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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 17, 2024 6:00am-6:31am AST

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and we insure beneficiaries come 1st of a sweet 100 on luis heavens, have gone through the bumps the crossing in recent months. our most of these bless and be blessed and we all turning your donations into direct delivery in the shortest possible time donates with confidence. the of israel keep subspace strikes on the rasa, as the defense minister announced as more ground troops being deployed to the city in southern gas on the hello. i'm back to the watching algae 0 life from tell also coming down construction of a floating p and help getting more humanitarian aid into guys is complete as a you and one set farm in the north. this spreading to the south, south africa calls on the you and to top or to intervene to stop what it describes
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as cottage and gaza. and accuses is rather stepping up. it's jenna somebody the subject to the final blow that is intended to destroy the process to new. gosh, also and then use new caledonia awakes from another night to find and says protests continue against melting reforms, info, spite of friendship. thank you for joining us. these really defense moves, so you, i've got launch has announced additional ground forces, a being deployed to guys, a 7 city of rafa. the intensified operation comes as well as the top allies, the warning against a full scale defensive on rough days being heavy fighting on the outskirts of a city between is ready to send palestinian onto groups the you and it says send
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$600000.00 to me as i flip the south in the last 10 days, the offense it has worse and then already die a crisis in a rough honey, my more dre for some darrow by law in central gas as a fab hook copies of preparing to bury her husband on her son, but this is not the 1st time she has lost loved ones. there is really a tax in this for the table in the house at the beginning of the room and 10 people wanted 5 of them. when my children, wives of my sons and my grandchildren, this is the human cost of israel, warren garza pain, suffering despair, and a side that has become too familiar to gaza. population a funeral in an area that was supposed to be the last safe place for palestinian people here. find themselves surrounded by intense is rarely
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bombardment and the, there's no safe place enough. hon. eunice, thanks lots of jamalia and the say that's enough of safety is there any with god now is really proves on the ground reason they really forces have pushed deeper into rough despite international contamination. allows these really army prepares to expand its military maneuvers in gauze. the south, most city, 600000 people have a slave the area to places like here and there is by the honey my mode. i was just the. 7 there, bella, city, palestine, in the know, if he's really forces are pushing deeper into a central jabante, a in a renewed offensive the giovanni a refugee camp has come under heavy. it's really bombardment, another $100000.00 to me. and i've also been displaced from this area in the north
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. when did civilians have been taken to come out, add one hospital, but staff, they say they don't have medical supplies and are struggling to provide treatment. this was often slow to send us this update from july. the this really post is intensifying the against the videos. and nothing does district documented when was the gun and receiving casualties and the lights a table. if somebody could supplies the baby's noun, it's a windows limit. of the targets and the victims of the as well, 80 bumping this morning and then this is a wounded patient we are treating at the i c you. as you can see, the process is very simple. we normally place a step under patients who are undergoing surgery. however, they are no slabs at the canal to in the hospital, given the precarious situation. conditions have worse and we do not have enough
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syringes. there is no sarah, they'll know next steps and even ventilate the hoses are not available. the situation is die and medical supplies are not enough for us to cater to the wounded people's needs. for us military says it's finished building a floating p, a for the delivery of aide off the coast of garza, washington says 90 truckloads a day will initially be delivered using the pier. the u. n. is trying to figure out the logistics of distributing the aid when there isn't enough fuel and says appear wouldn't be necessary if is red was allowing trucks to enter through land crossings . gabrielle is on to report some you in headquarters in new york or the united states says the floating dock is now anchored near garza and ready to receive maritime h shipments for the united nations to distribute the un on thursday said it is still finalizing operational plans. how to do so that reiterated that land crossings can bring in more aid, all right, much faster,
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to stave off the horrors of famine. we must use the fastest and most obvious route to reach the people of casa, and for that we need access by land. now the u. n says right now the main land crossings and guys are remain either closed, unsafe or not logistically viable. and even if a drug skit in the lack of fuel to get to places to distribute it. basically the bottom line is it's only small amounts of food are getting in and, and in terms of fuel the fuel imports have, for all practical purposes stopped, we desperately need more fuel humanitarian organizations. echo the sentiments of the un that land nazi should be the focus. there are hundreds of trucks waiting on the other side of rough, a crossing the main land route to get that, that previously we were getting aid into gaza. and you know, filled with fluid filled with medical supplies and they're not being allowed through. what we need is for israel to reopen all of the crossing points into gaza,
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all of the land crossing points into gaza and to allow unfettered and unrestricted access. he's really openly hostile to the un, even killing a un security officer and wounding another in rough of this week. this calls into question how safely the un could deliver aid. united nations is in a very difficult situation where they're being expected to provide. for example, this humanitarian supports the people gaza at the same time, and they have to provide for the security and safety of their staff members. even when you have the opening of the support, even as you have more a come in. even if you have the fuel and the ability to distribute it, you still have this critical issue that is really, really prevalent on the ground and cause or right now, which is, you know, the communication with the is really military and the ability to safely deliver this in and that is the real problem with the un faces right now. rushing to come up with a plan on how to safely deliver aid from a loading dock. it didn't build,
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didn't request and doesn't even think is an ideal way to get a into gaza. and could be nothing more than a costly distraction. gabriel's on the, i'll just need it at united nations in new york. and other developments south africa has made an urgent appeal to the international court of justice in the hague to stop as well as military operation in rafa immediately. it says that since it finds its case in january, the situation has reached a new and horrific stage. south africa is arguing that is what was on probation in rafa. is the last step to the complete destruction of casa step boss and re, for some the hate nearly full months since the highest un court ordered israel to prevent genocidal x in gaza. it was in the hate opposite, the was accused of not listening. sadly, south africa is yet again compelled to attend to this quote and recognition of its
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obligations under the genocide convention. due to the continuing annihilation of the punish team and people with over 55000 now killed. and most of the guys i just showed up in south africa says instead of following binding court orders is around, has escalated the situation with it's a sold on rafa. calling it's guys of the last refuge where one and a half 1000000 people have been cramped to get her face. and then you went us here we in catastrophe. this is the last step in the destruction of gaza. i just palestinian people as it was, rest of the broad south africa to the quote. but it is old palestinians is a national wes, nicole and racial group who need the protection from genocide that the court can order. when south africa, i presented the genocide case in january, the death though and got us to death more than $23000.00 the court in order this
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route to stop genocide, the x, but refrained from ordering a ceasefire. 4 months later, south africa says the court has a last chance to stop what it calls as well. and gain by ordering is immediate withdrawal from gaza. this is the 4th time south africa has us this court for provisional measures, against israel to stop its relentless attacks. its arguments sounding more urgent each time with israel pursuing its war aims. and guys are many, are wondering what international justice can do to prevent and stop genocide. south africa argues the court does have the authority. the essential point is that the court has the power to act to ensure that its previous orders and its event, your judgement will not be with us. and the palestinian people will be protected
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and that he needs to exercise that power. now is where i will have it stored at the court on friday. so far it has called the accusations of genocide baseless. but with egypt now supporting south africa case international pressure on this route in and outside the court is increasing. step 5, some l to sierra the hate as the best turn to have the world news now. and residents of the french territory of new caledonia have woken up to an uneasy account after a 4th night of unrest. they've been days of violence over voting reforms imposed by paris, which the indigenous kind of acts say will die news, their voting power. 5 people including 2 police officers, have died. and what is the worst finance the island has witnessed? fine says, imposed a state of emergency sending thousands of troops,
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staff to file v on rice under simmons reports for reinforcements to strengthen the ranks of security forces. 17000 kilometers away in new caledonia, head out from france. i'm a mission to quail violence in new caledonia is capital new mayor looting and austin continued despite a few in stage of emergency french troops. i've also been deployed to backup hundreds of extra police officers, the mineral rich pacific ottoman became a colony and the 19th century. it still remains on the french control. the situation we have cut down here and the situation there remains very tense with looting bryant's fires and the soldiers that are obviously intolerable and unspeakable. i would remind you that 2 years on dom is have died. this is on dom or shelf in the head yesterday. another shown dom died today as a result of a weapon mishandling with
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a run. that thing starts ability of this week. politicians from the comic indigenous community accused fronts of trying to dilute the voting power. that's on the, the french parliament is adult to the constitutional reform bill, which will allow old french residents who have lived in new caledonia for more than 10 years to vote in elections. the cadillacs, who make up about 40 percent of the population, say that being marginalized by the french, new caledonia has one of the biggest nickel mining industries in the world. but one and 5 residents live below the poverty line. of these images of damage from the writing were filmed on thursday by a business man who says, you have to pass through road blocks controlled by a gunman, excuse supposed to be almost 6. what is really happening is that as i move a lot to see, family members are keeping all my properties. i see everything on the boat. i see the stores looted by the people. i see the fuzz and the dogs warehouses offices and
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was, i admit, even though i carry a gun with me all the time to handle any situation. the reform bill needs to be rectified by congress before becoming low. all french forces clump down on violence on the orders of president emanuel mack chrome. he's also calling for dialogue with the opposition in new caledonia. right now. that seems unlikely. andrew simmons, which is 0 still a head on alger 0. the head of one of columbia's prisons is gone down in the capital just weeks off to receiving best rates. ukraine's president visits the city of concave and a bid to boast. morales, russia makes military gains nearby. the the
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hello there, we've seen some unsettled weather across north america. thanks to some pretty for rushes from the storms. now there's more of those to come. we've had some very heavy rain brewing across the texas. and you can see that storm system starting to work its way towards the se, states of the next few days, bringing a flood to risk, to places like georgia, as well as the carolina is that what weather continues to push its way further east over the next few days, moving from the great lakes to the eastern seaboard. so we're going to see something of a cool zone over the weekend for new york city and washington dc. and it's going to get cool, cool, central pots of canada as the weather and when the weather starts to push its way further. east temperature coming down in, calgary and seattle behind that for the pacific northwest as well, which on winter weather starts to creep in. nothing's will cool down for the northwest, but down in the south, but he is set to bill alice seeing the temperature of 33 degrees celsius that on saturday it's going to be a very hot. we tend and a heat is
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a story for central america and the carol being especially across the moving parts of mexico, monterey seemed $35.00 degrees celsius. the on friday. the heat continues to build for believes in guatemala, but we've got to wex whether working in on friday as universities across the u. s. mobilize for palestine, an unprecedented track down intensifies. they're putting a target on my back there. say, here's your person, go get her sold lines investigates the mechanisms of suppression and the implications for academic freedom. universities who embrace diversity point is for palestinian. right? you're suspended your investigated, your shut down the palestine exception. when it does either off the,
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[000:00:00;00] the fucking back, you're watching out, you 0 live from, don't a reminder about top stories. israel defense minister has announced additional ground forces are being destroyed to rock by the when say some 600000 spanish indians have been forced to flee the south in the last 10 days. the offensive as worse in den already die, a humanitarian crisis. b, u. s. military says it's finished building a floating point for the delivery of adolf the coast of casa washington says, 90 truckloads a day will initially pass through the c wrote agency say the structure wouldn't be necessary if it's red allowed more trucks to enter through land process. and it's
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been another night of fine in protests, in the french overseas territory of new caledonia. the government says it's a common situation. thousands of friendships have been devoted to the island to 12 days of unrest, fonts by voting reforms imposed by the french parliament. not the columbia where the director of one of the country's biggest presidents has been shot dead weeks off to receiving threats against him and his family em or for 9 days was being driven home from the modelled present in bogota. when his president said his vehicle was intercepted by gunmen, he had received written desks rice after he began to implement new government policies to clean up presents, including denounced searches of inmates and their sales present. gustavo, federal condemned as matter. and the ministry of interior said they would do everything to find those responsible. as the mancha went on, general seller might get in gall, drawn, had mounted
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a locked down operation in the city of boca to find the officers of this homicide. i'm leaving right now for an extraordinary security meeting at the national police headquarters to the family of the colonel fernandez. i want to extend all my solidarity and that of the government and the whole country under the murderers. i want to say to you, you will not scare us nor, and then we will go forward a spite of your tax to the prison service. i want to say that we are strengthening all security measures. we can so that you can continue to do your jobs and the best circumstances possible for fun. but while i speak to harris triple about, this is a political analyst, and professor at have ariana university in bogota, is joining us live from the columbia and capital. thank you so much for the hateful being with us on out to 0. so for 9 days had only been in post since the beginning of april. what, and who do you think was behind the suspected assassination? the most likely it was organized crime groups that actually conduct most of their
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visitors, legal businesses from the braces that they have organizing. so they use a lot of privileges that they try to maintain. so they, these acts of violence that has been pushed against them through an emergency low decree that was issued by the government in order to allow them to move. the heads of these groups, scrutinized groups from one place into another and to take away their privileges. communication and access to lawyers and contacts in order to stop them conducting these businesses. indeed, they return the age in order to keep those illegal rents flowing on. yeah, fernandez had been warned apparently about the reorganization he was trying to implement in the prison system. and it's, you know, that they've been several targeted killings of, of prison officials since the beginning of the year. why is pino reform so
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controversial in columbia? why is it so difficult to implement as well? it is the power of organized crime in columbia. it reaches far and it's very strong . they have a lot of connections. truen is several forms of criminally feelings, through money laundering to rob practices of govern, bailey, bratcher know, officials, and that in itself, blogs, criminal reform. it columbia does not have the c d 's to challenge these very strong, organized networks and grading seem to gauge that formed for the kids. while we were 1st dealing with the conflict for security measures, sunday, negotiating to end the conflict through a peace agreement. but while the government declared a state of emergency in prisons in february, it's clearly been under a lot of pressure. and you know, when hearing being to administer earlier,
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it almost sounded like that he was painting this says a campaign against a government as well. it, it seems sufficient. i wouldn't say these is an action against the goal, remain like back in those years of the managing current. them that were actually challenging the government for its every stocks these, these, these are groups printing, those groups which are trying to maintain their hold on power, the flow being of criminal rents. but i think we're far from a situation like that. we like the one we saw recently in quite or say what we have seen in mexico, which huge riots on the teams of presidential candidates. so it might go further. but we, i think we are still on track to do something right now. hopefully the government will act quickly and with this refreshing several measures to stop these organized criminal groups to continue profiting from violence from james. have
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a sample of thank you very much for talking to us about us. thank you. and mexico. the stage is set for the country to possibly elected 1st female presidents next month. although the number of women in mexican politics has steadily raising over the last decade, increase representation has not led to safer conditions for them. julia got ayano report from mexico, say to susan, but i think we're getting 9 years since jason, my ex boyfriend tried to kill her, stabbing her 37 times. the is just wanna see the cost of the physical scars of the brutal attack have slowly healed. but the emotional ones are still draw marietta like most victims of violence in mexico. j. so never receive justice. what is her aggressors still less free? westgate? yes, yes. and then what else? okay, this, what guarantees do we have is we mean, instead of the lowest in the public susan's protecting more they protected,
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he actually asked for malware up in theory, mexico has laws in place for the protection of female dictates a violent storm. but in acting those laws in a corrupt and inherently male dominated society is a different story. as a result, violence against women remains rights that besides have doubled in the last decade and an average of 11 women are killed every day in the country. faced with endless hurdles to just as relatives often find other ways to honor their loved ones, many families, higher artist to paint their names and faces on city streets as a reminder of their tragic deaths. these are the final touches on my deal. ideas is bureau, she disappeared 6 years ago for sisters overseeing the artwork and hoping her country can move away from this terrible trend. that is going way. yeah, it's very hard to have trust of to what's happening to our family. but it's good to give a bit of confidence to the incoming government. we have more attention is given to
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these cases, to this issue. we want to see commitment from our government. but many don't say mexico can afford to just wait for legislators or even a female president to change things. the henderson support group brings together men with violent tests to try to help them to redefine what it means to be a man. the nightly meetings, they talk about accepting their violent behavior and crucially developing techniques to prevent any future outbursts. these men have at least taking the 1st step by recognizing they were part of the problem. the urgent challenge now is for the rest of mexican society to stop normalizing violence against women and girls. diego, yeah, i know i'll just 0 mexico city ukraine now in the mayor of khaki in the northeast
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says the city is under miss solid tank as russian forces make territorial games goes by present. but voted means that lensky has visited india troops in khaki, even a bit to boost morale. he says the situation remains extremely difficult, john, home and re for some hockey. so, it's been a tough few days for the so just the ukraine. i'm for president, the modem is a lensky, lumber job. what i want to thank you for all you do. thank you for your brave. what he'll do. he's visiting the hockey region. in ne, you cried after rushing cross border offensive took about $200.00 square. columbus is a territory. you craze on sources say they've now slowed it's a bones. fuller, they still fighting in the biggest town in the border area. both chance. the boy the situation extremely difficult. the enemy is taking positions on a street for the town of,
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of 10th another russian push just west is about 7 kilometers into this up push goes a few moments is more than russian. artillery will be able to show the northern outskirts of here, hot keith, ukraine, 2nd largest city, and home to more than a 1000000 people. it's already being attacked frequently from yeah. we've russia using especially guided problems. they have wings and a gps system. i'm released from boba's, come in trouble more than a 100 kilometers to the target, to the heating the front line to say step on who's just come off it for a brief and a smoke. in the assume a region, we had a situation where more than 100 guided bombs flew into one of the settlements. in 3 days. they used them all over the place wherever they can. they have unlimited reserves to fight the jets, which could stop the bombs who carry them along with many of the other weapons
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promised by ukraine's allies have yet to arrive. although some us alms from a $61000000000.00 us military, a package on now coming in. the meanwhile, this country likes troops away from ray. this latest incursion would also mean it style neuro field home. and i would just say to try to keep for our rights dutch politician, get failed is, has announced a new governing coalition nearly 6 months after his party and major as the largest force in general elections. but he's not expected to be the prime minister for right wing parties, agreed on a platform to restrict asylum seekers. and they say they'll stop being part of the european union migration programs. the bodies also agreed to cut welfare payments along with taxes and environmental policies meant to reduce carbon emissions,
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a 70 as prime minister robert fits so is table, but his condition remains serious. softer undergoing several hours of surgery fits . it was shot 5 times in the central kind of handle that on wednesday, after he left a government meeting, the assassination attempt to shop the country and drove global condemnation out his ear as natasha about larry for some central slovakia. videos his emotions demand charged with the attempted murder of state back. he is prime minister robot fits. so it shows the 71 year old at an antique government demonstration in west and so if i q last month on wednesday, the form is security guard and pony. it is believe to find multiple shots that fits so and the central slave back in town, defend leuva, before he was wrestled to the ground of the moment is we didn't quite understand what was happening because until now we were living in the country. we couldn't
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even imagine someone shooting at a politician. the prime minister was bundled into a vehicle and later and lifted to a specialist facility in this hospital in the central slave. right town bank sca history. so where are you on the winton operation? the last it, i was stop to this hospital, what into the noise to say fits those life and say, but he's now in the stable but serious condition of the people that caught the surgical patient had multiple gunshot wounds, which will affect his recovery at this point, his condition have stabilized, but it is truly very serious of to visiting think so in the hospital. so if i q isn't coming presence that it was time for people in the country to unite. we have to calm down the situation in the society. we have to ask the people to fight against each other only because they have the political view of somebody like that . and we have to stop this uh, uh, this uh, this height and the very huge station you never, society fits so, so the vacuums,
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the longest serving political leader and close to the russian president is to for, to say the pope in this problem is the, is a trusted pair of hands, his opponents say he's a voice if they go who's


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