is where i will have it stored at the court on friday. so far it has called the accusations of genocide baseless. but with egypt now supporting south africa case international pressure on this route in an outside the court is increasing. step 5, some l to sierra, they hate the russian native without getting a food chain is in china defending what he calls and unprecedented strategic partnership. by doing is provided must go with the ne, cannot make lifeline during its invasion of ukraine. the to leave is discuss the
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will, but also they look to expanding trade and investment with each other. power is also cool for the, the politicization of the united nations. katrina, you reports on this from badging. a powerful welcome for a man chinese president steven pane can sit as an old friend. vladimir put it and walked to the red carpet as he arrived and aging for to day visit to deep cooperation between china and russia. phase i issued from china will always be a good neighbor. confront of mutual trust was russia and the continued consolidate of friendship between the 2 peoples. badging has been most goes most important support is since it invaded ukraine and has resisted coals from west and lead is to reduce that trade 40 percent of russia's impulse amount for china, including electric vehicles and smartphones shows out of the us market like this. even do sure. china is russia some leading pop in are in the international trade
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based of home last year state of our country became number 4 in the export and import dallas of china. these says the t lead assigned a doing declaration, celebrating 75 years of diplomatic ties. edison investor teacher partnership 10 deals for also signed on development, cultural exchanges and the protection of siberian totally goods. cheating thing says the china rest, your relationship is a stabilizing force in the face of us, the gemini regions says both sides of working to the polar and criticize which he described as a politicize ation. institutions such as the united nations enforced alliances in the asia pacific. the russian president says he's grateful for china's efforts to solve the ukraine crisis will taking into account the security concerns of both sides versus newly appointed defense minister is full, so engaging and has brief to see on russian forces progressed in the fighting from
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russia standpoint that signals through the rest of the world that russia is not alone despite the invasion of ukraine. and despite all the sections that have been imposed on russia, the apparently some limits to this store called no limits partnership. c has stopped short of providing must go with direct military support. being careful not to antagonize washington and brussels too much economic corporation between china and russia may be growing, but it remains both by the volume of chinese trade before the us and europe. katrina, you alda, 0 aging, a small still to bring you on the program. ukraine surprising visits, the city of our keys and a bit to lose boost morale that as russia makes minute, 3 gains nearby and move french troops on the way to new caledonia is paris tries to contain the on rest and as pacific territory. the,
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the latest news was so intense that this is all that is left. people are digging through debris and twisted metal to find anyone left alive in depth reports the entire gossip population of 2300000 people do not have enough. crisis escalating and detailed coverage as well as prime minister relies on foreign ministers to stay in power. they want the raft results to go ahead, define them, and then you know, who could be out of office over 27000 harrowing photographs. as we can do that to us. the evidence in this case is frankly even stronger than that that we had against the nazis at nuremberg. and these crimes continued in the 1st of a 2 part series out to 0 photos, powerful cases of all crimes against civilians allegedly killed by the syrian government. with photographic evidence from the seas of files,
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the lost souls of syria on al jazeera, read, and so one of the world's wherever screeches numbers are plummeted due to the deforestation. culture and climate change. indian sites are fighting to puts it to one of the most important things to control the species is coming during the habitat 101 east reveals the bottle to save into use with on all just the the, the back online of the main stories. now, as well as the defense minister has announced additional ground forces of being deployed to rough uh, united nation says some $600000.00 palestinians have been forced to see the south. and the last 10 days offensive is less than that already. dia humanitarian crisis.
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the us ministry saying that it's finished building a floating peer for the delivery of aide off the coast of gaza. washington says 90 truckloads a day will initially pass through this. the route 8 agencies have the structure would not be necessary if israel allowed more trucks to enter through the line crossings. south africa, or is presented arguments to the international court of justice, asking for emergency measures to stop. israel is offensive on rafa downtown because as, as well as violation of the genocide convention in the rough lost sense, it would be the last step to gauze as complete destruction. so let's get more in this. now on the i c j hearing with juliet mcintyre, she is electra and lord university of south australia. she joins us now from adelaide. and just reflecting on some of the language that we had in south africa's remarks. today's hearing it much stronger, perhaps then. and the rhetoric they've already used and not only making demands for
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that to be an immediate and to the, to the fighting and the withdrawal of, of forces. but also in the way they are asserting that there is a genocidal intent on the part of israel. yes, that's correct. so this is now the full time that south africa has applied to the quote. and each of those times south africa has cost for some form of ceasefire order. and what we really saw in the hearings today is that they are putting pressure on the chords. they said rather explicitly to the court. this is your last tops to stop what appears to be a genocide. and then they added evidence of genocide of rhetoric, and of course, various acts that we have all seen on the news. so really side of the quote look, it's now whenever, if you don't order is route to pull out of rasa, it will be too light. and that is what they are demanding that essentially the
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court order and immediate hold to israel's incursion into, into rasa in gaza. what's likely to happen on friday? so we're going to hear from each row and it's likely that each row will continue the same line of defense which it has to date, which is essentially that there is no genocide of intent here. it's also likely that these, while we'll say your previous orders has asked us to ensure that she monetary and i use reaching garza and we've done everything possible to ensure that that happens. so it gets road likely to take along that they are complying with the court orders today, and that they are engaged in active will say, i guess from us and that is likely to lead to civilian casualties. there's, we care about this, even though the court still comp make a determination of genocide until all of the evidence is not could take some time.
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if it does identify a stronger risk of genocide, that then leads to the need for that to be protection. and so the court can then grant protective measures that south africa has requested. that would be the best case scenario from this. yes. so at this point um, south africa has already established that there is a plausible risk of genocide of caring and gaza. at this point, what they arguing is that there's been such a severe escalation that it amounts to essentially a new situation of a new board as necessary. so they're really pushing for the school out ceasefire, which it must be said in the last set of orders. so then out of the 16 judges also indicated the view that perhaps a 6 by ought to be ordered, because it's really impossible to ensure that she minutes hearing aid is routine civilians, when bones are writing down on the advice. thank you very much. judy at mcintosh
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for joining us from the university of south australia. thank you. now, the mayor of harkins in northeast and ukraine says the city is on the attack. as russian forces may territorial gains close by, present belgium is the landscape visited, the troops that have been injured and hard gave to try and boost morale. he says the situation is very difficult. john home and reports now from har keys. so really, it's been a tough few days for the soldiers. the ukraine president, the modem is a lensky, lumber job. what i want to thank you for all you do. thank you for your brave. what he'll do. he's visiting the hockey region in ne ukraine. after rushing cross border offensive took about 200 square kilometers of territory. ukraine's own forces say they've now slowed its advance. fuller,
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they still fighting in the biggest town in the border area, both chance to support the situation extremely difficult. the enemies digging positions on the streets of the town of, of 10th another russian push just west is about 7 kilometers in some base. that push goes a few moments is more than russian or hillary will be able to show the northern outskirts of here how to keep ukraine 2nd largest city and home to more than a 1000000 people. it's already being attacked frequently from the we've russia using especially guided phones. they've wings and a gps system release from boba's come in trouble more than a 100 kilometers to the target. the heating the front line to say step on please just come off it for a brief and a smoke. in the assume a region, we had a situation where more than 100 guided bombs flew into one of the settlements. in 3
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days. they used them all over the place wherever they can. they have unlimited reserves to fight to jets, which could stop the bubbles who carried them along with many of the other weapons promised by ukraine's allies have yet to arrive. although some us alms from a $61000000000.00 us military, a package on now coming in. i mean, well, this country likes troops away from ray. this latest incursion would also, i mean it style neuro field home. and i would just say to try to keep all the problems defense team of try to undermine his form and the way of michael cohen during cross examination, and trump's harsh money trial for us present as low as false coming to admit that he lied on the other as in previous cases, trump pleaded not guilty to study for felony counts for allegedly falsifying business records to cover up payments to an adult film star. in the final days of
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the 2016 election campaign coincides he made those cash transfers at trump's request to protect the campaign. a major reinforcement operation is on the way to bulls to security forces in the french pacific island tire tree of new caledonia. for people have died in the unrest including a police officer address. simmons reports the reinforcements to strengthen the ranks of security forces. 17000 kilometers away in new caledonia, head out from france on a mission to quell the violets. in new caledonia is capital new mayor looting and austin continued despite a few in state of emergency. french troops have also been deployed to back up hundreds of extra police officers. the mineral rich pacific garden became a colony and the 19th century. it still remains the french control. the situation
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we have cut down here at the situation there remains very tense with looting, riots, fires and a soldiers that are obviously intolerable and unspeakable. i would remind you that 2 joan dams have died. this is on dom we're shots in the head yesterday. another show and died today as a result of a weapon mishandling. when the thing started earlier this week, politicians from that kind of indigenous community accused fronts of trying to dilute the voting power. that's on the, to the french parliament as adult to the constitutional reform bill, which will allow old french residents who have lived in new caledonia for more than 10 years to vote in elections. the cadillacs, who make up about 40 percent of the population, say that being marginalized by the french, you call it donia, has one of the biggest nickel mining industries in the world. but one and 5 residents live below the poverty line. of these images of damage from the writing
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were filmed on thursday by a businessman, who says you have to file through road blocks, controlled by a gunman, excuse supposed to be almost 6. what is really happening is that as i move a lot to see, family members are keeping all my properties. i see everything on the boat. i see the stores looted by the people. i see the fives and the dogs warehouses offices and was, i admit, even though i carry a gun with me all the time to handle any situation. the reform bill needs to be rectified by congress before becoming low. all french forces clump down on violence on the orders of president emanuel mack chrome. he's also calling for dialogue with the opposition in new caledonia. right now. that seems unlikely. andrew simmons, which is 0, it was worn. every thing we're covering right here, i would just say our adult calm. so some of our top stories, the thousands of palestinians in northern gauze, or across of,
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from the food and water, as israel also escalates their military assault on the south. and rough weather is next. and then inside story will examine the plan televised to face that she was president joe biden. and donald trump, the lower the south asia, continues to civil on the heat wave warnings, not just because parts of india, but bundle with dish as well. we'll see those numbers rise of the next few days, and the warnings have been issued for raj. it's done as we go friday into such a day. the heat will shift further east new delhi. we'll see that excessive heat through the weekend as well as for possible strong surface wins. now despite the heat, we still have a chance of some pretty ferocious thunder storms. specifically down in the south of
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india, places like carola expected to see those bust of rain friday into saturday. and the rain will continue to pull into shore line cars. that sense of the approaching south west and one soon trough weather as well is the story across afghanistan and pakistan as we go start today into sunday. and what weather is? well, looking in that northeast corner of india on saturday. now, after a dry few days across the whole eastern and central pots of china and up in the north, we all going to see things turn increasingly wet. in the days ahead, you can see the bus of heavy rain starting to pick up some speed across the southern parts of china. japan as well as seeing that weather starting to work its way into southern areas. by the time we get into sunday, it will be approaching co show over $27000.00 harrowing photographs as mutually can do that to us. the evidence
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in this case is frankly even stronger than that that we had against the nazis at nuremberg. and these crimes continued in the fast of a 2 part series out a 0 phone is powerful cases of little crimes against civilians allegedly killed by the syrian government. with photographic evidence from the seas of files, the lost souls of syria on outages, era setting the stage for the us presidential election. donald trump accept the challenge to face off against presidential violent and to tv debate spots. will they actually take place? and what difference could they make and the race to the white house? this is inside story, the
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hello and welcome.


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