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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 17, 2024 11:00am-11:31am AST

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the some size of the $300.00 on luis heavens, have gone through the bumps the crossing in recent months. i don't most of these bless and be blessed and we all turning your donations into direct delivery in the shortest possible time donates with confidence. the types of hold robin, this is all just ever life though, and just a few minutes time is revel present its case to the international court of justice at the hague. these are life pictures from inside the colt as we await those judges to take the seats of full proceedings to begin on thursday, south africa as the winds top cold, old israel to stop it's offensive and rough uh, in southern garza not so in addition to south africa's argument, the israel is committing genocide in gaza. so while we wait for the judges to
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arrive in court to stop that session that's joined. step boston is outside the cold in the hague step. just talk us through what we're expecting to hear from israel today, as well as travel has been assigned 2 hours to present their oral presentation in response to south africa's presentation on thursday. but we heard this morning that israel has a very small legal team and the will only be 2 speakers. they will speak for one and a half hours. one is a prosecute to us also here in january when the case just opened and another one. the other person is a representative of the foreign ministry. it's interesting that it's such a small team compared to january. and now what we've heard from the is for amy ambassador to do you what and you said last week, when the south africa filed this case that they didn't have enough time to prepare
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. and that this was a telling sign. so it's very different. i've seen that in january when there was a fairly big team of it's really lawyers of people from the ministry's presenting their case at the time. and of course, uh, what we will here is a lengthy argument. you might say by the is raise. but we have been here before the cold has heard presentations by the south africans full special measures, but this one is in that rise. the final for the dice. yes, that's clearly what the south african steam side on thursday. this is the final chance they sat for the court to stop what they call the china side and gas, and specifically in alpha. so they really called on the court to act, act to the lawyer, said,
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you have the authority to do so and use this power. but we have to of course, say that this power is limited in the sense that the court, okay. issue binding orders of these professional mattress, a basically instruments that while a case is ongoing, because this genocide case will take years as while this case is ongoing, they can prevent it repairable damage basically. so they can have this binding order, for example, to stop. the ask is for us to stop this military operation, but they have no police force. so it is no way to enforce this order. and that's of course, a weakness that this court has, but it does have a, a, a public opinion role. basically, it's a political pressure, diplomatic pressure, but also a binding order can be taken to the un security council where there can be more stringent match just to be taken
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a whole step. we know that you'll be listening to those proceedings as and when they happen, i don't you see those scenes of inside the court. we're waiting for the judges to arrive at the i c, j to stop proceedings, and to listen to as well as rebuttal of south africa is presentation on thursday. joining me here now in studio and hospital coverage as associate professor of mentally studies at how much increase the university i may have mentioned to interrupt you monica, when the proceedings do start. but as you can see, there was an empty cold room full of the night, which we are here again. and everybody is saying this is the final count on certainty for those in rough. um, this is the agency with just as i freak has decided to come back to the hague again . what, what does is this really the last roll the dice? you might say, well, it has to be in many ways because rougher is the only place really now in god's that israel have not fully invaded. okay? so if, if they were to roll the dice after this, what would be left of guys?
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and i think that's was quite clear in the, the south africa submission that they were saying this is essentially gaza. is that more right? um, so the con, there isn't much that can happen after this in terms of destruction, of a palestinian infrastructure and an increase in the number of tell us been that's, let's not forget that 35000 people have been killed in guys. a sofa is right. let's saying that there is several 1000 know how much people that wants to kill. and we know that to is what is the ratio of how much disobedience code is pretty high. so if they do go into rafa, which is already densely populated, we're gonna say hi, a casualty accounts. that could, you know, double the existing figures of civilian casualties. so really, if they don't stop, if the i think that it doesn't order as well to, to come to rafa the casualty. hot account is going to be huge. it's going to be interesting to see how israel actually present today's scenario to the cold because south africa has said that this is, i'd say, you know, the end game really here for, for nearly
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a 1000000 people at least 600000 of them left rough or to for that to the safe battery. you know, we're talking about a 1000000 pounds and yet it's this very 1000000 of that is where i would say we are able to send 82 and we are protecting. this is something that is not accepted by the united states and many of the global capital. and i mean i, i also, we have to think that the 600000 now who evacuated to what extent are they actually forced marches. if you forcing people to leave a place who don't have a sufficient access to safety, to food and to aid, there is an argument that that could be considered for as much. which i think is countries this ethnic cleansing the 1000000 in nebraska who is what i'm trying to protect, i think is very misleading. we want to, we already know that one of the updates to the submission. so i think a submission to the i. c, j includes this concept of extermination sense, basically uh, as well as said that they have tons, some areas into extermination terms with someone who walks in,
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anyone who enters whether it's a child, a woman. it can be shocked by smartphones and we've seen plenty of evidence so far documenting civilians walking around being shot and killed by idea of snipers. so how does this actually reconcile with israel's claim that they're protecting the civilians? it does not because they're not only attacking them, bombing them, and killing people in the so called extermination sounds, but they're also denying them aid. so i think it's very difficult israel to prove that they are complying with the i. c j's former rulings. and if anything is very, very hard for them to say that they've actually improve the situation of guys, and we can see that the judge is all taking the seats. now mark, let's just listening to the proceedings and see how it progresses out. of course, we'll come back to in a little while, ccc says the recent thing is open because we have this morning here,
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the thing that on the folder argument over the dates of is that on the request submitted by the public of south africa on may then 2024 for the indication of addition is what it was and it measures and the modification of pretty views originally measured, indicates concerning application over the convention on the convention and punishment of the crime of genocide. and because of the south africa, the city is and i'll give it to your food equations always in mr. to get out. know um you have the flow. so we start president, members of the courts. it is an honor to appear before you, once again on behalf of the state of e 0. this case even by its very name,
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the application of the conventional debt prevention and punishment of the crime of genocide in think does a street suggest an inversion of reality? it doesn't even rise to stuff for because egregious and repeated efforts to bring israel before these courts through the looks of seen exploitation of the most sacred convention to suffer. god presents the court again for the 1st time within the scope of less than 5 months, with the picture. but these completely divorced from the facts and circumstances. he's right is engaged in a difficult and tragic armed conflict. so feel free to ignore this factual context which is essential in order to comprehend the situation and also ignores the
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applicable legal framework of international humanitarian law. it makes a mockery of the gang of charge of genocide, of israel as previously stated before the skirts when dealing with the little facts matter truth. ready the matter more must retain their meaning, calling something of genocide again and again does not make it genuflect. repeating a lie does not make its true. here in the peace fathers, it cannot be otherwise. mister president is already received notification of this hearing on monday. less than 4 days ago, while it was observing it particularly painful, not sure,
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not to remember and state this notification came as a great surprise because the court has already invited. these are going to submit it. so there was a ration on stuff for it cause a request in writing by wednesday of this week is or it was preparing it straightened overs. innovations when the court suddenly announced, but due to the hold in or in the hearing instead and seeking to accommodate the court's decision. it is really immediately reached out to its legal team. so as to where in t that equal to properly properly be represented by counsel that's proved impossible . as is or is legal, lead counsel is cheaper and this week, and other counsel, or likewise unable to come to the hate on such short notice. for this reason, is there enrolled through the courts in good faith asking that the hearing be
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rescheduled to next week. it explains that the dates fix dates, fixed. the courts significantly significantly impacted is or is ability to be sufficiently with represented. and the fundamental principle of equality of farms is renders. the request was rejected. the data fits here in green names. that's which side classic i had expressed sleep requests. there we go, right above the results is nothing's really is not for present it to day by its chosen team of concert and advocates. the quantity of the parties and the administration of justice has been severely undermined the respect for these courts the same respect. but these right of showing through all these past several months is what is called agents have none the less trouble to appear at the ceiling. stuff for cause complaints yesterday that is really afraid to respond to its current request is therefore holding unfounded is really expects
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that the court will appreciate the predicament, but use right that's been placed in this is all dom. busy so given that such a free till yesterday, quite to ride to couldn't change the terms of each requested provision and measures . which is what has been given less than 24 hours to respond to mr. president, members of the court are very close to that in mind. allow me to recall 4 basic facts that's a frequent continues to conceal. it is highly regrettable to say that least of these basic facts must once again be stated in this great hold. first, is there any is engaged in a war he did not once and did not starts? it is under attack and fighting to defend itself and its citizens. seems to
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rethink on sloth. begin on 7, october 2023. which so thousands of these are any citizens brought any slow search mutilated grapes and teen george and $254.00 woman men and children taking cost. it's going to guys, i'm us and other terrorist organization. and guys continue to attack easily, including the indiscriminate, broken fire into israeli cities and towns. they have vowed to try and repeats the atrocities of 7 october, many times over. since the beginning of the state, it is more than 10000 to rockets had been fired from the gods of street towards t 0 with the end of getting as many as early as possible. the last 2
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weeks alone. so $278.00 rockets launched damage of an unprecedented scale has been close to is rarely civilian homes and infrastructure with entire communities destroyed. approximately 60000 residents of the towns in south or an israel remain displaced from their homes. 7 months on speaking may be years before they are able to return to their homes and rebuild their communities. sirens, continue to go off across the country as real quick me sides and drones launched against these roads from silver upfront. rough in particular is a focus points for i'm going to over 60, which is a strong hold. full come out,
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says operate is with several battalions belonging to the rough brigades. entrenched in the area also presents in rough is an entry gate underground tunnel infrastructure that's runs underneath the city, and provide provides ample space for open ratings, commodities, control rooms and military equipment. nearly 700 ton of shots have been identified in rough from age reach, approximately 50 ton is crushed into egypt. these tunnels are used by come us to supply itself with the weapons and um, your nation that's could potentially be used to smuggle out of gaza hostages, or how much senior operators since the start of the prison facilities, more than 1400 the rockets or fired from rough alone,
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including more than 120 in the last 2 weeks. approximately $600.00 launch sites were identified in that rough area, many of which hidden within or in close proximity to civilian infrastructure. information regarding rockets launches from russia during the current conflict can be found in top one. what we are judges folder. is there any hostages and are also being in a rough by their captors. in fact, is there any forces managed to rescue to is there any hostages from rough? on 11th february 2024. recall that south africa find their request with these courts. the next day for provisional measures to prevent these
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room from taking community reaction in rough. and this request was to watch rightfully the night. so i thought for a couple of parts to describe a rough last refute for civilians and guys. while many civilians have indeed evacuated to rough over the past few months, the fact remains that the city of ruffled also serves as it may need to restore on cold, full from us. which continues to pose a significant threats to the state of israel and its citizens. in top 2 of your folders, you can find a map showing locations for look at sites kind of shafts and combined and controlled sites imbedded in severely in the civilian population. in rough, self africa wars discords. that's a quotes for rough falls. so to get
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once again, a waiver, the reality is exactly the opposite. it's only my bringing down how much as a military struggling, rough. when you palestinians be liberated from the convention rate of it, murders, terrorist, regina, and the road to peace and prosperity may finally be paved. the reality is that any states putting either as difficult position would do the same to the right of defense against the brutality of the semester. so we're going to zation can not be in doubt. it is an inherent rights for the 2 is room as it is to any states is there, it is committed to must be to realizing these rights in accordance with the law, which is why it does work diligently to enable the protection of civilians even as
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come us 6 deliberately bring the agent in danger of the 2 denies or at least basic rights would be to suggest, shockingly. but the most fundamental right, the 1st it's to all states should meet with the hands from one. this is in, on think of the outcome that with taylor is really citizens and the hostages that they are not deserving of protection of life itself. intense, these are any states that need to be treated equally in a manner that these are the thoughts with the most basic. awfully good principles is right is acutely aware of the large number of civilians, but they are concentrated in rough. it is also acutely aware of how much is it for its to use. the civilians the shield. that is why it's battalions are present there
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. that is why it's rockets are there. that is why hostages are there. we do not wish harm to the civilians. that's come us, that's, that is precisely what is what is taking steps to try and contend with the massive complexity. that's such a situation presents. that is why there has not been a large scale assault on rough, but the rather specific limited and localized operations pre faced with evacuation efforts and supports for your money touring activities of the caesar as face complex operation of the challenges and gaza certain what can we imagine a situation where a state does not say community reaction to protect it, civilians when they are under fire. and can we imagine accounts or below
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a court of law? so it's telling the states, but the law prevents it from defend. he just said from a tech, this is simply attainable when a lot sewage disposal in january is there any hostages had to be an opportunity for almost $100.00 days. at the time they seemed inconceivable. yet the hostages have now been incompatibility for over 7 months. more than 130 children women and domain, including the 6 and under really have no been hand in gaza for 224 days. incommunicado and in fee and human conditions. among them is 23 years. you're older
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hearse goldberg, folding parish was abducted from them. know that music festival in your written severely. injured on 25th april 2024. come us released a video for any he's seen with an amputated arm which was blown off by some us tourists. he's alive. he needs medical treatment. at least $36.00 of those were taken hostage on october 7. i've been confirmed dead and their bodies are seen handling the guns. a strict among them are you'll see, show, robbing a 53 year old father of 3. and the thigh, severe sky was 38 year old. both of them were kidnapped from their homes in barely 114,
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january 2024 in the display of your and on the right is cruelty. must meet the public is video of the tool and of a 3rd hostage 26 year year olds. nor are the money was also kidnapped from the music festival. promising to announce on the following day, which of the 3 our allies shortly thereafter, it was confirmed that you'll see on the thigh head bolts, the 10th of to 102 days in brutal up to the 2 additional information regarding hostages in hand by some us can be found by top 3 of your judges folder it to remains unclear how many more innocent victims, having kids at the hands of some us. simply put, the situation is unconscionable. it is unbearable for the parents to watch videos
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of the doctors bruised and bleeding, pro rated before she even crowds in does anyone have heard of hiring accounts told by survivor re released from dozens of the torture and sexual violence. they suffered at the hands of they've got those entities, ink toner, about for a nation, obligated to defend its citizens and wishing for their return. this court has called for the immediate release of the hostages, but to no avail. it is either as rights and obligation to defend and all its citizens from the email that was on lists on them, on 7th, october. and since then, any states will do the same to mr. president, members of the court. next turn to the 2nd fact that's must be kept in mind. as we do, major riley is engaging in this conflict,
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is not the party to these proceedings is engaged in an intense conflict with a rough place. you have this terrorist organization, one that is not the only targeting user at least civilians, but he's also using palestinian civilians, pushy, let's say, an author of disregard for their lights, or for the law. by exploiting the genocide convention. so if africa is suggesting it, conversely, it can related readings of international little under which any conflict could be brought before the court. it 6 once again to obtain provision on measures the to the bind only is right, and not the other service. the upsurge results would be that is what would it be denied? it's inherent rights to defend itself. come us for each part, would you remain free to continue committing it's theresa crimes?
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the purpose of the genocide convention is not to have the courts supervise the conduct of time to steal it. these by parties to the conflict. but the assertion of the genocide rather the convention and subsequently this course jurisdiction is limited to the grave crime of genocide. i am compelled to re states once again that there is a tragic war going on. but there is no general sites see it, particularly the provision on measure stage when the if it denture 3rd, is such that the applicant is not required to provide proof of each other gave sions, or the existence of specific intent. to commit genocide, there is a danger, but the court would find it safe, engaged in the micro management of operational aspects of an armed conflict. this is what self africa has been asking the courts to do. just talk about
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recruitment precisely over these danger. when the court attendant the updates it's, it's the choosing on south africa's 3rd to request for provision of majors. to observe that quote, the court has accepted south africa's invitation to become demitra, manager of an armed conflict, and use the genocide convention as an excuse to root on the basis of international humanitarian law. managing an art conflict under the genocide convention. is it dangerous indeed, or especially when one of the age of rings is not a party to the convention? this remains true. when considering so far, because forth request. mister president, members of the court, just to bring drink, preferred the basic facts, but must not be ignored. so if i pick up our parts to come before you get again as
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a guardian of humanity. in fact, it has a clear interior motive. we need to ask you to order is ready to stay away from your office and to with 0 or it's transformed, as it does so in order to obtain military advantage for a spotlight from us, which it does not wish to see the feet that it is this reason that's, that's africa continues to abuse the genocide convention. this court and the procedure of provision on the measured for provision measures. it is just 6 days ago on 11 may 2024 on the day after it's submitted to the present request for admission of provision and measures. south africa hosting. it must be negation engine harness. so thought because foreign minister herself met with come
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us representatives they did not use the meeting to arch come us to release the hostages to stop targeting. is there any civilians to seize, using human shields, to seize operating from levine and nearby hospitals, you and facilities, and other protected sites. they are parsing mates to discuss their continued campaign against each room in the courts. and on the ground. mister president, members of the court, south dakota is not interested in the truth, nor is it interested in law or justice. once again, it is explained in the court and it's a $42.00 east supervision of the measures. it is in no rush to reach the merits of this case. we need to have to substantiate it's based basis. planes with evidence
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that simply does not exist is room for as far as showing nothing but respect for did you.


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