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tv   The Lost Souls of Syria Ep 1  Al Jazeera  May 17, 2024 4:00am-5:01am AST

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it states is effectively complicit the genocide challenge the rhetoric. yeah, it's a unique the correct but so is the international community upfront. only what, how does it the know i'm around and lies in doha, just a quick look at the main stories of the following. now he is ready to find some of this to you. i've got and as announced additional ground forces being deployed to gaza. southern city of rough uh, the intensified operation comes israel's top allies of warning against a full scale offensive that had been heavy caches on the outskirts of the city between his riley troops of palestinian fighters. the united nations is saying, 600000 palestinians have fled the south in the last 10 days. meanwhile, in northern gauze, it is ready for us as a, pushing deeper into central jabante, a in a renewed offensive and
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you body refugee camp is come on. the heavy is riley bombardment and recent weeks. another 100000 palestinians have also been despised from this area. when did civilians were taken to the come all add one hospital, but the stuff working there say they do not have the supplies to be able to provide proper treatment and calf for the patients. and other developments do as many trees saying it's finished building a floating peer for the delivery of aide off the coast of gauze, a temporary structure, stretch of several 100 meters into the senior gauze. the city washington says 90 truckloads a day will initially possibly the sea route, with that number eventually rising to a 150. but 8 agencies say the pay a wouldn't be necessary if israel allow trucks to enter through land crossings. united nations humanitarian defense chief is one that the sprite of funding to solve them. garza is now urgent risk. it stops the food which are in
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place already in the southern gaza running out. i think with that we're talking about almost on the left step food in the market very soon. i mean on the left medical supplies in the hospitals that remain in the south to 3 weeks, i think to go perhaps a month. and these are kind of so reels statistics because of the situation which is the ministry. what connecticut viral, it's dynamic and the, the so the, the, the humanitarian approach is, is talk is completely stop doing what we must do. south africa is presented arguments of the international court of justice aux, asking for emergency measures to stop as well as a sold on rough or south africa says israel is violating the genocide convention.
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and the offensive would be the last step to gauze as a complete destruction, as well as reduced the video. it says shows the moment that attacked israel within um drone. it took place near the town of my tulip, is really media reporting. 3 soldiers have been injured, one of them seriously. earlier in the day, these riley all me cowed out several strikes in southern lebanon. donald trump's defense team that tries, they've tried to undermine his former law and michael cohen during cross examination, the full, my us, president's lawyers force co and to admit he lied under oath and previous cases. trump dated not guilty to study for funding accounts for allegedly falsified business records to cover up payments to an adult films down in the final days of the 2016 election campaign codes as he made those cash. tron says that trump's request to protect the campaign. so far right dots quantization, gabriel does, has announced a new governing coalition nearly 6 months after his party emerged as the largest
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force and the general elections. but he is not expected to be the prime minister. 3 right wing policies agreed on a platform to restrict asylum, see, cuz they say they'll stop being part of the european union migration programs. the policies also agreed to cost welfare payments, charge constitutional quotas, depending on how much interest they be. the winner of the presidential election despite legal challenges disputing, the results council says day be secured. 61 percent of the votes cost on may 6 prime minister of the transitional accounts. government says master is one of the candidates, elijah in the elections, were rigs to beds. have the results now with throwing out juicy, insufficient proof, the lost souls of syria is the program coming up next? the
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i can easily can do that to the other people or not people their costs and that's why the most secure strategies don't destroy them. those can is i'm not kidding.
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those things are destruction in destroying car for anything other and then your power and control. so i hope you have seen or we'll soon see the selection of, of photos. just a small fraction of those that a brave man brought out of syria in august of 2013 the evidence in this case is frankly even stronger than that that we had against the nazis. that number
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and these crimes can change. and the try from serious it is for justice. thank you very much. the,
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the, the
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and this is the
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uh, an authenticity. i'm sure, i'm sure someone else could hear from me. so the or the soto cause leave the for this is not in the last
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within the heavy and hot we let her know about the shuttle to consider dollars cheaper to be almost done. very simple. so let me give you the farm and that's for 3000000 marketing. so we're about to bob, the scottish guy here, and we're just from the higher the body shop. not all the light soto coffee, then i saw from saucers. is that because your best mom? good for how to do the yeah, i mean some of them also with a range of certainly let
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me show how kind of just to look into your thoughts. no. i'm not sure. so can you just as long as you should have both marker and other one is not the one of the are coming
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from multiple who coming from the shuttle to somewhere in the good. what about sort of like a, just by the the
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the i'm going to i'm, i'm the, i'm the fish ready for when she saw from hawk out. all this happen. how to the
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one this i'm going for studio the about you know, sure thing. so last on micies of the console computer when he doesn't know and we'll leave it on the block. so, the new place of the
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time, even though you some of the government of what you know, this have a be another trick can be a will be finally the with a sort of, you know, i thing, i mean obviously you know, the men associate and then home on monday is a decision on the or the
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that please don't to she wants to go say, eat a price. your bill says off the media to for to, oh, don't you see problem these explain on the phone. don't own clearly cannot talk to a a most default. the only please on your vision. i think the representative of france for his statement. i shall now put the draft resolution to the votes, the those against the draft. the resolution has not been adopted owing to the negative votes of palmer and members of the
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counselor the the, the a. i would tease him up with
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a seal $15.00 to those he's going to kick it in. yeah. get into it. got switched out. so he went on years down the lake at the bay. wow, me of upsize on soc finding your thought, of course the, this time the sailors fight, our lease must go to some of the other state and most of the teachers that say, so i get a lot better. so so, so that's why you talk. i saw a better understanding of their less been on the phone. and when we started investigating in may when we were contacted by people from the syrian a community in exile where desperately trying to find a way to seek accountability for the school. for in the cesar photo across the said, i want to have those text back to now i didn't know parents and it's around their my to my attention who shahid the kind of source says that'd be mature. i'm ok to
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then sort of michael mike. uh um the jimmy, it's sort of you today as well through social media. they split those folders to see that they could start finding information about the relatives of the victims. i'm. it was a remarkable source. public pilot. i don't know sort of the heavy metal face ought to be. so what i'm gonna face on the mount of how body select the culture the best to go in terms of the economy the best. yeah, and i'm sorry, i'm in the image of the box in the i got on the page for how i
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went on the doors were close at the international criminal court. the serial community, an exiled deeds realizing that in order to trigger any, just as the idea was to whether we could find people with dual nationality, but with realities or ties to any country. and due to the, the animal these, they establish that there was a relative for one of the victims was on the spanish $0.02. which is will give us the basis to trigger spanish through this fiction is the best i can use. i mean, yeah. discussing meet them on the policy, see on a this for say they can basic one
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model. they never know they put the gifts from nobody and this what am i looking okay. did you build noise on that? are really not the i'm doing. it's a metal model as me, so they're not, i'm going throw there, let's do what is this that one does that. all right, so lucky knock in miss barnett, i'm with us with us getting on getting the, this is the media solid guessing all costs o c, not e. so seeing, you know, saw that a young lady took us is never mind, but okay, low month. and now last and look at them and caustic on this stuff into most
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homes. in the most was the last level we would stay in the mosque and not pursue a problem with some of the other part of the site, which is the most, most foreclosures, eastern is how k a didn't do think it was quite a huge that's what the mentors indicates you may need this to be so kind of the one we're going to take on the next test, one of the categories and casual companies here in different colors. and at the moment that in front of i don't mean to get down and end up in the state and without clicking on anything, i think the one ending in the middle of the course may be of course guessing i'm talking just didn't give me just a moment to look at it, i can see this is a, somebody see the a land on those, me threats it. and you know, some of the young walk us about all kick it off clock on and on. just do them to stop doing a single said,
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normally they send online the now the state level i thing on when i was there to pick it up or not on a long care, i like the youngest, over the edge or if one of the youngest would you like this? okay, are you ever come across to messes? okay. no 7. want them to stop the of the say fina is for meantime, but on this with was the middle level of the yakima product through that getting it in document. okay. most i said he use tell you that you think is pretty cardio, but at this time we'll of course see, let's take this young, the mouse. i'm not really filtering things that have been made. c,
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storia is with the ceiling in the state chosen level hormone, and i personally did you know the fuel filter keep on this. i don't know if it was on it to do it on the people who know that i need to feel now when i list . yeah. i was seen because the mother no, i don't know. i'm not the know you. uh no, it's out of the for the gun,
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even when i get back on the line, what is making me say yeah, you have to do is convince, had executive sal easily find a lot of hollow the issues of lima, sylvia t like every other human being i'm afraid what to do, you know, she was, i'm dealing about that because she has to bring the hosting's community there. she has a pretty stable job and she's afraid of leaving funds looking now for some person to leave the country. no, i know you probably have it into perspective that if,
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if she's not supporting it, they get to her. i mean, that's why i think it's essential. it's for her to be because it's not, it's not only a risk to the security of an associated risk to the case as well. or the canyon government has ordered thousands of people across the country to move away from winter months that have flooded many areas. torrential rains in the region have been made was by the el nino with a phenomenon. this is how close the houses are from the narrow that down. it
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doesn't look like margins covered by what the highest says when it will both flows . the water comes to that, how is this? the problem in that robi has been watson by pull drainage and he's taken the bill. so i told him that people being near the narrow be down say they know they're not supposed to be there, but it's the only place they can afford this team in the gaza strip. as is the last continues. there's a deliberate mission of posting in humanity, in western media, and it needs to be questioned, sustains coverage that actively humanize as, as readings and actively humanizes palestinians. this is not the time for doing this to kind of wait tracking those stories, examining the journalism and the effect that news coverage can have on democracies everywhere. here at the listing, the best red one is the world's wherever screeches numbers, a plumber to do to deforestation. culture and climate change. indian sites are
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fighting to project. one of the most important things to consider the species is to maintain that habitat one. 0 one east reveals the bottle to save and use glass on all just this is a frontline where there is little life. after more than half a year of hostilities that began when hezbollah opened up a front to help, it's a light come us in casa, we are traveling with members of the united nations peacekeeping force their own patrol with lebanon's army. we are here to support them. these government to take control of the situation, but the army is not the dominant force here. has the law has a strong presence even before this late, this confrontation, nearly 100000 lebanese, have left their homes and livelihoods. it's a similar situation on the other side of the border, who says the cost of or official say last that are already in the billions of dollars. although the concert this still larger contained and confined to the,
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for the region, has been lost as the conflict won't end until there's a cease fire in casa, but possibly not even then. because isabel is threatening a wider war, if border security doesn't improve. the next generation in the united states, they're not happy with what is happening in gaza. they're not happy with the u. s. foreign policy, and that's why they're trying to make their voices heard. the administrators of each university really have a choice to either escalate and calling police be confrontational, or actually listen to what their concerns are. city stream of people being arrested, placed in the zip tie and cups and taken away many of the purchases we talked to of said they will continue protesting until their demands are met. of the
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colleges. with unique perspectives, denial is lisles on 6 of the po, share the history of the genocide without any research on hud voices. why is it the don't please don't get to have a site and then if this is a medical workforce has been so and divided by the british government for such a little time, the stream on now to 0. the
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vision with them made it was actually up to 6 was a to cut me face a piece that your new bodies will tell you just so you can defeat a ton of almost every place. nice to show you how to do the it was telling you, i don't even guess when you choose to fish. this is off. you don't want me to enjoy your personal need to console. fair means at officers. basically i seek some fees, but say that will be necessary to focus on the end of the issue suspects you need to see quite in the next of done last i don't see a ton of them and then it has to be boxed. so,
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puzzles come back to knows how to don't send them, allow me laugh. it's free to do. i need only 10 new cache dependent is onto that the, to the fun. uh, it'll shoot you a little box that 856. so, it, it almost what i mean is when i hit the mazda end of the battle, and you don't try me, i need you to confuse with that. that's why you keep them. yes, i'm a while. i pad or boxes, either this into my then from the, the, the 20, the huff quite on. got to where he's on land or to the side. know is that he for the one, i mean i need 0. don't spend a little close on putting always strongly. people don't get to some guys even though who now on the, on the to the, to at least 5 or $65.00 pretty. they don't come, you know, the service of what one of them for me at all because he was the so he's only started
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to bundle much for both of the homes. easy because the father is the father of law off of the control square. i see or not ok. move it physic is grandma dear. we certainly can speak to the one of the mobile phones or walk me. sorry. so what's the phone twice? almost when i talk to you, i wish i was away from, from a sort of just through most of our gifted all available for she is very simple, reasonable develop yourself. good. i know to get her honey, the fates for that. just because i suppose i'm buying these are doing date, but i am so glad to see you as soon as you sewing the guy, his plan is going right cost me to talk to the decision box to purchasing the unit. because because of the system, it left us hold on to the exclusive 8th of it. as a credit, she sued the shooting substitute. it's with the last for these phone calls,
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she sees them as opposed to look. i explained, will we choose your stuff plan as you put the probably this altamont, the details that you actually have to finish from. so does it come to move plastic? a sure that's yeah. okay . that's having problems. why we put you in a place she'll move above the price. you don't have netflix rely on them don't. she didn't. that's going to do a while. there was an estate of the gathered up long ways of the optimal. again, the review involved to not efficiently some changes defies. yeah, hold on
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a piece of defense from the time as in and you can see if i see 5, did you go through the events i call you see policy is all going to them us
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let's see k to join the click on this. on pan, he said this is unit on 2nd shows good, because of the most most of the facilities, only the most it don't know the tea party on the cost when i leave, while mazda impulsively is on the, or the
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phone or the class with one of these guys home office to get it to me or call the farm as well. some of them is telling me that i feel like from every day me have a full time table tonight. if that is with us, if that is with us, it is all so they please when you then its out the door from one to 330. so to the new capacity, cuz katarina is telling me the grid i saw you had sent it out of the wall. it's
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a key component. i know the, the, the
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wrong is on the details for me. guess it on the society that they do see that was on best. they didn't say this is only tell me, don't let me. i presume that means he got some of the details from 2 to 3. so when i told them dad will do that myself, a man, it will include shoes, are a little more comfortable to see can activities, activities don't use blog on the newton. yeah, he's happy these ones say energies moods. if we all know more than usually if you have, i think really if you as an interest to get them, that's the digital editing on panel assigned to the details for the
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last 3 or so most of the month of, to the last. and i should do now and so will show the results
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from your list of all the on the on on this motion from tom schute's lifelong of the year. no, no, no, no, they should learn mostly model the model of the the the can you want me
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to find the items in the does this in front of me just a sort of design for everything. so mostly for so long as you're looking for anything, some ocean, nothing or anything like that. so let's let me put on some new model. we don't model the computer, but most of the software, the
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terms and the mission, consider online stuff, but we have to shut all the time. doesn't use corner some of your fonts and things just run the button dining room set. all kind of go in and sort of swarm shrinking. certainly for a moment. can you hold on?
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i'm looking for the the a gun. no, no. no. as long as she doesn't show from us to the window, all pauses to thoughts and of itself. the slow, the few minutes behind the understood can you say a full yvonne? we don't see it. generally we do not and the asap the and the agent how far they can make the shift. i feel sort of later bob on the
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video. it's kind of an accounting for the home in one use the funds to be sort of. yeah. and the book limit, especially with the bulk of can be how do they want, the funds will be more pop in many but they can unless he has, he doesn't make the moment window for each other. the other is deirdre gunn. man. and as i know how many of the in the field on the
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you know, the size, you know, if you might have some lovely minutes to play, so a box for them to few heavy as it might be in a deck as long suit ups. bosh, bosh energies of auction come. so 13th when the water be me, do i go home? see when corporate option we see sort of has the timing
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issue and the things i'm interested to be and get to work on this just a little by here. be deleting be sure to get the mice agent done when you me okay . we don't know why, of those will end up into a 48 to be honest if you could ever god, i witnessed, it says i saw a human being shot after being tortured and left and this in that place. so basically we're going to use that the,
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when you're trying to proof of crimes against humanity. and you build a narrative and a logical violence that is based on the violence of many that repeats and has on elements the they are survivors of the prisoner. so we're going to be able to establish a pattern of how those people would trade. where would they would risk that? how do we transfer how the drive the auction dot when you use you can flip is companies have full velocity to shift on his face. or fun, compile, a might, leveling the bustling in a bit of sleep. if she knew where she was taking the money in the definitely not, you know, this, the money. i was like, no way for the whole level of focus on the front of the desk like open the door and they give you the sales like to the snow. like to do it on
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a done by carolina. i yeah. how are you? oh, wonderful. fleischman. just upset and a low enough to list and also your dogs fly to the office and i was really mad listening. i'm getting there. a lot of people can see and i says you will not for the meals of anal had been like more than 100 and saving best sale on and off of a zone. yeah. was me as, as a auto bought homes, if there's somebody come on this, i should have the, this little thing. you know, i kind of find the aged down deluxe that has been in egypt, patio and the public to go with me. but i want it to be as you send one is indefinitely know ways different nature's little kids, younger boys with i'm almost at the community and that sort of thing like that. i mean, why don't you, i wasn't listening but never mix between men and women. we manage melvin is on some
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of the of this one the focused on this, the women in the 2nd floor tend to notice muscle thought zabel. and then they were hearing the voice of god, the next 7 bob did you and then not a lot of thing. uh by then i was definitely the bottom on the face of the 1st time they took him to the investigation. let's shoot, i'm on the street haywire and then we're on the committee. shoddy. we took him from his head on your police officer. 21 wasn't what his name was the only day when neil for the nation. sally and asked him, what did you do with the law of mine? and so i was you and you told me to do anything for till of last month. i have, i mean like i have to go to the how do i have to go that and to also let a little i'll also sometimes i because the demonstration little 5 of the dental the vision. obviously a lot of like nice on windows. you felt like in phones come on for to any
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of the show that actually does that because i need a lot of it. yeah. bonnie: bonnie: on this 6 kind of ship: unless you bucks the moment if cell phone is going up something kind of showing on your phone. yeah. 100 on the bottom line font and its like 40 something either for the moment test is gonna have shuttle or did you feel like the fibers it has? i hope the volley when he's out, they bring issues and they put it on his own as long as on this very long, there's a need to do the kind of sacked engine to not in a symbol or sacked in the morning and dollars in the in the night by then the clump will be of god is supposed to have passed. oh the clump clump club. it's
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a it's any like success time. yeah. yeah yes. i should do a lot of stuff. the help of the car. they put it on this beeping. they also the, she should put my love a little bit of a lot of times the amount of castle has these and 5 o'clock of them you feel like they're going to have to have the highest place of the land they would like on the stick in the long element that does not have had they could call them in the dies going to be that the bottom. and that's the other thing. it doesn't say anything. the he did the church or, and the treatment. it was the same stuff. the coffee was like those kind of talking about this, this is not the right, it's not the same test. it's less than i did. did you get to have them done that? i should i get that kind of thing. like you have more than that. how can you, oh man, said as 2 days without for them on any of the answer because i'm sure they like dining. you have the best for them
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and they'll be nice. feel i don't put down lot of home but small one for quite some reason. and that are you on the line? the the, the central crisis management cell, the c cmc in english settle categories of people to be arrested and they would be taken to the presidential palace for approval or
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a correction or amendment bias on himself. and now we will hear from mr. sending over the united nations has closed its doors in the face of the victims community. please open the doors to the courts so we can bring these criminals in front of justice the or interrogate the narrative. there's no question about it. the united states is effectively complicit the genocide challenge the rhetoric. yes, correct. but so is the international community upfront. only what, how does it have that we've seen some unsettled weather across north america. thanks to some pretty
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for rushes from the stones. now there's more of those to come. we've had some very heavy rain brewing across the texas. and you can see that storm system starting to work its way towards the southeast states over the next few days, bringing a flood risk to places like georgia, as well as the carolina is that what weather continues to push its way further east over the next few days moving from the great lakes to the eastern seaboard. so we're going to see something of a cool zone over the weekend for new york city and washington dc. and it's going to get cooler across central parts of canada as the weather. and when the weather starts to push its way further, east temperature coming down in calgary and seattle behind that for the pacific northwest as more width and winter. we weather starts to creep in. nothings will cool down for the northwest, but down in the south, the heat is set to bill out of seeing the temperature at $33.00 degrees celsius that on saturday, it's going to be a very hot we tend and heat is the stories of central america and the caribbean,
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especially across the moving parts of mexico and one to raising $35.00 degrees celsius the on friday. but he's continues to build for believes in guatemala, but we've got some way to weather working in on friday. the unique, effective denial is wild on 6 of the poles, share the history of the genocide without any research on hud voices. why is it the doctors don't get to have a site? and then if this is a medical workforce has been so and devalued was the discovery of such a little time. the stream on al jazeera palestinians who are expelled from there and then in the neck of 1948, still don't have the rights of return. that is, the land was extorted and settlements were built. 20, which is 0 world goes back with the young, good old palestinians to re discover their ancestral homes. why doesn't my grand parents stay here? why aren't i here?
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return to palestine on al jazeera bryan pass up on one says it's too soon to know if this new card sequence of all the gold was big will make a difference to his daddy. like, like millions of other people living in a country with one of the highest deflation rates in the world. he wants to bobby's economy to improve physics, replace this and bobby and donna and the steps i go to says and find cars. commodities such as inputs, you tease, rent and fuel a paid with us dollars. that means and bobby, and still have to change the the police, sabina racing, a legal mind, maintain operating another license, undermining the new car and the government. he does want people to change the money and the mommy's back and not many here. haven't seen the zip notes yet. people are buying and selling mainly and us dollars. they say over the years is the most stable. that's always money to use the currency,
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doesn't these value rapids that cooks change? take them into the to israel keeps off. it strikes on rasa as the defense minutes to announce is more ground. troops are being deployed to the city in southern gauze, the hello, i my m i z. this is out. is there a life from dell also coming up from the program construction of a floating peer to help get more humanitarian aid into gaza is now complete. as the one ones that simon and the noise is spreading to the south, south africa cools on the you and stop quote,
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to intervene just don't want it describes as cottage and gaza and accuses israel of stepping up genocide.


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